Version Changes
Revised. Amendments from Version 1
The following changes have been implemented. The protocol was updated and additional clarity added to reflect the fact that it will serve as a protocol for seven reviews corresponding to the seven best investments, rather than a single review. The aim of the reviews, for which this protocol has been developed, has been clarified in the final paragraph of the Introduction section. Further elaboration on the method described by Panter and colleagues has been added to the strategy for data synthesis section. The labels “mandatory” and “preferred” have been explained further and replaced with the labels “general” and “specific” throughout the document. Detail has been added to the data synthesis section describing how data collected from primary and secondary schools will be displayed. The acknowledgements section has been updated to acknowledge the funders and stakeholders of this project. The author list has been updated to include the PEN consortium, member details of which have been linked in the Acknowledgements. The “Protocol” section has been renamed the “Method” section. In the screening section, reviewers’ initials were removed reflecting the fact that different authors will have the screening responsibilities in each of the seven reviews, however the process of validation remains unchanged. Minor edits to the text were made including: removing a single citation for Lee and colleagues (2012), the addition of two citations of Lakerveld and colleagues (2020, one in Introduction section, one in Methods under the context subheading), and editing of the citations and references for the documents Global Action Plan for Physical Activity and Investments that work for physical activity. A couple of short sentences have been added to the introduction providing greater detail on the seven best investments. The description of procedure for risk of bias has been reworded for clarity.
Introduction: Over 40 million deaths annually are due to noncommunicable diseases, 15 million of these are premature deaths and physical inactivity contributes an estimated 9% to this figure. Global responses have included the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA). Both point to policy action on physical activity (PA) to address change, yet the impact of policy on PA outcomes is unknown. The protocol described outlines the methodology for systematic literature reviews that will be undertaken by the Policy Evaluation Network (PEN) to address this knowledge gap.
Methods: The seven best investments for promotion of population PA identified in the Toronto Charter highlighted seven policy domains (schools, transport, urban design, primary health care systems, public education, community-wide programmes and sport) which will form the basis of these PEN reviews. Seven individual scientific literature searches across six electronic databases will be conducted. Each will use the key concepts of policy, PA, evaluation and a distinct concept for each of the seven policy domains. This will be supplemented with a search of the reference list of included articles. Methodological quality will be assessed and overall effectiveness for each included study will be described according to pre-determined criteria.
Conclusions: Each review will provide policy makers with a list of policy statements and corresponding actions which the evidence has determined impact on PA directly or indirectly. By collating the evidence, and demonstrating the depth of the science base which informs these policy recommendations, each review will provide guidance to policymakers to use evidence-based or evidence-informed policies to achieve the 15% relative reduction in physical inactivity as defined by GAPPA.
Registration: PROSPERO CRD42020156630 (10/07/2020).
Keywords: physical activity, policy, protocol, systematic review, evaluation
Physical activity (PA) is defined as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure” ( Caspersen et al., 1985). The relationship between PA levels and health outcomes is well established ( Rutten et al., 2016). Insufficient PA has been identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the fourth leading risk factor for mortality worldwide ( WHO, 2009) and in 2012 it was estimated that 9% (range 5.1 – 12.5%) of global premature mortality can be attributed to physical inactivity ( Lee et al., 2012). The European region has been strongly affected by the costs of inactivity, absorbing 16.9% of the disability that inactivity causes, through its contribution to morbidity from coronary heart disease (CHD), cancer, stroke and diabetes, and 21.8% of the healthcare cost ( Ding et al., 2016).
This epidemiological evidence reveals inactivity to be a substantial public health issue and advocacy by public health specialists and the academic community has demanded policy responses to this issue. For the purposes of this document, policy should be understood as “decisions, plans, and actions that are implemented by national or regional governments to achieve specific health promotion goals within a society” ( Lakerveld et al., 2020). As indicated by the WHO ( WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010), policy can give support, coherence and visibility at the political level, while making it possible for the organisations involved at national, regional, and local levels – e.g., national government sectors, regional or local authorities, stakeholders, and the private sector – to be logical and consistent in their actions to achieve a shared goal. This applies to food and PA environments, systems and behaviours ( WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010). In order to reflect the complexity of the policies that may affect the PA policy environment, Lakerveld & colleagues (2020) distinguish between “direct” policies, which refers to policies where improving the PA environment and increasing participation is the primary aim, and “indirect” policies, where the primary aim of the policy is not to increase PA but this may occur as a co-benefit of successful implementation. The International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) was established in 2009 ( Kohl et al., 2012) and numerous articles and editorials in leading academic and medical journals have pointed out the need to address physical inactivity ( Bull & Bauman, 2011; Das & Horton, 2012; Kohl et al., 2012; Woods & Mutrie, 2012).
