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. 2022 Feb 3;20(2):e3001511. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001511

Meta-analysis reveals an extreme “decline effect” in the impacts of ocean acidification on fish behavior

Jeff C Clements 1,¤,*, Josefin Sundin 1,2, Timothy D Clark 3, Fredrik Jutfelt 1,*
Editor: Andrew J Tanentzap4
PMCID: PMC8812914  PMID: 35113875


Ocean acidification—decreasing oceanic pH resulting from the uptake of excess atmospheric CO2—has the potential to affect marine life in the future. Among the possible consequences, a series of studies on coral reef fish suggested that the direct effects of acidification on fish behavior may be extreme and have broad ecological ramifications. Recent studies documenting a lack of effect of experimental ocean acidification on fish behavior, however, call this prediction into question. Indeed, the phenomenon of decreasing effect sizes over time is not uncommon and is typically referred to as the “decline effect.” Here, we explore the consistency and robustness of scientific evidence over the past decade regarding direct effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior. Using a systematic review and meta-analysis of 91 studies empirically testing effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior, we provide quantitative evidence that the research to date on this topic is characterized by a decline effect, where large effects in initial studies have all but disappeared in subsequent studies over a decade. The decline effect in this field cannot be explained by 3 likely biological explanations, including increasing proportions of studies examining (1) cold-water species; (2) nonolfactory-associated behaviors; and (3) nonlarval life stages. Furthermore, the vast majority of studies with large effect sizes in this field tend to be characterized by low sample sizes, yet are published in high-impact journals and have a disproportionate influence on the field in terms of citations. We contend that ocean acidification has a negligible direct impact on fish behavior, and we advocate for improved approaches to minimize the potential for a decline effect in future avenues of research.


Publications presenting new hypotheses or groundbreaking scientific discoveries are often followed by attempts to replicate and build upon the initial research. In many instances, however, follow-up studies fail to replicate initial effects and/or report smaller effect sizes. The tendency for initial scientific findings—which can show strong effects with large effect sizes—to lose strength over time is referred to as the “decline effect” [1]. This phenomenon was first described in the 1930s and has since been documented in a range of scientific disciplines [1], including ecology and evolution [2,3]. It captures the concept of initial reports with large effect sizes that overestimate reality. In such instances, the early, large effect sizes are the key problem, not the subsequent decline. The decline effect could therefore equally be referred to as the “early inflation effect.” Nonetheless, decline effects can be problematic by delaying accurate scientific understanding of a given phenomenon and can have applied ramifications, for example, to policy making [4].

Over the past 15 years, biologists have documented substantial impacts of ocean acidification on marine biota [5]. With more than 300 papers published per year from 2006 to 2015, the exponential growth of ocean acidification studies represents one of the fastest expanding topics in the marine sciences [6] and underscores the perceived risk of ocean acidification to ecosystem resilience. In recent years, however, there has been increasing skepticism and uncertainty around the severity of ocean acidification effects on marine organisms [6,7].

Some of the most striking effects of ocean acidification are those concerning fish behavior, whereby a series of sentinel papers in 2009 and 2010 published in prestigious journals reported large effects of laboratory-simulated ocean acidification [810]. Since their publication, these papers have remained among the most highly cited regarding acidification effects on fish behavior. The severe negative impacts and drastic ecological consequences outlined in those studies were highly publicized in some of the world’s most prominent media outlets [1113] and were used to influence policy through a presentation at the White House [14]. Not only were the findings alarming, but the extraordinarily clear and strong results also left little doubt that the effects were real, and a multimillion dollar international investment of research funding was initiated to quantify the broader impacts of ocean acidification on a range of behaviors. In recent years, however, an increasing number of papers have reported a lack of ocean acidification effects on fish behavior, calling into question the reliability of initial reports.

Here, we present a striking example of the decline effect over the past decade in research on the impact of ocean acidification on fish behavior. We find that initial effects of acidification on fish behavior have all but disappeared over the past 5 years and present evidence that common biases influence reported effect sizes in this field. Ways to mitigate these biases and reduce the time it takes to reach a “true” effect size, broadly applicable to any scientific field, are discussed.

Results and discussion

Declining effects

Based on a systematic literature review and meta-analysis (n = 91 studies), we found evidence for a decline effect in ocean acidification studies on fish behavior (Fig 1a and 1b). Generally, effect size magnitudes (absolute lnRR) in this field have decreased by an order of magnitude over the past decade, from mean effect size magnitudes >5 in 2009 to 2010 to effect size magnitudes <0.5 after 2015 (Fig 1a and 1b, S1 Table). Mean effect size magnitude was disproportionately large in early studies, hovered at moderate effect sizes from 2012 to 2014, and has all but disappeared in recent years (Fig 1a and 1b).

Fig 1. The decline effect in ocean acidification research on fish behavior.

Fig 1

(a) Trend in raw effect size magnitudes (absolute lnRR) for each experiment in our dataset plotted as a function of year of publication online and color coded according to study. Data are fit with a Loess curve with 95% confidence bounds. (b) Mean effect size magnitude (absolute lnRR ± upper and lower confidence bounds) for each year of publication (online) in our dataset. Mean effect size magnitudes and confidence bounds were estimated using Bayesian simulations and a folded normal distribution. Note: Colors for (b) are aesthetic in nature and follow a gradient according to year of publication. Source data for each figure panel can be found in S1 Data. ES, effect size.

The large effect size magnitudes from early studies on acidification and fish behavior are not present in the majority of studies in the last 5 years (Fig 1b, S1 Table). This decline effect could be explained by a number of factors, including biological. For example, cold-water fish in temperate regions experience a higher degree of temporal variability in carbonate chemistry parameters over large spatial areas [15]. Therefore, they may be less sensitive to changes in seawater CO2 as per the Ocean Variability Hypothesis [16]. As such, if an increasing number of studies on cold-water species over time was responsible for the decline effect, removing cold-water species from the dataset (i.e., only including warm-water species) should result in the decline effect trend disappearing. This was not the case, as the decline effect persisted when only warm-water species were considered (Fig 2a). In the same vein, the strongest ocean acidification effects on fish behavior have undoubtedly been reported for chemical cue (herein “olfactory”) responses, and an increasing number of studies on nonolfactory behaviors could explain the decline effect. If this was true, removing nonolfactory behaviors from the dataset should negate the decline effect trend. Again, this was not the case (Fig 2b). Finally, early studies of ocean acidification and fish behavior used larval fish, which are typically considered to be more sensitive to environmental perturbations than juveniles and adults. If a greater proportion of studies used less sensitive life stages through time, then removing those life stages and focusing exclusively on larvae should abolish the decline effect. Once again, this was not the case (Fig 2c). These analyses show that ocean acidification studies on fish behavior exhibit a decline effect that is not explainable by 3 biological processes commonly considered important drivers of acidification effects (Fig 2a–2c, S1 Table).

Fig 2. The decline effect cannot be explained by 3 commonly considered biological drivers of acidification effects.

Fig 2

Mean effect size magnitude (absolute lnRR ± upper and lower confidence bounds) as a function of time for datasets that only included experiments with (a) warm-water species, (b) olfactory-associated behaviors, and (c) larval life stages. Mean effect size magnitudes and confidence bounds were estimated using Bayesian simulations and a folded normal distribution. Note: Colors are aesthetic in nature and follow a gradient according to year of publication online. Source data for each figure panel can be found in S1 Data.

While we were able to test and exclude 3 biological factors, there are other potential factors that could drive the decline which are not readily testable from our database. For example, while we were able to partially test for the influence of background CO2 variability by comparing cold- and warm-water species, most studies do not report the actual background CO2 levels that the experimental animals (and their ancestors) have historically experienced. As such, we are unable to account for the historic CO2 acclimation conditions of animals used in experiments. The impact of this with respect to the observed decline effect could stem from an increasing proportion of studies using captive-bred fish from recirculating aquarium systems with high CO2 levels, as compared to fish from wild populations experiencing natural CO2 levels. This is an unlikely explanation for the decline effect, however, given that the earliest studies conducted in 2009 to 2010 reporting high effect sizes were conducted with both captive-bred and wild-caught fish [810,17]. Furthermore, recent replication attempts of those initial studies using wild-caught fish have failed to replicate the large effect sizes [7]. Nonetheless, we recommend that future studies provide better background CO2 information for the fish used in their experiments and use best practices for measuring and reporting carbonate chemistry [18].

Biased behavior in a maturing field

It is clear that the ocean acidification field, and indeed science in general, is prone to many biases including methodological and publication biases [6]. The key thing to note is that if science was operating properly from the onset, and early effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior were true, the relationships presented in Figs 1 and 2 would be flat lines showing consistent effect sizes over time. It is also evident that the decline effect discovered herein is not explainable by 3 likely biological culprits (outlined above). Thus, the data presented here provide a textbook example of a new and emerging “hot topic” field likely being prone to biases. Below, we underscore and assess the roles of 3 potential biases: (1) methodological biases; (2) selective publication bias; and (3) citation bias. We then explore the potential influence of authors/investigators in driving the decline effect.

