Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales) is a common fungal genus inhabiting plant tissues as endophytes, pathogens and saprobes. Some species are reported from tree branches associated with canker diseases. In the present study, Diaporthe samples were collected from Alnusglutinosa, Fraxinusexcelsior and Quercusrobur in Utrecht, the Netherlands. They were identified to species based on a polyphasic approach including morphology, pure culture characters, and phylogenetic analyses of a combined matrix of partial ITS, cal, his3, tef1 and tub2 gene regions. As a result, four species (viz. Diaporthepseudoalnea sp. nov. from Alnusglutinosa, Diaporthesilvicola sp. nov. from Fraxinusexcelsior, D.foeniculacea and D.rudis from Quercusrobur) were revealed from tree branches in the Netherlands. Diaporthepseudoalnea differs from D.eres (syn. D.alnea) by its longer conidiophores. Diaporthesilvicola is distinguished from D.fraxinicola and D.fraxini-angustifoliae by larger alpha conidia.
Keywords: Two new taxa, Diaporthepseudoalnea , Diaporthesilvicola , taxonomy, two new taxa
Diaporthe (syn. Phomopsis) is the type genus of Diaporthaceae in Diaporthales, commonly occurring as plant endophytes, pathogens and saprobes (Udayanga et al. 2014, 2015; Guarnaccia et al. 2017, 2018a, 2018b; Tibpromma et al. 2018; Yang et al. 2020; Dissanayake et al. 2020; Jiang et al. 2021). The sexual morph is characterized by immersed perithecial ascomata and an erumpent pseudostroma with more or less elongated perithecial necks, unitunicate clavate to cylindrical asci, and fusoid, ellipsoid to cylindrical, hyaline uni- to bicellular ascospores (Udayanga et al. 2011; Senanayake et al. 2017). The asexual morph is characterized by ostiolate conidiomata, with cylindrical phialides producing up to three types of hyaline, aseptate conidia (Udayanga et al. 2011; Gomes et al. 2013; Yang et al. 2018), and was previously classified as Phomopsis. Following the “one fungus one name” nomenclature, Rossman et al. (2015) recommended to use Diaporthe based on priority, necessitating the transfer of numerous Phomopsis species to Diaporthe.
Species of Diaporthe are known to cause plant diseases including dieback, canker, leaf spot, fruit rot, pod blights and seed decay. For example, D.citri, D.cytosporella and D.foeniculina caused melanose and stem end rot diseases of Citrus spp. (Udayanga et al. 2014), while Daporthelithocarpi caused leaf spot disease of Castaneahenryi in China (Jiang et al. 2021). Up to 19 Diaporthe species were confirmed to be associated with pear cankers in China (Guo et al. 2020), and eight species of Diaporthe were found to be the casual agents of Chinese grapevine dieback (Manawasinghe et al. 2019). Seven Diaporthe species were reported from blueberry twig blight and dieback diseases in Portugal (Hilário et al. 2020). Diaporthebiconispora and an additional six species were identified as endophytes from healthy Citrus tissues in China (Huang et al. 2015). Diaportheconstrictospora and an additional 11 species were isolated as saprobes from dead wood in karst formations in China (Dissanayake et al. 2020).
Diaporthe species were previously classified mainly based on host association and morphology (Rehner and Uecker 1994; Santos and Phillips 2009; Udayanga et al. 2011, 2014). However, several taxonomic studies of Diaporthales proved that phylogeny based on multiple genes is suitable to separate species (Voglmayr et al. 2012, 2017; Fan et al. 2018; Jiang et al. 2019, 2020; Jaklitsch and Voglmayr 2019, 2020). Species of Diaporthe are now characterised and circumscribed both by morphology and phylogeny of multi-locus DNA data, which revealed many cryptic species in recent years (Diogo et al. 2010; Lombard et al. 2014; Gao et al. 2016, 2017; Long et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2020, 2021; Zapata et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2021). To clarify the species boundaries of the Diaportheeres complex, the Genealogical Phylogenetic Species Recognition principle (GCPSR) and the coalescent-based model Poisson Tree Processes (PTPs) were employed, which suggested that the Diaportheeres species complex actually represents only a single species, D.eres (Hilário et al. 2021).
In the present study, Diaporthe samples from cankered branches of several tree species were collected in the Netherlands, and identified based on modern taxonomic approaches. As a result, two new species and two known species were identified, and the new species are described and illustrated herein.
Materials and Methods
Collection, examination and isolation
The fresh specimens of cankered branches were sampled from Alnusglutinosa, Fraxinusexcelsior and Quercusrobur in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Morphological characteristics of the conidiomata were determined under a Nikon AZ100 dissecting stereomicroscope. More than 20 conidiomata were sectioned, and 50 conidia were randomly selected for measurement using a Leica compound microscope (LM, DM 2500). Isolates were obtained by removing a mucoid conidial mass from conidiomata, spreading the suspension onto the surface of 1.8 % potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated at 25 °C for up to 24 h. Single germinating conidia were removed and plated onto fresh PDA plates. Cultural characteristics of isolates incubated on PDA in the dark at 25 °C were recorded, including the colony color and conidiomata structures. The cultures were deposited in the China Forestry Culture Collection Center (CFCC; http://www.cfcc-caf.org.cn/), and the specimens in the herbarium of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF; http://museum.caf.ac.cn/).
DNA extraction, PCR amplification and phylogenetic analyses
Genomic DNA was extracted from colonies grown on cellophane-covered PDA using a cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method (Doyle and Doyle 1990). DNA was checked by electrophoresis in 1 % agarose gel, and the quality and quantity were measured using a NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Five partial loci, including the 5.8S nuclear ribosomal DNA gene with the two flanking internally transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, the calmodulin (cal), the histone H3 (his3), the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) and the beta-tubulin (tub2) genes were amplified by the primer pairs and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process listed in Table 1. The PCR products were assayed via electrophoresis in 2 % agarose gels. DNA sequencing was performed using an ABI PRISM 3730XL DNA Analyser with a BigDye Terminator Kit v.3.1 (Invitrogen, USA) at the Shanghai Invitrogen Biological Technology Company Limited (Beijing, China).
Table 1.
Locus | PCR primers | PCR: thermal cycles: (Annealing temp. in bold) | Reference |
ITS | ITS1/ITS4 | (95 °C: 30 s, 48 °C: 30 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 35 cycles | White et al. 1990 |
cal | CAL228F/CAL737R | (95 °C: 15 s, 54 °C: 20 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 35 cycles | Carbone and Kohn 1999 |
his3 | CYLH3F/H3-1b | (95 °C: 30 s, 57 °C: 30 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 35 cycles |
Crous et al. 2004
Glass and Donaldson 1995 |
tef1 | EF1-728F/EF1-986R | (95 °C: 15 s, 54 °C: 20 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 35 cycles | Carbone and Kohn 1999 |
tub2 | T1(Bt2a)/Bt2b | (95 °C: 30 s, 55 °C: 30 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 35 cycles | Glass & Donaldson 1995; O’Donnell and Cigelnik 1997 |
The quality of the amplified nucleotide sequences was checked and the sequences assembled using SeqMan v.7.1.0. Reference sequences were retrieved from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), based on recent publications on the genus Diaporthe (Dissanayake et al. 2021; Gao et al. 2021; Huang et al. 2021; Sun et al. 2021, Wang et al. 2021; Yang et al. 2021). Sequences were aligned using MAFFT v. 6 (Katoh and Toh 2010) and corrected manually using MEGA 7.0.21. The best-fit nucleotide substitution models for each gene were selected using jModelTest v. 2.1.7 (Darriba et al. 2012) under the Akaike Information Criterion.
