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. 2021 Nov 24;39:107599. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107599

Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM version 4.0 short form generic core scale across pediatric populations review data

Matthew Smyth a,b, Kevan Jacobson a,b,c,
PMCID: PMC8639391  PMID: 34901340


The Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM Version 4.0 Short Form Generic Core Scale (PedsQLTM) is a validated and widely used tool assessing the quality of life (QoL) of children and youth. It has been used extensively across healthy populations as well as those with chronic and acute illnesses, allowing for comparison of the psychosocial impact of chronic illness between pediatric disease cohorts. As part of the QoL initiative undertaken at the British Columbia Children's Hospital (BCCH) Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) program and published in the Journal of Pediatrics titled “Cross-Sectional Analysis of Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with IBD in British Columbia, Canada,” a limited literature review was conducted using Embasse and Ovid. Studies using the English version of the PedsQLTM short form generic scale (not a disease specific scale) were identified. Studies with populations greater than 50 patients with robust subgroup sample size were included, with an emphasis on studies with well-defined patients with chronic disease. These data were compared to the BCCH population, as discussed in the aforementioned journal article.

Analysis within the BCCH cohort is described separately. Comparison between different populations from the existing literature was qualitative only, with no statistical analysis done given the heterogeneity of populations and studies.

In a study of patients from the emergency department at BCCH (n=178), the mean (SD) QoL scores of the healthy patients was 89.2 (10.3). In a group of self-identified healthy patients in California (n=5079), their mean QoL score was 83.9 (12.5). Separating the BCCH IBD population by disease activity, those in remission (n=220, 84.4 (12.8)) have similar QoL scores to these healthy cohorts, though their scores remain slightly below the previously published BCCH cohort. For children with any degree of active IBD (n=98, 75.6 (15.8)), their QoL scores are below the healthy means and are lower than other groups with self-identified “chronic illnesses” (n=367, 77.2 (15.5)), diabetes (n=418, 82.3 (13.5)), mild asthma (n=281, 85.5 (13.3)), or Canadian patients 4 weeks post-concussion (n=1157, 80.3). BCCH IBD patients with moderately to severely active disease have QoL scores well below the other disease groups (n=33, 63.1 (18.8)); lower than oncology patients on induction chemotherapy regimens (n=105, 68.9 (16.0)), acute inpatients (n=359, 63.9 (20.3)), and asthmatics with moderate-severe, persistent asthma (n=86, 67.1 (18.6)).

This data is useful for clinicians treating pediatric patients looking at how QoL is influenced by chronic illness and by factors such as disease type and severity.

Keywords: Quality of life, Inflammatory bowel disease, Pediatrics, PedsQLTM

Specifications Table

Subject Perinatology, Paediatrics and Child Health
Specific subject area Quality of Life in Paediatric patients with chronic illness
Type of data Table
How data were acquired REDCap survey of PedsQLTM (noted included because of third party copyright); Embasse and OVID literature search;
Data format Analyzed
Parameters for data collection Patient age, diagnosis and disease activity collected as part of BCCH IBD dataset. EMBASS and OVID articles identified that used the English
version of the PedsQLTM short form generic scale. Those with total populations greater than 50 patients with robust subgroup population sizes were included, with an emphasis on studies with well-defined in patients with chronic illness.
Description of data collection BCCH IBD Data collected as part of Quality Improvement initiative using an iPad based REDCap survey (that included the PedsQLTM generic tool) at the time of clinical encounter. Literature search conducted using Embass and OVID.
Data source location Institution: British Columbia Children's Hospital
City/Town/Region: Vancouver
Country: Canada
Data accessibility Repository name: Mendeley
Data identification number:
Direct URL to data:
Related research article M. Smyth, J. Chan, K. Evans, C. Penner, A. Lakhani, T. Newlove, K. Jacobson, Cross-Sectional Analysis of Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in British Columbia, Canada., Pediatrics, In Press.

Value of the Data

  • To provide a comparison of quality of life between various pediatric chronic illnesses as well as their healthy peers using a validated, generic, and widely used quality of life measurement tool.

  • This information is useful for clinicians caring for pediatric patients with a variety of chronic illnesses.