Methodological biases

Methodological approaches for individual studies, and biases therein, can contribute to the early inflation of effect sizes. Such biases can come in the form of experimental protocols, the chosen experimental design and sample size, and the analytical/statistical approach employed. Experimenter biases can also contribute to inflated effects.

Experimental designs and protocols can introduce unwanted biases during the experiment whether or not the researchers realize it. For example, experiments with small sample sizes are more prone to statistical errors (i.e., Type I and Type II error), and studies with larger sample sizes should be trusted more than those with smaller sample sizes [19]. While we did not directly test it in our analysis, studies with small sample sizes are also more susceptible to statistical malpractices such as p-hacking and selective exclusion of data that do not conform to a predetermined experimental outcome, which can contribute to inflated effects [20]. In our analysis, we found that almost all of the studies with the largest effect size magnitudes had mean sample sizes (per experimental treatment) below 30 fish. Indeed, 87% of the studies (13 of 15 studies) with a mean effect size magnitude >1.0 had a mean sample size below 30 fish (Fig 3). Likewise, the number of studies reporting an effect size magnitude >0.5 sharply decreased after the mean sample size exceeded 30 fish (Fig 3). Sample size is of course not the only attribute that describes the quality of a study, but the effects detected here certainly suggest that studies with n < 30 fish per treatment may yield spurious effects and should be weighted accordingly.

Fig 3. Studies with large effect sizes tend to have low samples sizes.

Fig 3

Mean effect size magnitude (absolute lnRR) for each study as a function of the mean sample size of that study (i.e., sample size per experimental treatment). Note that mean effect size for a given study is not a weighted effect size magnitude, but is simply computed as the mean of individual effect size magnitudes for a given study. The vertical red dashed line denotes a sample size of 30 fish, while the horizontal red dashed line represents a lnRR magnitude of 1. Source data for each figure panel can be found in S1 Data.

Experimenter/observation bias during data collection is known to seriously skew results in behavioral research [21]. For example, nonblinded observations are common in life sciences, but are known to result in higher reported effect sizes and more significant p-values than blinded observations [22]. Most publications assessing ocean acidification effects on fish behavior, including the initial studies reporting large effect sizes, do not include statements of blinding for behavioral observations. Given that statements of blinding can be misleading [23], there has also been a call for video evidence in animal behavior research [24]. Moreover, the persistence of inflated effects beyond initial studies can be perpetuated by confirmation bias, as follow-up studies attempt to confirm initial inflated effects and capitalize on the receptivity of high-profile journals to new (apparent) phenomena [25]. While our analysis does not empirically demonstrate that experimenter bias contributed to the decline effect, it is possible that conscious and unconscious experimenter biases may have contributed to large effect sizes in this field.

Publication and citation bias

Another prominent explanation for the decline effect is selective publication bias, as results showing strong effects are often published more readily, and in higher-impact journals, than studies showing weak or null results. Indeed, publication bias has been suggested as perhaps the most parsimonious explanation for the decline effect in ecology and evolution, as studies showing no effect can be difficult to publish [2]. This can be attributed to authors selectively publishing impressive results in prestigious journals (and not publishing less exciting results) and also to journals—particularly high-impact journals—selectively publishing strong effects. This biased publishing can result in the proliferation of studies reporting strong effects, even though they may not be true [26] and can fuel citation bias [27]. Indeed, a recent analysis suggested that field studies in global change biology suffer from publication bias, which has fuelled the proliferation of underpowered studies reporting overestimated effect sizes [28]. To determine if studies testing for effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior exhibited signs of publication bias and citation bias, we assessed relationships between effect size magnitude, journal impact factor, and Google Scholar citations (Fig 4). Examining average citations per year and the total number of citations since 2020, 4 papers stood above the rest: the initial 3 studies in this field [810] and the sentinel paper proposing GABAA neurotransmitter interference as the physiological mechanism for observed behavioral effects [29] (Fig 4a and 4b). While it is difficult to quantify whether authors selectively published only their strongest effects early in this field, we were able to quantify effect size magnitudes as a function of journal impact factor. We found that the most striking effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior have been published in journals with high impact factors (Fig 4c). In addition, these studies have had a stronger influence (i.e., higher citation frequency) on this field to date than lower-impact studies with weaker effect sizes (Fig 4d and 4e). Similar results have been reported in other areas of ecology and evolution, perhaps most notably in studies regarding terrestrial plant responses to high CO2 [30].

Fig 4. Strong effects are published in high-impact journals, and these studies are cited more than small effect studies in lower-impact journals.

Fig 4

(a, b) Google Scholar citation metrics as of September 10, 2021 for each of the studies included in our meta-analysis, including average citations per year (a) and total citations since 2020 (b). The initial 3 studies spearheading this field are denoted by the gray background, and the red dashed line represents the lowest citation metric among those 3 studies. Studies are ordered chronologically along the x-axis and color coded by year published online. (c) Mean effect size magnitude for each individual study as a function of journal impact factor (at time of online publication). (d) The number of citations per year for each study as a function of journal impact factor (at time of online publication). (e) The number of citations per year for each study as a function of mean effect size magnitude for that study. Note that, for panels (c) and (e), mean effect size magnitude for a given study is not a weighted effect size magnitude, but is simply computed as the mean of individual effect size magnitudes for a given study. Data are fit with linear curves and 95% confidence bounds, and points are color coded by study; the size of data points represents the relative mean sample size of the study. Source data for each figure panel can be found in S1 Data.

Together, our results suggest that large effect sizes among studies assessing acidification impacts on fish behavior generally have low sample sizes, but tend to be published in high-impact journals and are cited more. Consequently, the one-two punch of low sample sizes and the preference to publish large effects has seemingly led to an incorrect interpretation that ocean acidification will result in broad impacts on fish behavior and thus have wide-ranging ecological consequences—an interpretation that persists in studies published today (S2 Table).

Investigator effects

It is important to note that the early studies published in 2009 to 2010 [810], and some subsequent papers from the same authors, have recently been questioned for their scientific validity [31]. Indeed, these early studies have a large influence on the observed decline effect in our analysis. At the request of the editors, we thus explored the potential for investigator effects, as such effects have been reported to drive decline effects for the field of ecology and evolution in the past (e.g., fluctuating asymmetry [32]). When all papers authored or coauthored by at least one of the lead investigators of those early studies were removed from the dataset (n = 41 studies, 45%), the decline effect was no longer apparent from 2012 to 2019 (Fig 5). While conclusions regarding the potential roles of invalid data await further investigation [31], our results do suggest that investigator or lab group effects have contributed to the decline effect reported here. We suggest that future studies documenting the presence or absence of decline effects—and indeed meta-analyses in general—should carefully consider and evaluate whether investigator effects may be at play in a given field of study.

Fig 5. The decline effect in ocean acidification research on fish behavior excluding studies authored (or coauthored) by lead investigators of initial studies.

Fig 5

(a) Trend in raw effect size magnitudes (absolute lnRR) for each experiment in our dataset excluding all studies authored (or coauthored) by lead investigators of the 3 initial studies [810] plotted as a function of year of publication online and color coded according to study. Data are fit with a Loess curve with 95% confidence bounds. (b) Mean effect size magnitude (absolute lnRR ± upper and lower confidence bounds) for each year of publication online in our dataset excluding all studies authored (or coauthored) by lead investigators of the 3 initial studies. Mean effect size magnitudes and confidence bounds were estimated using Bayesian simulations and a folded normal distribution. Note: Colors in (b) are aesthetic in nature and follow a gradient according to year of publication. Also note that data begin in 2012 since all publications prior to 2012 included initial lead investigators in the author list. Vertical axes are scaled to enable direct comparison with Fig 1. Source data for each figure panel can be found in S1 Data.

Being on our best behavior

Our results suggest that large effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior were at least in part due to methodological factors in early studies (e.g., low sample sizes). Furthermore, the proliferation and persistence of this idea have likely been aided by the selective publication of large effect sizes by authors and journals, particularly at the onset of this field, and the continued high frequency of citations for those papers. It is important to note, however, that low sample size and selective publication cannot fully explain the strong decline effect detected here, and other biases and processes may be at play [7,31]. Nonetheless, we call on journals, journal editors, peer reviewers, and researchers to take steps to proactively address the issues of low sample size and selective publication, not only in the ocean acidification field, but also more broadly across scientific disciplines.

