In the version of this article initially published, Janse van Rensburg, R., Van der Merwe, A. & Crowley, T., 2020, ‘Factors influencing patient falls in a private hospital group in the Cape Metropole of the Western Cape’, Health SA Gesondheid 25(0), a1392., the article section was given incorrectly. The correct section should be Original Research instead of Review Article.
This correction does not alter the study’s findings of significance or overall interpretation of the study’s results. The publisher apologises for any inconvenience caused.
How to cite this correction: Janse van Rensburg, R., Van der Merwe, A. & Crowley, T., 2021, ‘Erratum: Factors influencing patient falls in a private hospital group in the Cape Metropole of the Western Cape’, Health SA Gesondheid 26(0), a1773.
Note: DOI of original article published: