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. 2022 Jan 18;17(1):e0249155. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249155

Twenty years of change in benthic communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef

Catherine Alves 1,2, Abel Valdivia 3, Richard B Aronson 4, Nadia Bood 5, Karl D Castillo 6, Courtney Cox 3, Clare Fieseler 7, Zachary Locklear 8, Melanie McField 9, Laura Mudge 10,11, James Umbanhowar 1,10, John F Bruno 10,*
Editor: Loren D Coen12
PMCID: PMC8765652  PMID: 35041688


Disease, storms, ocean warming, and pollution have caused the mass mortality of reef-building corals across the Caribbean over the last four decades. Subsequently, stony corals have been replaced by macroalgae, bacterial mats, and invertebrates including soft corals and sponges, causing changes to the functioning of Caribbean reef ecosystems. Here we describe changes in the absolute cover of benthic reef taxa, including corals, gorgonians, sponges, and algae, at 15 fore-reef sites (12–15m depth) across the Belizean Barrier Reef (BBR) from 1997 to 2016. We also tested whether Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), in which fishing was prohibited but likely still occurred, mitigated these changes. Additionally, we determined whether ocean-temperature anomalies (measured via satellite) or local human impacts (estimated using the Human Influence Index, HII) were related to changes in benthic community structure. We observed a reduction in the cover of reef-building corals, including the long-lived, massive corals Orbicella spp. (from 13 to 2%), and an increase in fleshy and corticated macroalgae across most sites. These and other changes to the benthic communities were unaffected by local protection. The covers of hard-coral taxa, including Acropora spp., Montastraea cavernosa, Orbicella spp., and Porites spp., were negatively related to the frequency of ocean-temperature anomalies. Only gorgonian cover was related, negatively, to our metric of the magnitude of local impacts (HII). Our results suggest that benthic communities along the BBR have experienced disturbances that are beyond the capacity of the current management structure to mitigate. We recommend that managers devote greater resources and capacity to enforcing and expanding existing marine protected areas and to mitigating local stressors, and most importantly, that government, industry, and the public act immediately to reduce global carbon emissions.


Coral reefs worldwide have experienced remarkable changes over the past 40–50 years, particularly the widespread declines of reef-building corals and large, predatory fishes [17]. These changes have caused a reduction in or effective loss of essential ecological functions, including the provisioning of habitat for fisheries production and the maintenance of reef structure for shoreline protection [8, 9]. Given the substantial economic and cultural value of healthy reefs [10], this degradation is affecting coastal human communities that depend on reefs for food, income, and protection from storms.

Numerous factors are responsible for the well-documented degradation of Caribbean reefs. Acroporid corals, which dominated Caribbean reefs for thousands of years, experienced 90–95% mortality due to white-band disease in the 1980s [11]. This disease, likely exacerbated by ocean warming [12], coupled with increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes [1315], reduced the habitat complexity, or rugosity, of Caribbean reefs [16]. Several other disease syndromes have greatly reduced the cover of other coral taxa, including black-band disease, which primarily affects brain corals [17]; yellow-band disease, which affects Orbicella spp. [18]; and, more recently, stony coral tissue loss disease, which affects numerous species, including Dendrogyra cylindrus, Pseudodiploria strigosa, Meandrina meandrites, Eusmilia fastigiata, Siderastrea siderea and Diploria labyrinthiformis [19]. Coral bleaching and other manifestations of ocean warming, including increased disease severity, are the primary causes of coral loss in the Caribbean [2027]. On local scales, increased sedimentation and pollution from coastal development affect coral reefs by smothering corals and increasing turbidity [28, 29]. Secondary drivers of coral degradation include factors that have increased the cover of fleshy macroalgae (seaweeds), such as the death of scleractinian corals and the consequent opening of space and other resources [30], nutrient loading, and reduced herbivory. Herbivory has declined primarily because of the loss of the black sea urchin Diadema antillarum due to a regional disease outbreak[31] and severe reductions of populations of herbivorous fishes due to fishing [3237].

Despite the clear and well-documented changes to Caribbean reefs, there is ongoing disagreement about the causes of and best remedies for reef decline [20, 3841]. The crux of the debate is about the relative importance of local causes—pollution, eutrophication, fishing, and consequent seaweed blooms—compared with regional-to-global causes such as ocean warming and acidification. Scientists, agencies, and organizations that view localized drivers as predominant generally argue for local mitigation, the primary recommendation being fisheries restrictions, such as within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) [34, 4244], and local reduction of pollution and other threats [45]. In contrast, the view that anthropogenic climate change has been a significant or the primary cause of reef decline, local impacts on resilience notwithstanding [46], leads to the conclusion that without rapid cuts in carbon emissions, local protections and other localized management actions, such as restoration, will ultimately fail [20, 39, 47].

The purpose of this study was to measure changes to benthic communities of the Belizean Barrier Reef (BBR) from 1997 to 2016 and determine whether they were related to protection status, local human impacts, and/or ocean-temperatures anomalies (i.e., ocean heatwaves). We surveyed the coral reef benthos at 15 sites between 1997 and 2016 [4850]. We found that benthic-community composition changed substantially during this period, and that the observed loss of corals was negatively related to ocean heatwaves but largely unaffected by local impacts or protection status.

Materials and methods

Study area and protection status

Scientists have tracked reef community composition across Belize for over 50 years, mostly in short-term, longitudinal studies [e.g., 11, 48, 5052]. Belize has an extensive, 30-plus-year-old MPA network [48, 53] and a history of frequent large-scale disturbances, including bleaching events, disease outbreaks, hurricanes, and even an earthquake (Table 1). We surveyed fore-reef benthic communities at 15–18 m depth at 15 sites along the BBR during the summer months in 1997, 1999, 2005, 2009, and 2016 (Fig 1, Table 2). Due to logistical and resource constraints, only three of the 15 sites were surveyed every year: Bacalar Chico, Middle Caye, and Tacklebox (Table 2). Study sites were selected to maximize spatial heterogeneity and spanned a range of protections or management zones, including the Bacalar Chico, Hol Chan, and Glovers Reef Marine Reserves [5, 49]. They included five sites within fully protected (FP) zones (marine reserves), where only non-extractive activities are permitted, three sites within general-use (GU) zones, where fishing is permitted with some gear restrictions (e.g., prohibitions on longlines, gillnets, and spear-fishing with SCUBA) and modest fishing limits (e.g., catch-size limits for queen conch and lobster), and seven sites in unprotected (NP) zones, where fishing is allowed [48] (Table 2). Enforcement of fishing regulations in FP and GU sites was variable over time and ranged from inadequate to good (Table 2). Note that national seasonal closures for some species (e.g., Nassau grouper) and bans (e.g., on catching parrotfishes) applied to all three management zones.

Table 1. Timeline of major disturbances to the Belizean Barrier Reef.

Year Disturbance References
1980s Acroporid-specific white-band disease [58]
1983 Diadema-specific disease [31]
1998 Temperature-induced coral bleaching [58, 74]
1998 Hurricane Mitch [75]
2001 Tropical cyclone Iris [107]
2000s Yellow band disease [108, 109]
2005 Temperature-induced coral bleaching [21, 98100]
2007 Hurricane Dean [110]
2009 Earthquake [111]

Fig 1. Study sites along the Belizean Barrier Reef.

Fig 1

Sites are categorized by management level (fully protected, general use, unprotected) and prescribed protection status (fishing prohibited or allowed). Fishing is allowed in general use and unprotected sites (green) and is prohibited in fully protected sites (blue). Light blue polygons indicate the extent of MPAs. The Human Influence Index (HII), estimated at 1-km resolution for 1995–2004 across the landscape adjacent to study sites, is indicated in shades of light orange to red. GADM source: Database of Global Administrative Areas, Version 3.6 available at

Table 2. Site-related variables.

Site 1997 1999 2005 2009 2016 Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Protection Status Fishing Enforcement HII 100km HII 75km HII 50km
Alligator Y Y 17.19660 -88.05115 NP Allowed None 186234 100838 37768
Bacalar Chico Y Y Y Y Y 18.16282 -87.82222 FP Prohibited M, M, M 265863 113113 36727
Calabash Y Y 17.26147 -87.81970 NP Allowed None 124826 50174 4088
Gallows Reef Y Y Y 17.49592 -88.04255 NP Allowed None 222640 107300 41029
Goffs Caye Y Y 17.35190 -88.02880 NP Allowed None 196845 100781 37581
Halfmoon Caye Y Y Y 17.20560 -87.54679 FP Prohibited M, M, G 47605 3299 2480
Hol Chan Y Y Y Y 17.86343 -87.97238 FP Prohibited G, G, G 270893 118928 39311
Mexico Rocks Y Y Y 17.98782 -87.90382 NP Allowed None 266313 118363 32687
Middle Caye Y Y Y Y Y 16.73700 -87.80540 FP Prohibited M, M, G 82761 28341 100
Nicholas Y Y 16.11230 -88.25590 GU Allowed I, I, M 387947 166189 28520
Pompian Y Y 16.37310 -88.08910 NP Allowed None 228362 66688 9416
South of Middle Caye Y Y 16.72880 -87.82870 FP Prohibited M, M, G 87915 31021 432
South Water Caye Y Y 16.81350 -88.07760 GU Allowed I, I, M 150663 74522 30206
Southwest Caye Y Y Y 16.71080 -87.84610 GU Allowed M, M, G 92221 32447 1003
Tacklebox Y Y Y Y Y 17.91060 -87.95080 NP Allowed None 270394 120568 34625

Sites surveyed in a given year are represented with a Y, blanks are years when surveys did not occur. Latitude (Lat) and longitude (Lon) are expressed in decimal degrees. Protection refers to one of three of the following management regimes: (1) fully protected (FP) zones, where only non-extractive activities were permitted; (2) general-use (GU) zones with restrictions placed on certain fishing gear, total allowable catch limits, and seasonal closures; and (3) non-protected (NP) zones, where fishing was allowed [48]. Fishing was also allowed in GU, although prohibited in FP sites. Enforcement level was estimated for fully protected sites in 2011, 2014, and 2016 based on Eco-Audits, a qualitative analysis on enforcement and compliance with regulations performed by local MPA managers every 2–3 years. Sites with good (G) enforcement have regular patrols and overall satisfactory compliance. Sites with moderate (M) enforcement have regular patrols, but some poaching occurs and legal outcomes are insufficient. At sites with inadequate (I) enforcement, patrols are irregular, poaching persists, legal outcomes are insufficient, and the local communities express high levels of concern. Each site has three levels of enforcement (G, M, or I) corresponding to the years that an Eco-Audit was performed. Human Influence Index (HII) was estimated as the cumulative value within the 100-km, 75-km, and 50-km radii from the survey site.

