Illustrations of polycaprolactone/graphene platelet scaffolds preparation. Graphene (GR) platelets were prepared using graphite via intercalation at 700 °C for 60 s. The formed GR platelets were dispersed in trichloromethane and mixed together with NaCl (progen) with a polycaprolactone solution (PCL), stirred for 2 h, and poured into a form. After drying, the system was immersed in deionized water (D.I.) to remove NaCl and consequently dried to form a porous scaffold. Various GR amounts were used for the scaffold preparation. (a) Scheme of PCL/GR scaffold preparation and (b) scaffold samples with various contents of GR platelets I. 0.05 wt%, II. 0.1 wt%, III. 0.5 wt%, IV. 1.0 wt%, and V. 2.0 wt%. Adapted from [141], Elsevier, 2020.