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. 1973 Mar 1;14(1):92–106. doi: 10.1186/BF03547413

The Generalized Shwartzman Reaction in Pigs Induced by Diet and Single Injection of Disintegrated Cells or Partially Purified Endotoxin from Escherichia Coli

Den generaliserte Shwartzmans reaksjon (GSR) hos gris fremkalt ved hjelp av diett og en enkelt injeksjon av knuste bakterier eller deluis renset endotoksin fremstilt av Escherichia coli

Jon Teige Jr 1,, Knut Nordstog 1, Morten Fjølstad 1, Inger Nafstad 1
PMCID: PMC8559851  PMID: 4580958


Two experiments (Exps. I and II) were performed in pigs to test the effect of disintegrated cells and partially purified endotoxin derived from E. coli. The pigs were fed a diet supplemented with cod liver oil in one group, cod liver oil plus vitamin E in another group, and only commercial pig food in a third group. After one injection of disintegrated cells in Exp. I, lesions characteristic for generalized Shwartzman reaction (GSR), including hemorrhagic necrosis of the skin developed in the two groups given cod liver oil. A single case was also recorded among the control pigs after injection of a large dose. One injection of partially purified endotoxin in Exp. II gave almost similar results as in Exp. I. These two experiments show that pigs fed relatively high amounts of unsaturated fat are predisposed for the GSR and that vitamin E may, to a certain extent, protect against the development of the reaction.

Keywords: generalized Shwartzman reaction, pig, endotoxin, Escherichia coli, unsaturated fat, vitamin E

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