Liquid-liquid phase separation [1, 2] occurs not only in bulk liquid, but also on surfaces. In physiology, the nature and function of condensates on cellular structures remain unexplored. Here, we study how the condensed protein TPX2 behaves on microtubules to initiate branching microtubule nucleation [3–5], which is critical for spindle assembly in eukaryotic cells [6–10]. Using fluorescence, electron, and atomic force microscopies and hydrodynamic theory, we show that TPX2 on a microtubule reorganizes according to the Rayleigh-Plateau instability, like dew droplets patterning a spider web [11,12]. After uniformly coating microtubules, TPX2 forms regularly spaced droplets from which branches nucleate. Droplet spacing increases with greater TPX2 concentration. A stochastic model shows that droplets make branching nucleation more efficient by confining the space along the microtubule where multiple necessary factors colocalize to nucleate a branch.
Branching microtubule nucleation plays a major role in spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in dividing eukaryotic cells, where it is required to generate microtubules in the spindle for kinetochore fiber tension, spindle bipolarity, and cytokinesis [6–10]. Its malfunction has been linked to a worse prognosis in cancer [13,14]. The nucleation of a new microtubule from the side of a preexisting microtubule requires TPX2, the augmin complex, and the γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC) [3]. The first component to bind to the preexisting microtubule is TPX2 [4], which forms a liquid-like condensate on the microtubule that recruits tubulin and increases branching nucleation efficiency [5]. Other proteins also form condensed phases when associated with microtubules, such as Tau [15,16] and BugZ [17]. Yet, how these proteins behave on the microtubule surface and how this behavior translates to biological function remain unexplored. Here, we investigate the dynamics of condensed TPX2 on the microtubule. We find that the hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Plateau instability causes TPX2 to form regularly spaced droplets along the microtubule. Then, microtubule branches nucleate from these droplets.
We first studied the dynamics of TPX2 binding to microtubules in vitro using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy (Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, Methods). GFP-TPX2 at a concentration of 1 μM formed an initially uniform coating along microtubules within seconds. This coating then broke up into a periodic pattern of droplets over tens of seconds with size 0.5 ± 0.1 μm and spacing 0.6 ± 0.2 μm (mean ± standard deviation, N = 35 microtubules) along the microtubules (Movie 1, Fig. S1). Similar patterns of condensed protein have also been previously observed on single microtubules for TPX2 [5] and microtubule bundles for Tau [15], BugZ [17], and LEM2 [19]. We next performed the same experiment at a lower, physiological concentration of TPX2, 0.1 μM [5,20]. We observed a uniform coating but no visible droplet formation (Fig. S2a). In contrast, at higher resolution, electron microscopy (Methods) revealed that regularly spaced droplets do form at 0.1 μM, with size 0.29±0.03 μm and spacing 0.46±0.11 μm (mean ± standard deviation, N =2 microtubules) (Fig. 1c). This indicates that these droplets can exist below the diffraction limit of visible light. We then reconstituted branching microtubule nucleation in vitro using purified proteins [18] (Methods) and observed that branches originate from TPX2 droplets colocalized with augmin and γ-TuRC (Fig. 1d, Movie 2). 75 ± 18% of TPX2 droplets nucleated branches (mean ± standard deviation, N = 7 microtubules, Table S1). Droplet formation always happened before the nucleation of a branch, and no branches nucleated from areas that did not have droplets. Finally, in meiotic cytosol (Methods), microtubules also nucleate from a TPX2-coated microtubule to form a branched network (Fig. S2b, Movie 3). These results suggest that droplet formation from condensed TPX2 may be important for branching microtubule nucleation.
We wished to study the dynamics of droplet formation of TPX2 alone at higher spatial resolution than available by fluorescence microscopy and with temporal resolution not accessible by electron microscopy. Therefore, we turned to atomic force microscopy (AFM) to measure the topography of the initial coating and subsequent beading up of TPX2 on microtubules (Methods). By scanning the AFM tip over the sample every 4 minutes, with a resolution of ≃ 8 nm in the sample plane and ≃ 1 nm in height, we measured the height of a bare microtubule on a mica surface to be 25 ± 2 nm (mean ± standard deviation) (Fig. 2a −5 min, Fig. 2b black line), consistent with the known diameter of 25 nm [21]. We then added TPX2 at a concentration of 0.2 μM. After addition of TPX2, the height signal uniformly increased to 41 ± 3 nm (mean ± standard deviation) as the condensed protein coated the microtubule (Fig. 2a 0 min, Fig. 2b blue line). The film of TPX2 then proceeded to bead up into a periodic pattern of droplets along the microtubule with spacing 250± 35 nm (mean ± standard error of the mean) (Fig. 2a 60 min, Fig. 2b red line, Movie 4). The white carets in the 60 minute topography in Fig. 2a mark the droplets. The longer time scale to form droplets and the different spacings between droplets in AFM experiments compared to fluorescence and electron microscopy experiments is due to the different biochemical conditions and components used in each experimental method (Table S2). The emergent periodicity of the condensate is evident in the power spectrum of the raw height profile along the microtubule averaged over many samples (Fig. 2c). Power spectra rely on the Fourier transform to identify the frequency components of a signal buried in noise (Methods). Peaks in a power spectrum indicate the presence of a periodic pattern amidst noise; a monotonic power spectrum is expected for data that lacks periodicity. The power spectrum (Fig. 2c) shows no characteristic length scale before and immediately after coating with TPX2, whereas a peak with wavelength 260±20 nm (mean ± standard deviation) has emerged by 60 minutes. Thus, the topography of condensed TPX2 on microtubules exhibits systematic emergent periodicity.