To this end, we strongly argue that future ocean acidification studies on fish behavior should employ a sample size greater than 30 fish per treatment in order to be considered reliable. It is the combined responsibility of researchers, journal editors, and peer reviewers to ensure that submitted manuscripts abide by this guideline. To achieve this, authors should report exact sample sizes clearly in the text of manuscripts; however, from our analysis, 34% of studies did not do this adequately (see raw data in S2 Data). In addition, for other fields, we suggest that studies with higher sample sizes should be published alongside, if not very soon after, an original novel finding to ensure that such a finding is robust. Ideally, researchers would conduct pilot studies with varying sample sizes to determine an adequate sample size threshold and conduct appropriate prestudy power analyses; however, time and financial constraints can make this difficult. While adequate sample sizes will vary across topics and fields, ensuring that studies with large sample sizes are published early alongside those with smaller sample sizes can strive toward reducing the amount of time it takes to truly understand a phenomenon.

Journals, researchers, editors, and reviewers can take additional steps to limit biases in published research. First and foremost, we suggest that journals adopt the practice of registered reports to ensure that studies not detecting an effect are published in a timely manner. Herein, journals should provide authors with the ability to submit proposed methodologies and have them formally peer reviewed prior to studies even being conducted. If methodologies are deemed sound (or revised to be so) and “accepted” by reviewers, journals should commit to publishing the results regardless of their outcome so long as the accepted methods are followed. Although registered reports may not be sufficient to avoid the influence of some issues such as poor data, they may reduce the risk of inflated results driving decline effects—and prolonged incorrect understanding—for other phenomena in the future. While not a silver bullet solution, this practice could help to reduce selective publication bias and the risk of early, flawed studies being disproportionately influential in a given field [33].

Researchers should also seek, develop, and adhere to best practice guidelines for experimental setups [34] to minimize the potential for experimental artifacts to influence results. Properly blinded observations [22] and the use of technologies such as automated tracking [35] and biosensors [36] can also reduce observer bias and increase trust in reported findings [37]. When automated methods are not possible, video recordings of experiments from start to finish can greatly increase transparency [24]. Editors and the selected peer reviewers should closely consider and evaluate the relevance and rigor of methodological approaches, which can help increase accuracy and repeatability [38]. When selecting peer reviewers for manuscripts, editors should also be aware that researchers publishing initial strong effects may be biased in their reviews (i.e., selectively accepting manuscripts that support their earlier publications) and ensure a diverse body of reviewers for any given manuscript when possible. While we do not empirically demonstrate this bias in our analyses, it is important to recognize and mitigate the potential for it to prolong inaccurate scientific findings.

Finally, being critical and skeptical of early findings with large effects can help avoid many of the real-world problems associated with inflated effects. Interestingly, a recent study showed that experienced scientists are highly accurate at predicting which studies will stand up to independent replication versus those that will not [39], lending support to the idea that if something seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Nonetheless, the citation analysis provided herein suggests that researchers have been slow to adopt studies reporting negative and null results for this field, as the early studies with large effect sizes remain the most highly cited among all articles in our dataset. The earlier that a healthy skepticism is applied, the less impact inflated results may have on the scientific process and the public perception of scientists. Ultimately, independent replication should be established before new results are to be trusted and promoted broadly.

Final remarks

Our results demonstrate that more than a decade of ocean acidification research on fish behavior is characterized by the decline effect. While the field has seemingly settled in a good place with respect to realistic effect sizes, it has taken 10 years to get there. Furthermore, studies continue to cite early studies with unreasonable effect sizes to promote that acidification will broadly impact fish behavior and ecology (e.g., S2 Table), suggesting that a shift in mindset is still needed for many in this field. In a broader sense, our data reveal that the decline effect warrants exploration with respect to other biological and ecological phenomena and a wider array of scientific disciplines, particularly pertaining to global change effects. The early exaggeration of effects can have real impacts on the process of science and the scientists themselves [40]; following the steps outlined here can help to mitigate those impacts, sooner get to a real understanding of a phenomenon, and progress toward increased reproducibility.

Materials and methods

Literature search

A systematic literature search was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [41]; a completed PRISMA checklist can be found in S3 Data, and a flowchart is provided below (Fig 6). Peer-reviewed articles assessing the effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior were searched for through Scopus and Google Scholar by J.C. Clements up until December 21, 2018 using 2 primary keyword strings: “ocean acidification fish behavio(u)r” and “elevated co2 fish behavio(u)r.” The search was conducted using the free software “Publish or Perish” [42] selecting a time period spanning 2009 to 2018 and the maximum number of results that the software allows (1,000 results), ignoring citations and patents. The keyword search resulted in a total of 4,411 results, with 2,508 papers remaining for initial screening after duplicates were removed (Fig 6, S3 Table). The titles and abstracts of each article were then screened for initial relevance and inclusion criteria. Articles were included in the database if they included statements of quantitatively assessing the effect of elevated CO2 (i.e., ocean acidification) on a behavioral trait of a marine fish; we excluded review articles and papers that measured the effect of elevated CO2 on freshwater fish and invertebrates. This initial screening resulted in a total of 93 papers being retained from the database search for further evaluation. Five papers were subsequently excluded from the meta-analysis due to a lack of appropriate data for estimating effect size (i.e., variance and/or sample sizes were not a part of the behavioral metric, or specific behavioral data were not presented), resulting in a total of 88 papers. A cited reference search of the 93 articles was subsequently conducted by J.C. Clements on March 23, 2019 (just prior to conducting the data analysis) by searching the reference lists and lists of citing articles (on the article’s web page), selecting articles with relevant titles, and evaluating them for inclusion according to the criteria above. Three additional relevant papers were added from the cited reference search for a total of 91 papers included in the meta-analysis. While we did not solicit a call for gray literature, which can be important for meta-analyses [3], such literature online would have been captured in the Google Scholar search; however, no relevant gray literature was uncovered in this search. Final checks of the 91 papers were conducted by both J.C. Clements and J. Sundin. Results of the literature search are provided in Fig 6 below. Further details can be found in S3 Table, and full search results for each step can be found in S4 Data.

Fig 6. PRISMA flow diagram.

Fig 6

Values represent the numbers of records found and retained at each stage of the literature search. Papers were considered “relevant” if they included an empirical test of ocean acidification on the behavior of a marine fish. Off-topic papers and topical review papers were excluded, as were topical papers on freshwater species and invertebrates. Relevant studies were deemed “ineligible” if they did not contain data from which effect sizes could be calculated (this included data that did not have an associated sample size or variance or relevant papers that did not report the behavioral data). Details of relevance and exclusion can be found in S4 Data. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.

Data collection

We collected both qualitative and quantitative data from each study. All raw data (both qualitative and quantitative) can be found in S2 Data.

Qualitative data collection

From each of the 91 articles, we collected general bibliographic data, including authors, publication year, title, journal, and journal impact factor. For publication year, we recorded the year that the article was published online as well as the year that the article was included in a printed issue. Journal impact factor was recorded for the year of publication as well as the most current year at the time of analysis (2017); papers published in 2018 and 2019 were assigned to the impact factor for 2017 since 2018 and 2019 data on impact factor were unavailable at the time of analysis. Impact factors were obtained from InCites Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics). We also recorded other qualitative attributes for each study, including the species and life stage studied, and the behavioral metric(s) measured.

Quantitative data collection

Alongside qualitative data, we also collected quantitative data from each of the 91 studies included in the meta-analysis. We collected the mean, sample size, and variance associated with control and ocean acidification treatments. We considered all ocean acidification treatments in our analysis; however, we only included data for independent main effects of ocean acidification, and interactive effects of acidification with other factors (temperature, salinity, pollution, noise, gabazine, etc.) were ignored.

Where possible, precise means and variance were collected from published tables or published raw data; otherwise, means and variance were estimated from published graphs using ImageJ 1.x [43]. Sample sizes were obtained from tables or the text or were backcalculated using degrees of freedom reported in the statistical results. We also recorded the type of variance reported and, where possible, used that to calculate standard deviation, which was necessary for effect size calculations. Again, these data were not obtainable from 5 papers, due to either the nature of the data (i.e., no variance associated with the response variable measured or directional response variables measured in degrees; the latter due to computational issues arising from such metrics) [4446] or from the paper reporting an effect of ocean acidification but not adequately providing the means and/or variance in neither the paper or supplementary material [47,48]. Where means and variance were measurable but observed to be zero, we estimated both as 0.0001 in order to calculate effect size [810,17,45,4953]. The data were used to generate effect sizes and variance estimates for each observation. All data were initially collected by J.C. Clements and cross-checked by coauthors for accuracy prior to analyses.


Testing for the decline effect

To assess whether or not a decline effect was evident in ocean acidification research on fish behavior, we used 2 approaches: (1) visualizing the trend of raw effect size magnitudes for all experiments in the dataset over time; and (2) computing weighted mean effect size magnitudes for each year in our dataset and assessing the trend in mean effect size magnitudes over time.

