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. 2021 Sep 20;7(9):e08023. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08023

Dirac equation and thermodynamic properties with the Modified Kratzer potential

CP Onyenegecha 1,, IJ Njoku 1, A Omame 1, CJ Okereke 1, E Onyeocha 1
PMCID: PMC8477218  PMID: 34611561


In this work, we present the analytical solutions of Dirac equation for modified Kratzer potential in the pseudospin and spin symmetry limits using the formula method. The energies of the pseudospin and spin symmetry limit are obtained analytically and numerically. The numerical values are compared with those obtained in literature. Furthermore, we study the thermodynamic properties of some diatomic molecules within the nonrelativistic spin symmetry limits.

Keywords: Dirac equation, Modified Kratzer potential, Formular method, Thermodynamic properties

Dirac equation; Modified Kratzer potential; Formular method; Thermodynamic properties.

1. Introduction

The significance of spin and pseudospin symmetries in Dirac equation and their contributions in nuclear and Hadron physics is worthy of note [1, 2, 3, 4]. As a result, some authors have discussed Dirac equation under various interactions [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].

Over the years, thermodynamic properties of various systems have been reported. For instance, Supermi et al. [11], studied thermodynamic properties of some molecules with q-deformed modified Poschl-Teller plus Manning Rosen potential. Ikot et al. [12] discussed thermodynamic properties of screened Kratzer potential. Thermodynamic properties have been investigated under the improved Rosen-Morse model [13]. In a recent study, Njoku et al. [14], investigated the thermodynamics of the Hua potential. Other reports of thermodynamic properties can be found in Refs. [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21].

Motivated by previous reports on Dirac equation and the study of thermodynamic properties, we present here, the solutions of Dirac equation with modified Kratzer potential (MKP) using the formula method [22]. We further discuss results on thermodynamic properties of the X1g+ state of chlorine (Cl2) molecule and X1g+ state of Nitrogen (N2) molecule. The MKP [23] is derived from a standard Kratzer potential [24]. This potential serves as a model for vibrations in diatomic molecules [25, 26, 27], and therefore deserves studying. The MKP studied here is of the form

V(r)=De(rrer)2, (1)

where De,re and r are the dissociation energy, the equilibrium internuclear separation and the internuclear separation.

2. Spin and pseudospin symmetries of Dirac equation

The Dirac equation with scalar, S(r) and vector potential, V(r) is given as (c==1) [28].

HˆDΨ(r)=EnκΨ(r)HˆD=α.p+β(μ+S(r))+V(r)}, (2)

where μ,Enκ,p=iare the reduced mass, relativistic energy of the system, and momentum operator respectively. α,β are the 4 × 4 Dirac matrices given by


where I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix and σi the Pauli matrices defined by


The spinor, Ψ(r) can be written as

Ψ(r)=1r(Fnκ(r)Yjml(θ,φ)iGnκ(r)Yjml˜(θ,φ)), (3)

where Fnκ(r) and Gnκ(r) radial wave functions represent the upper and lower components of the Dirac spinors. Yjml(θ,φ) is the spherical harmonic of the spin component and Yjml˜(θ,φ) is the spherical harmonic of the pseudo spin component. l and l˜are the orbital and pseudo-orbital quantum numbers, while κ and m are the spin-orbit coupling operator and the projection on z-axis. If the spinor in Eq. (3) is used, the following coupled radial differential equations from the Dirac equation is obtained.

(ddrκr)Gnκ(r)=(μEnκ+Σ(r))Fnκ(r)(ddr+κr)Fnκ(r)=(μ+EnκΔ(r))Gnκ(r)}. (4)

Solving the coupled differential equations in Eq. (4), we obtain two uncoupled equations

d2Fnκ(r)dr2κ(κ+1)r2Fnκ(r)(μEnκ+Σ(r))(μ+EnκΔ(r))Fnκ(r)+dΔ(r)dr(ddr+κr)Fnκ(r)(μ+EnκΔ(r))=0 (5)
d2Gnκ(r))dr2κ(κ1)r2Gnκ(r)(μEnκ+Σ(r))(μ+EnκΔ(r))Gnκ(r)dΣ(r)dr(ddrκr)Gnκ(r))(μEnκ+Σ(r))=0, (6)

where, κ(κ+1)=l(l+1),κ(κ1)=l˜(l˜+1),Δ(r)=V(r)S(r),Σ(r)=V(r)+S(r).

