The arrangement of transcription factor (TF) binding motifs (syntax) is an important part of the cis-regulatory code, yet remains elusive. We introduce a deep learning model, BPNet, that uses DNA sequence to predict base-resolution ChIP-nexus binding profiles of pluripotency TFs. We develop interpretation tools to learn predictive motif representations and identify soft syntax rules for cooperative TF binding interactions. Strikingly, Nanog preferentially binds with helical periodicity, and TFs often cooperate in a directional manner, which we validate using CRISPR-induced point mutations. Our model represents a powerful general approach to uncover the motifs and syntax of cis-regulatory sequences in genomics data.
Understanding the cis-regulatory code of the genome is vital for understanding when and where genes are expressed and how genetic variation and somatic mutations affect disease. Despite extensive efforts to map millions of putative enhancers in a wide variety of cell types and tissues1-3, identifying the critical bases that alter their regulatory information remains a major challenge. It is known that short sequence motifs are critical for the binding of sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs), but how motif combinations and their syntactic arrangements influence TF binding in vivo is not well understood. For example, two or more strictly spaced motifs may form composite motifs that provide a platform for DNA-mediated cooperativity between the corresponding TFs4. However, whether less strict (“soft”) motif spacing preferences exist within enhancers and influence TF cooperativity is not clear. The precise rules of the cis-regulatory code remain to be elucidated.
Experimental manipulations of enhancer sequences, such as mutations or synthetic designs, strongly support the existence of motif syntax5-12. However, genome-wide analyses have rarely identified statistically overrepresented motif syntax rules, questioning whether they exist and impose evolutionarily constraints on enhancer function13-17. One limitation is that motif instances are typically identified as overrepresented sequences matching position weight matrix (PWM) models18-21. When patterns are discovered computationally22-28, they are difficult to validate experimentally and the mechanism by which they might affect TF cooperativity is not clear. For example, overrepresented instances of strict motif spacings are sometimes associated with retrotransposons that contain multiple TF binding motifs23,24. On the other hand, when experimental TF binding data are available, i.e. from chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to sequencing (ChIP-seq)29-34, inference of motif syntax is still limited by the low resolution of putative binding events identified using peak-callers29-34.
There is hence a critical need for a general method that can identify cis-regulatory motif syntax based on genome-wide experimental data. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied towards accurately predicting diverse molecular phenotypes including TF binding from DNA sequence35-38. The advantage of CNNs is that they can learn flexible predictive models composed of hierarchical layers of arbitrarily complex, non-linear pattern detectors, allowing them to capture de novo sequence motifs and their higher-order organizational context without making strong prior biological assumptions. However, the complexity of these models makes them particularly challenging to interpret. While several methods have been developed to visualize TF binding motifs from trained CNNs35,36,38-42, methods for extracting the rules by which motif syntax informs TF binding are lacking43.
Another critical limitation is the resolution of current CNN models. State-of-the-art models of TF binding predict binary binding events35-37 or low-resolution continuous binding signal averaged across 100-200 bp windows44. This can limit the ability to learn motif syntax that promotes TF cooperativity43, which likely exists in ChIP-seq experiments. For example, TFs sometimes bind indirectly to motifs of other TFs16,24,45-47. TF cooperativity is even more apparent when the resolution of ChIP-seq is improved by adding an exonuclease digestion step (ChIP-exo)48. ChIP-exo methods such as ChIP-nexus generate base-resolution footprints precisely over the motif instances bound by the TF in vivo49,50 and these footprints differ between directly and indirectly bound motifs50,51. ChIP-nexus profiles have also provided evidence that TFs may help the binding of another TF nearby52. Although the full extent of TF cooperativity at the level of binding is not known, these results indicate that ChIP-seq data, and especially ChIP-nexus data, are a useful readout for cis-regulatory motif syntax, if the data are modeled at sufficiently high resolution.
To discover motif syntax, we developed a novel CNN called BPNet that models the relationship between cis-regulatory sequence and TF binding profiles at base resolution. We studied the pluripotency TFs Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Klf4 in the well-characterized mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) model, generating ChIP-nexus data for maximum resolution. We trained base-resolution BPNet models on these ChIP-nexus profiles with high predictive performance, on par with concordance between replicate experiments. We extended model interpretation methods to extract new motif representations that are not based on statistical over-representation but directly summarize the predictive influence on TF binding. We then developed methods that use the trained BPNet model as an in-silico oracle to measure how the distance between motif pairs affects TF cooperativity. We find that strict motif spacings in the genome are mainly due to retrotransposons, but that TF cooperativity depends on preferential soft motif syntax that is in agreement with experimentally characterized protein-protein or nucleosome interactions in ESCs. We also observe unexpected rules of TF binding cooperativity, including a broad preference for Nanog to bind DNA with helical periodicity, and perform experimental validations.
These results suggest that end-to-end neural network models trained on high-resolution genomics data, coupled with a dedicated suite of interpretation tools, can serve as a powerful tool for discovering the critical bases within cis-regulatory sequences and identifying the underlying motif syntax associated with TF cooperativity.
BPNet predicts TF binding profiles from sequence
We performed ChIP-nexus experiments for Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Klf4 in mouse ESCs and obtained genome-wide strand-specific base-resolution profiles for each TF (Fig. 1a). As shown for previous TF ChIP-nexus data49, the profiles at known TF binding motifs showed consistent stereotypical footprints across various genomic regions, as illustrated by the binding of Oct4 and Sox2 to the composite Oct4-Sox2 motif53 (Fig. 1b). These footprints not only had higher resolution compared to ChIP-seq data, but also displayed increased motif specificity. For example, the Sox2 motif showed a sharp ChIP-nexus footprint for Sox2 but not for Oct4, while ChIP-seq data showed binding signal for both (Fig. 1c). We identified 147,974 genomic regions of 1 kb length exhibiting statistically significant and reproducible enrichment of ChIP-nexus signal for Oct4, Sox2, Nanog or Klf4.
In contrast to all current deep learning models for TF binding, we designed BPNet to directly predict the raw base-resolution binding profiles from DNA sequence. Binding profiles can be decomposed into the total signal (read counts) and the profile shape (base-resolution distribution of reads). We reasoned that the profile shape should be predictable from 1-kb genomic sequences since minimal enhancer activity can typically be reproduced outside its genomic context with sequences of <500 bases54,55. The total signal however could be influenced by factors that are not modeled, including chromatin state and higher-order chromatin organization.
To achieve high prediction accuracy, BPNet was designed with the following properties (Fig. 1d). (1) BPNet is a CNN that uses 25 bp wide filters in the first convolutional layer to scan the 1-kb region for relevant sequence motifs, followed by nine dilated convolutional layers with residual skip connections56,57 and exponential dilation in every layer44,58 to learn increasingly complex predictive sequence patterns with a 1-kb receptive field. To preserve base resolution, pooling is not used. (2) BPNet uses multi-task learning to jointly train on the strand-specific ChIP-nexus profiles of all four TFs. (3) Experimental control data are used as an auxiliary input (PAtCh-CAP for ChIP-nexus data59). The signal from this track is regressed out during training, which prevents BPNet from learning these experimental biases. (4) BPNet uses a multi-scale loss function to separately evaluate the predictions of profile shape (using a multinomial negative log-likelihood loss) and total read counts (using a mean squared error loss). Model training, hyperparameter tuning and performance evaluation were performed on different sets of genomic regions in distinct chromosomes.
