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. 2021 Apr 6;11(21):12929–12937. doi: 10.1039/d1ra01455b

Molecular free energy optimization on a computational graph

Xiaoyong Cao 1, Pu Tian 1,2,
PMCID: PMC8697515  PMID: 35423805


Free energy is arguably the most important property of molecular systems. Despite great progress in both its efficient estimation by scoring functions/potentials and more rigorous computation based on extensive sampling, we remain far from accurately predicting and manipulating biomolecular structures and their interactions. There are fundamental limitations, including accuracy of interaction description and difficulty of sampling in high dimensional space, to be tackled. Computational graph underlies major artificial intelligence platforms and is proven to facilitate training, optimization and learning. Combining autodifferentiation, coordinates transformation and generalized solvation free energy theory, we construct a computational graph infrastructure to realize seamless integration of fully trainable local free energy landscape with end to end differentiable iterative free energy optimization. This new framework drastically improves efficiency by replacing local sampling with differentiation. Its specific implementation in protein structure refinement achieves superb efficiency and competitive accuracy when compared with state of the art all-atom mainstream methods.

GSFE-refinement is a super efficient protein refinement method that integrates the GSFE theory, coordinates transformation, neural network and auto differentiation, and maps molecular free energy optimization onto a computational graph.graphic file with name d1ra01455b-ga.jpg


Full understanding of free energy landscape (FEL) for a given molecular system implicates the ability to accurately predict its behavior, and provides a rational basis for further manipulation and design. Scientists have made tremendous effort in calculating FEL with great achievements in advancement of both theory and computational algorithms.1 Rigorous computation of FEL usually involves sampling of configurational space by molecular simulations and post-processing of generated trajectories/statistics. More efficient estimation as utilized in design/prediction/refinement of protein structures2–4 involves repetitive proposal/sampling and/or energy minimization of candidate structures/sequences (e.g. FastRelax5) followed by evaluating/scoring with various forms of potentials.6–8 All these schemes have fundamental limitations as briefed below:

(1) Pairwise approximation of non-bonded molecular interactions is utilized in essentially all molecular modeling with either physics or knowledge based force fields (FF) (e.g. CHARMM,9 Rosetta10). Two non-bonded basic units (atoms or coarse grained particles) are assumed to have interactions determined only by the distance (and orientation in case of anisotropic units) between them, regardless of identity and spatial distribution of other neighboring units.

(2) Fixed simple functional form (e.g. Lennard-Jones, quadratic form) are utilized in traditional FF for convenience of fitting. While having well grounded physical underpinning when relevant basic units are near equilibrium positions (local minima), these functions create a ceiling of accuracy for description of frustrated molecular systems11 with a significant fraction of comprising units off energy minima position and/or orientation.

(3) Repetitive local sampling is universal. The number of energetically favorable local configurations of a given composition for typical molecular systems (e.g. water, protein) at specific conditions (e.g. temperature, pressure) is a tractable number and form a local FEL (LFEL). The reason is that local correlations are strong in soft condensed matter, thus effective local dimensionality is much smaller than that corresponds to the number of degrees of freedom (DOFs). Different local compositions, which is also a tractable number for similar reason, form different LFEL. Competition and superposition of these overlapping LFEL constitutes global FEL of a given molecular system. However, sampling of these local arrangements are repeatedly carried out with tremendous wasting of computational resources.

(4) No direct manipulation of molecular coordinates based on free energy is available for sampling based methods.

(5) Maintenance of rigid constraints (e.g. bond lengths) is frequently utilized to improve efficiency of molecular simulations with either shake,12 rattle13 or settle14 algorithm. These iterative procedures maintain bond lengths (and angles) within a preset tolerance off target value, engender computational cost, and may diverge when large forces are experienced by relevant units. Specialized methods, such as concerted rotation15 and backrub,16 are helpful in maintaining constraints for stochastic configurational space sampling of (bio)polymers. However, these procedures may not be directly driven by differentiation w.r.t. (with respect to) a given potential.