At its third biennial congress ISPAH promulgated the Toronto Charter calling for political commitment to achieving greater opportunities for PA ( Bull et al., 2010). To guide action on this issue the Charter was subsequently accompanied by a document titled Non-Communicable Disease Prevention: Investments that Work for Physical Activity (2012). This document declared seven domains which evidence suggested could be effectively targeted to increase PA opportunities. These were whole-of-school programmes, transport policies and systems, urban design regulations and infrastructure, primary health care, public education, community-wide programmes and sport systems and programmes that promote ‘sport for all’. These seven domains provide a policy setting structure for systematic literature review search.
Over recent years there has been an acceleration in the production of policy responses to the epidemics of physical activity and sedentary behaviour ( Klepac Pogrmilovic et al., 2018). The Global Observatory for Physical Activity (GoPA) reports that by 2013, 139 countries were members of its PA advocacy alliance and 26.6% of these countries had already published a stand-alone PA plan ( Ramirez Varela et al., 2016). Furthermore, in 2013, the WHO published a document which recognised PA as a part of the global effort to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) ( WHO, 2013).
A significant development occurred in 2017 when, in response to demands for direction on the problem of physical inactivity, the WHO committed to publishing a stand-alone action plan on this issue. This commitment was realised in 2018 when the WHO published the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA), which targeted an even more ambitious PA target than the previous NCD plan ( WHO, 2018).
The recent rise in the number of national PA policies allows research into the question of which of these policies are effective in improving PA outcomes. A scoping review published in 2016 provided evidence that research into policy effectiveness lagged behind research that links PA to health and research that links PA interventions to behaviour ( Rutten et al., 2016). However, with the increase in the number of PA policies there may have been a concomitant rise in research examining the effectiveness of these policies. Furthermore, to the best available knowledge, no project has linked existing policy statements with research that corroborates or discredits the effectiveness of these statements.
As part of the Joint Programming Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” (JPI HDHL), researchers from 28 institutes in seven European countries (France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands) and New Zealand combine their expertise to form a Policy Evaluation Network (PEN) ( Lakerveld et al., 2020; see PEN’s vision is to provide Europe with tools to identify, evaluate and benchmark policies designed to directly or indirectly address unhealthy lifestyle behaviours which contribute to overweight and obesity, while accounting for existing health inequities. Using structured evaluation principles and methods, PEN will examine the content, implementation and impact of lifestyle policies across Europe and will build on existing knowledge. PEN will provide an overview of the ‘best’ public policies most likely to sustainably support more favourable health behaviours.
This protocol paper outlines the methodology for seven complementary systematic literature reviews as part of PEN. Each review is designed to determine the impact of policy, either directly or indirectly, on physical activity outcomes across the different policy domains identified in the “Seven Best Investments” ( ISPAH, 2012). These policy domains are whole-of-school programmes, transport policies and systems, urban design regulations and infrastructure, primary health care, public education, community-wide programmes involving multiple settings and sport systems and programmes that promote ‘sport for all’. These reviews will provide evidence supporting the development of a tool named the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA EPI), based on similar principles to an existing tool called the Food Environment Policy Index (Food EPI) ( Swinburn et al., 2013). The PA EPI will provide policy makers with a list of policy statements and corresponding actions which the evidence has determined improve PA outcomes across domains. The aim of each PEN review is to evaluate the status of the evidence base for the impact of policy on PA outcomes across the different policy domains identified in the “seven best investments”.
Original material examining the evidence of what works in terms of direct and indirect policies on PA will be identified in the following ways:
A search, with no date restrictions, of the following electronic databases: four specialized sport science or biomedical databases, MEDLINE (Ebsco), SportDiscus, Cinahl, and Cochrane library, and two general social science databases, Web of Science and Scopus. Search results will be limited to articles that are identified through searching the titles and abstracts.
Manual reference checks of identified original studies.
Publicly available English-language resources and documents of major national and international stakeholders will be searched to identify existing reviews and position papers discussing the evidence of what works in terms of direct and indirect policies for increasing PA, e.g., the WHOs European database on Nutrition, Obesity and Physical Activity (NOPA), Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA), the European Physical Activity Strategy (EPAS) ( WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2015) and the European Physical Activity Guidelines (EPAG) ( European Commission, 2008).
