Dopamine has been suggested to encode cue-reward prediction errors during Pavlovian conditioning, signaling discrepancies between actual versus expected reward predicted by the cues1–5. While this theory has been widely applied to reinforcement learning concerning instrumental actions, whether dopamine represents action-outcome prediction errors and how it controls sequential behavior remain largely unknown. Indeed, the vast majority of previous studies examining dopamine responses primarily have used discrete reward-predictive stimuli1–15, whether Pavlovian conditioned stimuli for which no action is required to earn reward, or explicit discriminative stimuli that essentially instruct an animal how and when to respond for reward. Here, by training mice to perform optogenetic intracranial self-stimulation, we examined how self-initiated goal-directed behavior influences nigrostriatal dopamine transmission during single as well as sequential instrumental actions, in behavioral contexts with minimal overt changes in the animal’s external environment. We found that dopamine release evoked by direct optogenetic stimulation was dramatically reduced when delivered as the consequence of the animal’s own action, relative to non-contingent passive stimulation. This dopamine suppression generalized to food rewards, was specific to the reinforced action, was temporally restricted to counteract the expected outcome, and exhibited sequence-selectivity consistent with hierarchical control of sequential behavior. Together these findings demonstrate that nigrostriatal dopamine signals sequence-specific prediction errors in action-outcome associations, with fundamental implications for reinforcement learning and instrumental behavior in health and disease.
Keywords: Nigrostriatal dopamine, action-outcome, prediction error, action sequence, efference copy
Dopamine signals prediction errors in cued-reward contexts. Here, Hollon et al. show that nigrostriatal dopamine is inhibited when a reward outcome is the expected consequence of self-initiated action. These action-outcome prediction errors suppress even optogenetically stimulated dopamine and exhibit hierarchical control during action sequences.
Suppression of optogenetically stimulated nigrostriatal dopamine by goal-directed action
Mice expressing channelrhodopsin-2 selectively in their dopamine neurons16,17 (see Methods) were implanted with a fiber optic over the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) for optogenetic stimulation18 and a carbon-fiber microelectrode19 in the ipsilateral dorsal striatum to record nigrostriatal dopamine transmission using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV; Figures 1A and S1A–B). The mice were trained in a free-operant optogenetic intracranial self-stimulation (opto-ICSS) task (Figure 1B), in which they learned to press a continuously reinforced “Active” lever to optogenetically stimulate their own dopamine neurons (50 Hz for 1 s) and rarely pressed the non-reinforced “Inactive” lever yielding no outcome (Figure 1C). Therefore, consistent with other recent reports20–23, selective stimulation of SNc dopamine neurons is sufficient to reinforce novel actions.
To examine the extent to which this behavior is indeed goal-directed, a subset of mice underwent a contingency degradation test24–27. During this test phase, stimulation was decoupled from the lever-pressing action and instead delivered non-contingently at a rate yoked to that animal’s own stimulation rate from the preceding self-stimulation phase (Methods). The mice significantly reduced their performance rate (Figures 1D and S1C–D), indicating that they readily learned that their action was no longer required to earn stimulation. This demonstrates that nigrostriatal dopamine neuron self-stimulation under this simple fixed-ratio schedule of continuous reinforcement (CRF) is sensitive to changes in the action-outcome contingency, which is an established operational hallmark of goal-directed behavior28,29.
To investigate whether goal-directed action affects the nigrostriatal dopamine response to the consequence of that action, we used FSCV to record subsecond dopamine transmission in behaving mice during a session that included two phases: In the Self-Stimulation phase, as in prior opto-ICSS training, mice earned optogenetic stimulation for each Active lever press (Figure 1B). In the subsequent Passive Playback phase, the levers were retracted, and the mice received non-contingent stimulations, with timestamps identical to the stimulations that each individual had self-administered in its Self-Stimulation phase. Thus, in this entirely within-subject design, we recorded at the same striatal location with the same chronically implanted electrode, with each animal yoked to its own performance, receiving the same temporal sequence of stimulations across both phases of the session, delivered to the same site within the SNc using identical optogenetic stimulation parameters to directly depolarize these nigrostriatal dopamine neurons (Figures 1A and 1E–F).
We observed a remarkably robust difference between the amplitude of Self-Stimulated dopamine release and the significantly greater amplitude evoked by the non-contingent Passive Playback stimulation (Figure 1F–I). All individual mice (9/9, 100%) exhibited less dopamine release when evoked as the consequence of their own action; this difference was significant at the individual level in 7 of 9 mice (Ps < 0.0001) and was a trend in the same direction for the remaining 2 mice (Ps = 0.0623 and 0.0825). The latency for the onset of the dopamine response to exceed baseline was significantly longer for Self-Stimulation than for Playback (Figure S1E), whereas the latency to the respective peaks did not significantly differ (Figure S1F), consistent with the transient suppression observed in the Self-vs.-Playback Difference trace (Figure 1H).
Although the free-operant opto-ICSS task was designed to minimize discrete external cues, it nevertheless is possible that the offset of a previous stimulation essentially could serve as a stimulus that might elicit the next lever-pressing response. However, when we isolated the initiation of lever-pressing bouts using an inter-stimulation interval (ISI) criterion of at least 10 s since the previous stimulation, this subset of stimulations still showed a significant difference between Self-Stimulated and non-contingent Playback-evoked dopamine release (Figure S1G–I). Self-stimulations following shorter ISIs evoked less dopamine release than did those with long ISIs (Figure S1J–K), consistent with a recent investigation of mesolimbic dopamine30. However, a similar effect of ISI was observed for the non-contingent Playback stimulations, such that the net Self-vs.-Playback stimulation difference was not significantly related to the ISI (Figure S1J–M), highlighting the importance of temporally matched stimulations in the current experimental design. The Self-vs.-Playback difference also was stable across early and late stimulations within this recorded session (Figure S1N–Q), consistent with the mice being well-trained by the time of this recording (mean ± SEM = 11.1 ± 1.2 prior training days).
