Fig. 2. Structural characterization of AbCs.
A, Design models, with antibody Fc (purple) and designed AbC-forming oligomers (grey). B, Overlay of representative SEC traces of assembly formed by mixing design and Fc (black) with those of the single components in grey (design) or purple (Fc). C, EM images with reference-free 2D class averages in inset; all data is from negative-stain EM with the exception of designs o42.1 and i52.3 (cryo-EM). D-E, SEC (D) and NS-EM representative micrographs with reference-free 2D class averages (E) of the same designed antibody cages assembled with full human IgG1 (with the 2 Fab regions intact). In all EM cases shown in C and E, assemblies were first purified via SEC, and the fractions corresponding to the left-most peak were pooled and used for imaging; this was mainly done to remove any excess of either design or Ig component.