Benthic surveys

Benthic surveys were conducted in situ using SCUBA. At each site, dive teams laid out four to ten, 25–30 m x 2 m belt transects down the centers of reef spurs, perpendicular to the shoreline. The transects generally began on or near the shoulders of the spurs (i.e., beginning of the slope) at 15–18 m depth, shoreward of the drop-off that characterizes most of the reefs in Belize, and ran upward toward the reef crest. Transects were parallel to each other and were usually separated by >10 m. Divers worked in buddy pairs, in which one diver laid out the transect tape and the other used a digital camera in an underwater housing to obtain videos or still-frame images of the benthos. At each site, we videotaped or photographed the belt transects at a standard distance of 25 cm above the benthos, using a bar projecting from the front of the camera housing to maintain the distance from the bottom. We also surveyed for Diadema antillarum from 2009 onward, but they were generally absent or extremely rare at all sites, possibly due to their refuge-seeking behaviors during the daytime when our surveys were completed [54]. In all sampling years except 2016, we obtained underwater videos along the belt transects and extracted still frames from those videos (as outlined below). In 2016, we photographed the transects using a GoPro HERO4 camera by swimming at a rate of 5–7 minutes along the 30-m-long transect and taking a photograph every five seconds. For photographs, we used the wide angle and 4:3 ratio setting of the GoPro camera, which corresponds to ~16–30 mm focal length and results in a frame area of ~0.25 m2.

Image extraction and analysis

Because of changes in imaging technology and analytical software over the course of this study, we used several techniques to extract and analyze the benthic images from the underwater transects. For sampling year 1997, we recorded Hi-8 video of each transect using two 30-watt ultrabright lights for illumination, whereas in 1999 and 2005 we used Sony 3chip mini DVR without illumination. We randomly selected 50 frames per transect, processed the images by de-interlacing, sharpening, and enhancing them, and saved them onto CD-ROMs. In 2009 and 2016, we switched to digital video. For 2009, we extracted the images from the video at a rate of 1-fps using Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014. We ran the images through the Automator program in OS-X software to select every third, fifth or seventh image, depending on the length (in time) of the transect. We analyzed 15 images/transect/site for 2009 and 2016 because we found that we could obtain a similar level of inference about community composition with 15 images per transect as with the 50 images per transect suggested by Aronson et al. [55]. To select the images, we automated the process using a code in R version 3.6.3 to randomly choose, copy, and paste 15 images into a new folder from our source-folder of all images.

We analyzed the benthic cover of images from 1997–2005 using Coral Point Count software [56], and from 2009 and 2016 using CoralNet [57]. We manually input species-level benthic identifications for each of 10 random points overlaid onto each image [55]. When species-level identifications were not possible, benthic components were identified to genus or family (S1 Table in S1 File). All benthic components identified were pooled into five major benthic categories for analysis: (1) hard corals, including all scleractinian corals and milleporine fire corals; (2) macroalgae, including calcareous, filamentous, corticated and/or leathery algae; (3) crustose–turf–bare space (abbreviated CTB), which represents substrate that is bare, dead, covered in fine turf algae, and/or crustose coralline algae [50, 58]; (4) gorgonians; and (5) sponges (S1 Table in S1 File). Other minor categories such as invertebrates, bacterial mats, sediment, and rubble were also identified (S1 Table in S1 File). The corals Orbicella annularis, O. favelota, and O. franksii were pooled as Orbicella spp. because the species complex was not partitioned into the three species during the 1997 and 1999 data collection and because they were difficult to distinguish in some video frames (S1 Table in S1 File). In all instances, image-level point-count data were converted to percent-cover estimates for each transect, and we calculated the overall mean percent covers of each category for each site and year.

Estimation of local impacts

We estimated the site-specific magnitude of local human impacts using the Global Human Influence Index (HII, version 2) from NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) database [59]. The HII is a global dataset of 1-km grid cells aggregated from 1995–2004 designed to estimate location-specific human influence and thus potential impacts to natural populations and ecosystems via local direct and indirect human activities (e.g., harvesting and pollution). It is based on nine global data layers including human population density, land use and infrastructure (including land use/cover and nighttime lights), and access (which is estimated from coastlines, roads, railroads and navigable rivers). These aspects of human communities demonstrably predict local human impacts in many natural systems including coral reefs [6, 7, 28, 6063]. We extracted HII values for the BBR (Fig 1) and calculated the sum of the HII scores of grid cells within a 50-km, 75-km, and 100-km buffer from the center-coordinates of each study site (S1 Fig in S1 File, Table 2). We used HII scores within the 50-km buffer for the final analysis because this metric performed well in exploratory models and it has been used successfully in prior work [5, 56]. We then tested whether this index of local human impacts was related to observed changes on the monitored benthic reef communities.

Ocean temperature anomalies

Our measure of ocean-heatwave events was the site-specific frequency of Thermal Stress Anomalies (TSA Freq), obtained from the Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database (CoRTAD, Version 6) [64, 65] (S2 Fig and S2 Table in S1 File). TSA Freq is defined as the number of deviations of 1 degree Celsius (°C) or greater from the maximum weekly climatological sea-surface temperature during the 52 weeks preceding a reef survey. We also estimated the frequency of two related thermal stress metrics: (1) historical TSAs (TSA_Freq_hist), which is the number of times since the beginning of the dataset (1982) that TSA was ≥1°C; and (2) the frequency of TSAs between survey years (TSA_Freq_btw_surveys), which is the number of instances since the previous survey year that TSA was ≥1°C (S1 Table in S1 File). In the final models, we used TSA Freq as the best metric to test for the effect of thermal stress on benthic groups because it performed better in exploratory models (S3 Table in S1 File). Other studies have found that TSA Freq is a significant predictor of coral-cover loss and coral-disease prevalence [6668]. The CoRTAD is based on 4-km-resolution weekly measurements made by the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor (Pathfinder 5.0 and 5.2) beginning in 1982. Daytime and nighttime data were averaged weekly using data with a quality flag of 4 or better.

Data analyses

To analyze changes in benthic composition and test for the effects of potential drivers of change, we built generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) in a Bayesian setting using the blme package [69]. The response variables were the logit-transformed site- and year-specific percent covers of five key benthic categories (hard corals, macroalgae, CTB, gorgonians, and sponges), several coral taxa (genera, species, or groupings of coral species), and three major macroalgal functional groups (calcareous, fleshy, and corticated) (S1 Table in S1 File). The final models had year, protection status (“fishing prohibited,” which included the sites within FP zones, and “fishing allowed” which included GU and NP sites), HII at the 50-km buffer, and TSA Freq as fixed effects; and Site as a random effect. A blme prior with a wishart distribution was imposed over the covariance of the random effect and modeled coefficients. We tried a blme (Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects model) prior with different distributions such as invwishart, gamma, invgamma, and null, but they did not improve model performance. In exploratory analysis we modeled the interaction between TSA Freq and protection status as well as TSA Freq and HII; however, these interactions did not improve model fit and were not significant, so we dropped them from the models (see R Code in the GitHub repository “calves06/Belizean_Barrier_Reef_Change”). Thus, in the final models, all predictor variables were additive, and the REML estimation was used to fit the data as it provides unbiased estimates for the variance components. Prior to fitting models, we rescaled and centered all numerical fixed effects to optimize comparisons among variables. The average cover of each benthic category was finally modelled with a random-intercept model described as:


where Logit (benthic cover)ij is the logit-transformed cover of each benthic category in the survey year jth (j = 1997, …, 2016) of site ith (i = 1, …, 15), β1 is the intercept, and β2 –β5 are the coefficient estimates for each covariate (e.g., year, protection status, HII at 50 km, and TSA Freq). The term αi is random intercept for site, which allows for random variation of the intercept β1, and is assumed to be normally distributed (N) with mean 0 and variance σ12. The term εij was the within-site variance of each benthic-group cover among years and is also assumed to be normally distributed with mean 0 and variance of σ22.

We evaluated collinearity among fixed factors by assessing variance-inflation factors and chose a threshold of >3 to determine correlated variables. Correlated variables were dropped from the models. We tested for homoscedasticity (homogeneity of variances across predictor variables) by plotting residuals against fitted values. Comparing fitted and residual values suggested that our models were reasonable models of the means. We also examined the marginal and conditional R-squared values of the models.

To examine changes in community composition of all benthic taxa within sites and across years, we constructed a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination using the vegan package in R. We used the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index to calculate distances among taxon-level cover data because it is robust to the large numbers of zeros (which denote absences) commonly found in ecological data and does not consider shared absences as being similar [70]. To determine the effects of covariates (year, TSA Freq, HII_50km, and protection status) on community-composition changes of benthic taxa we ran a Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) using the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index to calculate distance matrices. All statistical analyses were performed in R version 3.6.3. The code and processed data are available at

Ethics statement

The field research was performed under permits from the Belize Fisheries Department to MM, NB, KC, CF, CC, and JFB, including permit numbers 000018–09 and 000028–11.


HII varied by >400-fold among sites (Table 2) and was the greatest at the sites closest to the most altered human landscapes and lowest at the most geographically isolated reefs (Fig 1 and S1 Fig in S1 File). For example, HII was high around Belize City, much lower in southern Belize, and high in Honduras. HII values were very high at the sites near Belize City, where local impacts such as murky water flowing out of the Belize River are obvious, including Gallows and Alligator (values were 41029 and 37768, respectively; Fig 1, Table 2). HII values for sites near the rapidly developing Ambergris Caye resorts were also high, including Hol Chan and Bacalar Chico marine reserves (39311 and 36727, respectively; Table 2). In contrast, the geographically isolated sites, where water clarity was far better and local impacts from the major human developments of the mainland should have been lower, had far smaller HII values (e.g., 100 and 2480 for Middle and Halfmoon Cayes, respectively). These low-HII reefs, geographically isolated from most local stressors, acted as controls for reefs closer and presumably more impacted by human development.

Among the main benthic groups of interest—hard corals, macroalgae, CTB, gorgonians, and sponges—we observed a significant decline in hard-coral and CTB cover, significant increases in macroalgal and gorgonian cover, and no significant change in sponge cover (Fig 2, S3 Fig in S1 File, Table 3). Protection status (fishing allowed versus prohibited) was not predictive of observed spatiotemporal variation in hard-coral, macroalgal, CTB, or sponge cover (Figs 2 and 3, S4 Fig in S1 File, Table 3) and was marginally related to gorgonian cover. HII was also unrelated to hard-coral, macroalgal, CTB, or sponge cover but was significantly and negatively related to gorgonian cover (Fig 3, Table 3). TSA Freq, our metric of ocean-heatwave frequency, was significantly and negatively related to the cover of hard corals and gorgonians, and unrelated to the cover of macroalgae, CTB, and sponges (Figs 3 and 4). Total coral cover and the cover of four coral taxa—Acropora spp., Orbicella spp., Montastrea cavernosa, and Porites spp.—were negatively related to heatwave frequency (Figs 3 and 4). Local protection within MPAs or geographic isolation from local impacts (sites with low HII scores) did not reduce the effect of ocean-temperature anomalies on these four affected coral taxa: the TSA Freq*HII and TSA Freq*Protection Status interaction terms were not significant (see R Code in the GitHub repository “calves06/Belizean_Barrier_Reef_Change” and S3 Table in S1 File). In fact, the model structures with the interaction terms generally performed worse (they had higher AIC scores) than the additive models, and thus these interaction terms were dropped from the final models.

Fig 2. Percent cover of five benthic categories over time grouped by protection status.

Fig 2

Points are site means, lines are loess-smoothed curves with a span of 1, and shading indicates the 95% confidence intervals of the loess fits.

Table 3. Estimated regression parameters for the coverage of benthic groups.

