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. 2021 Oct 14;53(6):263–273. doi: 10.1007/s10353-021-00742-8

Ten lessons for positive spacetime

Martin Riegler 1,
PMCID: PMC8587736  PMID: 34786022

Dear reader,

as no man is an island, what may it all be about (?), since ancient antiquity we mirror the heavens on earth and the earth into the heavens; so welcome to this issue of European Surgery which collects a fruitful spectrum of papers related to different aspects of surgery. Gratitude is to be expressed for the patients whose stories and data have been allowed to be the source for the analysis underlying the contributions. The authors are to be congratulated for their well-structured work and thanked for their passion to find the time to put together the data and the articles. In addition, gratitude is to be expressed to the families and friends of the authors who supported their scientific activities. The papers are of clinical relevance. As such the work contributes to a better understanding of disease which in turn hopefully contributes to improve multi- and interdisciplinary disease management. Thus the papers go in line with the aims and scopes and the notion of European Surgery to reveal the very dance behind the shine.

ACO ASSO meeting 2021

The annual congress of the Austrian Society of Surgical Oncology (ACO ASSO) was held as virtual meeting, October 8th, 2021. The team around the organisers Prof. Dr. Alexander Perathoner (Innsbruck) and Doz. Dr. Charlotte Rabl (Salzburg) is to be congratulated for the well-structured and orchestrated meeting entitled “Interdisciplinary treatment of GIST and NET”. Beautiful straight forward high quality presentations motivated a novel and better understanding of the modern management of gastro-intestinal stroma tumours (GIST) and neuroendocrine tumours (NET). The major messages were: together we are strong, let us overcome barriers and let us get together for the benefit of the patients. Going in line with our recent editorials, the meeting reconfirmed the value of an embryology based approach to optimise diagnosis, therapy and outcome of patients with GIST and NET. Each speciality is full of exciting methods, brilliant technologies and twisted strategies. Inclusion of the full spectrum of possibilities improves the outcome of disease management. Going line with the observations obtained by the recent annual congress of the Austrian Surgical Society 2021 in Salzburg (Prof. Dr. Klaus Emmanuel, President; Prof. Dr. Albert Tuchmann, General Secretary), the ACO ASSO meeting clearly points out the advantages of the virtual approach. May that be a motivation for the future and foster this form of digital teaching and education. Taken together, the meeting will be remembered as a great success. Thanks to the organisers, the speakers, the industry (no show without money), the ACO ASSO office and the technicians. Enjoy the radical positive response of your success. Last but not least, European Surgery awaits the submission and publication of your novel data. Welcome the future now.

How data show up to us

Conceptually there is no surgery without perception. The recent editorials published in European Surgery aimed to examine how perception works. How images translate into treatable signs. We came to the conclusion that the momental tune of the atmospheric power decides on (a) what and (b) when and (c) how we select from the continuous flow of uninterrupted spacetime quantum field energy. Emotion over knowledge over awareness. Mood selects the choice. Love over data. Shiva dances the Higgs. Learn and remember what you love. Keep in mind what you like. Fight what you hate. Emotion counts. As a consequence arises what we memorise and sense as reality, knowledge, being and truth. We all are continuously floating within the pluripotent cocktail of our emotions. Lesson one: do not jump into the water, when you can’t swim.

The Editorial Project of European Surgery

Here we wish to continue to follow the trace of our research. The author is aware of the fact, that the unique approach of the editorials published in European Surgery is different when compared to the editorials published in other Journals. However, the empathic desire to examine the essence of all perceptions published in all Journals coined the idea to search for the ground of any matter of reasoning. As such the editorials aim to translate the continuum out of which we awake our memories, perceptions, phantasies and understandings, and how the conduct of awareness can be modelled into our imagination. Please excuse the length of the editorial. But the story is longer than words may be able to tell. As thus the author invites you to join the fascinating journey towards the floating fields and horizons of tune, temper and atmosphere.

Of course you should not read it all at once. Take your time. Inhale it step by step, page by page, para by para, Soma by Chandra, word by word. This is not a formula—1 race, not a CA 19‑9 combat of tumour board (fairy glitter of eminence). You are not reading and going through it to win, you simply wish to relax and get motivated to have good tempered ideas. Come enter all (CEA).

In case you are presently not in the mood to share the ideas feel free to stop reading, quit the editorial and enjoy the papers in this issue of European Surgery. Maybe you wish to return to the editorial later. Why you may do that? Simply because it is all about you. If you are aware of it or not, you are a part of the myth of mind. And here we question how the myth of mind evolves, shines and finds us. Finds you!!! Here we go.

Finally there is an other reason for this project of European Surgery. The author loved to share his thoughts with his family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. However, due to the professional life—induced global lack of time for such a conversation, the author aims to use the form of the editorial to communicate with his sisters and brothers in spirit and mind. May this also find the understanding of the readers of European Surgery. Feel free to reply. The author would love to respond to your arguments and motivations. Out of reach are those without hope, love and desire.

A hard day’s end

Phantasy raises possibilities. Imagination counts. You had a very busy day. There have been hard cases to be treated. Surgery may be very demanding and exhausting. Resects your soul. Facts your mind. Dates your data. Sutures your heart. Limits your liberty. This day definitely has been a hard day. There have been tuff cases and you had to solve them and at the end you feel that you have been very successful; and happy you step out of the main entrance of the hospital at the end of the day.

