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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Oct 15.
Published in final edited form as: J Comput Phys. 2021 Jun 23;443:110525. doi: 10.1016/


PMCID: PMC8570254  NIHMSID: NIHMS1717605  PMID: 34744183


Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics (SINDy) is a method of system discovery that has been shown to successfully recover governing dynamical systems from data [6, 39]. Recently, several groups have independently discovered that the weak formulation provides orders of magnitude better robustness to noise. Here we extend our Weak SINDy (WSINDy) framework introduced in [28] to the setting of partial differential equations (PDEs). The elimination of pointwise derivative approximations via the weak form enables effective machine-precision recovery of model coefficients from noise-free data (i.e. below the tolerance of the simulation scheme) as well as robust identification of PDEs in the large noise regime (with signal-to-noise ratio approaching one in many well-known cases). This is accomplished by discretizing a convolutional weak form of the PDE and exploiting separability of test functions for efficient model identification using the Fast Fourier Transform. The resulting WSINDy algorithm for PDEs has a worst-case computational complexity of O(ND+1log(N)) for datasets with N points in each of D + 1 dimensions. Furthermore, our Fourier-based implementation reveals a connection between robustness to noise and the spectra of test functions, which we utilize in an a priori selection algorithm for test functions. Finally, we introduce a learning algorithm for the threshold in sequential-thresholding least-squares (STLS) that enables model identification from large libraries, and we utilize scale invariance at the continuum level to identify PDEs from poorly-scaled datasets. We demonstrate WSINDy’s robustness, speed and accuracy on several challenging PDEs. Code is publicly available on GitHub at

Keywords: data-driven model selection, partial differential equations, weak solutions, sparse recovery, Galerkin method, convolution

1. Introduction

Stemming from Akaike’s seminal work in the 1970’s [1, 2], research into the automatic creation of accurate mathematical models from data has progressed dramatically. In the last 20 years, substantial developments have been made at the interface of applied mathematics and statistics to design data-driven model selection algorithms that are both statistically rigorous and computationally efficient (see [5, 22, 23, 48, 55, 56] for both theory and applications). An important achievement in this field was the formulation and subsequent discretization of the system discovery problem in terms of a candidate basis of nonlinear functions evaluated at the given dataset, together with a sparsification measure to avoid overfitting [9]. In [50] the authors extended this framework to the context of catastrophe prediction and used compressed sensing techniques to enforce sparsity. More recently, this approach has been generalized as the SINDy algorithm (Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics) [6] and successfully used to identify a variety of discrete and continuous dynamical systems.

The wide applicability, computational efficiency, and interpretability of the SINDy algorithm has spurred an explosion of interest in the problem of identifying nonlinear dynamical systems from data [8, 34, 10, 11, 15, 49, 27]. In addition to the sparse regression approach adopted in SINDy, some of the primary techniques include Gaussian process regression [31, 36], deep neural networks [26, 25, 24, 40, 51, 22], Bayesian inference [61, 62, 54] and classical methods from numerical analysis [16, 19, 57]. The variety of approaches for model discovery from data qualitatively differ in the interpretability of the resulting data-driven dynamical system, the computational efficiency of the algorithm, and the robustness to noise, scale separation, etc. For instance, a neural-network based data-driven dynamical system does not easily lend itself to physical interpretation1. The SINDy algorithm allows for direct interpretations of the dynamics from identified differential equations and uses sequential-thresholding least-squares (STLS) to enforce a sparse solution xn to a linear system Ax = b. STLS has been proven to converge to a local minimizer of the non-convex functional F(x)=Axb22+λ2x0 in at-most n iterations [60].

The aim of the present article is to extend the Weak SINDy method (WSINDy) for recovering ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from data to the context of partial differential equations (PDEs) [28]. WSINDy is a Galerkin-based data-driven model selection algorithm that utilizes the weak form of the dynamics in a sparse regression framework. By integrating in time against compactly-supported test functions, WSINDy avoids approximation of pointwise derivatives which are known to result in low robustness to noise [39]. In [28] we showed that by integrating against a suitable choice of test functions, correct ODE model terms can be identified together with machine-precision recovery of coefficients (i.e. below the tolerance of the data simulation scheme) from noise-free synthetic data, and for datasets with large noise, WSINDy successfully recovers the correct model terms without explicit data denoising. The use of integral equations for system identification was proposed as early as the 1980’s [9] and was carried out in a sparse regression framework in [42] in the context of ODEs, however neither works utilized the full generality of the weak form.

Sparse regression approaches for learning PDEs from data have seen a tremendous spike in activity in the years since 2016. Pioneering works include [41], [39], and [43], where the Douglas-Rachford algorithm, sequential-thresholding least squares (STLS), and basis pursuit with denoising, respectively, are used to regularize the NP-hard problem of finding an optimal sparse solution. Many other predominant approaches for learning dynamical systems (Gaussian processes, deep learning, Bayesian inference, etc.) have since been extended to the discovery of PDEs [7, 30, 21, 22, 52, 53, 59, 58, 45, 55]. A significant disadvantage for the vast majority of PDE discovery methods is the requirement of pointwise derivative approximations. Steps to alleviate this are taken by the authors of [35] and [58], where neural network-based recovery schemes are combined with integral and abstract evolution equations to recover PDEs, and in [53], where the finite element-based method Variational System Identification (VSI) is introduced to identify reaction-diffusion systems and uses backward Euler to approximate the time derivative.

WSINDy is a method for discovering PDEs without the use of any pointwise derivative approximations, black-box routines or conventional noise filtering. Through integration by parts in both space and time against smooth compactly-supported test functions, WSINDy is able to recover PDEs from datasets with much higher noise levels, and from truly weak solutions (see Figure 3 in Section 5). This works suprisingly well even as the signal-to-noise ratio approaches one. Furthermore, as in the ODE setting, WSINDy achieves high-accuracy recovery in the low-noise regime. These overwhelming improvements resulting from a fully weak2 identification method have also been discovered independently by other groups [37, 13]. WSINDy offers several advantages over these alternative frameworks. Firstly, we use a convolutional weak form which enables efficient model identification using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). For measurement data with N points in each of the D + 1 space-time dimensions (ND + 1 total data points), the resulting algorithmic complexity of WSINDy in the PDE setting is at worst O(ND+1log(N)), in other words O(log(N)) floating point operations per data-point. Subsampling further reduces the cost. Furthermore, our FFT-based approach reveals a key mechanism behind the observed robustness to noise, namely that spectral decay properties of test functions can be tuned to damp noise-dominated modes in the data, and we develop a learning algorithm for test function hyperparameters based on this mechanism. WSINDy also utilizes scale invariance of the PDE and a modified STLS algorithm with automatic threshold selection to recover models from (i) poorly-scaled data and (ii) large candidate model libraries.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Characteristics of the shock-forming solution (B.2) used to identify the inviscid Burgers equation. A shock forms at time t = 2 and travels along the line x = 500(t − 2).

The outline of the article is as follows. In Section 2 we define the system discovery problem that we aim to solve and the notation to be used throughout. We then introduce the convolutional weak formulation along with our FFT-based discretization in Section 3. Key ingredients of the WSINDy algorithm for PDEs (Algorithm 4.2) are covered in Section 4, including a discussion of spectral properties of test functions and robustness to noise (4.1), our modified sequential thresholding scheme (4.2), and regularization using scale invariance of the underlying PDE (4.3). Section 5 contains numerical model discovery results for a range of nonlinear PDEs, including several vast improvements on existing results in the literature. We conclude the main text in Section 6 which summarizes the exposition and includes natural next directions for this line of research. Lastly, additional numerical details are included in the Appendix.

2. Problem Statement and Notation

Let U be a spatiotemporal dataset given on the spatial grid XΩ¯ over timepoints t ⊂ [0, T] where Ω is an open, bounded subset in D, D ≥ 1. In the cases we consider here, Ω is rectangular and the spatial grid is given by a tensor product of one-dimensional grids X = X1 ⊗⋯⊗XD, where each XdNd for 1 ≤ dD has equal spacing Δx, and the time grid tND+1 has equal spacing Δt. The dataset U is then a (D + 1)-dimensional array with dimensions N1 × ⋯ × ND + 1. We write h(X, t) to denote the (D + 1)-dimensional array obtained by evaluating the function h:D× at each of the points in the computational grid (X, t). Individual points in (X, t) will often be denoted by (xk, tk) ∈ (X, t) where


In a mild abuse of notation, for a collection of points {(xk, tk)}k∈[K] ⊂ (X, t), the index k plays a double role as a single index in the range [K] := {1, …, K} referencing the point (xk, tk) ∈ {(xk, tk)}k∈[K] and as a multi-index on (xk,tk)=(Xk1,,kD,tkD+1), where kd references the dth coordinate. This is particularly useful for defining a matrix GK×J of the form


(as in equation (3.6) below) where (hj)j∈[J] is a collection of J functions hj:D× evaluated at the set of K points {(xk, tk)}k∈[K] ⊂ (X, t).

We assume that the data satisfies U = u(X, t) + ϵ for i.i.d. noise3 ϵ and weak solution u of the PDE

Dα0u(x,t)=Dα1g1(u(x,t))+Dα2g2(u(x,t))++DαSgs(u(x,t)),xΩ,t(0,T). (2.1)

The problem we aim to solve is the identification of functions (gs)s∈[S] and corresponding differential operators (Dαs)s[S] that govern the evolution4 of u according to Dα0u given the dataset U and computational grid (X, t). Here and throughout we use the multi-index notation αs=(α1s,,αDs,αD+1s)D+1 to denote partial differentiation5 with respect to x = (x1, … , xD) and t, so that


We emphasize that a wide variety of PDEs can be written in the form (2.1). In particular, in this paper we demonstrate our method of system identification on inviscid Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky, nonlinear Schrödinger’s, Sine-Gordon, a reaction-diffusion system and Navier-Stokes. The list of admissable PDEs that can be transformed into a weak form without any derivatives on the state variables includes many other well-known PDEs (Allen-Cahn, Cahn-Hilliard, Boussinesq,…).

