This paper presents the key outcomes of the above WHO informal consultation with global stakeholders including regulatory authorities, vaccine developers and manufacturers, academia and other international health organizations and institutions involved in the development, evaluation and use of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. The aim of the consultation was to further clarify the main principles to be presented in an upcoming WHO guidance document on the regulatory considerations in evaluating the quality, safety and efficacy of mRNA prophylactic vaccines for infectious diseases. This WHO guidance document is intended to facilitate global mRNA vaccine development and regulatory convergence in the assessment of such vaccines. The urgent need to develop such a document as a new WHO written standard is outlined in this report along with the key scientific and regulatory challenges. A number of key conclusions are provided at the end of this report along with an update on the steps taken following this meeting.
KEYWORDS: WHO, mRNA vaccines, prophylactic vaccines, infectious diseases, regulatory considerations, COVID-19
1. Introduction
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides technical guidance as part of promoting regulatory convergence among its Member States in order to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of biological products, including vaccines. This includes the development of safe and efficacious vaccines for use against emerging infectious diseases in the context of preparing for and responding to public health emergencies (PHEs).
mRNA vaccines have been under development for nearly 30 years but due to challenges related to production, stability and reactogenicity, it has mainly been in the past two decades that advances have been made enabling them to enter into clinical trials. Importantly, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated a significant acceleration of development efforts, resulting in an impressive proof of concept for their efficacy and safety as prophylactic vaccines for COVID-19. The demonstrated utility of mRNA vaccines to respond to a PHE, and the need for global usage and large-scale manufacturing, have validated the WHO’s decision to develop guidance for this class of vaccines and have resulted in a significant acceleration of the work.
The WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) discussed these issues at its meetings in August and December 2020 [1, 2] and supported the development of a WHO document on regulatory considerations in the evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of mRNA-based prophylactic vaccines for infectious diseases (hereafter “WHO document”), which could be updated as more scientific and clinical data became available. WHO initiated the work in 2020 and set up a drafting group composed of individuals with expertise in mRNA vaccines and their regulation to prepare a series of draft versions of the WHO document. A first draft was posted on the WHO website for first round public consultation from 22 December 2020 to 31 January 2021 and the public was invited to comment during this time. The WHO then organized an informal consultation, which was held virtually on 20–22 April 2021. In attendance were around 90 participants from 24 countries across the six WHO regions. These included experts and representatives of stakeholders from industry, academia and other research and clinical entities, regulators and other international health agencies. Regulators from 20 countries took part in the consultation and provided useful input regarding the regulatory aspects of the vaccine evaluation.
Dr Clive Ondari (WHO headquarters (HQ), Switzerland) welcomed the meeting participants and highlighted both the potential of mRNA vaccines and the need for international regulatory convergence in their development and use. He emphasized the need to ensure coordination of their development and regulatory considerations, underscoring that these would need to be updated as more information became available.
Dr Heidi Meyer (Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany) chaired the consultation; Dr Margaret Liu (WHO consultant, USA) served as rapporteur and Dr Rebecca Sheets (WHO consultant, USA) was the moderator for the discussions on the revisions to the draft document.
Dr Tiequn Zhou (WHO HQ, Switzerland) provided the background, objectives and anticipated outcomes of the consultation. As a potential platform technology, nucleic-acid-based vaccines may enable a rapid response to the priority diseases listed in the WHO R&D Blueprint of prioritized diseases in public health emergency contexts [3]. She underscored the rapid pace of mRNA vaccine development, with those for prophylaxis against COVID-19 having been authorized for emergency use and/or given conditional marketing authorization by National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and by WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) since December 2020. However, gaps still exist in the understanding of the mechanisms of action and long-term performance of such vaccines, including in terms of their safety and efficacy. Dr Zhou underscored that this is a fast-evolving field with both ongoing studies and the need for future studies.
Dr Zhou described the process and progress to date in developing the WHO guidance document on the evaluation of mRNA vaccines. During the public consultation on the first draft document, a considerable number of comments were received, reflecting the level of high interest among the public. The drafting group reviewed and discussed the comments, prepared the second draft and identified key issues for broader discussion. The objectives of the current meeting were to: (a) review the global pipeline of prophylactic mRNA vaccine development including for COVID-19; (b) exchange experiences and perspectives among researchers, manufacturers and regulators regarding aspects relevant to the quality, safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines; and (c) review the second draft of the WHO document, discussing key issues identified during the public consultation and issues on standardization. It was expected that a consensus would be reached, and improvements would be proposed on the further development of the document prior to its submission to the ECBS.
