Hypoxia-related transcription signatures in COVID-19. a, Eigenvalues of Hallmark Hypoxia geneset grouped by severity at 0-12 days post symptom onset, (unpaired, two-sided Student's t-test). Circles represent individual donors. b, B cell subpopulations identified using CITEseq with Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of Hallmark hypoxia geneset assessed on a single cell level comparing HC to COVID-19, grouped by severity (A/B n=8, C/D/E n =20), within 24 days of symptom onset (B-E)/positive swab(A). c, GSEA of Hallmark genesets in COVID-19 versus HC grouped by severity and time. Outlined circles: nominal P value <0.05 and FDR adjusted P <0.2. Mean hsCRP represented. d, Correlation between Hallmark hypoxia geneset eigengenes and parameters shown at 0-12 days post symptom onset in COVID-19 patients. Boxes coloured by strength of correlation, Pearson correlation.