Fig. 3.
Differences between expected and reported DTP3 vaccine coverage in 2020 across (A) UN regions and (B) income groups. Points represent individual countries, grouped, and coloured according to (A) UN region classification and (B) World Bank income groups. Country coordinates on the X-axis were jittered for visibility. Values on the y-axis are indicated as absolute differences between reported and expected vaccine coverage, in percentages. Boxes show the median (50%), upper (75%) and lower (25%) quartile changes in coverage for each group, with whiskers extending to either the minimum/ maximum changes or the quartile value plus 1.5 times the interquartile range, and crosses indicating the average. The black dashed horizontal lines indicate no change in coverage. LIC: Low-income Country. LMIC: Lower-middle-income Country. UMIC: Upper-middle-income Country. HIC: High-income Country.