Eqs. (5) and (6) correspond respectively to the spin and the pseudospin and spin symmetry case.

2.1. Pseudospin symmetry limit

The pseudospin symmetry limit coincides with the case where d(r)dr=0,(r)=Cps = constant. With this condition, Eq. (6) reduces to

d2Gnκ(r))dr2κ(κ1)r2Gnκ(r)(μEnκ+Cps)(μ+EnκΔ(r))Gnκ(r)=0, (7)

where κ=l˜ and κ=l˜+1 for κ<0 and κ>0, respectively. Δ(r) is set as the modified Kratzer potential, changing Eq. (7) to

d2Gnκ(r))dr2κ(κ1)r2Gnκ(r)(μEnκ+Cps)(μ+EnκDe(rrer)2)Gnκ(r)=0. (8)

2.2. Spin symmetry limit

In the spin symmetry limit, dΔ(r)dr=0;Δ(r)=Cs=constant. Thus, Eq. (5) reduces to

d2Fnκ(r)dr2κ(κ+1)r2Fnκ(r)(μEnκ+Σ(r))(μ+EnκCs)Fnκ(r)=0, (9)

where κ=l and κ=l1 for κ<0 and κ>0, respectively. (r)is set as the modified Kratzer potential, changing Eq. (9) to

d2Fnκ(r)dr2κ(κ+1)r2Fnκ(r)(μEnκ+De(rerr)2)(μ+EnκCs)Fnκ(r)=0. (10)

To solve Eqs. (8) and (10), we employ the formula method, which is discussed in the next section.

3. Formula method for bound state solutions

The formula method [22] is used to obtain solutions of second order differential equations. To use this method, we consider a second-order differential equation of the form [29].

d2ψ(s)ds2+c1c2ss(1c3s)dψ(s)ds+ξ1s2+ξ2s+ξ3s2(1c2s)2ψ(s)=0 (11)

where,ξ1,ξ2,ξ3 are parametric constants and ψ(s) is the wavefunction.

According to the formula method, the energy is determined from the equation

[c42c52[12n212c32(c2(c3c2)24ξ1)]22[12n212c32(c2(c3c2)24ξ1)]]2c52=0,c30, (12)


c42=(1c1)+(1c1)24ξ32c52=12+c12c22c3+(12+c12c22c3)2(ξ1c32+ξ2c3+ξ3)}. (13)

The wave function is obtained by

ψ(s)=Nnsc42(1c3s)c522F1(n,n+2(c42+c52)+c2c31;2c42+c1;c3s). (14)

where 2F1(a,b;c;d)is a hypergeometric function.

For the case where c30, Eq. (11) gives

d2ψ(s)ds2+c1c2ssdψ(s)ds+ξ1s2+ξ2s+ξ3s2ψ(s)=0. (15)

The energy Eq. (12) and the wave function are, thus, transformed respectively to

[Bc3c2nc22c4+c1+2n]2c52=0 (16)


ψ(s)=Nnsc4exp(c5s)1F1(n,2c4+c1,2(c5+c2)s), (17)


limc30c4=(1c1)+(1c1)24ξ32limc30c5=c22+(c22)2ξ3}. (18)

4. Solutions of Dirac equation with modified Kratzer potential

4.1. Pseudospin symmetry case

To solve Eq. (8), we make transformations Gnκ(r)=r12gnκ(r), which gives

d2gnκ(r)dr21rdgnκ(r)dr+Ar2+Br+Cr2gnκ(r)=0, (19)


A=ε2(Deε1)B=2ε2DereC=ε2Dere2κ(κ1)14ε1=μ+Enκε2=μEnκ+Cps}. (20)

Comparing Eqs. (19) and (15), it is established that

c1=c2=c3=0,c4=C,c5=A. (21)

The energy equation of the pseudospin symmetry limit is thus obtained from

(μ+EnκDe)(1+2n+(2κ1)2+4Dere2(EnκμCps))2+(EnκμCps)(2Dere)2=0. (22)

And the corresponding wave function is

Gnκ(r)=Nnr12+CeAr1F1(n,2C+1,2As). (23)

The upper component of the Dirac spinor is obtained for the pseudospin symmetry case from

Fnκ(r)=1μEnκ+Cps(ddrκr)Gnκ(r) (24)

Fnκ(r) is only defined for Enκμ+Cps and valid for negative energy values [30].

