Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-85988-8, published online 25 March 2021
Victor Birlanga was omitted from the author list in the original version of this Article.
The Author Contributions section now reads:
“A.T, I.O.C, E.MC, O.S designed the experiments. K.N.D collected and maintained amoeba isolates and performed the protein extractions. K.N.D and O.S analysed and processed the raw mass spectrometry data. E.D provided statistical input on the mass spectrometry analysis. N.B provided the N. perurans protein database. V.B extracted N. perurans DNA, developed the OTU graph and aided in the results interpretation. K.N.D and O.S wrote the manuscript and critical revision was provided by A.T, I.O.C, E.MC, N.B and E.D.”
The original Article and the Supplementary Information file that accompanies the article have been corrected.