3. Weak Formulation

To arrive at a computatonally tractable model recovery problem, we assume that the set of multi-indices (αs)s∈[S] together with α0 enumerates the set of possible true differential operators that govern the evolution of u and that (gs)s∈[S] ⊂ span(fj)j∈[J] where the family of functions (fj)j∈[J] (referred to as the trial functions) is known beforehand. This enables us to rewrite (2.1) as

Dα0u=s=1Sj=1Jw(s1)J+jDαsfj(u), (3.1)

so that discovery of the correct PDE is reduced to a finite-dimensional problem of recovering the true vector of coefficients wSJ, which is assumed to be sparse.

To convert the PDE into its weak form, we multiply equation (3.1) by a smooth test function ψ(x, t), compactly-supported in Ω × (0, T), and integrate over the spacetime domain,


where the L2-inner product is defined ψ,f0TΩψ(x,t)f(x,t)dxdt and ψ* denotes the complex conjugate of ψ, although in what follows we integrate against only real-valued test functions and will omit the complex conjugation. Using the compact support of ψ and Fubini’s theorem, we then integrate by parts as many times as necessary to arrive at the following weak form of the dynamics:

(1)|α0|Dα0ψ,u=s=1Sj=1Jw(s1)J+j(1)|αs|Dαsψ,fj(u), (3.2)

where |αs|d=1D+1αds is the order of the multi-index6. Using an ensemble of test functions (ψk)k∈[K], we then discretize the integrals in (3.2) with fj(u) replaced by fj(U) (i.e. evaluated at the observed data U) to arrive at the linear system


defined by

{bk=(1)|α0|Dα0ψk,U,Gk,(s1)J+j=(1)|αs|Dαsψk,fj(U), (3.3)

where bK, GK×SJ and wSJ are referred to throughout as the left-hand side, Gram matrix and model coefficients, respectively. In a mild abuse of notation, we use the inner product both in the sense of a continuous and exact integral in (3.2) and a numerical approximation in (3.3) which depends on a chosen quadrature rule. Building off of its success in the ODE setting, we use the trapezoidal rule throughout, as it has been shown to yield nearly negligible quadrature error with the test functions employed below (see Section 4.1 and [28]). In this way, solving b = Gw for the model coefficients w allows for recovery of the PDE (3.1) without pointwise derivative approximations. The Gram matrix GK×SJ and left-hand side bK defined in (3.3) conveniently take the same form regardless of the spatial dimension D, as their dimensions only depend on the number of test functions K and the size SJ of the model library, composed of J trial functions (fj)j∈[J] and S candidate differential operators enumerated by the multi-index set α := (αs)1≤sS.

3.1. Convolutional Weak Form and Discretization.

We now restrict to the case of each test function ψk being a translation of a reference test function ψ, i.e. ψk(x, t) = ψ(xkx, tkt) for some collection of points {(xk, tk)}k∈[K] ⊂ (X, t) (referred to as the query points). The weak form of the dynamics (3.2) over the test function basis (ψk)k∈[K] then takes the form of a convolution:

(Dα0ψ)u(xk,tk)=s=1Si=1Jw(s1)J+j(Dαsψ)fj(u)(xk,tk). (3.4)

The sign factor (1)|αs| appearing in (3.2) after integrating by parts is eliminated in (3.4) due to the sign convention in the integrand of the space-time convolution, which is defined by


Construction of the linear system b = Gw as a discretization of the convolutional weak form (3.4) over the query points (xk, tk)k∈[K] can then be carried out efficiently using the FFT as we describe below.

To relate the continuous and discrete convolutions, we assume that the support of ψ is contained within some rectangular domain


where bd = mdΔx for d ∈ [D] and bD + 1 = mD + 1Δt. We then define a reference computational grid (Y,t)D× for ψ centered at the origin and having the same sampling rates (Δx, Δt) as the data U, where Y = Y1 ⊗·⋯·⊗YD for Yd=(nΔx)mdnmd and t=(nΔt)mD+1nmD+1. In this way Y contains 2md + 1 points along each dimension d ∈ [D], with equal spacing Δx, and t contains 2mD + 1 + 1 points with equal spacing Δt. As with (X, t), points in (yk, tk) ∈ (Y, t) take the form


where each index kd for d ∈ [D + 1] takes values in the range {−md, … , 0, … , md}, and for valid indices kj, the two grids (X, t) and (Y, t) are related by

(xkxj,tktj)=(ykj,tkj). (3.5)

We stress that (Y, t) is completely defined by the integers m = (md)d∈[D + 1], specified by the user, and that the values of m have a significant impact on the algorithm. For this reason we develop an automatic selection algorithm for m using spectral properties of the data U (see Appendix A).

The linear system (3.3) can now be rewritten

{bk=Ψ0U(xk,tk),Gk,(s1)J+j=Ψsfj(U)(xk,tk), (3.6)

where ΨsDαsψ(Y,t)ΔxDΔt and the factor ΔxDΔt characterizes the trapezoidal rule. We define the discrete (D + 1)-dimensional convolution between Ψs and fj(U) at a point (xk,tk)=(Xk1,,kD,tkD+1)(X,t) by


which, substituting the definition of Ψs,

1=1N1D+1=1ND+1Dαsψ(Yk11,,kDD,tkD+1D+1)fj(U1,,D+1)ΔxDΔt (3.7)

truncating indices appropriately and using (3.5),

=1=k1m1k1+m1D+1=kD+1mD+1kD+1+mD+1Dαsψ(Yk11,,kDD,tkD+1D+1)fj(U1,,D+1)ΔxDΔt (3.8)
=1=k1m1k1+m1D+1=kD+1mD+1kD+1+mD+1Dαsψ(xkx,tkt)fj(U1,,D+1)ΔxDΔt (3.9)
0TΩDαsψ(xkx,tkt)fj(u(x,t))dxdt. (3.10)

3.2. FFT-based Implementation and Computational Complexity for Separable ψ.

Convolutions in the linear system (3.6) may be computed rapidly if the reference test function ψ is separable over the given coordinates, i.e.


for univariate functions (ϕd)d∈[D + 1]. In this case,


so that only the vectors

ϕd(αds)(Yd)2md+1,d[D] and ϕD+1(αD+1s)(t)2mD+1+1,

need to be computed for each 0 ≤ sS and the multi-dimensional arrays (Ψs)s=0, …, S are never directly constructed. Convolutions can be carried out sequentially in each coordinate7, so that the overall cost of computing each column Ψs * fj (U) of G is

TI(N,n,D)CNlog(N)d=1D+1ND+1d(Nn+1)d1, (3.11)

if the computational grid (X, t) and reference grid (Y, t) have N and nN points along each of the D + 1 dimensions, respectively. Here CN log(N) is the cost of computing the 1D convolution between vectors vectors x=(x1,,xn)n and y=(y1,,yN)N using the FFT,

xy=PF1(F(x0)F(y)), (3.12)

where x0=(0,,0,x1,,xn)N, ⊙ denotes element-wise multiplication and P projects onto the first Nn + 1 components. The discrete Fourier transform F is defined


with inverse


The projection P ensures that the convolution only includes points that correspond to integrating over test functions ψ that are compactly supported in (X, t), which is necessary for integration by parts to hold in the weak form. The spectra of the test functions ϕd(αds)(Yd) can be precomputed and in principle each convolution Ψs * fj(U) can be carried out in parallel8, making the total cost of the WSINDy Algorithm (4.2) in the PDE setting equal to (3.11) (ignoring the cost of the least-squares solves which are negligible in comparison to computing (G, b)). In addition, subsampling reduces the term (Nn + 1) in (3.11) to (Nn + 1)/s where s ≥ 1 is the subsampling rate such that (Nn + 1)/s points are kept along each dimension.

For most practical combinations of n and N, (say n > N/10 and N > 150) using the FFT and separability provides a considerable reduction in computational cost. See Figure 1 for a comparison between TI and the naive cost TII of an (N + 1)-dimensional convolution:

TII(N,n,D)(2nD+11)(Nn+1)D+1. (3.13)

For example, with n = N/4 (a typical value) we have TII=O(N2D+2) and TI=O(ND+1log(N)), hence exploiting separability reduces the computational complexity by a factor of ND + 1/log(N).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Reduction in computational cost of multi-dimensional convolution Ψs * fj (U) when Ψs and fj(U) have n and N points in each of D + 1 dimensions, respectively. Each plot shows the ratio TII/TI (equations (3.13) and (3.11)), i.e. the factor by which the separable FFT-based convolution reduces the cost of the naive convolution, for D + 1 = 2 and D + 1 = 3 space-time dimensions and n ∈ [N]. The right-most plot shows that when N = 512 and D + 1 = 3, the separable FFT-based convolution is 104 times faster for 100 ≤ n ≤ 450.