4.2. Spin symmetry case

To solve Eq. (10), we make the transformation Fnκ(r)=r12fnκ(r), and we have

d2fnκ(r)dr21rdfnκ(r)dr+αr2+βr+γr2fnκ(r)=0 (25)


α=ε3(Deε4)β=2ε3Dereγ=ε3Dere2κ(κ1)14ε1=μ+EnκCsε2=μEnκ+(r)}. (26)

Following same procedures as used in previous section, the energy equation of the spin symmetry limit is thus obtained from

(μEnκ+De)(1+2n+(2κ+1)2+4Dere2(μ+EnκCs))2(μ+EnκCs)(2Dere)2=0 (27)

And the corresponding wave function as

Fnκ(r)=Nnr12+γeαr1F1(n,2γ+1,2αs). (28)

The lower component of Dirac spinor is obtained for the spin symmetry case from

Gnκ(r)=1μ+EnκCs(ddr+κr)Fnκ(r). (29)

Gnκ(r) is defined for Enκμ+Cs and valid for positive energy solutions [30].

4.3. Non-relativistic limit of the spin symmetry case and thermodynamic properties

The non-relativistic limit is obtained in the exact symmetry condition (Cs = 0) by making the following transformations μ+Enκ2μ2,EnκμEnl,Fnκ(r)Rnl(r),κl on Eq. (27) to obtain the non-relativistic rotational-vibrational energy spectra

Enl=De22μ(4μDere21+2n+(2l+1)2+8μDere22)2. (30)

Eq. (30) is consistent with the energy equation in Refs. [23, 31, 32].

The vibrational energy levels of the modified Kratzer potential is derived by setting l = 0 as

En=De22μ(Π2(n+σ))2, (31)


σ=12+121+8μDere22Π=4μDere2}. (32)

The closest value to the maximum energy can be obtained by setting dEndn|n=λ=0,

λ=[12+121+8μDere22], (33)

where the bracket in Eq. (33) indicates an integer inferior to n.

Partition functions is the first point in the study of thermodynamic properties. The partition function can be obtained using

Z(β)=n=0λeβEn,β=1kBT, (34)

where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. In the present study, the upper bound of partition is denoted as λ. However, in the framework of superstatistics, the upper bound partition is set at infinity.

By use of Eqs. (31) and (34), the partition function is derived as

Z(β,λ)=n=0λexp(β(De22μ(4μDere21+2n+1+8μDere22)2)). (35)

With ρ=n+σ, the partition function in classical limit gives

Z=σσ+λeDeβ+Pρ2βdρ, (36)



We evaluate Eq. (36) with the use of Maple to obtain the partition function as

Z=Pβπerf(Pβ(σ+λ)2)+Pβπerf(Pβσ2)Pβ((σλ)ePβ(σ+λ)2+σePβσ2)PβeβDe, (37)


erf(z)=2π0zet2dt. (38)

Using partition function, the thermodynamic properties can be evaluated as:

  • i.

    Vibrational Internal energy

U(β,λ)=lnZ(β,λ)β. (39)
  • ii.

    Vibrational Free Energy

F(β,λ)=1βlnZ(β,λ). (40)
  • iii.

    Vibrational Entropy

S(β,λ)=klnZ(β,λ)kβlnZ(β,λ)β. (41)
  • iv.

    Vibrational Specific Heat Capacity

C(β,λ)=kβ22lnZ(β,λ)β2. (42)

5. Results and discussions

The parameters used in the work are as follows: De = 20276 cm−1, re = 1.987 Å and μ = 2.924 × 10−23g for Cl2 [33] and De = 79885 cm−1, re =1.097 Å and μ =1.171 × 10−23g for N2 [34]. Figure 1 shows the shape of MKP for the diatomic molecules. Figure 2 represents the energy variation of MKP with n in the non-relativistic limit for the diatomic molecules. It is noticed that the energy increases monotonically as quantum number, n, increases. A similar trend is observed for energy variation with quantum number, l. This is consistent with the results in Table 3 (see Figure 3).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Variation of the modified Kratzer potential with internuclear distance for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Variation of the non-relativistic energy of the modified Kratzer potential with vibrational quantum number, n, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Table 3.