Dr Ivana Knezevic (WHO HQ, Switzerland) then gave an update on the biological standardization activities of the WHO. She described the WHO written and measurement standards for vaccines, biological therapeutic products, and cell and gene-therapy products that are publicly available [4]. She explained that WHO written standards are intended to: (a) provide key principles for the evaluation of biologicals as a basis for setting national requirements and for WHO prequalification; (b) leave space for NRAs to formulate additional/more-specific requirements; (c) act as living documents that will be developed further in line with progress in scientific knowledge and experience; (d) assist with the implementation of the guidelines into regulatory and manufacturing practices through global, regional and national workshops involving regulators, manufacturers and other relevant experts, as well as training and advisory groups; and (e) consider guidance issued by other bodies – the intention being to complement them, not to create conflicting guidance. When describing the global measurement standards, which are key elements for product development and licensing, Dr Knezevic highlighted three WHO International reference preparations for SARS-CoV-2 adopted by the ECBS in December 2020 [2] namely: the First WHO International Standard for SARS-CoV-2 RNA for NAT-based assays, the First WHO international standard for anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin, and the First WHO International Reference Panel for anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin panel. These standards aim to facilitate the development, validation and assessment of molecular and antibody assays, facilitate the comparability of results from different assays/laboratories and help harmonize the evaluation of diagnostics, vaccines and other products.
Dr Knezevic underscored the focus to be placed on scientific evidence followed by the WHO consultation process in further developing the guiding principles for evaluating the quality, safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines [5].
2. Updates on global development of prophylactic mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases
Dr Margaret A. Liu provided an overview of mRNA vaccine technologies and the global pipeline to remind participants of the developments for both the nucleic acid components (i.e. modifications of the mRNA itself) as well as the lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations which have been made over the past several decades. Dr Liu described the advances made to increase the stability of mRNA vaccines, to increase the amount of antigen translated from the mRNA and the duration of antigen expression, and modifications that have optimized the immune responses, including decreasing the undesired types of immune stimulation. Explanations of the differences between traditional and self-amplifying mRNA were provided along with definitions of terminology. While other formulations are under development, only LNPs are addressed in the WHO document since they are the ones currently used in clinical entities. Knowledge gaps and challenges were discussed including: the applicability/efficacy for other diseases with different pathophysiology (e.g. HIV, tuberculosis), the duration of protection, the utility for diseases where a single-dose vaccine is desired (e.g. Ebola), boostability in the face of strain mutations, the tolerability/acceptability of adverse effects for non-pandemic diseases, and continued demonstration of safety with increased utilization (e.g. anaphylaxis, possible differences of adverse events for different populations). Note was made of the potential limitations for global use based on the cost of manufacturing and concerns of limitations for use in resource-constrained settings with current thermostability limitations.
Dr Nick Jackson (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), UK) provided the context for mRNA vaccine development during the COVID-19 pandemic, describing progress of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA/LNP vaccines, highlighted challenges ahead for mRNA, describing lessons learned and how that has informed what will be done for future pandemic situations. He noted that COVID-19 has driven the application of over three dozen mRNA platforms as candidate vaccines. Dr Jackson listed challenges that lie ahead for mRNA-LNP technologies including productivity, thermal stability, manufacturing footprint, and improvement of tolerability. The price per dose of mRNA vaccines is greater than for other vaccines such as the COVID-19 adeno-vectored vaccines [6]. Very specific aspects of the manufacturing drive the productivity and hence the cost, including the amount of RNA per dose, the process scale, production yield, the cost of the 5’ cap analogues, downstream purification losses, raw material recycling and capital investment costs. Scale-up and scale-out of RNA production has also exposed limitations in the supply of suitable quality raw materials, which include DNA templates, enzymes, nucleotides, capping agents and LNP components. While RNA is scalable as a platform, the footprint for mRNA manufacturing capabilities remains limited globally. Thermal stability remains a challenge. Dr Jackson presented examples of potential future indications for mRNA/LNP vaccines that may include adapting vaccines to new strains or making vaccines with broad protection against diverse strains, targeting proteins which are difficult to manufacture by recombinant technologies. Other potential areas of development include vaccines against diseases for which a higher financial investment is needed and/or diseases for which a rapid response is needed. In the latter case, it might be necessary to establish prototypical libraries of mRNA encoding vaccine antigens and to explore the efficacy of single-dose vaccines.
