Din S, Gaya DR, Arnott IDR. COVID-19: colorectal cancer endoscopic surveillance in IBD. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021; 6: 526–27—In this Correspondence, the fourth and fifth lines of the second paragraph should read “A qFIT of more than 100 ng/mL (equivalent to >20 μg/g) is associated with a Mayo endoscopic subscore of more than 1, suggesting that qFIT can detect active colonic inflammation.2 In the UK, a qFIT score greater than 10 μg/g (in symptomatic cohorts) and more than 80 μg/g (bowel cancer screening population)3 is likely to detect colonic inflammation, confounding its use as a risk stratification tool in inflammatory bowel disease surveillance.” This correction has been made online as of Dec 9, 2021.
Correction to Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021; 6: 526–27
Issue date 2022 Jan.
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