A content analysis was performed on the Toronto Charter complementary document ( ISPAH, 2012). These ‘investments’ identified the policy domains or sectors in which policies are made that could directly or indirectly impact on physical activity, i.e., schools, transport, urban design, healthcare, public education, the community and sport. This document was searched for key words to be included in the search syntax. Researchers consulted with librarians and other research staff for suggestions on search terms.
The search of electronic databases will comprise seven individual searches (corresponding to the seven best investments), each one to be run on each of the databases. The seven searches will be formed by combining the same basic search strategy (i.e. general eligibility criteria) with seven distinct search concepts (i.e. specific eligibility criteria for each domain). The basic search strategy will consist of three search concepts ( Table 1): search concept one (C1), which will combine synonyms for the keyword “policy” with the Boolean Operator “OR”; search concept two (C2), which will do the same with the keyword “physical activity”; and search concept three (C3), which will do the same for the keyword “impact”. The three search terms will be combined with the Boolean operator “AND” ( Table 1).
Table 1. General Search terms.
Keyword | Synonyms |
“Policy” | (MH "Policy") OR (MH "Public Policy") OR (MH "Policy Making") OR (“policy”) OR (“policies”) OR (“national policy”)
OR (“national framework”) OR (“policy framework”) OR (“policy action”) OR (“legislation”) OR (“strategy”) OR (“policy making”) |
Activity” |
(MH "Exercise") OR (MH “Sedentary Behavior”) OR (“physical activit*”) OR (“physical inactivity”) OR (“play”)OR
(“physical education”) OR (“sedentar*”) OR (“sitting”) OR (“healthy lifestyle”) OR (“health initiative”) |
“Impact” | (“evaluat*”) OR (“impact”) OR (“appraisal”) OR (“effect*”) OR (“assessment”) |
Abbreviations: 'MH' = MeSH Heading.
Each of the seven searches will further be combined with a specific search term constructed to reflect only one of the seven best investments declared in the document Non-Communicable Disease Prevention: Investments that Work for Physical Activity ( ISPAH, 2012) ( Table 2). It is proposed that individual systematic literature reviews will be performed for each of the seven best investment domains, with an initial review focusing on schools and subsequent reviews focusing on ‘transport’, ‘public education’ and ‘sport’ domains in the first instance.
The following criteria will be applied for searches in databases: language will be limited to English language only.
Table 2. Specific Search terms based on each of the seven best investments document ( ISPAH, 2012).
1. “Whole of School
Approach” |
“Whole-of-school” OR “Whole School” OR “Whole of School” OR WSCC OR “school intervention” OR “school based
intervention” OR “school initiative” OR “school based initiative” OR “school program*” OR “School health” OR “Wellness” OR “well-being” |
2. “Transport
Policy” |
“active transport*” OR “walk*” OR “cyclist*” OR “bik*” OR “bicycl*” OR “cyclist” OR “cycling” OR "active travel*"
OR “commute*” OR "transport mode" OR "transportation mode" OR "travel mode" OR “pedestrian*” OR "traffic volume" OR "traffic count" OR “transport plan*” OR “road safety” OR “public transport” OR “transport systems” |
3. “Urban Design” | MH “Environment Design” OR MH “Environment” OR MH “Environment and Public Health” OR “urban design”
OR “urban environment” OR “built environment” OR “urban environment” OR “mixed-use development” OR “footpaths” OR “bikeways” OR “street network*” OR “green spac*” OR “green areas” OR “green network” OR “recreational spac*” OR “urban plan*” OR “public amenit*” OR “network infrastructure” |
4. “Primary Health
care systems” |
“primary health” OR “health care” OR “health system” |
5. “Public
Education” |
“public education” OR “mass media” OR “mass communication” OR “social marketing” OR broadcast* OR MH
“Communications Media” OR MH “Social Media” OR “media” OR “health campaigns” OR “public education” |
6. “Community
Programmes” |
“Whole-of-community” OR “Community-wide programs” OR "capacity building" OR "community development"
OR "community empowerment" OR "community network*" OR "coalition building" OR "community capacit*" OR "community” |
7. “Sport
Programmes” |
“health promoting clubs” OR “sport*” OR “athletics” |
Abbreviations: 'MH' = MeSH Heading.
Eligibility criteria
In order to answer our research question some eligibility criteria were developed to screen out irrelevant documents. Studies will be included based on the following criteria for 1) type of study, 2) participants/population, 3) exposure/intervention, and 4) outcomes.
General eligibility criteria were formulated as well as “specific” eligibility criteria for each of the seven searches. Publications that do not meet the “general” eligibility criteria will be excluded from review. Publications that do not meet the “specific” eligibility criteria will be set aside and possibly reassigned to a different search category if they are not duplicates of any publication already included in that search category.