3. Experiences and perspectives from developers and manufacturers
Dr Ruben Rizzi and Dr Andreas Kuhn (BioNTech, Germany) presented their experience in development, manufacturing, quality control, and nonclinical and clinical aspects for the BioNTech /Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. For the mRNA types tested in Phase 1 and 2 clinical studies, the manufacturing processes used for RNA and LNP production are essentially identical for all candidates, and are generally applicable to a wide range of RNAs with respect to sequence and size; i.e. a platform approach is used. The company-wide leveraged platforms, early engagement with the regulatory authorities and regulatory flexibilities are key to the rapid clinical development of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr Florian Neske (CureVac, Germany) described their COVID-19 vaccines using natural nucleotides with sequence optimization. He presented a schematic of the manufacturing process including starting materials, in-process controls (including intermediates) and release testing of final drug products. Biodistribution may change with different formulations. Key quality control considerations were described. Dr Neske raised the point that because of the limited number of available mRNA manufacturing descriptions at the time of writing the draft WHO document, some of the requirements may not be needed for alternative manufacturing processes. He suggested the WHO document should include case-by-case statement to avoid restricting future vaccine development and regulatory considerations.
Dr Don Parsons (Moderna, USA) described the general process for making their mRNA vaccines, including the LNP, as a co-component of the active substance. He proposed that a flexible approach should be taken to the definition of final formulated bulk, accommodating that the bulk substance may be formulated (e.g. encapsulated in LNP) but then stored concentrated in comparison to what is later diluted and filled for the final formulated vaccine. Dr Jacqueline Miller (Moderna, USA) described the immunological mechanisms of mRNA vaccines and gave a list of the Moderna prophylactic vaccine candidates. The same LNP was utilized across the platform, so she stated that, for a mature platform, a platform approach may allow aspects of the quality, nonclinical and clinical development to be standardized, such as evaluation of genotoxicity and biodistribution.
Dr Bo Ying (Abogen, China) introduced their mRNA platform for targeting cancer, protein replacement therapy, and vaccines for infectious diseases. He gave an overview of the mRNA and LNP production processes and in-process controls. He pointed out that capping efficiency will affect the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines and that purity, tail length and distribution will affect the efficiency of translating mRNA into proteins. He raised issues about acceptance of minor changes for platform technology, regulation of mRNA vaccines against variants, and multivalent vaccines.
4. Regulatory perspectives
Dr Keith Peden (Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA) presented the FDA’s experience with mRNA vaccines, including product and Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) issues, potency determination, pre-clinical studies, efficacy assessment (what to monitor and what assays to use), evaluation of possible vaccine-enhanced disease, and the question of whether or not mRNA can be viewed as a platform technology. He commented that whether the individual LNP component should be evaluated separately or as the vaccine is an individual NRA’s decision. CBER decided only the product should be tested. The issue of whether mRNA vaccines are a platform technology and what the implications would be if so, has been discussed at the FDA. This has implications, e.g., what testing would be required for a new mRNA that expresses a new antigen using the same LNP and manufacturing process? What pre-clinical studies would be required, and which could be dispensed with based on data from similar products? Could the vaccine development process be streamlined? CBER has determined that this is in flux, and has not required that biodistribution studies be performed on a new vaccine if studies with another vaccine using the same manufacturing process and same LNP have already been done. It is expected that modifications to the manufacturing process, and likely the encapsulating lipids will occur in the future.
Dr Jiaqi Lu (Centre for Drug Evaluation, National Medical Products Administration, China) provided an overview of China’s regulatory guidelines on COVID-19 vaccines and on the CMC of mRNA vaccines and then presented a CMC evaluation strategy of mRNA vaccines by NMPA. A key point was that the national guideline specified that it only reflected the current knowledge and opinions of mRNA vaccines noting that it will be updated as research progresses and scientific knowledge increases. Dr Lu discussed challenges and perspectives including comparability studies in case of manufacturing changes such as scale-up/scale-out, changes of manufacturing site and equipment, and changes of suppliers of excipients. Specifications for purity, particle size, encapsulation efficiency and potency (in vitro, in vivo) are additional issues. Another challenge is whether this can be a platform technology to quickly respond to virus variants, possibly optimizing antigen sequences or making multivalent vaccines, and to be able to accelerate the development of mRNA vaccines based on experience with the manufacturing process, formulation, characterization and stability, with an acknowledgement of relative risks.