The phylogenetic analyses of the combined gene regions were performed using Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods. ML was implemented on the CIPRES Science Gateway portal (https://www.phylo.org) using RAxML-HPC BlackBox 8.2.10 (Stamatakis 2014), employing a GTRGAMMA substitution model with 1000 bootstrap replicates. While BI was performed using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm in MrBayes v. 3.0 (Ronquist et al. 2003). Two MCMC chains, started from random trees for 1000000 generations and trees, were sampled every 100th generation, resulting in a total of 10000 trees. The first 25 % of trees were discarded as burn-in of each analysis. Branches with significant Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (BPP) were estimated in the remaining 7500 trees. Phylogenetic trees were viewed with FigTree v.1.3.1 and processed by Adobe Illustrator CS5. The nucleotide sequence data of the new taxa were deposited in GenBank and are listed in Table 2.
Table 2.
Species | Strain | Host | Origin | GenBank accession numbers | ||||
ITS | cal | his3 | tef1 | tub2 | ||||
Diaportheacaciigena | CBS 129521 | Acaciaretinodes | Australia | KC343005 | KC343247 | KC343489 | KC343731 | KC343973 |
D.acericola | MFLUCC 17-0956 | Acernegundo | Italy | KY964224 | KY964137 | NA | KY964180 | KY964074 |
D.acerigena | CFCC 52554 | Acertataricum | China | MH121489 | MH121413 | MH121449 | MH121531 | NA |
D.acerigena | CFCC 52555 | Acertataricum | China | MH121490 | MH121414 | MH121450 | MH121532 | NA |
D.acuta | PSCG 047 | Pyruspyrifolia | China | MK626957 | MK691125 | MK726161 | MK654802 | MK691225 |
D.acutispora | LC6161 | Coffea | China | KX986764 | KX999274 | KX999235 | KX999155 | KX999195 |
D.alangii | CFCC 52556 | Alangiumkurzii | China | MH121491 | MH121415 | MH121451 | MH121533 | MH121573 |
D.alangii | CFCC 52557 | Alangiumkurzii | China | MH121492 | MH121416 | MH121452 | MH121534 | MH121574 |
D.albosinensis | CFCC 53066 | Betulaalbosinensis | China | MK432659 | MK442979 | MK443004 | MK578133 | MK578059 |
D.albosinensis | CFCC 53067 | Betulaalbosinensis | China | MK432660 | MK442980 | MK443005 | MK578134 | MK578060 |
D.alleghaniensis | CBS 495.72 | Betulaalleghaniensis | Canada | MH121502 | MH121426 | MH121462 | MH121544 | MH121584 |
D.ambigua | CBS 114015 | Pyruscommunis | South Africa | KC343010 | KC343252 | KC343494 | KC343736 | KC343978 |
D.ampelina | STE-U 2660 | Vitisvinifera | France | NA | AY745026 | NA | AY745056 | NA |
D.amygdali | CBS 126679 | Prunusdulcis | Portugal | MH864208 | KC343264 | KC343506 | KC343748 | KC343990 |
D.anacardii | CBS 720.97 | Anacardiumoccidentale | East Africa | KC343024 | KC343266 | KC343508 | KC343750 | KC343992 |
D.angelicae | CBS 111592 | Heracleumsphondylium | Austria | KC343027 | KC343269 | KC343511 | KC343753 | KC343995 |
D.apiculatum | CFCC 53068 | Rhuschinensis | China | MK432651 | MK442973 | MK442998 | MK578127 | MK578054 |
D.apiculatum | CFCC 53069 | Rhuschinensis | China | MK432652 | MK44297 | MK442999 | MK578128 | MK578055 |
D.aquatica | IFRDCC 3051 | Aquatic habitat | China | JQ797437 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
D.arctii | DP0482 | Arctiumlappa | Austria | KJ590736 | KJ612133 | KJ659218 | KJ590776 | KJ610891 |
D.arecae | CBS 161.64 | Arecacatechu | India | KC343032 | KC343274 | KC343516 | KC343758 | KC344000 |
D.arengae | CBS 114979 | Arengaengleri | Hong Kong | MF773664 | KC343276 | KC343518 | KC343760 | KC344002 |
D.aseana | MFLUCC 12-0299a | Unknown | Thailand | KT459414 | KT459464 | NA | KT459448 | KT459432 |
D.asheicola | CBS 136967 | Vacciniumashei | Chile | KJ160562 | KJ160542 | NA | KJ160594 | KJ160518 |
D.aspalathi | CBS 117169 | Aspalathuslinearis | South Africa | KC343036 | KC343278 | KC343520 | KC343762 | KC344004 |
D.australafricana | CBS 111886 | Vitisvinifera | Australia | KC343038 | KC343280 | KC343522 | KC343764 | KC344006 |
D.australiana | CBS 146457 | Macadamia | Australia | MN708222 | NA | NA | MN696522 | MN696530 |
D.baccae | CBS 136972 | Vacciniumcorymbosum | Italy | MK370623 | MG281695 | MF418264 | KJ160597 | MF418509 |
D.batatas | CBS 122.21 | Ipomoeabatatas | USA | KC343040 | KC343282 | KC343524 | KC343766 | KC344008 |
D.bauhiniae | CFCC 53071 | Bauhiniapurpurea | China | MK432648 | MK442970 | MK442995 | MK578124 | MK578051 |
D.bauhiniae | CFCC 53072 | Bauhiniapurpurea | China | MK432649 | MK442971 | MK442996 | MK578125 | MK578052 |
D.bauhiniae | CFCC 53073 | Bauhiniapurpurea | China | MK432650 | MK442972 | MK442997 | MK578126 | MK578053 |
D.beilharziae | BRIP 54792 | Indigoferaaustralis | Australia | JX862529 | NA | NA | JX862535 | KF170921 |
D.benedicti | SBen914 | Diaporthebenedicti | USA | KM669929 | KM669862 | NA | KM669785 | NA |
D.betulae | CFCC 50469 | Betulaplatyphylla | China | KT732950 | KT732997 | KT732999 | KT733016 | KT733020 |
D.betulae | CFCC 50470 | Betulaplatyphylla | China | KT732951 | KT732998 | KT733000 | KT733017 | KT733021 |
D.betulicola | CFCC 51128 | Betulaalbo-sinensis | China | KX024653 | KX024659 | KX024661 | KX024655 | KX024657 |
D.betulicola | CFCC 51129 | Betulaalbo-sinensis | China | KX0246554 | KX024660 | KX024662 | KX0246556 | KX024658 |
D.betulina | CFCC 52560 | Betulaalbo-sinensis | China | MH121495 | MH121419 | MH121455 | MH121537 | MH121577 |
