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. 2021 Dec 23;399(10321):237–248. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02753-7

Table 2.

Efficacy of Ad5-nCoV against COVID-19 with onset at least 28 days and at least 14 days after vaccination

Ad5-nCoV group Placebo group Vaccine efficacy (95% CI)
Total number of COVID-19 cases
Beginning 28 days postvaccination 45/10 660 (0·4%) 105/10 590 (1·0%) 57·5% (39·7 to 70·0)
Beginning 14 days postvaccination 77/14 591 (0·5%) 211/14 586 (1·4%) 63·7% (52·9 to 72·1)
Number of people with severe disease from COVID-19*
Beginning 28 days postvaccination
18–44 years 0/7623 3/7579 (<0·1%) 100%
45–59 years 0/2198 5/2171 (0·2%) 100%
≥ 60 years 1/839 (0·1%) 4/840 (0·5%) 76·1% (−114·3 to 97·3)
Beginning 14 days postvaccination
18–44 years 0/10 102 8/10 114 (0·1%) 100%
45–59 years 0/3166 7/3125 (0·2%) 100%
≥ 60 years 1/1323 (0·1%) 10/1347 (0·7%) 90·1% (22·3 to 98·7)
Total number of COVID-19 cases by age and number of days postvaccination
Beginning 28 days postvaccination
18–44 years 27/7623 (0·4%) 69/7579 (0·9%) 60·9% (39·1 to 75·0)
45–59 years 11/2198 (0·5%) 28/2171 (1·3%) 62·2% (24·0 to 81·2)
≥ 60 years 7/839 (0·8%) 8/840 (1·0%) 17·5% (−127·6 to 70·1)
Beginning 14 days postvaccination
18–44 years 49/10 102 (0·5%) 143/10 114 (1·4%) 65·8% (52·7, 75·3)
45–59 years 18/3166 (0·6%) 47/3125 (1·5%) 62·7% (35·8, 78·4)
≥ 60 years 10/1323 (0·8%) 21/1347 (1·6%) 53·3% (0·9, 78·0)
Total number of COVID-19 cases by sex and number of days postvaccination
Beginning 28 days postvaccination
Male 25/7452 (0·3%) 73/7578 (1·0%) 65·8% (46·1 to 78·3)
Female 20/3208 (0·6%) 32/3012 (1·1%) 40·0% (−4·9 to 65·7)
Beginning 14 days postvaccination
Male 43/9797 (0·4%) 138/10 009 (1·4%) 68·5% (55·7 to 77·7)
Female 34/4794 (0·7%) 73/4577 (1·6%) 55·7% (33·5 to 70·5)

Ad5-nCoV=adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) vectored vaccine expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.


Severe disease is defined as a minimum of one of any of the following: clinical signs at rest indicative of severe systemic illness (respiratory rate ≥30 per min, heart rate ≥125 per min, SpO2 ≤93% on room air at sea level, or PaO2/FiO2 <300 mm Hg); respiratory failure (defined as needing high- flow oxygen, non-invasive ventilation, mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation); evidence of shock (systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure <60 mm Hg, or requiring vasopressors); significant acute renal, hepatic, or neurologic dysfunction; admission to an intensive care unit.