Article title: Engagement of Circular RNA HECW2 in the Nonautophagic Role of ATG5 Implicated in the Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition
Authors: Li Yang, Bing Han, Yuan Zhang, Ying Bai, Jie Chao, Gang Hu, Honghong Yao
Journal: Autophagy
Bibliometrics: Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 404-418
After publication, the authors have recently noticed that the representative western blot image of GAPDH in Figure S4B was mistakenly replaced by the representative western blot image of GAPDH in Figure 6A. This error was caused during the assembly of the western blot images due to our negligence. The Figure S4B has now been corrected as shown below. This error has no effect on any of the statistics or conclusion in the paper and the revised figure has now been corrected online. The authors apologize for the mistake and any confusion this may have caused.