Figure 6. Relationship between cell flow and cell dilation/contraction.
(A) Hypothetical mechanism for how an inferred pressure gradient generates periodic flows in the MF. There are periodic domains of cell dilation (red) in the source of cell flows, causing periodic flow (blue arrows) away from the source in both posterior and anterior directions. (B) Probability density of presumptive R8 (red) and non-R (black) cells with respect to their anterior velocity. Cells are binned according to their positions relative to the source of cell flow. Velocities for all cells in each bin were collected over 5 hr. (C) Alternative mechanism for how an inferred pressure gradient generates periodic flows in the MF. The zone of cell dilation is uniform, causing uniform flow in both posterior and anterior directions. However, if ommatidia cells are immobilized, then they cause cells to flow around them, leading to a periodic flow field in the MF. (D,E) Measurements of anterior velocity of cells as a function of cell position along the anterior-posterior axis relative to the MF. The MF position is fixed at zero. Velocity was averaged across all cells along the dorsal-ventral axis and over five hours of imaging, giving a one-dimensional representation. Shading represents 95% confidence intervals. For both wildtype (D) and the severe scabrous mutant (E) discs, R cells abruptly decrease in velocity immediately posterior to the MF. R8 cells remain immobile until all other cells reach the velocity inflection point at the Posterior Transition Zone, marked with a vertical dotted line.