Using fiber photometry to record the red fluorescent dopamine sensor rGRABDA1h31 (Figures 1J and S1R–U), we recapitulated the suppression of self-stimulated dopamine release in the dorsomedial striatum (DMS; Figure 1K–M) as observed in our FSCV recordings. This effect generalized to natural reward outcomes, as the rGRABDA1h response was lower when retrieving self-administered sucrose pellets than when retrieving non-contingent ‘Playback’ pellets (Figure 1N–Q). We also found similar suppression of the optogenetically evoked rGRABDA1h response in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS; Figure S1V–Y), suggesting that this main effect generalizes across these recording modalities, types of reinforcer, and striatal subregions. Collectively, these findings indicate that reward-evoked dopamine release is lower when it is the expected outcome of self-initiated, goal-directed actions.
Nigrostriatal dopamine signals action-outcome prediction errors
The reward prediction error theory implies decreased dopamine responses to expected versus unexpected outcomes1–5,32–34. Nevertheless, the relative difference we observed does not alone resolve whether dopamine release is in fact inhibited by the animal’s action. To address this question, we recorded additional opto-ICSS FSCV sessions in which a random 20% of Active lever presses did not yield stimulation, instead causing a 5-s timeout period during which no further stimulation could be earned (Figure 2A). During these Omission Probes, there was a clear dip in dopamine below baseline levels (Figure 2B–C), consistent with a neurochemical instantiation of a negative prediction error15. Indeed, the timecourse for this Omission Probe dip was remarkably similar to the digital subtraction (“Difference Trace”) of the Self-Stimulated dopamine response minus the Passive Playback response (Figure 1H; overlaid in Figure 2D), and there was a significant correlation between the amplitude of the Omission Probe dip and the Self-vs.-Playback Difference (Figure S2A). This Omission Probe dip was not merely an artifact of FSCV background subtraction35, where reuptake during the stimulation-free timeout period might follow an elevated baseline from several preceding stimulations. Rather, a significant dip below baseline was still prominent for the subset of Omission Probes with a minimum latency of at least 5 s since the previous stimulation, whereas no such decrease was detected at the equivalent time points from the Playback phase (Figure S2B–C). Furthermore, additional lever presses during an ongoing stimulation augmented the suppression of Self-Stimulated dopamine release, and similarly, additional presses during an Omission Probe timeout period prolonged the duration of the dip below baseline (Figure S2D–G). In vivo extracellular electrophysiological recording further revealed reduced somatic firing in an optogenetically-identified SNc dopamine neuron in response to action-evoked optogenetic Self-Stimulation relative to non-contingent Passive Playback stimulation (Figure S2H–M). Collectively, these results demonstrate that the action indeed causes inhibition of dopamine transmission.
It recently has been reported that some dopamine neurons transiently reduce their firing rate during certain types of spontaneous movement8,36,37. We therefore considered the possibility that the action-induced suppression observed in our recordings may be a generalized inhibition following any lever pressing action, regardless of whether that action is associated with a particular reinforcing outcome. However, we found no such inhibition in the instances when the animal pressed the Inactive lever, which had never been reinforced throughout training (Figure 2D–E), indicating that the action-induced inhibition of dopamine release is specific to the typically reinforced action and conveys a bona fide prediction-error signal mediated by expectation.
To examine the temporal specificity of this action-induced suppression, we recorded Delay Probe sessions in which 20% of Active lever presses instead resulted in stimulation that was delayed by 5 s (Figure 2F). The initial 5 s of this delay period was equivalent to the timeout period of the Omission Probes, and we again observed a dip in dopamine below baseline (Figure 2G–H). When the probe stimulation was finally delivered at the end of the delay period, there now was a high amplitude of dopamine release that did not differ from the corresponding Playback stimulations (Figure 2I–J). Because these Delay Probes were randomly interleaved throughout the Self-Stimulation phase, this indicates that there is not a global suppression of dopamine neuron excitability throughout the whole context of the Self-Stimulation phase. Rather, this action-induced inhibition is precisely timed to counteract the expected consequence of that action, namely the immediate stimulation that is its typical outcome.
We further determined the nature of this inhibition in Magnitude Probe sessions, where 20% of Active lever presses yielded 5 s of stimulation rather than the standard 1-s stimulation used throughout training (Figure 2K). These increased Magnitude Probes indeed evoked much greater dopamine release, as expected for longer-duration stimulation (Figure 2L–M). Closer examination of the time course of these dopamine responses also revealed a transient suppression during the self-stimulated Magnitude Probes that was restricted to the first second or so following stimulation onset, but no longer differed from Probe Playback by the end of the 5-s probe stimulation. This brief inhibition also was borne out by the transient dips and similar overall time courses in the Difference traces for both the Magnitude Probes and the standard 1-s stimulations, comparing each type of Self-Stimulation to their respective Playback stimulations (Figure 2N–O). This again highlights the timing and duration specificity of the action-induced suppression, and suggests that there is not a global inhibition of dopamine throughout the Self-Stimulation context. Together, these data suggest that nigrostriatal dopamine can encode a reward prediction error signal for individual goal-directed action and its expected outcome.
Sequence-specific suppression of nigrostriatal dopamine release
In real life, goals are seldom achieved by a single action but instead mostly through a series of actions organized in spatiotemporal sequences38–41. Having established that the observed prediction error-like suppression of nigrostriatal dopamine is temporally restricted and specific to an action associated with a reinforcing outcome, we next turned to the question of whether such regulation of dopamine transmission reflects hierarchical control over learned action sequences38,41,42. To this end, we trained a separate cohort of mice to perform a spatiotemporally heterogeneous action sequence, pressing the Left and then Right lever (LR) to earn optogenetic nigrostriatal dopamine neuron self-stimulation (See Methods; Figures 3A and S3A–B). As mice increased the number of stimulations earned across days of training (Figure 3B), their behavior exhibited several indications of successfully learning this LR action sequence: They increased both their probability of correctly completing a sequence by transitioning to a Right lever press following each Left lever press, and their probability of reinitiating with a Left lever press following each stimulation (Figure 3C). Their duration to complete these LR sequences was shorter than the post-reinforcer reinitiation latency (Figure 3D), and the proportion of correct LR sequences increased relative to other non-reinforced press pairs (Figure 3E). The total presses per sequence and the number of consecutive presses on either lever both decreased throughout training, collectively contributing to an increase in overall efficiency (Figure S3C–F). Therefore, rather than simply associating the reinforcing outcome with the most proximal action at the Right lever, the animals’ behavior suggested that they indeed concatenated the distinct action elements into chunked action sequences. Furthermore, the mice significantly reduced their LR sequence performance during a contingency degradation test (Figure S3G), indicating that these chunked action sequences also were goal-directed.