Walk of shame

Before returning to your family you sense. Remembrance counts cases. Neckless thyroid tumour, M stage enveloped abdomen, shark bearing hepatoma, N stage cradle of disaster, list of GIST, needle filling duct injury, T stage opportunities have been left open, natural emotions, NET ladies, nurse needs numbers, e‑card medicine, bile runs out, boss disliked my decision, fuck off gent, short minded, send him to hell, request for account statement, no one does it for free, digestives empty into the cavity, enlightenment shoulders your ideas for repair, space leaving gastric cancer, running purse string sutures against dehiscence of your anastomosis, will it hold and stand the pulse of time (?), work and fix the problem (?), carina killing thymus tree, half way boundaries to the breast cancer lymph node triangle, cold dryas glacial period: climate got definitely colder at the institution, surgery on the rocks, sentinel science behaviour, colleague has been forbidden to publish in a particular book, global economic background suggested, conqueror: grasping at duppy straws, dummy straw men and women, suckling rats, solar system behaviour, fear to sink, perish and drown, atmospheric diagnosis teaches: general trend of time: selection of the weak for leading positions, cowards and hypocrites over solid handshake, it seems: others will not do the job, nowadays: wet-fish handshake everywhere, Gilgamesh: Ioannes the fish man: easy and greasy: know how transfer by slippery personalities, values disappeared, have been R0 resected it seems, oncology knocked out by chemo radiation, prospectively randomised self-extinction, cross sectional total abdominal removal of the pancreatic catastrophe, ducts for lucks, TMN deja vu from Paris to Vienna, from London to Belgrade, from Munich to Rome, from earth to the moon and the sun and the stars, passes for no and many money Spasses, spleen swallowed by colon, sigma ran out of kidneys, Donald Duct mail box transplantation, groin grinder experience, net for fat, eggs for empathy, taken for granted: tube folding phantasies, find the aorta, phrenic acoustic excavations, lost in the liver, instead of the gall bladder they removed the ovary, caustic purgatory perforations fixed, gastric hell water intubation, the lungs have to take it all, the guts, too; acid axes the midline incision, straddle the tofu of pancreatic secretions in the lungs, as singles they come, paired they go, stew and necrosis, milky way lymph nodes conquer the mammals of the peritoneum and so forth. Lesson number two: you are living in the past, what you see already happened (i.e. equals history), sunlight takes approximately 8 min and 20 s to cross space-time to reach the tip of your nose (i.e. mean time required to smoke a cigarette).

A little something within a cup of coffee

Autumn springs summer set winter. Good Morgan Walt Whitman. Autumn is the beautiful romantic widow of the year. Leaves fell and delivered deeply touched wandering shadows to the water rich gardens of the soil. Rich in colours, wide in reach, passes the fog a kiss to the earth as it turns and tilts and wobbles around to the north where it is going to meet with the snakes and the frogs and the bears and the poles of the star. Transition counts the delivery.

When it’s getting cold and darker
even surgeons wear a parka,
and the hogans full of fair,
love to get it as a pair.

Louis le vitte has understood,
many colours are as good,
people want to switch the stitch.
glitters’ glamour makes you rich.

And there is an other major thing,
autumn fashions our spring,
other cancers may appear,
even fish the bull is here.

Our postoperative busy surgeon walks where the deeds have no name. Basic instinct recommends. Slow down your walking speed, reduce movement and stop in front of a glass door, open the door, enter, find place within the quiet shadow of a silent table in the multicultural coffee house and wait to be fed by the reflux of your thoughtful ideas. Emotions wind around your brain and your head feels time to come down and chill out.

Atmosphere fills your space-time after this hard and busy day at your hospital. Half closed eyes mingle the relaxing marriage of espresso, creme and imagination. Mixed comes the tune of your parallel universe. Does metastasis coin a value for the primary tumour? Would that value be of biological, genetical, behavioural, metabolic importance? Surgery shows that such a cause may at least be suggested. Relevant seems:

The very tissue within counts,
the bubbles ’round the bulging bounds,
the forceps takes a part of all
essence overtypes the fall.

Gullet giggling go go see
at the outlet trumpets be
at the end feel what you earn,
is the gastric tune return.

And as such we understand,
people from the proper land,
cough and wheeze it burb the bloat
through the faces like a goat.

Here to see we come to look,
what the fluids blame and took,
lack of presence turns the hill,
following the fluids’ will.

As a matter rolls the sky
learns to rattle and to fly,
tunes the mood from bad to good,
it is all about the food.

In front of your inner eye arises the image of your existence and rolls out your being as it follows the tune of mood and temper of your momental atmosphere. Concentrate and spacetime yourself. We are meditations. Of whom? Here we go.

Case report: nobody around

Full of beautiful shine and pride driven highly expressive self-esteem the well-dressed hyper-important well known less open minded and more or less autistic but highly acoustic inferior voice malo canto endoscopist with major national and international reputation in the field (forever!) follows the endoscopic image of the tube for the transport of the food and reads his score and thereof comes to the conclusion that wherein a single unknown unheard silent man may find an essence to the understanding of a disease underlying the condition that he sees and examines, he the self steamer simply assesses nothing at all. No detection. As usual. A seeing without meaning has no being. Les choses let them be. Miss what you kiss. Missiles’ mission understood.

As such the stomach takes it all and the cause is missed and not included into the spectrum of possibilities for diagnosis and therapy. West coast may shout out loud that this resembles a disaster, East coast may argue that this reflects routine academical normalcy. North and South coast repeat the coda from Jamaica: talk a spliff and let them go. Required tubal biopsies are usually not taken in order to prevent that valuable data are obtained. If they would have been taken, who would be able to read the score? Choices are! Possibilities exist! Giovanni Di Medico? Bunny GUT Burb? CLE Hammer? PPI Miller? Pro Biotic Beauty? Double You bush valve Hill? Lift your ass? Hi tell hernia closure? Tell you what? Tell el Amarna (Egypt; is there an other gypt?): has been subsequently forbidden and thus been allowed to be copied and pasted and now models the world. Nerve racking. Plagiarism pills pits. Symptomatology: whom the pill fits shall swallow it. An other one bites the nerve. Drink your tick tangled digestive track overdrive tea and let the good times fart.

What the burger king donut head professor and god—like endoscopist says has to be taken for granted as if feathered herself had spoken into his nose and delivered herself to him. Questions are possible but not allowed. The situation has changed. You are not allowed to ask, you are only allowed to follow the rules. Freeze your fracture. Who made the rules and decided that they are valid? PUB MED? Google? Any heart? Any brain? Any good will? Any shorty? Any lipoma? Future already happens today.

