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The Angle Orthodontist logoLink to The Angle Orthodontist
. 2016 Jan;86(1):177. doi: 10.2319/angl-86-01-177-177.1


PMCID: PMC8603953  PMID: 26716823

This will acknowledge funding support from the University of Alberta Hospital Foundation granted in 2010, for the manuscript shown below and published in the The Angle Orthodontist. 2015 Mar; 85(2): 233–8. doi: Epub 2014 Jul 14.

The effect of light-emitting diode and laser on mandibular growth in rats.

El-Bialy T, Alhadlaq A, Felemban N, Yeung J, Ebrahim AH, Hassan A.

Articles from The Angle Orthodontist are provided here courtesy of Edward H Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc