Nonrandomized real-world evidence (RWE) studies are conducted using healthcare data collected as part of clinical practice. As RWE studies are increasingly considered for regulatory, coverage, and other clinical decision making, nonspecialists will find themselves in the position of assessing the validity of RWE studies, a field that may be less familiar to them. This introductory guide provides conceptual guidance for reviewing RWE studies and is particularly directed at professionals for whom this is new or whose prior experience has primarily been in reviewing randomized controlled trial evidence. We focus on RWE studies that make causal inference, evaluating whether one treatment option is better, worse, or neutral compared to another. Although we provide citations to direct the reader to resources with more details on complex issues, this guide cannot substitute for years of training and expertise in the field.
Where to begin?
Imagine that you are given a real-world evidence (RWE) study and told to evaluate whether the quality of the evidence is high enough that it should be used to inform a clinical decision or policy for your organization. You need to make a determination of whether the evidence is fit-for-purpose. What should you think about?
The literature is full of articles and books on causal inference in medical research, many of which focus on randomized experiments, some concentrate on noninterventional research, but few highlight the similarities and differences that would help a reviewer who is comfortable with randomized clinical trials (RCTs) adapt to confidently assess the validity of RWE. Concato and colleagues from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discussed the false dichotomy between trials and RWE, highlighting variations in design features within trials, including randomization, primary vs. secondary data collection mechanisms, and use of external control groups.1 Hernan and Robins reminded us in a few noteworthy papers that designing and analyzing RWE studies, like a hypothetical randomized trial that could have been done, the target trial, would provide clarity on the exact study question being asked, and naturally lead to improved design and analytic choices.2,3 This framework includes consideration of the eligibility criteria, treatment strategy, assignment procedures, follow-up window, outcome, causal contrast of interest, and analysis plan for the target trial to address the question of interest. This target trial framework can be equally useful for those who review RWE studies as for those who conduct RWE studies.
Consider the triad of question, design, and data
There are three major components of a RWE study that determine whether the findings are decision-relevant. First, the research question must align with the question that you or your organization is trying to address. Second, the study design must use methods that are appropriate for validly addressing the question using that data source. Third, the data must be suitable to address the question. Only if all three align, can the evidence be considered fit-for-purpose.
One of the first things to consider is the precise research question being evaluated in the RWE study. Breaking down the question according to the Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, and Timing (PICOT) framework4 can help you assess in a first pass how relevant the question addressed in the research study is to the question that you or your organization are trying to address.
For example, your organization needs to make a policy decision based on the relative benefit of drug X compared to drug Y. Upon breaking down the PICOT components of the research question, you recognize that the research study was focused on patients aged 40–65 years, whereas the patient population relevant for your policy decision is 65+ years (Table 1). You realize that the research study is comparing drug X to drug Z rather than drug Y of the same class, and that whereas you are interested in understanding the effects of the drugs during treatment, the RWE study only provided results after following patients for a fixed window, regardless of whether they discontinued therapy, as frequently observed in clinical practice (i.e., an as-started analysis similar to an intention-to-treat analysis in a trial with random treatment assignment). Depending on the context, you may consider drug Z close enough to drug Y for the study to be informative. You may or may not be willing to extrapolate the effects of the drug across age groups. Because you are interested in effects of drug X while patients are on treatment rather than understanding effectiveness in the context of real-world nonadherence, you may consider the fixed follow-up window used in the RWE study relevant for informing your decision if the fixed window used is close to the average duration of treatment, but not if the window extends far beyond the point when most patients have discontinued therapy.
Table 1.
Breaking down the PICOT question can highlight mismatches between the question of interest and question being asked
Your clinical or policy question | RWE study question | |
Population | Patients 65+ with type 2 diabetes | Patients 40–65 with diagnosis of type 2 diabetes measured in the 180 days prior to and including the date of treatment initiation |
Intervention | Drug X | Drug X |
Comparator | Drug Y | Drug Z |
Outcome | Hospitalization for heart failure | Hospitalization with heart failure diagnosis as primary discharge diagnosis |
Timing | On-treatment follow-up Starts: Day after treatment initiation Stops: End of treatment, switching therapies, death or disenrollment |
Intention-to-treat follow-up Starts: Day after treatment initiation Stops: Death, disenrollment, 730 days after initiation |
PICOT, Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, and Timing; RWE, real-world evidence.
Similar to assessment of trial evidence, breaking down the research question into component pieces and relating these to the specific clinical or policy question you need to resolve can help you quickly determine whether a given RWE study has the potential to be fit for your purpose or not. Any given RWE study may be fit for some purposes and not for others.