Taken together we are and present as what we appear and shine (p < 0.001). Believe it or not, elegance rules the play, as plagiarism drives the medical market due to home based ivory ignorance. Phantasy fuels your awareness. Due to the genius of Mr. Michelangelo, David made it to shake off the marble marmalade and to come into our existence. Domes echo the acoustics. Dome office, too. Strike the hammer and stop to rename the invisible. Calculate the bones of your forefathers and mothers and kids and children and reasons and justifications. Do not forget your statistics (p < 0.001). Lesson number three: we should not forget to listen to the music.


Within the pleasant frame of your shame, within the present cream of your colleagues in the hospital, at University, at you academy of solid cases and sciences, proud stories of ignorance, is there any bad character around you, now? At this very moment? Would you openly say, admit and attest that there exists the possibility that there may be an asshole around you? Would you be able to sense any despotic qualities around? Nowhere, no way! Only lunatics and idiots may get the impression that we turtle into problems.

Everything is all right. Everything is beautiful. Beaches are clean, waters are clear, fishes are caught, whales but not wales almost extinguished, Viking the Venus, mind sets are open, feel free to enter now. Get served scrambled scrotum green peace movement. Blue green yellow orange red. Stages of bile occlusion, respiratory failure and heart attack. Angry eggs. Grind bells. Gar nix con®. Baroque the gullet: Chief fair rail®. Enjoy your stay. Resist yourself. It has always been alright. As such provokes history. Remote control. Where and how to go. Gland producing secretions (GPS). Crawling ego overhead (CEO). Power hates diamonds (PhD). Urban burbs bourbon as toilet paper arches the triumph today from a.m. to p.m. as pair is the goal. Race for antiquity. Stolen obelisk. Removed and taken away. From one river to the shores of the other river. Ends up (EU). Under paper secrets (UPS). Unconnected serves best (USB).

Crossing the eruptions. Volcanos underneath. Wild fire navigation. Green land for bean land. Killing the amazon. Feed the tentacles of our remote metabolism. Rise of concentrated sugar for the benefit of loss of world lung tissue and global climate changes. Taste the source of the winds. Warming the rocks. Natural? Physiologic? Or is it man-made? Made in China? USA? Russia? Australia? The Americas? Europe? Africa? Smell the light behind the curtain. May there be an enemy behind? In your institution? No way, all phantasmic illusions of those hit by a tiny stroke. TIA the tea. All is good and all is fine, has to be so, because it has been told so. Stop to ask and simply believe.

In contrast to that we allow a different tune. This is why European Surgery aims to be critical and tries to question any group think. Going in line with Sir Karl Popper: veri- and falsification is warranted, from New Zealand to A‑1130 Vienna, Anton Langer Gasse 46, a long way of major importance and profound relevance for our conduct of reasoning. As such European Surgery is proud to go in line with the legacy of this great thinker. May this also find the acceptance and understanding of the readers. Let us home, foster and nurse the inevitable.

Animals suckle the trace as comets and planets and suns follow, breath and wave the Shiva-like dance of spacetime orientation. Nerve the curve. Vessel the bladder. Valve the helmet. Do not urine the ruins. Greek temple type pressure plot traces of Achalasia. Three POEMS not only for poets and poetry: 12, 3 and 6 o’clock. Going in line with the meaningful surface of the brain we go through ups and downs and tips and valleys and peaks and underworld emotions and tuned tempers of atmosphere. Where would you love to live? Underneath, beyond and below or abroad? Shortcomings include body height, BMI, gesture, lay out, scaffold design, mental power and (emotional) education. Thus European Surgery aims to serve as a platform for teaching and education in surgery and beyond. Why beyond? No appearance without scaffolds and connections. No visible without the invisible. Therefore: allow open minded reasoning. Think big. You can’t beat the feeling. Oak the bottle and suckle the joy.

A quiet healthy looking handsome mid aged general physician (GP) reads the records of a medical tissue sample histopathology report and aims to spell the description of a condition that has been given to the biopsies obtained by the above endoscopist. The condition has been given a name, and this name implicates something less confident for the patient and for the physician. And the doctor now tries to translate and find out the relevance of this denomination for himself and for the patient he has to take care of. As such he tries to spell the name letter after letter to get better. Lesson number four: describe what you see before you go to name it. Post office experience.

Letters from the esophagus

To whom it may concern.

Dear bolus,

welcome to my acquired possession, which reads in the following way: B prior the A and double the R and single the E and double the T so you will name what doctors love to talk about just simply due to the fact that it counts because it happens in man. And in women, too. And in children. We are all children of the world, aren’t we? Give thief a chance. No more plagiarism. Yes, says the pathologist, Barrett’s entirely exists and affects the gullet as you dutch it and the esophagus as you giggle greek it and speaks out in the dutch-greek—Australian combination of Barrett’s esophagus and we care about it, because it happens in you. Vivat Norman the Viking!

What thereafter happens does not occur in a museum and is the following: a well mounted beautiful hand made globe adequately and correctly maps the earthly continental world, oceans and sees what aside and within the ride of the human pride emotions reveal:

