1Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Molecular Diagnostics Division, London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON N6A5W9 Canada
2National Human Genome Research Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
3Division of Evolution, Infection and Genomics, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL UK
4Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital, Health Innovation Manchester, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, M13 9WL UK
5Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-I-Azam University, 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan
6Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Sorbonne Université, Departement de Génétique, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere et Hopital Trousseau, Paris, 75651 France
7Department of Neuropediatrics, Armand Trousseau Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, 75012 France
8Laboratoire de génétique, Hôpital Pïtié-Salpêtrière, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, 75013 France
9Greenwood Genetic Center, Greenwood, SC 29646 USA
10Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
11Section Clinical Genetics, Department Human Genetics, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
12Department of Human Genetics, Laboratory of Genome Diagnostics, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands
13Department of Human Genetics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
14Department of Clinical Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
15Department of Human Genetics, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development Research Institute, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
16Department of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205 USA
17Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205 USA
18Center for Rare Childhood Disorders, Translational Genomics Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ USA
19University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Springdale, AR 72762 USA
20Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
21Epigenetics Institute, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
22Center for Inherited Disease Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD USA
23Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Western University, London, ON N6A5W9 Canada
24Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205 USA