Benthic group/Terms Estimates Std. error F-statistic p-value Sig.
Hard Coral
    (Intercept) -1.877 0.126 -14.849 < 0.001 ***
    Year -0.492 0.103 -4.773 < 0.001 ***
    Fishing vs. No Fishing 0.127 0.225 0.567 0.570
    HII at 50 km 0.324 0.217 1.492 0.136
    TSA Freq -0.383 0.117 -3.278 0.001 **
Marginal R 2 /Conditional R 2 0.347/ 0.665
    (Intercept) -0.929 0.148 -6.274 < 0.001 ***
    Year 0.925 0.108 8.576 < 0.001 ***
    Fishing vs. No Fishing 0.138 0.265 0.522 0.602
    HII at 50 km 0.307 0.256 1.202 0.229
    TSA Freq 0.225 0.123 1.829 0.067
Marginal R 2 /Conditional R 2 0.480/0.775
    (Intercept) -0.998 0.149 -6.695 < 0.001 ***
    Year -1.622 0.194 -8.360 < 0.001 ***
    Fishing vs. No Fishing 0.212 0.248 0.853 0.394
    HII at 50 km -0.243 0.243 -0.999 0.318
    TSA Freq 0.255 0.205 1.245 0.213
Marginal R 2 /Conditional R 2 0.613/0.652
    (Intercept) -2.152 0.097 -22.092 < 0.001 ***
    Year 0.407 0.111 3.658 < 0.001 ***
    Fishing vs. No Fishing -0.373 0.166 -2.240 0.025 *
    HII at 50 km -0.450 0.162 -2.777 0.005 **
    TSA Freq -0.352 0.121 -2.921 0.003 **
Marginal R 2 /Conditional R 2 0.430/0.550
    (Intercept) -3.443 0.159 -21.724 < 0.001 ***
    Year -0.209 0.172 -1.215 0.224
    Fishing vs. No Fishing 0.070 0.273 0.258 0.797
    HII at 50 km -0.125 0.265 -0.469 0.639
    TSA Freq -0.299 0.188 -1.591 0.112
Marginal R 2 /Conditional R 2 0.099/0.329

Shown are the estimated regression parameters, standard errors, F-statistics, p-values, significance levels, and marginal/conditional R2 from the final Bayesian generalized linear mixed models for each benthic group. Significance levels (Sig.) are: *** < 0.001; ** < 0.01; * < 0.05.

Fig 3. Effect-sizes (± 95% CI) of covariates from the Bayesian generalized linear mixed-effect model on the five benthic groups.

Fig 3

Values above points are effect sizes. CIs crossing the vertical grey line represent non-significant effects. Significance levels: *** = 0.001; ** = 0.01; * = 0.05.

Fig 4. Effect of TSA frequency on hard-coral and gorgonian cover.

Fig 4

Points are predicted benthic-group cover (back-calculated from logit transformation) from a Bayesian generalized liner mixed model accounting for time, protection status, and HII. Blue lines are the fitted curves of the models and shaded areas are the 95% CIs.

The observed overall decline in hard-coral cover across the Belizean Barrier Reef from 26.3% (± 7.3 SD) in 1997 to 10.6% in 2016 (± 3.5 SD; Fig 2, S4 Fig in S1 File) was driven by changes in the abundance of a handful of reef-building coral species (Fig 5). Notably, there was a significant decline of Orbicella spp., with mean cover falling from 12.7% (± 7.4 SD) in 1997 to 2.2% (± 0.9 SD) in 2016 (Fig 5, S4 Table in S1 File; model estimate = - 0.719, p < 0.001). This decline was predominantly observed from 1997 to 1999, which included a major bleaching event and Hurricane Mitch (Fig 5, Table 1), and from 2005 to 2009, which included a second bleaching event, and Hurricane Dean (Fig 5, Table 1). The cover of hard-coral taxa such as Acropora spp., Colpophyllia natans, and the combined cover of ‘other’ coral taxa (e.g., Mycetophyllia spp., Madracis spp., and Favia fragum; see S1 Table in S1 File for a complete list) also declined significantly from 1997 to 2016 (Fig 5, S4 Table in S1 File). The cover of the coral taxa Agaricia agaricities, Diploria/Pseudodiploria spp., Montastraea cavernosa, Siderastrea spp., Porites astreoides, and branching Porites spp. (P. porites, P. furcata, and P. divaricata) remained relatively low and did not change significantly during the study period (Fig 5, S4 Table in S1 File). The cover of Agaricia tenuifolia slightly but significantly increased (Fig 5, S4 Table in S1 File). Protection status and HII were not significant predictors of spatial and temporal changes of any coral taxa (S4 Table in S1 File), except for P. astreoides, for which sites with higher cover had greater HII (S4 Table in S1 File). The cover of Acropora spp., M. cavernosa, Orbicella spp. Porites spp., and ‘other’ coral taxa were negatively correlated with TSA frequency (Fig 5, S4 Table in S1 File).

Fig 5. Mean percent cover of twelve taxonomic categories of hard corals, grouped by protection status.

Fig 5

Fishing occurs at sites coded red and is prohibited at sites coded blue. Points are site means for each surveyed year, lines are a loess smoothed curves with a span of 1, and shading indicates the 95% confidence intervals of the loess fits.

The temporal dynamics of macroalgae varied substantially among functional groups (Fig 6). The average cover of calcareous macroalgae (e.g., Halimeda spp.) remained relatively low at 2.3% (±3.0 SD) across sites (Fig 6). This group was unaffected by protection and local impacts, but showed a slight but significant decline over time, likely due to higher cover in some sites in 1999, which was also positively related to higher thermal-stress anomalies (S5 Table in S1 File). From 1997 to 2016, the average cover of fleshy macroalgae (e.g., Dictyota spp.) doubled from 12.8% (± 8.0 SD) to 25.2% (± 13.4 SD) and was positively associated with higher local impacts (albeit weakly; p < 0.047), but protection and heat waves had no effect (Fig 6, S5 Table in S1 File). Similarly, the cover of corticated macroalgae (e.g., Lobophora variegata) increased significantly to 13.0% (mean ± 11.6 SD), and up to 42% in some sites such as the Hol Chan Marine Reserve (Fig 6, S5 Table in S1 File). In contrast, protection and local human impact had no effect on corticated macroalgae, but lower cover was found in sites with more thermal-stress anomalies (S5 Table in S1 File).

Fig 6. Mean percent cover of three functional categories of macroalgae, grouped by protection status.

Fig 6

Points are site means for each surveyed year, lines are loess smoothed curves with a span of 1, and shading indicates the 95% confidence intervals of the loess fits. For the algal genera in each group see S4 Table in S1 File; for model results see S5 Table in S1 File.

Based on the ordination analysis in Fig 7, there were major compositional shifts in the dominant benthic assemblages during 1997–2005 (left) and 2009–2016 (right) at every site (Table 4). The PERMANOVA showed that, among all covariates, time explained about 50% of the variability in benthic community changes (F = 45.8, p < 0.001) and was the only significant predictor of change in overall community composition (Fig 7, Table 4). Protection status, HII, and TSA frequency combined only accounted for 6% of community differences and were not good predictors of overall change of all taxa studied (Table 4). In 1997–2005, the benthic communities of the BBR were dominated by CTB and long-lived, massive reef-building corals such as Orbicella spp. and C. natans. During 2009–2016, composition had shifted to domination by small and/or weedy hard-coral species, macroalgae, and gorgonians (Fig 7).

Fig 7. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot depicting taxon-level cover data.

Fig 7

In the top panel, points represent individual sites, circles are fishing sites, and squares are no-fishing sites. Data are colored by year. Arrows represent the fitted loadings scores for Year, TSA_Freq, and HII_50km. In the bottom panel, the arrows and labels represent the loadings of specific benthic categories loadings. The Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix was used and the stress value was 0.098.

Table 4. Results of the Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) using the bray-curtis dissimilarity index to determine the effects of covariates in changing the composition of benthic communities, based on cover.

Term df SS R2 F Pr(>F) Sig.
Year 1 2.347 0.501 45.761 <0.001 ***
HII 50km 1 0.137 0.029 2.679 0.062
TSA Freq 1 0.072 0.015 1.401 0.218
Protection status 1 0.075 0.016 1.465 0.200
Residual 40 2.051 0.438
Total 44 4.683 1.000

Significance level (Sig.): *** < 0.001.

df: degrees of freedom, SS: sum of squares.


Temporal patterns of change

During our 20-year study of the dynamics of fore-reef benthic communities along the BBR, we documented declines in the reef-building corals Acropora cervicornis, A. palmata, and Orbicella spp., and large increases in the cover and biomass of fleshy and corticated seaweeds including Dictyota, Lobophora, Turbinaria, and Sargassum. Our results are concordant with previous studies in Belize that documented similarly striking shifts in hard-coral and macroalgal cover [71]. For example, the patch reefs of Glovers Reef Atoll had ~80% hard coral and 20% fleshy-macroalgal cover in 1970–1971 but had shifted to 20% hard-coral and 80% macroalgal cover by 1996–1997 [71]. A longitudinal study of A. palmata along the Mexican portion of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef also reported declines in acroporids, with A. palmata decreasing from 7.7% in 1985 to 2.9% in 2012 [72]. Prior to the beginning of our study, acroporid abundance had already declined across much of the BBR due to both hurricanes and white-band disease [11, 72, 73]. Most remaining A. cervicornis and A. palmata colonies were killed by high ocean temperatures during the 1998 mass-bleaching event [58, 74].

Corals declined in the first few years of our study (1997–1999), then remained relatively constant at both protected (~11.8 ± 1.5%, fishing prohibited) and unprotected sites (~11.9 ± 0.9%, fishing allowed; Fig 2). In fact, this general stasis in coral cover has been apparent across the region, especially on low-coral-cover reefs, for the last several decades [2, 75]. Given the frequent disturbances on the BRR during this period (Table 1), stability in coral cover is technically evidence of “resilience”[76]. However, what remained in 2016 were low-coral-cover reefs (mean coral cover within sites ranged from 6.1–15.6%), made up almost entirely of species tolerant of frequent, acute disturbances and longer-term environmental changes (Fig 5). We do not see this as good news, but rather as the inevitable ecological outcome of the replacement of functionally important, framework-building taxa (especially Acropora spp. and Orbicella spp.) by the weedy species favored in the Anthropocene disturbance regime [77]. Regardless, the arrival of stony coral tissue loss disease on the BBR in 2017 and its subsequent spread may very likely end this period of low-coral-cover stasis by reducing cover even further.

We found that the benthic composition changed over time and benthic assemblages were ecologically distinct between the earlier and later sampling intervals (1997–2005 and 2009–2016; Fig 7). For instance, the hard corals Acropora spp. and Orbicella spp. were more often present and more dominant (both had higher relative and absolute cover) in the early sampling years. In contrast, fleshy macroalgae and gorgonians came to dominate during later sampling years. The cover of ‘weedy’ coral taxa such as Porites spp. and Agaricia spp. remained relatively consistent throughout the course of the study (Fig 5).