Dear bolus,

bilio bill the billy papyrus digestive papilla delivered extra mural micro monster molecules arranged, archived and tangled their cross linked wills and wobbled and bathed within an acid circumcision scrotum green momental fluid solution which has been capable to leave its fame zodiac bullets of famous foam and go off shore of origin and to reflux and return into the white wide supra nova ancestor rich ranges of the remote squamous lined galaxy serrated horizons of tongue like memory housing the bulls and the sheep and the wines and the beers and the cakes and the steaks and the sky pushing feathers of the pagoda forefathers of the gullet eh so nice tube to cause and induce in return the development of a new well designed tonga tonga market for the dancing penny lane administration of pretty pill interests (PPI), glittering petrol (GP), and regular repeated endoscopic interventions hard ware diagnostics and wheezing tailored therapeutics such as riddle for all (RFA), emotion minds return (EMR), genetics in advance (GIA), entry freeze cry o the eskimo (COTE), snare via nostrils (SVN), tissue vertigo (TV), heartburn cell cycle harakiri (HCCH), cubes eradicate antennas (CEA), ink a much o pit show, and the bloated fool on the Hill forming holes may then be gradually valved (I–IV) and fixed by elegant movements of skilled surgeon—hands without nails to follow the beautiful path of correct oligo phrenetic fine needle fold phrenic punctured vagus nerve kissings and well-tuned recurrent string cord collections in BACH and DACH and E minor minus the use of FDA pick ups on your elegant bright shining forceps six ring guitar and you do not have to play the big bloody blues by avoiding the laparoscopic lollypop screen to transmit what you hate: those ugly lesions and red collard coloured spleen riding lessons (break fast at Tiffany) around the left upper belly and so join the band to have fun at your do (high a tall closure) with a magnetic banner of lynx like rings around the outlet or Fundo the wrap knee san round sounding two pay the gap before cancers explode and tip top cape code the blob as maintenance is mentioned to twinkle out there to fix the occult occlusion of the conclusion as the lack of listen and turn equals to learn in order to earn the use of cubes within tubes and over cubed tubing loops tangle the tilt of the bubbling junctional jaws and there silently sits and resides and laughs and waits with passion the soul of the easy to use circular stapled inventor of a bipolar tooth line directed awesome great shopping mall that we are really happy and fond of to recall and are thankful and touched,—the podium is your’s—, all the way from the appearance of Sir Charles Stent (SCS).

Lesson number five: pluripotent pills increase pure potentials in pharmacological pits invisible. PPI. Fun do.

Letters from the esophagus (continued)

Dear bolus,

you are transient, we should not forget to see what it is and not as what it shines and appears. Appearances do not explain what you wish to see. Resemblances remember the original. But what is the original? Where does it belong to? Where do we find it? Whom do we have to ask? Albert, Alois, Carol, Tom, Tony, Phil, Harry, Heinz, Luigi, John, Sebastian, Johannes, Claudia, Lena, Laura, Zoe, Senta, Anna, Edith, Reza, Enrico, Edith, Elmo, Edda, Erika, Ewald, Peter, Matthias, Michael, Tina, Cherine, Para or you, dear reader? Dear reader, would you know? So please let us know and send your answer to the Editorial office of European Surgery. Great chance for getting published a letter. Please accept the invitation for the motivation. Whom do we trust? Whom do we mirror? How does the original look like? Please tell us, now. Here we go.

Meticulous and patient individual work up although and therefore reveals: under pressure manometry does not catch a swallow at all. Keep calm to be effective and take a draw integral inhale and then you may exhale and insert the neutral probe via the bipolar ante-pubic nostrils. Let us not go for a penalty. Others spanned the net. Judgements may fail. Count the knots between the dots. Select the one which helps you to soccer the goal. Then, as you have reached the outlet of the tube, mind the curves, folds and gaps and violet rains of impedance and mandatory monitor mental minds. Frequently fake makes your reality shine as if it was a truth for you. Alphabetic order grades the intensity of inflammation of various organs, tissues and ball bladdered balloons in the ballroom. C flat counts more than A minor. Intercept health and reality. Whom do we trust?

Going in line with Ernst Molden,—the twisted and open minded thinker, singer, songwriter and performer and author and composer and mentor and conductor of essence-based reasoning—, we are allowed to state: well taken my friend, friends will not show up in your mirror today. Maybe they will show up in the next song. Who knows? Do a great job. Gullet the gallons. Let’s go to the hut.


your transporter of the food (esophagus).

Battle of bile (excerpt)

Instant believe aims to swallow the ancestors. Read them out before they return. Calculate fuse billing the means and the standard deviations of thought. Catch the cucumber. Archive the apple. Order the orange. Coffee your Caesar. The beans have been fallen out of their rubicon. Anchor the banker’s bedside to the bill. Bubble the bird. Hit the horse. Dig-dance the dog. Sausage the suture of your nature. Sack the furniture of your skin. Bile billy for ducts. Maine duct. Boston for glandular expression. Harvard for mental origin. Rivers are the best locations for education and foundations of cities. Teach, listen and learn, then earn. Row and flow. Island records ran out of turn tables. So whom do we play? Missa verde, the bile stone runner shake down party? ERCP for trunks of chunk? Piano swallows the guitar. Drums eat up the organ. Hallo darkness my old friend, sings the excited laparoscopic surgeon. This is why European surgery deals with minimally invasive surgery. Taken together, we should remember our school lessons. Delivering light into the dark.

History never lacks handsome hoax of cell paper hell. We know it from high school. Reading The Battle of Bile by Cleo Patricus we are allowed to read: Digestiva omnia divisa est in partes tres: gastro, enter et logico. Ceterum censeo helico bacterem panic honey ball car to go esse delendam. Morituri te se sputant. And the creator found that it was gut.

As Caesar knew all pretty gallstones from Porto Gallo to Galatas, from Swiss made watch to the belly bloom bubbles of Vercingetorix, he understood: mes amis de la colony you have to fire to hire. Il y a beaucoup de travail. Sans Provence I am Cero-nix nothing Ulysses. Homage to James. Avec it, limes-less, I am to become a CD Rome! Traces of sunshine conduits in his face. Requires a dermatologist. Has to cough, needs to see a laryngologist. Legions of larynx and pharynx and sputum and septa and drum beaten silly coin inter-thy-septing tracheal septuagintas marching and crossing the files and the flies of paramount blond nose holes enter the ENT-tailored throat of the flute. As such tunes the theme of the waltz. Feel thyself, move thyself, be thyself, as you are now (to be repeated).

Lesson number six: as all is one, entangled we are as cosmic dust with nature at all. Call it earth, powder or stream, it has to fall, across the beam. Spacetime slavery power mood. Temper your choice. Cradle your roots.

