Figure 3.
Multivariate analysis. (A) Principal component analysis (PCA) score plot of the identification study and the first validation study sets (EDTA plasma). The best separation of the control group (grey) and the CP group (amber) was observed plotting principal component (PC) 1 vs PC2. Together, these PCs account for 19% of the observed total variation within the dataset. (B) PCA score plot of the second validation study set (serum). A marked separation between the control group (grey), the CP group (amber), as well as the liver cirrhosis group (blue) was observed plotting PC1 vs PC2. While there was some overlap between the CP and the liver cirrhosis groups, the control group is markedly separated from the other two. Together, these PCs account for 34% of the observed total variation within the dataset. CP, chronic pancreatitis; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.