Fig. 6. MiR-138 suppresses MYC-driven carcinogenesis in vivo.
A Schematic showing the timeline of the intravenous miR-138 mimic injection into transgenic mice. B, C RT-qPCR analyses of miR-138 (B) and MYC transcript (C) expression in the liver upon miNC and miR-138 mimic injection [9 miNC versus 10 miR-138 mimics injection]. D Representative Western blot analysis of MYC protein levels upon miNC and miR-138 mimic injection. E Representative images of the mouse livers upon miNC (top panel) and miR-138 (bottom panel) injection. (E – I) Samples were harvested one week after the final mimic injection. F Schematic diagram summarizing the effects of miR-138 on MYC and cancer development. Orange circle denotes miR-138 MRE. Mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.