4. WSINDy Algorithm for PDEs and Hyperparameter Selection

WSINDy for PDE discovery is given in Algorithm 4.2, where the user must specify each of the hyperparameters in Table 1. The key pieces of the algorithm are (i) the choice of reference test function ψ, (ii) the method of a sparsification, (iii) the method of regularization, (iv) selection of convolution query points {(xk, tk)}kK, and (v) the model library. At first glance, the number of hyperparameters is quite large. We now discuss several simplifications that either reduce the number of hyperparameters or provide methods of choosing them automatically. In Section 4.1 we discuss connections between the convolutional weak form and spectral properties of ψ that determine the scheme’s robustness to noise and inform the selection of test function hyperparameters. In Section 4.2 we introduce a modified sequential-thresholding least-squares algorithm (MSTLS) which includes automatic selection of the threshold λ and allows for PDE discovery from large libraries. In Section 4.3 we describe how scale invariance of the PDE is used to rescale the data and coordinates in order to regularize the model recovery problem in the case of poorly-scaled data. In Sections 4.4 and 4.5 we briefly discuss selection of query points and an appropriate model library, however these components of the algorithm will be investigated more thoroughly in future research.

Table 1.

Hyperparameters for the WSINDy Algorithm 4.2. Note that fj piecewise continuous is sufficient (we just need convergence of the trapezoidal rule), m may be replaced by a spectral-decay tolerance τ^>0 if test functions are automatically selected from the data using the method in Appendix A, and K is determined from m and s using (4.10).

Hyperparameter Domain Description
(fj)j∈[J] C() trial function library
α = (αs)s=0,…,S (S+1)×(D+1) partial derivative multi-indices
m = (md)d∈[D + 1] D+1 discrete support lengths of 1D test functions (ϕd)d∈[D + 1]
s = (sd)d∈[D + 1] D+1 subsampling frequencies for query points {(xk, tk)}k∈[K]
λ [0, ∞) search space for sparsity threshold λ^
τ (0, 1] ψ real-space decay tolerance

4.1. Selecting a Reference Test Function ψ.

4.1.1. Convolutional Weak Form and Fourier Analysis.

Computation of G and b in (3.6) with ψ separable requires the selection of appropriate 1D coordinate test functions (ϕd)d∈[D + 1]. Computing convolutions using the FFT (3.12) suggests a mechanism for choosing appropriate test functions. Define the Fourier coefficients of a function uL2([0, T]) by


Consider data U=u(t)+ϵN for a T-periodic function u, tk=kTN=kΔt, and i.i.d. noise ϵ~N(0,σ2I). The discrete Fourier transform of the noise F(ϵ)ϵR+iϵI is then distributed ϵR,ϵI~N(0,(Nσ2/2)I). In addition, there exist constants C > 0 and ℓ > 1/2 such that |u^k|C|k| for each k. There then exists a noise-dominated region of the spectrum F(U) determined by the noise-to-signal ratio


where ‘≈’ corresponds to omitting the aliasing error. For NSRk ≥ 1 the kth Fourier mode is by definition noise-dominated, which corresponds to wavenumbers

|k|k(CσΔt)1/. (4.1)

If the critical wavenumber k* between the noise dominated (NSRk ≥ 1) and signal-dominated (NSRk ≤ 1) modes can be estimated from the dataset U, then it is possible to design test functions ψ such that the noise-dominated region of F(U) lies in the tail of ψ^. The convolutional weak form (3.6) can then be interpreted as an approximate low-pass filter on the noisy dataset, offering robustness to noise without altering the frequency content of the data9.

In summary, spectral decay properties of the reference test function ψ serve to damp high-frequency noise in the convolutional weak form, which acts together with the natural variance-reducing effect of integration, as described in [13], to allow for quantification and control of the scheme’s robustness to noise. Specifically, coordinate test functions ϕd with wide support in real space (larger md) will reduce more variance, but will have a faster-decaying spectrum ϕ^d, so that signal-dominated modes may not be resolved, leading to model misidentification. On the other hand, if ϕd decays too swiftly in real space (smaller md), then the spectrum ϕ^d will decay more slowly and may put too much weight on noise-dominated frequencies. In addition, smaller md may not sufficiently reduce variance. A balance must be struck between (a) effectively reducing variance, which is ultimately determined by the decay of ψ in physical space, and (b) resolving the underlying dynamics, determined by the decay of ψ^ in Fourier space.

4.1.2. Piecewise-Polynomial Test Functions.

Many test functions achieve the necessary balance between decay in real space and decay in Fourier space in order to offer both variance reduction and resolution of signal-dominated modes (defined by (4.1)). For simplicity, in this article we use the same test function space used in the ODE setting [28] and leave an investigation of the performance of different test functions to future work. Define S to be the space of functions

ϕ(v)={C(va)p(bv)qa<v<b,0otherwise, (4.2)

where p, q ≥ 1 and v is a variable in time or space. The normalization


ensures that ‖ϕ = 1. Functions ϕS are non-negative, unimodal, compactly-supported in [a, b], and have ⌊min{p, q}⌋ weak derivatives10. Larger p and q imply faster decay towards the endpoints (a, b) and for p = q we refer to p as the degree of ϕ. See Figure 2 for a visualization of ψ and partial derivatives Dαsψ constructed from tensor products of functions from S. In addition to having nice integration properties combined with the trapezoidal rule (see Lemma 1 of [28]), (a, b, p, q) can be chosen to localize ϕ^ around signal-dominated frequencies in F(U) using the fact that for any reference domain length L|ba|,

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Plots of reference test function ψ and partial derivatives Dαsψ used for identification of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. The upper left plot shows tψ, the bottom right shows x6ψ. See Tables 24 for more details.

To assemble the reference test function ψ from one-dimensional test functions (ϕd)d[D+1]S along each coordinate, we must determine the parameters (ad, bd, pd, qd) in the formula (4.2) for each ϕd. For convenience we center (Y, t) at the origin so that each ϕd is supported on a centered interval [ad, bd] = [−bd, bd], where bd = mdΔx for d ∈ [D] and bD + 1 = mD + 1Δt, and set pd = qd so that ψ is symmetric11. In this way only m ≔ (md)d∈[D + 1] and degrees p ≔ (pd)d∈[D + 1] need to be specified, hence the vectors (ϕd(αds)(Yd))0sS can be computed from an analogous function ϕ¯pd with support [−1, 1],




where nd{1+nmd:n{0,,2md}} is an associated scaled grid and Δ ∈ {Δx, Δt}.

The discrete support lengths m and degrees p determine the smoothness of ψ, as well as its decay in real and in Fourier space, hence are critical to the method’s performance. The degrees p can be chosen from m to ensure necessary smoothness and decay in real space using

pd=min {pα¯d+1:ϕ¯p(11md)τ}, (4.3)

where α¯dmax0sS(αds) is the maximum derivative along the dth coordinate and τ is a chosen (real-space) decay tolerance. By enforcing that ϕd decays to τ at the first interior gridpoint of its support, (4.3) controls the integration error (specifically, τ(2md1md2)q ensures O(Δxq+1) integration error for noise-free data), while pα¯d+1 ensures that ϕdCα¯d(), which is necessary to integrate by parts as many times as required by the multi-index set α. The steps for arriving at the test function values on the reference grid (ϕd(αds)(Yd))0sS are contained in Algorithm 4.1.

In the examples below, we set τ = 10−10 throughout12 and we use the method introduced in Appendix A to choose m, which involves estimating the critical wavenumber k* (defined in (4.1)) between noise-dominated and signal-dominated modes of F(U). We also simplify things by choosing a single test function for all spatial coordinates, ϕx = ϕ1 = ϕ2 = ⋯ = ϕD where ϕx has degree px and support mx, and a (possibly different) test function ϕt = ϕD + 1 for the time axis with degree pt and support mt (recall that subscripts x and t are indices, not partial derivatives). This convention is used in the following sections.

4.2. Sparsification.

To enforce a sparse solution we present a modified sequential-thresholding least-squares algorithm MSTLS(G, b; λ), defined in (4.6), which accounts for terms that are outside of the dominant balance physics of the data, as determined by the left-hand side b, as well as terms with small coefficients. We then utilize the loss function

L(λ)=G(wλwLS)2GwLS2+#{Iλ}SJ (4.4)

to select an optimal threshold λ^, where wλ is the output of MSTLS(G, b; λ) defined in equation (4.6), #{·} denotes cardinality, Iλ{1iSJ:wiλ0} is the index set of non-zero coefficients of wλ, wLS ≔ (GTG)−1GTb is the least squares solution, and SJ is the total number of terms in the library (S differential operators and J functions of the data). The first term in L penalize the distance between GwLS (the projection of b onto the range of G) and Gwλ (the projection of b onto the columns of G restricted to Iλ), while the second term penalizes the number of nonzero terms in the resulting model. The normalization simply enforces L(0)=L()=1.


The MSTLS(G, b; λ) iteration is as follows. For a given λ ≥ 0, define the set of lower bounds Lλ and upper bound Uλ by

{Liλ=λmax{1,bGi}Uiλ=1λmin{1,bGi},1iSJ. (4.5)

Then with w0 = wLS, define the iterates

MSTLS(G,b;λ){I={1iSJ:Liλ|wi|Uiλ}w+1=argminsupp(w)IGwb22. (4.6)

The constraint Liλ|wi|Uiλ is clearly more restrictive than standard sequential thresholding, but it enforces two desired qualities of the model: (i) that the coefficients wλ do not differ too much from 1, since 1 is the coefficient of the “evolution” term Dα0u (assumed known), and (ii) that the ratio ‖wiGi2/‖b2 lies in [λ, λ−1], enforcing an empirical dominant balance rule (e.g. λ = 0.01 allows terms in the model to be at most two orders of magnitude from Dα0u. Using previous results on the convergence of STLS [60], for MSTLS(G, b; λ) we employ the stopping criteria I\I+1=0, which must occur for some SJ. The overall sparsification algorithm MSTLS(G, b; L, λ) is

MSTLS(G,b;L,λ){λ^=min {λλ:L(λ)=min λλL(λ)}w^=MSTLS(G,b;λ^), (4.7)

where λ is a finite set of candidate thresholds13. The learned threshold λ^ is the smallest minimizer of L over the range λ and hence marks the boundary between identification and misidentification of the minimum-cost model, such that {λλ:λ<λ^} results in overfitting. A similar learning method for λ^ combining STLS and Tikhonov regularization (or ridge regression) was developed in [39]. We have found that our approach of combining MSTLS(G, b; L, λ) with rescaling, as introduced in the next section, regularizes the sparse regression problem in the case of large model libraries without adding hyperparameters14 and definitely deserves further study.

