FIG 5.
Natural log values of ASV reads from the RYGB donor (pink dashed line) and SHAM donor (green dashed line) and the RYGBr (orange) and SHAMr (dark blue) at D-1 (preantibiotics), D0 (postantibiotics), and D1, D3, D6, D9, and D16 postmicrobial transplantation. These 20 ASVs were found to be significantly different between RYGBr and SHAMr at one or more time points postmicrobial transplantation based on ANCOM analysis. The data are presented as ln medians ± standard errors of the means (SEM) (error bars). An asterisk represents a significant difference between RYGBr and SHAMr at that time point based on ANCOM analysis. The detailed taxonomy and sequences of these ASVs are summarized in Table S3.