In a second pass, while studying the methods section of the RWE study more closely, one may go further and attempt to reconstruct the (hypothetical) randomized trial that the investigators emulate with their RWE study. Such a reverse-engineered RCT may appear unusual and give rise to specific concerns in the RWE study that can now be more precisely articulated. This activity often allows the reviewer to more precisely pinpoint what question the RWE study answers. Because RWE studies are by definition based on treatment choices and data that are collected from clinical practice, one may quickly realize that the reverse-engineered hypothetical RCT is what is often referred to as a pragmatic RCT.5 Highlighting the differences between a trial conducted in a highly controlled research environment with features like run-in phase, blinding of treatment and outcome assessment, adherence reminders, etc. vs. a trial with more pragmatic attributes will sharpen the reviewer’s eye on the precise study question and possibly design-related biases.
There are many types of study designs for trials, for example, crossover trials, parallel group trials, and cluster trials.6 Similarly, there are a variety of study designs that can be used to conduct RWE studies.7,8 Each has properties that make them better suited for addressing certain types of research questions.9 An overarching goal of study design for RWE studies is to minimize potential bias from nonrandomized treatment assignment and ascertainment of outcomes based on documentation from clinical practice rather than a protocol-based standard assessment. Randomization and protocol-based outcome measurement are two key features of RCTs that have made them the gold standard for evidence on treatment effects.10 However, there are well known limitations of trials, namely the highly selected participant populations, tightly controlled conditions under which they are conducted, high cost and ethical considerations, as well as lack of power to detect rare but serious adverse effects. Because no single source of evidence is perfect, a fuller picture of the effects of drugs can be obtained with the appropriate use of evidence from RWE studies to complement RCT findings.
Appropriate interpretation and evaluation of RWE study design will include assessment of three inter-related sources of systematic bias8: selection bias, information bias, and confounding (Table 2).
Table 2.
Three major sources of systematic bias in RWE studies
Bias | Description | Example |
Selection bias | Bias in an effect estimate arises when there are differences in how patients enter or exit the study population in ways that are related to both the exposure and outcome. | 1. The study selects initiators of drug X and prevalent users of drug Y as comparison groups. Prevalent users are patients who have “survived” without developing the outcome. This imbalance in susceptibility to develop the outcome will be reflected in the effect estimate. 2. About 40% of patients exposed to drug X and drug Y are lost to follow-up. Twice as many outcomes are missed due to censoring in drug X exposed patients than drug Y. |
Information (measurement) bias | Bias in an effect estimate arises when there is incorrect classification of a key study parameter such as exposure or outcome. | The code algorithm used to measure an outcome of myocardial infarction has a PPV of 90%. This means that 10% of patients classified as having the outcome did not actually have the outcome. The PPV is the same across compared exposure groups, thus the estimated effect will be biased toward the null. |
Confounding | Bias in an effect estimate arises when risk factors for the outcome are imbalanced between compared groups. | Patients who initiate treatment with drug X are more likely to be over 65, women, and of low socioeconomic status than patients who initiate treatment with drug Y. These 3 factors are risk factors for the outcome, thus the apparent risks of drug X will be inflated unless the imbalance in these baseline confounding factors are addressed in design or analysis. |
PPV, positive predictive value; RWE, real-world evidence.
Contemplating the re-engineered target trial helps not only with clarifying the studied research question (above) but major sources of bias in nonrandomized RWE studies can be addressed by designing them to mimic target trials.2,11 This framework can be used to clarify thinking around many alternative nonrandomized study designs, for example, parallel arm trials emulated by cohort or cohort sampling studies, such as nested case-control designs, or crossover trials emulated by self-controlled studies.12 The framework is also quite illuminating to uncover major design-related biases, like selection bias, information bias, confounding, and other specific time-related sources of bias, like immortal time, reverse causation, inadequate capture of latency, or misclassification of the exposure effect window, depletion of the susceptible, or immeasurable time.13–15 In short, using the target trial framework can help with planning and design of RWE studies; conversely, re-engineering the hypothetical trial based on the design choices of an RWE study can help identify problematic decisions that result in biases.
Evaluation of an RWE study within the target trial framework will center on time 0, which parallels the point of randomization in an RCT. The timing of measurement of inclusion-exclusion criteria, exposure, outcome, follow-up, and covariates can all be indexed against this temporal anchor. Many biases related to inappropriate handling of person-time in RWE studies can be mitigated with thoughtful definition of time 0 (e.g., new user vs. nonuser or prevalent user designs).3,16,17 To summarize and assess the appropriateness of the temporality in the study design, if a design diagram is not provided by the authors, making a diagram can help the reader more effectively assess and interpret the study.18
Similar to the direct comparison of PICOT policy question and RWE study question in Table 1, the components of the target trial can be laid out for side-by-side comparison with RWE study parameters. Mapping out how key study parameters are measured and when they are measured relative to time 0 can help the reader identify misalignment in scientific choices compared to the target trial. For example, a side-by-side comparison of a target trial’s intended parameter vs. the actual RWD implementation could help highlight that while the population of interest is patients with type 2 diabetes, the RWE study inclusion criterion used a broad set of diabetes-related codes that included gestational diabetes and type 1 diabetes. Alternatively, the contrast could highlight that while in the target trial, follow-up for exposed outcomes would begin after initiation of therapy, the RWE study under review started follow-up after discharge from a hospital, with exposure status assigned based on future dispensation of drug (causing immortal time bias).