Shifts in the dominant benthic taxa have been documented across the Caribbean and are often linked to regional disturbances such as herbivore declines, coral diseases, and mass-bleaching events [2, 3, 7880]. Across seven subregions in the Caribbean, Schutte et al. [2] found significant declines in hard-coral cover and increases in macroalgal cover from 1970–2005. Corals failed to recover in the Florida Keys [81] and the U.S. Virgin Islands [82] due to subsequent, repeated disturbances. The coral reefs of Bonaire exhibited similar trends over 15 years of bleaching, storms, and diseases, with a 22% decline in coral cover and an 18% increase in macroalgal cover by 2017 [83]. These trends were also apparent in our study.

Effects of local protection

The primary management response to the degradation of coral reefs has been the implementation of MPAs [34, 41, 44, 84]. Within well-designed and enforced MPAs, fish abundance, biomass, and diversity often increase and in some cases spill over into adjacent, non-protected areas [73, 8588]. MPAs can reduce other extractive activities that could directly or indirectly impact coral populations [89]. However, a large majority of studies have found that MPAs are not slowing or preventing the decline of reef-building corals [52, 67, 81, 9093], particularly in response to large-scale disturbances. A recent meta-analysis of 18 studies, encompassing 66 MPAs, reported that MPAs did not affect coral loss or recovery in response to large-scale disturbances including disease, bleaching, and storms [39]. Our results for the BBR agree with this broad consensus.

Belize’s network of protected areas, designed and implemented in part to prevent the degradation of benthic reef assemblages on the BBR, has not achieved this goal. Our results complement previous findings for Belize reporting the failure of individual MPAs or the network overall to protect and restore populations of overharvested reef fishes [5, 46, 89][but see [73]]. We documented a statistically and ecologically significant decline in hard-coral cover, an increase in macroalgae and gorgonians, and a substantial decline of CTB, regardless of protection status (Fig 2). Similar coral declines in isolated, well-protected, and seemingly ‘pristine’ locations have been documented at dozens of other sites globally [80, 94].

The most likely explanation for why MPAs had no measurable effect on most benthic community components, and in particular no effect on corals, is that they simply are not designed to mitigate the primary agents that are currently responsible for reef degradation [95]. One parameter that well-implemented fisheries restrictions can influence is the individual sizes and population densities of herbivorous fishes—and consequently the biomass and cover of macroalgae [34, 42, 96]. This, in theory, could benefit coral populations, primarily by promoting recruitment, at least of the weedy coral taxa coming to dominate coral reefs [33, 34].

Enforcement of the protected areas in our study varied among sites and over time from ‘good’ (regular patrols and minimal poaching, as in Hol Chan) to ‘inadequate’ (irregular patrols and poaching, as in South Water) (Table 2). Cox. et al. [48] monitored reef fish biomass from 2009 to 2013 within eight protected areas (all included in this study) and eight control sites on the BBR and found no general effect of local protection on fish biomass, including herbivorous parrotfishes, snappers, or groupers. One exception was Half Moon Caye; among the most isolated and well-protected reefs in Belize’s MPA network (Table 2), where predatory-fish biomass was among the highest in the BBR [5]. The primary reasons for the poor performance of many MPAs in the region appear to be illegal fishing, poor compliance with fishing regulations, and absence of sufficient enforcement [97] (Table 2).

McClanahan and Muthiga [73] found that the fully protected marine reserve on Glover’s Reef Atoll, which encompassed two of our sites, had strongly positive effects on the biomass of carnivorous fishes including snappers and groupers, but no effect on parrotfishes. In fact, parrotfish biomass declined at both the protected and control sites (n = 4) during the 22-year study. McClanahan and Muthiga [73] concluded, “Fisheries regulations are unlikely to rapidly restore hard corals on these patch reefs, which have slowly transitioned to algal dominance since first described in 1970.” Their conclusion is concordant with this and other studies on Glover’s Atoll and across the BBR generally [48, 73, 93].

Effects of ocean heating and other large-scale disturbances

We suspect that changes in the benthic assemblages of coral reefs along the BBR are due primarily to the large-scale disturbances to the system over the last several decades, including mass-bleaching events in 1998 and 2005 caused by anthropogenic climate change, disease outbreaks, and seven hurricanes that may have been exacerbated by climate change (Table 1). The decline in Orbicella spp. (Fig 5) was likely due primarily to mortality from coral bleaching in 1998 [58, 74] and 2005 [21, 98100] and yellow-band disease in the early 2000s (Table 1).

Anthropogenic climate change was clearly a significant driver of the dramatic shifts in community composition that occurred on the BBR over the two-decade study. The absolute covers of four common coral taxa (Acropora spp. Orbicella spp., Montastraea cavernosa, and Porites spp.) were negatively related to heatwave frequency (Figs 3 and 4). This result is in agreement with other studies that have documented coral mortality and consequent declines in coral cover following the temperature-induced mass-bleaching events on the BBR in 1998 and 2005 [50, 58]. Many other studies have documented the role of ocean heatwaves in coral decline around the world [21, 22, 67, 80, 91, 92, 101104].

Effects of local development and subsequent stressors

Human population growth in Belize and the dramatic increase in tourism infrastructure, including on the isolated cays along the BBR, have likely altered the physical and chemical conditions of nearshore marine habitats, especially within the lagoons adjacent to some of the most drastically altered shorelines. We measured the effects of coastal impact by testing whether cumulative human influence scores for the land, including the cays, within a 50-km radius of a given reef was related to the benthic community dynamics at that site during our 20-year study. More intense local development and land use change should be positively associated with the magnitude of localized stressor such as pollution, including sediments, nutrients, herbicides, etc. on the adjacent coastal waters. We assumed that the influences of the stressors originating onshore or at the land–sea interface should dissipate with isolation from the source, assuming they are point-source stressors.

Our results suggest that the local impacts had no measurable effect on hard-coral cover: there was no association between HII and change in the cover of any coral species. HII was, however, significantly and negatively related to changes in gorgonians and positively associated with the cover of Porites astreoides. In addition, the cover of fleshy macroalgae was weakly and positively associated with sites of higher HII (S5 Table in S1 File). There is abundant evidence that local impacts, including pollution, fishing, and coastal land-use practices, can severely impact coral populations [28, 29, 105, 106] and promote the growth of fleshy macroalgae [37, 56, 101]. Yet, even when these stressors are clearly present, they are often overwhelmed by the effects of large-scale disturbances including ocean heatwaves and storms [20, 39, 61, 71]. There is no doubt that local human activities in Belize are affecting shallow, lagoonal environments, but that may not be true of the deeper, fore-reef environments that were the focus of our study. It is also possible that HII is a poor predictor of the local human stressors on adjacent marine habitats, although the positive correlation of fleshy macroalgae and HII suggests the contrary. Unfortunately, time-series of direct measurements of sediment flux, nutrient pollution, turbidity, etc. are not available for the BBR (nor for most reefs globally, but see [105]). The absence of fine-grained, time-series data on environmental parameters potentially influenced by human land use has greatly hampered tests of their role in reef decline. Although, there is no doubt these factors pose a threat, and in some cases they have been shown to influence local reef dynamics [106], making strong inferences about their impact at a specific location is essentially impossible in the absence of such data.


Our data show a substantial shift in the state of coral reefs along the Belizean Barrier Reef over a two-decade period rife with large-scale disturbances. We documented declines in the key reef-building coral genera Acropora and Orbicella, subsequent increases in macroalgal and gorgonian cover, and an overall change in the benthic assemblages over the two-decade study. Ocean-heatwave frequency was a significant predictor of coral-population declines over time, whereas local protection and local human impacts had few measurable effects on benthic taxa. However, environmental changes caused by local human activities, such as increased nutrient concentrations, are not monitored in Belize, making it challenging to assess directly their effects. The rapid elimination of global greenhouse emissions is clearly paramount for the survival and recovery of the BBR. In tandem with such efforts, we urge local authorities to increase resources to support the enforcement of existing MPAs and to mitigate any possible effects of coastal development on Belize’s coral reefs.

Supporting information

S1 File



We thank the many volunteers who assisted with data collection, logistical support and image analysis over the years. We are extremely grateful for our partnerships with staff from the Belize Fisheries Department, Belize Coastal Zone Management Project, Wildlife Conservation Society, Marine Research Center at the University of California–Berkeley, Belize Audubon Society, Pelican Beach Resort, Rum Point Inn, Sea Sports Belize, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, Bacalar Chico National Park and Marine Reserve, Hol Chan Marine Reserve, The Nature Conservancy, Southern Environmental Association, Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, and the Smithsonian Institution.

Data Availability

All relevant code and data are available at here:

Funding Statement

This manuscript is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (DGE-1650116 to CA, OCE-0940019 to JFB, and partial support from OCE-1535007 to RBA), the Rufford Small Grant Foundation, the National Geographic Society, the International Society for Reef Studies/Center for Marine Conservation Reef Ecosystem Science Fellowship, the Elsie and William Knight, Jr. Fellowship from the Department of Marine Science at the University of South Florida, the J. William Fulbright program, the Organization of American States Fellowship, the World Wildlife Fund-Education for Nature Program, the Kuzimer-Lee-Nikitine Endowment Fund, the Nicholas School International Internship Fund at Duke University, the Lazar Foundation, and the Environment, Ecology and Energy Program, the Department of Biology, and the Chancellor’s Science Scholar Research Fund at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. CA is currently employed at ECS Federal Inc., this agency played no role in this study. The funders provided support in the form of salaries for all authors, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section.


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Decision Letter 0

Loren D Coen

26 Apr 2021


Twenty years of change in benthic communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef


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Additional Editor Comments:

Comments to Author (Highlights to Focus On)

Please carefully follow the recommendations of reviewers 2-4, as well as my comments and concerns with regard to this manuscript. The reviewers have made many constructive comments, edits, and also suggestions regarding a number of potential concerns associated with the paper as submitted. I think that is can be revised, and then resubmitted for re-review if all or most of the aforementioned concerns, omissions (Methods especially), and caveats, etc. are addressed. Curious how much this paper overlaps with Cox et al. 2017 (MEPS 563)?

If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I would be pleased to reconsider my decision. If the Authors believe that they cannot be addressed then a detailed line by line rebuttal is required.


I wonder if the title might be modified to better reflect the actual emphasis corals vs. benthic communities? The paper really elaborates sufficiently on inverts and macroalgae to suggest replacement? The detailed values in the abstract are not sufficiently reflected in the Results and Discussion. Storms and bleaching not evaluated directly either. Please elaborate later in paper. The Abstract needs to be edited to read more clearly (e.g., L42-45). Please also describe for uninitiated value of HII (local vs. regional scale and also how generated, Line 45). Lines 45-46, only indirect estimate of local protection or fishing (L48 also). Line 49-50 tone down this statement (Reviewer #1).

Reviewers have concerns as to the global conclusions the authors focus on in both the Abstract, Introduction and Discussion (though each are slightly different).

See reviewer #4 as to concerns regarding ‘bold statements based on 15 sites…”

Mention the massive development in country and especially coast and cayes.


Reviewer #4 mentions concerns over dismissing of local efforts given the concerns about the paper. In Intro as well as Discussion address more explicitly caveats both here with the study approaches, but also given other efforts worldwide dealing with similar concerns.