D.betulina | CFCC 52561 | Betulaalbo-sinensis | China | MH121496 | MH121420 | MH121456 | MH121538 | MH121578 |
D.biconispora | ZJUD62 | Citrusmaxima | China | KJ490597 | NA | KJ490539 | KJ490476 | KJ490418 |
D.biguttulata | ZJUD47 | Citruslimon | China | KJ490582 | NA | KJ490524 | KJ490461 | KJ490403 |
D.bohemiae | CBS 143347 | Vitisvinifera | Czech Republic | MK300012 | MG281710 | MG281361 | MG281536 | MG281188 |
D.brasiliensis | CBS 133183 | Aspidospermatomentosum | Brazil | KC343042 | KC343284 | KC343526 | KC343768 | KC344010 |
D.caatingaensis | URM7485 | Tacingainamoena | Brazil | KY085927 | KY115598 | NA | KY115604 | KY115601 |
D.camelliae-sinensis | SAUCC194.92 | Camelliasinensis | China | MT822620 | MT855699 | MT855588 | MT855932 | MT855817 |
D.canthii | CPC 19740 | Canthiuminerme | South Africa | JX069864 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
D.caryae | CFCC 52563 | Caryaillinoinensis | China | MH121498 | MH121422 | MH121458 | MH121540 | MH121580 |
D.caryae | CFCC 52564 | Caryaillinoinensis | China | MH121499 | MH121423 | MH121459 | MH121541 | MH121581 |
D.cassines | CPC 21916 | Cassineperagua | South Africa | KF777155 | NA | NA | KF777244 | NA |
D.caulivora | CBS 127268 | Glycinemax | Croatia | MH864501 | KC343287 | KC343529 | KC343771 | KC344013 |
D.cercidis | CFCC 52565 | Cercischinensis | China | MH121500 | MH121424 | MH121460 | NA | MH121582 |
D.cercidis | CFCC 52566 | Cercischinensis | China | MH121501 | MH121425 | MH121461 | NA | MH121583 |
D.chamaeropis | CBS 454.81 | Chamaeropshumilis | Greece | KC343048 | KC343290 | KC343532 | KC343774 | KC344016 |
D.charlesworthii | BRIP 54884m | Rapistrumrugostrum | Australia | KJ197288 | NA | NA | KJ197250 | KJ197268 |
D.chensiensis | CFCC 52567 | Abieschensiensis | China | MH121502 | MH121426 | MH121462 | MH121544 | MH121584 |
D.chensiensis | CFCC 52568 | Abieschensiensis | China | MH121503 | MH121427 | MH121463 | MH121545 | MH121585 |
D.chongqingensis | PSCG 435 | Pyruspyrifolia | China | MK626916 | MK691209 | MK726257 | MK654866 | MK691321 |
D.chrysalidocarpi | SAUCC194.35 | Chrysalidocarpuslutescens | China | MT822563 | MT855646 | MT855532 | MT855760 | MT855876 |
D.cichorii | MFLUCC 17-1023 | Cichoriumintybus | Italy | KY964220 | KY964133 | NA | KY964176 | KY964104 |
D.cinnamomi | CFCC 52569 | Cinnamomum | China | MH121504 | NA | MH121464 | MH121546 | MH121586 |
D.cinnamomi | CFCC 52570 | Cinnamomum | China | MH121505 | NA | MH121465 | MH121547 | MH121587 |
D.cissampeli | CPC 27302 | Cissampeloscapensis | South Africa | KX228273 | NA | KX228366 | NA | KX228384 |
D.citri | AR3405 | Citrus | USA | KC843311 | KC843157 | KJ420881 | KC843071 | KC843187 |
D.citri | CFCC 53079 | Citrussinensis | China | MK573940 | MK574579 | MK574595 | MK574615 | MK574635 |
D.citriasiana | CGMCC 3.15224 | Citrusunshiu | China | JQ954645 | KC357491 | KC490515 | JQ954663 | KC357459 |
D.citrichinensis | CGMCC 3.15225 | Citrus | China | JQ954648 | KC357494 | NA | JQ954666 | NA |
D.collariana | MFLU 17-2770 | Magnoliachampaca | Thailand | MG806115 | MG783042 | NA | MG783040 | MG783041 |
D.compactum | LC3083 | Camelliasinensis | China | KP267854 | NA | KP293508 | KP267928 | NA |
D.conica | CFCC 52571 | Alangiumchinense | China | MH121506 | MH121428 | MH121466 | MH121548 | MH121588 |
D.conica | CFCC 52572 | Alangiumchinense | China | MH121507 | MH121429 | MH121467 | MH121549 | MH121589 |
D.constrictospora | CGMCC 3.20096 | Unknown | China | MT385947 | MT424718 | MW022487 | MT424682 | MT424702 |
D.convolvuli | CBS 124654 | Convolvulusarvensis | Turkey | KC343054 | KC343296 | KC343538 | KC343780 | KC344022 |
D.coryli | CFCC 53083 | Corylusmandshurica | China | MK432661 | MK442981 | MK443006 | MK578135 | MK578061 |
D.coryli | CFCC 53084 | Corylusmandshurica | China | MK432662 | MK442982 | MK443007 | MK538176 | MK578062 |
D.corylicola | CFCC 53986 | Corylusheterophylla | China | MW839880 | MW836684 | MW836717 | MW815894 | MW883977 |
D.corylicola | CFCC 53987 | Corylusheterophylla | China | MW839867 | MW836685 | MW836718 | MW815895 | MW883978 |
D.crotalariae | CBS 162.33 | Crotalariaspectabilis | USA | MH855395 | JX197439 | KC343540 | GQ250307 | KC344024 |
D.crousii | CAA 823 | Vacciniumcorymbosum | Portugal | MK792311 | MK883835 | MK871450 | MK828081 | MK837932 |
D.cucurbitae | DAOM 42078 | Cucumis | Canada | KM453210 | NA | KM453212 | KM453211 | KP118848 |
D.cuppatea | CBS 117499 | Aspalathuslinearis | South Africa | MH863021 | KC343299 | KC343541 | KC343783 | KC344025 |
D.cynaroidis | CBS 122676 | Proteacynaroides | South Africa | KC343058 | KC343300 | KC343542 | KC343784 | KC344026 |
D.cytosporella | FAU461 | Citruslimon | Italy | KC843307 | KC843141 | NA | KC843116 | KC843221 |
D.diospyricola | CPC 21169 | Diospyroswhyteana | South Africa | KF777209 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
D.discoidispora | ZJUD89 | Citrusunshiu | China | KJ490624 | NA | KJ490566 | KJ490503 | KJ490445 |
D.dorycnii | MFLUCC 17-1015 | Dorycniumhirsutum | Italy | KY964215 | NA | NA | KY964171 | KY964099 |
D.drenthii | CBS 146453 | Macadamia | Australia | MN708229 | NA | NA | MN696526 | MN696537 |
D.elaeagni-glabrae | LC4802 | Elaeagnusglabra | China | KX986779 | KX999281 | KX999251 | KX999171 | KX999212 |
D.ellipicola | CGMCC 3.17084 | Lithocarpusglaber | China | KF576270 | NA | NA | KF576245 | KF576294 |