Non-relativistic Ro-Vibrational energies (-eV) for N2 and Cl2 molecules.

N l N2 Cl2
0 0 9.886490948 2.505270210
1 9.899589673 2.511372818
2 9.902281223 2.512753610
3 9.903237634 2.513252127
4 9.903682573 2.513485309
1 0 9.899749647 2.511528332
1 9.902291694 2.512764785
2 9.903239555 2.513254208
3 9.903683122 2.513485907
4 9.903925036 2.513612811
2 0 9.902339916 2.512812450
1 9.903243988 2.513258958
2 9.903684107 2.513486975
3 9.903925354 2.513613157
4 9.904071310 2.513689774
3 0 9.903264508 2.513279413
1 9.903686382 2.513489418
2 9.903925924 2.513613777
3 9.904071510 2.513689993
4 9.904166284 2.513739766
4 0 9.903696943 2.513500000
1 9.903927243 2.513615195
2 9.904071870 2.513690383
3 9.904166418 2.513739912
4 9.904231416 2.513774061

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Variation of the non-relativistic energy of the modified Kratzer potential with rotational quantum number, l, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 are plots showing variations of various thermodynamic properties of the diatomic molecules with the temperature parameter, β, and the upper bound vibrational quantum number, λ. In Figure 4, the partition function, Z, increases as β increases for the Cl2 molecule, but decreases for the N2 molecule. This implies that the probability of finding a particle in a state with quantum number, n, decreases as temperature decreases for the Cl2 molecule, but increases with decrease in temperature for the N2 molecule. In Figure 5, the partition function for both molecules is observed to increase sharply as λ increases. A careful look at Figure 6 shows that the vibrational internal energy, U, decreases as β increases for both molecules. In Figure 7, U is observed to increase with increasing λ for both molecules. In Figure 8, the vibrational free energy, F, is observed to increase as β increases for both molecules. In Figure 9, the reverse trend is observed for the variation of F with β. A close observation of Figure 10 shows that the vibrational entropy, S, decreases as β increases for both molecules. On the other hand, S, is observed to increase as λ increases for both molecules as observed in Figure 11. The vibrational specific heat capacity, C, decreases as β increases as observed in Figure 12. For both molecules, in Figure 13, C increases sharply, then, tends to a constant value beyond λ = 20.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Variation of the vibrational partition function of the modified Kratzer potential with temperature parameter, β, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Variation of the vibrational partition function of the modified Kratzer potential with upper bound vibrational quantum number, λ, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Variation of the vibrational internal energy, U, of the modified Kratzer potential with temperature parameter, β, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Variation of the vibrational internal energy, U, of the modified Kratzer potential with upper bound vibrational quantum number, λ, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Variation of the vibrational free energy, F, of the modified Kratzer potential with temperature parameter, β, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 9.

Figure 9

Variation of the vibrational free energy, F, of the modified Kratzer potential with upper bound vibrational quantum number, λ, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 10.

Figure 10

Variation of the vibrational entropy, S, of the modified Kratzer potential with temperature parameter, β, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 11.

Figure 11

Variation of the vibrational entropy, S, of the modified Kratzer potential with upper bound vibrational quantum number, λ, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 12.

Figure 12

Variation of the vibrational specific heat capacity, C, of the modified Kratzer potential with temperature parameter, β, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Figure 13.

Figure 13

Variation of the vibrational specific heat capacity, C, of the modified Kratzer potential with upper bound vibrational quantum number, λ, for the selected diatomic molecules.

Tables 1 and 2 present numerical values of the spin and pseudospin symmetry limits of the modified Kratzer potential computed from Eqs. (24) and (29) with the parameters μ = 5, De =1.25fm−1, re = 0.35fm and Cs=Cps = 0, for various values of n and κ. In Table 1, the energy levels in the same line such as (1s1/2, 0d3/2), (1p3/2, 0f5/2) etc, are seen to be degenerate, thus, constituting pseudospin doublets. Also, all the energy levels have negative values. In Table 2, it is observed that states on the same line such as (0p3/2, 0p1/2), (0d5/2, 0d3/2) etc, show degeneracy. These states constitute the spin doublet. Table 3 presents numerical values of the non-relativistic energies of MKP for the X1g+state of the Cl2 molecule and the X1g+state of the N2 molecule.