Types of study to be included/excluded. No limitations regarding study type will be placed as long as the study design allows the research questions to be addressed. In addition, reviews using a comprehensive search strategy (including systematic, scoping and realist reviews) and analysing original research on the evidence of what works, in terms of direct and indirect policies for increasing PA; and reviews and policy analysis documents issued by major national and international organisations addressing recommendations referring to the same evidence will be eligible for inclusion. Studies will be excluded based on the following criteria: a direct or indirect form of policy intervention is not identifiable; no information is provided regarding the effects of the policy under consideration on the desired outcomes.
Condition or domain being studied. Reviews examining the evidence of what works in terms of direct and indirect policies on PA.
Participants/population. Eligibility criteria relating to population characteristics are described in Table 3.
Table 3. Population related inclusion criteria.
criteria |
specific criteria |
specific criteria |
design specific criteria |
health care specific criteria |
education specific criteria |
programmes specific criteria |
programmes specific criteria |
The study
intervention targets the general human population or parts of it that are relevant for the respective review |
The study
intervention targets students and staff in the school setting. |
The study
intervention targets the commuters and their preferred mode of transport. |
The study
intervention targets the residents of urban areas |
The study
intervention targets patients or primary care professionals |
The study
intervention targets the general population through public outreach and mass communication. |
The study
intervention targets the general population in the community setting. |
The study
intervention targets the general population in sport settings. |
Exposure(s), intervention(s). Policies that aim to have a direct or indirect effect on PA behaviour of target groups and populations and on the PA environment that support the behaviour under consideration.
Grey literature/Other: Similar to the empirical studies, included grey literature will need to make reference to the impact of PA policy in the relevant domain.
Context. These systematic reviews are performed as a task of PEN. PEN’s vision is to provide Europe with tools to identify, evaluate and benchmark policies designed to directly or indirectly address physical inactivity. Further information on PEN is available at or Lakerveld & colleagues (2020)
Main outcome(s). All study designs (e.g., reviews, empirical evidence) and grey literature/other must include the following outcome(s); a changes in PA (or proxy, e.g. fitness), assessed by means of self-report or wearable devices (e.g., accelerometer); a change in features of the physical and social environment (e.g., facilities, equipment, action plans, programmes) hypothesised to lead to changes in PA outcomes as a result of a policy intervention.
Study selection and data extraction
Download of title and abstract records. Titles and abstracts identified by the search will be downloaded as “Endnote import” (extension.enw) files or other file formats compatible with our software. They will be uploaded to Endnote X9, a citation management software, and Rayyan ( Ouzzani et al., 2016), an online software dedicated to managing reviews. Other freely available alternative software includes Mendeley reference manager or Zotero. Once records have been uploaded to Rayyan, the software will identify duplicate articles and one of the two identical articles will be removed. The remaining articles will undergo the first round of screening by two researchers in a shared Rayyan account.
Title and abstract review. Title and abstract reviews will be performed by at least one reviewer and checked by another reviewer. Checking will involve reviewing title and abstracts decisions to establish whether the second reviewer concurs with the screening decision. Discrepancies will be resolved by discussion to reach consensus, in consultation with a third researcher when necessary. The screening process will involve comparing the information presented in the title and abstract to the eligibility criteria. Titles and abstracts that appear to conform to the eligibility criteria will be deemed eligible for full text review while those that do not will be discarded from the next stage of the data extraction process.
Download of full articles. Full text articles will be downloaded using the resources provided by their Institution. If a full text record cannot be acquired using these resources, researchers will investigate whether they can be located through use of other libraries to which the research team has access. If a full text article cannot be located through any of these library resources, the authors will be contacted through whichever channels can be identified from the information in the title and abstract.
Full text review. Full text reviews will be performed by at least one reviewer and checked by a second reviewer. Discrepancies will be resolved by discussion to reach consensus, in consultation with a third researcher when necessary. The following information will be extracted: first author, year of publication, country, study design, data collection method, sample, recruitment/setting, sample size, and response rate.
Risk of bias (quality) assessment
Risk of bias will be assessed by at least one reviewer and checked by another reviewer. Discrepancies will be resolved by discussion to reach consensus, in consultation with a third researcher when necessary. The results of the quality assessment will be narratively incorporated into the synthesis process. A descriptive summary using the criteria described below will be presented at study level and discussed in the review. Furthermore, the methodological quality will be narratively summarized at review level.