To evaluate predictive performance, we inspected individual enhancers located on held-out test chromosomes such as those associated with the genes Lefty160, Zfp28161 and Sall162,63 and found that the predicted and observed ChIP-nexus profiles were noticeably similar, with highly concordant summits of footprints (Fig. 1e, Extended Data Fig. 1a). We then systematically compared the positions of high ChIP-nexus counts between predicted versus observed profiles in all regions of the held-out test set. Strikingly, the positional concordance at resolutions ranging from 1-10 bp was on par with replicate experiments and substantially better than randomized profiles, average profiles and the control track (PAtCh-Cap) (Fig. 1f). Other measures of profile concordance confirmed the high prediction performance (Extended Data Fig. 1b). We also confirmed that mappability of regions did not bias the predictions (Supplementary Fig. 1). These results show that BPNet accurately learned to predict the ChIP-nexus binding profiles of all four TFs from DNA sequence.
To identify key components for the high prediction performance, we systematically varied the network architecture (Fig. 1g, Extended Data Fig. 1c-e). We found that the large number of convolutional layers was critical for predicting all four ChIP-nexus data sets and was particularly important for Nanog (Fig. 1g). This indicates that the learned sequence patterns required to predict ChIP-nexus profiles span over larger sequence regions beyond individual motifs64, especially in the case of Nanog. We also found that the relative priority of the profile versus total count prediction tasks during training affected prediction performance. Up-weighting the profile prediction task improved the performance of the profile predictions. However, irrespective of the relative task weights, the model’s performance for total count prediction (Rs = 0.62) did not match replicate-concordance (Rs = 0.94, Extended Data Fig. 1f). These results are consistent with our assumption that longer sequences or other measurements such as local chromatin state may be required for optimal prediction of total TF occupancy64, but that local sequence context (1 kb) is sufficient to accurately predict the shape of ChIP-nexus profiles.
A suite of model interpretation tools for TF binding motifs
We next set out to extract the sequence features that were predictive of TF binding from the trained BPNet model. We extended our previously developed tool DeepLIFT65 to quantify the contribution of each base within an input sequence to the entire predicted ChIP-nexus profile of each TF (Fig. 2a, Methods). These TF-specific contribution scores are illustrated at the distal Oct4 enhancer where all four TFs show strong predicted footprints matching the observed ChIP-nexus footprints (Fig. 2b top, Supplementary Fig. 2a).
Subsequences with high contribution scores, which we call seqlets, often resemble TF binding motifs (Fig. 2b middle). One prominent seqlet matches the composite Oct4-Sox2 motif, which has previously been mapped to this exact position in the Oct4 enhancer66. This motif has high contribution scores for Oct4 and Sox2, which are directly bound to the motif, and slightly lower scores for Nanog and Klf4 (Fig. 2b middle), indicating that the Oct4-Sox2 motif could be indirectly important for the binding of other TFs.
Other seqlets did not readily match known motifs. For example, we found a TGAT sequence in the middle of the Nanog footprint (highlighted in Fig. 2a middle), but it was unclear whether it is a Nanog motif since previous reports on its consensus have been conflicting47,67-72. These results demonstrate the ability of contribution scores to highlight TF binding motifs, but also indicate the need to identify and characterize the motifs more systematically.
Next, we used TF-MoDISco41 to systematically discover and summarize recurring predictive sequence patterns into consolidated motifs from the sequences of all bound regions and their associated base-resolution contribution scores. For each TF, TF-MoDISCo uses contribution scores to identify, align and cluster seqlets across all bound sequences into consolidated motifs (Fig. 2c). For each cluster, a novel motif representation called contribution weight matrix (CWM) is derived by averaging the contribution scores of each of the four possible bases at every position across the seqlets. A more traditional position frequency matrix (PFM) representation, which contains the normalized base frequencies instead of the average contribution scores, is also calculated (see Supplementary Note on CWMs and PFMs/PWMs).
TF-MoDISco discovered 51 motifs, but 18 of them had unusually long PFMs (>40 bp) with high information content (30-100 bits) (Fig. 2d, Extended Data Fig. 2a). This implies that the genomic instances of these motifs share near identical base composition across the entire length of the pattern (despite being discovered by uniquely mappable ChIP-nexus reads). Indeed, we found that the majority of them (>80%) overlapped with annotated repeat elements (Extended Data Fig. 2b). The most common were long-terminal repeats (LTRs) of endogenous retrotransposon viruses (ERVs), including those of the ERVK, ERVL and the ERVL-MaLR family (Extended Data Fig. 2c). Remarkably, the corresponding CWM representations of these long PFMs were quite different. Instead of long stretches of uniformly overrepresented bases, the CWMs highlighted the shorter subsequences predictive of TF binding (Fig. 2d, Extended Data Fig. 2c). This difference between CWM and PFM representations provides a means to discover and pinpoint bound motifs within retrotransposons.
The remaining 33 motifs were all interpretable TF binding motifs, but contained subsets with subtle differences, leading us to select 11 representative motifs for further analysis (Extended Data Fig. 2d, Supplementary Fig. 3). These motifs include the well-known Oct4-Sox2, Sox2, and Klf4 motifs, as well as the Zic3 and Esrrb motifs, which bind pluripotency TFs that we did not profile. All motifs were overall robustly discovered by TF-MoDISCo from five different BPNet models trained on different subsets of ChIP-nexus peak regions (Supplementary Fig. 4).
Using the 11 representative motifs, we then comprehensively mapped and labeled all predictive motif instances in the bound genomic regions. We scanned the base-resolution contribution scores of all regions and annotated predictive motif instances that had high contribution scores and high match scores to the CWM (Fig. 2c). In total, we obtained 241,005 unique motif instances in the 147,974 genomic regions, with Klf4 motifs occurring most frequently (Fig. 2e). Altogether, 72,696 regions (48.1%) have at least three motif instances, and 20,352 regions (13.5%) have at least 5 motif instances (Fig. 2f). These genome-wide motif annotations are in agreement with motif instances supported by previous independent validation experiments73-75 (Supplementary Fig. 2b-d) and provide a strong foundation for analyzing genome-wide motif syntax and characterizing known functional enhancers in mouse ESCs (Fig. 2b bottom, Supplementary Fig. 5).
The motif maps derived from BPNet outperformed those obtained by traditional approaches such as PWM scanning, assessed by ChIP-nexus footprint height (Extended Data Fig. 3, Supplementary Note). BPNet correctly identified more motif instances supported by footprints in sequences from held-out test chromosomes than MEME18-21 or HOMER76, especially for the short Nanog motif. The improved performance is achieved because PWM-based motif scanning methods compute match scores using only sequence similarity, while BPNet’s method also incorporates the predictive contribution scores derived from the entire 1 kb sequence (Supplementary Fig. 6). The higher motif accuracy requires BPNet to be trained on base-resolution profiles, rather than coarse-resolution binary (bound vs. unbound) labels (Supplementary Note, Extended Data Fig. 4). This suggests that BPNet leverages the profiles to learn the importance of motif instances in their larger sequence context, thereby reducing the false discovery rate.
Our method also outperformed traditional methods when using an independent, previously published ATAC-seq data set77 for evaluation. After induced depletion of Oct4 or Sox2, regions with differential chromatin accessibility (as defined by the authors) overlapped more Oct4-Sox2 and Sox2 motif instances ranked by BPNet contribution scores than those ranked by motif scores from MEME or HOMER (Fig. 2g, Supplementary Fig. 7a). These results support the high accuracy of the BPNet mapped motif instances relative to those obtained from traditional motif discovery and scanning methods. They also confirm the link between the in vivo binding of Oct4 and Sox2 and their effect on chromatin accessibility.