Among these limitations, the first two have fundamental impact on accurate interaction description, the third and the fourth severely decrease computational efficiency, and the fifth is a nuisance. Neural network based many body potentials17 may help with the first two limitations. The remaining three are yet to be overcome. We previously developed generalized solvation free energy (GSFE) theory.8 The local maximum likelihood approximation (LMLA) of GSFE theory was implemented with a simple neural network to assess protein structural models, and demonstrated strong competitiveness when compared with state-of-the-art knowledge based potentials. The physical essence of GSFE is caching of LFEL by training with data sets derived from high resolution experimental structures. The connection of LFEL to mainstream enhanced sampling and coarse-graining algorithms are described in detail elsewhere.18

A graph is a set of vertices and edges connecting them. In a computational graph, vertices are functions that processing data transmitted through edges. Autodifferentiation (AD) is a powerful way of solving exact derivatives first developed in 1974,19 its special form of backpropagation (BP) in neural network was reinvented by Hinton20 in 1986. Derivatives, as long as they exists, in all programmable computational process may be calculated with autodifferentiation without explicit functional forms. The gorgeous capability of computational graph empowered by autodifferentiation has been proven by widespread application of major artificial intelligence platforms (e.g. TensorFlow and PyTorch). Integrating the GSFE theory, coordinates transformation and autodifferentiation, we map molecular free energy optimization onto a computational graph to address the last three of above mentioned challenges. Implementation of this algorithm in protein structure refinement (PSR) is demonstrated to be competitive in accuracy and orders of magnitude more efficient when compared with present mainstream methodologies.


Introduction to local maximum likelihood approximation of GSFE

In GSFE, each comprising unit is both solute and solvent of its neighbors. For a n-residue protein with sequence X = {x1, x2, …, xn}, the free energy of a given structure is:

F = −ln P(Structure|X) 1

With Bayes formula:

−ln P(Structure|X) = −ln P(X|Structure)P(Structure)/P(X) 2

For a given sequence X, P(X) is a constant and is dropped. For maximum likelihood approximation, the prior term P(Structure) is ignored. Define Ri(Xi, Yi) as local structural regions within selected cutoff distance of Xi (Yi being specific solvent of Xi). With further local approximation we have:

graphic file with name d1ra01455b-t1.jpg 3

Eqn (3) assumes all influence to each unit is included in its solvent Yi, this product of n local likelihood terms is the LMLA (local maximum likelihood approximation) of GSFE, which is the basis for our NN training in this work. Incorporation of local priors and direct long range interactions will be tackled in future.

Training of local free energy landscape neural network

The same training/validation/test dataset as ref. 8 is used for training LFEL. For each target residue, 22 neighboring residues are selected as its neighbors (6 upstream, 6 downstream sequentially adjacent residues in primary sequence and 10 non-adjacent ones). Features for each target residue include one-hot vectors representing identities of neighboring residues, residue pair distances (Cα–Cα) between the target and its neighbor residues, and dihedral angles (Cα, C, N, Cβ) indicating side chain orientations. Input for each comprising solvent unit of a LFEL includes a 22-dimensional one-hot vector, 6 sets of bond angle parameters (each angle θ is converted into sin θ and cos θ), and the Cα–Cα distance resulting in an input of (22 + 6 × 2 + 1) × 22 = 770 dimensions, the resulting LFEL is denoted as 770-LFEL. A four-layer feed-forward (770-512-512-512-21) network architecture is used (Fig. 2A) and trained for 30 epochs with a learning rate of 0.1.

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of GSFE-refinement training and optimization. (A) Illustration of LFEL training based on LMLA-GSFE (see ref. 8 for details). (B) Illustration of the fully end-to-end differentiable optimization pipeline. Small solid black arrows represent forward pass computation of approximate free energy, small solid red arrows represent BP operation for taking derivatives. The empty arrow represents input of decoys. Final result is delivered as output after a preset iteration number N.

Fig. 2

Refinement datasets

Four data sets are prepared to evaluate GSFE-refinement. The first is 3DRobot data set. After removing structures having sequences of higher than 25% identity with training set, 36 of original 200 native structures21 remain, and 322 decoys for these 36 native structures are selected by random sampling according to refineD.22 The second is the 150-target refineD test set.22 The third dataset includes 34 decoys available from CASP11 and 31 available from CASP12 respectively. The last data set is the 31 decoys out of 44 from CASP14 (we missed the earliest 13 targets due to late registration). CASP decoys are downloaded from CASP website (

