The ApoE e4 allele is a well-known risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Previous research argues that higher education helps to preserve cognition in older adults with AD pathology because of its key role in cognitive reserve and resilience.
To test if higher educational level buffers the effect of ApoE e4 on cognition among older non-Hispanic Blacks.
Participants were 849 non-demented older non-Hispanic Blacks (38.3% ApoE e4+), who underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. Multiple linear regression models tested the relationship between ApoE e4 status and twelve cognitive measures with education (up to high school and beyond high school) as a moderator.
Education buffered the effects of the ApoE e4 allele, such that there was no impact of ApoE e4 status on word-list memory retention and working memory among participants with more than a high school degree. This pattern was not observed for ten other cognitive measures of verbal and visual episodic memory, semantic memory, executive function, and processing speed—although a similar trend was observed for switching ability in executive functioning. The buffering effect of education was stronger among women than men.
Our findings suggest that genetic effects on late-life cognition may be modified by environmental factors such as educational attainment. These results are consistent with the framework of cognitive reserve such that engaging in cognitively enriching activities and acquiring skills and knowledge with more years of education may increase the capacity to maintain cognitive function despite high genetic risk for impairment.
Keywords: ApoE, genetic risk, Alzheimer’s disease, episodic memory, neuropsychological evaluation, educational attainment, cognitive reserve, African American
Risk factors of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) range from genetics to environmental influences. Apolipoprotein e4 (ApoE e4) is a well-known genetic risk factor for AD [1] and on average, older individuals with the e4 allele show decreased cognitive functioning compared to non-carriers [2]. Education attainment is a modifiable environmental factor and has a protective effect against cognitive impairment and dementia in late life [3, 4]. However, the increased risk of cognitive impairment by having either the ApoE e4 allele or lower educational attainment both differ substantially across race and ethnicity [3, 5, 6]. However, the intersection of these two risk factors in minority populations has been relatively unexplored. Due to the growth of the United States’ aging population, it is important to understand risk factors of cognitive impairment in late life in minority populations, including their potential to be modified to reduce risk and decrease health disparities.
In minority populations, the strength of the effects of ApoE e4 on dementia risk [5], as well as those of education on cognitive performance [7, 8], differ from non-Hispanic Whites. While the association between ApoE e4 and dementia is less strong among non-Hispanic Blacks than non-Hispanic Whites, the effect of ApoE e4 is still relevant [9, 10]. In a meta-analysis by Farrer, et al. [11], the odds ratios to develop AD having the e4 allele compared to the APOE e3/e3 genotype in non-Hispanic Blacks were 1.8 (e2/e4), 1.1 (e3/e4), and 5.7 (e4/e4). In addition to AD risk, ApoE e4 has been demonstrated to be a risk factor for cognitive impairment in healthy older adults as well [12–16]. For example, our previous work demonstrated lower scores on semantic memory in dementia-free non-Hispanic Black ApoE e4 carriers compared to non-carriers [17].
In parallel, higher educational attainment reduces the risk of cognitive decline among older individuals [18, 19]. Shadlen, et al. [6] showed that the risk of dementia among non-Hispanic Blacks was 2.6 times smaller for those with high education (>10 years) compared to those with low education (≤10 years). More years of education may serve as a protective factor against clinical symptoms of dementia in the presence of neuropathology, through a phenomenon called cognitive reserve [20–22]. Apart from years of education, the quality of education that non-Hispanic Black older adults received differs from that of non-Hispanic Whites [23]. During legal racial segregation in the United States, when Black older adults grew up, the school quality in Black schools was substantially lower than that in White schools. The difference in school quality was due to the difference in amount of resources allocated to the school systems, shorter school years, and other social inequalities [24, 25]. Because the construct of education may be inequivalent across racial groups, it is important to characterize within-group effects of education on cognitive aging among non-Hispanic Black older adults.