Shoreline protection not discussed or relevant here. Mention removal of herbivores also (Line Lines 63 on, Hay and others). Lines 308-310) “We attribute changes in the benthic assemblages of coral reefs along the BBR primarily to the large-scale disturbances to the system over the last several decades, including seven hurricanes and two mass-bleaching events caused by anthropogenic climate change (Table 1)” yet hurricanes not evaluated directly here (Line 66) nor the other major disturbance events mentioned in table (see also Aronson, Precht, Macintyre, others). Are loss of herbivores, smothering, and competition with macroalgae only secondary drivers (Lines 75-79)? Many would disagree.

Belize has undergone unbelievable development in the past 30 years. Main threats to the its forests include massive expansion of agriculture, housing, and tourism, the latter is exploding both on the mainland, as well as throughout the offshore cayes. The country has incredibly high deforestation rates, poor management of wastes, very rapid coastal development (new airport in works), increasing poverty, very weak institutional and legal govt institutions, more recently discovery of oil will impose tremendous threats to its health and well-being into the future.

Agriculture (citrus, sugar cane, bananas, etc.), and aquaculture have increased tremendously along with major declines in the country’s forests. Belize has a deforestation rate >2x that of other Central American countries. Over 17% of its forests have been lost from 1980-2010. Riparian deforestation is even greater at over 5x that of its uplands.)! More recently forest cover in Belize has decreased from nearly 73% in 1989 to 61.64% in 2012. Some estimate that by 2020 nearly 60% will have been lost, and by 2040 all will be gone (Belize Govt, 2005). Obviously, its forests provide soil stabilization estuaries and reduces the runoff while supporting some of CA most diverse forest communities.

It’s obvious that worldwide corals are declining significantly from both natural and human-related stressors. These worldwide declines are resulting in major shifts in community dominance from hard corals to macroalgal, sponge, or even gorgonians. The roles of increasing algal cover on coral reefs has been well documented (McCook et al., 2001; Hay et al., Mumby et al. numerous citations), but as the others all compete with corals the mechanisms are not easily teased apart by observations and inference. Mention in more detail some of the other drivers such as nutrient loading (Line 78, Reviewer 3) and citations. Potential conceptual model might be worth adding (Reviewer 3)?

Seaweed blooms (i.e. Sargassum) no citations (line 84). How much driven by explosion of development, improper treatment of sewage, sand scavenging for mangrove shoreline fill (e.g., Ambergris), runoff and removal of mangroves on cayes offshore, and deforestation? Much more complex system than even the coral folks suggesting here. They underplay this perhaps because loss of herbivores and detailed documentation of macroalgal community quite absent from analyses here.

The relevant citations and ‘stories’ provided appear to be somewhat biased (Reviewer #1 how debate framed) in support of the author’s ultimate conclusions that local efforts (e.g., MPAs), and other management actions are having little or no impact on stemming the decline of Belizean Barrier Reef benthic communities based on their definitions and approaches. They conclude that the loss of stony corals (only one segment of the diverse benthic plant and animal community) was primarily related to increasing ocean temperatures, while being largely unaffected by any local efforts (e.g., MPAs) as estimated by their metric, HHI.

Perhaps because of the time-frame no mention is made of for example, stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) a potentially novel disease now impacting corals across the Caribbean while appears not being exacerbated by elevated temperatures.

Additionally, perhaps because of the limited assessment at all of the macroalgal community (as well as related ‘turfs’ and coralline algae) communities which are often precursors to developing macroalgal domination where herbivory is limited (Lewis 1986, Lewis et al. 1987), invasive or exploding Sargassum sp. is not even mentioned. See comments at end of Reviewer #1 review, I agree on lack of macroalgal cover as function of MPA status. See Fig. 2 comments and related observations.

Overfishing on offshore cayes occurred as early as the 1980s, and Diadema never really returned to their post-dieoff levels either (Line 78-79) though occurring much earlier than this descriptive study. Without an in depth analysis of the major components (species) replacing or competing with corals (macroalgae, etc.) the paper understates a large benthic component, while doing little to expand on this in the Discussion or for that matter in the Methods as to why this major community element is lumped into just % cover?

My concerns are that the paper focuses on direct estimates of the dominant corals at a limited number of sites and footprints (transects) through time while using indirect broadscale estimates that have either a great deal of error at the scale measured here, or are fraught with problems (are the MPAs used here indeed adequately protected from fishing?).

Lines 95-98 “We found that benthic-community composition changed substantially during this period, and that the observed loss of corals was negatively related to ocean heatwaves and largely unaffected by local impacts, fishing or protection status” dismissed local efforts without an objective assessment of the rigor of Belizean MPAs. Our concern (myself and reviewers #1 & 4) is that the conclusions might lead Belize and other countries to give up managing their resources rather than more strictly enforcing or adequately researching and developing rigorous metrics that sufficiently estimate fishing pressure, management of reserves, potential options for more rigorous enforcement, restoration, etc.

M & M and Results

Line 103-104, “Belize has an extensive, 30-plus-year-old MPA network (46)”. Anyone working there knows that the resource management of offshore areas poor at best (cf. overfishing of shrimp in 1980s, lobster and conch fisheries, etc.). Stating that 5 sites were fully protected (reserves) is unfortunately not true (Line 110). Modest fishing is similarly a stretch and removal of nursery areas means that recruitment throughout the area significantly impacts reef fish reproduction. Furthermore SAV is disappearing across many cayes in Belize smothered by extensive intertidal live and dead Sargassum (e.g., Ambergris Caye). How much did the transects vary N to S through time? State that 1 of the 2 divers laid down the tape (Line 124). Were there start and endpoints permanently established? Have no idea. Why use video vs. film or digital cameras in housings? Could you increase your sample size by analyzing more images on each videos? What was the estimated area of each image captured?

Only three of the 15 sites surveyed yearly. Why were the transects only carried out in the summer? They cite Aronson et al. (1994) for the number of quadrats to use, but in that paper, Aronson et al. say (Pg. 6) that macroalgal cover is maximal during summers and "seasonal changes within a site could change estimates of coral cover, as more or less living coral is obscured by the algae" (cf. Diaz-Pulido and Garzón-Ferreira 2002). They also say that "algal destruction by storms is maximal in the winter". Obviously their summer sampling is a temporal snapshot and may not reflect true coral cover at reef sites. Many algal efforts use a Random Point Contact sampling design (RPC). This approach is probably a better way to delineate coral cover when macroalgae is present, but it is obviously time consuming. State Lines 150-151, “We manually input species-level benthic identifications for each of 10 random points overlaid onto each image (51)”. Again why only ID corals? Lines 153-157, state “five benthic categories: (1) crustose–turf–bare space (or CTB)… bare, dead, covered in turf algae, and/or crustose coralline algae, (2) hard corals (which includes all scleractinian corals and milleporine fire corals), (3) macroalgae, including algae in the genus Halimeda, (4) gorgonians, and (5) sponges.” Why mention only Halimeda amongst the easily identifiable algae, Lobophora, etc. (cf. McCook et al. 2001, Box and Mumby 2007)? No differentiation beyond “macroalgae” for some reason? Not even to browns, reds, greens? How did you deal with seasonality of algae, etc. as well as layers of community components growing on or near live or dead coral rubble?

See reviewer #1 & 4 as to concerns regarding ‘bold statements based on 15 sites… over 19 years”. Recognize study’s limitations explicitly. Concerns as to estimating local drivers based on global datasets! Also, “quality of the HII dataset without independent assessments to approximate reality.” Assume that the fishing pressure, development, etc. as characterized by potentially inaccurate underestimate of human impacts using the HII index data, especially in underdeveloped countries. HII are purely land based so that offshore anthropogenic drivers on islands poorly estimated in model. MPAs can have positive effects on coral cover (see suggestions). No fish or urchin estimates as indirect assessment of mgmt. effectiveness (see reviewer #1 same concern!). “If authors have no independent data on MPA enforcement (reviewer #1) easy to poke holes in dataset, so acknowledge its limitations upfront.”

Reviewer #1 is most concerns with the “lack of independent confirmation that the fished no fished sites as designated were truly enforced” during the 19 years of the present study. Those of us that have worked there for extended periods know that Belize does not have the best record of enforcement be it finfish, lobster, conch or other! Proximity to developments or resorts is often a major driver although isolated cayes can have significant fishing pressure from non-Belizean fisherman.

The study site types were not equally apportioned N to S. It that because of the lack of for example MPAs in the south for example? I had BTW a hard time resolving the much of the information provided on the Figures in the main as well as the Suppl. sections.

Transects were 25-30 m x 2 m with depths beginning from 15-18 m depth shoreward and shallower. Only thing that did not shift was the distance of 25 cm (however, this distance can vary greatly given the type of substrate or community imaged and the lens type) from benthos. Quite confusing as to the various approaches employed across years from the non-digital video sampling in '95, '97, and '05 they used de-interlaced, sharpened, and enhanced 50 random frames per transect. Then in '09 and '16, they went to digital videos and decreased the sample size (state got a similar level of inference (based on what analysis?) about community composition with only 15 images per transect as compared to the 50 images per transect suggested by Aronson et al.). Fifteen frame grabs along a 25 m transect seems like a small number to characterize a transect? If the authors were not using permanent transects this haphazard transect placement along the center of spurs makes their small sample size (15 images per transect, and a range of from 4-10 transects per site) and 10 points per image insufficient. Can you explain the range of transects? Was it because of the size of the areas among sites?

Were the non-digital, enhanced images of similar quality to the digital images? For 2016, they used a GoPro Hero 4 not it appears from video but rather selected images every 5 sec. (L130-131). That device has a lot of curvature because of the fisheye lens. Were their GoPro images corrected in some way to adjust for the area across cameras?

Perhaps a table showing the changes through time of gear type, no. of transects (ranged from 4-10), number of images analyzed, depth of those images, etc. would help to reduce the confusion or insufficient provided detail? Size of the quadrat or field of view analyzed, estimated pixels, etc.

No mention of mangrove losses on the cayes offshore, but losses are considerable all related to human activity, most associated with tourism development in coastal areas that may not adequately be captured by the HHI estimates used here.

You used HHI database to estimate human influences. You might give distances here from shore for the 15 stations. You state (Lines 169-170) that HII uses nine global data layers including human population density, land use, and access (which are estimated from coastlines, roads, railroads and navigable rivers, etc.) but we are interested in islands (cayes) offshore potentially little impacted by these 9 layers? Reviewers #3,4 have some questions on thee scales for HII. Is 100 km, 75 km and 50 km resolution relevant to the scale of the cayes offshore or was that was available from the HII? In your approach did these larger scales weigh against selecting for regional to local factors. See Reviewer #4 who is very familiar with these databases and asked if there was any vetting of the data with local experts to see if the changes detected in the HII approximated reality?

Pay attention to Reviewer #3s concerns on logit-transf. % cover, Wishart, etc. Are year and TSA freq. autocorrelated or confounded? Additional questions concerns need to be addressed.

For TSA Freq. are they at a sufficiently fine scale to estimate temps at depths given that upwelling off the drop-offs (15-18 m) regularly brings cooler water into the shallower reef areas. Note that no indirect estimates of disease or stressors or reef coral condition were included to correlate with these presumed temperature anomalies.