4.3. Regularization through Rescaling.

Construction of the linear system b = Gw involves taking nonlinear transformations of the data fj(U) and then integrating against Dαsψ, which oscillates for large |αs|. This can lead to a large condition number κ(G) and prevent accurate inference of the true model coefficients w, especially when the underlying data is poorly scaled15. In particular, identification of polynomial terms such as x(u2) from a large library of polynomial terms is ill-conditioned for large (or small) amplitude data. Naively rescaling the data can easily lead to unreliable inference of model coefficients, since characteristic scales often effect the dynamics in nontrivial ways. For example, solution amplitude determines the wavespeed in the inviscid Burgers and Korteweg-de Vries equations, hence the solution and space-time coordinates must be rescaled in a principled manner in order to preserve the dynamics. To overcome this problem we propose to rescale the data using scale invariance of the PDE and choose scales that achieve a lower condition number, as described below. This approach allows for reliable identification of the Burgers and KdV equations from highly-corrupted large-amplitude data (U~O(103), see Section 5.4).

First, we note that the true model is scale invariant in the following way. If u solves (3.1), then for any scales γx, γt, γu > 0, the rescaled function




where D˜αs denotes differentiation with respect to (x˜,t˜)=(γxx,γtt). For homogeneous functions fj with power βj, we have f˜j(u˜)=fj(u˜)=γuβjfj(u), otherwise f˜j(u˜)=fj(u˜γu)=fj(u) (in which case we set βj = 0). The linear system in the rescaled coordinates b˜=G˜w˜ is constructed by discretizing the convolutional weak form as before but with a reference test function ψ˜ on the rescaled grid Ω˜R. We recover the coefficients16 w^ at the original scales by setting w^=Mw˜, where M = diag(μ) is the diagonal matrix with entries

μ(s1)J+jγu(βj1)γxd=1D(αdsαd0)γt(αD+1sαD+10). (4.8)

There is flexibility in choosing the scales γu, γx, γt, and a natural choice is to enforce that the columns of G˜ are similar in norm. Motivated by this, we find that for polynomial and trigonometric libraries, the scales17

γu=(U2Uβ¯2)1/β¯,γx=1mxΔx((pxα¯x2)α¯x!)1/α¯x,γt=1mtΔt((ptα¯t2)α¯t!)1/α¯t (4.9)

are sufficient to regularize ill-conditioning due to poor scaling. Here α¯x and α¯t are the maximum spatial and temporal derivatives appearing in the library and β¯=maxjβj is the highest monomial power of the functions (fj)j∈[J]. From (4.9) we get that




hence, using Young’s inequality for convolutions,


This shows that with scales γu, γx, γt set according to (4.9), the columns of G˜ are close in norm to the original dataset U. Similar scales γx, γt, γu can be chosen for different model libraries and reference test functions, and a more refined analysis will lead to scales that achieve closer agreement in norm. In the examples below we rescale the data and coordinates according to (4.9), which results in a low condition number κ(G˜) (see Table 4). Throughout what follows, quantities defined over scaled coordinates will be denoted by tildes.

Table 4.

Additional specifications resulting from the choices in Table 3. The last column shows the start-to-finish walltime of Algorithm 4.2 with all computations in serial measured on a laptop with an 8-core Intel i7-2670QM CPU with 2.2 GHz and 8 GB of RAM.

PDE G˜ κ(G˜) (Px, Pt) (γu, γx, γt) Walltime (sec)
IB 784 × 43 1.4 × 106 (7, 7) (4.5 × 10−4, 0.0029, 1.1) 0.12
KdV 1443 × 43 3.2 × 106 (8, 7) (5.7 × 10−4, 8.3, 1250) 0.39
KS 1806 × 43 3.7 × 103 (10, 10) (0.26, 0.74, 0.091) 0.24
NLS 1804 × 190 1.2 × 105 (11, 10) (0.33, 3.1, 9.4) 2.5
PM 4608 × 65 2.4 × 104 (8, 10) (1.6, 2.7, 3.2) 16
SG 13000 × 73 1.3 × 104 (8, 10) (0.23, 8.1, 8.1) 29
RD 11638 × 181 4.5 × 103 (13, 12) (0.86, 6.5, 1.4) 75
NS 3872 × 50 8.2 × 102 (9, 12) (0.53, 0.72, 2.4) 12

4.4. Query Points and Subsampling.

Placement of {(xk, tk)}k∈[K] determines which regions of the observed data will most influence the recovered model18. In WSINDy for ODEs ([28]), an adaptive algorithm was designed for placement of test functions near steep gradients along the trajectory. Improvements in this direction in the PDE setting are a topic of active research, however, for simplicity in this article we uniformly subsample {(xk, tk)}k∈[K] from (X, t) using subsampling frequencies s = (s1, … , sD + 1) along each coordinate, specified by the user. That is, along each one-dimensional grid Xd,Nd2mdsd points are selected with uniform spacing sdΔx for d ∈ [D] and sD + 1Δt for d = D + 1. This results in a (D + 1)-dimensional coarse grid with dimensions N12m1s1××ND+12mD+1sD+1,, which determines the number of query points

K=d=1D+1Nd2mdsd. (4.10)

4.5. Model Library.

The model library is determined by the nonlinear functions (fj)j∈[J] and the partial derivative indices α and is crucial to the well-posedness of the recovery problem. In the examples below we choose (fj)j∈[J] to be polynomials and trigonometric functions as these sets are dense in many relevant function spaces. When the true PDE does not contain cross derivatives (e.g. 2x1x2), we remove them from the derivative library α and note that including these terms does not have a significant impact on the results.


5. Examples

We now demonstrate the effectiveness of WSINDy by recovering the PDEs listed in Table 2 over a range of noise levels. These examples show that WSINDy provides orders of magnitude improvements over derivative-based methods [39], with reliable and accurate recovery of four out of the eight PDEs under noise levels as high as 100% (defined in (5.1) and (5.2)) and for all examples under 20% noise. In contrast to the weak recovery methods in [37, 13], WSINDy uses (i) the convolutional weak form (3.6) and FFT-based implementation (3.12), (ii) improved thresholding and automatic selection of the sparsity threshold λ^ via (4.6) and (4.7), and (iii) rescaling using (4.9). The effects of these improvements are discussed in Sections 5.4 and 5.5.

Table 2.

PDEs used in numerical experiments, written in the form identified by WSINDy. Domain specification and boundary conditions are given in Appendix B.

Inviscid Burgers (IB) tu=12x(u2)
Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) tu=12x(u2)xxxu
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) tu=12x(u2)xxuxxxxu
Nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) {tu=12xxv+u2v+v3tv=12xxuuv2u3
Anisotropic Porous Medium (PM) tu = (0.3) xx (u2) − (0.8) xy (u2) + yy (u2)
Sine-Gordon (SG) ttu = xxu + yyu − sin (u)
Reaction-Diffusion (RD) {tu=110xxu+110yyuuv2u3+v3+u2v+utv=110xxv+110yyv+vuv2u3v3u2v
2D Navier-Stokes (NS) tω=x(ωu)y(ωv)+1100xxω+1100yyω

To test robustness to noise, a noise ratio σNR is specified and a synthetic “observed” dataset


is obtained from a simulation U of the true PDE19 by adding i.i.d. Gaussian noise with variance σ2 to each data point, where

σσNRURMSσNR(1(N1NDND+1)k1=1N1kD+1=1ND+1(Uk1,,kD+1)2)1/2. (5.1)

We examine noise ratios σNR in the range [0, 1] and often refer to the noise level as σNR or equivalently that the data contains 100σNR% noise. We note that the resulting true noise ratio


matches the specified σNR to at least four significant digits in all cases and so we only list σNR. When the state variable is vector-valued, as with the nonlinear Schrödinger, reaction-diffusion, and Navier-Stokes equations (see Table 2), a separate noise variance σ2 is computed for each vector component so that the noise ratio σNR of each component satisfies (5.2).

5.1. Performance Measures.

To measure the ability of the algorithm to correctly identify the terms having nonzero coefficients, we use the true positivity ratio (introduced in [22]) defined by

TPR(w^)=TPTP+FN+FP (5.3)

where TP is the number of correctly identified nonzero coefficients, FN is the number of coefficients falsely identified as zero, and FP is the number of coefficients falsely identified as nonzero. Identification of the true model results in a TPR of 1, while identification of half of the correct nonzero terms and no falsely identified nonzero terms results in TPR of 0.5 (e.g. the 2D Euler equations tω = −x(ωu) − y(ωv) result in a TPR of 0.5 if the underlying true model is the 2D Navier-Stokes vorticity equation). We will see that in several cases that the average TPR remains above 0.95 even as the noise level approaches 1. The loss function L(λ) (defined in (4.4)) and the resulting learned sparsity threshold λ^ (defined in (4.7)) provide additional information on the algorithm’s ability to identify the correct model terms with respect to the noise level. In particular, sensitivity to the sparsity threshold suggests that automatic selection of λ^ is essential to successful recovery in the relatively large noise regime.