Migration of heroic ideas

Once upon a time the human condition came to know. To gar auto noein estin te kai einai. Parmenides Lethe Aletheia Heraclitus William Amlohdi Hamlet Shakespeare (WAHS). Harmonin aphanes phaneres kreiton. Conditio sine qua non. To be or not. To be (!) is the question of the day and the night and the afterworld kingdom come (AKC).

Concerning the human condition evolves the valuable glittering diamond: stupidity rules the world, as will to power provides order and design. Most people are the mercenaries of global slavery. Most physicians are the mercenaries of the pharmacological industry (oncology, surgery etc.), the food and beverages industry (paediatric & internal medicine, nutrition), the textile industry (dermatology, orthopaedics), the entertainment industry (all!), the car industry (all!), the internet industry (all!) and so forth. Expensive hand made outstanding shoes walk different and important and exclusive and unique and may belong to feet and legs above which a mutation tailored ordinary almighty cluster of cells of alternatively sealed shaved onions (ACO-ASSO) fosters the development of multilayered colonic, prostate, ovary, pancreatic, liver, kidney, gastric, and so forth cancer, what of course the owner of the beautiful shoes does not know at the moment walking powered with those pretty new shoes; post-translational it will be too late to know and the individual can not be aware of it in a different parcel human condition, tailored six feet at last and ready for shipment (i.e. case XY in group A of the prospective randomised study INRI 69). During cancer induced after world walking eggs and balls and ovaries and breasts then beautifully swing at an other level, too. Ready for take off. Remove any barriers of communication. Cell phones useless. No more copy paste. Print out. No more faeces sputum secretions. File closed or open? Became one (BO in UK). Definitely going back home as you will, using the hand made shoes, as you will. Maybe suitable for future archeological exhibitions published in the Journal of Unexpected Phenomena (JUP). Well tailored design of history. Orchestrated minds aware (OMA). Over power afterwards (OPA). A polite man shivering huddling at the road side asking “please give me a change” says: “Ram says weg one to three (I–III)!!” Professor do not forget to clean your desk. At the same spacetime an unimaginable number of people lack money, food, cloth, shelter and can not afford their lives and that of their children. Lesson number seven: entangled we are, let us share out and outbalance wealth and prosperity.

May it be that stupidity and will to power are the same? Two sides of the same coin? Black holes in the sky of our perception, memory and reasoning? May it be that easy?

As stupidity deviates the conductance of reasoning, black holes deviate the course of the light. May it be that our (present) mental space time curving simply equals stupidity? May it be that will to power and stupidity translate into the black holes of our momental atmospheric receptions (anger, self esteem, pride!)? Then we are ready to sing again and again: Shine on (!) you crazy diamond.

Some days time will tell and you may get the impression: stupid people everywhere. Wheeled around their bicycles in the street, ugly shoes around their feet, full of hate and full of greed, may it be the evil’s seed? Hasting and fasting they run and forget to have a fun. Explode in their sounding shine cars and bikes and bullet engines shout within. Making red ugly faces full of aggression and they look and turn at you, in the street, in the traffic and in all public and private institutions, as if they wished to cut you into pieces, as if they wished to eat you up. Swallow mood.

Sympathy: the world has definitely changed. Due to the fact that this observation is real and matters, European Surgery has to deal with these aspects of our academical life. Dear readers of those lines, try to be different, resist the group think. Turn away from your transient mistaken errors (internet-connected cell phones), try to change, see straight, and follow your positive light (the heart beats within). Lack greed, envy, hunger and hate, before it may be too late. Follow nature. Follow the nature of man, harmonise your expressions and outbalance your inner conflictive tensions. Structure your opposite interests. Strengthen your performance. Focus your particular awareness. Optimise your oppositional behaviour and ease your life and that of your colleagues around you. Use smile instead of shout, provide happiness instead of spitting hate of awful fully faecal angry birds. Lesson number eight: You can’t kiss with your teeth.

Out of their pre-socratic philosophical schools the ancient Greeks invented the academy. Thereafter the Romans gave the collections (logos!!) the imperial touch, order and structure. And as such it presents today. Flavian fools fill the flint flow of the theatre.

Heroic methods

Going in line with the Roman concept “divide and rule”, what has been originally thought and understood as one (apeiron, eon, einai), has subsequently been divided and teared apart into multiple so called disciplines: ethics, morals, physics, logics, mathematics, biology, geology, medicine, surgery, gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmology, pathology, histology, radiology, pharmacology, archeology, theology, technology and so forth. Those who have thought the essence have been originally named physiologoi (even by Aristotle). Thereafter they turned into self-esteem driven and pride ridden philosophers. Intoning hypocrites and liars they are. They extinct instead of rescue. No more sozein ta phainomena (Aristotle). They only rescue their savings at their bank account. They only rescue to justify their position at the academy. It all serves their pride. This is the reason why our present academy developed as it shines today, why it lacks essence-based reasoning and orientation and the author does not want to be named a philosopher. Within the upcoming issues of European Surgery we will clarify the origins of these linguistics mistakes and their consequences for our present conduct of reasoning and our modern surgery. Lesson number eight: as it is around, all comes over (ACO).

We have forgotten to sense the roots. We have forgotten that all is one. Confusion is not a miracle. It simply equals mistaken translation. This is the reason why academics became the mercenaries of the one and single concept that underlies all phenomena: academy became a mercenary of the will to power, stupidity and global slavery. As such academy copies the platform for heroes and power games.

Therefore surgery definitely loves and continuously produces heroes. Egon Schiele—tailored David Bowie sang the bang as it rang. Without revenge he became star dust the must. Self esteem is the cream for success. Evidence based egoism. Time ate the heroes as horizons swallowed the land and the sea and the ships and the cars and the nameless thoughts of return. Ancestor reflux matters and occurs. Harbour what you have. Bridge what you forgot. May this be the very root for myth telling?