The refinement pipeline

As shown in Fig. 2B, a given starting structure is first striped of all side chain atoms other than Cβ. Cartesian coordinates of the remaining backbone (Cα, CO, N) and Cβ atoms are converted into internal coordinates, which is further converted back into Cartesian coordinates for feature extraction. The NeRF (Natural Extension Reference Frame) algorithm (see ESI for details) is used for coordinates transformation in both ways (see ESI for details). The approximate free energy calculated by the forward pass through the neural network (which caches LFELs), plus some additional restraints (see below), constitute the total loss function. Derivatives of the total loss w.r.t. the input coordinates is calculated with back propagation of AD, and optimization is subsequently performed with simple gradient descent using the given learning rate and calculated derivatives. To maintain constraints of bond lengths and angles, only gradients of the loss function w.r.t. backbone dihedrals ϕ and ψ are saved, and derivatives w.r.t. other inputs are set to zero.

Loss function of the optimization process

The total loss is shown below:

LOSS = loss + λlosssmoothL1 4
graphic file with name d1ra01455b-t2.jpg 5
graphic file with name d1ra01455b-t3.jpg 6
graphic file with name d1ra01455b-t4.jpg 7

Here, λ is the coefficient of losssmoothL1, which is designed to limit the conformational search space during optimization. The larger the λ, the stronger the restraint. wi is the AA (amino acid) site weight parameter, n is the protein chain length, m is the total number of AA types (m = 21), L is the number of neighboring AA around each target AA (L = 22), and pi is the predicted likelihood for the specific solvent configuration given residue i, dist0i and dist1i are distances between the solute Ca and its ith solvent Ca atoms in the starting and updated structures. The total LOSS is iteratively minimized during the optimization. Learning rate specifies an effective step size for updating coordinates, its value is specified in Results. It is important to note that learning rate in training process specifies magnitude for updating of neural network parameters, which caches LFEL.

Computational graphs

The framework of the fitted local free energy landscape in this paper is implemented using the PyTorch platform. Its built-in TORCH.AUTOGRAD package is mainly used to realize the function of automatic differentiation. Generally speaking, computational graphs, tensors and AD are used in combination. The function that is applied to tensor to construct a computational graph actually contains two functions: one is to know how to calculate the function in the forward direction, and the other is to propagate backward. Calculate the derivative of this function in (backward propagation step). We use AUTOGRAD to record all the tensors for setting gradients (Tensor) and all the operations performed (including the new tensors generated in this process) through a directed acyclic graph (DAG). In this DAG, the leaf tensor is the input tensor, and the root tensor is the output tensor. You can track the graph from the follower to the leaf, or use the chain rule to automatically calculate the gradient ( In this article, the free energy function LOSS = F(ϕ, ψ) we fitted can be considered as the function with the dihedral angle as the independent variable (as shown in Fig. 2B), the whole process of constructing the function and the intermediate variables produced (Tensor) are included in the calculation graph, so each iteration, generating new Cartesian coordinates through reverse derivation is equivalent to updating the optimized protein structure once. Moreover, the automatic differentiation calculated using the calculation graph is the same as manual differentiation and symbolic differentiation in terms of accuracy.23


Mapping of free energy optimization onto a computational graph

With a simple probabilistic description of molecular systems, GSFE formulates a directed link from molecular coordinates to LFEL, superposition of which under strict implicit global correlation restraints (see eqn (3) and Fig. 1) is utilized to approximate total free energy of interested molecular system. Caching of LFEL through training of the neural network is described perviously8 (and briefed in Methods section as well). However, GSFE does not provide measures to efficiently update structures. In principle, with establishment of a computational graph, BP operation of AD from calculated approximate free energy (AFE) to coordinates may provide gradients (and higher ordered derivatives when needed) of AFE w.r.t. coordinates, which may subsequently be updated by a simple gradient descent (or higher ordered) optimization. AD is implemented by major AI platforms and may be turned on by a simple statement. One concern is that in such direct update of coordinates, bond lengths/angles would be changed and one has to utilize iterative algorithms such as shake12 or rattle13 to maintain constraints if desire. To overcome this issue, we design a coordinate transformation procedure that updates internal coordinates where only derivatives w.r.t. interested quantity (dihedrals) are utilized and derivatives w.r.t. constraint quantity (bond lengths and angles) are set to zero. This way, constraints are realized exactly with no concern of divergence. As shown in Fig. 2, to facilitate feature extraction, a transformation from internal to Cartesian coordinates is necessary.