Fluids that coat a solid fiber are known to form droplets via the Rayleigh-Plateau instability [11]. Surface tension causes the film to be unstable due to the curvature of the filament surface and the surface area is minimized by forming periodically spaced droplets along the fiber [12,22–24]. Following Goren [22], but working directly at low Reynolds number as is appropriate for our experimental system, we solved a linear stability problem for the growth rate σ of the droplet pattern as a function of the wave number k = 2π/λ, where λ is the pattern wavelength (Fig. 3a, Fig. S4, Supplement 1.1). We find that for a given ratio of the microtubule radius to the outer film radius, ri/ro, there is a wavelength λmax that grows with the largest growth rate σmax (Fig. 3b). This wavelength will grow exponentially faster than all other wavelengths, leading to a periodic interface with wavelength λmax. Thus, we identify the thicker regions of the AFM height profiles as droplets formed by this instability.
We tested the ability of this theory to explain droplet formation on microtubules by measuring film thicknesses and subsequent droplet spacings at different bulk concentrations of TPX2 (Fig. S5). The radius of the microtubule is fixed at ri = 25 nm. However, the thickness of the initial TPX2 film depends on its bulk concentration in solution and the density of microtubules (Fig. S6, Supplement 1.2). Capitalizing on this experimental fact, we changed the initial film thickness from h = 13 ± 2 nm at 0.1 μM TPX2 to h =22 ± 1 nm at 0.8 μM TPX2 (mean ± standard deviation) for a fixed microtubule density. The lower concentrations are physiological in healthy cells [5, 20]. The higher concentrations may reflect overexpression in cancer tumor cells, in which TPX2 often has higher genetic copy number [25] and transcript and protein expression [13,26], and can be a negative prognostic indicator [14]. TPX2 formed regularly spaced droplets along microtubules with consistently larger spacings λmax as its bulk concentration increased, following theory (Fig. 3c, Fig. S7, Table S3).
Our data exhibit spread for two reasons. First, the dispersion relation we calculate (Fig. 3b) has a broad peak, which means that wavelengths near the maximum growth rate λmax will grow nearly as fast (Fig. 3c, shaded area). Therefore, the discrepancy between the orange curve in Fig. 3c and the measured λmax is a natural consequence of the hydrodynamic theory. Second, low-force (25–40 pN), nanometer-scale AFM in fluid is highly susceptible to thermal noise. This is apparent in the raw height profiles (Fig. S3a) and power spectra (Fig. S3b) of the microtubule shown in Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b, as well as the power spectra of individual microtubules across the other TPX2 concentrations (Fig. S5, right column).
The theory is purely geometric and has no free parameters. The predicted wavelength does not depend on the material properties of the TPX2 condensate such as viscosity or surface tension, which only set the timescale for pattern formation. We note that the higher microtubule density used in AFM experiments (Fig. 2, Fig. 3c) leads to thinner condensed films than in the EM and reconstitution experiments (Fig. 1) and hence smaller droplet sizes, even at similar TPX2 concentrations (Table S2, Supplement 1.2).
In addition, we measured the growth rate of λmax to be exponential at early times, as expected for a linear instability (Fig. S8). At later times, the periodicity has already been selected as the droplet pattern has set in. Thus, the spectral power versus time stops changing. We also see that the time to form droplets is orders of magnitude greater than the time to grow the initial film. The film grows more quickly because the timescale for its growth is set by fast diffusion of protein in the bulk, whereas the timescale for droplet formation is limited by the slow capillary velocity γ/μ of the condensate (Supplement 1.2). As a control, kinesin-1, a motor protein that does not exist as a condensed phase in any known physiological context and whose binding site on the microtubule is structurally known [27, 28], did not exhibit hydrodynamic behavior on the microtubule as measured by AFM (Fig. S7).
How might TPX2 droplets facilitate branching microtubule nucleation? Noting that the process requires the coordinated action in time and space of at least two additional factors, augmin and γ-TuRC, we first imaged the localization of γ-TuRC on microtubules in the presence of TPX2 and augmin using electron microscopy. We found that the ratio of γ-TuRC on microtubules to γ-TuRC on the grid surface was 0.05 ± 0.05 without TPX2 and augmin (mean ± standard deviation, N = 3 microtubules, Fig. S9, Table S4). With TPX2 and augmin, this ratio was 0.48 ± 0.04 (mean ± standard deviation, N = 4 microtubules, Table S5), confirming that TPX2 and augmin preferentially localize γ-TuRC to microtubules. We observed that multiple 7-TuRCs cluster inside TPX2 droplets spaced 0.25 ± 0.09 μm (mean ± standard deviation, N = 4 microtubules) apart along microtubules (Fig. 4a), consistent with a recent report [18]. The ratio between the number of γ-TuRCs inside TPX2 droplets to the number on bare regions of the same microtubules was 4.8 ± 2.0 (mean ± standard deviation, N = 3 microtubules). Although this is an underestimate, given the difficulty of counting γ-TuRCs in TPX2 droplets, these results demonstrate that γ-TuRC preferentially localizes to TPX2 droplets along microtubules.