To assess the accuracy of the recovered coefficients we use two metrics. We measure the maximum error in the true non-zero coefficients using

E(w^)max{j:wj*0}|w^jwj||wj|, (5.4)

where |·| denotes absolute value, and the 2 distance in parameter space using

E2(w^)w^wRMSwRMS. (5.5)

E determines the number of significant digits in the recovered true coefficients while E2 provides information about the magnitudes of coefficients that are falsely identified as nonzero. Often when a term is falsely identified and the resulting nonzero coefficient is small, a larger sparsity factor will result in idenfitication of the true model.

Finally, when TPR(w^)=1, we report the prediction accuracy between the true data U and a numerical solution Udd to the data-driven PDE using the same initial conditions. We compute the relative L2 error Pt(w^) at time t = 0.5T (i.e. at the half-way point in time) defined by

Pt(w^)UtddUtRMSUtRMS (5.6)

Where Utdd, Ut denote the numerical solutions over the spatial domain at time t. Since solutions to the data-driven dynamics and the true dynamics will eventually drift apart, we also measure

Ttol(w^)1Tinf{t[0,T]:Pt(w^)>tol}, (5.7)

or, the first time t (relative to the final time T) that the numerical solution Utdd reaches a relative L2 distance of tol from the truth. The minimum in (5.7) is computed over tt and we set tol = 0.1. We provide results for P0.5T(w^) and T0.1(w^) averaged over the weights w^ satisfying TPR(w^)=1.

For each system in Table 2 and each noise level σNR ∈ {0.025q : q ∈ {0, … , 40}} we run WSINDy on 200 instantiations of noise20 and average the results of error statistics (5.3)–(5.7). Computations were carried out on a University of Colorado Boulder Blanca Condo cluster21.

5.2. Implementation Details.

The hyperparameters used in WSINDy applied to each of the PDEs in Table 2 are given in Table 3. To select test function discrete support lengths we used a combination of the changepoint method22 described in Appendix A and manual tuning. Across all examples the real-space decay tolerance for test functions is fixed at τ = 10−10.

Table 3.

WSINDy hyperparameters used to identify each example PDE.

PDE U f j α (mx, mt) (sx, st)
IB 256 × 256 (uj−1)j∈[7] ((, 0))0≤≤6 (60, 60) (5, 5)
KdV 400 × 601 (uj−1)j∈[7] ((, 0))0≤≤6 (45, 80) (8, 12)
KS 256 × 301 (uj−1)j∈[7] ((, 0))0≤≤6 (23, 22) (5, 6)
NLS 2 × 256 × 251 (uivj)0≤i + j≤6 ((, 0))0≤≤6 (19, 25) (5, 5)
PM 200 × 200 × 128 (ui−1)i∈[5] ((l1,l2,0))0l1,l24 (37, 20) (8, 5)
SG 129 × 403 × 205 (uj−1)i∈[5], (sin(ju), cos(ju))j=1, 2 ((, 0, 0), (0, , 0))0≤≤4 (40, 25) (5, 8)
RD 2 × 256 × 256 × 201 (uivj)0≤i + j≤4 ((, 0, 0), (0, , 0))0≤≤5 (13, 14) (13, 12)
NS 3 × 324 × 149 × 201 {(ωiujvk)0i+j+k2,|αs|=0(ωiujvk)0i+j+k3,i>0,|αs|>0 ((, 0, 0), (0, , 0))0≤≤2 (31, 14) (12, 8)

In computing a sparse solution w^=MSTLS(G,b;L,λ) (see equation (4.7)), the search space λ for the learned threshold λ^ is fixed for all examples at:


in other words λ contains 50 points with log10(λ) equally spaced from −4 to 0. This implies a stopping criteria of 50SJ thresholding iterations23.

We fix the subsampling frequencies (sx, st) to (N150,N250) for PDEs in one spatial dimension and to (N125,N325) for two spatial dimensions, where the dimensions (N1, N2, N3) depend on the dataset. Additional information about the convolutional weak discretization is included in Table 4, such as the dimensions and condition number of the rescaled Gram matrix G˜ (computed from a typical dataset with 20% noise), test function polynomial degrees (px, pt), scale factors (γu, γx, γt), and start-to-finish walltime of Algorithm 4.2 with all computations performed serially on a laptop with an 8-core Intel i7-2670QM CPU with 2.2 GHz and 8 GB of RAM.

5.3. Comments on Chosen Examples.

The primary reason for choosing the examples in Table 2 is to demonstrate that WSINDy can successfully recover models over a wide range of physical phenomena such as spatiotemporal chaos, nonlinear waves, nonlinear diffusion, shock-forming solutions, complex limit cycles, and pattern formation in reaction diffusion equations.

Recovery of the inviscid Burgers and anisotropic porous medium equations demonstrates (i) that WSINDy can discover PDEs from solutions that can only be understood in a weak sense and (ii) that discovery in this case is just as accurate and robust to noise and scaling as with smooth data (i.e. no special modifications of the algorithm are required to discover models from non-smooth data, as conjectured in [13]). We use analytical weak solutions, with inviscid Burgers data forming a shock which propagates at constant speed (see Figure 3 for plots of the characteristic curves) and porous medium data having a jump in the gradient ∇u. In addition, we discover the porous medium equation using an anisotropic diffusivity tensor to demonstate that WSINDy can identify the cross-diffusion term xy(u2) to high accuracy from a large candidate model library.

The inviscid Burgers and Korteweg-de Vries equations demonstrate that WSINDy successfully recovers the correct models for nonlinear transport data with large amplitude. Both datasets have mean amplitudes on the order of 103 (in addition KdV is given over a short time window of t ∈ [0, 10−3]), and hence are not identifiable from large polynomial libraries using naive approaches. The sparsification and rescaling measures in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 are essential to removing this barrier.

The Sine-Gordon equation24 is used to show both that trigonometric library terms can easily be identified alongside polynomials and that hyperbolic problems do not seem to present further challenges. Discovery of the Sine-Gordon equation also appears to be particularly robust to noise, which suggests that the added complexity of having multiple spatial dimensions is not in general a barrier to identification.

For the nonlinear Schrödinger and reaction-diffusion systems, we test the ability of WSINDy to select the correct monomial nonlinearities from an excessively large model library. Using a library of 190 terms for nonlinear Schrödinger’s and 181 terms for reaction-diffusion (see the dimensions of G˜ in Table 4), we demonstrate successful identification of the correct nonzero terms. Moreover, for the reaction-diffusion system, misidentified terms directly reflect the existence of a limit cycle25. Finally, the vortex-shedding limit cycle for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations is used primarily to compare to previous results in [39], and we find that at large-noise WSINDy conveniently selects the Euler equations.

5.4. Results: Model Identification.

Performance regarding the identification of correct nonzero terms in each model is reported in Figures 4 and 5, which include plots of the average TPR, the learned threshold λ^, and the loss function L(λ) (defined in (5.3), (4.7), and (4.4), respectively). As we will discuss, significant decreases in average TPR are often accompanied by transitions in the identified λ^.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Left: average TPR (true positivity ratio, defined in (5.3)) for each of the PDEs in Table 2 computed from 200 instantiations of noise for each noise level σNR. Right: average learned threshold λ^ (defined in (4.7)). For the porous medium equation (PM), λ^ increases to 0:2 as σNR approaches 1 (we omit this from the plot in order to make visible the λ^ trends for the other systems).

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Plots of the average loss function L(λ) and resulting optimal threshold λ^ for the Kuramoto Sivashinsky, Sine-Gordon, Reaction diffusion and Navier-Stokes equations.

Figure 4 (left) shows that for inviscid Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and Sine-Gordon, the average TPR stays above 0.95 even for noise levels as high as 100% (i.e. WSINDy reliably identifies these models in the presence of noise that has the same L2-norm as the underlying clean data). The average TPR for the nonlinear Schrödinger and porous medium equations stays above 0.95 until 50% noise, after which identification of the correct monomial nonlinearity is not as reliable. For NLS, this is a drastic improvement over previous studies [39], especially considering the large library of 190 terms used.

We observe in Figure 4 (right) that the learned threshold λ^ increases with σNR, suggesting that automatic selection of λ^ in the learning algorithm (4.7) is crucial to the algorithm’s robustness to noise. For example, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation has a minimum nonzero coefficient of 0.5 (multiplying x(u2)), and we find that λ^ approaches 0.1 as σNR approaches 1, which implies that at higher noise levels the range of λ^ values that is necessary26 for correct model identification is approximately (~ 0.1, ~ 0.5). Since it is highly unlikely that this range of admissible values would be known a priori, the chances of manually selecting a feasible λ^ for Kuramoto-Sivashinsky are prohibitively low in the large noise regime (see Figure 5a for visualizations of the loss L applied to KS data). This effect is even greater for the porous medium equation. Automatic selection of λ^ thus removes this sensitivity. In contrast, λ^ is largely unaffected by increases in σNR for Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries and Sine-Gordon. In particular, Figure 5b shows little qualitative changes in the loss landscape for Sine-Gordon in the range 0.1 ≤ σNR ≤ 0.4.