We then recorded nigrostriatal dopamine transmission with FSCV in these sequence-trained mice using the same within-subject manipulation comparing Self-Stimulation versus Passive Playback-evoked dopamine responses. We again found a robust suppression of the Self-Stimulated dopamine response (Figures 3F–I and S3H–I), recapitulating the main result from the single-lever CRF cohort (Figure 1E–I). We also examined dopamine transmission aligned to the completion of other combinations of non-reinforced press pairs (Figure 3J–K), essentially the multi-press analogues of the non-reinforced Inactive Lever presses from the single-lever CRF cohort (Figure 2D–E). Importantly, there was no significant inhibition to any combination of non-reinforced press pairs, in stark contrast to the strong suppression of dopamine revealed in the Difference between LR Self-Stimulation versus Playback (Figure 3J–K). Therefore, analogous to the action-specificity observed in the single-lever CRF cohort, these results indicate that this inhibition was specific to the learned action sequence associated with the expected reward outcome.
Differential regulation of dopamine by individual actions within learned sequence
Beyond this sequence-type specificity, we further examined the question of whether dopamine transmission might reflect regulation at the level of individual action elements or instead at a higher sequence level in a hierarchy of behavioral control. For example, if regulated with each action element, we might expect similar inhibition for each individual Left and Right lever press, and summation of each to the full inhibition at outcome delivery. Alternatively, since animals chunked these action elements into fully concatenated action sequences, we might expect the action-induced inhibition of dopamine to begin at sequence initiation and persist throughout performance of this chunked action sequence. The results were inconsistent with either of these hypotheses, instead exhibiting a distinct form of sequence-specificity consistent with hierarchical control41,43. Initiating Left lever presses did not cause any inhibition of dopamine, instead revealing a slight, albeit non-significant increase in dopamine release (Figures 4A–B and S4). Similarly, additional recording sessions with probe stimulations delivered on 20% of initiating Left presses revealed no inhibition of dopamine evoked by these Left Probes (Figure 4C–H). Instead, these Left Probes actually evoked significantly greater dopamine release than their Playback (Figure 4F). At the individual animal level, 5 out of 8 mice (62.5%) showed a significant dopamine increase, and none showed a significant suppression. Outside of LR sequences, single Right lever presses (see Methods) did not result in inhibition of dopamine, in stark contrast with the full inhibition of Self-Stimulated versus Playback-evoked dopamine for correct LR sequences (Figure 4I–J). The dopamine response to Probe stimulations for these isolated Right presses also did not differ from their Playback, exhibiting no significant inhibition (Figure 4K–P). Importantly, these presumably unexpected Right Probe stimulations evoked significantly greater dopamine release than did the standard Self-Stimulations, which resulted from the same proximal action of pressing the identical Right lever to complete a LR sequence (Figure 4K–L). This same action at the Right lever therefore reveals highly distinct regulation of dopamine dynamics depending on the action’s membership within the learned sequence or not. These results indicate that the dopaminergic prediction errors are selective to the learned action sequence and reflect sequence-level hierarchical control over instrumental behavior.
Our brains constantly generate predictions about the world around us44,45, particularly regarding the expected consequences of environmental cues or our own actions46–49. Indeed, the effects of such expectations have long been recognized when examining the phasic activity of midbrain dopamine neurons following reward-predictive stimuli1. Here, we have demonstrated that nigrostriatal dopamine transmission to reinforcing outcomes is strongly suppressed when this outcome is the expected consequence of the animal’s own action. This inhibition of outcome-evoked dopamine following self-initiated actions parallels commonly observed reward prediction errors in explicit stimulus-outcome and stimulus-response behavioral contexts. The current results therefore expand this phenomenon to include action-outcome prediction errors that support instrumental associations underlying self-initiated goal-directed behavior. This action-outcome prediction error was specific to the typically reinforced action, temporally restricted to counteract the expected consequence of that action, and exhibited sequence selectivity consistent with a high level of hierarchical control over chunked action sequences. The prediction errors signaled by dopamine transmission therefore reflect not only expectations associated with Pavlovian cues or behavioral responses to such discrete stimuli, but also the expected outcomes of self-initiated instrumental actions and sequences. Compelling behavioral and neural evidence for action chunking also is well established39–41,43,50–55, but the mechanisms subserving such sequence learning remain poorly understood. While the exact role of nigrostriatal dopamine throughout sequence acquisition requires further direct investigation, the current results demonstrate that the performance of well-learned action sequences entails distinct dopamine dynamics for actions within these sequences. That nigrostriatal dopamine transmits specific action-outcome prediction errors and exhibits sequence-dependent hierarchical regulation provides critical new insight into these important neuromodulatory dynamics in goal-directed behavioral control, an under-examined domain of instrumental action beyond spontaneous movement of unknown purpose and responding to reward-predictive cues.