The first step in branching is the binding of TPX2 to the microtubule, which then localizes the other factors [4]. As such, we hypothesized that regularly spaced TPX2 droplets lead to more efficient colocalization of factors than a uniform coating (Fig. 4b). For a uniform coating, multiple factors must search a greater length along the microtubule before finding each other to nucleate a new branch. With regularly spaced droplets, the explored distance is shorter, which reduces the search time. We performed kinetic Monte Carlo simulations [29] for two factors binding to (with rate kon) and unbinding from (with rate koff) a microtubule of length l with a uniform TPX2 coating and a periodic pattern of TPX2 droplets (Supplement 1.3). These results show that the time to colocalize τ on the microtubule, and hence for nucleation of a new branch, is smaller for droplets than for a uniform layer (Fig. 4c, Fig. S10). As a negative control for this model, we used AFM to measure the topography of a C-terminal fragment of TPX2 on microtubules. This fragment is known to be less efficient at nucleating branches in cytosol [5]. Consistent with our model, it did not form droplets on microtubules (Fig. S7). Thus, synergistic with TPX2’s ability to recruit tubulin [5] and its high concentration as a condensate (Supplement 1.2), its organization into droplets partitions the microtubule so that multiple factors can more easily find each other. Taken together, TPX2’s phase behaviour enhances reaction kinetics via droplet patterning, condensate concentration and tubulin recruitment.
It is important to think about our model in a cellular context. During cell division, TPX2 is released as a gradient in the vicinity of chromosomes [30]. The typical TPX2 concentration in X. laevis is 90 nM [20] and the typical gradient length is ~ 10 μm [30]. This gives ~ 2 × 105 TPX2 molecules that are available to condense on microtubules near chromosomes, assuming a spherical volume. We estimate the concentration of TPX2 in the condensed phase to be 104 μm−3 using our AFM experiments (Methods). There are then ~ 80 TPX2 molecules needed to form a 10 nm condensed film on a typical 7-μm-long, 25-nm-diameter microtubule [31]. Therefore, TPX2 can coat ~ 3 × 103 microtubules during cell division. Given that the density of microtubules in the metaphase spindle is ~ 2 μm−3 within 10 μm of chromosomes [31], ~ 8 × 103 microtubules lie in the vicinity of chromosomes. Thus, TPX2 can coat ~ 40% of the metaphase microtubule mass near chromosomes at this film thickness. We hypothesize that the Rayleigh-Plateau instability is most relevant during early spindle assembly in order to accelerate the generation of microtubules, as TPX2 is responsible for creating most of the spindle microtubules via branching nucleation [32], in particular during early stages of spindle assembly [8].
As the study of liquid-like protein condensates has intensified [1,2], the physical phenomenology has been dominated by optical observations of droplets in solution or on microtubules. Here, we quantitatively demonstrate the emergence of non-trivial hydrodynamic features such as films and spatiotemporal periodic instabilities that arise when a condensate interacts with a filament. In future work, it will be interesting to explore how multiple proteins, such as TPX2 and BuGZ [17], condense on the microtubule, as multi-protein condensates in solution have been reported [33]. We suspect that interfacial physics could manifest itself in other ways when condensates interact with cellular filaments, such as via elastocapillary effects [34] that could produce forces between cytoskeletal filaments or other semi-flexible macromolecules such as RNA and DNA [35].
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank Drs. Stephanie Lee, Tseng-Ming Chou, and Matthew Libera at Stevens Institute of Technology for access to their AFM; Drs. Ian Armstrong and Samrat Dutta at Bruker for access to and support for their AFM; Drs. Matthew King, Ben Bratton, Mohammad Safari, Matthias Koch, Pierre Ronceray, and Ned Wingreen for helpful discussions; Akanksha Thawani for purification of TPX2; Henry Ando, Caroline Holmes, physiology students Valentina Baena, Linda Ma, Davis Laundon, and the Physiology Course at the Marine Biological Lab for assisting with the first AFM trials; and Princeton’s Imaging and Analysis Center, which is partially supported by the Princeton Center for Complex Materials, an NSF-MRSEC program (DMR-1420541).
B.G. was supported by PD Soros and NSF GRFP. S.S. was supported by NIH NCI NRSA 1F31CA236160 and NHGRI training grant 5T32HG003284. This work was funded by NIH NIA 1DP2GM123493, Pew Scholars Program 00027340, Packard Foundation 2014-40376, and CPBF NSF PHY-1734030.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Data, code, and materials used are available upon request.
Animal care was done in accordance with recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the NIH and the approved Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol 1941-16 of Princeton University.
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