  • As the PedsQLTM continues to be widely used in clinical care and research alike, this data will continue to be useful in providing a benchmark for results across patient populations. By breaking down results by both disease type and disease severity/disease activity, and ensuring conclusions are drawn with robust population sizes, this data should provide the standard by which future PedsQLTM research is conducted.

  • This data enables the reader to appreciate the psychosocial burden of disease across populations and anticipate the needs of the patient. By understanding the quality of life implications of a chronic diagnosis, the hope is that the practitioner can work with families and community supports to help children and youth thrive despite their diagnosis.

1. Data Description

Table 1: this table corresponds to supplemental Table 3 from the article “Cross-Sectional Analysis of Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in British Columbia, Canada” published in the Journal of Pediatrics.

Table 1.

looks at the published literature of healthy controls and chronic conditions where patients have used the self-reported PedsQL 4.0 Generic or Short form questionnaire. This table corresponds to Table 3 from the article by M.Smyth et al. “Cross-Sectional Analysis of Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in British Columbia, Canada” in press with the Journal of Pediatrics.

Study Comment Subgroup N QOL score SD
BCCH IBD Patients Total (a) 351 79.95 15.77
Remission (b) 220 84.41 12.84
Mild (c) 98 75.59 15.75
Moderate-severe (d) 33 63.13 18.78

Health Controls

Kruse et al. [1] BCCH Population. Healthy patients discharged from emerg, age 8-16. ∧SD derived from reported confidence interval Healthy 178 89.17 10.28∧
Varni et al [2] California pediatric population responding to mail out PedsQL; only healthy population included Healthy 5079 83.91 12.47
Williams et al. [3] Australia: 9-12 year old healthy as part of obesity survey Healthy 1099 80.5 12.2
Varni et al [4] California: Phone survey from healthy patients identified in ortho clinic as "recovered" Healthy 401 83 14.79
Dierderen et al. [5] Netherlands: Age 8-18; Online questionnaire self-identified as healthy ∧Median, IQR Healthy 340 83.15∧ 77.17-90.22
Youssef et al. [6] New Jersey: Healthy patients seen for routine appointment or minor acute medical problem; prospectively enrolled Healthy 42 87.7 14.7
Tahirovic et al. [7] Bosnia and Herzegovina: Healthy visitors to pediatrics department, no chronic conditions ∧pooled mean + SD for age 8-18 Healthy 71 88.77∧ 16.76∧

Chronically Ill Pediatric Populations

Novak et al. [8] Concussion Study: Canadian patients; 9 Centres, 8-18 yo All Patients post concussion 1157 80.3 Not reported
4 wks post with persisting Sx's 510 70 Not reported
Young et al. [9] Hemophilia study: Toronto Boys 6-17 yo, prospectively enrolled Hemophilia 60 80.9 13.69
Chan et al. [10] Asthma Study: Asthma severity based off NHLBI Guidelines; 13 pediatric sites across US Mild intermittent asthma 281 85.4 13.3
Mild persistent asthma 96 75 15.2
moderate-severe persistent asthma 86 67.1 18.6
Varni et al. [4] Cancer Study in California: 8-18 yo; includes inpatients/outpatiens, all cancer types, including remission and recurrent dx Cancer- On Tx 105 68.92 15.97
Cancer- Off Tx < 12Mo 41 70.88 17.19
Cancer- Off Tx >12 Mo 73 77.66 15.25
Varni et al. [11] Type 1 Diabetes: 13-25 yo across 10 american sites, those with poorly controlled DM have lower QoL scores T1DM 418 82.33 13.53
Desai et al. [12] Inpatient population age 13-18 admitted to Seattle Childrens with a varient of Dx. Prospectively enrolled Inpatient 359 63.9 20.28
Varni et al. [13] Rheumatologic Dx in California: JIA, fibromyalgia, spondyloarthritis, SLE, Other (157) Ages 6-18 Rheumatological illnesses 336 70.35 17.83
Goldstein et al. [14] End Stage Renal Disease from two american centres, ages 5-18 ESRD, including dialysis and transplant patients 85 73.97 15.22
Tahirovic et al. [7] Congintal Heart Disease in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Patients 1+ years post cardiac surgery for CHD ∧pooled mean + SD for age 8-18 Congenital Heart Disease 83 87.35∧ 12.47∧
Ng et al. [15] Liver Transplant study in Canada + US, patients 10 years post LTx; retrospective. Mean age of LTx 2.3yo Liver Transplant patients 73 77.16 12.93
Maskell et al. [16] Burn patients; Australia and NZ: Age 8-17; not acute burns, with mature scarring present; 6 sites Burns 66 78.87 15.1
Younossi et al. [17] Chronic HCV patients receiving sofosbuvir and ribavirin; Prospective, International (30 sites, 7 countries) Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) 50 80.4 1.93
Liu et al. [18] Inflammatory Brain Diseases: QoL scores from time of Dx; most common presenting sx's: seizures, cognitive dysfunction or hemiparesis. International, multi-centre Inflammatory Brain Diseases 34 68.4 Not reported

