Fig. 1.
Distribution of MGnify and RefSeq/GenBank sequences on Ni-CODH phylogeny. A A phylogenetic of Ni-CODH clusters mapped with navy lines along the two circles showing the presence of MGnify (outer) and RefSeq/GenBank (inner) sequences in each cluster. An unrooted phylogenetic tree was constructed using an alignment of centroid sequences from the 2462 Ni-CODH clusters on 90% amino acid sequence identity. The major clades A to H are highlighted by different colors as follows: yellow orange, clade A; light blue, clade B; green, clade C; yellow, clade D; blue clade E; red orange, clade F; pale magenta, clade G; and magenta, clade H. The black circles on the branches separating the major clades or subclades indicate their bootstrap value of > 0.95 support. B Pie charts for clade compositions in Ni-CODH clusters and sequences with MGnify and RefSeq/GenBank