Visualizing the decline effect using raw effect size magnitudes

First, we computed the raw effect size magnitude for each individual observation in our dataset and simply visualized the trend in these effect sizes over time (i.e., Fig 2a). The effect size of choice was the natural logarithmic transformed response ratio, lnRR, which is calculated as


where X¯E and X¯C are the average measured response in the experimental and control treatments, respectively. We chose lnRR because it is commonly used in ocean acidification research [5457] and is appropriate for both continuous and ratio type response variable data (i.e., proportions and percentages, which were abundant in our dataset) that are commonly used in behavioral studies [58,59]. Using lnRR does have drawbacks, however. Mainly, lnRR cannot be calculated when a response variable has a positive value for one treatment group and a negative value for the other. As such, we excluded measures of relative behavioral lateralization (a measure of left–right turning preference) from our analysis, as well as any index metrics that spanned positive and negative values. For response variables that were reported as a “change in” behavior from a specific baseline (and could therefore have both positive and negative values), we only included instances in which the response variable values for the control treatment and elevated CO2 treatment were both of the same directionality (i.e., both positive or both negative changes). For all such instances, the rationale for omissions and/or inclusion are provided in the “Notes” column in S2 Data.

Once calculated, the individual effect sizes were transformed to the absolute value due to the inherent difficulty in assigning a functional direction to a change in behavior, as many behavioral changes can be characterized by both positive and negative functional trade-offs. For example, increased activity under elevated pCO2 could make prey fish more difficult for predators to capture, but could also make prey more noticeable to predators. Therefore, rather than prescribing arbitrary functional directionality to altered behavior, we simply elected to use absolute value (i.e., unsigned value) of lnRR to visualize the decline effect. It is important to note that such a transformation only provides a measure of effect size magnitude. Thus, the absolute effect size overestimates and is therefore a conservative estimate of the true effect size, but can still be used to test for declining effect size magnitudes over time (and can thus be used to test for the decline effect). Although this can complicate true population-level inferences [60], the use of absolute effect size values is informative for understanding the strength of effects ignoring directionality [61].

Assessing weighted mean effect size magnitudes by year

Although useful for visualizing a trend in effect sizes over time, the first approach above is not analytically rigorous. Properly analyzing trends in effect sizes should including a weighted component whereby individual effect sizes are weighted according to their precision (i.e., measurements with a larger sample size and lower variance should be given more weight than those with a lower sample size and higher variance) [62]. As such, we computed weighted mean effect size magnitudes (and their associated uncertainty, i.e., upper and lower confidence bounds) for each year represented in our dataset and assessed the trend in these effect sizes over time.

Weighted mean effect size magnitudes (lnRR) and their confidence bounds were computed using the “transform-then-analyze” approach as suggested by [63], with R code adapted from [64] to avoid biased estimates of effect size magnitude. Briefly, this method estimates the mean effect size for each level of a moderator of interest (i.e., each year in our dataset) by assuming a normal distribution and subsequently transforming the mean effect size using a folded normal distribution to estimate a mean effect size magnitude. Uncertainty around the mean effect size magnitude was estimated in a Bayesian fashion using the MCMCglmm() function from the MCMCglmm package [65], applying the entire posterior distribution of mean estimated to the folded normal distribution as per [64]. For analytical reproducibility, the supporting information includes annotated R code (S1 Code), source data for each figure panel (S1 Data), and raw data files used for analysis (S5 to S13 Data).

Assessing biological explanations for the decline effect

Since a decline effect was detected in our analysis, we explored 3 biological factors that might explain the observed decline effect: (1) climate (cold-water versus warm-water species); (2) behavior type (olfactory versus nonolfactory behaviors); and (3) life stage (larvae versus juveniles and adults).

Because early studies were focused on warm-water fish from tropical coral reefs, the observed decline effect could potentially be driven by an increasing number of studies on less sensitive cold-water species over time. Cold-water fish in temperate regions experience a higher degree of temporal variability in carbonate chemistry parameters over large spatial areas [15]. Therefore, they may be less sensitive to changes in seawater CO2 as per the Ocean Variability Hypothesis [16]. If an increasing number of studies on cold-water species over time was responsible for the decline effect, removing cold-water species from the dataset (i.e., only including warm-water species) should result in the decline effect trend disappearing. In the same vein, the strongest effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior have undoubtedly been reported for olfactory responses, and an increasing number of studies on nonolfactory behaviors could explain the decline effect. If this was true, removing nonolfactory behaviors from the dataset should negate the decline effect trend. We therefore tested for the influence of nonolfactory behaviors by removing them from the dataset and rerunning the analysis. Finally, larvae are typically considered to be more sensitive to acidification than juveniles and adults, and removing less sensitive life stages from the dataset would remove the decline effect trend if this explanation was responsible for the decline (i.e., if studies using less sensitive life stages had increased proportionally over time). Therefore, to test whether or not the decline effect was due to these 3 biological factors, we reran the analysis described in the Assessing weighted mean effect size magnitudes by year section above on 3 separate datasets: one with cold-water species removed, one with nonolfactory responses removed, and one with juvenile and adult life stages removed.

Assessing evidence for selective publication bias, citation bias, methodological bias, and investigator effects

Alongside testing for the decline effect, we also wanted to determine whether publication bias and/or methodological bias may have contributed to the large effect sizes reported in this field and whether there was any evidence for citation bias. In new and emerging topics, large effect sizes can be driven by authors and high-impact journals selectively publishing novel and groundbreaking results with large effect sizes [66]. If selective publication bias was evident among studies testing for effects of ocean acidification on fish behavior, there would be a positive relationship between effect size magnitude and journal impact factor sensu [30]. Thus, to determine if selective publication bias could be present in this field, we visually assessed the relationship between the journal impact factor (for the year of online publication) and the mean effect size magnitude for each study. It is important to note here that we did not compute weighted mean effect size magnitudes for each study, but simply computed the mean of the raw effect size magnitudes as calculated in the section Visualizing the decline effect using raw effect size magnitudes above.

To check for citation bias, we visually assessed the relationship between impact factor and the number of citations per year (according to Google Scholar on September 10, 2021) for each study, as well as the relationship between mean effect size magnitude and citations per year. We chose to use Google Scholar for citation data because Scholar has been shown to be more comprehensive than other sources (e.g., Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, and Scopus), as it not only captures the vast majority of citations documented by these other sources, but also tends to capture more citations that are missed by those sources [67,68]. If citation bias was present in this field, citations per year would be positively correlated with mean effect size magnitude. Furthermore, if selective publication bias was influencing citation bias, a positive relationship between impact factor and citations per year would be present.

To assess if low sample sizes could contribute to large effect sizes (i.e., higher probability of Type 1 error), we plotted mean effect size magnitude for each study against the mean sample size of that study. If low sample size was influencing effect sizes among studies in this field, large effect sizes would cluster near the lower end of the sample size spectrum.

Finally, because the validity of data presented in the early studies of this field have recently been questioned [31], and investigator bias has been reported to drive decline effects in ecology and evolution in the past [32], we were asked by the editors to test for investigator (or lab group) effects by rerunning the analysis on a dataset with all papers authored or coauthored by the lead investigators of those initial papers (i.e., P. Munday and/or D. Dixson) removed. Herein, we once again visualized all raw effect sizes plotted against time (i.e., see Visualizing the decline effect using raw effect size magnitudes section) and also computed weighted mean effect size magnitudes for each year (i.e., see Assessing weighted mean effect size magnitudes by year section). The potential for investigator effects influencing the decline effect would be apparent if the decline effect was not evident in the dataset excluding these authors.

Supporting information

S1 Code. R code.

Annotated R code for analysis and figure generation.


S1 Data. Figure data.

Underlying numerical data for individual figure panels, including Figs 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 5a and 5b.


S2 Data. Raw data.

Complete dataset including meta-data, study (and observation) specific qualitative and quantitative data, and information on excluded studies.


S3 Data. PRISMA checklists.

Completed PRISMA 2020 checklists. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.


S4 Data. Literature search results.

Detailed breakdown of the systematic literature search results.


S5 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–FULL DATASET” in S1 Code.


S6 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–WARM WATER ONLY” in S1 Code.


S7 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–OLFACTORY CUES ONLY” in S1 Code.


S8 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–LARVAE ONLY” in S1 Code.


S9 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–INVESTIGATOR EFFECTS” in S1 Code.


S10 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO VISUALIZE MEAN EFFECT SIZE MAGNITUDE FOR EACH OBSERVATION OVER TIME (Fig 1A)” in S1 Code.


S11 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO SAMPLE SIZE BIAS (Fig 3)” in S1 Code.


S12 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO VISUALIZE PUBLICATION BIAS (Fig 4C–4E)” in S1 Code.


S13 Data. Raw data file.

Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO VISUALIZE INVESTIGATOR EFFECTS (Fig 5)” in S1 Code.


S1 Table. Mean effect size magnitudes and their uncertainty depicting the decline effect.