Lines 228-229, “All statistical analyses were performed in R version 3.6.3. The code and processed data are available at”. However, the link provided was broken.

Discussion (covered also above)

The Discussion seems quite abbreviated given the extent of the dataset and analyses. I assume it will grow after reading the comments and adding changes occurring in Belize during the sampling, related concerns and caveats, etc.

Line 300 for the first time brown algal genera are mentioned sort of in passing only in Discussion why (cf. Hoek et al. 1978, Ferrari et al. 2012)?

See reviewer #1 & 4 regarding concerns as to conclusions based on limited stations, etc.

Reviewer #1 “Need to better recognize the limitations of the study.” This should be done in the Abstract as well as the Discussion.

Reviewer #1 emphasizes in closing that the paper stresses linkage of heat waves and climate change (line 88), and coral (or for that matter urchin) diseases (Line 73) or not (line 353). They suggest that there is no conclusive link between heat stress events and disease events! However, the paper conflates that two. Dataset is over 5 yrs. old and SCTLD is ravaging reefs throughout the Caribbean with warming events playing no role! See paper’s recommendations at end of Abstract. They need to be revised given this and other concerns by reviewers and myself. Furthermore SAV is disappearing across many cayes in Belize smothered by extensive intertidal live and dead Sargassum (e.g., Ambergris Caye). Whether this is local eutrophication or Sahara sands is up in the air.

Tables, Figures, Appendices

Table 1 are these data or relevant info utilized in the analyses or Discussion ever?

I struggled to resolve much of the data provided on many of the Figures in the main, as well as the Suppl. sections. Suggest that Fig. 1 have sample sizes next to three potential ‘management’ levels. Also, use symbols next to the types of fishing levels vs. colors. Was there a site in Hol Chan? Adding Ambergris might help folks vs. site names only?

Figures 2, 4-6 hard to resolve the symbols on Figures relative to the legends. Use cross hatching or solid or open or something rather than slight shading.

Figure 5 we all know that there really is no such thing as fishing and no fishing levels. The lines look the same in b & w! Don’t use red and blue! Hatch one line. Same on Fig. 2.

Add A, B on Figure 6 vs. top and bottom panels.

Reviewer #1 wonders if the raw data will be provided anywhere? No link in S1

S5 why no similar list for other spp. like gorgonians or corallines or macroalgae at least?

Some Potential References?

Box, S.J., and P.J. Mumby, 2007. Effect of macroalgal competition on growth and survival of juvenile Caribbean corals. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 342:139–149.

Diaz-Pulido, G., and J. Garzón-Ferreira, 2002. Seasonality in algal assemblages on upwelling-influenced coral reefs in the Colombian Caribbean. Botanica Marina 45:284-292.

Ferrari, R., M. Gonzalez-Rivero, J.C. Ortiz, and P.J. Mumby, 2012. Interaction of herbivory and seasonality on the dynamics of Caribbean macroalgae. Coral Reefs 31:683-692.

Government of Belize, 2005. Forest Department’s Five Year Strategic Plan, 2005-2010. Ministry of Natural Resources, Local Government and the Environment.

Hoek, C. van den, A.M. Breeman, R.P.M. Bak, and G. van Buurt, 1978. The distribution of algae, corals and gorgonians in relation to depth, light attenuation, water movement and grazing pressure in the fringing coral reef of Curaqao, Netherlands Antilles. Aquat. Bot. 5:1-46.

Jompa, J., and K.J. McCook, 2002a. The effects of nutrients and herbivory on competition between a hard coral (Porites cylindrica) and a brown alga (Lobophora variegata). Limnology Oceanography 47:527-534.

Jompa, J., and K.J. McCook, 2002b. Effects of competition and herbivory on interactions between a hard coral and a brown alga. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 271:25–39.

Jompa, J., and K.J. McCook, 2003a. Contrasting effects of turf algae on corals: massive Porites spp. are unaffected by mixed species turfs, but are killed by the red alga Anotrichium tenue. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 258:79–86.

Jompa, J., and K.J. McCook, 2003b. Coral-algal competition: macroalgae with different properties have different effects on corals. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 258: 87-95.

Huffard, C.L., S. von Thun, A.D. Sherman, K. Sealey, and K.L. Smith, Jr., 2014. Pelagic Sargassum community change over a 40-year period: temporal and spatial variability. Marine Biology 161:2735–2751.

Lenes, J.M., J.M. Prospero, W.M. Landing, J.I. Virmani, and J.J. Walsh. 2012. A model of Saharan dust deposition to the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Chemistry 134-135:1-9.

Lewis, S.M., 1986. The role of herbivorous fishes in the organization of a Caribbean reef community. Ecological Monographs 56:183-200.

Lewis, S.M., J.N. Norris, and R.B. Searles. 1987. The regulation of morphological plasticity in tropical reef algae by herbivory. Ecology 68:636-641.

Louime, C, J. Fortune, and G. Gervais, 2017. Sargassum invasion of coastal environments: a growing concern. Am. J. Environ. Sci. 13:58-64.

McClanahan, T.R., and N.A. Muthiga, 1998. An ecological shift in a remote coral atoll of Belize over 25 years. Environ. Conserv. 25: 122-130.

McCook, L.J., J. Jompa, and G. Diaz-Pulido, 2001. Competition between corals and algae on coral reefs: a review of evidence and mechanisms. Coral Reefs 19:400-417.

Magdaong et al., 2014; Mellin et al., 2016; Rogers, 2009; Selig and Bruno, 2010; Strain et al., 2019 (reviewer #4).

Milledge, J.J. and Harvey, P.J. 2016. Golden tides: problem or golden opportunity? The valorisation of Sargassum from beach inundations. J. Mar. Sci. Engin. 4:60.

Mumby, P.J., N.L. Foster Glynn, and E.A. Fahy, 2005. Patch dynamics of coral reef macroalgae under chronic and acute disturbance. Coral Reefs 24:681-692.

Norstrom, A.V., et al., 2009. Alternative states on coral reefs: beyond coral-macroalgal phase shifts. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 376:295–306.

Nugues, M.M., and R.P.M. Bak, 2006. Differential competitive abilities between Caribbean coral species and a brown alga: a year of experiments and a long-term perspective. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 315:75-86.

Puk, L.D., N. Cernohorsky, A. Marshell, J. Dwyer, K. Wolfe, and P.J. Mumby, 2020. Species-specific effects of herbivorous fishes on the establishment of the macroalga Lobophora on coral reefs. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 637:1–14.

Ramlogan, N.R., P. McConney, and H.A. Oxenford, 2017. Socio-economic impacts of Sargassum influx events on the fishery sector of Barbados. CERMES Technical Report 81. 90pp.

Ruyter van Steveninck, E.D. de, and R.P.M. Bak, 1986. Changes in abundance of coral reef bottom components related to mass mortality of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34:87-94.

Slattery, M., and M.P. Lesser, 2021. Gorgonians are foundation species on sponge-dominated mesophotic coral reefs in the Caribbean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:654268.

Sotka, E.E., and M.E. Hay, 2009. Effects of herbivores, nutrient enrichment, and their interactions on macroalgal proliferation and coral growth. Coral Reefs 28:555-568

Vermeij, M.J.A., I. van Moorselaar, S. Engelhard, C. Hörnlein, D.M. Vonk, and P.M. Visser, 2010. The effects of nutrient enrichment and herbivore abundance on the ability of turf algae to overgrow coral in the Caribbean. PLoS ONE 5 (12): e14312.

Wang, M., and C. Hu, 2017. Predicting Sargassum blooms in the Caribbean Sea from MODIS Observations. Geophysical Research Letters 44:3265–3273.

Wang, M., C. Hu, B.B. Barnes, G. Mitchum, B. Lapointe, J.P. Montoya, 2019. The great Atlantic Sargassum belt 365:83-87.

Young, C., 2008. Belize’s ecosystems: threats and challenges to conservation in Belize. Tropical Conservation Science 1:18-33.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Long data sets such as this are comparatively rare. While the original intent was not to publish a long term dataset when the project started, the data were collected for various reasons and it makes sense to present it as a long look back.

Reviewer #2: In this contribution, the authors address the long-running debate among coral reef ecologists of the relative importance of local vs. broad-scale stressors on reef health (here, as coral cover) with a time-series analysis of reef transects from sites in fished vs. MPA reefs across 15 sites on the BBR over 19 years. This reviewer is in complete agreement that broad-scale stressors are what matters, particularly for Caribbean reefs (although not in complete agreement with how the debate is framed in this paper, see below). I am generally supportive of publication of this work, particularly because standardized time-series data are valuable and rare. However, there are weaknesses in this paper that will probably not convince “the other side” in the debate (not that this could occur, even with incontrovertible proof), and I think the authors should consider revisions that better recognize the limitations in this study.

The biggest limitation is the lack of independent confirmation (validation) that MPAs were enforced during the study period. Figures indicate “fishing” and “no fishing” without anything to back this up. The easiest way to do this is to provide data on fish abundance or biomass, minimally parrotfish abundance or biomass, and then analyze the data relative to MPA effectiveness (as fish biomass). Unenforced MPAs are likely no different than fished areas, and Belize does not have a good record of MPA enforcement. Easy-access reefs (close to towns, villages, resorts) may be designated MPAs and highly overfished, while isolated reefs may not be designated as MPAs, but are lightly fished. If the authors have no data regarding MPA enforcement, then they need to make it very clear that they did not assess MPA effectiveness, and tone down their conclusions accordingly.

And as for factors influencing coral cover, I don’t know what to think of the HII metric. With the rapid development of resorts on the islands along the BBR during the study period, increases in cruise ships, live-aboards, etc., it’s not clear how the HII dataset truly represents anthropogenic impacts. I’m not arguing against the analysis, just that it’s easy to poke holes in this data set, and the authors may want to acknowledge its limitations.

On the topic of broad-scale stressors, the authors emphasize heat waves and climate change (L88), sometimes linking this with disease (L73), and often not (L353). In fact, there is no conclusive link between heat stress events and disease events, and the latter may be the result of anthropogenic introductions (e.g., ballast water), flare-ups of virulent disease variants, etc. This is important because these two things (climate, disease) are distinctly different, and this paper vaguely merges them together. Further, the data in this manuscript are now 5 years old, and in that time SCTLD has ravaged reefs across the Caribbean. It is likely that, even if there had been no decline in coral cover over the study period, it would have begun dropping precipitously from SCTLD in the past 2 years, and plunged below 10% without warming events playing any role. Interestingly, SCTLD stops spreading under warm conditions, suggesting it is not tied to warm water events. So, how does SCTLD play into this paper’s recommendations (L50-52)? What is the point of MPAs and reduced emissions when reef-building corals are functionally (reproductively) extinct on the vast majority of Caribbean reefs? Are studies such as these for the history books, or to guide us as Indo-Pacific reefs increasingly progress in the same way as those in the Caribbean?

It was surprising that the authors didn’t look more closely at macroalgal cover as a function of MPA status. Was seaweed cover higher inside or outside of MPAs (at any one time point, over several, etc)? This variable has been targeted in many other studies, both because seaweeds grow rapidly and overfishing removes herbivores. Looking at the red and blue dots in Fig 2, there doesn’t seem to be a consistent pattern for macroalgae across the time-series, but it would be interesting to know if there is an effect of MPAs (despite the lack of MPA validation).

