Actiwatch在低灵敏度条件下,PSG和Actiwatch总睡眠时间(total sleep time,TST)的相关系数为0.53(P<0.05),配对t检验表明PSG和Actiwatch的TST差异无统计学意义(t=-0.890,P=0.36)。按年龄分层发现,年龄越小,两者的TST相关性越强,系数最高可达0.92(P<0.05),配对t检验表明两者TST的差异无统计学意义(t=-1.057,P=0.35)。按诊断分层发现,PSG正常组中两者的TST相关系数可高达0.79(P<0.05),配对t检验表明PSG正常组中两者TST的差异无统计学意义(t=-0.784,P=0.44)。
Keywords: 睡眠, 腕表式睡眠监测仪, 体动描记术, 多导睡眠监测
With the rapid development of sleep medicine, there are various methods for detecting sleep diseases. This study compared the correlation between the lightweight watch-type sleep monitor (Actiwatch) and the "gold standard" polysomnography (PSG) in the Chinese population, in order to provide a basis for clinical application.
From August 2018 to December 2019, 121 subjects who simultaneously performed sleep breathing monitoring (PSG) and wearing a watch-type sleep monitor (Actiwatch) in the Sleep Center of Peking University People's Hospital were enrolled. All subjects received PSG and Actiwatch at the same time, and filled out the sleep diary next morning. Monitoring indicators were collected for linear correlation analysis and paired t test to compare the differences.
Under low sensitivity conditions, the correlation coefficient of total sleep time (TST) between PSG and Actiwatch was 0.53 (P < 0.05). Paired t test analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the TSTs of Actiwatch and PSG (t=-0.890, P=0.36). According to age stratification, the smaller the age, the stronger the correlation between the TSTs of Actiwatch and PSG, and the coefficient could be up to 0.92 (P < 0.05). Paired t test showed that there was no significant difference between them (t=-1.057, P=0.35). According to the stratification by diagnosis, the correlation coefficient between the TSTs of Actiwatch and PSG in normal PSG group could be as high as 0.79 (P < 0.05), the results of paired t test showed that there was no significant difference between the TSTs of Actiwatch and PSG in normal PSG group (t=-0.784, P=0.44).
As a wearable home recorder, when the analysis parameters of Actiwatch were set as low sensitivity, PSG and Actiwatch had the highest TST correlation. The younger the age, the stronger correlation between the TSTs of Actiwatch and PSG. The PSG and Actiwatch subjects with normal PSG presentation had a higher TST correlation.
Keywords: Sleep, Watch-type sleep monitor, Actigraphy, Polysomnography
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 研究对象
1.2. 方法
收集受试者的出生日期、性别、身高、体质量、颈围、腰围、臀围、既往疾病史和过敏史等基本信息。全部受试者均应用PSG仪(澳大利亚康迪公司Compmedics E型)进行夜间持续不小于7 h的睡眠呼吸监测,同步记录脑电图、眼动图、下颌肌电图、心电图、口鼻气流、胸腹运动、鼾声、血氧饱和度、睡前和醒后血压等。应用美国睡眠医学会制定的《睡眠及其相关事件判读手册》标准进行PSG结果判读。PSG分析指标包括:总在床时间,总睡眠时间,睡眠效率,睡眠分期N1、N2、N3和快动眼(rapid eye movement, REM)睡眠期的百分比,入睡潜伏期,REM潜伏期等。
全部受试者均佩戴Actiwatch (Phillips Respiro-nics Inc., Bend, OR, USA),使用Actiware软件(Philips Respironics Inc., Bend, OR, USA)进行分析。Actiwatch佩戴于受试者优势侧手腕,将肢体活动情况记录储存在设备中。腕表式睡眠监测仪的分析指标包括:总监测时间(total rest time,TRT)、总睡眠时间(total sleep time,TST)、睡眠效率(sleep efficiency,SE)。
1.3. 统计学分析
采用SPSS 18.0软件包进行统计分析,数据近似正态分布,故使用x±s描述,两种监测方法的对应数据进行线性相关分析,并用配对t检验比较两者差异,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2. 结果
2.1. 受试者一般情况
121例受试者中,男性78例,女性43例,年龄6~81岁,平均年龄(45.55±14.88)岁,其中18岁以下5人,19~40岁45人,41岁~65岁62人,66岁及以上9人。受试者的颈围为(37.68±4.07) cm,腹围为(92.74±12.11) cm,臀围为(99.47±8.96) cm。121例受试者中,发作性睡病(narcolepsy)15例,PSG正常者30例,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSAS)者76例。
2.2. PSG和Actiwatch的相关睡眠参数比较
按照121例受试者自述的上床和起床时间设定监测时间,按照Actiware软件的低、中、高三种灵敏度设定分别得出相应的TST和SE,与PSG的TST和SE进行配对t检验分析,结果见表 1。
表 1.