Several aspects of our opto-ICSS experimental design conferred distinct advantages for examining the regulation of nigrostriatal dopamine dynamics in goal-directed behavior. The current study used an entirely within-subject design and direct optogenetic excitation to selectively stimulate dopamine neurons and record dopamine transmission at identical locations within a given animal, in contrast to previous ICSS studies that used non-selective electrical stimulation of the midbrain and compared dopamine release between trained versus naïve animals56,57 or did not include temporally matched non-contingent playback30,58,59. Although selective optogenetic stimulation lacks the specific sensory features such as flavor that typically define the identity of natural reward outcomes23,29,55,60–62, the direct intracranial delivery permitted precise temporal control over outcome receipt across the matched session phases. This obviated any potential complications that might arise in traditional procedures with natural rewards regarding the timing of when the animal detected and retrieved the outcome, particularly during the non-contingent Playback phase. Direct optogenetic stimulation also bypasses afferent circuitry representing the natural reward itself or its associated sensory features, permitting the current focus on regulation of dopamine by specific action-associated expectancies. Nevertheless, we also observed a similar suppression of dopamine when mice made consummatory actions to retrieve self-administered sucrose pellets, suggesting that this phenomenon generalizes to natural reward as well. These features of the current design collectively yielded results consistent with nigrostriatal dopamine transmitting an action-outcome prediction error signal.
Although direct optogenetic stimulation indeed approaches an essentially identity-less outcome63, this outcome delivery does coincide with sensory feedback during the action, such as somatosensory contact or auditory feedback from pressing the lever. However, these sensory reafferents are comparable for inactive lever presses or other non-reinforced action sequences, and therefore cannot account for the selective suppression of dopamine evoked as the consequence of reinforced actions (Figures 2D–E and 3J–K). Other modalities such as visual or proprioceptive feedback admittedly would differ between the spatially segregated levers or between session phases depending on the animal’s spatial location and posture, but nevertheless remain direct consequences of the animal’s own action rather than experimenter-controlled external cues. Indeed, the distinct regulation of dopamine to the same action depending on sequence membership (Figure 4I–P) provides clear evidence that the observed suppression was due to specific action-outcome expectancies rather than consequent sensory feedback from this proximal action. Whereas the suppression of outcome-evoked dopamine release is therefore unlikely accounted for by different sensory features between the session phases, this action-induced suppression may instead share important commonalities with efference copy (or corollary discharge) phenomena widely observed in numerous other sensorimotor systems throughout the nervous systems of many different species46–49. Indeed, the current results provide evidence that a learned, sequence-level efference copy can suppress the neurochemical consequence of the complete action sequence, distinct from the regulation by individual action elements. These findings align with the recent demonstration of dopaminergic prediction errors for evaluating sequential sensorimotor control relative to internal performance templates64, and are broadly consistent with the prominent role proposed for efference copies in striatal-dependent learning65,66.
The current study’s FSCV recordings targeted mainly the DMS, which is widely implicated in goal-directed instrumental behavior28,29,67–69. Despite the preponderance of evidence that the DMS plays critical roles in the acquisition and performance of goal-directed action, we do note that one study found that lesions of DLS rather than DMS impaired sequence learning70. Therefore, natural next questions include whether regulation of dopamine dynamics differs across distinct striatal subregions, how these dynamics evolve throughout learning, and how each might causally contribute to learning and performance. Recent work found an attenuation of mesolimbic dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core within a session of self-paced opto-ICSS of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons, albeit without comparison to temporally matched non-contingent playback stimulation30. Together, this finding and the present study extend earlier work reporting suppression of both mesolimbic56 and nigrostriatal dopamine57 evoked by non-selective electrical self-stimulation in trained animals versus non-contingent playback in naïve animals. Further, in a discrete-trial, cued task variant, Covey and Cheer30 also found an attenuation of optogenetically stimulated dopamine release and a concomitant increase in cue-evoked release, consistent with classic reward prediction errors in natural reward contexts1. Indeed, another recent study found predominant prediction-error responses in dopamine axonal activity throughout much of the ventral striatum, DMS, and DLS in a cued discrimination task for natural reward71. In that study, a notable difference in the DLS was a lack of dips below baseline despite similarly suppressive effects of reward expectation across regions. In our photometry recordings with a fluorescent dopamine sensor, we also observed similar suppression of self-stimulated dopamine in both the DMS and DLS during single-lever CRF, but did not examine negative prediction errors to reward omission in these sessions. Based on these collective findings, we therefore would predict that most effects observed within the DMS in the current study would be largely similar in the accumbens core30 and DLS, although we also might not expect negative prediction errors to cause dips below baseline in the DLS71. In contrast, the predictions are perhaps less clear for aspects of the accumbens shell and the caudal-most tail of the striatum, where distinct and surprising dopamine dynamics have been revealed particularly in aversive domains72–74. Overall, potential heterogeneity of dopamine signaling across striatal subregions remains an important topic of investigation.
Uncovering the circuit mechanisms responsible for this dopaminergic action-outcome prediction error also remains an important open question for future research. The current results constrain candidate mechanisms to those with fairly rapid onset, transient duration, and sufficiently strong inhibition to suppress or shunt even direct optogenetic depolarization. Nigrostriatal dopamine neurons receive monosynaptic inputs from all basal ganglia nuclei75–77, the majority of which are predominantly inhibitory GABAergic projections78–80. Striatal, pallidal, and nigral basal ganglia nuclei contain many cells exhibiting prominent activity related to action sequence initiation, termination, and transitions39–41, as well as action-outcome value information81–86 that may converge and contribute to these dopamine neuron computations. Striatal patch (striosome) compartment neurons are compelling striatonigral candidates, given their dense anatomical innervation and strong inhibition of nigral dopamine neurons75,80,87–89, although the striatal neurons in the surrounding matrix compartment could potentially contribute as well80,87. The rostromedial tegmental nucleus is another major GABAergic input, inverting lateral habenula signals that often resemble negative prediction errors90–92. Recent investigations of circuitry regulating prediction-error computations by adjacent mesolimbic dopamine neurons in cued-reward contexts has suggested that distinct afferents provide dissociable information93–95, though there also may be a high degree of redundancy and mixed selectivity distributed across these inputs96. Although subpopulations within several of these nuclei also exhibit prediction error-like activity which dopamine neurons might passively relay90,96–100, the action-induced suppression of dopamine evoked by direct optogenetic stimulation in the current experiments further implies computation within dopamine neurons themselves, akin to mesolimbic dopamine neurons in Pavlovian contexts4,5,96,101. The observation that an identified SNc dopamine neuron exhibits reduced spiking to self- vs. passive optogenetic stimulation (Figure S2H–M) provides initial evidence that somatodendritic inhibition likely contributes to this action-induced inhibition. Nevertheless, a variety of axonal and terminal mechanisms ultimately regulating dopamine release within the striatum also merit further functional investigation, including local GABAergic, cholinergic, and neuropeptide regulation102–105. Finally, given the prominent role proposed for efference copy signals in striatal-dependent learning65,66, corticostriatal projections, particularly from premotor regions involved in both action initiation106 and efference copy signal generation48, could be distal upstream sources contributing action-outcome information for these dopaminergic prediction error computations, whether via multisynaptic pathways to the midbrain or striatal terminal regulation.
