(A) Body weight of male and female fetuses from healthy control (CTL) and obese (OB) mouse dams at gestational day 18.5. Male CTL n = 6, male OB n = 6, female CTL n = 7, female OB n = 6. (B–C) Heart weight and heart weight/litter average body weight ratio of male and female fetuses from CTL and OB dams at gestational day 18.5. Male CTL n = 10, male OB n = 10, female CTL n = 12, female OB n = 12. (D) Histological sections stained with eosin of male and female fetuses from CTL and OB dams at gestational day 18.5 used in cardiac stereology (see also Figure 1—figure supplement 1). Scale bar indicates 500 µm. (E–H) Left and right ventricular wall volume and ventricular wall volume/body weight ratio of male and female fetuses from healthy control (CTL) and obese (OB) mouse dams at gestational day 18.5. Male CTL n = 4, male OB n = 6, female CTL n = 4, female OB n = 5. (I) Boxplot showing median and quartiles of cardiomyocyte area distribution in male and female fetuses from CTL and OB dams at gestational day 18.5. Under the boxplot a beeswarm plot shows individual area of each cardiomyocyte analysed. Male CTL n = 6, male OB n = 7, female CTL n = 6, female OB n = 6 (see Figure 1—figure supplement 2 for a representative image of stained cardiomyocytes). (J) Nuclear PCNA-positive cells percentage in hearts of male and female fetuses from CTL and OB dams at gestational day 18.5. Male CTL n = 6, male OB n = 5, female CTL n = 3, female OB n = 5. In panels A-H and J, p-values were calculated by Student t-test. In panel I, p-values were calculated using linear mixed-effects model followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test.
Figure 1—source data 1. Sex-specific fetal body weight at E18.5 (Figure 1A).
Figure 1—source data 2. Fetal heart weight at E18.5 (Figure 1B).
Figure 1—source data 3. Fetal heart weight at E18.5 relative to the average litter weight (Figure 1C).
Figure 1—source data 4. Left ventricle wall volume (Figure 1E).
Figure 1—source data 5. Right ventricle wall volume (Figure 1F).
Figure 1—source data 6. Relative left ventricle wall volume (Figure 1G).
Figure 1—source data 7. Relative right ventricle wall volume (Figure 1H).
Figure 1—source data 8. Fetal cardiomyocyte area (Figure 1I).
Figure 1—source data 9. % Nuclear PCNA-positive cardiac cells (Figure 1J).