Mean effect size magnitudes and their upper and lower confidence bounds for each dataset. Mean effect sizes were estimated by assuming a normal distribution and subsequently transforming the mean effect size using a folded normal distribution. Uncertainty around the mean effect size magnitude was estimated in a Bayesian fashion (see Materials and methods). mean mag = mean effect size magnitude; CI LB = lower confidence bound; CI UB = upper confidence bound.


S2 Table. Studies continue to reference early studies to state that ocean acidification is predicted to have wide-ranging effects on fish behavior and ecology.

Selected quotes pulled from 4 papers published in 2021 stating that ocean acidification is predicted to have broad impacts on fish behavior.


S3 Table. Literature search results.

Expanded details for each stage of the literature search, including results for each keyword and each database. Full search results can be accessed in S4 Data.



We thank Christophe Pélabon (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) for statistical advice and many discussions surrounding this project at the onset of the study. We also thank Dr. Daniel Noble (Australian National University) and Dr. Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar (Bielefeld University) for further statistical advice for analyzing effect size magnitudes. Thanks also to Dr. Steven Novella (Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast) and Neuroskeptic for the inspiration to investigate the decline effect in this field.

Data Availability

All statistical results, annotated R code and raw data (including full dataset, original data files uploaded to R for analyses, and source data for figures) are available in the Supporting information.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship funded through the European Union Horizon 2020 program (project number 752813 to J.C.C.), the Australian Research Council’s Future Fellowship program (FT180100154 to T.D.C.), and the Research Council of Norway (262942 to F.J.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Roland G Roberts

11 Jan 2021

Dear Dr Clements,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "An extreme decline effect in ocean acidification fish ecology" for consideration as a Research Article by PLOS Biology. Please accept my apologies for the unusual delay; you submitted at a time when we had closed our journal office for two weeks over the holiday period.

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Roland G Roberts, PhD,

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PLOS Biology

Decision Letter 1

Roland G Roberts

15 Mar 2021

Dear Dr Clements,

Thank you very much for submitting your manuscript "An extreme decline effect in ocean acidification fish ecology" for consideration as a Meta-Research Article at PLOS Biology. Your manuscript has been evaluated by the PLOS Biology editors, an Academic Editor with relevant expertise, and by four independent reviewers.

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Roli Roberts

Roland G Roberts, PhD,

Senior Editor,,

PLOS Biology



Reviewer #1:

Summary: The current paper seeks to explore the possibility that ocean acidification research related to behavioral effects on fishes may suffer from a decline effect, and to also explore possible sources of this potential effect. They utilize a combination of qualitative and quantitative meta-analysis approaches to demonstrate (in their view) a decline effect, and to suggest that this effect is not due to biological processes. They conclude that ocean acidification does not have as a great an effect as previously thought. While I can see the rationale for this study, I honestly was not convinced by the work (for reasons I will outline) and was underwhelmed by their attempts to explain any observed effect, with the exception of the sample size discussion. There are a number of reasons, biological, methodological, and external, that may explain some of the observed shifts in effect size.

Major Comments:

#1) When looking at the data, it is clear that this entire trend is built on the presence of two early papers published on the topic, Munday et al 2010 and Dixson et al. 2010. I will obviously agree that the effect sizes in these papers are larger than typically found elsewhere in the literature, and this is not argued in the community. These papers were published a decade ago and to say that they are held up as representative of the field would be grossly inaccurate. But I have two other criticisms of the analysis with regard to these papers. First is that Dixson et al. 2010 appears to be classified under the 2009 data, which causes the 2009 reported value to be inflated in support of the decline effect. It might actually be included with both the 2009 and 2010 data. Confidence intervals are provided for both years, but one of the years should have only a single nested mean data point. A confidence interval can't be created around a single data. Anyway, I disagree with the use of the online date instead of official citation date (seriously, it was published online in late November). Dixson et al should be placed with the 2010 data, so the mean 2009 value would be 1.41 (the nested mean of Munday et al 2009, the only paper published that year). This all but destroys the decline effect trend as reported. This shows how sensitive the authors conclusions are to arbitrary choices made during data analysis.

My second point about these two papers (this actually applies throughout) is the practice of nesting the effect sizes to generate a mean effect size per paper. Why is a mean valuable here? The data are clearly not normally distributed within a paper (nor is there any reason to believe they would be), so a mean is a poor representation of the combined data. This might be what the authors are referring to in the Figure 1 caption, but then they proceed to base their conclusions off of invalid overestimated means. If you calculate the median for these two papers they are 0.58 and 1.07, which are comparable to median values in later years. My argument is not to use the median, but in fact to use all the raw data. There is no need to reduce the data set with nesting, at least when attempting to initially identify a decline effect. When I generated a scatterplot of all the effect sizes by year, the decline trend is not apparent. There are effect sizes in excess of 13 as late as 2018. In other words, the identified decline effect is a product of selective data analysis by the authors, the trend is not robust to varying forms of analysis, and the trend is largely driven by two outlier papers published in the first two years.

#2) The authors claim the observed trend (assuming it's true) cannot be explained biologically because they performed a cold water vs warm water comparison. The basis for this comparison is not explained, and it is not clear to me why cold water fish behavior would be less impacted by ocean acidification. This needs to be clearly articulated to the reader because to my understanding this comparison is not rooted in any sort of underlying physiology. Ocean acidification effects have nothing to do with metabolic rate.

#3) Building on comment #2, Baumann 2019 (CJZ) has proposed that coastal species that experience high CO2 at various points in their life cycle are more resilient to its effects, and there is support for this line of thinking (i.e. acclimation and transgenerational plasticity). This seems like a much better biological test than a spurious latitudinal comparison. Furthermore, the authors must also address the increased use of captive bred fish populations. High CO2 is a very well-known problem in aquaculture, and fish reared in captivity could be acclimated to such conditions, or even selected to perform well in such conditions.

#4) The authors propose that selective publication bias may be, in part, to blame for the decline effect. I would argue the exact opposite. Ocean acidification is unique in environmental science as a topic in which you can readily publish a completely negative results data set (in Nature no less). I would challenge the authors to find any other environmental stressor where this publication access is available to scientists. I am not arguing it is a bad thing, negative results are valuable in the context of climate change, but the authors ignore the fact that the field has been littered with low impact journal no-effect papers. In fact, the authors cite a paper by Browman (2016 ICES Marine Science) that served as a "call-to-arms" to publish negative results papers and ICES is an excellent place to do it. So my question is this: is the observed decline effect because of an atypical decrease in effect size, or is it because of an atypical number of no-effect publications that would not have been publishable under different circumstances. For example, is a no-effect CO2 paper on fish behavior publishable in 2006? Probably not. Again, I would argue the authors are not viewing their data set impartially. The field seems to have settled in a good place, behavior effects are not pervasive but may be a part of the overall ocean acidification story. Isn't this the way the system is supposed to work?

#5) I see no benefit to the qualitative analysis. You have quantitative data to rely on.

#6) I would have liked to see some attempt to divide the data based on behavior type. The authors did try to address this a little bit with the baseline vs cue data, but I would argue that it really isn't mechanistically valid to combine olfactory endpoints, lateralization endpoints and anxiety type endpoints in a single analysis. Or at the very least, they should also be analyzed separately.

#7) This wasn't mentioned by the authors, but I've always wondered whether the shift in sensitivity had anything to do with differences in the way CO2 was calculated. Munday et al 2010 used a submerged gas probe with a permeable membrane, as opposed to the many studies that quantify pH and titratable alkalinity. Dixson only relied on pH measurements (no alkalinity) and doesn't delineate what type of pH scale it is. The real PCO2 could be off by quite a bit from what is reported. That method would never be published today. If the authors are actually interested in looking at all possible explanations for this outlier paper (and I think their decline effect is more an outlier paper effect), I think it is reasonable to include the analytical chemistry as an explanation.

#8) Throughout the manuscript the authors place a major emphasis on the effect size, presumably because greater effect sizes are related to more detrimental impacts of ocean acidification. But the authors should be careful to not equate these things too directly. For example, just say instead of impacting 100% of individuals, OA will only impact 30%. Is that ecologically meaningless? In 2018 the effect size 95% CI does not overlap with zero, so there is still an effect there. The ecological significance of the effect is the question.

Specific Comments:

Line 16: "is expected to". This wording is misleading of the field. Ocean acidification has been intensely studied and its effects are varied. I would argue that the general community views ocean acidification as much less of a threat than a decade ago, but that there are specific circumstances where it may cause problems.

Line 18: "most catastrophic". Again, this is a misrepresentation. The people that study behavior (like the authors) place it amongst the most catastrophic effects, but I'm not sure the entire community agrees. I would suggest to tone down the language here.

Line 19: "dire prediction". The authors are framing this manuscript as if it is 2011. These dire predictions are not roundly held by the community. There are a number of review papers that have challenged the GABA hypothesis, and pointed out that the effects of OA on behavior are not widely observed amongst fishes, at least at OA relevant CO2 levels.