The quality of the included quantitative studies, inclusive of randomised, non-randomised and observational studies (encompassing both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies) will be assessed by means of an adapted ‘Downs and Black’ checklist tool ( Downs & Black, 1998). This tool is apt to assess common biases in a range of study types as noted. The checklist will be modified to meet the aims of this review with some items deemed non applicable and subsequently removed.
The AMSTAR tool will be used for the assessment of systematic reviews and comprehensive reviews with a rigorous search strategy including reviews of reviews. This tool consists of 11 items and has good face and content validity for appraising the methodological quality of systematic reviews ( Shea et al., 2007). Not all items are applicable to every type of review being assessed and quality ratings will take account of this circumstance. Similar to Messing et al. (2019), to assess the quality of included studies, we will calculate percentage values for each study. Each study will be assessed by a tool appropriate for its study design and these percentage values will be calculated based on the percentages of criteria met by a study, which will be particular to the tool used to assess it.
Strategy for data synthesis
A narrative synthesis will be used to interpret and analyse the data. The results of the data synthesis will be presented in a table. Within this table, a list of short descriptive statements will be compiled based on the policy actions identified in the scientific literature. Evidence on the effectiveness of these policy actions will then be described using a method used by Panter and colleagues (2019). Specifically, when a study presents quantitative evidence about the effectiveness of one policy action a symbol will be assigned next to that particular policy action in the table. There are four categories of symbols reflecting the four possible outcomes: “significantly positive evidence” (+), “significantly negative evidence” (-), “no significance test” (?) or “inconclusive” (0). In addition, data extraction tables will be designed to distinguish any demographic, environmental or other variables pertinent to synthesising the data. For example, in the schools’ review, data extraction columns will be included to reflect evidence of effectiveness stratified by gender, school level (primary, secondary, combined) or socio-economic status where appropriate.
Finally, for the included reviews and policy analysis documents, the main findings stated in the discussion and conclusions section will be extracted. Main findings of the articles will be copied into a single table along with a reference to the article itself, and details of the overall risk of bias of the study from which the information is extracted. The synthesised data will be presented in a six-column table with the different columns presenting information on the reference, study description, study type, main findings or outcomes, risk of bias and category of evidence, respectively.
Study findings will be presented at professional networking events such as the World Congress on Public Health. Manuscripts will be prepared for publication in scientific peer-reviewed journals and presented at academic conferences.
Study status
The submission of the first of seven intended reviews is being finalised, this focuses on the school setting A further three reviews are underway, these will focus on transport, public education and sport policy domains.
An aim of this project is to assist policymakers to achieve the GAPPA target of a 15% relative reduction in the prevalence of insufficient PA ( WHO, 2018). The proposed reviews will attempt to determine what is the impact of policy interventions on PA outcomes in the domains identified in the ‘Seven Best Investments’ document ( ISPAH, 2012). By providing this evidence, this review will support the development of the PA EPI. The PA EPI in turn will support policy makers by facilitating the development and benchmarking of policies which will work towards achieving this target. Achieving this target will provide health benefits such as reduced premature mortality as well as substantial co-benefits such as contributing to a sustainable environment and quality education ( WHO, 2019).
Data availability
Underlying data
No underlying data are associated with this article.
Reporting guidelines
Open Science Framework: PRISMA-P checklist for “Policy Evaluation Network (PEN): Protocol for systematic literature review examining the evidence for impact of school policies on physical activity”. ( Volf, 2020).
Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero "No rights reserved" data waiver (CC0 1.0 Public domain dedication).
The authors thank Dr Sarah Taylor and Michael Lawlor for their assistance in developing the search terms used in the study. The PEN project is funded by the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life”, a research and innovation initiative of EU member states and associated countries. The funding agencies supporting this work are (in alphabetical order of participating countries): Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Ireland: Health Research Board (HRB); Italy: Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR); The Netherlands: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw); New Zealand: The University of Auckland, School of Population Health; Norway: The Research Council of Norway (RCN); Poland: The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). Additionally, the French partners acknowledge the support through the Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). A full list of PEN consortium members is available at
Funding Statement
Health Research Board [JPI-HDHL-PEN-2017-1]. The PEN project is funded by the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life”, a research and innovation initiative of EU member states and associated countries. The funding agencies supporting this work are (in alphabetical order of participating countries): Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Ireland: Health Research Board (HRB); Italy: Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR); The Netherlands: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw); New Zealand: The University of Auckland, School of Population Health; Norway: The Research Council of Norway (RCN); Poland: The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). Additionally, the French partners acknowledge the support through the Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA).
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
[version 2; peer review: 1 approved]
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