The third cornerstone of assessing whether an RWE study is able to answer the research question is consideration of the data source(s) being used. In many settings. this may be the most difficult task. as much of the information on how the data were exactly generated and recorded in clinical practice remains hidden from the reviewer.19 Two key areas of assessing the appropriateness of electronic healthcare research databases are reliability and relevance.20,21
Evaluating data source reliability targets the question “does the data adequately capture the intended concepts?”22 At heart, it is about the completeness and accuracy of measurement of clinical concepts relevant for research studies. Evaluation of database reliability is broader than validation studies to evaluate the performance of algorithms used to measure specific study parameters. It can include consideration of many aspects of data preparation, such as how the data were collected, data cleaning, and quality control processes used to create the research database. Database reliability can be evaluated by considering whether data elements match expectation (plausibility, e.g., observed age-sex distribution matches expected age-sex distribution in the covered population); the completeness of data capture and reasons for missingness (e.g., X proportion missing because laboratory results are available only for tests processed by one national vendor); as well as assessing the logical consistency of data transformations when moving from raw to more processed data fields (e.g., body mass index is a derived variable based on a function of height and weight). Ideally, information about database reliability will be made available by the researchers or organizations creating and maintaining the research database.
Evaluating the relevance of a data source involves assessing whether the data elements available in the research database(s) are sufficient to address the study question.20 Relevant data sources include data on the population of interest over the relevant time frame, have sufficient persons and follow-up time, and have information that captures key study parameters, such as inclusion criteria, exposures, outcomes, and baseline characteristics.
For example, if the research question is about the effectiveness of a drug dispensed in the inpatient setting, a research database comprised solely of insurance claims might not be able to capture details of exposure as medication use during a hospitalization are not individually billed. A research database comprised of inpatient electronic health records (EHRs) would be able to capture inpatient exposure but would have incomplete capture of pre-hospitalization covariates and post-hospitalization outcomes. Depending on context, a linked EHR-claims data source or data from an integrated healthcare delivery system might be better able to capture key study parameters for this type of question.23
It may be worth noting that most secondary data sources will not perfectly measure all parameters of interest because the investigator is not deciding what to measure, nor how and when to measure it. However, reasonably close proxy measures can result in findings similar to studies with primary data collection.24,25
In this paper, we aimed to provide a digestible, high-level introductory points on assessing and interpreting RWE studies, designed for people who are comfortable with reviewing RCTs but are new to evaluating RWE studies (Table 3). The focus on the triad of question, design, and data was deliberate because most review issues that will compromise the utility of an RWE study will be found among them. The analytic strategy of an RWE study is largely similar to that of RCTs except for the statistical approach to deal with the lack of baseline randomization. This, in turn, is largely a problem of data reliability and capture of relevant preexposure patient characteristics.
Table 3.
Summary of introductory points on assessing and interpreting RWE studies
Question | Compare the components of the PICOT question that you want to address to the research question that is actually addressed by the study. Re-engineering the hypothetical trial that was emulated by the RWE study is a helpful thought experiment to identify the precise study question. |
Design | Map out a hypothetical target trial that would address your PICOT question of interest and compare to the RWE study parameters implemented to help think about potential sources of design-related biases. Consider creating a design diagram to be clearly summarize time 0 in the RWE study (parallel to randomization date for a trial) and other temporal anchors. |
Data | |
Reliability | Consider how closely the elements of the database reflect the clinical constructs they are supposed to. |
Relevance | Consider whether and how well key study parameters are measurable in the data. |
PICOT, Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, and Timing; RWE, real-world evidence.
Currently, the clarity of reporting on the triad of question, design, and data is variable for RWE studies,26–28 however, there are recent and ongoing efforts to improve documentation and reporting on the conduct of RWE studies,29–33 which will facilitate interpretation by the reviewer. We hope that this guide provides a useful introduction of things to look for when evaluating RWE studies for regulatory, coverage, clinical, or other decision making.
The authors were supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NHLBI R01HL141505 and NIA R01AG053302. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
S.V.W. has no conflicts of interest to disclose, S.S. is principal investigator of the FDA Sentinel Innovation Center funded by the FDA, co-principal investigator of an investigator-initiated grant to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital from Boehringer Ingelheim unrelated to the topic of this study, He is a consultant to Aetion Inc., a software manufacturer of which he owns equity, His interests were declared, reviewed, and approved by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Partners HealthCare System in accordance with their institutional compliance policies.
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