Fig. 1. Illustration of implicit mediated global correlations and effective larger cutoff in GSFE-refinement. Two dashed circles are two “local” region for LFEL centered at solute unit B and D respectively. As a comprising unit of LFELs centered on both unit B and D, unit C experience effective force from unit A as mediated by B, and effective force from E as mediated by D. In fact, each unit experience effective forces mediated by LFELs defined by all of its solvent unit, resulting in an effective large cutoff that is approximately two times the radius of dashed circle for defining LFEL as shown. All mediated global correlations in essence is the equality of shared states for overlapping DOFs belong to different LFELs, since only one set of coordinates is used in the whole optimization process, these correlations are naturally maintained.

Fig. 1

GSFE-refinement performance on 3DRobot data set

Refinement with LMLA-GSFE

In order to investigate the efficiency of optimization with BP operation of AD and the accuracy of LMLA-GSFE, we carried out refinement with 770LFEL on the 3DRobot dataset (see Methods). The results for the best of top 5 models at learning rates of 0.001, 0.0005 and 0.0001 are evaluated by Cα RMSD (root-mean-squared deviation) and GDT-HA (global distance test high accuracy) as indicators24 and listed in Table 1 (rows 1, 2 and 3). Avg-ΔGDT-HA (see Table 1) with learning rates 0.001, 0.0005 and 0.0001 are −1.38, −0.18 and 0.2, corresponding GDT-HA-num (see Table 1) are 95/322, 134/322 and 182/322 respectively. Within limited range of examination, we observe on average the smaller the learning rate, the larger the average ΔGDT-HA and the larger the GDT-HA-num (as shown in Fig. 3A and 4A–C). However, for some decoys, a larger learning rate improves refinement (see Fig. S8). Physically, a larger learning rate means refinement with a larger step in all of considered LFEL and costs less computing resource. Considering all these factors, a learning rate of 0.0005 is utilized hereafter.

Summary for the best of top 5 models with various combinations for LR/λ/W on 3DRobot dataset.
LR/λ/Wa Avg-ΔGDT-HAb GDT-HA-numc Avg-ΔRMSDd RMSD-nume
0.001/0/0 −1.38 95/322 0.0022 130/322
0.0005/0/0 −0.18 134/322 −0.0175 158/322
0.0001/0/0 0.2 182/322 −0.0099 201/322
0.0005/0.1/0 −0.19 137/322 −0.0168 166/322
0.0005/1.2/0 −0.02 162/322 −0.0147 188/322
0.0005/10.0/0 0.24 211/322 −0.0167 257/322
0.0005/0.1/1 0.02 163/322 −0.0136 191/322
0.0005/1.2/1 0.26 214/322 −0.0178 275/322
0.0005/10.0/1 0.27 210/322 −0.019 291/322

LR is the learning rate, λ is the coefficient of smooth_l1 loss for conformation restraints, W is the AA weight (see eqn (5) and (6), with 1 represents on and 0 represents off).


The average value of ΔGDT-HA for all decoys.


The average number of decoys with ΔGDT-HA > 0 for all 36 decoy sets.


The average value of ΔRMSD for all decoys.


The average number of decoys with ΔRMSD < 0 for all 36 decoy sets.

Fig. 3. Box plots for ΔGDT-HA with different LR/λ/W combinations for 3DRobot dataset. Effects of variation are exhibited for (A) learning rates, (B) structural restraints and (C) weights for approximating local priors. More box plots of ΔRMSD and ΔGDT-HA are available in ESI (Fig. S1–S3)..

Fig. 3

Fig. 4. Scatter plots of AΔGDT-HA as a function of start GDT-HA score for best of top 5 models from GSFE-refinement for 3DRobot dataset. Corresponding LR/λ/W combination is noted on top of each plot. Effects of variation are exhibited for (A–C) learning rates; (D–F) structural restraints and (G–I) weights for approximating local priors. More scattered plots of ΔRMSD and ΔGDT-HA are available in ESI (Fig. S4–S6)..