Table 1.

Bound state energy eigenvalues in fm−1 of the pseudospin symmetry limit of the modified Kratzer potential for various values of κ and n, with Cps = 0.

l˜ n,κ<0 (l,j) En,κ<0
Method [35]
Method [30]
n1,κ>0 (l+2,j+1) En1,κ>0
Method [35]
Method [28]
1 0, -2 1s1/2 -3.484888194 -3.48488819 -3.484888 0, 2 0d3/2 -3.484888194 -3.48488819 -3.484888
2 0, -3 1p3/2 -3.630625750 -3.63062575 -3.630626 0, 3 0f5/2 -3.630625750 -3.63062575 -3.630626
3 0, -4 1d5/2 -3.678048142 -3.67804814 -3.678048 0, 4 0g7/2 -3.678048142 -3.67804814 -3.678048
4 0, -5 1f7/2 -3.701324189 -3.70132419 -3.701324 0, 5 0h9/2 -3.701324189 -3.70132419 -3.701324
1 1, -2 2s1/2 -3.612692508 -3.61269251 -3.612693 1, 2 1d3/2 -3.612692508 -3.61269251 -3.612693
2 1, -3 2p3/2 -3.675416052 -3.67541605 -3.675416 1, 3 1f5/2 -3.675416052 -3.67541605 -3.675416
3 1, -4 2d5/2 -3.700566747 -3.70056675 -3.700567 1, 4 1g7/2 -3.700566747 -3.70056675 -3.700567
4 1, -5 2f7/2 -3.714443810 -3.71444381 -3.714444 1, 5 1h9/2 -3.714443810 -3.71444381 -3.714444

Table 2.

Bound state energy eigenvalues in fm−1 of the spin symmetry limit of the modified Kratzer potential for various values of κ and n, with Cs = 0.

l n,κ<0 (l,j=l+12) En,κ<0
Method [35]
Method [30]
n,κ>0 (l,j=l12) En,κ>0
Method [35]
Method [28]
1 0, -2 0p3/2 5.910474168 5.91047417 5.910474 0, 1 0p1/2 5.910474168 5.91047417 5.910474
2 0, -3 0d5/2 6.057790795 6.05779079 6.057791 0, 2 0d3/2 6.0577907956 6.05779079 6.057791
3 0, -4 0f7/2 6.131238354 6.13123835 6.131238 0, 3 0f5/2 131238354 6.13123835 6.131238
4 0, -5 0g9/2 6.170506754 6.17050675 6.170507 0, 4 0g7/2 6.170506754 6.17050675 6.170507
1 1, -2 1p3/2 6.075595221 6.07559522 6.075595 1, 1 1p1/2 6.075595221 6.07559522 6.075595
2 1, -3 1d5/2 6.135814276 6.13581428 6.135814 1, 2 1d3/2 6.135814276 6.13581428 6.135814
3 1, -4 1f7/2 6.172013170 6.17201317 6.172013 1, 3 1f5/2 6.172013170 6.17201317 6.172013
4 1, -5 1g9/2 6.194019070 6.19401907 6.194019 1, 4 1g7/2 6.194019070 6.19401907 6.194019

6. Conclusions

We present solutions of Dirac equation in the spin and pseudospin symmetry limits with the MKP using formula method. Our result shows the accuracy of the formula method in relation to other methods as our numerical values are in agreement with those obtained in literature. Furthermore, thermodynamic functions are reported for the Cl2 and N2 molecules. Various plots for the various thermodynamic properties against β and λ are presented. Thus, it is concluded that the MKP is a good model for studying the thermodynamic properties of molecules.


Author contribution statement

C.P. Onyenegecha, I.J. Njoku: Conceived and designed the analysis; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Wrote the paper.

A. Omame, C.J. Okereke, E. Onyeocha: Analyzed and interpreted the data; Wrote the paper.

Funding statement

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Data availability statement

No data was used for the research described in the article.

Declaration of interests statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Additional information

No additional information is available for this paper.


We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the referees for their useful comments and suggestions which have greatly improved the manuscript.


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