D.endophytica | CBS 133811 | Schinusterebinthifolius | Brazil | KC343065 | KC343307 | KC343549 | KC343791 | KC344033 |
D.eres | CBS 146.46 | Alnus | Netherlands | KC343008 | KC343250 | KC343492 | KC343734 | KC343976 |
D.eres | CBS 121004 | Juglans | USA | KC343134 | KC343376 | KC343618 | KC343860 | KC344102 |
D.eres | CGMCC 3.17081 | Lithocarpusglabra | China | KF576282 | NA | NA | KF576257 | KF576306 |
D.eres | CFCC 51632 | Camptothecaacuminata | China | KY203726 | KY228877 | KY228881 | KY228887 | KY228893 |
D.eres | CBS 139.27 | Celastrus | USA | KC343047 | KC343289 | KC343531 | KC343773 | KC344015 |
D.eres | CBS 143349 | Vitisvinifera | United Kingdom | MG281017 | MG281712 | MG281363 | MG281538 | MG281190 |
D.eres | AR5193 | Ulmus | Germany | KJ210529 | KJ434999 | KJ420850 | KJ210550 | KJ420799 |
D.eres | CFCC 52575 | Castaneamollissima | China | MH121510 | NA | MH121470 | MH121552 | MH121592 |
D.eres | CFCC 52576 | Castaneamollissima | China | MH121511 | MH121432 | MH121471 | MH121553 | MH121593 |
D.eres | CFCC 52577 | Acanthopanaxsenticosus | China | MH121512 | MH121433 | MH121472 | MH121554 | MH121594 |
D.eres | CFCC 52578 | Sorbus | China | MH121513 | MH121433 | MH121473 | MH121555 | MH121595 |
D.eres | CFCC 52579 | Juglansregia | China | MH121514 | NA | MH121474 | MH121556 | NA |
D.eres | CFCC 52580 | Meliaazedarace | China | MH121515 | NA | MH121475 | MH121557 | MH121596 |
D.eres | CFCC 52581 | Rhododendronsimsii | China | MH121516 | NA | MH121476 | MH121558 | MH121597 |
D.eres | MAFF 625034 | Pyruspyrifolia | Japan | NA | KJ435023 | KJ420868 | NA | KJ420819 |
D.eres | AR5211 | Hederahelix | France | KJ210538 | KJ435043 | KJ420875 | KJ210559 | KJ420828 |
D.eres | CGMCC 3.17089 | Lithocarpusglabra | China | KF576267 | NA | NA | KF576242 | KF576291 |
D.eres | MFLUCC 17-0963 | Lonicera | Italy | KY964190 | KY964116 | NA | KY964146 | KY964073 |
D.eres | DAOM 695742 | Picearuben | Canada | KU552025 | NA | NA | KU552023 | KU574615 |
D.eres | MFLUCC 16-0113 | Prunuspersica | China | KU557563 | NA | KU557611 | KU557631 | KU55758 |
D.eres | CBS 144.27 | Spiraea | USA | KC343144 | KC343386 | KC343628 | KC343870 | KC344112 |
D.eres | CBS 587.79 | Pinusparvifloravar | Japan | KC343153 | KC343395 | KC343637 | KC343879 | KC344121 |
D.eres | CBS 338.89 | Hederahelix | Yugoslavia | KC343152 | KC343394 | KC343636 | KC343878 | KC344120 |
D.eres | MFLU 17-0646 | Rosa | United Kingdom | MG828895 | MG829274 | NA | MG829270 | MG843877 |
D.eucalyptorum | CBS 132525 | Eucalyptus | China | MH305525 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
D.foeniculacea | CBS 111553 | Foeniculumvulgare | Spain | MH854926 | KC343343 | KC343585 | KC343827 | KC344069 |
D.foeniculacea | CFCC 54192 | Quercusrobur | Netherlands | MZ727033 | NA | MZ753474 | MZ816339 | MZ753483 |
D.foeniculacea | M35 | Quercusrobur | Netherlands | MZ727034 | NA | MZ753475 | MZ816340 | MZ753484 |
D.foeniculacea | M40-1 | Quercusrobur | Netherlands | MZ727035 | NA | MZ753476 | MZ816341 | MZ753485 |
D.foeniculacea | M84 | Quercusrobur | Netherlands | MZ727036 | NA | MZ753477 | MZ816342 | MZ753486 |
D.fraxini-angustifoliae | BRIP 54781 | Fraxinusangustifolia | Australia | JX862528 | KT459462 | NA | JX862534 | NA |
D.fraxinicola | CFCC 52582 | Fraxinuschinensis | China | MH121517 | MH121435 | NA | MH121560 | NA |
D.fraxinicola | CFCC 52583 | Fraxinuschinensis | China | MH121518 | MH121436 | NA | MH121559 | NA |
D.fulvicolor | PSCG 051 | Pyruspyrifolia | China | MK626859 | MK691132 | MK726163 | MK654806 | MK691236 |
D.fusicola | CGMCC 3.17087 | Lithocarpusglabra | China | KF576281 | KF576233 | NA | KF576256 | KF576305 |
D.ganjae | CBS 180.91 | Cannabissativa | USA | KC343112 | KC343354 | KC343596 | KC343838 | KC344080 |
D.ganzhouensis | CFCC 53087 | Unknown | China | MK432665 | MK442985 | MK443010 | MK578139 | MK578065 |
D.ganzhouensis | CFCC 53088 | Unknown | China | MK432666 | MK442986 | MK443011 | MK578140 | MK578066 |
D.garethjonesii | MFLUCC 12-0542a | Unknown | Thailand | KT459423 | KT459470 | NA | KT459457 | KT459441 |
D.goulteri | BRIP 55657a | Helianthusannuus | Australia | KJ197290 | NA | NA | KJ197252 | KJ197270 |
D.grandiflori | SAUCC194.84 | Heterostemmagrandiflorum | China | MT822612 | MT855691 | MT855580 | MT855809 | MT855924 |
D.guangxiensis | JZB320087 | Vitisvinifera | China | MK335765 | MK736720 | NA | MK500161 | MK523560 |
D.gulyae | BRIP 54025 | Helianthusannuus | Australia | NA | NA | NA | JN645803 | KJ197271 |
D.guttulata | CGMCC 3.20100 | Unknown | China | MT385950 | MW022470 | MW022491 | MT424685 | MT424705 |
D.helianthi | CBS 592.81 | Helianthusannuus | Serbia | KC343115 | KC343357 | KC343599 | KC343841 | KC344083 |
D.heliconiae | SAUCC194.77 | Heliconiametallica | China | MT822605 | MT855684 | MT855573 | MT855802 | MT855917 |
D.heterophyllae | CPC 26215 | Acaciaheterophylla | France | MG600222 | MG600218 | MG600220 | MG600224 | MG600226 |
D.heterostemmatis | SAUCC194.85 | Heterostemmagrandiflorum | China | MT822613 | MT855692 | MT855581 | MT855810 | MT855925 |
D.hickoriae | CBS 145.26 | Caryaglabra | USA | KC343118 | KC343360 | NA | KC343844 | KC344086 |
D.hispaniae | CBS 143351 | Vitisvinifera | Spain | MG281123 | MG281820 | MG281471 | MG281644 | MG281296 |
D.hongkongensis | CBS 115448 | Dichroafebrifuga | China | MK304388 | KC343361 | KC343603 | KC343845 | KC344087 |