Line 23: You tried one thing. This is a gross overstatement.

Line 25: This conclusion is again rooted in 2011. There is unanimous understanding that the effects of OA on behavior are not universal, and as such the early "dire" predictions were abandoned year ago. That isn't to say that there are not behavior based effects that can have serious consequences. I would tone this down to be more representative of the field.

Line 29: I was a little surprised that a paper on OA effects didn't really introduce the topic in a meaningful way.

Line 37: Rephrase. Inflated initial reports infers some sort of deliberate intent, which I don't think is what the authors are trying to say. Also applies to the next sentence.

Line 47: Again, this subheading infers deliberate intent.

Line 48: I would argue that very few have documented negative effects. That requires a very high power, which most studies do not have. The authors cannot argue for the importance of sample size for type 1 error but ignore it for type 2 error. In reality, most of the no effects papers are unable to demonstrate a positive effect but inconclusive with regard to no effect.

Line 50: I would say temperature is a pretty nice precedent. Or maybe the effects of oil following the Exxon oil spill, or Deepwater Horizon. Maybe the current explosion of PFAS work. I know PLOS Biology is a high impact journal, but the hyperbole in this manuscript is over the top.

Line 54: outstanding to large?

Line 62: I'm pretty sure the universality of behavioral effects was abandoned long ago.

Line 65: This might be a good place to actually expand on the types of behaviors.

Line 99: How is an increased study of cold water species a likely culprit? This makes no sense whatsoever.

Line 177: Again, negative results is a misnomer. Most studies in biology do not have the sample sizes to truly say if something is a negative result. That's why p-value is more highly emphasized then power after running the statistical tests (not to be confused with power analysis during experimental design).

Line 214: Why would you exclude freshwater species? The field is concerned with the effects of CO2 on behavior. Salinity has no bearing on how blood chemistry is altered, nor how the olfactory epithelium functions. This begs the question of how the "decline effect" results would hold up with the two excellent paper showing olfactory and anxiety in salmon, or the reverse OA effects observed in catfish (both high impact studies). Those were published in 2015 and 2016. At the very least an analysis that includes them should also be included for the readers to evaluate.

Line 231: I wish something was done with the life stage data. One potential biological issue here is a shift away from sensitive life stages to more resilient ones. It is well established that early life stages are more sensitive to a number of environmental issues because the increased surface area to volume ratio.

Line 320: Should probably be more specific regarding the variance cut off threshold.

Line 332: "and if temperate species are tolerant". But why would the authors have this expectation?

Reviewer #2:

I really enjoyed reading this paper. It is clear and very accessible. The research question is also highly current and relevant. The paper make an excellent case study, and I could easily see myself using it in my lectures on research ethics. Below I make some minor comments as well as some suggestion for additional analyses.

Line 15: typo - should be "decreasing"

Line 130 - 131: I agree that bias can skew results, but you don't actually have any evidence to show biased behaviour in your study. Whether patterns are due to confirmation bias would be very difficult to demonstrate. Given this I think you need to think about whether and how you make this point, to make sure it doesn't imply you have evidence showing that experimenter bias was at play. Having said that it might be possible (and would be interesting/relatively easy) to look at whether there is any evidence that effect sizes are greater when studies were conducted blind or not…

Line 142 - 147: I'm not sure I get the purpose of this analysis or that I quite understand what you are trying to get at (see also comment in methods section). I feel like the journal impact factor stuff is also kind of conflated with time since publishing a novel result… I wonder if it would be better to use funnel plots to look for publication bias. To me it feels like what's going on is just general publication bias (i.e. studies with small sample size only get published if there is a significant result and not if it is null) and doesn't necessarily need to invoke journal impact factor (apart from high impact studies being more likely to publish novel results). The fact that the journal impact factor has decreased over time is probably true for any novel result/anything that's published in a high impact journal. I guess I'm just not sure it tells you anything interesting.

Line 150: typo - "fuel"

Line 151: I think this citation bias that might be published by stuff published in high journals is potentially very interesting, and perhaps could be looked into further. It might be quite nice to follow this idea through. Line 153 - I don't see how you sample size analysis tells you anything about how much these papers have been cited… do you mean because high impact journals are cited more? But that doesn't necessarily mean these specific studies are cited more. That is very easy data to get though. Perhaps you could compare citations for papers from different impact factors while controlling for Year or something?

Line 165 & 166: I don't think you show any evidence that supports the claim of observer bias. This early pattern could be solely driven by low sample sizes in combination with publication bias

Line 170: this is a great recommendation, but it is made in hindsight, knowing what is a good sample size... is it possible to make a more general minimum sample size recommendation? Even 30 feels on the low side for a new finding that has never been shown before. Or a call to increase sample sizes more quickly once first study is out, so that the literature is rectified earlier? I was surprised that it took 5 years to start seeing decent sample sizes in the literature... if science is working shouldn't the first thing after seeing a novel result in the literature be to see if the result is robust... Well ideally people might think to do that before publishing a novel result for the first time... but if not then.

Line 177: I'm not really sure how pre-registration ensures all negative results are published in a timely manner. I remember reading (sorry can't remember where) that pre-registered studies often go unpublished. I do see that pre accepting papers based on their methods rather than there results could help with publication bias though.

Line 199: I think that it would be worth being more explicit about what the overall effect size is for your data... Seems to me that for the set of traits you look at there is probably no effect, or at most a very weak effect. You could have a decline effect when the effect of interest is still important and I think it is worth reporting the average effect size for your study, as well as perhaps doing some analyses that demonstrate how much of an influence this effect can have on our overall findings and for how long

Line 208: How many articles were returned by the search. I think it would be good to provide a prisma flow chart for your literature selection

Line 218: At first when I read this I found it surprising that you managed to go straight from abstract screening to your full list of 95 analysed papers - usually more fall out when you read the methods and results and realise they haven't done what you thought. Reading further on I realise that they did fall out. I think I would report your sample size as the final number of papers that contributed to the meta-analysis (88 I think). Full prisma flowchart would help with this.

Line 232 - 241: I'm not sure of the value of doing this qualitative analysis. What matters is the actual effect sizes no? Is there reason to think these don't match up? Otherwise its just another way of asking the same question… I think you could more usefully use the space to do some of the other suggested analyses

Line 248-249: Do you mean you just took the effect size for the main effect and ignored interactions, or that you left studies that included other factors out all together? I think most likely the former, but the wording is confusing to me

Line 283: Is it possible to include these by transforming the values so they don't cross 0?

Line 366: I'm not sure about this focus on high impact journals here. I wonder if you could just use a funnel plot to show publication bias. I can see why the impact of the journal matters for perception of an effect and citations etc, but for a meta-analysis and estimating an overall effect size it shouldn't matter, and if High profile journals aren't publishing nonsignificant results early on you should still see these results in the literature in low impact journals... it shouldn't really matter. I think trying to get into high impact journals might encourage bad behaviour, but I don't think its high impact journals per se that drives the decline effect.

I don't think showing a relationship between impact factor and time provides evidence of publication bias - that would occur even if there wasn't publication

Reviewer #3:

Title - "ocean acidification fish ecology" is awkward phrasing.

Line 30 - "Ground-breaking" seems too restrictive. Really, it is the first time that a particular hypothesis or the effect of a certain variable is assessed. The effect size in those first studies is large, and declines thereafter. Whether that work was ground-breaking is not the determinant of this, and the decline effect is not restricted to only truly ground-breaking work.

Lines 31 + 32 - it is not really that they fail to replicate the initial effect. It is really that the effect size is smaller. That is a subtle but important distinction.

Line 33 - I am not sure that I can agree that the decline effect itself is what has fueled the reproducibility crisis. It may be one of the drivers, but it is not the only one, and probably not the most important one.

Overall, the opening paragraph needs refinement. Alternately, it could be deleted and you can start at line 34.

Lines 39-40 - what comes after the semi-colon is unnecessary. Recommend deleting it.

Lines 41-42 - should read "using research on THE IMPACT of ocean acidification on fish behaviour" - there are numerous examples through the text where the wording can be improved for clarity.

Line 44 and elsewhere - tone down the word choice from "drastically". Also, the phrase "appear drastically overestimated" is an phraseology contradiction.

Lines 44 - 45 - do the biases really cause the decline effect?

Line 45 - "Ways to mitigate the issues…" What ways, and what issues. Either elaborate, or delete.

Line 47 - "Fishy effects" - I realize that you are using a double entendre, but I advise against it. I would argue that this work will reach, and be accepted by, a wider audience if you refrain from this kind of thing and keep the wording tight and not over-stated or too strong and sweeping.

Line 49 - Isn't it a lot more than 300 per year?

Line 53 - I am not sure what a "profound" report is. I come back to word choice. Please be more thoughtful about using appropriate words or phrases to explain what you mean.

Line 54 - Another interesting analysis would be to assess whether such journals publish initial strong effect studies more than other journals.