Chronically Ill- Self Identified

Varni et al. [8] Surveys completed in community specialty clinics in United States; Patients self-identified as chronically. Those in subspecialty clinics identified as acutely ill Chronically Ill 367 77.19 15.53
Acutely Ill 148 78.7 14.03
Varni et al. [2] Surveys from 18 elementary, 4 middle, and 3 high schools in California; Parents identified child as chronically ill Chronically Ill 100 71.59 16.17

Overweight and Obese

Williams et al. [3] Overweight/Obese 9-12 year olds; Ht and Wt measured at schools by trained staff; categories based off international Obesity task force; Australia Overweight 294 79.3 12.8
Obese 63 74 14.2
Hoedjes et al. [19] Severe Obesity (SDS-BMI >3, or >2.3 with obesity-related comorbidity); Prospective, Netherlands ∧SD derived from SE. Severe Obsity 120 67.8 ∧19.7
Faus et al. [20] BMI >85% for age; Convenience Sample. New Jersey Obese 60 76.42 Not reported

Gastrointestinal Illness

Varni et al. [21] GI disorders; 9 US centres across US ages 5-18 Functional GI disorders (constipation, Pain, IBS, dyspepsia) 281 70.2 17
Organic GI Disorders (IBD and GERD) 298 78 14.6
Varni et al. [22] Outpatient GI population in 3 US sites; 2002-2004 ages 5-18 IBS (Rome Criteria) 119 77.9 12.64
Functional Abdominal Pain (Rome) 81 79.98 10.62
Youssef et al.[6] Single NJ Centre, prospective, 5-18 yo. (Chronic constipation >3 months sx's with <3 BMs/week) Chronic Constipation 80 70.4 12.2
IBD, New diagnosis 42 83.8 13.2
GERD (Bx proven w/sx's) 56 79.9 14
Kunz et al [23] IBD patients recruited from 3 american sites IBD- Remission 79 86.67 13.31
IBD- Mild-Severe 42 78.57 17.99
Faus et al. [20] IBD pts: 80% remission, 20% mild; Convenience Sample; NJ, USA IBD 60 79.3 Not reported
Dierderen et al. [5] IBD pt's: 63% patients in remission; Cross-sectional study of online questionnaires in Netherlands.
∧ Median and IQR
IBD 87 83.37∧ 71.5-91.3∧

BCCH: BC Children's Hospital; BMI: Body Mass Index; Dx: diganosis; GI: Gastrointestinal HCV: Heptatitis C Virus; IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Disease; IQR: Interquartile Range; JIA: jeuvenile idiopathic arthrtitis; LTx: liver transplant; NHLBI: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute; NJ: New Jersey; NZ: New Zealand; QOL: Quality of Life; SD: Standard Deviation; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus.