D.hubeiensis | JZB320123 | Vitisvinifera | China | MK335809 | MK500235 | NA | MK523570 | MK500148 |
D.incompleta | LC6754 | Camelliasinensis | China | KX986794 | KX999289 | KX999265 | KX999186 | KX999226 |
D.inconspicua | CBS 133813 | Maytenusilicifolia | Brazil | NA | KC343365 | KC343607 | KC343849 | KC344091 |
D.infecunda | CBS 133812 | Schinusterebinthifolius | Brazil | KC343126 | KC343368 | KC343610 | KC343852 | KC344094 |
D.irregularis | CGMCC 3.20092 | Unknown | China | MT385951 | MT424721 | NA | MT424686 | MT424706 |
D.isoberliniae | CPC 22549 | Isoberliniaangolensis | Zambia | KJ869190 | NA | NA | NA | KJ869245 |
D.juglandicola | CFCC 51134 | Juglansmandshurica | China | KU985101 | KX024616 | KX024622 | KX024628 | KX024634 |
D.kadsurae | CFCC 52586 | Kadsuralongipedunculata | China | MH121521 | MH121439 | MH121479 | MH121563 | MH121600 |
D.kadsurae | CFCC 52587 | Kadsuralongipedunculata | China | MH121522 | MH121440 | MH121480 | MH121564 | MH121601 |
D.kochmanii | BRIP 54033 | Helianthusannuus | Australia | NA | NA | NA | JN645809 | NA |
D.kongii | BRIP 54031 | Helianthusannuus | Australia | NA | NA | NA | NA | KJ197272 |
D.lenispora | CGMCC 3.20101 | Unknown | China | MT385952 | MW022472 | MW022493 | MT424687 | MT424707 |
D.litchicola | BRIP 54900 | Litchichinensis | Australia | LC041036 | NA | NA | JX862539 | NA |
D.litchii | SAUCC194.22 | Litchichinensis | China | MT822550 | MT855635 | MT855519 | MT855747 | MT855863 |
D.lithocarpus | CGMCC 3.15175 | Lithocarpusglabra | China | KC135104 | KF576235 | NA | KC153095 | KF576311 |
D.longicolla | FAU599 | Glycinemax | USA | KJ590728 | KJ612124 | KJ659188 | KJ590767 | KJ610883 |
D.longispora | CBS 194.36 | Ribes | Canada | MH855769 | KC343377 | KC343619 | KC343861 | KC344103 |
D.lusitanicae | CBS 123212 | Foeniculumvulgare | Portugal | MH863279 | KC343378 | KC343620 | KC343862 | KC344104 |
D.lutescens | SAUCC194.36 | Chrysalidocarpuslutescens | China | MT822564 | MT855647 | MT855533 | MT855761 | MT855877 |
D.macadamiae | CBS 146455 | Macadamia | Australia | MN708230 | NA | NA | MN696528 | MN696539 |
D.macintoshii | BRIP 55064a | Rapistrumrugosum | Australia | KJ197289 | NA | NA | KJ197251 | KJ197269 |
D.mahothocarpus | CGMCC 3.15181 | Lithocarpusglabra | China | KC153096 | NA | NA | KC153087 | KF576312 |
D.malorum | CAA 734 | Malusdomestica | Portugal | KY435638 | KY435658 | KY435648 | KY435627 | KY435668 |
D.masirevicii | BRIP 54256 | Glycinemax | Australia | KJ197277 | NA | NA | KJ197238 | KJ197256 |
D.mayteni | CBS 133185 | Maytenusilicifolia | Brazil | KC343139 | KC343381 | KC343623 | KC343865 | KC344107 |
D.maytenicola | CPC 21896 | Maytenusacuminata | South Africa | KF777157 | NA | NA | NA | KF777250 |
D.mediterranea | SAUCC194.111 | Machiluspingii | China | MT822639 | MT855718 | MT855606 | MT855836 | MT855951 |
D.melastomatis | SAUCC194.55 | Melastomamalabathricum | China | MT822583 | MT855664 | MT855551 | MT855780 | MT855896 |
D.melonis | CBS 435.87 | Glycinesoja | Indonesia | KC343141 | KC343383 | KC343625 | KC343867 | KC344109 |
D.middletonii | BRIP 54884e | Rapistrumrugosum | Australia | KJ197286 | NA | NA | KJ197248 | KJ197266 |
D.minima | CGMCC 3.20097 | Unknown | China | MT385953 | MT424722 | MW022496 | MT424688 | MT424708 |
D.minusculata | CGMCC 3.20098 | Unknown | China | MT385957 | MW022475 | MW022499 | MT424692 | MT424712 |
D.miriciae | BRIP 54736j | Helianthusannuus | Australia | KJ197282 | NA | NA | KJ197244 | KJ197262 |
D.multigutullata | CFCC 53095 | Citrusmaxima | China | MK432645 | MK442967 | MK442992 | MK578121 | MK578048 |
D.multigutullata | CFCC 53096 | Citrusmaxima | China | MK432646 | MK442968 | MK442993 | MK578122 | MK578049 |
D.musigena | CBS 129519 | Musa | Australia | KC343143 | KC343385 | KC343267 | KC343869 | KC344111 |
D.neoarctii | CBS 109490 | Ambrosiatrifida | USA | KC343145 | KC343387 | KC343629 | KC343871 | KC344113 |
D.neoraonikayaporum | MFLUCC 14-1136 | Tectonagrandis | Thailand | KU712449 | KU749356 | NA | KU749369 | KU743988 |
D.nothofagi | BRIP 54801 | Nothofaguscunninghamii | Australia | JX862530 | NA | NA | JX862536 | KF170922 |
D.novem | CBS 127269 | Glycinemax | Croatia | KC343155 | KC343397 | KC343639 | KC343881 | KC344123 |
D.ocoteae | CPC 26217 | Ocoteabullata | France | KX228293 | NA | NA | NA | KX228388 |
D.oraccinii | LC3166 | Camelliasinensis | China | KP267863 | NA | KP293517 | KP267937 | KP293443 |
D.ovalispora | ZJUD93 | Citruslimon | China | KJ490628 | NA | KJ490570 | KJ490507 | KJ490449 |
D.ovoicicola | CGMCC 3.17093 | Lithocarpusglabra | China | KF576265 | KF576223 | NA | KF576240 | KF576289 |
D.oxe | CBS 133186 | Maytenusilicifolia | Brazil | KC343164 | KC343406 | KC343648 | KC343890 | KC344132 |
D.padina | CFCC 52590 | Padusracemosa | China | MH121525 | MH121443 | MH121483 | MH121567 | MH121604 |
D.padina | CFCC 52591 | Padusracemosa | China | MH121526 | MH121444 | MH121484 | MH121568 | MH121605 |
D.pandanicola | MFLUCC 17-0607 | Pandanaceae | Thailand | MG646974 | NA | NA | NA | MG646930 |
D.paranensis | CBS 133184 | Maytenusilicifolia | Brazil | KC343171 | KC343413 | KC343655 | KC343897 | KC344139 |
D.parapterocarpi | CPC 22729 | Pterocarpusbrenanii | Zambia | KJ869138 | NA | NA | NA | KJ869248 |
D.parvae | PSCG 035 | Pyrusbretschneideri | China | MK626920 | MK691169 | MK726211 | MK654859 | MK691249 |