At the intersection of the risk factors of education and ApoE e4, educational attainment may moderate the risk of ApoE e4 on cognitive decline. Winnock, et al. [12] showed that the effect of ApoE e4 on cognition disappeared after adjusting for education. In non-Hispanic Blacks, more years of education was an important predictor of less cognitive change over time among ApoE e4 carriers [26]. Besides years of education, Kaup, et al. [26] also found female sex to be a predictor of cognitive resilience among non-Hispanic Black ApoE e4 carriers. Both Winnock, et al. [12] and Kaup, et al. [26] investigated the effect of education on the relation between ApoE e4 and general cognitive status, measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE; 27] and its modified version [3MS; 28], respectively. The MMSE/3MS, being a cognitive screener, is only a gross measure of cognition and does not characterize functioning across different cognitive domains. Little is known about the role of educational attainment within the relation between ApoE genotype and late-life cognitive functioning in non-Hispanic Blacks across multiple cognitive domains, including memory (e.g., episodic memory, semantic memory) and non-memory domains (e.g., executive function, processing speed).
This study investigated the relationship between presence of the ApoE e4 allele and cognition in multiple domains among older non-Hispanic Blacks, and tested whether number of years of formal education moderates this association. We hypothesized 1) that ApoE e4 carriers would have lower cognitive scores than non-carriers across domains and 2) that ApoE e4 and education would interact, such that the effect of ApoE e4 on cognition is stronger in those with lower educational attainment than in those with higher educational attainment. In addition, we were interested in whether the relation of ApoE e4, cognition, and education would differ across sex/gender and age. Based on the findings by Kaup, et al. [26], we hypothesized that the moderating effect of education on the relationship between ApoE e4 and cognition would be stronger among women compared to men. Given the larger variability in cognitive impairment at older age, we expected that the main effect of ApoE e4 on cognition and the interaction by education would be stronger among the oldest-old compared to young-old adults.
Participants were 849 self-identified non-Hispanic Blacks in a multi-center study investigating genetic and environmental pathways of AD pathogenesis among non-Hispanic Blacks [29]. Inclusion criteria for the current study were being nondemented and having available ApoE e4 status and reported years of education. All individuals were dementia-free as evaluated at a consensus conference by standard research criteria [30–33], based on information from neurological, neuropsychological, medical, and functional assessments. A subset of the individuals was identified as having amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI), non-amnestic MCI, or impairment but not MCI (n = 276, 32.5%). Among all participants, 325 (38.3%) were ApoE e4 carriers (298 heterozygotes, 27 homozygotes) and 524 were non-carriers.
Race and ethnicity, sex/gender, and years of education were self-reported based on U.S. Census criteria [34]. All participants endorsed English as their primary language. Quality of education was assessed with the Wide Range Achievement Test 3 (WRAT-3) Reading performance subtest [35, 36]. Participants were excluded from participation if they reported a past history of psychosis, epilepsy, electroconvulsive therapy, Parkinson’s disease, or Huntington’s disease. ApoE genotyping was performed as described by Hixon and Vernier with slight modification [37]. Individuals were categorized as ApoE e4 positive or negative based on the presence of at least one e4 allele.
Participants were recruited for a multi-site case-control study on genetic and environmental risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease among non-Hispanic Blacks between April 2008 and December 2013 (AA Genetics Study; R01 AG028786). Participants were drawn from the Greater New York area, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama. Recruitment took place through educational presentations at churches, community centers, and local chapters of African American organizations, and advertisements in the media (radio and television, and newspapers).
Participants were tested at one of four sites; Columbia University, North Carolina A&T (NC A&T) State University, Vanderbilt University, and University of Miami. Participants were assessed using neuropsychological tests, a neurological evaluation, and assessment of daily functioning; additionally, blood was collected, and all participants were screened for and asked to participate in a structural MRI scan. The project was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of all participating sites.