Dr Ka-Wai Wan (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK) provided an overview including general considerations and specific issues concerning quality, nonclinical and clinical assessment of mRNA vaccines to assure their quality, safety and efficacy. For COVID-19, additional challenges included the novelty of the coronavirus and being the first mRNA vaccines to be authorized globally, and an accelerated process due to the PHE. She acknowledged that some decisions made were on the basis of risk in the context of a PHE and would likely not be the same for other new vaccines in development. Dr Wan detailed a number of issues regarding safety for which there are gaps in knowledge, asking whether these gaps are acceptable. Examples include information about how novel components are cleared from the body, and over what time course, whether novel components cross the placenta, a lack of correlate of protection for COVID-19, and the durability of the immune response.
5. Discussion on the draft WHO document
Days two and three of the meeting were devoted to reviewing the draft WHO document. The discussion was moderated by Dr Rebecca Sheets, who started by providing an outline of the current draft, a summary of comments received from the first round of public consultation, and the main issues to be discussed at this meeting. The group agreed upon a framework for the approach to developing the final document as shown in Box 1.
Box 1
Consensus of overarching considerations that will inform the final document
Significant time was spent discussing major issues, shown in Box 2, as these were foundational concepts for the document.
Box 2
Major Issues raised in the discussion and consensus reached:
For the actual wording of the document, consensus was reached or revisions and additional text were proposed, when necessary. A summary of the decisions regarding the various issues was presented by the rapporteur (Dr Margaret Liu) at the end of the meeting to ensure that the participants agreed with the decisions and proposed changes or areas for further effort by the Drafting Group. The proposed amendments, revisions or other changes to the draft WHO document are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1.
Section | Proposed changes |
Introduction Background Purpose and scope Background Purpose and scope Terminology General considerations Manufacture and control of mRNA vaccines Nonclinical evaluation Clinical evaluation |
6. Conclusions and post-meeting update
The development of the WHO regulatory considerations document was strongly welcomed by stakeholders. Following the informal consultation, the draft document, which had already been modified extensively in real time during the discussions, was further edited to add in the requested additional information and to improve the language to better capture the intention of the suggestions. It was agreed that where consensus had not been reached (for example, on potency assays), discussions would continue and further comments would be expected during the upcoming round of public consultation.
The subsequent draft document was then posted on WHO website in early July for a second round of public consultation until mid-September 2021. Given the considerable level of interest in developing mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, the two rounds of public consultation resulted in numerous comments. Most of these comments were accepted but some were rejected because they were too COVID-19 specific or were already covered by other WHO guidance documents. The drafting group analyzed all comments received and proposed further changes. The resulting document, along with the key issues arising from the public consultations, were reviewed by the ECBS at its meeting of 18–22 October 2021. Specific issues addressed included: (1) refining the definition of a “platform technology,” (2) use of the term “drug substance” and “drug product” instead of “antigen” and “final vaccine” respectively, (3) definition of linear DNA as the starting material, (4) application of GMP for biologicals, (5) potency testing, (6) vaccine labelling and (7) dosing of mRNA vaccines. Having addressed the specific comments raised by the drafting group, the ECBS reviewed the entire document and made further suggestions. Among these, the Committee suggested two further definitions be added to the terminology section: “design of experiments” and “engineering run.” The Committee then adopted the document with the suggested amendments [10]. The resultant document was published on the WHO website [11] to ensure its prompt availability prior to its formal publication in the WHO Technical Report Series.
The authors would like to acknowledge the critical input from the members of the drafting group: Dr Heidi Meyer (Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany), Dr Margaret A. Liu (WHO consultant, USA), Dr Rebecca L. Sheets (WHO consultant, USA), Dr Keith Peden (Food & Drug Administration, USA), Dr Subin Sankarankutty (Health Sciences Authority, Singapore), and Dr Ka-Wai Wan (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK), and consultation meeting participants. M.L., T.Z.: drafted a manuscript and prepared the summary of discussion. T.Z.: designed and coordinated the work. R.S., H.M., I.K.: reviewed and edited the manuscript. I.K.: funding acquisition. The authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this article and they do not necessarily represent the views, decisions or policies of the institutions with which they are affiliated. The funder had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.
Funding Statement
This project was funded by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)-US Food and Drug Administration through a cooperative agreement between US FDA/CBER and WHO and reference the FAIN number (U01 FD005959).
Disclosure statement
M.A.L. owns Merck shares as part of her retirement; Merck is on record as developing mRNA for cancer therapy, which is not the subject of this manuscript although the technology is the same. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.
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