Dopaminergic prediction errors are thought to convey a teaching signal that is critical for multiple forms of associative learning across the corticostriatal topography28,29, spanning both classical Pavlovian stimulus-outcome conditioning20,107–110 and the formation of stimulus-response habits12,52,111–114. The action-outcome prediction errors with sequence-specific hierarchical regulation observed in the current work likely reveal fundamental computations supporting instrumental learning. Such action-outcome prediction errors may underlie the assignment of credit to antecedent actions, thereby updating action values and policies34,115. Subtractive inhibition by reward expectation minimizes new learning to fully predicted outcomes, permits performance to stabilize, and supports extinction following reward omission4,34,109. Dysregulation of dopamine dynamics and disrupting the suppressive effects of action-outcome expectations in particular may contribute to the development of compulsive behavior characteristic of addiction116,117 or impulse control disorders that are common side effects of dopamine replacement therapies for Parkinson’s disease118. Related to this notion of credit assignment, action-outcome prediction errors also may be fundamental to the attribution of agency when outcomes are under instrumental control65,115. Efference copies attenuate the expected sensory consequences of self-generated actions, permitting organisms to distinguish outcomes resulting from their own action versus external causes46–49. Deficits in efference copy signaling and hierarchical predictive processing more broadly may cause perturbed regulation of dopaminergic prediction errors implicated in agency-related delusions and hallucinations comprising core positive symptoms of schizophrenia and psychosis119–128. Recent studies have suggested that dynamic nigrostriatal dopamine might regulate ongoing actions36,39,129,130 and bias online action selection131. The current results revealed that nigrostriatal dopamine can encode action-outcome prediction errors critical for action learning. Together they underscore the importance of dopamine for action selection at short as well as long timescales, and have important implications in many neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and addiction.
Lead Contact
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Xin Jin (
Materials Availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.
Data and Code Availability
Data have been deposited at Zenodo: and are publicly available as of the date of publication. The DOI is listed in the Key Resources Table. Any additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is available from the Lead Contact upon request.
All procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and were conducted in accordance with the National Institute of Health’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Experiments were performed using male and female mice, at least two months old, group-housed (2–5 mice / cage) on a 12 hr light/dark cycle (lights on at 6:00 am). DAT-cre mice16 (Jackson Laboratory # 020080) were either crossed with the Ai32 line17 (RCL-ChR2(H134R)-EYFP, Jackson Laboratory # 024109) or injected with cre-dependent AAV in the SNc to selectively express channelrhodopsin-2 in their dopamine neurons.
Surgical Procedures
Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (3% induction, 0.5–1.5% sustained), their head shaved, and they were placed in a stereotaxic frame. The scalp was swabbed with 70% isopropyl alcohol and a povidine-iodine solution, and given a subcutaneous injection of bupivicaine (2 mg/kg) for local anesthesia. After a midline incision and leveling the skull, skulls were dried and coated with OptiBond adhesive and/or implanted with skull screws. Craniotomies were drilled over the dorsal striatum (+ 0.5–0.8 mm AP, 1.5 mm ML from bregma) for the voltammetric working electrode, the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc: −3.1–3.3 mm AP, 1.3 mm ML) for the fiber optic(s), and an arbitrary distal site for the Ag/AgCl reference electrode. For DAT-cre mice not already crossed with the Ai32 line, 300 nl of AAV5-EF1a-DIO-ChR2(H134R)-mCherry (UNC vector core) was injected into the SNc (4.1 mm ventral from dura; 100 nl/min), and the injection needle was left in place for 5 min before being slowing withdrawn131. For all FSCV mice, the Ag/AgCl reference was inserted under the skull and cemented in place, and a carbon-fiber microelectrode19 was lowered into the striatum (2.3–2.5 mm DV from dura) while applying a voltammetric waveform (see FSCV section) at 60 Hz for 10–15 min, and then at 10 Hz until the background had stabilized. A fiber optic18,131 (200 μm core) was lowered targeting the ipsilateral SNc (3.8–4.1 mm DV). DAT-cre x Ai32 mice received 1-s 50-Hz optical stimulation while striatal dopamine was recorded with FSCV to ensure electrode functionality and fiber placement. Mice subsequently trained in the Left-Right sequence task cohort (see Behavioral Training) also were implanted with a fiber optic over the contralateral SNc for bilateral stimulation. All implants were cemented to the skull along with a connector from the reference and working electrodes for later attachment to the FSCV head-mounted amplifier (headstage). For fiber photometry recordings, DATcre x Ai32 mice were injected unilaterally with 300 nl of red fluorescent dopamine sensor31 AAV1-hSyn-rGRABDA1h (Addgene plasmid # 140557 was a gift from Yulong Li, packaged in the Salk GT3 viral vector core) at two depths in either the DMS (+ 0.7 mm AP, 1.5 mm ML from bregma, −2.6 and −2.3 mm DV from dura) or the DLS (+ 0.2 mm AP, 2.5 mm ML from bregma, −3.3 and −3.0 mm DV from dura), implanted with a fiber optic (200 μm core, black ceramic ferrule; Neurophotometrics or RWD) at the same site (−2.4 mm DV for DMS, −3.1 mm DV for DLS), and implanted unilaterally with a fiber optic targeting the ipsilateral SNc as above (−3.3 mm AP, 1.3 mm ML, −3.9 mm DV). For electrophysiological identification of dopamine neurons, DATcre x Ai32 mice were implanted unilaterally in the SNc with an electrode array (Innovative Neurophysiology) with 16 tungsten contacts (2 × 8), 35 μm in diameter, spaced 150 μm apart within rows and 200 μm apart between rows. The array had a fiber optic directly attached, positioned ~300 μm from the electrode tips, to permit coupling to the laser for stimulation delivery39,131. The silver grounding wire was attached to a skull screw, and the array was affixed with dental cement. Mice received buprenorphine (1 mg/kg, s.c.) for analgesia and dexamethasone (2.5 mg/kg, s.c.) or ibuprofen in their drinking water for post-operative anti-inflammatory treatment, recovered in a clean home cage on a heating pad, were monitored daily for at least 3 days, and allowed to recover for at least 10 days before beginning behavioral training.