Intriguingly, for reaction-diffusion, the average TPR falls below 0.95 at 22% noise, after which WSINDy falsely identifies linear terms in u and v. If the true model is given by the compact form tu=A(u) for u = (u, v)T, then the misidentified model in all trials for noise levels in the range 0.25 ≤ σNR ≤ 0.55 is given by

tu=βA(u)+α(0110)u (5.8)

for some α > 0 and β ≈ 1 dependent on σNR. This is explainable by the fact that the underlying solution settles into a limit cycle, which means that at every point in space the solution oscillates. Indeed, the falsely identified nonzero terms in (5.8) exactly convey that at each point in space the solution is oscillating at a uniform frequency (albeit with variable amplitude and phase determined by the initial conditions27). Hence, in the presence of certain lower-dimensional structures (in this case a limit cycle), higher noise levels result in a mixture of the true model with a spatially-averaged reduced model. This shift between detection of the correct model and the oscillatory version (5.8) is also detectable in the learned threshold λ^, which decreases at σNR = 0.22 (see RD data in Figure 4 (right)), and in the loss function L (Figure 5c). At σNR = 0.275 we see that L in Figure 5c is minimized for λ in the approximate range (~ 0.02, ~ 0.05) but also has a near-minimum for λ ∈ (~ 0.05, ~ 0.1). These two regions correspond to discovery of the oscillatory model (5.8) and the true model, respectively, but since the true model has a slightly higher loss at σNR = 0.275, model (5.8) is selected. For σNR ≥ 0.4 there is no longer (on average) a region of λ that results in discovery of the true model, and WINSDy returns (5.8) to compensate for noise.

For Navier-Stokes we see an averaging effect at higher noise, similar to the reaction-diffusion system. TPR drops below 0.95 for noise levels above 27% with the resulting misidentified model being simply Euler’s equations in vorticity form:


This is due primarily to the small viscosity ν = 0.01 which prevents identification of the viscous forces at higher noise levels. Examining the loss function L, Figure 5d shows that above σNR ≈ 0.275, minimizers of L are above 0.01, hence the viscous terms will be thresholded out. Another possible explanation is the low-accuracy simulation used for the clean dataset: in the noise-free setting, Table 5 shows that WSINDy recovers the model coefficients of Navier-Stokes to less than 3 significant digits in the absence of noise, which is the same level of accuracy exhibited on each of the other systems under 5% noise (see Figure 6). Nevertheless, with reliable recovery up to 27% noise, WSINDy makes notable improvements on previous results ([39]). Moreover, recovery of the Euler equations at high noise is desirable as this can be seen as the correct leader-order model.

Table 5.

Accuracy of WSINDy applied to noise-free data (σNR = 0).

E 4.3 × 10−5 3.1 × 10−7 8.1 × 10−7 9.4 × 10−8 2.2 × 10−6 4.3 × 10−5 3.9 × 10−10 1.1 × 10−3

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Coefficient errors E and E2 (equations (5.4) and (5.5)) for each of the seven models Table 2. Models in one and two spatial dimensions are shown on the left and right, respectively.

5.5. Results: Coefficient Accuracy.

Accuracy in the recovered coefficients is measured by E and E2 (defined in (5.4) and (5.5), respectively) and shown in Table 5 for σNR = 0 and in Figure 6 for σNR > 0. As in the ODE case, the coefficient error E for smooth, noise-free data is determined by the order of accuracy of the numerical simulation method28, since the error resulting from the trapezoidal rule is of lower order for the values (px, pt) used in Table 4 (see [28], Lemma 1). Table 5 also shows that the algorithm returns reasonable accuracy for non-smooth data, with E = 4.3 × 10−5 and E = 2.2 × 10−6 for the inviscid Burgers and porous medium equations, respectively. For reference, Table 6 shows that WSINDy improves over PDE-FIND by about two digits29.

Table 6.

Accuracy comparison between WSINDy and PDE-FIND with σNR = 0.01 (results for PDE-FIND reproduced from [39]).

WSINDy 6.7 × 10−4 1.8 × 10−4 2.9 × 10−4 6.0 × 10−4 1.2 × 10−3
PDE-FIND 7.0 × 10−2 0.52 3.0 × 10−2 3.8 × 10−2 7.0 × 10−2

For σNR > 0, in Figure 6 it is apparent that E scales approximately as a power law E~σNRr for some r approximately in the range (~ 1, ~ 2) in all systems except Navier-Stokes. It was observed in [13] that E will approximately scale linearly with σNR for Kuramoto-Sivashinsky, however our results show that in general, for larger σNR, the rate will be superlinear and dependent on the reference test function and the nonlinearities present. A simple explanation for this in the case of normally-distributed noise is the following: linear terms Ψs * U will be normally-distributed with mean Ψs * U and approximate variance ΔxDΔtDαsψ22σ2, hence are unbiased30 and lead to perturbations that scale linearly with σNR. On the other hand, general monomial nonlinearities31 Ψs *Uj with j > 1 are biased and have approximate variance ΔxDΔtDαsψ22p2j(σ) for p2j a polynomial of degree 2j. Hence, nonlinear terms Ψs * fj(U) lead to biased columns of the Gram matrix G with variance scaling with σ2r for some r > 1 and proportional to Dαsψ2. Thus, for larger noise and higher-degree monomial nonlinearities, we expect superlinear growth of the error, as observed in particular with nonlinear Schrödinger’s, Sine-Gordon, and reaction-diffusion. Nevertheless, Figure 6 suggests that a conservative estimate on the coefficient error is EσNR10, indicating 1 − log10(σNR) significant digits (e.g. for σNR = 0.1 we have E ≤ 10−2 for each system except KdV, indicating two significant digits), which is consistent with the ODE case [28].

For Burgers and Korteweg-De Vries, the average error E2 at higher noise levels is affected by outliers containing a falsely-identified advection term xu. This is due to the large amplitude datasets used, which lead to the closest pure-advection model for each system being given by32


Hence, a falsely identified xu term will have a large coefficient compared to the true model coefficients which have magnitudes 0.5 or 1. In all other cases, the values of E2 and E are comparable, which implies that misidentified terms do not have large coefficients and might be removed with a larger threshold. Lastly, the sigmoidal shape of E and E2 for Navier-Stokes is due again to the unidentified diffusive terms at larger noise. It is interesting to note that for σNR ≤ 0.27 the coefficient error for Navier-Stokes is relatively constant, in contrast to the other systems, and does not exhibit a power-law. However, at present, we do not have a concrete explanation for this behavior.

5.6. Results: Prediction Accuracy.

Lastly, Figure 7 shows the prediction accuracy on a subset of the systems in Table 2 as measured by P0.5T(w^) and T0.1(w^) (defined in (5.6) and (5.7), respectively). We report that data-driven solutions attain greater than 90% accuracy in the L2 sense up to time 0.8T (80% of the trajectory) for noise levels as high as 40%. (This excludes the KS equation, which exhibits spatiotemporal chaos and cannot be expected to remain close to the noise-free data.) Data-driven solutions to the KS equation, while eventually divergent, also attain 90% accuracy up to time 0.5T for noise levels below 15%. Lastly, we note that for lower noise levels (up to 10%), the accuracy of data-driven solutions to the inviscid Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries and Sine-Gordon equations is on average above 96% along the entire trajectory (not shown in the figures).

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Prediction accuracy measured by P0.5T(w^) and T0.1(w^) (defined in (5.6) and (5.7), respectively).

6. Conclusion

We have extended the WSINDy algorithm to the setting of PDEs for the purpose of discovering models for spatiotemporal dynamics without relying on pointwise derivative approximations, black-box closure models (e.g. deep neural networks), dimensionality reduction, or other noise filtering. We have provided methods for learning many of the algorithm’s hyperparameters directly from the given dataset, and in the case of the threshold λ^, demonstrated the necessity of avoiding manual hyperparameter tuning. The underlying convolutional weak form (3.4) allows for efficient implementation using the FFT. This naturally leads to a selection criterion for admissable test functions based on spectral decay, which is implemented in the examples above. In addition, we have shown that by utilizing scale invariance of the PDE together with a modified sparsification measure, models may be recovered from large candidate model libraries and from data that is poorly scaled. When unsuccessful, WSINDy appears to discover a nearby sparse model that captures the dominant spatiotemporal behavior (see the discussions surrounding misidentification of the reaction-diffusion and Navier-Stokes equations in Section 5.4).

We close with a summary of possible future directions. In Section 4.1 we discussed the significance of decay properties of test functions in real and in Fourier space, as well as general test function regularity. We do not make any claim that the class S defined by (4.2) is optimal, but it does appear to work very well, as demonstrated above (as well as in the ODE setting [28]) and also observed in [37, 13]. A valuable tool for future development of weak identification schemes would be the identification of optimal test functions. A preliminary step in this direction is our use of the changepoint method described in Appendix A.

In the ODE setting, adaptive placement of test functions provided increased robustness to noise. Convolution query points can similary be strategically placed near regions of the dynamics with high information content, which may be crucial for model selection in higher dimensions. Defining regions of high information content and adaptively placing query points accordingly would allow for identification from smaller datasets.

Ordinary least squares makes the assumption of i.i.d. residuals and should be replaced with generalized least squares to accurately reflect the true error structure. The current framework could be vastly improved by incorporating more precise statistical information about the linear system (G, b). The first step in this direction is the derivation of an approximate covariance matrix as in WSINDy for ODEs [28]. Previous results on generalized sensitivity analysis for PDEs may provide improvements in this direction [18, 46].

Accuracy in the recovered coefficients is still not entirely understood and is needed to derive recovery guarantees. It is claimed in [13] that at higher noise levels the scaling will approximately be linear in σNR, while we have demonstrated that this is not the case in general: the scaling depends on the nonlinearities present in the true model, the decay properties of the test functions, and accuracy of the underlying clean data. Analysis of coefficient error dependence (on noise, amplitudes, number of datapoints, etc.) could occur in tandem with development of a generalized least-squares framework.

The examples above show that WSINDy is very robust to noise for problems involving nonlinear waves (Burgers, Korteweg de-Vries, nonlinear Schrödinger, Sine-Gordon), spatiotemporal chaos (Kuramoto-Sivashinsky), and even nonlinear diffusion (porous medium), but is less robust for data with limit cycles (reaction-diffusion, Navier-Stokes). Further, identification of Burgers, Korteweg de-Vries, and Sine-Gordon appears robust to changes in the sparsity threshold λ^ (see Figure 4 (right)). A structural identifiability criteria for measuring uncertainty in the recovery process based on identified structures (transport processes, mixing, spreading, limit cycles, etc.) would also be invaluable for general model selection.