Fig. 4

Impact of the smooth_l1 term

In view of the increasing accuracy of the starting structures generated by protein structure prediction, the imposition of reasonable restrictions has become an important part of refinement.25–28 Here, we add the smooth_l1 loss term (see eqn (4) and (7) in Methods) to limit the conformation search space to be in the vicinity of starting structures. As shown in Table 1 (rows 4, 5 and 6), the Avg-ΔGDT-HA for λ = 0.1, 1.2, 10.0 are −0.19, −0.02, 0.24 and corresponding GDT-HA-num are 137/322, 162/322 and 211/322 respectively. The Avg-ΔGDT-HA based on λ = 10.0 is significantly better than that based on λ = 0.1 and 1.2, and GDT-HA-num and RMSD indicators show similar trends (as shown in Fig. 3B and 4D–F).

Impact of local weights on the refinement performance

There have been some studies on local restraints in protein structure refinement based on prior knowledge,25,29,30 selection of specific regions,25,29,31 and local structure evaluation.25,29,32 In our training of LFEL, the available data are significantly different for each of amino acids (AA). Larger datasets are highly likely to improve description of LEFL surrounding corresponding AAs. To test this speculation, the fraction of each AA is used as the refinement weight for LFEL (see eqn (5) and (6)). Table 1 shows the significantly improved results after adding local weights (rows 7, 8 and 9 compared with rows 4, 5 and 6). For example, when LR/λ/W changes from 0.0005/1.2/0 to 0.0005/1.2/1, the Avg-ΔGDT-HA increased from −0.02 to 0.26 (row 5 and row 8). Various other evaluation indicators (GDT-HA-num, RMSD and RMSD-num) exhibit similar improvement (as shown in Fig. 3B, C and 4D–I).

GSFE-refinement performance on refineD data set

In order to further investigate the robustness of GSFE-refinement, we test its performance on the refineD dataset at LR/λ/W = 0.0005/1.2/1 with 770-LFEL. As shown in Table 2 (see detailed results in Tables S1 and S2 in ESI), in top 1 models, the GDT-HA score of GSFE-refinement is 0.08 and ranks the fourth. In best of top 5 models, GSFE-refinement ranks the sixth, its result (0.4400) is better than FastRelax-0.5 Å (0.0548), FastRelax-4.0 Å (0.0751), FastRelax (−0.1999), ModRefiner-0 (−0.8400), and ModRefiner-100 (0.1491). These results are generated by 5 iterations within a few seconds on a single CPU core, in strong contrast to conventional sampling and minimization (e.g. FastRelax5) where thousands or even hundreds of thousands of iterations and hours of CPU time are usually necessary. It is also important to note that despite all heavy atom in side chains other than Cβ are missing in our model, competitive accuracy is achieved when compared with state-of-the-art full heavy atom methods. However, the superior efficiency is mainly due to substitution of local sampling by differentiation. The number of atoms in GSFE-refinement is more than half of all heavy atoms.

Summary of GSFE-refinement and other refinement methods on the 150-target refineD dataset (results for other methods are taken from ref. 22)a.

Method Avg. top 1 Avg. best of 5 GDT-HA-num
refineD-C 0.6365 1.3109 121/150
refineD-NC −1.2403 1.5343 104/150
FG-MD 0.5597 0.5597
FastRelax −3.4317 −0.1999
FastRelax-0.5 Å −0.3411 0.8811 90/150
FastRelax-2.0 Å −1.2120 0.8223 77/150
FastRelax-4.0 Å −2.5471 0.0751 67/150
ModRefiner-0 −0.8400 −0.8400
ModRefiner-100 0.1491 0.1491
GSFE-refinement 0.0800 0.4400 112/150

More details for top 1 and the best of top 5 models for refineD data set are available in ESI (Tables S1 and S2).

GSFE-refinement performance on CASP11 and CASP12 data set

GSFE-refinement is further evaluated on the CASP11 and CASP12 dataset (see Methods). Based on above mentioned results, we utilize a parameter combination LR/λ/W = 0.0005/1.2/1. In Fig. 5, we present structural change of the CAPS11 and CASP12 decoys after GSFE-refinement as measured by ΔGDT-HA and ΔRMSD, and improvement is observed for most of the cases. Specifically, there are 50% (17/34) and 88.2% (30/34) successful refinement when evaluated by GDT-HA and RMSD scores in CASP11 (as shown in Fig. 5A and B), and 64.5% (20/31) and 100% (31/31) when evaluated by GDT-HA and RMSD scores in CASP12 (as shown in Fig. 5C and D) (see detailed results in Tables S3–S6 and Fig. S7 in ESI).