Case report: random hero of time (rHOT)

And then,—as a random representative example of human qualities obtained out of millions of such appearances around the globe—, comes a mediocre appearing short-grown cowboy hero surgeon. Whenever placing himself in the centre of the forum and holding and giving a clear cut well dissected speech in front of the entangled academical medical arena (what he frequently does postoperatively) he loves to cite and reference Roman empiric empire imperator statements from Cato to Cicero, from Caesar to Augustus, from Hadrian to the pelvic, from Trajan to the civic (not from Karajan) in order to cut with words (res) and stitch with syllable (morals) and switch limits (ethics) within the cavity (bulla) of a sentence and rapidly turns opinions around into the opposite direction (science) in order to keep up with the suggested continuously changing mental behaviour and tune of the audience (public). As thus he repeats August in December, justifies October in June, lines alia jacket east, makes Brutus send me your legs, has Maine post tone, recalls Hard Ward University, takes queen back to phoenix, rangers to the stadium, city to will age, counterpoints to thunder, penny lane interests to the market, presents well taken questionnaire, feed fed tax us, you stun, San Antonio, hell see morals, rub in cone, wash ing tone, New York state, fashion mind, recommends lung cancer see tea, MRI, BBC, RNA, DNA, messenger DD double you, dub lets go, fuss app, my land, your land, all land, and so forth. His hands provide what they eat.

He thinks that such well-designed narcissistic key note lectures may foster echoes of Ovid which in turn increase the acceptance and dilute himself into imperial waves of impression if he does so and that this method favours a positive statistical stimulus for his career (p < 0.05). He would never have sensed the impression that his appearance and his actual behaviour disturbs and induces dislike and rejection by many but not by all. Even when he had been forced to make a turn. In contrast, nothing changed and he simply was invited to return. This example does not relate to a special particular person known to you or to the author. It simply describes a quality of human behaviour which happens on a daily basis. Everywhere. In all academies of the world. This is why it has to be taken into account, even by European Surgery. Taken together, the case demonstrates, that we have to patiently Ovid the Homeric egg of ancient wisdom. Future studies are required to further clarify the case. The universe is the vessel of a soul shaking thought, phantasy the mirror of forgotten desires, and you dear reader share the moment of your actual tune, temper of atmosphere. These are the basic qualities to be treated by surgery, too.

Music on your turn table

The system serves the platform, requirements and rules for power. Enjoy your momental linguistic turn table modulations that have never been staged by the famous Oscar Peterson Trio:

Long and winding load by a proctologist, ferry tales and faecal nodes from the St. Marx Hospital, Let it see by the loft almighty eye clinic, vascular habits by the diabetics of the Joslin family, Barnard and The Heartbreakers, General Mass in a hospital, clever licking clients circulate at brick ham’s and women’s, Rock a fellow mellow mood, Nass Duck, Get Mac by iSAACK Newtown, Hey Nude by Cava Cave Ronk Innen, La vie en Hose by Kleiderbauer, the Blue Danube River Blues by Johann Strauss, Duty fruity by the ion rich gut shaving Creme Doors, Excel by List, Rhapsody in Shoe by Franz Who Man Nick, Swan’s lake by Peter Ilic Proust, Shalom me by Oscar Wilde, Old back hold heart had a farm by the Old Traditions, because the fight belongs to lovers by Fatty’s Miss, Born in the UPC by Truth Springs Teen, Feel Pulse by Pulchra Internist, Bolus Transport & Global Logistics by Freddie Queen’s Mercury and John Di Elton, Highway to Hell by Ring of Fire, Money for Nothing by Tire Waits, Obol by Ovary, Wine by Vinegar, Single by Port, Uterus via Vagina, Child via Section, Brain by Granule, Beans by Coffee, Magic Flute by Mo’s Art, Hopping Wood by Jack the Wicker, Fed Up Head Up by Rob Barley and the Tailors, So Norman No Cry by the same group (Barrett’s included), Lee gull ice it by Meter Pippi Fax, Wan without Qualities by Robb Hurt Mu Seal, Sarah tooth dra by Richard Strauss, Wall Street Kyrie and Victory Piece by Richard Wagon-Maker, Let’s chance by David Bowie, Chart it up by the Rolling Bile Stones, One Night Stent by Palliation, Dark Side of the Brain by Pink Freud, Smoke on the Vater by Peep Turtle, cut into pieces by Brothers of Bipolar Coagulation (BBC), cure eh lie son mass by Leonard Bernstein.

Do it all with love in your eyes. Hawaiians came over. Vancouver vagabond will cattle for more. Washington state offers Word. Hard and soft ware delivered. Africa eats the waste and garbage of our modern world. Feed your cow ward. Papilla fat ery of “Angst-Ström”. How long will that work? Academical destiny. Desserts of emotions. Woods against hunger. Slopes against winds. Three killings changed the climate: wood, water and air. Fell fall? Teared down villi of hope. Basal lamina induced repair. Reseal your atmospheric dilution. Shake hands. Meet friends and possibilities.

It appears that, as truth committed suicide, academies were born. Now we are at turn to earn what we have to learn: remember the truth and search out for the verily essence of your perceptions. Be aware and resist. Being-full beings warranted. Even in institutions like our’s. Feathers matter Irrespective of what the shoulders of our forefathers say. No more heroes rejected. You hear zeros instead. Care about them. Collect them for your logos, venture and enterprise. Oncology well powered the treatment and the institutions of medicine. Together you are strong. The essence counts on you. Medical murmur of migration. European Surgery aims to meet the interests of open minded dissectors of reasoning. Look out for friends. Pull down walls, borders and limitations. Get rid of your anxiety.