I may have missed reference to this, but were the authors planning on providing their raw data somewhere? I didn’t see a link in their SI.

Reviewer #3: Overall, the paper is good, and I support publication. The comments below are to help the editor/authors consider various specific points. A few points are more confusing than others and need to be more clearly addressed.

Line 78. Please provide direct refs for “nutrient loading” as a secondary driver. I think this is controversial although I’ve not checked recent literature, and believe it needs a little more “play” in this introd.

Line 81-83. I don’t disagree that the crux is about relative importance (local vs regional/global). This is key and I’m glad your paper is focusing on this. But, it seems to me a that looking for various ‘direct effects’ is missing a big point, that there could be ultimate causes (climate, for ex) and then secondary causes related to the ultimate by INDIRECT effects. A conceptual model addressing this would be a good addition if links are supported enough to be causal, but this is really a relatively small point re: your paper.

Line 130-131. I know what you mean, but you might could say it more clearly or directly. You swam a 30 m long transect over a period of 5-7 min (depending on swimmer, and conditions I suppose….) and took photo…etc. Is less convoluted in description.

Lines 172-174. “We extracted HII values for the BBR (Fig. S1) and calculated the sum of the HII 173 scores of grid cells within a 50-km, 75-km, and 100-km buffer from the center-coordinates of 174 each study site (Table S1). We used HII scores within the 50-km buffer for the final analysis…” This bothers me some because the smallest scale was the one chosen, which presumably showed interesting results. But, the values are down to 1 km2 scale, so it would seem as if smaller scales should have been investigated as well. Large scales might unduly weight against the local factors that you argue against later. If this isn’t the case, you need to MAKE the case!

Lines 184-185. “Other studies have found that TSA Freq is a significant predictor 185 of coral-cover loss and coral-disease prevalence (62–64).” Ok, but is it a good predictor or a weak one? R2 or measures of effect size needed since I’ve (and other readers) won’t have read 62-64.

Line 193. “…logit-transformed percent covers of key benthic categories.” Which were what????? You go on to list predictors in some detail but not response. Is this coral cover? By Species? By Genera? By functional group? Etc, etc. more detail please, after all it’s your RESPONSE variables!

Lines 196-7. “…blme prior with a wishart distribution was imposed over 197 the covariance of the random effect and modeled coefficients”. Why Wishart? Were any others tried? Give me a reason to accept that this is a good analysis, with some ways to back this up and let me go check on my own if I wish.

Lines 197-8. “All predictor variables were 198 additive…” I assume because you CHOSE not to test for interactions? Is that correct? If so, say so, and defend why.

Lines 200-208. So…it looks like that Year is the factor relating to climate change. Is that right? But TSA freq is also in the model, are they not correlated and thus measuring some of the same variance in your response??? TSA freq would seem to increase with year, does it not? Need to discuss this to quite the drums….

Lines 263-264. “….ordination analysis, there were major compositional shifts in the dominant benthic 264 assemblages during 1997–2005 (left) and 2009–2016 (right) at every site (Fig. 6, Table 3), 265 supporting the results of our models.” Please explain more the L and R aspect of this and how it supports the results of your model. Also, I presume you mean that “support the results of your model” means that you posed certain models (additive only…but ok) a priori and that this is what is supported. It might be more clear to earlier say your models are posed as a priori hypotheses, and later discuss your results in light of the HYPOTHESES rather than relating directly to MODELS. A small point, actually.

Discussion: lines 308-318. I “get” what you’re saying but your analysis + explanation leaves me a little cold. First, you have temp (TSA freq) which you ‘bought in to ‘ as a global factor. But then it has little if any effect. But, time does….so basically you seem to transfer your time argument from TSA to time per se. If I’ve missed the mark here, then it means your explanations at several points need revising and expanding…because that’s the way it seems to me. I guess the point is: if you have TSA freq which is presumable increasing over time, why have time in the model too??? I suspect there’s a good reason, but I didn’t see it in the text.

Reviewer #4: This is a significant amount of reef data collected over a long time period. However, can such bold statements about the inutility of local regulations be based on 15 survey sites that are 30x2m wide? Coral reefs have such diverse environmental conditions and influencers of health. Here are my comments that the authors should address:

1. You cannot estimate local impacts with global datasets - there is a clear scale mismatch and you cannot infer local community status.

2. There was no investigation into the quality of the HII dataset which can underrepresent human impacts at the local scale, especially in less developed countries since many of the inputs are remote sensing-based and cannot be detected with coarse resolution data. Was there any vetting of the data with local experts to see if the changes detected in the HII approximated reality? The year-to-year changes need to be vetted with locals. HII is purely land-based and many of the sites are on islands that are not accurately detected with HII, are far from the coastline, thus limiting influence. HII is a land-based model and ocean sites also require a marine-based threat model to properly determine impacts.

3. Since there were many storms and hurricanes over the study time period, these can act as a catalyst for breaking up corals which can colonize elsewhere and stimulate growth. It is difficult to detect the changes in coral cover across the reef if you are going back to the same survey transects and only looking at the same 30x2m area.

4. There are many papers that demonstrate MPAs have a positive effect on coral cover. (Strain et al 2019; Strain et al 2019; Mellin et al 2016;Magdaong et al 2014; Selig and Bruno 2010;Rogers 2009). Did the authors look at management effectiveness for these parks and were there surveys carried out for the MPAs? Do they think that since an MPA is in place, it is actually preventing people from fishing? MPAs will not work if enforcement and management is not carried out.

5. While reducing emissions is the number one priority, the authors should acknowledge that saving coral reefs will require a number of local actions including better watershed and fisheries management, restoration of coastal habitats, and active restoration that focuses on restoring the natural recovery processes and genotypes that are the most resistant to disease and bleaching. You cannot dismiss the importance of local regulations (reserves, reduced fishing pressure, limiting development) which have been shown to have a positive effect on reefs.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No

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Submitted filename: Review notes PONE-D-21_07319 reviewer 1.docx

Decision Letter 1

Loren D Coen

31 Aug 2021

Twenty years of change in benthic communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef


Dear Dr. Bruno,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements. Please read the comments and see if any of my questions can be clarified addressed in the final version.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,


Loren D. Coen, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

After receiving critical responses from two of the four past reviewers who had major reservations I recommend that the manuscript be accepted with minor revisions. A lot of the concerns by reviewers and myself have been addressed. Unfortunately, some cannot be without a major reanalysis of the captured images and other related parameters. A lot of the confusion and questions about the sampling scheme and subsequent analyses are now explained, however some the the critical info is in the responses but not in the revised text. I would have liked to see an expanded Intro/Discussion (though latter much better) albeit folks will have to glean a lot from past and other work. One tack would have been some of the prior work before the 20 years sampled here.

In the revised MS. in yellow means what??

A few relevant comments (by pg # as the author's responses are not numbered):

1) In the supporting letter the authors suggest that the reviewers and editor might want to move Table 1 to the Appendix. Rather, we all would like to see as much information as possible to be able to interpret your effort.

2) Given that there were extensive community images collected, I do wish that one of the coauthors could have been an algal person as this is in my mind something the dataset is lacking in overall rigor.

3) The title 'benthic communities' to me is still a bit misleading given the depth (or lack thereof) of the included categories and related species, with nearly all attention being directed to coral and gorgonian species resolution (as expected by the primary author's expertise and interests). As a benthic person that has worked with all of the components I would have liked to have seen more focus on non-coral benthic components (lines 125 on).

Yes it was. We added this detail to the methods: “At each site, we photographed or videotaped the belt transects at a standard distance of 25 cm above the benthos, using a bar projecting from the front of the camera housing to maintain distance from the bottom.” (L. 132–134). The depth of the analysis of benthic components is quite uneven would you not agree? Twenty years of change in benthic communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef perhaps could be changed to Twenty years of change in coral reefs along with their associated communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef?

4) Fleshy and corticated algae and Other inverts are barely identified (generic name or to sp. or Macroalgae, Tunicate, Bivalve, etc.) in S2 Table and the related analyses. With all the work in Belize by Littlers and Norris' I expect more. You state Lobophora and Dictyota primarily. How about percent cover from other papers from 1980s on? Lines 152 (categories) " 2) macroalgae, including calcareous, filamentous, corticate and/or leathery algae;..."

Really not a rigorous evaluation of these groups. Turfs see prior work there by Lewis or Littlers? What would Steneck say???

5) Pg. 6, state "We agree! We should have discussed changes in algal cover, over time, with protection, etc. We have added text to the Methods, Results, and Discussion and this new graphic:" I do not see this new graphic referred in either the revised MS or the revised Suppl. Materials?? My concern is not with the analysis itself but the depth of the data collected (categories and spp.) as outlined.

6) Same with Crustose algae, did you see if where live corals dominated early on?

7) Would have like to see more detailed general observations from folks that have worked so long in Belize. Are any data available to support that summer trends are indeed typical of patterns that one might observe year round in other seasons?

I understand the constraints you faced teaching and limited funding, however you need to convince the readers if possible that the documented trends are typical and consistent (not for long lived corals but other more ephemeral species or individuals).

8) Of course there are 1000s of papers seeing similar patterns again the focus here is a unique and long term 20 year dataset at a limited number of sites along the Belizean Barrier Reef. You wrote "Among us, we’ve written about these topics in many, many papers" for the uninitiated or readers new to subject want to make sure they understand the related information in these papers.

9) HII and its use here is now clearer to us and I hope also to readers unfamiliar with this index. Perhaps include a link ( perhaps I do think that it may not be as useful for cayes 30 miles offshore however.

10) I can understand your not seeing Sargassum on reefs, it floats obviously and is accumulating on caye shorelines everywhere.

11) Removal of mangroves and their filling in around the offshore cayes is depleting juvenile habitat at an alarming rate. SAV is also being lost often 100% around some of the cayes i visiting fairly recently. Extensive Sargassum is dying onshore and pumping vast amounts of nutrients into these offshore systems. With SAV lost the sediments are no long bound and I saw directly a soup of rotting rhizomes where extensive beds resided only a few years ago at these same locations.

12) Pg. 7, Regarding Diadema or other herbivores, would have loved to see some data here in cited in other papers of yours documenting their abundances. Stete "Herbivory has declined primarily because of the loss of the black sea urchin Diadema antillarum due to a regional disease outbreak (31) and severe reductions of populations of herbivorous fishes due to fishing” (32–37)". I agree to some extent but Diadema declined prior to mid 1980s and yet corals were in relatively good shape then (pers. obs). They have come back but never to the extent they once were then.

13) Authors state "Long data sets such as this are comparatively rare. While the original intent was not to publish a long term dataset when the project started, the data were collected for various reasons and it makes sense to present it as a long look back." If this is where you are synthesizing a lot of the information or related data from all of this work the manuscript should reflect the data's quality, as well as quantity no??

14) Pg. 5, If you believe the data that most no-take MPAs in Belize or across the Caribbean or at a wider lens have minimal or no effect on either fish biomass and other metrics does that negate their value if they could work with proper regulation? Given that seems like a red herring to first include and then wave away as potential tool for protecting fisheries and upstream effects, no?

