Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-99902-9, published online 14 October 2021
The original version of this Article contained errors in Figure 4E, where additional text was erroneously introduced into the bar graph.
The original Figure 4 and accompanying legend appears below.
Figure 4.
Physical properties of collagen ECM regulate the morphological phenotype homeostasis of 3D migrating MDA-MB-231 cells. (A–D) Confocal reflection images and pseudo colored MDA-MB-231 cells for collagen matrices prepared at varying conditions. Scale bars: 20 μm. A Collagen ECM prepared at room temperature (RT, or 25 °C) and collagen concentration of mg/mL. B Collagen ECM prepared at 37 °C and mg/mL. C Collagen ECM prepared at RT and mg/mL. D collagen ECM prepared with flow-aligned collagen fibers. (E) Fraction of cells in each morphological phenotype. 8000 single cell images are analyzed under each ECM condition. (F) Dwell time of cells in each morphological phenotype. Errorbars in (E, F) represent 95% confidence intervals calculated from 1000 bootstrap iterations. (G–J) The transition matrix—morphological phenotype transition rates under varying ECM conditions. G Collagen ECM prepared at room temperature and mg/mL. H Collagen ECM prepared at 37 °C and mg/mL. I Collagen ECM prepared at RT and mg/mL. J Collagen ECM prepared with flow-aligned collagen fibers. Under each ECM condition a total of more than 2000 h of single cell trajectories are analyzed. This figure is prepared with Matlab R2020a ( and ImageJ (
The original Article has been corrected.