Finally, we found that the quantitative changes in ATAC-seq signal after Oct4 and Sox2 depletion can also be accurately predicted from BPNet TF binding models. Specifically, linear models trained using the sequence features encoded in the final convolutional layer of the BPNet model were able to accurately predict differential accessibility (Fig. 2h). These models outperformed linear models trained using only the inferred motif instances (Supplementary Fig. 7b). These results indicate that the complete sequence representation learned by BPNet encodes predictive features beyond linear, additive effects of the motif instances. Hence, we set out to identify higher-order sequence features such as motif syntax.
Composite motifs and indirect binding footprints
As a first step towards identifying motif syntax, we inspected the motifs identified by TF-MoDISCo for composite motifs, the simplest form of motif syntax. Indeed, we not only discovered the Sox2 motif and the monomeric Oct4 motif78, but also the composite Oct4-Oct4 motif (Fig. 3a), a near-palindromic motif that resembles the MORE and PORE motifs bound by Oct4 homodimers79,80. This motif has not previously been shown to be bound in ESCs in vivo, but is known to be important during neuronal differentiation81. Finally, we rediscovered the Oct4-Sox2 motif, in which the bases with high contribution scores correspond to the specific DNA contacts made by the heterodimer (based on the Oct1-Sox2 crystal structure)53,82,83 (Fig. 3a). Thus, we discovered composite motifs that are consistent with known structural data.
We did not identify the composite Sox2-Nanog motif71 and found no evidence that this motif was bound in our ChIP-nexus data (Supplementary Fig. 8a). Instead, we identified three Nanog motifs: Nanog, Nanog-alt and Nanog-mix, the latter of which is partially similar to the first two. All have a main footprint around a TCA core sequence (Fig. 3b). Our primary Nanog motif resembles a previously identified Nanog motif from a thermodynamic model of ChIP-seq data72. Consistent with direct binding, a closely matching sequence (GCCATCA) is bound by Nanog in an EMSA gel shift assay72. Nanog-alt and Nanog-mix contain the sequence to which monomeric Nanog is bound in a crystal structure (AATGGGC)84. Given these two separate direct DNA contacts, the observed Nanog binding footprint likely represents Nanog binding as a homodimer85. But since Nanog-alt contains an additional GG to the left (Fig. 3b), we cannot rule out the existence of an unknown Nanog binding partner (but it is not Sox2 or Pbx, see Supplementary Fig. 8b,c).
The majority of composite motifs, however, came from retrotransposons. This is consistent with previous observations that retrotransposons may contain multiple ancestral TF binding sites86-90 (Extended Data Fig. 5a). Among all motif pairs, the top 1% most frequent distances mapped in 83% to ERVs and were often larger than 20 bp (Extended Data Fig. 5b, Supplementary Fig. 9), which exceeds the typical distance between motifs found in composite motifs that promote TF cooperativity91,92. This suggests that overrepresented strict motif spacings alone are not a reliable indicator of functional motif syntax.
We next analyzed whether the 11 motifs showed evidence beyond strict motif spacings for mediating cooperative TF interactions (Fig. 3c). By inspecting the contribution scores (Fig. 3d), we found that many motifs were predicted to contribute to the binding of other TFs. Moreover, we discovered motifs of pluripotency TFs that we did not profile, including the Zic3 and Esrrb motifs, which we validated with additional ChIP-nexus experiments (Extended Data Fig. 5c-f). Thus, BPNet predicts that Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, and Klf4 frequently bind with the help of motifs from other TFs.
One explanation for this observation is that TFs may be indirectly recruited to motifs of other TFs50,51. We therefore inspected the average ChIP-nexus binding footprints of all TFs at all motifs (Fig. 3e). We found that TFs directly bound to their motifs showed sharp average ChIP-nexus footprints (marked in gray in Fig. 3e), but that TFs also showed broader, more fuzzy footprints at other motifs, which we attribute to indirect binding. The level of indirect TF occupancy correlated with the contribution score for the TF (Fig. 3d,e), suggesting that the indirect footprints are predicted by BPNet.
Notably, the indirect footprints tended to occur in an asymmetric or directional manner (Fig. 3d,e). For example, Nanog was bound indirectly to the Sox2 motif, but Sox2 was not detected at the Nanog motif. Since Sox2 and Nanog have been shown to physically interact with each other71,93, this suggests that these TFs indeed cooperate in some way, but not through a composite motif. We therefore set out to systematically analyze how motif pairs influence cooperative binding, as a means to identify functional motif syntax.
Interpreting BPNet reveals cooperative TF interactions
By training on base-resolution profiles, BPNet learned rules of TF cooperativity that we could extract by interrogating the trained model in silico like an oracle. We developed two complementary in-silico motif interaction analysis approaches that measure how the binding of a TF to its motif is affected by a second motif as a function of their relative distance (Fig. 4, Extended Data Fig. 6, Supplementary Fig. 10). We focused on the motifs most strongly bound by each of the four TFs: Oct4-Sox2 (bound by Oct4), Sox2, Nanog, and Klf4. The first approach uses synthetically designed sequences (Fig. 4a), while the second mutates naturally occurring non-overlapping motifs in genomic sequences (Fig. 4b).
In the synthetic approach, Motif A is embedded in random DNA sequences and the BPNet model is used to predict the fold-change in binding of TF A due to the addition of Motif B at a range of distances from Motif A (Fig. 4a, Supplementary Videos 1-6). The procedure is then repeated by anchoring Motif B and predicting the fold-change in binding of TF B as a function of distance to Motif A. The robustness of the results was confirmed by the reproducibility of the patterns across five models trained independently on different subsets of regions (Supplementary Fig. 11).
Using the synthetic approach on all motif pair combinations, we observed distance-dependent cooperative TF interactions (Fig. 4a). They were distinct for each motif pair but independent of strand orientation (Supplementary Fig. 10b,c). For example, predicted Nanog binding at the Nanog motif was strongly enhanced when another Nanog motif was nearby, but interestingly, the distance-dependent enhancement exhibited a periodic pattern (Fig. 4a). A similar periodic binding dependency was observed for Nanog when a Sox2 motif was nearby. The magnitude of this interaction was strongest at close distances (<35 bp), thus it could be mediated by protein-protein interactions between Sox2 and Nanog71,93 or DNA-mediated allostery4,94. For larger inter-motif distances, the impact on Nanog binding rapidly diminished, but was still elevated further away in the presence of a Sox2 motif (but not a Nanog motif). This was not true the other way around since Sox2 binding to its motif was not enhanced by a nearby Nanog motif (Fig. 4a). Thus, BPNet predicts that Sox2 and Nanog interact and that this cooperative interaction is directional, consistent with the indirect footprints we observed.
The motif interaction functions also suggested that the Oct4-Sox2 motif mediates its effect through increased DNA accessibility in chromatin, consistent with Oct4 and Sox2 being pioneer TFs73,77,95,96. First, Oct4-Sox2 strongly enhanced the predicted binding of Sox2, Nanog, and to a lesser extent Klf4, at nucleosome-range distances of 150 bp (Fig. 4a). Second, these interactions were directional since the motifs of the other TFs did not substantially impact the predicted binding of Oct4 to the Oct4-Sox2 motif, consistent with a hierarchical requirement for pioneer TFs to come first and make the region accessible for other TFs. Our results therefore suggest that motifs can be classified in a given context by their strength as pioneer motifs, i.e. the Oct4-Sox2 is a stronger pioneer motif than Sox2.