D.pascoei | BRIP 54847 | Perseaamericana | Australia | MK111097 | NA | NA | JX862538 | KF170924 |
D.passiflorae | CPC 19183 | Passifloraedulis | Netherlands | JX069860 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
D.passifloricola | CPC 27480 | Passiflorafoetida | Malaysia | KX228292 | NA | KX228367 | NA | KX228387 |
D.penetriteum | LC3215 | Camelliasinensis | China | KP267879 | NA | NA | KP293532 | KP267953 |
D.perjuncta | CBS 109745 | Ulmusglabra | Austria | KC343172 | KC343414 | KC343656 | KC343898 | KC344140 |
D.perseae | CBS 151.73 | Perseagratissima | Netherlands | KC343173 | KC343415 | NA | NA | NA |
D.pescicola | MFLUCC 16-0105 | Prunuspersica | China | KU557555 | KU557603 | NA | KY400831 | KU557579 |
D.phaseolorum | AR4203 | Phaseolusvulgaris | USA | KJ590738 | KJ612135 | KJ659220 | KJ590739 | KJ610893 |
D.phillipsii | CAA 817 | Vacciniumcorymbosum | Portugal | MK792305 | MK883831 | MK871445 | MK828076 | MN000351 |
D.podocarpi-macrophylli | LC6155 | Podocarpusmacrophyllus | Japan | KX986774 | KX999278 | KX999246 | KX999167 | KX999207 |
D.pometiae | SAUCC194.72 | Pometiapinnata | China | MT822600 | MT855679 | MT855568 | MT855797 | MT855912 |
D.pseudoalnea | CFCC 54190 | Alnusglutinosa | Netherlands | MZ727037 | MZ753468 | MZ781302 | MZ816343 | MZ753487 |
D.pseudoalnea | M2A | Alnusglutinosa | Netherlands | MZ727038 | MZ753469 | MZ753478 | MZ816344 | MZ753488 |
D.pseudomangiferae | CBS 101339 | Mangiferaindica | Dominican Republic | KC343181 | KC343423 | KC343665 | KC343907 | KC344149 |
D.pseudophoenicicola | CBS 176.77 | Mangiferaindica | Iraq | KC343183 | KC343425 | KC343667 | KC343909 | KC344151 |
D.pseudotsugae | MFLU 15-3228 | Pseudotsugamenziesii | Italy | KY964225 | KY964138 | NA | KY964181 | KY964108 |
D.psoraleae | CPC 21634 | Psoraleapinnata | South Africa | KF777158 | NA | NA | KF777245 | KF777251 |
D.psoraleae-pinnatae | CPC 21638 | Psoraleapinnata | South Africa | KF777159 | NA | NA | NA | KF777252 |
D.pterocarpicola | MFLUCC 10-0580a | Pterocarpusindicus | Thailand | JQ619887 | JX197433 | NA | JX275403 | JX275441 |
D.pungensis | SAUCC194.112 | Elaeagnuspungens | China | MT822640 | MT855719 | MT855607 | MT855837 | MT855952 |
D.pyracanthae | CAA483 | Pyracanthacoccinea | Portugal | KY435635 | KY435645 | KY435656 | KY435625 | KY435666 |
D.racemosae | CPC 26646 | Euclearacemosa | South Africa | MG600223 | MG600219 | MG600221 | MG600225 | MG600227 |
D.raonikayaporum | CBS 133182 | Spondiasmombin | Brazil | KC343188 | KC343430 | KC343672 | KC343914 | KC344156 |
D.ravennica | MFLUCC 16-0997 | Clematisvitalba | Italy | NA | NA | NA | MT394670 | NA |
D.rhusicola | CPC 18191 | Rhuspendulina | South Africa | JF951146 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
D.rosae | MFLUCC 17-2658 | Rosa | United Kingdom | MG828894 | MG829273 | NA | NA | MG843878 |
D.rosiphthora | COAD 2914 | Rosa | Brazil | MT311197 | MT313691 | NA | MT313693 | NA |
D.rossmaniae | CAA 762 | Vacciniumcorymbosum | Portugal | MK792290 | MK883822 | MK871432 | MK828063 | MK837914 |
D.rostrata | CFCC 50062 | Juglansmandshurica | China | KP208847 | KP208849 | KP208851 | KP208853 | KP208855 |
D.rostrata | CFCC 50063 | Juglansmandshurica | China | KP208848 | KP208850 | KP208852 | KP208854 | KP208856 |
D.rudis | AR3422 | Laburnumanagyroides | Austria | KC843331 | KC843146 | NA | KC843090 | KC843177 |
D.rudis | CFCC 54193 | Quercusrobur | Netherlands | MZ727039 | MZ753470 | MZ753479 | MZ816345 | MZ753489 |
D.rudis | M86 | Quercusrobur | Netherlands | MZ727040 | MZ753471 | MZ753480 | MZ816346 | MZ753490 |
D.saccarata | CBS 116311 | Protearepens | South Africa | KC343190 | KC343432 | KC343674 | KC343916 | KC344158 |
D.sackstonii | BRIP 54669b | Helianthusannuus | Australia | KJ197287 | NA | NA | KJ197249 | KJ197267 |
D.salicicola | BRIP 54825 | Salixpurpurea | Australia | JX862531 | NA | NA | JX862537 | KF170923 |
D.sambucusii | CFCC 51986 | Sambucuswilliamsii | China | KY852495 | KY852499 | KY852503 | KY852507 | KY852511 |
D.sambucusii | CFCC 51987 | Sambucuswilliamsii | China | KY852496 | KY852500 | KY852504 | KY852508 | KY852512 |
D.schimae | CFCC 53103 | Schimasuperba | China | MK442640 | MK442962 | MK442987 | MK578116 | MK578043 |
D.schimae | CFCC 53104 | Schimasuperba | China | MK442641 | MK442963 | MK442988 | MK578117 | MK578044 |
D.schimae | CFCC 53105 | Schimasuperba | China | MK442642 | MK442964 | MK442989 | MK578118 | MK578045 |
D.schini | CBS 133181 | Schinusterebinthifolius | Brazil | KC343191 | KC343433 | KC343675 | KC343917 | KC344159 |
D.schisandrae | CFCC 51988 | Schisandrachinensis | China | KY852497 | KY852501 | KY852505 | KY852509 | KY852513 |
D.schisandrae | CFCC 51989 | Schisandrachinensis | China | KY852498 | KY852502 | KY852506 | KY852510 | KY852514 |
D.schoeni | MFLU 15-1279 | Schoenusnigricans | Italy | KY964226 | KY964139 | NA | KY964182 | KY964109 |
D.sclerotioides | CBS 296.67 | Cucumissativus | Netherlands | MH858974 | KC343435 | KC343677 | KC343919 | KC344161 |
D.searlei | CBS 146456 | Macadamia | Australia | MN708231 | NA | NA | NA | MN696540 |
D.sennae | CFCC 51636 | Sennabicapsularis | China | KY203724 | KY228875 | NA | KY228885 | KY228891 |
D.sennae | CFCC 51637 | Sennabicapsularis | China | KY203725 | KY228876 | NA | KY228886 | KY228892 |
D.sennicola | CFCC 51634 | Sennabicapsularis | China | KY203722 | KY228873 | KY228879 | KY228883 | KY228889 |