15) Table S1 (Pg. 3) are inadequate to Good the extent of the compliance categories? This is not clear in the Table provided with related text in the responses.

16) The methods are much improved (pg. 7). State "The transects generally began on or near the shoulders of the spurs at 15–18 m depth, shore ward of the drop-off that characterizes most of the reefs, and ran upward toward the reef crest." Want to make sure that the spurs are deep spur zone and not shallower spur and groove zone? Most drop-offs began at what depth? Clearly state all your sampling was within the forereef zone??

17) Pg 12 glad that you see why confusing and have clarified this in the text (lines 311-318).

18) Pg. 13 state and provide a figure 3. Why not cite see (Bruno et al. 2001) Fig 3 in text?

19) Pg. 13, Item 2, We are unaware of information supporting this argument. The most important component of HII (human population density) is not measured remotely; it is based on national on-the-ground census data (via the Statistical Institute of Belize: I think that it is reasonable despite the lack of info that what is of concern might indeed be relevant? See comment #11 above and your comments on pg. 16, "All that said, we fully recognize the limitations of this measure of local human impacts. It does not, for example, include dredging near San Pedro (and elsewhere) to expand islands for development. It does not include potential impacts of cruise ships not anchored at ports. We wish it was better." as an example.

20) I agree that folks on this paper are well versed in Belize but many with the exception of Aronson were not there in early 1980s and before. Perhaps some of the observations of others (see Carrie Bow crowd then) might have seen some of the forest for the trees (focus of research of the authors here)?

21) Not just murky water (although even 5 years or less many previously visited spots have declined precipitously. Most have not seen the backreef around SWC area including CBC the way it used to be. Porites heads gone, Twin Cayes nothing like it used to be before all the boat disturbances, etc.

22) Item 4, Pg. 16-17 on. Why not include more of your comments and cite Table 1 in Discussion?? There were really no MPAs in Belize in 1980s and before. Lobster and conch fishing were poorly regulated. Most of the former were trapped prior to the opening of the season. Many fish species were rarely seen even in the latter part of 1980s despite being unfished. State "Note that most papers cited by the reviewer demonstrate that MPA have a weak positive effect on total coral cover under very specific conditions" remember that your title reflects changes in overall benthic community not just the coral component no?

23) Section revised (pg. 19) goes a long way to making the argument less dismissive.

24) Rather than suggesting readers see a MS thesis state the relevant conclusions, etc.

25) Pg. 20-21, State "No. This study was originated in 1997 by coauthor McField as a single, comprehensive assessment of the state of Belize’s reefs to focus on 6 sites. The project then was expanded the following year as a long-term monitoring study with more sites (See Table S1). Due to funding limitations and other logistical constraints (many co-authors needing to teach during the academic year), we were not able to access every site every year (or every sampling trip). From the pool of sites, those selected on a given trip were somewhat haphazard, often depending on weather and safety concerns, although we always sampled close to an equal number of protected and unprotected sites each year." This was never clear in the original MS and I hope the readers understand this now (vs. clarifying in your responses vs. the revised text)!

26) Pg. 21, "Ln 129 Was the GOPRO camera fitted with the 25 cm rod? GOPROs have fisheye type lenses which change the analysis area.

Yes it was. We added this detail to the methods: “At each site, we photographed or videotaped the belt transects at a standard distance of 25 cm above the benthos, using a bar projecting from the front of the camera housing to maintain distance from the bottom.” (L. 132–134)."

We wondered whether the field of view of the various cameras and GoPros were similar? Ln 129 Was the GOPRO camera fitted with the 25 cm rod? GOPROs have fisheye type lenses which change the analysis area. Distance from substrate vs. the actual field of view with different lenses? Very different thing. Scale of the data and area selected when you did the CPC would be different no? Never provided that I can find. Is that available?

27) Were any changes made in the Suppl. document see no obvious marked up version 2 with tracked changes??

28) Finally page 22-25 of your responses are these new citations or just in support of the responses? A cursory comparison of the two files seemed to show in there already?

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #4: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #2: This is Reviewer 2 from the first version.

The authors have done a good job of addressing my comments from the first version, particularly:

(1) I like the broadened data and discussion regarding MPAs and relative effectiveness,

(2) Better explanation of HII and how it was used,

(3) references to the ravages of SCTLD, and how much of this debate may be moot,

(4) addition of info on macroalgae, which will be around for some time to come.

Overall, I think the ms. is more circumspect, and is a better vehicle for presenting an important set of time-series data.

Reviewer #4: My concern about the limited number of sites has been adequately addressed since the authors document hundreds of other sites showing similar patterns. I agree that global scale datasets have indeed been used to infer local impacts as the author’s suggest, however one of my main concerns was the lack of vetting and validating the data with local experts. The fact that the HII has been created using census data alleviates this concern. The added discussion in the text helps to further explain how HII is used and some of the caveats about their use of the metric. The authors provide a recognition of the limitations when assessing local impacts including dredging, cruise ship impacts, and sediment loads which is all difficult to obtain. That said, I agree that HII provides adequate surrogate estimates for human activity and potential stressors. The addition of random site analysis was directly in reference to detecting the benefit of increased generalization as the authors allude to. I agree that a discussion on or testing the effectiveness of MPAs is beyond the scope of this paper although the authors have added text describing some of the limitations of Belize’s MPAs. Clearly, more research is needed to better understand the net positive effect of no-take MPAs and relate the findings to enforcement levels. Revisions to the discussion on local actions and regulations further strengthen the paper and provide insight into their importance.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Joseph R Pawlik

Reviewer #4: No

Decision Letter 2

Loren D Coen

29 Nov 2021

Twenty years of change in benthic communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef


Dear Dr. Bruno,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication after several revisions, and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements. Thank you for your patience and willingness to address most of the concerns past and present.  I think it is much improved.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments (none from me).  When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Loren D. Coen, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

The manuscript is acceptable in its final form.

Don't want to get picky just know several of the team and others have looked at their backgrounds and pubs (response to #2, How does the editor know one of the coauthors isn’t an algal person? How are they assessing the taxonomic expertise of the research team? We identified algal to genus when possible given the limitations on identifying macroalgae from still images extracted from videos). The Ms and Table S2 are at the barest level of identification and enumeration (appears no vouchers taken to assess video IDs of algae otherwise not all to Genus or higher no)?? Also if you disagreed assume you would specify person(s) no? Did not see any vouchers specimens placed in museum collections in text either. I think that you could have identified and enumerated Sargassum spp., Dictyopteris spp., Stypopodium spp., Turbinaria spp., Halimeda spp., Zonaria sp., Dictyota spp., Padina spp. all spp. safe bets as over the entire dataset not one image no?? I would rather see Dictyotales spp. as you cannot ID Dictyopteris vs. Dictyota by video. If you put Lobophora sp. how do you know its not spp. or L. variegata?? How valuable is listing 'macroalgae' or 'fleshy macroalgae' under macroalgae Table S2? That seems rather weak in terms of phycology? I guess I feel the way you might if I put brain coral, or Porites sp., or fire coral, etc. See my point?

Responses #3 & 4), "It is not possible to identify most benthic reef organisms (excluding corals) to species via still images or video or in situ (e.g., for most sponges, gorgonians, and seaweeds samples must be collected for examination under a microscope for reliable species-level identification). If your video is of decent resolution then an algal person should be able to ID to finer scale. Vouchers for later cross check. This is the scale of taxonomic resolution for most ecological monitoring in coral reefs." I agree that is why I have stressed that the paper deals primarily with corals and not the benthic community in general as the title suggests. Given I've spent many 100s of hours sampling macroalgal community along Belizean reef on Carrie Bow I don't agree that the macroalgal community is characterized. Functional groups fine for some things, but if concerned about smothering live corals or lack of grazers perhaps not best in my opinion. Let's agree to disagree.

I assume in item (#4) you are referring to Steneck, R.S. et al. 2019. Managing recovery resilience against climate-induced coral bleaching and hurricanes: A 15-year case study from Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean. Frontiers in Marine Sciences? That paper was a broad brush overview with focus on corals and grazers (see #2 also above). Still do not know the area of image assessed?? You omitted the latter group here (cf. your examples of Figs). He's after all a coralline guy, what I was suggesting is a person like Norris or Hanisak, or Fredericq? AGRRA protocol I would assume there minimum not all one might do?

Responses #5 & 6, Improved from original (Figs. 2 & 6). Even back to mid 1980s coral cover vastly different. Have images of quadrats along many sites near CBC with detailed ids of macroalgae.

Response #7, Agree that it would require more than swimming transects each time. Never asked for seasonal changes in algal communities. Rather suggested that work done on those groups in Belize could easily be cited and summarized/cf. given what you have as caveat and potential missing component (Fig. 1 McClanahan et al. showing me vs. readers of value). Note that McClanahan et al. have extensive algal IDs in Appendix 1! Assume why paper not submitted to Ecol. Monogr.?

Response #8, Many readers interested in your conclusions not familiar with Belize or even reefs may need that detail despite them not having 20 yr datasets.

Response #9, D The link to the HII data is already included in the references (# 57). The HII data also cover the cayes that are 30 miles offshore (see Fig. 1A & 1B). Did you perhaps mean on line 717, #59?

Response #10, All Sargassum does not float, why papers include in their lists (Targett et al. Oecologia, McClanahan et al., Littlers et al., Lapointe, Norris, etc.). Many start or remain attached.

Response #11, observation is iron clad, Ken Heck and I were there in 201 and then 3 years later no SAV (Thalassia) along shorelines mostly gone throughout a lot of coast of Ambergris.

Response #12, I good old days one saw them even in daytime on reef and backreefs in Belize in early 1980s.

Response #13, understand.

Response #14, Just want to be careful that folks don't misinterpret the short conclusion in abstract without reading further your takeaway message.

Response #15, clearer but want to provide earlier no than Shantz AA, Ladd MC, Burkepile DE. Overfishing and the ecological impacts of extirpating large parrotfish from Caribbean coral reefs. Ecol Monogr. I think? As late citing a reference?? State ) corresponding to each year that an Eco-Audit was performed.” (Lines 818-824)??

Response 16, This information is already in the Methods section a diagram might be nice but let's hope that folks know crest and drop off terms reading this. We were not all confused with that its a lot of the other stuff that was vague. Don't like to guess with Methods. Authors familiar with all the nuances of their sampling but readers are not.

Response 17, OK

Response 18, Good

Response 19, I think some of us concerned that the population #s do not capture the strain being put on Cayes along the barrier reef when using overall population #s. Leave it it will have to do.

Response 20, Ok, most of citations were from work much later that is all. Leave it as is.

Response 21, OK

Response 22, does not mention larger inverts understandably.

Response 23, Ok

Response 24, Good

Response 25, OK

Response 26, You give reader distance but not area imaged why not??? What is the range of field of imagery?? If we put down a frame (quadrat with 10 cm divisions) what would we se in the image you quantified)?

Response 27, OK

Response 28, OK

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Loren D Coen

7 Jan 2022


Twenty years of change in benthic communities across the Belizean Barrier Reef

Dear Dr. Bruno:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Dr Loren D. Coen

Academic Editor


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