Cognitive assessment
Individuals underwent an extensive neuropsychological assessment that evaluated verbal and visual episodic memory, semantic memory, working memory, executive function, and processing speed [38]. Episodic memory was assessed with the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) [39], the delayed free recall score of the Logical memory subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale Revised [40], and the delayed recall of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) [41]. On the CVLT, a verbal learning score was calculated as the score on Trial 5 minus the score on Trial 1, and a CVLT memory retention score was calculated as the delayed recall score divided by the score on Trial 5. On the Logical Memory subtest, a Logical Memory retention score was calculated as the delayed recall score divided by the immediate recall score. On ROCF, a visual memory ROCF retention score was calculated as the delayed recall score divided by the immediate recall score. Auditory working memory was measured with the Digit Span Backward subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised. Semantic memory was evaluated with picture naming using the 30-item Boston Naming Test (BNT) [42], and with semantic fluency of animals. Executive function was measured with the Trail Making Test [43] and letter fluency (the total sum correct across three trials). On the Trail Making Test, the score was measured as the difference in seconds between performing Trails A (max. 120 seconds) and Trails B (max. 300 seconds). Processing speed was tested using the Digit Symbol test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised [44].
Statistical Analysis
Participant characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics, general linear models, and chi-square tests. All cognitive scores were standardized. We performed multiple imputation to account for missing data of cognitive scores and WRAT-3 scores. A missing value analysis revealed that these scores were Missing At Random (MAR). All variables to be imputed were continuous variables, which were handled with predictive mean matching to avoid linearity assumptions regarding imputation. Predictors in the imputation model included diagnosis, age and its dichotomization, sex, site, years of education and its dichotomization, ApoE e4 status and number of alleles, all cognitive scores, WRAT-3, (Modified) Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score [27, 28], Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) score [45], and the interaction term of ApoE e4 status and education groups. We used Fully Conditional Specification as imputation method with 10 imputations and 20 iterations.
We performed multiple linear regression models to examine the relationship between ApoE e4 status and cognition, with years of education as a moderator. Years of education was dichotomized as up to high school (coded as 1) and beyond high school (coded as 0 as the reference category). First, we tested models of main effects with ApoE e4 status (carrier = 1 vs. non-carrier = 0) and education group as predictors and each cognitive measure as an outcome, adjusted for age, sex/gender, and testing site. Subsequently, we added the interaction term of ApoE e4 and education group to test if education moderates the effect of ApoE e4 on each cognitive measure. We then performed the same models but with the inclusion of quality of education, as measured by WRAT-3 performance, as a covariate. Lastly, we stratified the models by sex/gender and by age group (median split at 68.0 years). We performed sensitivity analyses of main and interaction effects by excluding those with cognitive impairment to assess if the observed patterns remained similar in the restricted sample.
Multiple comparisons were corrected for with a False Discovery Rate (FDR) approach using the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure [46]. In short, p-values of the effect of interest were ordered from smallest to largest and ranked i = 1 through i = 12, respectively. The Benjamini-Hochberg critical value was calculated as (i/m)Q where i is the rank, m is the total number of tests (i.e., 12), and Q is the false discovery rate. The largest p-value in the ranked order that is smaller than the critical value plus all p-values preceding it in rank are considered significant. The Q-value was set at .10 for main effects and .20 for interaction effects, as the statistical power to detect interactions is typically much lower than the power for main effects [47, 48]. All analyses were performed in SPSS Version 25 [49].
Sample characteristics.
The mean age of the participants was 69.3 years (SD = 7.6; range = 44–93). In our sample, 80.1% of the individuals were women, and 39.0% had completed no more than high school. An overview of participant characteristics per ApoE e4 status group is presented in Table 1. ApoE e4 status was not associated with age, and did not differ across sex/gender, education group, or testing site. The prevalence of ApoE e4 did not differ among all the diagnosis groups (normal, amnestic MCI, non-amnestic MCI, or impaired but not MCI), nor when contrasting normal versus all three forms of cognitive impairment (χ2 = 2.432, p = .069).
Table 1.