  • We present the WSINDy algorithm for data-driven discovery of partial differential equations in weak form. Pointwise derivative approximations are replaced by convolution against test functions for robust, high-accuracy model selection in the presence of large measurement noise.

  • Reformulating the weak dynamics in terms of convolutions allows for fast FFT-based implementation and reveals that test function spectra plays a crucial role in guaranteeing robustness to noise.

  • Scale invariance is used together with an improved thresholding algorithm with automatic threshold selection to enable PDE identification from poorly-scaled data and large candidate libraries.

  • Successful discovery is demonstrated on the inviscid Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries, Kuramoto-Sivashinksy, nonlinear Schrödinger, anisotropic porous medium, Sine-Gordon, reaction-diffusion, and Navier-Stokes equations from highly corrupted datasets, and in the case of inviscid Burgers and porous medium, from non-classical (weak) solutions.

7. Acknowledgements

This research was supported in part by the NSF/NIH Joint DMS/NIGMS Mathematical Biology Initiative grant R01GM126559 and in part by the NSF Computing and Communications Foundations Division grant CCF-1815983. This work also utilized resources from the University of Colorado Boulder Research Computing Group, which is supported by the National Science Foundation (awards ACI-1532235 and ACI-1532236), the University of Colorado Boulder, and Colorado State University. Code used in this manuscript is publicly available on GitHub at The authors would like to thank Prof. Vanja Dukic (University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Applied Mathematics), Kadierdan Kaheman (University of Washington, Department of Applied Mathematics), Samuel Rudy (Massachusetts, Department of Mechanical Engineering), and Zofia Stanley (University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Applied Mathematics), for helpful discussions.

Appendix A. Learning Test Functions From Data

We present the following algorithm for automatic selection of test functions which utilizes the implicit smoothing of high-frequency noise afforded by the convolution. This approach is useful in practice but we leave rigorous justification of it to future work. We proceed in two steps: (1) estimation of critical wavenumbers (k1*,,kD+1*) separating noise- and signal-dominated modes in each coordinate and (2) enforcing decay in real and in Fourier space.

We will describe the process for detecting kx*=k1* from data UN1×N2 given over the one-dimensional spatial grid xN1 at timepoints tN2. Figures 89 illustrate this approach using Kuramoto-Sivashinsky data with 50% noise. Below, Fx and Ft denote the discete Fourier transform (DFT) along the x and t coordinates, respectively, while F denotes the full two-dimensional DFT.

A.1. Detection of Critical Wavenumbers.

Assume the data has additive white noise U = U + ϵ with ϵ~N(0,σ2) and that F(U) decays. The power spectrum of the noise |Fx(ϵ)| is then i.i.d, hence as discussed in Section 4.1, there will be a critical wavenumber kx* in the power spectrum of the data Fx(U) after which the modes become noise-dominated. To detect kx*, we collapse Fx(U) into a one-dimensional array by averaging in time and then take the cumulative sum in x:

Hkxj=N1/2k|Fjx(U)|¯ (A.1)

where |Fjx(U)|¯ is the time-average of the jth mode of the discrete Fourier transform along the x-coordinate. Since |Fx(ϵ)| is i.i.d., Hx will be approximately linear over the noise-dominated modes, which is an optimal setting for locating kx* as a changepoint, or in other words the corner point of the best piecewise-linear approximation33 to Hx using two pieces (see Figure 8). An algorithm for this is given in [20] and implemented in MATLAB using the function findchangepts.

A.2. Enforcing Decay.

Having detected the changepoints kx* and kt*, we compute hyperparameters for the coordinate test functions ϕx and ϕt using user-specified hyperparameters τ and τ^. As in Section 4.1, τ specifies the rate of decay of ϕx and ϕt in real space through equation (4.3). The hyperparameter τ^ is introduced to specify the rate of decay of ϕx and ϕt in Fourier space. Specifically, for a chosen τ^ we enforce that the changepoints kx* and kt* fall approximately τ^ standard deviations into the tail of the spectra ϕ^x and ϕ^t. This is done by utilizing that ϕx and ϕt are functions of the form


(i.e. centered, symmetric functions in the class S defined in (4.2)) which are well-approximated by Gaussians for large enough p and appropriate scaling C. Indeed, letting C be such that ‖ϕa,p1 = 1 and setting σa/2p+3 we have that ϕa,p matches the first three moments of the Gaussian


which provides a bound on the error in the Fourier transforms and ϕ^a,p and ρ^σ for small frequencies ξ in terms of their 4th moments34:


This implies that for small ξ and a and large p, it suffices to use ρ^σ(ξ)=ρ1/σ(ξ) to estimate ϕ^a,p. Hence, we enforce decay of ϕ^x (and similarly for ϕ^t) by choosing mx and px such that

2πN1Δxkx*=τ^σ=τ^2px+3mxΔx2πkx*mx=τ^N12px+3. (A.2)

so that kx* is τ^ standard deviations into the tail of ρ^σ(ξ), where σ=mxΔx/2px+3. To solve (4.3) and (A.2) simultaneously, we compute mx as a root of


F(m) has a unique root mx ≥ 2 in the nonempty interval


on which F monotonically decreases and changes sign, provided N1 > 4, τ ∈ (0, 1) and 3πτ^kx*[4/N1,1], constraints which are easily satisfied. After finding mx we can solve for px using either (4.3) or (A.2).

Figure 9 illustrates the implicit filtering of this process using the Burgers-type nonlinearity x(U2) and the same KS dataset as in Figure 9 with 50% noise. The top panel compares a one-dimensional slice in x taken at fixed time t = 99 of the clean data (U)2 and noisy data (U)2. The middle panel shows the Fourier transforms of (U)2 and (U)2 along the given slice, showing that modes after kx* become noise-dominated. Finally, the bottom panel shows that after convolution with xψ^, where mx and kx are chosen with τ = 10−10 and τ^=2, the clean and noisy spectra agree well, indicating successful filtering of noise-dominated modes (note that (U)2 is highly-corrupted, nonlinearly-transformed, and biased from the noise-free term (U)2, making this agreement in spectrum nontrivial).

Appendix B. Simulation Methods

We now review the numerical methods used to simulate noise-free datasets for each of the PDEs in Table 2 (note that dimensions of the datasets are given in Table 3). Resolutions in space and time were chosen to limit computational overhead while exemplifying the dominant features of the solution. With the exception of the Navier-Stokes equations, which was simulated using the immersed boundary projection method in C + + [44], all computations were performed in MATLAB 2019b. An interesting extension for future work would be to examine the dependence of WSINDy on the resolution, similar to the work in [30].

B.1. Inviscid Burgers.

tu=12x(u2) (B.1)

We take for exact data the shock-forming solution

u(x,t)={A,tmax{1Ax+1α,2Ax+1α}αx1αt,A(t1α)<x00, otherwise . (B.2)

which becomes discontinuous at t = α−1 with a shock travelling along x=A2(t1α) (see Figure 3). We choose α = 0.5 and an extreme value of A = 1000 to demonstrate that WSINDy still has excellent performance for large amplitude data. The noise-free data consists of (B.2) evaluated at the points (xi, tj) = (−4000 + iΔx, jΔt) with Δx = 31.25 and Δt = 0.0157 for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 256.

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Visualization of the changepoint algorithm for KS data with 50% noise. Left: Hx (defined in (A.1)) and best two-piece approximation Lkx* along with resulting changepoint kx*=24. The noise-dominated region of Hx (k > 24) is approximately linear as expected from the i.i.d. noise. (The time-averaged power spectrum |Fx(U)|¯ is overlaid and magnified for scale). Right: resulting test function ϕx and power spectrum |F(ϕx)| along with reference Gaussian ρσ with σ=mxΔx/2px+3. The power spectra |F(ϕx)| and |F(ρσ)| are in agreement over the signal-dominated modes (k ≤ 24). (Note that the power spectrum is symmetric about zero.)

B.2. Korteweg-de Vries.

tu=12x(u2)xxxu (B.3)

A solution is obtained for (x, t) ∈ [−π, π] × [0, 0.006] with periodic boundary conditions using ETDRK4 timestepping and Fourier-spectral differentiation [17] with N1 = 400 points in space and N2 = 2400 points in time. We subsample 25% of the timepoints for system identification and keep all of the spatial points for a final resolution of Δx = 0.0157, Δt = 10−5. For initial conditions we use the two-soliton solution


B.3. Kuramoto-Sivashinsky.

tu=12x(u2)xxuxxxxu. (B.4)

A solution is obtained for (x, t) ∈ [0, 32π] × [0, 150] with periodic boundary conditions using ETDRK4 timestepping and Fourier-spectral differentiation [17] with N1 = 256 points in space and N2 = 1500 points in time. For system identification we subsample 20% of the time points for a final resolution of Δx = 0.393 and Δt = 0.5. For initial conditions we use


Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Illustration of the test function learning algorithm using computation of xψ*(U2) along a slice in x at fixed time t = 99 for the same dataset used in Figure 8. From top to bottom: (i) clean U and noisy U variables, (ii) power spectra of the clean vs. noisy data along with the learned corner point kx*, (iii) power spectra of the element-wise products F(xψ)F((U)2) and F(xψ)F((U)2) (recall that these computations are embedded in the FFT-based convolution (3.12)).

B.4. Nonlinear Schrödinger.

wt=i2xxw+|w|2w (B.5)

Figure 10.

Figure 10.