D.sennicola | CFCC 51635 | Sennabicapsularis | China | KY203723 | KY228874 | KY228880 | KY228884 | KY228890 |
D.serafiniae | BRIP 55665a | Helianthusannuus | Australia | KJ197274 | NA | NA | KJ197236 | KJ197254 |
D.shaanxiensis | CFCC 53106 | on branches of liana | China | MK432654 | MK442976 | MK443001 | MK578130 | NA |
D.shaanxiensis | CFCC 53107 | on branches of liana | China | MK432655 | MK432977 | MK432002 | MK578131 | NA |
D.siamensis | MFLUCC 10-0573a | Dasymaschalon | Thailand | NA | JQ619897 | NA | JX275393 | JX275429 |
D.silvicola | CFCC 54191 | Fraxinusexcelsior | Netherlands | MZ727041 | MZ753472 | MZ753481 | MZ816347 | MZ753491 |
D.silvicola | M79 | Fraxinusexcelsior | Netherlands | MZ727042 | MZ753473 | MZ753482 | MZ816348 | MZ753492 |
D.sojae | FAU635 | Glycinemax | USA | KJ590719 | KJ612116 | KJ659208 | KJ590762 | KJ610875 |
D.spartinicola | CPC 24951 | Spartium junceμm | Spain | KR611879 | NA | KR857696 | NA | KR857695 |
D.spinosa | PSCG 383 | Pyruspyrifolia | China | MK626849 | MK691129 | MK726156 | MK654811 | MK691234 |
D.sterilis | CBS 136969 | Vacciniumcorymbosum | Italy | KJ160579 | KJ160548 | MF418350 | KJ160611 | KJ160528 |
D.stictica | CBS 370.54 | Buxussampervirens | Italy | KC343212 | KC343454 | KC343696 | KC343938 | KC344180 |
D.subclavata | ZJUD95 | Citrusunshiu | China | KJ490630 | NA | KJ490572 | KJ490509 | KJ490451 |
D.subcylindrospora | KUMCC 17-0151 | Unknown | China | MG746629 | NA | NA | MG746630 | MG746631 |
D.subellipicola | KUMCC 17-0153 | Unknown | China | MG746632 | NA | NA | MG746633 | MG746634 |
D.subordinaria | CBS 464.90 | Plantagolanceolata | South Africa | KC343214 | KC343456 | KC343698 | KC343940 | KC344182 |
D.taoicola | MFLUCC 16-0117 | Prunuspersica | China | KU557567 | NA | NA | KU557636 | KU557591 |
D.tectonae | MFLUCC 12-0777 | Tectonagrandis | Thailand | KU712430 | KU749345 | NA | KU749359 | KU743977 |
D.tectonendophytica | MFLUCC 13-0471 | Tectonagrandis | Thailand | KU712439 | KU749354 | NA | KU749367 | KU743986 |
D.tectonigena | MFLUCC 12-0767 | Camelliasinensis | China | KX986782 | KX999284 | KX999254 | KX999174 | KX999214 |
D.terebinthifolii | CBS 133180 | Schinusterebinthifolius | Brazil | KC343216 | KC343458 | KC343700 | KC343942 | KC344184 |
D.ternstroemia | CGMCC 3.15183 | Ternstroemiagymnanthera | China | KC153098 | NA | NA | KC153089 | NA |
D.thunbergii | MFLUCC 10-0576a | Thunbergialaurifolia | Thailand | JQ619893 | JX197440 | NA | JX275409 | NA |
D.thunbergiicola | MFLUCC 12-0033 | Thunbergialaurifolia | Thailand | KP715097 | NA | NA | KP715098 | NA |
D.tibetensis | CFCC 51999 | Juglandisregia | China | MF279843 | MF279888 | MF279828 | MF279858 | MF279873 |
D.tibetensis | CFCC 52000 | Juglandisregia | China | MF279844 | MF279889 | MF279829 | MF279859 | MF279874 |
D.torilicola | MFLUCC 17-1051 | Torilisarvensis | Italy | KY964212 | KY964127 | NA | KY964168 | KY964096 |
D.toxica | CBS 534.93 | Lupinusangustifolius | Australia | KC343220 | KC343462 | KC343704 | KC343946 | KC344188 |
D.tulliensis | BRIP 62248a | Theobromacacao | Australia | KR936130 | NA | NA | KR936133 | KR936132 |
D.ueckerae | FAU656T | Cucumismelo | USA | KJ590726 | KJ612122 | KJ659215 | KJ590747 | KJ610881 |
D.ukurunduensis | CFCC 52592 | Acerukurunduense | China | MH121527 | MH121445 | MH121485 | MH121569 | NA |
D.ukurunduensis | CFCC 52593 | Acerukurunduense | China | MH121528 | MH121446 | MH121486 | MH121570 | NA |
D.undulata | LC6624 | Unknown | China | KX986798 | NA | KX999269 | KX999190 | KX999230 |
D.unshiuensis | ZJUD52 | Citrusunshiu | China | KJ490587 | NA | KJ490529 | KJ490466 | KJ490408 |
D.unshiuensis | CFCC 52594 | Caryaillinoensis | China | MH121529 | MH121447 | MH121487 | MH121571 | MH121606 |
D.unshiuensis | CFCC 52595 | Caryaillinoensis | China | MH121530 | MH121448 | MH121488 | MH121572 | MH121607 |
D.vaccinii | CBS 160.32 | Oxycoccusmacrocarpos | USA | MH121502 | MH121426 | MH121462 | MH121544 | MH121584 |
D.vangueriae | CBS 137985 | Vangueriainfausta | Zambia | KJ869137 | NA | NA | NA | KJ869247 |
D.vawdreyi | BRIP 57887a | Psidiumguajava | Australia | KR936126 | NA | NA | KR936129 | KR936128 |
D.velutina | LC4421 | Neolitsea | China | KX986790 | NA | KX999261 | KX999182 | KX999223 |
D.verniciicola | CFCC 53109 | Verniciamontana | China | MK573944 | MK574583 | MK574599 | MK574619 | MK574639 |
D.verniciicola | CFCC 53110 | Verniciamontana | China | MK573945 | MK574584 | MK574600 | MK574620 | MK574640 |
D.viniferae | JZB320071 | Vitisvinifera | China | MK341551 | MK500119 | NA | MK500107 | MK500112 |
D.virgiliae | CMW 40748 | Virgiliaoroboides | South Africa | KP247556 | NA | NA | NA | KP247575 |
D.xishuangbanica | LC6707 | Camelliasinensis | China | KX986783 | NA | KX999255 | KX999175 | KX999216 |
D.xunwuensis | CFCC 53085 | Unknown | China | MK432663 | MK442983 | MK443008 | MK578137 | MK578063 |
D.xunwuensis | CFCC 53086 | Unknown | China | MK432664 | MK442984 | MK443009 | MK578138 | MK578064 |
D.yunnanensis | LC6168 | Unknown | China | KX986796 | KX999290 | KX999267 | KX999188 | KX999228 |
D.zaobaisu | PSCG 031 | Pyrusbretschneideri | China | MK626922 | NA | MK726207 | MK654855 | MK691245 |
Diaporthellacorylina | CBS 121124 | Corylus | NA | KC343004 | KC343246 | KC343488 | KC343730 | KC343972 |
Note: NA, not applicable. Strains in this study are marked in bold.