Participant characteristics
ApoE e4− | ApoE e4+ | p | ||
(n = 524) | (n = 325) | |||
Age (mean (SD)) | 69.36 (7.6) | 69.32 (7.5) | 0.942 | |
Sex/gender (% women) | 80.9% | 78.8% | 0.446 | |
Education (% <= high school) | 38.7% | 39.4% | 0.852 | |
Testing site (%) | Columbia University | 50.0% | 51.1% | 0.996 |
NC A&T University | 16.2% | 15.1% | ||
Vanderbilt University | 13.4% | 12.9% | ||
University of Miami | 20.4% | 20.9% | ||
Diagnosis (%) | Normal | 69.5% | 64.3% | 0.294 |
Amnestic MCI | 15.6% | 20.6% | ||
Non-amnestic MCI | 9.9% | 10.5% | ||
Impaired, not MCI | 5.0% | 4.6% |
Multiple Imputation of cognitive scores.
There were 460 participants (54.2%) with at least one missing value on any of the twelve cognitive measures or WRAT-3. Values were missing for 2.6% of the scores on CVLT verbal learning score, 2.2% on CVLT memory retention, 13.3% on delayed recall of Logical Memory, 13.7% on Logical Memory retention, 12.8% on Digit Span Backward, 41.3% on ROCF delayed recall, 41.7% on ROCF retention, 1.3% on semantic fluency, 13.2% on BNT, 18.7% on Trail Making Test, 13.4% on letter fluency, 14.0% on Digit Symbol, and 5.2% on WRAT-3. A comparison of the characteristics of participants with any missing value and those with completely observed data is provided in Table 2, supporting the MAR assumption by missingness being related to observed characteristics.
Table 2.
Distribution of variables among participants without and with missing values (100%: n=849)
No missings | ≥ 1 missing | p1 | ||
(n = 389; 45.8%) | (n = 460; 54.2%) | |||
ApoE e4 status (% carrier) | 40.6% | 36.3% | .203 | |
Age (mean (SD)) | 68.0 (7.1) | 70.5 (7.8) | < .001 | |
Sex/gender (% women) | 80.5% | 79.8% | .863 | |
Education (% <= high school) | 29.8% | 46.7% | < .001 | |
Testing site (%) | Columbia University | 82.0% | 23.7% | < .001 |
NC A&T University | 7.7% | 22.6% | ||
University of Miami | 5.1% | 33.7% | ||
Vanderbilt University | 5.1% | 20.0% | ||
Diagnosis (%) | Normal | 745% | 62% | .001 |
Amnestic MCI | 13.1% | 21.35% | ||
Non-amnestic MCI | 9.3% | 10.9% | ||
Impaired, not MCI | 3.6% | 5.9% | ||
CVLT verbal learning score (mean (SD)) | .116 (1.009) | −.103 (.982) | .002 | |
CVLT memory retention (mean (SD)) | .129 (.898) | −.114 (1.070) | < .001 | |
Logical Memory recall (mean (SD)) | .195 (.963) | −.218 (.997) | < .001 | |
Logical Memory retention (mean (SD)) | .063 (.935) | −.072 (1.065) | .068 | |
Digit Span Backward (mean (SD)) | .073 (1.017) | −.081 (.976) | .037 | |
ROCF recall (mean (SD)) | .103 (.994) | −.368 (.937) | < .001 | |
ROCF retention (mean (SD)) | .036 (1.102) | −.133 (.441) | .121 | |
Semantic fluency (mean (SD)) | .12 (.998) | −.104 (.991) | .001 | |
BNT (mean (SD)) | .205 (.814) | −.229 (1.132) | < .001 | |
Trail Making Test (mean (SD)) | −.142 (.967) | .184 (1.013) | < .001 | |
Letter fluency (mean (SD)) | .115 (.978) | −.129 (1.010) | .001 | |
Digit Symbol (mean (SD)) | .248 (.944) | −.282 (.988) | < .001 | |
WRAT-3 (mean (SD)) | 45.43 (5.88) | 44.35 (7.29) | .021 |
Calculated with chi-square tests and t-tests;
CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; ROCF = Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure; BNT = Boston Naming Test; WRAT-3 = Wide Range Achievement Test 3; all cognitive scores were standardized.