Behavioral Training
Behavioral training was conducted in standard operant chambers (Med Associates) inside sound attenuating box, as previously described41,131. Mice were connected to the fiber optic patch cable from the laser (LaserGlow; 473 nm, ~5 mW measured before each session) and placed in the operant chamber, and optogenetic intracranial self-stimulation (opto-ICSS) sessions began with the insertion of two levers and the onset of a central house light on the opposite wall. The levers remained extended and the house light remained on for the duration of the 60 min sessions.
Continuous reinforcement cohort
Each press on the designated Active lever resulted in 1 s of optical stimulation (50 Hz, 10 ms pulse width) on a continuous reinforcement (CRF) schedule, other than additional presses during an ongoing stimulation train, which were recorded but had no consequence. Presses on the other, Inactive lever also were recorded but had no consequence. The sides of the Active and Inactive levers were counterbalanced relative to both the operant chamber and implanted hemisphere across mice, and remained fixed across training days for a given animal. Once FSCV mice reliably made at least 100 Active lever presses per session for 3 consecutive days, they also were connected to a voltammetry headstage before each session to allow habituation to behaving with this additional tethering. If a mouse failed to interact with the levers during its first 3 days of training, it was placed on food restriction overnight and a sucrose pellet was placed on the lever during its next behavioral session to encourage exploration. Once mice were reliably pressing the Active lever, they remained on ad libitum access to food and water in their home cages for all subsequent behavioral training and FSCV recordings. Mice were trained for at least 3 days while tethered to the FSCV headstage and meeting the behavioral criteria of at least 100 Active lever presses before FSCV recordings commenced (mean ± SEM = 11.1 ± 1.2 training days).
Fiber photometry and electrophysiology mice were trained as described above prior to their respective opto-ICSS recordings. DMS-implanted fiber photometry mice also were food restricted to 85% of their free-feeding baseline weight and trained to press a lever for sucrose pellets (20 mg, Bio-Serv) on a CRF schedule. In these sucrose pellet CRF sessions, only a single Active lever was present, which had been the Inactive lever from their opto-ICSS sessions. These sessions lasted 60 min or for a maximum of 60 sucrose pellet reinforcers, whichever came first, and fiber photometry recordings commenced on the tenth training session.
Left-Right sequence cohort
Mice in the Left-Right (LR) sequence cohort were initially trained on single-lever CRF opto-ICSS. For this cohort’s CRF training, only one lever was extended in each of two 30-min blocks per session (order counterbalanced across mice), and presses in both left- and right-lever blocks yielded the same 1-s, 50-Hz stimulation. To expedite this initial training stage, all mice in this cohort were food restricted prior to their first session, and were maintained at 85% their free-feeding baseline weight with ~2.5 g of standard lab chow per mouse in their home cage after the daily training sessions. Once mice made at least 100 presses in each block for 3 consecutive days, they were returned to ad libitum food access in their home cage, CRF training continued until they again met this 100-press criterion for another 3 days, and they then began training on the LR sequence task.
In LR sequence session, both levers were inserted at the start of the session and remained extended for the duration of the 60 min sessions. To receive stimulation (1 s, 50 Hz), mice now had to press the Left and then Right lever. No other combination of lever press pairs (Left-Left, Right-Right, or Right-Left) was reinforced with stimulation. After reaching the behavioral criterion of receiving at least 100 stimulations per session for 3 consecutive days, mice were habituated to tethering with the FSCV headstage, and received further training while tethered until they again met this 100-stimulation 3-day criterion and FSCV recording sessions commenced (mean ± SEM = 56.9 ± 7.6 training days). A subset of animals was trained under the same procedures to instead perform the Right-Left sequence as a spatial control, but we refer to the LR sequence throughout for simplicity. The hemisphere of the implanted FSCV recording electrode also was counterbalanced relative to this sequence direction across mice.
Contingency degradation
A contingency degradation test session began with 30 min of standard opto-ICSS (CRF for the CRF cohort, LR sequence task for the LR cohort). In the subsequent 30-min contingency degradation test phase, the levers remained extended, but stimulation was decoupled from task performance and instead was delivered regardless of whether the mice pressed any levers24–27. For each mouse, the timing of these non-contingent stimulations during the test phase was matched to the time stamps of stimulations earned during that animal’s preceding opto-ICSS phase in the first half of the session, ensuring that the stimulation rate and distribution of inter-stimulation intervals were yoked within-subject to a given animal’s own opto-ICSS performance.
Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry (FSCV)
Striatal dopamine was recorded with in vivo FSCV in behaving animals as previously described6,19,131. Briefly, voltammetric waveform application consisted of holding the potential at the carbon-fiber electrode at −0.4 V relative to the Ag/AgCl reference between scans, and ramping to +1.3 V and then back to −0.4V at 400 V/s for each scan. Prior to the initial FSCV recording during opto-ICSS performance, this voltammetric waveform was applied at 60 Hz for at least one hour while mice were in a ‘cycling chamber’ outside the operant box, then at 10 Hz until the background current had stabilized. Mice then received experimenter-delivered optical stimulations (1 s, 50 Hz) to ensure electrode functionality.