Fig. 5. ΔGDT-HA and ΔRMSD of best of top 5 models as a function of start GDT-HA score obtained from GSFE-refinement of CASP11 (A and B) and CASP12 (C and D) datasets. Corresponding plots for top 1 models are presented in ESI (Fig. S7)..

Fig. 5

GSFE-refinement assessment in CASP14

We participated in CASP14 competition and submitted 180 models for 36 targets (we registered late and missed the first 13 targets), among which 31 are effective targets in CASP14 final statistics. As shown in Fig. 6, we improved 38.7% targets compared with the 24.8% of CASP14 average as measured by ΔGDT-HA, and improved 38.7% targets compared with the 27.7% average as measured by ΔRMSD_CA. In top 1 model, GSFE-refinement (with GR code 294) ranks 12 according to SUM Z score (>0.0) based on GDT-TS score. And AVG Z score (>0.0) based on GDT-TS score ranks 6 ( Specific Z scores of GSFE-refinement is provided in ESI Fig. S9. In particular, for 13 targets with start GDT-TS score better than 60, GSFE-refinement ranks the first. Again, we performed 5 iterations for each target, with computing cost ranging from 0.7 to 2.7 seconds on a single CPU core (R1028 has 75 amino acids and costs 0.7 s. R1042v1 contains 276 amino acids, which takes 2.7 s).

Fig. 6. GSFE-refinement performance in CASP14. Success (percentage of improved targets for selected indicators) rate of GSFE-refinement and CASP14 average are shown. (A) Distribution of ΔGDT-HA. (B) Distribution of ΔRMSD.

Fig. 6


Optimization of molecular free energy on a computational graph proposed and demonstrated in this work makes two distinct contributions,

(1) Replacement of expensive local sampling by differentiation w.r.t. cached LFEL realizes superb efficiency.

(2) Combination of AD and coordinate transformation realizes exact hard constraints with minimal computational cost.

GSFE-refinement takes a few seconds on a single CPU core for refinement of typical decoys, in strong contrast to hours for typical sampling and energy minimization with knowledge based potential (e.g. FastRelax5) without explicit water representation, and thousands or even tens of thousands hours for refinement based on MD simulations with explicit water representation. As backbone and Cβ atoms are more than half of all heavy atoms, speed-up due to smaller number of atoms is relatively insignificant, and replacement of local sampling by differentiation is the key underlying its efficiency. GSFE-refinement is, to the best of our knowledge, the first end-to-end differentiable algorithm that takes fully trainable parameters and can generate a continuous dynamic trajectory similar to MD simulation. This unique property make it possible to realize physics based ab initio folding when properly trained for both unfolded and folded states, while likely to be significantly more efficient than MD simulation based folding.33,34 The competitive accuracy of our backbone and Cβ representation on a par with mainstream all atom methods suggest that many body correlation captured by GSFE-refinement are important. Simple backbone and Cβ representation provides additional benefit of smoother FEL than all atom counterpart, its value in this regard is irreplaceable despite higher expected accuracy of all atom LFEL that is under development in our group. It is important to note that GSFE theory is one way of implementing LFEL for global free energy estimation and there might well be more elegant ways. While only gradient descent optimization is demonstrated in this work, AD is capable of calculating exact higher ordered derivatives and therefore exploration of higher ordered optimization algorithms in this scheme is certainly feasible and will be carried out in the future.

To cache or to compute intermediate results on the fly is a ubiquitous tradeoff in computation. As far as molecular free energy is concerned, we rely far more than necessary on computing by sampling, and much less on the inexpensive memory. “Local” in this work is conveniently defined as specific solvent units of each solute unit and its spatial coverage (i.e. cutoff) need to be determined to implement GSFE for construction of LFEL. The larger the “local” is, the more data and the larger neural networks are needed to cache corresponding LFEL, and the faster and more accurate computation will be achieved in subsequent free energy optimization. However, as strength of correlation decreases rapidly with distance, when “local” extends beyond certain level of correlation, the increase of data and training cost is likely to be unworthy and negative impact of noises may rise. Input for training LFEL may be of either computational or experimental origin. Apart from hardware consideration for the optimization, data availability and network architecture are of critical importance for training. In the case of PSR presented here, the size of the “local” is likely restricted either by the number of available high resolution experimental structures or by efficiency of network in extracting correlations. If significantly more surrounding residues were taken as the solvent of a target residue, reliable description of their spatial distributions would require more data and/or more efficient network. More investigations are necessary to understand relative importance of these two factors. When high quality experimental data is not available or not sufficient, a potentially feasible two-step strategy is to first utilize neural network FF to generate sufficiently large number of configurations for interested compositions at desired thermodynamic conditions (e.g. temperature and pressure). This step, if done properly, may realize sampling of reliable quantum mechanical accuracy. Secondly, these configurations may be subsequently utilized to construct LFEL for efficiently and reliably carrying out many free energy optimization tasks with near quantum accuracy and efficiency of traditional coarse grained methods. For proteins in particular, complete computation driven ab initio folding of proteins without learning from experimental structural information is potentially possible in this framework.