Thoughtful attention

Chill in. The gum chewing surgeon cowboy simply enters the saloon. Doors swinging. Looking around. Silent observer. Watchful listener. Chewing an other gum. Stopped smoking. Did not want to get lung cancer. Stopped drinking alcohol. Did not want to get liver cirrhosis. Stopped eating sweeties. Did not want to get overweight. Obesity is awful. Diabetes kills. Bourbon sold out after french revolution. Mental disorder stresses. Addiction induces greed, hunger and hate. Don’t let it be late. Negative tuned terms of our language. Why is that? Due to cultural circumstances? Codes feed the geckoes of the echoes of Umberto Eco. In the name of the pose. Fool coals pendulum. The island of the ante day. Al Dante we wish the spaghetti to be served. Otherwise Bernhard will not face the light. Carlo Rovelli and Enrico Fermi will not get their well spin quantum quanta of excellence. Higgs up if you will. Do not burb. Following the spacial orientation of the quarks, Luigi Bonavina (Milano) will have to get Fundarella Centrale (CLE) or Lynx the LINX with a silk of quinx! Fashion comes from Milano. Surgery bounds in honour. Norman the Barrett’s the conqueror. No fake. Alps have been lifted and still lift out of Africa. It is a lake. In matrimonio of the glacier ducere. Mon clear amis. Sea cattle cross as he talks to the boss. Fix the tie.

For a moment the cowboy stops chewing his gum. Entangled within the unknown stimuli of his momental awareness the statue gazes around. Still image. Silent jaws. What a crazy appearance. What a dull non motile gesture. Consumes energy. Provides astonishment. Requires spacetime for sharing interest and attention. He is typical prominent as he appears. Silly behaviour. Restless rider tender lion medium rare. Rump cake lake wake rum late sake. He talks to order: Satte Latte macchiato. Rock eh dance ski. Pathologist. Quantum mechanics of disease. The molecular biology of coffee beans. Receptor mediated taste of teens. Tumour board for serving cucumber salmon. Spins of wheel. Corona masks empty coronation for memory. Mat meat Bianco. Hamburger overdrive. Do not overdo. Eat your salad. Vinegar victory over olive oil.

Back in the coffee house

Resemblance is cutting the cream of your espresso into cosmic dimensions. Milky way star circle mix in the creme. There is no service without swallow. Your neighbour received an anti reflux surgery and talks about his outflow obstruction. His heartburn is gone. Over. Regurgitation is gone. Over. Wheezing, coughing and hoarseness are gone. Over. No need for PPIs. He now needs time. Time for eating the food. Art to swallow. And he sings about winds and clouds of the inner eye. Art of fart. Gallons for gallery.

In front of you, INRI-type nailed to the wall. Motives of London town. Themes river. Watch tower big-ban the timeless boots. Radiologists rime riffle the ray. Enveloped in a car, CT scan reading and pipeline suckling Dr. Smile is crossing the multi-layered stream of ruffled traffic via diamond bridge. He does not have to haste. No one waiting for him. A real rover gentlemen. Divorced in dark green and over. MRI dotted spots rubber the pencil he points at careful affair. Blue grey dusty movements. Underneath sorrow shelters the ship. Sonic excavations of merchandise river life. Asking for liver see tea as they desperate. The oncologist, Professor John of Very Tod, chews a stew instead of a gum. He does not want to be named a cowboy. Much mu about oral things. Seems to have a Hindu background of ideas. Veda report. Oncologists order and the nurses have to do the infusions. Intercourse. They simply have to connect and let it go run. Listen to the beauty of the organic bells. Sound receptor therapy. Tailored we are, come and go. Seems to rely to the genetic program. Oncology knows it all. Surgery does not always cut behind. Showtime curving space wise spinning Higgs like spins of modelled phantasy. All what you see, all you perceive is nothing else than a quantum slice out of the amazing spectrum of models. Amazon approximation counts the truth and the value of your ethics, morals, physics and so forth. Burb bony heavens and spit shouldering souls. Hip hop hypes dilute vera valerian. Eco homo. Echoes from the dark side of the moon. Saturated Professor Dr. John of Tod the cowboy returns to the street where the feet have no name. Chill out. European Surgery deals with radiology, oncology, hand made shoes, exclusive tailoring and thinking, too, and goes multidisciplinary. Where the deeds have no name. This is the place where we belong. Humility counts.

Akademos revisited

One may get the impression: orthopaedic pedicles pump the passionate poison into the spiritless spine of the academy. Visions from the past recirculate.

Akademos received the park
outside the city in the dark
helped Athens to wave off the spark,
and Plato inventing the mark.

Digestive diverticula tension the wine. Insecurity fosters believe. Beer fills the youth. Hills mirror mountains. Trust moves concepts. Mindset coins reasoning. Lung lobes liberty as asthma swallows the air. Academy drives politics as science fosters a rule. Error elects created enemies. Acceptance finds friends against definition of taste. Almighty powers always deceive. Desserts remember the rain, as clouds shelter the sea and birds count the waves to find their way home. Where is that? What else do you want to know?

What is it all about? Tubes temper the minds of the owners. Violins neighbour the flutes and conduct the reason for success. Infectious sonatas. Stomach sounds of symphonies. Pizza purulenta. Bellaria belly bakes the portobello colons as gallic gullets groin ground the pelvic gate. Mood mirrors sympathy. Hate fries the stench. Silver swallows the gold as waves turtle the sand. Beach bubbles the country whales as they sit there and eat and drink their energy rich and calorie entangled chemical industry driven food and beverages. Sun variates a protective shine on them. Whale watching matters. Concentrated sugar, too. Tripartite cholesterol. LDH feeds LDL needs Fedex. Tears are the shortcomings of sad secretions. Bile orders the cells of the mucosa as miracles temper the tune of the mood of the pathologist. Zoom the gloom. Again he stares into the skies of his micro world environment, while having both kids riding on his shoulders, while the wife takes care of the kitchen work. Translation of proteins water ions and starch into items for swallow. Fair pair. Dig gesture vision digestives. Cooking counts as food fosters disease and health. Nature delivered the food. Who the hell invented the cook?