We observed very similar distance-dependent cooperative interactions for all motif pairs using a complementary motif mutagenesis approach for genomic sequences (Fig. 4b, Extended Data Fig. 6). Here, we used the original genomic sequences and predicted the binding profile of TF A to Motif A before and after replacing Motif B with a random sequence (Motif B −> Motif A) and vice versa. The effect sizes were smaller than in the synthetic approach, likely because the genomic motif instances were often of lower affinity than the ideal motifs used in the synthetic approach. It is also possible that motif mutations can be buffered by the additional motifs present in genomic sequences. However, the distance relationship and the directionality of the cooperative interactions were again very similar (Extended Data Fig. 6). These relationships can also be summarized as a heat map using the distance intervals of <35 bp and 70-150 bp, which highlight the interactions in protein-range and nucleosome-range respectively (Fig. 4c).
These results suggest the existence of soft motif syntax: rather than requiring strict inter-motif distances for cooperative binding, interactions between two motifs occur in a flexible but distance-dependent fashion that is specific for each motif pair. To obtain further evidence, we asked whether the preferred inter-motif distances are observed in naturally occurring genomic regions. We removed retrotransposons containing strictly spaced motifs and analyzed whether motif pairs co-occur more frequently than expected by chance at certain distances (Fig. 4d, Supplementary Fig. 10b). The Nanog motifs were most strongly overrepresented at short distances to Sox2 and other Nanog motifs (<35 bp), consistent with their protein-range interactions. At nucleosome-distance (70-150 bp), the Oct4-Sox2 motif still co-occurred with Nanog, consistent with its pioneering role. Although BPNet is designed to capture potential motif interactions up to 1 kb apart, we did not identify significantly overrepresented motif pairs beyond 150 bp (Fig. 4d). Altogether, we detected genome-wide soft preferences for motif spacings that correspond to some extent with detected cooperative binding interactions and thus are likely functionally relevant soft motif syntax.
Nanog binding has a strong ~10.5-bp periodic pattern
The most remarkable soft motif syntax we observed was a ~10.5 bp periodicity associated with Nanog. We first observed periodicity in the full-length CWM of the Nanog motif, which showed flanking A/T bases in a periodic pattern (Fig. 5a). This pattern is not seen in the corresponding PFM representation, suggesting that the A/T bases are not statistically overrepresented, but when present, contribute strongly to the Nanog binding predictions. The strong periodic pattern is confirmed in the individual contribution scores of Nanog motif instances, shown as heat map and average contribution scores (Fig. 5b). A Fourier power spectrum analysis of the contribution scores around the Nanog motif revealed strong periodicity averaging around 10.5 bp (+/− 0.3 bp) (Fig. 5c), which falls within the observed 10-11 bp periodicity of the DNA helix observed in vitro and in vivo97-100. This helical periodicity was also found for other motifs important for predicting Nanog binding, including Nanog-mix, Nanog-alt, Sox2, Oct4-Sox2 and Zic3. But the same motifs did not predict periodic binding for other TFs, suggesting that the helical periodicity is specific for Nanog binding (Fig. 5d), consistent with its behavior in the in-silico motif interaction analysis.
To obtain further evidence of this periodicity, we tested whether Nanog’s soft syntax was naturally found in genomic DNA sequence. Indeed, the pairwise distance between our mapped Nanog motif instances showed a strong helical spacing preference for multiples of ~10.5 bp, independent of motif orientation (Fig. 5e). This periodicity was reproducibly inferred from five independent models on different subsets of the binding data (Supplementary Fig. 12a). Despite being present in genomic DNA, this pattern had not been discovered previously47,67-72, presumably because it is difficult to find with traditional methods and requires BPNet’s large receptive field to learn motifs in a larger sequence context (Extended Data Fig. 7).
The in-silico motif interaction analysis also predicted enhanced periodic binding cooperativity of Nanog in the presence of other motifs. In support of this, the mapped genomic distances between Nanog and either Sox2 or Oct4-Sox2 motif instances also showed strong preferred distances of helical periodicity regardless of motif orientation (Fig. 5f-g). This was also true for the distances between Nanog and Zic3, indicating that Zic3 is an additional interaction partner (Fig. 5h). Furthermore, the Nanog ChIP-nexus profiles themselves also showed this periodic pattern (Fig. 5i-k, Supplementary Fig. 12b, Supplementary Fig. 13). The signal in the original data likely explains how BPNet was able to learn the preferred binding pattern of Nanog during training.
The helical periodicity suggests that Nanog binding is enhanced when the relevant partner motifs are found on the same side of the DNA. Since Nanog physically interacts with Sox271,93 and preferentially interacts at protein-protein distance in our in-silico motif interaction analysis, it is possible that Nanog engages in cooperative protein-protein interactions similar to those observed for the lambda and lac repressors101,102. Alternatively, the helical periodicity could be due to preferred binding of Nanog to nucleosomal DNA from the solvent surface, which has been observed for some homeodomain TFs103,104.
Altogether, we identified helical periodicity as a strong cis-regulatory motif syntax for Nanog, a biophysical parameter that BPNet was not explicitly trained on. This result demonstrates the power of neural networks to discover novel patterns de novo without making explicit prior assumptions about the nature of the sequence features.
CRISPR validates the motif syntax between Nanog and Sox2
To experimentally validate the motif syntax identified by BPNet, we performed targeted point mutations in mapped motifs and compared the observed changes in the ChIP-nexus profiles to those predicted by BPNet (Fig. 6). Since the most striking motif syntax was the helical periodicity of Nanog and the directional cooperativity with Sox2, and since the Nanog motif had been uncertain before47,67-72, we selected a genomic region that has a Nanog and Sox2 motif, as well as periodic Nanog binding. Using CRISPR/Cas9 and homologous recombination, we performed two-base substitutions in either the Sox2 motif (TTG to AGG) or the Nanog motif (TGA to GGC). We then performed Sox2 and Nanog ChIP-nexus experiments on wild-type and mutant ESCs, using three independently derived clones per motif mutation. All replicate experiments were highly correlated and possessed indistinguishable normalized binding profiles and counts across known enhancers (Extended Data Fig. 8, Supplementary Fig. 14).
We then examined how the binding profiles were affected by the mutations. As expected, mutating the Sox2 motif specifically abolished the corresponding Sox2 binding footprint (Fig. 6a). However, mutating the Nanog motif did not affect Sox2 binding (Fig. 6b), while mutating the Sox2 motif strongly affected Nanog binding (Extended Data Fig. 8b). Nanog binding was almost completely lost near the Sox2 mutation and still reduced at the nearby Nanog motif (Fig. 6c).
This directional cooperativity is strikingly consistent with the results from the in-silico motif interaction analysis performed across all genomic sequences (Fig. 4b) and with the asymmetry observed in the indirect binding footprints of Nanog and Sox2 (Fig. 3c). In addition, the short-range cooperativity of Nanog was confirmed. Namely, when the Nanog motif was mutated, not only was the corresponding footprint of Nanog abrogated as expected, but the surrounding periodic Nanog binding was also reduced as predicted (Fig. 6d).
Altogether, these results confirm that the derived syntax rules are predictive and applicable to individual examples. This demonstrate that BPNet can be used to derive novel, testable biological hypotheses on how the cis-regulatory motif syntax influences TF binding.
