Figure 3.
Structure of TROP-2-ECD tetramer
(A) The structure of TROP-2-ECD cis-tetramer shown as cartoon representation; each subunit is represented by a different color (hot pink, blue, light pink, teal).
(B) Cartoon representation shows a trans-tetramer of TROP-2-ECD trans-dimer after simple symmetrical operation. The two trans-dimers could be further cross-linked with the N-terminal CRD domain of each of one subunit from the trans-dimer, with colors the same as in Figure 3A.
(C) Two subunits in the middle that cross-linked the two cis-dimers of TROP-2-ECD via the N-terminal CRD domain were presented with one molecule displayed in cartoon representation and the other displayed in the surface format. The enlarged part shows the details of the interaction of the interface of cis-tetramer via the N-terminal CRD. Residues involved in the hydrogen bond interactions are displayed as sticks and labeled, and hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed cyan lines. See also Figures S1, S4 and Tables S1, S3, S4.