Mental farm house

Stepwise analysis of verily graduated pride accurately dissects and reveals the personality of the person sitting, standing, reading, thinking, eating, sinking, cheating, probing, testing, spitting, calculating, minding, remembering, concentrating, hopping, gesticulating and breathing in front of you. You may like the person or you may not like the person. As it goes it comes and all is around. Pick it up. Put it on. Lesson number 9: It is before it shines.

See what you get and got and will have to get. Taste it and then swallow the cough. Wheezing offers neckless secretions from the spine. Well being aims well behaving. Sputum extra. Missimo Massimo. Bonus track. Ave Maria in laughter and lay back feeling. Rheumatic systematic collection of the bones, spines and vertebra. Nail nimrods using light and survive. James Bond dilutes your aggression. The hero of the OR, the heroes of the patient ward. Toss the boss but not against the wall. Here comes roger to water the gill more to grill phantoms of laughter and ignorance in order to order the themes of the world. River down up as the gloves pass by. Cut out the nodes and T stage the bitter taste of health. Anima ages of animals answer the questions behalf. Boundaries of which we may talk are thereof far away distance of mind. Clever to sit down and wait for the thought. Breathe care. Rover excitement.

Coughing disturbs concentration and mirrors SARS and tuberculosis. Metamorphosis dixit: Quod licet COVID non licet Ovid. Theatermacher-Experience. Tickle in one’s throat. Scratching itching irritation. Clear presentation. Strict staging. CP Experience. Candle point. Come on light my fire. Meat love. Claus Peymann meets your interests, if you are interested in Thomas Bernhard. Extinction of frost. Otherwise do not mind the animals around you. There is no place without animals. There are more animals than others around you. Why? We are a farm. Who runs the farm knows: food matters and facts count the money. Time equals absence minus space. So what? Get back to your desk and realise. What else should you do. Within your moments glamours the light of an idea. You decide to cider and play them now.

Conceptually, culture teaches, pronounces and educates, axon english wise, that you are not allowed to show your real feelings, you better have them for yourself. Be a true and real and relevant diplomatic lunatic social missile (DSLM). As such you may demonstrate sympathy. Thou thy that so (TTTS). Translation overwhelms all forms of dictionary.

Behind and within yourself you seem to know, and what you know is, and therefore it exists and nourishes what you feel and this is what you state and say. Now. At this particular moment. Right now. Left now. Over now. All now.

Inaugurated pin penny puppets on a string dance for the well dressed tie tailored shoe glanced wife- and shadow- ripped mega pride ignorance distributing dully dean of the academy. Wisdom waits, as knowledge appears. Anti anaemic spotted and speckled scaffolds suggest the presence of high blood pressure within an individuals’ curious vascular system stretched out and abroad from the tip of the nose to the deepness of the haemorrhoids. Rhythmic pulsations penetrate the perception and translate into up and down and up and down and the physician commences to count one two three four five until the vicinity value outnumbers the so called clever range of normal distribution.

Applause crosses the cucumber dotted egg plant driven legacy of brown pointed apple tree open underwear. Tongues of anus tune romantics of prime time lunatics of the universe. All starts from behind, even understanding. Symphony orchestrates architecture of sound. Victims dose vertebra tensions of vertigo. Nuts nail nudes into their buttocks. Cock rain analysis. Weather report. Wether or not, you will get dry. At the end of the beginning. Lips syllable poisons the mandatory.

Try the truth

Shout out what you mean, not what you say. Flutes fail to find the foramen. Lack of security fosters despotism. Harmonic is the scalpel to cut the scalp. Trench revolution. Disconnected are head and shoulders. What remains runs and stops and falls apart. Giving the shape to the new and modern world. Modern times revisited. Anatomy of the history. Will to power. What else? Espresso? Wine? Beer? Bull? Cider? Coke? Be different and cider out. Drink water. Pure water. Roger waters David to breath the money of time for us and them to seal the dark lunatic side of the moon. During black sabbath Jimmy fed rolling stones as they led the zeppelin to burn poetry poems into deep purple rains, while smoke opened the fire to the storm bringer eminence at the Geneva shore lines. Made in Japan. Climate changes the integrity of atomic power plants. Surgery warranted to close the gap. Suture your atmosphere. Line up the cells under cover. Concentrate on the essentials. These are as follows: tune, temper and tissue strength. And last but not least: money. Purse string sutures. Mind the gap. Shut the door behind the dean and tell him what to do for you. Fill absences. Fuel necessities. Rule as a duke. Passion for session for fashion. Arch of gut, google of germ.

As moments fuse, memory develops. Once upon a time we stopped to remember the beginning. As such we have been born to deceive and tumble around. Back stage. Off stage. Round and around it goes. Who? Your estimate, your calculation, your statistics. Science takes it all. P values the destiny. Has to take it all. Public medical. Power market. Pupil maker. Plagiarism mirror. Penny mistress. Housed within the great Lyon lier lion. The ruler of the modern times, as the old times revealed the truth to say. Verily we never have been wrong, we simply missed the aims and scopes of the Journal. The Journal has been printed out all over the globe in the form of symptoms and signs of the human body. Who starts to read may understand that. Semiotics count and drive the wisdom to a better understanding.

Lesson number 10: rejected have we been by other planets, so we came here, manifested down here on earth, it seems, as it shines and cleans to mean.

Closure to the myth of mind

As such you pay, arise and step out of the coffee house. Back in the street you feel relaxed, strong and happy.

European Surgery pinched between your arm and chest you ray along the boulevard. Now you are ready to return to the easy protective environment of your family. Would have been great if the myth of mind has now found you, too.

Enjoy the day, enrich yourself, stay tuned,


Martin Riegler.



The author thanks the uninterrupted quantum spacetime continuum that manifests to him due to the enriching fruitful communications with his family, friends, colleagues, authors, reviewers, board members, Springer and the beautiful mind set underlying the highly musical cosmos of momental atmospheric power delivering awareness and perception.

Conflict of interest

M. Riegler declares that he has no competing interests except that to follow the traces to the ground and reason for all our perception.


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