Levels of ROS in PGCs of Stage 13 germ-band extended embryos increase when levels of the scavenger protein Sod are compromised. WT and MAT-Gal4/UAS-Sod1-RNAi embryos were stained with anti-Vasa antibody (Green), DNA marker Hoechst (Blue), and ROS detector dihydroethidium DHE (Red). A, D: All three markers. B, E: Vasa and DHE. C, F: DHE. Embryos are oriented anterior to the left and dorsal side on top in all panels.
WT. Levels of ROS in PGCs in Stage 13 wild type embryos are still detected (arrow).
Each panel (A-C) on the left shows the same stage 13 WT embryo. During stage 13, as PGCs in the mesoderm align against the SGPs (not shown), detectable levels of ROS are still observed (marked with *).
Sod1-RNAi. Levels of ROS in PGCs and soma are markedly increased in Stage 13 MAT-Gal4/UAS-Sod1-RNAi embryos (PGCs marked with two **).