Here we introduced BPNet, a versatile and interpretable deep learning tool to learn TF motifs and the rules of syntax that best predict experimental data at base resolution. To leverage the unprecedented resolution of BPNet and showcase its ability to reveal novel biological insights, we applied it to ChIP-nexus data in ESCs. The results were not only consistent with previous findings, but revealed new details and principles of cis-regulatory motif syntax. We found that TF binding is guided by soft syntax rules, which follow clear inter-motif distance-dependent relationships consistent with protein-protein interactions16,105, or nucleosome-mediated cooperativity106. Such soft syntax rules represent an intermediate between the strict motif syntax associated with the original enhanceosome model107,108 and the very flexible syntax suggested by the billboard model14. The TF cooperativity associated with specific motif pairs was often directional and consistent with motifs mediating the role of pioneer TFs with different strengths. Finally, we observed a strong preference for Nanog to bind with ~10.5 bp helical periodicity. Helical periodicity has long been thought to be a possible element of the cis-regulatory code25,27,101,102,107,109-112. Our finding that the helical periodicity is motif-encoded and TF-specific provides a guidance for identifying this feature for other TFs in the future.
As we will outline below, BPNet represents a new paradigm for discovering relevant motifs and syntax rules underlying the cis-regulatory code. Through several important design innovations (Supplementary Note), as well as extensive quality control and rigorous evaluations to ensure that the method works as intended, BPNet outperforms both traditional methods and previous deep learning models (Supplementary Note). BPNet outperforms traditional methods because it infers predictive patterns in a larger sequence context and does not rely on overrepresented sequence patterns. BPNet outperforms previous neural networks by modeling TF binding profiles at base resolution, which enables it to learn subtle cooperative interactions between motifs (Extended Data Fig. 4). The result is a powerful and general computational framework for deciphering the cis-regulatory code from a variety of genomics assays.
An important innovation was the development of tools that make the trained BPNet model interpretable. Computational models in regulatory genomics have long grappled with an inherent tradeoff between prediction accuracy and interpretability, but the BPNet framework enables both. The key to enhancing interpretability was the distillation of predictive motif representations and context-aware motif instances from the entire neural network, rather than direct interpretation of millions of cryptic, partially redundant parameters of the trained model. Importantly, by using BPNet as an in-silico oracle, we systematically predicted the effect of mutated sequences or synthetic sequence designs, which enables us to extract the influence of pairwise motif spacing on TF cooperativity. The precise oracle predictions, which are not possible with classical models, allow less scalable in vivo experiments such as the CRISPR editing experiments to be performed on the most interesting and promising observations.
The advantage of BPNet over classical methods is that it detects motifs and their syntax in a fundamentally different way. Classical methods for motif discovery rely on motifs being overrepresented over background sequences18-21. Similarly, existing approaches to infer syntax rules use summary statistics of overrepresented co-occurrence patterns1,23,113. These methods have limited statistical power to test individual features present in complex cis-regulatory sequences (Supplementary Note). By contrast, BPNet’s vast network capacity allows it to learn complex predictive rules agnostically based on their ability to accurately predict relevant experimental profiles, without explicitly defining features a priori. This allows the discovery of relatively rare but nonetheless predictive motifs (e.g. Oct4-Oct4), as well as predictive syntax features, such as helical periodicity or the direction of TF cooperativity, that were not known to be relevant for these TFs.
BPNet’s approach of modeling the entire cis-regulatory sequence is better suited for deciphering the combinatorial requirements for TF binding in vivo. Traditionally, a TF binding site is defined by its strong affinity in in-vitro experiments or by statistically significant sequence matches to PWM models. In both cases, a selection is typically made by arbitrary thresholds before the role of motif combinations, syntax and sequence context is considered113,114. However, our results suggest that in vivo, TF binding to a motif instance is by itself a highly cooperative process that depends on neighboring motifs and syntax. Indeed, this explains how enhancer function can critically depend on low-affinity binding sites10,52,115. The fact that BPNet discovered subtle predictive patterns that are not strong matches to PWM motif models (e.g. the predictive bases in the flanks of Nanog motifs) and outperformed classical methods for identifying motif instances relevant in vivo (Fig. 2g-h, Supplementary Note) suggests that modeling putative motif instances within their cis-regulatory context is an important advantage.
Finally, BPNet is designed to be a general and versatile end-to-end approach adaptable to a number of genomic assays. It is ideally suited to learn from high-resolution genomic data, but its base-resolution output is still beneficial for lower resolution data since it does not discard any information present in the training data profiles. For example, we successfully trained BPNet models on ChIP-seq profiles for the same TFs and obtained motifs that were highly similar, including a periodic Nanog motif (Extended Data Fig. 9 and 10, Supplementary Note). The number and accuracy of motif instances was lower than those from ChIP-nexus profiles models, but better than those from models trained on coarse-resolution binary binding labels (Extended Data Fig. 10c,d). Similarly, we found that BPNet can accurately model base-resolution DNase-seq profiles116. This suggests that applying BPNet to existing compendia of ChIP-seq, DNase-seq and ATAC-seq data, such as those generated by ENCODE will improve the systematic mapping of cis-regulatory motifs and their rules of syntax in a variety of cellular contexts. To foster the broad application of BPNet, we have made the entire software framework available with documentation and tutorials.
Learning motifs and syntax-dependent regulatory influence for a variety of genomic assays in many cell types will build a more complete understanding of the cis-regulatory code and reveal how specific bases influence the various molecular steps associated with enhancer function. At the same time, these models will provide opportunities to pinpoint causal quantitative trait and disease-associated genetic variants and understand the molecular mechanisms by which they alter gene regulation. Ultimately, the ability to decipher the cis-regulatory code will unlock an enormous amount of information underlying organismal development, its maintenance and pinpoint therapeutic intervention opportunities for diseases.
Online method
Cell culture
R1 ESCs were cultured on 0.1% gelatin-coated plates without feeder cells in N2B27 medium (DMEM/F12 with 1:1 mix of GlutaMax/N2 and Neurobasal medium/B27, Invitrogen) supplemented with 2 mM L-Glutamine (Stemcell Technologies), 1x 2-Mercaptoethanol (Millipore), 1x NEAA (Stemcell Technologies), 3 μM CHIR99021 (Stemcell Technologies), 1 μM PD0325901 (Stemcell Technologies), 0.033% BSA solution (Invitrogen) and 107 U/ml LIF (Millipore).
ChIP-nexus, PAtCh-Cap and ChIP-seq experiments
For each ChIP-nexus experiment, 10 million ESCs were used. Cells were washed with PBS and cross-linked with 1% formaldehyde (Fisher Scientific) in PBS for 10 min at room temperature. The reaction was quenched with 125 mM glycine. Fixed cells were washed twice with cold PBS, resuspended in cold lysis buffer (15 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), 140 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.5 mM EGTA, 1% Triton X-100, 0.5% N-lauroylsarcosine, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS), incubated for 10 min on ice and sonicated with a Bioruptor Pico (Diagenode) for five cycles of 30 s on and 30 s off. The ChIP-nexus procedure and data processing were performed as previously described49 except that the ChIP-nexus adaptor mix contained four fixed barcodes (ACTG, CTGA, GACT, TGAC) and that the PCR library amplification was performed directly after the circularization of the purified DNA fragments (without addition of the oligo and BamHI digestion). PAtCh-Cap was performed as described59with 10% of sheared chromatin from 10 million ESCs. ChIP-seq experiments were performed as described119 with 10 million ESCs per ChIP.