In eqn (3), all local distributions seem be treated as independent. However, this is not the case in our implementation. Apart from direct long-range interactions, all mediated global correlations among overlapping local regions are embodied by the fact that they share the same coordinates. This constraint is exactly satisfied during all iterations as only one set of coordinates are utilized. At each cycle, each residue participating in LFEL of all its solvent units and its coordinates are updated as a result of compromise among their LFEL, result in a larger effective cutoff than defined by “local” in training of LFEL (see Fig. 1).

One great feature of our scheme is that coordinate update and transformation module is separated from LFEL. Therefore, future modification of neural network architecture for caching LFEL is flexible. For the specific task of PSR and its potential extension to ab initio protein folding, we indeed need such flexibility to advance from present backbone and Cβ level LMLA treatment (eqn (3)) to incorporate all side chain heavy atoms, local priors and direct long range interactions. Another advantage of GSFE is that direct control of each comprising unit is straight forward with well-defined physical interpretation as demonstrated by addition of local restraints (eqn (5) and (6)). The scheme (Fig. 2) for optimizing molecular free energy on a computational graph is of general utility in soft matter modeling. It is also important that while brute force caching of LFEL is apparently specific for given constraint environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, pressure, composition), inclusion of these conditions within LFEL is possible and will be one interesting future research direction.

In light of the amazing success by AlphaFold2 for protein structure prediction, it is important to note that our algorithm is targeted to physical simulation and understanding of both static distributions (i.e. structure) and dynamic processes in complex molecular systems. This is in strong contrast to all mapping algorithms from sequences to structures through black-box modules as in AlphaFold2. LFEL is a new path for accelerating molecular simulations, its connection to enhanced sampling and coarse graining is detailed elsewhere.18


In summary, we develop a novel scheme that maps molecular free energy optimization onto a computational graph through integrating GSFE theory, autodifferentiation and coordinate transformation. The key contribution is to replace expensive local sampling by differentiation w.r.t. LFEL, which is cached by fully trainable neural networks. Overlapping among many “local” region naturally maintains global mediated correlations by the simple fact that only one set of coordinates are utilized for all local regions in each iteration. As local sampling is repetitively carried out in essentially all present free energy simulations and consumes majority of computational resources, replacement of which by differentiation w.r.t. LFEL is expected to bring dramatic savings without loss of resolution. As an exemplary implementation of this scheme, we develop a backbone and Cβ representation of PSR pipeline that relies solely on fully trainable description of LFEL for the first time. When compared with mainstream methods, this pipeline demonstrates competitive accuracy and is orders of magnitude more efficient. Further improvement in accuracy are expected with future incorporation of more input information and better representation of local prior term. Additionally, this is a general free energy optimization scheme for molecular systems of soft condensed matter. We hope our work stimulate more interest in formulation and methodology development in utilizing LFEL.



Free energy landscape


Force fields


Chemistry at Harvard Macromolecular Mechanics


Degrees of freedom


Generalized solvation free energy


Local maximum likelihood approximation


Auto differentiation


Back progatation


Protein structure refinement


Neural networks


Critical assessment of techniques for structure prediction


Global distance test total score


Global distance test high accuracy


Root mean square deviation


Directed acyclic graph


Approximate free energy


Amino acids

Author contributions

P. Tian developed the algorithm and designed the study. X. Cao implemented the algorithm and carried out training and analysis. P. Tian and X. Cao wrote the manuscript.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declares no conflict of interest.

Supplementary Material



This work has been supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFB0702500) and by National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 31270758.

Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ra01455b


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