Lines 55-58 - Consider - would this be more suitable for a mass media article as opposed to a primary research article?

Lines 69-70 - the way that this is stated implies that the strength of the effect was determined by the way that the authors interpreted it. I assume that is not the case and that you are really referring to the statistical effect size? Either way, this should be reworded for better clarity-distinction between the qualitative vs. quantitative analysis.

Line 80 - what is an "outstandingly" large effect size? Please describe how you define it (as opposed to say simply a "large" effect size), or select a more meaningful-accurate word. Perhaps it would just be clearer to say something like the effect sizes of studies after the original ones are almost uniformly smaller?

Line 85 - elaborate on what you mean by "baseline behaviours".

Line 87-88 - they exhibit a decline effect, as opposed to being characterized by one. Reconsider the need to say "strongly" - the reader can see it in the Figure.

Lines 110-111 - selective exclusion of data is very hard to document and assess. You might consider making it clear that you do not have such evidence, you are just making a general comment.

Lines 130-135 - If you do not have evidence to document any of this, then make clear that you are speculating, albeit reasonably, about some of the likely drivers of the decline effect.

Line 143-147 - not surprising, but good to see it quantified.

Line 150 - spelling problem here - not sure what "can fue citation bias" means?

Line 165 - although it is a reasonably high probability, you do not actually provide any evidence of experimenter bias, so I would not overstate that.

Line 166 - what is an "outstanding" effect?

Line 175 - I am not sure that it would ever be possible to achieve completely unbiased results. Perhaps rephrase, "to limit biases"?

Line 177 - pre-registration does not on its own eliminate publication bias.

Lines 186-189 - I find that this is another example of making an unfounded accusation (albeit a likely true one) that will not serve to help your case and which is unnecessary. If you have evidence of it, you can say it. Otherwise, you can just say that editors should use a diversity of reviewers.

Line 198-199 - I recommend that you delete this and start with "Our data demonstrate…"

Methods. I am not an expert on meta-analysis methodology so I defer to other reviewers who are.

Lines 219-200 - the latter part of this sentence is unnecessary.

Lines 231-241 -It seems to me that it would have also been interesting to compare the quantitative effect sizes with those that you extracted from the discussion (for the same article)?

Reviewer #4:

This meta-analysis is an exciting and important work showing a decline effect. However, several aspects of methodological procedures and analyses can be much better. I believe that this MS needs to be improved to warrant a place in PLoS Biology, because this meta-analysis (systematic review) will be influential work so that it should have a high standard. Also, it does not cite some previous key papers, which I mention below.

1. It requires better reporting of search results, inclusion/exclusion criteria etc, which are detailed in PRISMA reporting guideline that is used for many systematic reviews. I would at least like to see a PRISMA diagram showing the results of screening processes. One can see an example of this in a very relevant work:

Sánchez-Tójar A, Nakagawa S, Sanchez-Fortun M, Martin DA, Ramani S, Girndt A, Bókony V, Kempenaers B, Liker A, Westneat DF, Burke T. Meta-analysis challenges a textbook example of status signalling and demonstrates publication bias. Elife. 2018 Nov 13;7:e37385.

2. Sanchez-Tojar et al.'s paper shows the importance of grey literature, which is also mentioned in the PRISMA explanation & elaboration. There is no mention of the grey literature search - the authors did use Google Scholar, which does include grey literature.

3. the authors used absolute values for meta-analysis, and as far as I can see, wrong sampling variances (meta-analytic weights) were used for meta-analysis. Please see this paper:

Morrissey MB. Meta‐analysis of magnitudes, differences and variation in evolutionary parameters. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2016 Oct;29(10):1882-904.

AS this paper will show, the current analysis is incorrect. So I recommend using the transform-and-analyze approach.

4. the authors dichotomized continuous variables (e.g., strong effect, N > 30 etc). I strongly advise against such an approach (leading to Type I errors). Please see this paper:

Royston, Patrick, Douglas G. Altman, and Willi Sauerbrei. "Dichotomizing continuous predictors in multiple regression: a bad idea." Statistics in medicine 25.1 (2006): 127-141.

5. I would recommend using the better version of lnRR (small sample size corrected one) proposed by this paper:

Lajeunesse MJ. Bias and correction for the log response ratio in ecological meta‐analysis. Ecology. 2015 Aug;96(8):2056-63.

6. There are several key relevant papers missing. For example:

Jennions MD, Møller AP. Relationships fade with time: a meta-analysis of temporal trends in publication in ecology and evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 2002 Jan 7;269(1486):43-8.

Koricheva, Julia, and Elena Kulinskaya. "Temporal instability of evidence base: a threat to policy making?." Trends in ecology & evolution 34.10 (2019): 895-902.

Murtaugh PA. Journal quality, effect size, and publication bias in meta‐analysis. Ecology. 2002 Apr;83(4):1162-6.

Decision Letter 2

Roland G Roberts

4 Nov 2021

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for submitting a revised version of your manuscript "An extreme “decline effect” in ocean acidification effects on fish behaviour" for consideration as a Meta-Research Article at PLOS Biology. This revised version of your manuscript has been evaluated by the PLOS Biology editors, the Academic Editor and the original reviewers.

In light of the reviews (below), we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to address the remaining points from the reviewers and the Academic Editor in a revised version that we anticipate should not take you very long. We will then assess your revised manuscript and your response to the reviewers' comments and we may consult the reviewers again.

IMPORTANT: Please address the following:

a) Please attend to the remaining requests from reviewer #1.

b) We are aware that some of you harbour suspicions about the scientific validity of two key studies that are analysed here (e.g. Indeed, that Science article cites the preprint of the current submission. Given this, the Academic Editor has made the following request: "The authors should do a formal re-analysis without those two studies. I don't really get how this is a decline effect if it is because of misconduct rather than poorly designed experiments or simply a regression to the mean effect. In other words, is "misconduct" a plausible mechanism for the decline effect, or does it have to be something else? In which case, the leverage of those two studies on the meta-analysis seems particularly important."

c) Please address my Data Policy requests below; specifically, please supply numerical values underlying Figs 1ABCD, 2ABC, 3, 4ABCDE, and cite the location of the data clearly in each relevant Fig legend (I note that the raw data and code are already provided, but we’ll need the above output values too). These can be included as supplementary data files (S1_Data.xlsx, etc.) or in a public repository such as Dryad, Github, Figshare, etc.

We expect to receive your revised manuscript within 1 month.

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You should also cite any additional relevant literature that has been published since the original submission and mention any additional citations in your response.

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Thank you again for your submission to our journal. We hope that our editorial process has been constructive thus far, and we welcome your feedback at any time. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.



Roland Roberts

Senior Editor

PLOS Biology



Reviewer #1:

I would like to thank the authors for seriously considering all of the reviewer comments. I found this manuscript to be greatly improved from the prior version. I must also say that the authors convinced me that one of my concerns was clearly misplaced. Specifically, the premise that a few early papers had an outsized impact on the observed effect, and that these papers were no longer held up as representative of the field. I was very surprised to see that these papers are still receiving 60-80 citations a year! I have a few minor suggestions for the authors to consider, but otherwise I think the authors have done a nice job revising this work.

#1) The references to citations (beginning on line 201 and Figure 4) are very useful, but Google Scholar was a curious choice. Considering this is being used to compare to impact factor, I think that ISI citations are a much better and more accurate measure of the peer reviewed literature.

#2) Line 259-268: Recent events, which I will not detail here, have put the ocean acidification decline effect in a different light. I agree with the authors points about scrutinizing methods, best practices, data transparency and general skepticism, but I wonder if the publishing suggestions should be reconsidered. I don't think registered reports or pre-acceptance of approved methods would have had any positive impact on this particular situation. To me, the authors hit it on the head with the skepticism comment. I would only add that the scientific community was also slow to absorb the published negative results, which are clearly cited less than the initial studies. I would hope this is not the fault of people directly in the area, who are up to date on the newest work. My guess is many of these citations come from ancillary fields that cite high impact work in broad terms. I don't have a solution to that problem, but it seems that it is definitely more the fault of scientists not being thorough in their literature research than it is the fault of the publishing system.

Reviewer #4:

The authors have very carefully addressed my comments and also the comments of other reviewers. It will be a very important contribution!

Decision Letter 3

Roland G Roberts

26 Nov 2021

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for submitting your revised Meta-Research Article entitled "An extreme “decline effect” in ocean acidification effects on fish behaviour" for publication in PLOS Biology. I have now assessed your responses and revisions and discussed them with the Academic Editor. 

Based on our assessment, we will probably accept this manuscript for publication, provided you satisfactorily address the following editorial, data and other policy-related requests.