For each ChIP, 5 μg antibody was coupled to 50 μl Protein A or Protein G Dynabeads (Invitrogen). The following antibodies were used: α-Oct3/4 (Santa Cruz, sc-8628), α-Sox2 (Santa Cruz, sc-17320), α-Sox2 (Active Motif, 39843), α-Nanog (Santa Cruz, sc-30328), α-Klf4 (R&D Systems, AF3158), α-Klf4 (Abcam, ab106629), α-Esrrb (Abcam, ab19331), α-Pbx 1/2/3 (Santa Cruz, sc-888), and α-Zic3 (Abcam, ab222124). For all experiments, at least two biological replicates were prepared, i.e. the experiments were performed on different days starting with cells from a different passage number. Single-end sequencing was performed on either an Illumina HiSeq instrument (50 cycles) or NextSeq 500 instrument (75 cycles).
Mutation of binding motifs using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Using mouse R1 ESCs, the predicted Nanog motif on chr10: 85,539,756-85,539,765 (mm10) was mutated from CTGATGGCT (wildtype) to CGGCTGGCT (mutant). The predicted Sox2 motif on chr10: 85,539,634-85,539,643 (mm10) was mutated from CCTTTGTTCC (wildtype) to CCTAGGTTCC (mutant). Guide RNA (gRNA) target sites were designed using CCTop target predictor tool120 by evaluating the predicted on-target efficiency score and the off-target potential121. The single-stranded donor oligonucleotides (ssODN) were designed containing ~40 bases of homology from the targeted cut site (gRNA and ssODN sequences are shown in Supplementary Table 3). A ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex was formed by combining 90 pmol of gRNA (ordered as Alt-R sgRNA; IDT, USA) and 10 pmol of Cas9 HiFi protein (IDT) and hybridizing for 10 min at room temperature. The RNP was combined with 100 pmol of ssODN donor and delivered to cells by Neon electroporation (1500 V, 10 ms, 3 pulses; Neon Transfection System, Model MPK5000, Life Technologies). Single cells were screened for the expected mutations through paired-end sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq instrument (250 cycles). On-target indel frequency and expected mutations were analyzed using CRIS.py122. Only clones with the intentional mutation and sequence alignments above 90% were chosen for future experiments.
Per target site, three monoclonal cell lines were selected and used as replicate experiments: clones B07, B09 and F10 for the mutant Nanog motif, and clones B07, B11 and C10 for the mutant Sox2 motif. For the wild-type R1 ESCs control samples, at least two biological replicates were prepared as above. ChIP-nexus was performed as described above with 20 million ESCs and 5 μg α-Nanog (Abcam, ab214549) or α-Sox2 (Active Motif, 39843) per replicate. The following fixed fixed barcodes were used: AGTC, CAGT, GTCA, TCAG. Single-end sequencing was performed on an Illumina NovaSeq instrument (100 cycles) to obtain a coverage of ~400 million reads per experiment.
ChIP-nexus data processing pipeline
Random barcodes and fixed barcodes were trimmed off the reads and reassigned to FASTQ labels using nimnexus (v0.1.1). The adapters were then trimmed using cutadapt (v1.8.1)123. Next, the reads were aligned with Bowtie (v1.1.12)124,125 using the command bowtie --chunkmbs 512 -k 1 -m 1 -v 2 --best --strata to the mouse genome assembly mm10. Mutant samples were aligned to a modified mm10 genome that accommodated the CRISPR changes. Mapping stats were computed using SAMtools flagstat (v1.2)126. Reads were filtered using SAMtools view to remove unmapped reads and mates, non-primary alignments, PCR or optical duplicates (-F 1804) and reads that failed platform or vendor quality checks or had poor mapping quality (MAPQ <30). Reads aligned to the same position with the same barcode, CIGAR string and the SAM flag were de-duplicated using nimnexus dedup (v0.1.1). The total number of final (filtered) aligned reads was 243M for Oct4, 140M for Sox2, 214M for Nanog and 176M for Klf4. The final filtered BAM file was converted to tagAlign format (BED 3+3) using bedtools `bamtobed` (v2.26)127. Cross-correlation scores were obtained for each file using phantompeakqualtools (v1.2)128. BigWig tracks containing the strand-specific number of aligned 5' read ends (pooled across all replicates) were generated using bedtools genomecov −5 -bg -strand <+/−>, followed by bedGraph to BigWig conversion using UCSC bedGraphToBigWig version 4129.
Peaks were called using MACS2 (v2.1.1.20160309) by extending 5’-ends of reads on each strand using a 150 bp window (±75 bp) and then computing coverage of extended reads across both strands (shift=−75, extsize=150). For each TF, peak calling was performed on filtered, aligned reads from each replicate using a relaxed p-value threshold of 0.1 and retaining the top 300,000 peaks as described128. Relaxed peak calls were similarly performed on pseudo-replicates, which were obtained by pooling filtered, aligned reads from all replicates for a TF and randomly splitting the pooled reads into two balanced pseudo-replicates. Peaks overlaping the blacklisted regions listed in https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF547MET/ were excluded. The Irreproducible Discovery Rate (IDR) framework was used to obtain reproducible peaks across the true replicates and pseudo-replicates130. The set with the larger number of peaks was defined as the IDR optimal peaks for each TF: 25,849 for Oct4, 10,999 for Sox2, 56,459 for Nanog, and 57,601 for Klf4. Regions of 1 kb centered on the peak summits were used as inputs to BPNet. All samples passed quality control metrics used in the ENCODE TF ChIP-seq pipeline128 (Supplementary Table 1).
The nim-nexus code is available at https://github.com/Avsecz/nimnexus/. The ChIP-nexus pipeline performing the described steps (e.g. turning the raw reads in the FASTQ format to BigWig coverage tracks and the called peaks) is available at https://github.com/kundajelab/chip-nexus-pipeline. A detailed pipeline specification is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h9lZ0GyVWd02RCmtaFWSaSFzrcNHoH_OgyPHMpU7b04. ChIP-seq datasets were processed using the ENCODE ChIP-seq pipeline https://github.com/ENCODE-DCC/chip-seq-pipeline2/releases/tag/v1.2.2. It is identical to the ChIP-nexus pipeline except that it uses the SPP peak caller29 and does not use barcodes for read de-duplication.
BPNet architecture
BPNet is a sequence-to-profile convolutional neural network that uses one-hot-encoded DNA sequence (A=[1,0,0,0], C=[0,1,0,0], G=[0,0,1,0], T=[0,0,0,1]) with adjustable length as input to predict base-resolution read count profiles as output. For flexibility, the architecture of BPNet can be compartmentalized into the body and multiple task-specific output heads. The body of BPNet consists of a sequence of convolutional layers with residual skip connections and ReLU activations57. The first convolutional layer uses 64 filters of width 25 bp, followed by 9 dilated convolutional layers (64 filters of width 3 in each layer) where the dilation rate (number of skipped positions in the convolutional filter) doubles at every layer. This results in a receptive field of +/−1034 bp for any position in the genome. The output of the final convolutional layer within the BPNet body (also referred to as the bottleneck activation map) serves as input for two output heads per TF: i) a deconvolutional layer (filter width=25, typical ChIP-nexus footprint width) predicting the strand-specific probabilities of observing a particular read at a particular position in the input sequence (shape or profile prediction) and ii) a global average pooling layer followed by the fully connected layer predicting the total number of read counts aligned to the input sequence for each strand (total read count prediction). The training occurs for all TF ChIP-nexus experiments together in a multi-task fashion. BPNet architecture (without bias correction) implementation in Keras 2.2.4 is provided in Supplementary Methods.