Phylogenetic analyses
The five-gene sequence dataset (ITS, cal, his3, tef1 and tub2) was analysed to infer the interspecific relationships within Diaporthe. The dataset consisted of 307 sequences including one outgroup taxon, Diaporthellacorylina (CBS 121124). A total of 2649 characters including gaps (516 for ITS, 576 for cal, 526 for his3, 507 for tef1 and 524 for tub2) were included in the phylogenetic analysis. Of these characters, 844 were constant, 318 were variable and parsimony-uninformative, and 1487 were parsimony-informative. The topologies resulting from ML and BI analyses of the concatenated dataset were congruent (Fig. 1). Isolates from the present study formed four individual clades representing four species of Diaporthe, of which isolates CFCC 54192, M35, M40-1 and M84 from Quercusrobur represent D.foeniculacea, while CFCC 54193 and M86 from Q.robur represent D.rudis. CFCC 54191 and M79 from Fraxinusexcelsior and CFCC 54190 and M2A from Alnusglutinosa represent two new species which are here described as D.silvicola and D.pseudoalnea, respectively.
. Diaporthe pseudoalnea
N. Jiang sp. nov.
With reference to D.alnea, which was described from the same host genus, Alnus.
Conidiomata pycnidial, discoid, immersed in bark, scattered, erumpent through the bark surface, with a solitary locule. Locule 800–1250 μm diam., undivided. Conidiophores 22–68.5 × 1.5–3 μm (av. = 39.8 × 2.2 μm, n = 50), cylindrical, attenuate towards the apex, hyaline, slightly brown at base, phialidic, unbranched, straight or slightly curved. Alpha conidia (5.8–)7.1–8.9(–11.2) × (1.5–)1.8–2.2(–2.7) μm (av. = 7.9 × 2.0 μm, n = 50), L/W = 3.2–4.7 (av. = 3.8, n = 50), hyaline, aseptate, subcylindrical with a nearly rounded apex, multi-guttulate, sometimes acute at both ends. Beta conidia not observed.
Culture characters.
Colonies are initially white with fluffy aerial mycelium, becoming dirty white after 2 weeks, and conidiomata are randomly distributed with orange conidial drops oozing out of the ostioles.
Specimens examined.
NETHERLANDS. Utrecht City, on branches of Alnusglutinosa, 5°11’32” E, 52°05’22” N, 8 Apr. 2019, N. Jiang (holotype CAF800005 = JNH0001; ex-type living culture: CFCC 54190; other living culture: M2A).
Diaporthenivosa and D.alnea were recorded from the host genus Alnus. Udayanga et al. (2014) investigated the lectotype of Diaporthenivosa and revealed it as a Melanconis species based on a well-developed ectostromata and the ascospores characteristics, and Jaklitsch and Voglmayr (2020) treated it as a synonym of Melanconismarginalisssp.marginalis. D.alnea has been reported from the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, and both sexual and asexual morphs have been described (Udayanga et al. 2014). However, applying the GCPSR principle, D.alnea has recently been considered to be a synonym of Diaportheeres (Hilário et al. 2021), which has also been confirmed in our analyses where the ex-epitype isolate CBS 146.46 of D.alnea is placed within the D.eres clade (Fig. 1). Diaporthepseudoalnea morphologically differs from D.alnea (now D.eres) by its longer conidiophores (22–68.5 × 1.5–3 μm in D.pseudoalnea vs. 9–16 × 1–2 μm in D.alnea; Udayanga et al. 2014). In our multi-gene analyses, D.pseudoalnea forms a distinct phylogenetic lineage which is placed remotely from the isolate CBS 146.46 of D.alnea (Fig. 1).
Diaporthe silvicola
N. Jiang sp. nov.
Name from “silva” = forest and “-cola” = inhabiting; with reference to its woody host.
Conidiomata pycnidial, conical, immersed in bark, scattered, erumpent through the bark surface, with a solitary locule. Locule 450–700 μm diam., undivided. Conidiophores 6.5–25 × 1.5–4 μm (av. = 15.4 × 2.4 μm, n = 50), cylindrical, attenuate towards the apex, hyaline, slightly brown, phialidic, unbranched, slightly curved. Alpha conidia (9.2–)10.1–12.3(–13.5) × (3.8–)4.2–4.9(–5.2) μm (av. = 11.5 × 4.5 μm, n = 50), L/W = 2.0–3.2 (av. = 2.5, n = 50), hyaline, aseptate, fusiform to oval, multi-guttulate, acute at both ends. Beta conidia not observed.
Culture characters.
Colonies are initially white, aerial mycelium turning grey at edges of plate, yellowish pigmentation developing in centre, conidiomata not produced until 2 weeks.
Specimens examined.
NETHERLANDS. Utrecht City, on branches of Fraxinusexcelsior in the forest ecosystem, 5°10’36” E, 52°05’32” N, 6 Jun. 2019, N. Jiang (holotype CAF800006 = JNH0002; ex-type living culture: CFCC 54191; other living culture: M79).
Diaporthefraxini-angustifoliae was reported from Fraxinusangustifoliasubsp.oxycarpa cv. Claret Ash in Australia (Tan et al. 2013). D.fraxinicola was described from Fraxinuschinensis in China (Yang et al. 2018). However, D.silvicola from Fraxinusexcelsior in Netherlands differs from D.fraxini-angustifoliae and D.fraxinicola by obviously larger alpha conidia (9.2–13.5 × 3.8–5.2 μm in D.silvicola vs. 4–10 × 2–3 μm in D.fraxini-angustifoliae vs. 7–10 × 2.9–3.2 μm in D.fraxinicola; Tan et al. 2013; Yang et al. 2018).
In this study, branch-inhabiting Diaporthe species were sampled from Alnusglutinosa, Fraxinusexcelsior and Quercusrobur in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Ten Diaporthe isolates were obtained and identified based on five combined loci (ITS, cal, his3, tef1 and tub2), as well as morphological characters from the natural substrates. The phylogenetic and morphological analyses revealed Diaporthepseudoalnea sp. nov. from Alnusglutinosa, Diaporthesilvicola sp. nov. from Fraxinusexcelsior, and D.foeniculacea and D.rudis from Quercusrobur.
Phylogenetic analyses were conducted based on a combined DNA sequence matrix of five loci (ITS, cal, his3, tef1 and tub2) reported as useful markers to distinguish species of Diaporthe (Udayanga et al. 2014, 2015; Guarnaccia et al. 2017, 2018a, 2018b; Tibpromma et al. 2018; Yang et al. 2020; Dissanayake et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2021; Sun et al. 2021, Wang et al. 2021). The two novel species in this study can be distinguished from the other known species by all genes studied, but most effectively by cal, his3, tef1 and tub2. The multi-locus phylogenetic analysis grouped the isolates in two new clades, which support the introduction of the new species.
The utility of host association for Diaporthe species identification is limited because several species have wide host ranges (e.g., D.ere inhabits 282 different hosts; D.rudis inhabits 44 different hosts), and multiple Diaporthe species can infect a single host (e.g., nineteen Diaporthe species are associated with pear cankers in China) (Guo et al. 2020; Farr and Rossman 2021). Thus, a polyphasic approach of morphological, cultural, ecological and molecular data to identify Diaporthe samples or to introduce new species is essential.
Supplementary Material
This research was funded by the National Microbial Resource Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (NMRC-2021-7).
Jiang N, Voglmayr H, Piao C-G, Li Y (2021) Two new species of Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales) associated with tree cankers in the Netherlands. MycoKeys 85: 31–56. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.85.73107
Funding Statement
National microbial resource center from Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
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