Group | TRT/min | TST/min | SE/% | |||||
x±s | r | x±s | r | x±s | r | |||
* P<0.05, compared with the corresponding indicators of PSG. PSG, polysomnography; TRT, total resting time; TST, total sleep time; SE, sleep efficiency; r, correlation coefficient. | ||||||||
PSG | 486.88±35.54 | 394.48±64.00 | 81.22±12.94 | |||||
Actiwatch (low) | 517.42±48.47* | 0.47 | 399.59±66.67* | 0.53 | 77.40±12.17* | 0.46 | ||
Actiwatch (medium) | 517.42±48.47* | 0.47 | 420.75±62.55* | 0.51 | 81.48±11.12* | 0.45 | ||
Actiwatch (high) | 517.42±48.47* | 0.47 | 440.94±62.63* | 0.47 | 85.37±10.90* | 0.42 |
2.3. 不同年龄组PSG和低灵敏度条件下Actiwatch的相关睡眠参数比较
将121例受试者按年龄18岁及以下、19~40岁、41~65岁和66岁及以上进行分组,对每组受试者的PSG和Actiwatch的TRT、TST和SE进行相关性比较(表 2),结果发现年龄越小,两者的TST相关性越强,系数最高可达0.92(P<0.05)。19~40岁组PSG和Actiwatch的TRT间相关系数最高(r=0.55, P<0.05)。配对t检验分析表明,18岁以下组PSG和Actiwatch的TST差异无统计学意义(t=-1.057,P=0.35),19~40岁组PSG和Actiwatch的TRT差异有统计学意义(t=-4.815,P<0.05)。
表 2.
Age group/years | Monitoring | TRT/min | TST/min | SE/% | |||||
x±s | r | x±s | r | x±s | r | ||||
* P<0.05, compared with the corresponding indicators of PSG. Abbreviations as in Table 1. | |||||||||
≤18 | PSG | 519.28±45.61 | 442.30±61.74 | 85.81±14.36 | |||||
Actiwatch | 551.80±61.53 | 0.20 | 356.40±76.96* | 0.92 | 65.54±7.10 | 0.77 | |||
19-40 | PSG | 448.12±39.68 | 396.54±68.21 | 81.37±13.50 | |||||
Actiwatch | 517.27±45.56* | 0.55 | 400.71±67.57* | 0.67 | 77.53±12.07* | 0.60 | |||
41-65 | PSG | 481.35±29.93 | 390.96±61.04 | 81.48±12.91 | |||||
Actiwatch | 514.69±50.21 | 0.46 | 400.73±64.02* | 0.47 | 78.02±11.54* | 0.38 | |||
≥66 | PSG | 500.71±36.00 | 381.94±61.72 | 76.09±9.62 | |||||
Actiwatch | 517.89±43.65 | 0.17 | 410.11±77.74 | 0.45 | 78.99±12.76 | 0.48 |
2.4. 不同诊断的PSG和低灵敏度条件下Actiwatch的相关睡眠参数比较
将121例受试者按发作性睡病、PSG正常和OSAS分为三组,对每组受试者PSG和Actiwatch的TRT、TST和SE的相关性进行比较(表 3),结果发现PSG正常组中PSG和Actiwatch的TST相关性最强,系数最高可达0.79(P<0.05),SE的相关系数为0.72(P<0.05)。配对t检验结果表明,PSG正常组中PSG和Actiwatch的TST差异无统计学意义(t=-0.784,P=0.44),SE差异也无统计学意义(t=0.491,P=0.63)。
表 3.
Group | Monitoring | TRT/min | TST/min | SE/% | |||||
x±s | r | x±s | r | x±s | r | ||||
* P<0.05, compared with the corresponding indicators of PSG. OSAS, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; Other abbreviations as in Table 1. | |||||||||
Narcolepsy | PSG | 488.28±39.36 | 416.23±55.72 | 85.58±10.41 | |||||
Actiwatch | 518.80±69.54* | 0.71 | 373.20±77.05 | 0.45 | 72.06±12.93 | 0.38 | |||
Normal PSG | PSG | 482.40±24.38 | 388.29±70.50 | 80.40±14.00 | |||||
Actiwatch | 497.30±41.61* | 0.51 | 394.90±72.94* | 0.79 | 79.46±13.92* | 0.72 | |||
OSAS | PSG | 488.37±36.41 | 392.63±62.76 | 80.68±12.95 | |||||
Actiwatch | 525.09±44.32* | 0.37 | 406.64±61.22* | 0.47 | 77.63±11.10* | 0.40 |
3. 讨论
将受试者按诊断分层后发现,PSG正常的受试者与发作性睡病和OSAS患者相比,PSG和Actiwatch的TST相关性更高,这也提示有必要进一步探讨Actiwatch在不同睡眠疾病中的应用[12]。李清华等[13]研究了体动记录仪在睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,SAHS)中的应用情况,结果显示其可应用于无SAHS和轻度SAHS受试者,对于中、重度患者,体动记录仪的TST偏短。
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