Gaertner B, Busch MA, Scheidt-Nave C, Fuchs J (2019)
Journal of Health Monitoring 4(4): 48-56.
In the original version of the article, on pages 48 and 50, the prevalence of iADL limitation among men in Germany was reported instead of the prevalence of iADL limitation for Germany as a whole: ‘However, prevalences vary widely between EU Member States and are lower in Germany than the EU average (ADL limitation 6.3%, iADL limitation 11.2%)’ and ‘In Germany, prevalences are below the EU average (ADL limitation 6.3%, iADL limitation 11.2%)’. The correct sentences read: ‘However, prevalences vary widely between EU Member States and are lower in Germany than the EU average (ADL limitation 6.3%, iADL limitation 14.0%)’ and ‘In Germany, prevalences are below the EU average (ADL limitation 6.3%, iADL limitation 14.0%)’.
The corrected version of the article is available at DOI 10.25646/6226.2