The table shows the results from the pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) population at BC Children's Hospital (BCCH) as well as the PedsQLTM scores from multiple other large studies that used the Quality of Life (QoL) tool. In a study of patients from the emergency department at BCCH (n=178), the mean (SD) QoL scores of the healthy patients was 89.2 (10.3). In a group of self-identified healthy patients in California (n=5079), their mean QoL score was 83.9 (12.5). Separating the BCCH IBD population by disease activity, those in remission (n=220, 84.4 (12.8)) are similar to these healthy scores, though remain slightly below the previously published BCCH cohort. For children with any degree of active IBD (n=98, 75.6 (15.8)), their QoL scores are below the healthy means and are lower than other groups with self-identified “chronic illnesses” (n=367, 77.2 (15.5)), diabetes (n=418, 82.3 (13.5)), mild asthma (n=281, 85.5 (13.3)), or Canadian patients 4 weeks post-concussion (n=1157, 80.3). BCCH IBD patients with moderately to severely active disease have QoL scores well below the other disease groups (n=33, 63.1 (18.8)); lower than oncology patients on induction chemotherapy regimens (n=105, 68.9 (16.0)), acute inpatients (n=359, 63.9 (20.3)), and asthmatics with moderate-severe, persistent asthma (n=86, 67.1 (18.6)). The raw data for this table is attached and is also available on an open data repository.

Data Upload: The raw data is uploaded in both .csv and .sav format

Supplemental Data: Original Article: The original research article, in press with the Journal of Pediatrics, is attached.

PedsQLTM Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Version 4.0 Short Form: The short form of the survey was used to collect the quality of life data for this study. The authors do not own the rights to this tool, and so will provide a summary of the tool only. The tool uses a standard 5 point Likert scale for patients to respond to each question. There are four sections to the short form questionnaire, with 3-5 questions per section for a total of 15 questions. The first section looks at any issues being able to do normal activities of childhood and participating with peers; the second section looks at frequency of low mood symptoms; the third section asks about interpersonal difficulties with peers; the fourth section looks at difficulty with classwork specifically.

2. Experimental Design, Materials and Methods


This data is from is a cross-sectional, retrospective study analyzing a quality improvement initiative in the IBD program at British Columbia Children's Hospital (BCCH), Vancouver, Canada. From 2014-2018, a multidisciplinary team of pediatric gastroenterologists, IBD nurses, and clinical psychologists at BCCH started a program to identify and support IBD patients with psychosocial issues associated with their disease. QoL was assessed using the Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM Version 4.0 Short Form Generic Core Scale (PedsQLTM) [24], accessed via the hospital's licence. This tool was selected for its brevity and lack of questions overlapping with specific IBD symptoms, its validation in our target age group, and its straightforward scoring based off a Likert scale. The PedsQLTM was programed into a REDCap [25] survey accessed on iPads donated by the BCCH Foundation. The disease activity at the time of survey completion was determined as part of clinical care, and patients were separated into disease activity categories that included remission, mild and moderate/severe disease. The overall QoL scores of the patient cohort as well as the QoL scores by disease activity are presented in the table (mean with standard deviation).

QoL scores from other patient populations:

After identifying appropriate studies (those with large, well-defined cohorts of patients with chronic illnesses and healthy controls) from EMBASS and OVID since 2003 (time of PedsQLTM publication), mean QoL scores from the PedsQLTM were extracted, along with standard deviations, where possible. For some studies [5], IQR was given and is presented, and for other studies [1,7,19], the SD was derived from the data in the manuscript and a standard deviation is presented.

Ethics Statement

Ethical Considerations: This study evaluates a quality improvement initiative, and after consultation with the BCCH Research Ethics Board and in accordance with National TCPS2 policy, the study did not require an official ethics review.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Matthew Smyth: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Visualization. Kevan Jacobson: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Supervision.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships which have or could be perceived to have influenced the work reported in this article.

Outside of this submitted work, KJ is a Senior Clinician Scientists supported by the BC Children's Hospital Research Institute Clinician Scientist Awards Program and the Children with Intestinal and Liver Disorders (CHILD) Foundation. He has received research support from Janssen, AbbVie and adMare Bioinnovations, Vancouver, BC Canada. KJ has served on the advisory boards of Janssen, AbbVie, Merck and Mylan Inc and has participated in a speaker's bureau for Abbvie and Janssen.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Justin Chan, Kathi Evans, Theresa Newlove, Carlie Penner and Alam Lakhani who helped run the quality improvement initiative which this data is partially based on.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.dib.2021.107599.

Appendix. Supplementary materials (14.1KB, zip) (19.3KB, zip)


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials (14.1KB, zip) (19.3KB, zip)

Articles from Data in Brief are provided here courtesy of Elsevier