Video imaging in the Duct of Cuvier and blood cell quantification at 34 hpf in the F1 progeny of a (A) surface fish (SF) X SF control cross, (B) a SF female X cavefish (CF) male cross, (C) a CF female X SF male cross, and (D) a CF X CF control cross. (A–D) Top row. Representative images of blood cell number aligned with box plots below. Scale Bar is 100 µm; magnifications are the same in each frame. Bottom row. Boxplots of blood cell numbers showing medians, quartiles, min-max values, and outliers (dots). Asterisks: p < 0.05. ns: not significant. N = 20 for each box plot. Statistics by Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sums test followed by Wilcoxon for each pair.
Figure 4—source data 1. Maternal control of increased blood cells in cavefish determined by reciprocal hybridizations.