Noise-free data used for the anisotropic porous medium equation (B.7) at the initial time t = 0.5 (left) and final time t = 2.5 (right).

For the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) we reuse the same dataset from [39], containing N1 = 512 points in space and N2 = 502 timepoints, although we subsample 50% of the spatial points and 50% of the time points for a final resolution of Δx = 0.039, Δt = 0.0125. For system identification, we break the data into real and imaginary parts (w = u + iv) and recover the system

{tu=12xxv+u2v+v3tv=12xxuuv2u3. (B.6)

B.5. Anisotropic Porous Medium.

tu=(0.3)xx(u2)(0.8)xy(u2)+yy(u2). (B.7)

The equation can be rewritten


for diffusivity tensor


For noise-free data we use the analytical weak solution


where x = (x, y)T and C=(8πdet(D))1/2 is chosen to enforce that 2u(x,t)dx=1 for all time. The solution has a finite jump in the gradient ∇u. For reference, this is the anisotropic version of the classical Barenblatt-Pattle solution to the (isotropic) porous medium equation [3, 32]. For the computation grid we use 200 points equally spaced from −5 to 5 in both x and y and 128 timepoints equally spaced from 0.5 to 2.5. The resolution is then Δx = 0.05 and Δt = 0.0157.

B.6. Sine-Gordon.

ttu=xxu+yyusin(u) (B.8)

A numerical solution is obtained using a pseudospectral method on the spatial domain [−π, π] × [−1, 1] with 64 equally-spaced points in x and 64 Legendre nodes in y. Periodic boundary conditions are enforced in x and homogeneous Dirichlet boundaries in y. Geometrically, waves can be thought of as propagating on a right cylindrical sheet with clamped ends. Leapfrog time-stepping is used to generate the solution until T = 5 with Δt = 6e−5. We then subsample 0.25% of the timepoints and interpolate onto a uniform grid in space with N1 = 403 points in x and N2 = 129 points in y. The final resolution is Δx = 0.0156, Δt = 0.025. We arbitrarily use Gaussian data for the initial wave disturbance:


It is worth noting that when STLS is used instead of MSTLS (see Section 4.2) for sparsity enforcement, WSINDy returns a combination of sin(u) and terms from Taylor expansion of sin(u),

α(u16u3+)+(1α)sin(u). (B.9)

MSTLS removes this problem. Furthermore, the test function selection method in Appendix A is essential for allowing robust recovery of the Sine-Gordon equation as σ → 1 (see Figure 4).

B.7. Reaction-Diffusion.

{tu=110xxu+110yyuuv2u3+v3+u2v+utv=110xxv+110yyv+vuv2u3v3u2v (B.10)

The system (B.10) is simulated over a doubly-periodic domain (x, y) ∈ [−10, 10]×[−10, 10] with t ∈ [0, 10] using Fourier-spectral differentiation in space and method-of-lines time integration via MATLAB’s ode45 with default tolerance. The computational domain has dimensions N1 = N2 = 256 and N3 = 201, for a final resolution of Δx = 0.078, Δt = 0.0498. For initial conditions we use the spiral data


where θ(z) is the principle angle of z. Note that this is an unstable spiral which breaks apart over time but still settles into a limit cycle.

Using the traditional (stable) spiral wave data [39] (differing only from the dataset used here in that the term πx2+y2 in the initial conditions above is replaced by x2+y2) we noticed an interesting behavior in that for high noise the resulting model is purely oscillatory. In other words, the stable spiral limit cycle happens to be well-approximated by the pure-oscillatory model

tu=α(0110)u (B.11)

with α ≈ 0.91496. A comparison between this purely oscillatory reduced model and the full model simulated from the same initial conditions is shown in Figure 11. For σNR ≤ 0.1 WSINDy applied to the stable spiral dataset returns the full model, while for σNR > 0.1 the oscillatory reduced model is more frequently detected. This suggests that although the stable spiral wave is a hallmark of the λ-ω reaction-diffusion system, from the perspective of data-driven model selection it is not an ideal candidate for identification of the full model.

Figure 11.

Figure 11.

Comparison between the full reaction-diffusion model (B.10) (left) and the pure-oscillatory reduced model (B.11) (right) at the final time T = 10 with both models simulated from the same initial conditions leading to a spiral wave (only the v component is shown, results for u are similar). The reduced model provides a good approximation away from the boundaries.

B.8. Navier-Stokes.

tω=x(ωu)y(ωu)+1100xxω+1100yyω (B.12)

A solution is obtained on a spatial grid (x, y) ⊂ [−1, 8] × [−2, 2] with a “cylinder” of diameter 1 located at (0, 0). The immersed boundary projection method [44] with 3rd-order Runge-Kutta timestepping is used to simulate the flow at spatial and temporal resolutions Δx = Δt = 0.02 for 2000 timesteps following the onset of the vortex shedding limit cycle. The dataset (U, V, W) contains the velocity components as well as the vorticity for points away from the cylinder and boundaries in the rectangle (x, y) ∈ [1, 7.5] × [−1.5, 1.5]. We subsample 10% of the data in time for a final resolution of Δx = 0.02 and Δt = 0.2.


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There have been efforts to address the interpretability of neural networks, see e.g. [29, 47, 38].


The underlying true solution need only have bounded variation and the only derivatives approximated are weak derivatives.


Here ϵ is used to denote a multi-dimensional array of i.i.d. random variables and has the same dimensions as U.


Commonly Dα0 is a time derivative t or tt, although this is not required.


We will avoid using subscript notation such as ux to denote partial derivatives, instead using Dαu or xu. For functions f(x) of one variable, f(n)(x) denotes the nth derivative of f.


For example, with Dαs=2+1x2y, integration by parts occurs twice with respect to the x-coordinate and once with respect to y, so that |αs|=3 and (1)|αs|=1.


The technique of exploiting separability in high-dimensional integration is not new (see [33] for an early introduction) and is frequently utilized in scientific computing (see [4, 14] for examples in computational chemistry).


For the examples in Section 5 the walltimes are reported for serial computation of (G, b).


This is in contrast to explicit data-denoising, where a filter is applied to the dataset prior to system identification and may fundamentally alter the underlying clean data. The implicit filtering of the convolutional weak form is made explicit by the FFT-based implementation (3.12).


S can also be seen as a scaled subset of the Bernstein polynomials, which, among other considerations, are used in the construction of B-Splines [12].


Test function asymmetry may provide an advantage in some cases, for instance along the time axis, however we do not investigate this here.


WSINDy appears not to be particularly sensitive to τ, similar results were obtained for τ = 10−6, 10−10, 10−16.


Other methods of minimizing L can be used, however minimizers are not unique (there exists a set of minimizers - see Figure 5). Our approach is efficient and returns the minimizer λ^ which has the useful characterization of defining the thresholds λ that result in overfitting.


Tikhonov regularization involves solving w^=argminwGwb22+γ2w22


A common remedy for this is to scale G to have columns of unit 2-norm, however this has no connection with the underlying physics.


Note that thresholding in equation (4.6) occurs on w^ and the terms bGi in the bounds (4.5) become b˜μiG˜i.


Here ‖U2′ is the 2-norm of U stretched into a column vector (and similarly for ‖·‖1′).


Note that the projection operation in (3.12) restricts the admissable set of query points to those for which ψ(xκx, tκt) is compactly supported within Ω × [0, T], which is necessary for integration by parts to be valid.


Details on the numerical methods and boundary conditions used to simulate each PDE can be found in Appendix B.


We find that 200 runs sufficiently reduces variance in the results.


2X Intel Xeon 5218 at 2.3 GHz with 22 MB cache, 16 cores per cpu, and 384 GB ram.


For Burgers, KdV, and KS we set τ^=3 (defined in Appendix A.2) while for NLS, PM, SG, RD, and NS we used τ^=1. For KS and NLS we chose (mx, mt) values nearby that had better performance.


In the examples shown here we observed an average of 5 thresholding iterations and a maximum of 14 in any given inner MSTLS(G, b; λ) loop (i.e. for each λλ as in equation (4.6)), hence in practice the full MSTLS(G, b; L, λ) algorithm requires far fewer iterations than the theoretical maximum of #{λ}SJ.


We have not included experiments involving multiple-soliton solutions to Sine-Gordon, however the success of WSINDy applied to KdV, nonlinear Schrödinger and Sine-Gordon suggests that the class of integrable systems could be a fruitful avenue for future research.


We note that discovery of the same reaction-diffusion system from a much smaller library of terms is shown in [39, 37], but with different initial conditions that result in a spiral wave limit cycle. Our choice of initial conditions is motivated below in Appendix B.


By definition (4.7), λ^ is the minimum value in λ that minimizes the loss L (4.7), hence values in λ below λ^ are precisely the thresholds that result in misidentification of the correct model by overfitting, while thresholds above min{j:wj0}|wj| necessarily underfit the model.


This is discussed further in Appendix B.7.


For example, Sine-Gordon and Navier-Stokes are both integrated in time using second-order methods, hence have lower accuracy than the other examples (see Appendix B for more details).


Results shown for σNR = 0.01 reproduced from [39] (note that PDE-FIND is unreliable at higher noise levels).


In other words, equal to the noise-free case in expectation (recall that U is the underlying noise-free data).


With the exception of j = 2 and odd |αs|, due to the fact that E[Ψs*ϵ2]E[ϵ2]ΩRDαsψdxdt=0.


This is found by projecting the left-hand side b onto the column x * U (i.e. in the noise-free case).


In the weighted least-squares sense with weights ωk=|Hkx|1.


This also shows that with σ=a/2p+3, if we take a=2p then we get pointwise convergence ϕa,pρ1 as p → ∞.


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