BPNet loss function
Let kobs be the vector of length L of observed read counts for a particular strand and a particular task (i.e., TF) along the sequence of length L. Let ppred be the vector of length L of predicted probabilities along the sequence, such that and let be the total number of observed counts and npred the total number of predicted counts for the sequence. The following loss function is used for each sequence, strand and task:
The first term evaluates the error in the shape of the predicted profile. It is the multinomial negative log-likelihood of observed base read counts given the predicted probabilities and the total number of observed counts. The second term evaluates the squared error of the log total number of reads in the region. During BPNet training, the total loss function is the sum of individual loss functions across both strands, all input sequences and all tasks.
The key hyper-parameter is λ. In Supplementary methods (Relationship between the Poisson log-likelihood, mean-squared error and multinomial log likelihood), we show that if , where is the average number of total counts in our training set, the profile loss and the total count loss will be roughly given equal weight. To upweight the profile predictions relative to the total count predictions, with α < 1 can be used.
BPNet’s control for biases
Experimental assays often have small biases that can be measured by control experiments (input for ChIP-seq and PAtCh-CAP for ChIP-nexus59). To prevent the sequence-to-profile model from learning these non-informative bias signals, the model tries to explain the target experimental track (e.g., the Oct4 profile) using both the sequence-based model predictions for specific head h and the control experiment track ctl:
where is a neural network based transformation of the control track trying to explain data for head h. The integration with the control data therefore occurs after the task-specific model head . We require that if the control track is 0 (i.e. bias not present) so that the model represents the bias-free part of the signal. Each head/track will have a different bias transformation either by having different parameters or even a different architecture for . For the total count prediction head, is simply , where nctl is the total number of reads from the control experiment in the modeled local region. For the profile prediction head, is a weighted sum of i) the raw counts and ii) a smoothed version of the raw counts using a sliding window sum of 50 bp (since control data are often sparse). During model training, the parameters of are also trained to best explain the output using the control track. This framework easily integrates multiple control tracks, or control tracks predicted from sequence using a bias model learned on other data such as deproteinized genomic DNA for DNase-seq131.
BPNet training and hyper-parameter tuning
ChIP-nexus profiles of Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Klf4 were used to train and evaluate BPNet. Regions from mouse chromosomes 2, 3 and 4 (20%) were used as the tuning set for hyper-parameter tuning. Regions from chromosomes 1, 8 and 9 (20%) were used as the test set for the performance evaluation (Supplementary Methods). The remaining regions were used for model training. Hyper-parameters were manually adjusted to yield best performance on the tuning set. All neural network models were implemented and trained in Keras (v2.2.4)132 (TensorFlow backend v1.6) using the Adam optimizer133 (learning rate = 0.004) and early stopping with patience of 5 epochs.
DeepLIFT contribution scores for sequence-to-profile models
DeepLIFT is a feature attribution method for computing the contribution of each base (feature) in an input sequence to a specific scalar output prediction from a neural network model65. DeepLIFT decomposes the difference between the output prediction from an input sequence versus that of a neutral reference input sequence as an additive combination of contribution scores of all bases (D features) in the input sequence:
where ci is the contribution of feature i in input x to the model output prediction f(x) compared to model prediction f(r) based on the reference input r.
The output of BPNet for each head is however not a scalar, but a tensor of 2D L x S, where L is the sequence length and S is the number of output channels or strands for ChIP-nexus. We therefore needed to adapt DeepLIFT and defined the profile contribution score of a base with respect to the entire output profile as follows:
where pis is the predicted probability values for position i and strand s, obtained by normalizing the profile predictions on the logit scale using the softmax function along the sequence axis: p = Softmax(f(x)). cis is the contribution score of the base with respect to the (scalar) profile prediction on the logit scale at position i and strand s. A weighted sum is used to ensure that positions with high predicted profile output values are given more weight, but has the disadvantage that it would normally require the contribution scores to be computed L x S (=2,000) times for each 1 kb input sequence per TF. To drastically speed up this computation, we exploit the backpropagation algorithm used in DeepLIFT and the additive decomposition of DeepLIFT scores. We define a new TensorFlow operation as follows:
where Const denotes the tf.stop_gradients operation which treats the wrapped expression pi(x) as a constant. By applying DeepLIFT to , we obtain the desired result in a single DeepLIFT backpropagation step:
Pseudo-code of the described operation in TensorFlow code is:
wn = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.stop_gradient(tf.nn.softmax(f, dim=−2)) * f, axis=−2), axis=−1).
For the reference input r, all zeroes were used since it showed the highest correlation with in-silico mutagenesis contribution scores, defined as the weighted sum of the profile prediction changes at all profile locations after introducing a mutation at a particular position. The DeepLIFT contribution scores were computed with TensorFlow v1.6 using the DeepExplain implementation of DeepLIFT (repository fork available at https://github.com/kundajelab/DeepExplain/, with commit hash: 738c7145e915a7a48f3a4248d088bcc2e1a94614).
Motif discovery using TF-MoDISco
TF-MoDISco (v0.5.1.1) was run on DeepLIFT profile contribution scores for each TF separately (using all 1 kb peak regions bound by the TF on autosomes). Significant seqlets were selected by computing contribution scores over a width of 21 bp and using the FDR threshold of 0.01 (target_seqlet_fdr). The null distribution was estimated from 4,800 randomly selected peaks with contribution scores computed on reshuffled sequences while preserving dinucleotide counts. A total of 145,748 non-overlapping significant seqlets were identified. Due to memory constraints (250 GB), 50,000 seqlets were used for each TF during the clustering/motif-discovery phase of TF-MoDISco. For all discovered motifs, the PFM and CWM are computed from the aligned seqlets by averaging the base frequencies and the contribution scores, respectively. See Supplementary Methods for more details.
Clustering of discovered motifs
Motifs were aligned to each other in all possible offsets and strand combinations, and a pairwise distance metric was generated using the smallest continuous Jaccard distance metric41 on the PFM information content between each motif pair. Hierarchical clustering was performed in scipy (v1.2.1) using the Ward variance minimization algorithm134 (method='ward') and optimal leaf ordering135 (Extended Data Fig. 2d). From these clusters, 11 representative TF motifs were manually selected.
CWM scanning to identify motif instances
Once BPNet is trained, it is possible but not necessary to use the experimentally measured ChIP-nexus profiles during model interpretation. For the mapping of motifs with TF-MoDISco and CWM scanning, no experimental information was used. CWM scanning was developed because TF-MoDISco only analyzes 50,000 seqlets per run. Trimmed CWMs were used to scan the contribution scores of all 147,974 peak regions (as done by TF-MoDISco) and computing the following similarity metric. Let denote the CWM of length LW and denote the contribution scores for one-hot-encoded sequence s of length LS≥ LW. The contribution score Ci,b for base b at position i is 0 if base b was not observed in the actual sequence (i.e. if si,b = 0). We decompose the similarity metric between the CWM scanning position i of the contribution scores into the 'contrib' score, computed as the L1 norm of the contribution scores at positions between i and i+LW in the scanned sequence:
and the 'match' score, which represents its similarity to the CWM computed using the continuous Jaccard distance metric41 between the CWM and L1 normalized contribution scores:
At each position i, the maximum 'match' score (Scorematch) between wCWM and its reverse-complement version is chosen. To call motif instances from the CWM scanning scores, three criteria were defined based on thresholds identified from the TF-MoDISco’s corresponding seqlets: (i) The 'match' score >20th percentile of those of the seqlets. This stringent threshold more effectively discriminates between similar motifs. (ii) The 'contrib' score is higher than the seqlets lowest 'contrib' score. (iii) The log odds score with respect to the PWM derived from the PFM is larger than 0.