For opto-ICSS sessions with FSCV recordings, electrodes were first cycled at 60 Hz for ~40 min and then at 10 Hz for at least 20 min until background current equilibration and throughout the opto-ICSS behavioral session. Mice received a series of 3 experimenter-delivered stimulations before and after the session to validate electrode functionality the day of each recording and for generating voltammetric training sets (see Statistical Analyses). The opto-ICSS session began at least 5 min after the final pre-session stimulation. The first half of each FSCV session consisted of a standard opto-ICSS phase (CRF for the CRF cohort, LR sequence task for the LR cohort) that was identical to the previous behavioral training sessions. At the conclusion of this active Self-Stimulation phase, the both levers retracted and the house light turned off for a 5 min interim period, followed by a Passive Playback phase in which mice received non-contingent stimulations with the same timing and stimulation parameters (1 s at 50 Hz) as in the active Self-Stimulation phase. The timing of these non-contingent Passive Playback stimulations was matched to the time stamps of stimulations earned during a given animal’s preceding Self-Stimulation phase, again ensuring that the stimulation rate and distribution of inter-stimulation intervals were identical across both the active and passive phases for a given animal. Mice in the LR sequence cohort also performed another 30 min of active LR sequence opto-ICSS following the Passive Playback phase to permit assessment of possible temporal order effects (Figure S3H–I).
Mice also underwent additional FSCV recordings in several types of probe sessions, including Omission, Delay, and Magnitude Probes for the CRF cohort, and Left and Right Lever Probes for the LR cohort. These FSCV sessions consisted of the same basic protocol described above, with active Self-Stimulation and non-contingent Passive Playback yoked within-subject. In Omission Probe sessions, 20% of presses on the typically Active lever did not yield stimulation, and instead caused a 5-s timeout period during which no further stimulation could be earned. This timeout period was not explicitly cued with any overt stimulus, other than the absence of the typical stimulation delivery. In Delay Probe sessions, 20% of presses on the Active lever resulted in stimulation that was delayed by 5 s. As for the Omission Probe timeout period, no further stimulation could be earned during this delay period. In Magnitude Probe sessions, 20% of Active lever presses yielded an increased magnitude of stimulation (5 s at 50 Hz). For the LR sequence cohort, the single-press probe sessions consisted of probe stimulations delivered on a random subset of first lever presses after previous reinforcement, in addition to continuous reinforcement for LR sequences as usual. For the Left Probe sessions, the next left lever press following the last reinforcement was stimulated with 20% probability. Due to the lower probability of an additional right lever press following a reinforcement, a right lever press following the last reinforcement was stimulated with 50% probability to collect enough probes for data analyses in the Right Probe sessions. Probe sessions were recorded at least 2 days apart, with standard opto-ICSS behavioral training sessions performed on the intervening days to allow return to baseline performance.
Fiber Photometry
The red fluorescent dopamine sensor31 rGRABDA1h was recorded using fiber photometry (FP3002, Neurophotometrics) controlled via Bonsai132. LEDs delivering two excitation wavelengths (560 nm for detection of dopamine and 415 nm for a dopamine-independent control31, light intensity ~50 μW each at the tip of the patch cord) were interleaved at 40 Hz throughout recording sessions. Fluorescence emission was focused onto a CMOS sensor for detection with a region of interest drawn around the end of the connected patch cable. Opto-ICSS recording sessions consisted of a 15-min Self-Stimulation phase (CRF), a 3-min interim, and then temporally matched Passive Playback stimulations. For sucrose pellet CRF sessions, the Self-administration phase lasted 15 min or terminated after a maximum of 30 pellets, whichever came first, and the Playback phase was recorded 24–48 hours later to control for satiety, again using the same pellet-delivery timestamps as that animal’s Self phase.
In Vivo Electrophysiology
SNc dopamine neurons were recorded and identified as previously described39,131. Briefly, neural activity was recorded using the MAP system (Plexon), and spike activities first were sorted online with a build-in algorithm. Only spikes with stereotypical waveforms distinguishable from noise and high signal-to-noise ratio were saved for further analysis. Behavioral training and recording sessions were conducted as described above for the opto-ICSS CRF cohort. After recording the opto-ICSS session with active Self-Stimulation and Passive Playback phases, the recorded spikes were further isolated into individual units using offline sorting software (Offline Sorter, Plexon). Each individual unit displayed a clear refractory period in the inter-spike interval histogram, with no spikes during the refractory period (larger than 1.3ms). To identify laser-evoked responses, neuronal firing was aligned to stimulation onset and averaged across stimulations in 1-ms bins, and baseline was defined by averaging neuronal firing in the 1 s preceding stimulation onset. The latency to respond to stimulation was defined as the as the time to significant firing rate increase, with a threshold defined as > 99% of baseline activity (3 standard deviations). Only units with short response latency (< 10 ms) from stimulation onset and high correlation between spontaneous and laser-evoked spike waveforms (r > 0.95) were considered cre-positive, optogenetically identified dopamine neurons39,131.
Mice were anesthetized with ketamine (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and xylazine (10 mg/kg, i.p.), and the FSCV recording site was marked by passing a 70 μA current through the electrode for 20 s. Mice were transcardially perfused with 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and then 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS. Brains were removed, post-fixed in PFA at 4° for 24 hr, and then stored at 4° in a solution of 30% sucrose in 0.1 M phosphate buffer until ready for cryosectioning. Tissue was sectioned at 50 μm thickness on a freezing microtome, and striatal and SNc sections were mounted onto glass slides and coverslipped with AquaPoly mounting media containing DAPI (1:1000). Some sections also were processed for immunohistochemistry as previously described41,87. Briefly, sections were washed 3 times for 15 min each in tris-buffered saline (TBS), and incubated for 1 hr in blocking solution containing 3% normal horse serum and 0.25% Triton-X 100 in TBS. Tissue was incubated for 48 hr in primary antibody against tyrosine hydroxylase (anti-TH, raised in rabbit, 1:1000, Abcam) and green fluorescent protein (anti-GFP, raised in chicken, 1:1000, Novus Biologicals) in this blocking solution at 4°, washed twice for 15 min in TBS and then for 30 min in the blocking solution, and then incubated for 3 hr in secondary antibody (anti-Chicken AlexaFluor 488 and anti-Rabbit Cy3, each 1:250, Jackson ImmunoResearch) in blocking solution. Finally, sections were washed 3 times for 15 min in TBS, mounted onto slides, and coverslipped with DAPI mounting media as above. Sections were imaged on a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope with 10x and 20x objectives. All included FSCV animals were confirmed to have electrode placement in the dorsal striatum and fiber optics targeting the SNc.