IMPORTANT: Please attend to the following:

a) We're struggling with the Title a bit. One problem is that "decline effect" is not a widely understood phrase; the second is the duplication of the word "effect," and the third is the absence of the method used; overall the title is currently quite opaque. We suggest something like "Systematic review and meta-analysis suggests that ocean acidification has a negligible direct impact on fish behaviour," if you feel happy with that; however, I'm open to discussing alternatives.

b) After some debate, and partly because of the specific relevance to this field, we think that it would be more appropriate to publish your paper as a regular Research Article, rather than a Meta-Research Article. This has no formatting implications, but please can you change the Article Type to "Research Article" when you resubmit?

c) As this is a systematic review and meta-analysis, do check that you've complied with our policy by providing a completed PRISMA checklist and flow diagram. I see that Fig 6 is a flow diagram, but please check our policy here:

d) Please address my Data Policy requests below; specifically, please supply numerical values underlying Figs 1ABCD, 2ABC, 3, 4ABCDE, and cite the location of the data clearly in each relevant Fig legend (I note that the raw data and code are already provided, but we’ll need the above output values too).

e) Because of a slight nervousness about the possible reaction of Munday, Dixson and co, I've been asked to refer this paper up the management chain, just to check that we don't need legal counsel. I personally think that you've worded everything in a scholarly and appropriately cautious manner; for anything stronger, the reader is merely referred to Enserink's Science article. However, I just thought I'd give you a heads-up just in case the powers-that-be come back and want something tempering.

As you address these items, please take this last chance to review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the cover letter that accompanies your revised manuscript.

We expect to receive your revised manuscript within two weeks.

To submit your revision, please go to and log in as an Author. Click the link labelled 'Submissions Needing Revision' to find your submission record. Your revised submission must include the following:

-  a cover letter that should detail your responses to any editorial requests, if applicable, and whether changes have been made to the reference list

-  a Response to Reviewers file that provides a detailed response to the reviewers' comments (if applicable)

-  a track-changes file indicating any changes that you have made to the manuscript. 

NOTE: If Supporting Information files are included with your article, note that these are not copyedited and will be published as they are submitted. Please ensure that these files are legible and of high quality (at least 300 dpi) in an easily accessible file format. For this reason, please be aware that any references listed in an SI file will not be indexed. For more information, see our Supporting Information guidelines:  

*Published Peer Review History*

Please note that you may have the opportunity to make the peer review history publicly available. The record will include editor decision letters (with reviews) and your responses to reviewer comments. If eligible, we will contact you to opt in or out. Please see here for more details:

*Early Version*

Please note that an uncorrected proof of your manuscript will be published online ahead of the final version, unless you opted out when submitting your manuscript. If, for any reason, you do not want an earlier version of your manuscript published online, uncheck the box. Should you, your institution's press office or the journal office choose to press release your paper, you will automatically be opted out of early publication. We ask that you notify us as soon as possible if you or your institution is planning to press release the article.

*Protocols deposition*

To enhance the reproducibility of your results, we recommend that if applicable you deposit your laboratory protocols in, where a protocol can be assigned its own identifier (DOI) such that it can be cited independently in the future. Additionally, PLOS ONE offers an option for publishing peer-reviewed Lab Protocol articles, which describe protocols hosted on Read more information on sharing protocols at

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.



Roland G Roberts, PhD,

Senior Editor,,

PLOS Biology



You may be aware of the PLOS Data Policy, which requires that all data be made available without restriction: For more information, please also see this editorial: 

Many thanks for providing the raw data and code. However, we also need the numerical values that underlie the figures and results of your paper be made available in one of the following forms:

1) Supplementary files (e.g., excel). Please ensure that all data files are uploaded as 'Supporting Information' and are invariably referred to (in the manuscript, figure legends, and the Description field when uploading your files) using the following format verbatim: S1 Data, S2 Data, etc. Multiple panels of a single or even several figures can be included as multiple sheets in one excel file that is saved using exactly the following convention: S1_Data.xlsx (using an underscore).

2) Deposition in a publicly available repository. Please also provide the accession code or a reviewer link so that we may view your data before publication. 

Regardless of the method selected, please ensure that you provide the individual numerical values that underlie the summary data displayed in the following figure panels as they are essential for readers to assess your analysis and to reproduce it: Figs 1ABCD, 2ABC, 3, 4ABCDE. NOTE: the numerical data provided should include all replicates AND the way in which the plotted mean and errors were derived (it should not present only the mean/average values).

IMPORTANT: Please also ensure that figure legends in your manuscript include information on where the underlying data can be found, and ensure your supplemental data file/s has a legend.

Please ensure that your Data Statement in the submission system accurately describes where your data can be found.



- Please note that per journal policy, we do not allow the mention of "data not shown", "personal communication", "manuscript in preparation" or other references to data that is not publicly available or contained within this manuscript. Please either remove mention of these data or provide figures presenting the results and the data underlying the figure(s).

Decision Letter 4

Roland G Roberts

8 Dec 2021

Dear Jeff,

On behalf of my colleagues and the Academic Editor, Andrew Tanentzap, I'm pleased to say that we can in principle accept your Research Article "Meta-analysis reveals an extreme “decline effect” in the impacts of ocean acidification on fish behaviour" for publication in PLOS Biology, provided you address any remaining formatting and reporting issues. These will be detailed in an email that will follow this letter and that you will usually receive within 2-3 business days, during which time no action is required from you. Please note that we will not be able to formally accept your manuscript and schedule it for publication until you have any requested changes.

Please take a minute to log into Editorial Manager at, click the "Update My Information" link at the top of the page, and update your user information to ensure an efficient production process.

PRESS: We frequently collaborate with press offices. If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper at this point, to enable them to help maximise its impact. If the press office is planning to promote your findings, we would be grateful if they could coordinate with If you have not yet opted out of the early version process, we ask that you notify us immediately of any press plans so that we may do so on your behalf.

We also ask that you take this opportunity to read our Embargo Policy regarding the discussion, promotion and media coverage of work that is yet to be published by PLOS. As your manuscript is not yet published, it is bound by the conditions of our Embargo Policy. Please be aware that this policy is in place both to ensure that any press coverage of your article is fully substantiated and to provide a direct link between such coverage and the published work. For full details of our Embargo Policy, please visit

Thank you again for choosing PLOS Biology for publication and supporting Open Access publishing. We look forward to publishing your study. 

Best wishes,


Roland G Roberts, PhD 

Senior Editor 

PLOS Biology

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Code. R code.

    Annotated R code for analysis and figure generation.


    S1 Data. Figure data.

    Underlying numerical data for individual figure panels, including Figs 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 5a and 5b.


    S2 Data. Raw data.

    Complete dataset including meta-data, study (and observation) specific qualitative and quantitative data, and information on excluded studies.


    S3 Data. PRISMA checklists.

    Completed PRISMA 2020 checklists. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.


    S4 Data. Literature search results.

    Detailed breakdown of the systematic literature search results.


    S5 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–FULL DATASET” in S1 Code.


    S6 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–WARM WATER ONLY” in S1 Code.


    S7 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–OLFACTORY CUES ONLY” in S1 Code.


    S8 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–YEAR ONLINE–LARVAE ONLY” in S1 Code.


    S9 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### META-ANALYSIS–INVESTIGATOR EFFECTS” in S1 Code.


    S10 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO VISUALIZE MEAN EFFECT SIZE MAGNITUDE FOR EACH OBSERVATION OVER TIME (Fig 1A)” in S1 Code.


    S11 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO SAMPLE SIZE BIAS (Fig 3)” in S1 Code.


    S12 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO VISUALIZE PUBLICATION BIAS (Fig 4C–4E)” in S1 Code.


    S13 Data. Raw data file.

    Data file for analysis in R. This dataset applies to the analysis titled “##### CREATE SCATTERPLOT FIGURE TO VISUALIZE INVESTIGATOR EFFECTS (Fig 5)” in S1 Code.


    S1 Table. Mean effect size magnitudes and their uncertainty depicting the decline effect.

    Mean effect size magnitudes and their upper and lower confidence bounds for each dataset. Mean effect sizes were estimated by assuming a normal distribution and subsequently transforming the mean effect size using a folded normal distribution. Uncertainty around the mean effect size magnitude was estimated in a Bayesian fashion (see Materials and methods). mean mag = mean effect size magnitude; CI LB = lower confidence bound; CI UB = upper confidence bound.


    S2 Table. Studies continue to reference early studies to state that ocean acidification is predicted to have wide-ranging effects on fish behavior and ecology.

    Selected quotes pulled from 4 papers published in 2021 stating that ocean acidification is predicted to have broad impacts on fish behavior.


    S3 Table. Literature search results.

    Expanded details for each stage of the literature search, including results for each keyword and each database. Full search results can be accessed in S4 Data.



    Submitted filename: Response to reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: R2 - Response to editors and reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: R3 - Response to Editors.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All statistical results, annotated R code and raw data (including full dataset, original data files uploaded to R for analyses, and source data for figures) are available in the Supporting information.

    Articles from PLoS Biology are provided here courtesy of PLOS