Extended Data Fig. 4. Hodor sustains luminal acidity and luminal/cell volume.
a, The copper cell region (#) of Drosophila larvae is normally acidic (bromophenol blue dye appears yellow/orange, see Methods), but becomes less acidic (purple/blue) when using hodor RNAi in interstitial cells (hodor-gal4) or in hodor mutants. The latter phenotype can be rescued by re-expressing hodor in hodor-Gal4-expressing cells. Intestinal acidity is also lost by downregulating the gene coding for the Vha16–1 subunit of the V-ATPase proton pump in copper cells using lab-Gal4. b, Quantifications of intestinal acidity, depletion (by RNAi) or loss of hodor results in a reduction in the number of larvae with acidic middle midguts, as does depletion of the V-ATPase subunit Vha16–1 in copper cells using lab-gal4. c, Larval developmental rate is unaffected when acidity is lost due to reducing V-ATPase activity within copper cells (using lab-Gal4). d, Electron micrographs of interstitial cells of first-instar larvae, showing a reduction in their characteristic basal infoldings (arrows) in hodor mutants (* denotes basal lamina) relative to control cells. e, hodor-Gal4 driven mCD8-GFP expression in interstitial cells of control and hodor mutant larvae reveals an increase in luminal volume (*) and interstitial cell volume (insets with quantifications to the right) in first-instar mutant larvae when compared to controls (all raised on a low-yeast diet). See Methods for details of volume quantifications. f, Overexpression of the dominant-negative Shibire ShiK44A in hodor-expressing cells (using hodor-Gal4) reveals an increase in interstitial cell volume in hodor second-instar mutant larvae relative to controls (all raised on low-yeast diet). Lysotracker staining in green was used to reveal their cytoplasm. Quantifications are shown to the right. Second-instar larvae raised on a low-yeast diet were used for all experiments involving ShiK44A expression. g, This genetic manipulation also results in an increase in the width of the copper cell region (#) but does not affect the subcellular localisation of Hodor in interstitial cells (insets). h, Quantifications of copper cell region width in controls, hodor mutant larvae and larvae expressing ShiK44A from hodor-Gal4. i, Expression of Shikk44A in hodor-expressing cells (hodor> ShiK44A) does not alter developmental rate. See Supplementary information for sample sizes and full genotypes. Scale bars: a, 500μm; d, 500nm; e and f, 10μm; g: 250μm. For comparisons involving two groups, a non-parametric Mann Whitney U test was used. Where more than two groups were compared, an ordinary one-way ANOVA test was performed with a Tukey post-hoc test. Significance values are denoted as follows: p< 0.05 *, p< 0.01 **, p< 0.001 ***. Box plots: line, median; box, 75th–25th percentiles; whiskers, minimum to maximum.