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. 2021 Dec 15;1078:1–33. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1078.69850
1 Body colouration pale brown, fulvous, or testaceous (Fig. 1A). Head brown with 2 variably extending testaceous bands (Fig. 2A, B). Pronotum with 2 large brown spots (Fig. 4A, B). Posterior tibia armed with 11 spines on the basal side (Fig. 6A, B) Achetadomesticus Linnaeus
_ Body colouration brownish yellow, rather large, robust (Fig. 1C). Head blackish with shiny occiput (Fig. 2C). Pronotum unicolourous, concave, very slightly widening anteriorly and posteriorly; posterior margins with numerous spots, without large brown spots, double line anteriorly and posteriorly (Fig. 1C). Tibia with 1 pointed spine on either side (Fig. 6C) 2
2 Elytra extending to the apex of abdomen (Fig. 8C). Wings long. Legs pale yellowish with numerous hairs (Fig. 6C) 3
_ Elytra reach to the top of abdomen, wings much long (Fig. 8D, E). Legs dark brown, strongly pubescent (Fig. 1D, E) 4
3 Abdomen yellow, pubescent; ovipositor long, straight, serrated with numerous sutures. Cerci well developed, pointed at the terminus (Fig. 1C) A.hispanicus Rambur
_ Abdomen brown; ovipositor moderately long, rather slender with apical valves very acute (Fig. 1G). Cerci small, tapered at apex 6
4 Body large, stout. Colour blackish. Head curved feebly anteriorly; wider at posterior (Fig. 1D, E). Pronotum concave with piriform impression on anterior disc (Fig. 4D, E) G. (Gryllus) bimaculatus De Geer
_ Body size medium to large. Colour brown. Head yellowish brown with patches and raised veins (Fig. 2F). Pronotum convex above, blackish brown with fine greyish pubescens; posterior margin sinuated (Fig. 4F) 5
5 Elytra run beyond length of body, elytra with yellow patches on base G.campestris Linnaeus
_ Elytra equilateral reduced, extending to the extremity of abdomen, wings caudate (Fig. 9C) 7
6 Fastigium of vertex black, shiny, flat, slightly curved at sides, large body size, elytra large with thick venation system along total body length G.septentrionalis F. Walker
_ Fastigium of vertex yellowish brown, curved at the anterior side; body elongated, elytra small, disjointed Gryllodessigillatus Walker
7 Head small, brown, with narrow frontal rostrum, pronotum transverse, feebly concave anterior margin; elytra of female are moderately diverse 8
_ Head wide at back and narrow in front, pronotum concave and slightly broad, Face blackish brown, right wing overlappintg on anterior wing T. (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis Serville
8 Femur thick at anterior but narrow at posterior, without spines. Tibia moderately thin, armed with 10 anterior spines, no spines on external side G.supplicans Walker
_ Femur thick, small, banded with vertical lines. Tibia thin with pointed spines with black bases, dorsal field of tegmina with several veins 9
9 Head short with vertical light and dark bands at posterior margin. Ocelli dorsal field with dark horizontal band (Figs 2J, 3A). Pronotum dark brown, variably fulvous with black inferior margin (Fig. 5A, B) .T. (Brachyteleogryllus) commodus Walker
_ Head larger, yellow, adorned with rufous spots, ocelli dorsal field with dark, horizontal, pubescent bands (Fig. 3B). Pronotum depressed above with straight yellowish posterior margin; dorsal field coarse (Fig. 5C) 10
10 Femur wide with numerous patches and immovable spines, tibia has several spines on one side, tegmina dorsal field with 3 or 4 oblique veins 11
_ Femur thick, small groove at anterior, small hairs on external and internal sides. Tibia armed with 9 external, 11 internal, and 2 medio-internal spines Svercuspalmetorum Krauss
11 Elytra extending to the apex of abdomen; veins of the dorsal field rather irregular and condensed (Fig. 9G) 12
_ Elytra extending to 2/3 of the abdomen, apical field well developed; wings surpassing abdomen tip (Fig. 10B) 13
12 Abdomen brown. Ovipositor short, straight, slender with very small lanceolate, acute apical valves (Fig. 1M) Modicogryllussindhensis sp. nov.
_ Abdomen yellow with dark spots on each tergite. Ovipositor long, straight, slender (Fig. 1P) 14
13 Legs dark brown dorsally, whitish ventrally. Tibia armed with 9 internal and 4 medio-internal spines (Fig. 7B). Abdomen black, sternites whitish. Cerci pale brown, short. Ovipositor long, slender, straight with lanceolate apical valves (Fig. 1O) Miogryllusitaquiensis Orsini & Zefa
_ Legs brown, hind femora much longer than middle femora. Posterior tibia armed with 7 external, 3 medio-internal spines, much wider anteriorly, numerous patches on dorsal surface (Fig. 7E). Abdomen brown. Cerci long, tapered. Ovipositor long, straight with yellowish base (Fig. 1S) 15
14 Medium size. Colouration yellow (Fig. 1P). Head short, narrow, yellowish, shiny, adorned on each side with dark brown line extending from occiput, along eye (Fig. 3E). Pronotum as long as wide, feebly widening in front with two dark spots on dorsal field (Fig. 5F). Elytra reduced. No wings (Fig. 10C). Ovipositor slim and acute Callogryllussaeedi Saeed
_ Medium size. Colouration yellow (Fig. 1Q). Head short, narrow, very neat. Eyes rounded, moderately projecting; ocelli small (Fig. 3F). Pronotum 1.5 × as wide as long, slightly concave at anterior margin, straight posteriorly, one side rather strongly convex (Fig. 5G). Elytra yellow, small (Fig. 10D). With or without wings. Ovipositor small, very elongated, acute slim apical valve C.ovilongus Saeed & Yousuf
15 Eyes oval and brown, pronotum serrated overall and wide, abdominal part smaller than tegmen, wings large. Legs yellow, brownish at base, strongly pubescent, irregular bands on dorsal field. Posterior tibiae armed with 11 external and 3 medio-internal spines (Fig. 7D) C.bilineatus Bolívar
_ Eyes small, oval, bulging outwards, ocelli black, horizontal dark band present (Fig. 3H). Pronotum as long as head, dorsal field 2 × wider than long, anterior and posterior margins pilose, truncated, dorsal surface brownish, mottled (Fig. 5I). Wings with condensed veins (Fig. 10F). Legs brown, hind femora much longer than middle femora. Posterior tibia armed with 7 external, 3 medio-internal spines (Fig. 7E) 16
16 Fastigium of vertex circular, brownish, shiny. Eyes small, dark brown. Head shiny brown, short, narrow; ocelli black, with horizontal dark band (Fig. 3H). Tegmen pointed at one end and curved at the other. Tibia with 10 spines. Cerci long tapered. Ovipositor long, straight, with yellowish base (Fig. 1S) Lepidogryllussiamensis (Chopard)
_ Fastigium of vertex small, tapered, green. Eyes black. Head short, narrow with dark brown ocelli (Fig. 3I). Tegmen snowy transparent extending to 2/3 tip of abdomen. Wings rounded, broad with condensed irregular veins (Fig. 10G). Tibia thin, slender armed with 21 external, 1 medio-internal spines (Fig. 7F). Cerci long with pointed ends. Ovipositor short (Fig. 1T) Oecanthusfultoni Walker