In-silico motif interaction analysis
In the synthetic approach, two consensus motifs were inserted into 128 random background sequences of 1 kb: Motif A at the center and Motif B downstream at distance d between the motif centers (max at 160 bp). The average strand-specific ChIP-nexus profile predictions PAB for the TF that binds Motif A was then obtained using the trained BPNet model as oracle. Additional profiles were predicted by i) inserting only the Motif A in the center (PA), ii) inserting only the Motif B d-bases downstream of the center (PB), and iii) not inserting any motif (PØ). The strand-specific summit (maximum) location of the footprint was then determined for each strand from profile PA within 35 bp of the Motif A center. These summit locations were used to determine the footprint height h within all four profiles to obtain hA, hB, hAB, and hØ. The influence of Motif B on Motif A was then defined by the corrected binding fold-change (hAB - (hB - hØ)) / hA as a function of d. The procedure was repeated to quantify the influence of Motif A on the binding of TF B to Motif B. In the genomic motif interaction approach, the motif pair interactions were calculated in the same way using motif instances that were mapped by CWM scanning in genomic sequences underlying ChIP-nexus peaks, excluding motif instances overlapping retrotransposons. Instead of inserting motifs into the random sequence, motifs were removed from the genomic sequence by replacing them with random sequences (see also Supplementary Methods, Supplementary Fig. 10).
All ChIP-nexus and ChIP-seq replicate experiments passed quality control metrics used by ENCODE128 (Supplementary Table 1). For Sox2 and Nanog, we used two different antibodies for each with reproducible results: the initial wild-type Sox2 ChIP-nexus experiments used two different antibodies (sc-17320 and Active Motif 39843) with IDR rescue ratio of <2; the wild-type and CRISPR Nanog ChIP-nexus experiments also used two different antibodies (sc-30328 and ab-214549) with consistent Nanog footprints on Nanog motifs (Extended Data Figure 3). The entire pipeline, including the training of BPNet, computing the contribution scores, obtaining motif representations, and analysing motif interactions, was performed in 5-fold cross-validations, which support our claims (Supplementary Information, Supplementary Fig. 4, Supplementary Fig. 11, Supplementary Fig. 12). The CRISPR mutant and wild-type experiments were consistent in profile and counts at control enhancers (Extended Data Fig. 8), and replicate experiments were highly reproducible (Supplementary Fig. 14).
Data Availability Statement
The raw sequencing data are available from GEO under the accession number GSE137193. Data used to train, evaluate and interpret the BPNet models are found on ZENODO at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3371215. Trained BPNet models and all the model interpretation results are on ZENODO at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3371163. The BPNet model trained on ChIP-nexus data is available on Kipoi under the name "BPNet-OSKN" (http://kipoi.org/models/BPNet-OSKN/). Genome browser tracks showing observed/predicted ChIP-nexus signal and the contribution scores for all factors are available at https://genome.ucsc.edu/s/mlweilert/mesc_OSKN_tracks. ATAC-seq data in mouse ESCs used in Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7 have been obtained from GSE134680. Blacklisted regions used to filter genomic coordinates throughout the analysis are available at https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF547MET. RepeatMasker mm10 annotations are from http://www.repeatmasker.org/genomes/mm10/RepeatMasker-rm405-db20140131/mm10.fa.out.gz. The NMR structure 1O4X used to render Sox2 and Oct1 in Fig. 3 is available at https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1o4x. TRANSFAC (v7.0) was used to identify the TFIIIC B-box discussed in Fig. 3. The PH0134.1 Pbx PWM used for motif validation in Supplementary Fig. 8 and Extended Data Fig. 5 was obtained from JASPAR at http://jaspar.genereg.net/api/v1/matrix/PH0134.1.jaspar. The MA0141.1 Esrrb PWM used in Extended Data Fig. 5 was obtained from JASPAR at http://jaspar.genereg.net/api/v1/matrix/MA0141.1.jaspar. The tRNA database GtRNAdb (v2.0, release 17.1) annotations and associated tRNAscan-SE scores used in Extended Data Fig. 5 are from http://gtrnadb.ucsc.edu/GtRNAdb_archives/release17/genomes/eukaryota/Mmusc10/mm10-tRNAs.tar.gz.
Code Availability Statement
The BPNet software package is available at https://github.com/kundajelab/bpnet/. Code to reproduce the results is available at https://github.com/kundajelab/bpnet-manuscript (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4294813). The ChIP-nexus data processing pipeline is available at https://github.com/kundajelab/chip-nexus-pipeline. Software to trim and de-duplicate ChIP-nexus reads is available at https://github.com/Avsecz/nimnexus/.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank Mike Levine and Robb Krumlauf for comments and Johnny Israeli for initial technical help. This work was funded by the Stowers Institute for Medical Research (SIMR), the NIH grant 1R01HG010211 to J.Z., and the NIH grants 1DP2GM123485, 1U01HG009431 and 1R01HG009674 to A.K.. Ž.A. was supported by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) through the project MechML (01IS18053F). A.S. was supported by the Stanford BioX Fellowship and HHMI International Student Research Fellowship. Illumina sequencing was performed at SIMR (Anoja Perera, Michael Peterson) and the University of Kansas Medical Center Genomics Core supported by the NIH grants U54HD090216, S10OD021743 and COBRE P30GM122731-03. Generation of the CRISPR/Cas9 mouse ESC lines was performed by the following Cores at SIMR: Genome Engineering (Kym Delventhal, Brandon Miller, Kyle Weaver), Tissue Culture (Chongbei Zhao, Alexis Murray, Yan Wang, Olga Kenzior, Qian Jiang, Skyler Hime, Sonia Gosh) and Cytometry (Jeff Haug, Dustin DeGraffenreid).
Conflict of Interests statement
J.Z. owns a patent on ChIP-nexus (Patent No. 10287628). All other authors declare no competing interests.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The raw sequencing data are available from GEO under the accession number GSE137193. Data used to train, evaluate and interpret the BPNet models are found on ZENODO at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3371215. Trained BPNet models and all the model interpretation results are on ZENODO at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3371163. The BPNet model trained on ChIP-nexus data is available on Kipoi under the name "BPNet-OSKN" (http://kipoi.org/models/BPNet-OSKN/). Genome browser tracks showing observed/predicted ChIP-nexus signal and the contribution scores for all factors are available at https://genome.ucsc.edu/s/mlweilert/mesc_OSKN_tracks. ATAC-seq data in mouse ESCs used in Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7 have been obtained from GSE134680. Blacklisted regions used to filter genomic coordinates throughout the analysis are available at https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF547MET. RepeatMasker mm10 annotations are from http://www.repeatmasker.org/genomes/mm10/RepeatMasker-rm405-db20140131/mm10.fa.out.gz. The NMR structure 1O4X used to render Sox2 and Oct1 in Fig. 3 is available at https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1o4x. TRANSFAC (v7.0) was used to identify the TFIIIC B-box discussed in Fig. 3. The PH0134.1 Pbx PWM used for motif validation in Supplementary Fig. 8 and Extended Data Fig. 5 was obtained from JASPAR at http://jaspar.genereg.net/api/v1/matrix/PH0134.1.jaspar. The MA0141.1 Esrrb PWM used in Extended Data Fig. 5 was obtained from JASPAR at http://jaspar.genereg.net/api/v1/matrix/MA0141.1.jaspar. The tRNA database GtRNAdb (v2.0, release 17.1) annotations and associated tRNAscan-SE scores used in Extended Data Fig. 5 are from http://gtrnadb.ucsc.edu/GtRNAdb_archives/release17/genomes/eukaryota/Mmusc10/mm10-tRNAs.tar.gz.