FSCV data were low-pass filtered at 2 kHz, aligned to each lever press and/or stimulation onset, and background-subtracted using the mean voltammetric current in the 1 s prior to each aligned event of interest. Dopamine responses were isolated using chemometric principal component analysis with training sets consisting of cyclic voltammograms for dopamine, pH, and electrode drift131,133,134. Electrode-specific training sets were used for each animal and represented additional inclusion criteria for a given electrode, but similar results were obtained when reanalyzing data with a standardized training set across animals135. Changes in dopamine concentration were estimated based on average post-implantation electrode sensitivity19. Analysis of fiber photometry data consisted of fitting the 415 nm control channel with a biexponential decay to account for photobleaching across the session, linearly scaling that fit to the 560 nm dopamine-dependent channel using robust regression, and dividing the 560 nm data by this scaled fit. Peri-event change in fluorescence (ΔF/F) then was calculated by subtracting the 250-ms baseline period preceding the stimulation or pellet delivery.
Mean changes in dopamine concentration summarized in bar graphs throughout the opto-ICSS results analyzed time periods spanning 0.5–1.5 s following the aligned event onset. The summary bar graph for the sucrose pellet photometry data quantifies the rGRABDA1h sensor response in the 1 s following reward retrieval. Analysis of the FSCV Magnitude Probes also included a late time point at 4.5–5.5 s after Probe onset, as did supplementary analysis of Omission Probes with versus without additional presses during the timeout period. For the LR sequence cohort, analysis of non-reinforced press pairs was restricted to pairs with short inter-press intervals (IPI < 5 s), consistent with the short duration of most LR sequences. Analysis of the non-reinforced single Left and Right lever presses was restricted to the first press following previous reinforcement, to match the press that could receive probe stimulation in the corresponding single-press probe sessions. Analysis of non-reinforced Right lever presses and Right Probe stimulations was restricted to those where the animal did not first approach the Left lever, as determined by examination of the video, to ensure that the right presses analyzed were individual actions and not part of a LR sequence. Analysis of LR sequences aligned to approach initiation entailed first identifying this time of approach initiation from the video55, and the subsequent intervals from approach initiation to Left press and from the Left to Right press were scaled to each interval’s median duration to normalize over time and then concatenated55,136. Statistical analyses of behavioral and recording data consisted of t tests and repeated-measures ANOVAs with post-hoc tests corrected for multiple comparisons as indicated throughout the corresponding figure legends. Stimulation-evoked dopamine traces also were analyzed with Difference Traces that digitally subtracted the Passive Playback response from the Self-Stimulation response for each pair of matched stimulations. Dopamine trace time courses following event onset were analyzed with permutation tests (10,000 random shuffles) with a cluster-based correction for multiple comparisons over time137,138. For electrophysiological data analysis, neuronal firing was aligned to stimulation onset, averaged within each session phase, and smoothed with a Gaussian filter (window size = 50 ms, standard deviation = 10) to construct peri-event time histograms for Self-Stimulation and Passive Playback responses. Statistical analyses were performed in Prism (GraphPad) and Matlab (MathWorks).
Supplementary Material
Antibodies | ||
Rabbit anti-tyrosine hydroxylase | Abcam | Cat#ab112; RRID:AB_297840 |
Chicken anti-GFP | Novus Biologicals | Cat#NB100-1614; RRID:AB_10001164 |
Donkey anti-rabbit Cy3 | Jackson ImmunoResearch | Cat#711-165-152; RRID:AB_2307443 |
Donkey anti-chicken Alexa Fluor 488 | Jackson ImmunoResearch | Cat#703-545-155; RRID:AB_2340375 |
Bacterial and virus strains | ||
AAV5-EF1a-DIO-ChR2(H134R)-mCherry | UNC vector core | RRID:SCR_002448 |
AAV1-hSyn-GRAB_rDA1h | 31 Addgene, Salk vector core | RRID:Addgene_140557 |
Deposited data | ||
Raw and analyzed data | This paper | Zenodo: |
Experimental models: Organisms/strains | ||
Mouse: DAT-cre (Slc6a3) | Jackson Laboratory | RRID:IMSR_JAX:020080 |
Mouse: Ai32 (RCL-ChR2(H134R)/eYFP) | Jackson Laboratory | RRID:IMSR_JAX:024109 |
Software and algorithms | ||
Med-PC | Med Associates | Cat#SOF-735 |
Tarheel CV | UNC, via University of Washington | N/A |
Bonsai | Bonsai | RRID:SCR_017218 |
MATLAB | Mathworks | Version 2017b |
Prism | GraphPad Software | Version 6.07 |
OmniPlex | Plexon | Version 1.4.5 |
Offline Sorter | Plexon | Version 3.3.3 |
Nigrostriatal dopamine is suppressed when outcomes result from goal-directed action
Dopamine signals action-outcome prediction errors for food reward and opto-ICSS
These action-outcome prediction errors are precisely timed and sequence-specific
We thank Jared Smith, Jason Klug, Sho Aoki, Zhongmin Lu, Roy Kim, Kanchi Mehta, Anthony Balolong-Reyes, Sage Aronson, and Scott Ng-Evans for helpful discussions and technical assistance. Research reported in this publication was supported by NIH grants K99MH119312 (N.G.H.) and R01NS083815 (X.J.), the Salk Institute Pioneer Postdoctoral Endowment Fund and the Jonas Salk Fellowship (N.G.H.), and the McKnight Memory and Cognitive Disorders Award (X.J.). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
The authors declare no competing interests.
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