ApoE e4, education, and cognition.
Table 3 shows the relationships of ApoE e4 and education with each cognitive measure in models adjusted for age, sex/gender, and testing site. Individuals with ApoE e4 perform worse on CVLT memory retention, but not on any of the other eleven measures. Lower education is associated with lower scores on every cognitive measure except for Logical Memory retention and ROCF retention. Excluding subjects with cognitive impairment (remaining ApoE e4−: n = 364, ApoE e4+: n = 209) yielded largely the same patterns in beta values but lead to a loss of power due to the reduced sample size (Table 3).
Table 3.
Adjusted estimates of main effects of ApoE e4 status and education group
Whole sample | Restricted sample (sensitivity analysis) | ||||||
Cognitive measure | B | 95% CI | p | B | 95% CI | p | |
CVLT verbal learning | ApoE e4 | −.028 | [−.164; .108] | .687 | −.040 | [−.202; .122] | .627 |
Education | −.169 | [−.307; −.032] | .016* | −.067 | [−.236; .102] | .435 | |
CVLT memory retention | ApoE e4 | −.189 | [−.324; −.054] | .006* | −.125 | [−.254; .004] | .057 |
Education | −.305 | [−.442; −.169] | < .001* | −.100 | [−.237; .036] | .150 | |
Logical Memory Delay | ApoE e4 | −.099 | [−.235; .037] | .153 | −.064 | [−.233; .106] | .461 |
Education | −.503 | [−.655; −.352] | < .001* | −.449 | [−.628; −.269] | < .001* | |
Logical Memory retention | ApoE e4 | −.026 | [−.183; .131] | .745 | .011 | [−.176; .198] | .907 |
Education | −.074 | [−.220; .073] | .325 | −.078 | [−.251; .095] | .379 | |
Digit Span Backward | ApoE e4 | −.037 | [−.184; .110] | .619 | −.019 | [−.203; .165] | .837 |
Education | −.400 | [−.538; −.261] | < .001* | −.361 | [−.543; −.179] | < .001* | |
ROCF Delay | ApoE e4 | −.037 | [−.211; .137] | .672 | .005 | [−.208; .217] | .965 |
Education | −.419 | [−.587; −.251] | < .001* | −.346 | [−.545; −.147] | .001* | |
ROCF retention | ApoE e4 | .123 | [−.044; .291] | .147 | .135 | [−.078; .349] | .212 |
Education | −.041 | [−.227; .146] | .663 | −.066 | [−.285; .153] | .552 | |
Semantic fluency | ApoE e4 | −.121 | [−.251; .009] | .067 | −.020 | [−.169; .129] | .791 |
Education | −.277 | [−.409; −.146] | < .001* | −.216 | [−.371; −.062] | .006* | |
BNT | ApoE e4 | −.056 | [−.194; .082] | .429 | −.078 | [−.225; .068] | .292 |
Education | −.454 | [−.587; −.321] | < .001* | −.399 | [−.548; −.250] | < .001* | |
Trails | ApoE e4 | .048 | [−.088; .185] | .488 | .043 | [−.105; .191] | .569 |
Education | .274 | [.135; .412] | < .001* | .352 | [.198; .507] | < .001* | |
Letter fluency | ApoE e4 | −.025 | [−.166; .117] | .731 | .042 | [−.124; .208] | .621 |
Education | −.487 | [−.625; −.348] | < .001* | −.346 | [−.514; −.177] | < .001* | |
Digit Symbol Test | ApoE e4 | .005 | [−.118; .128] | .934 | .051 | [−.095; .197] | .491 |
Education | −.578 | [−.705; −.450] | < .001* | −.441 | [−.598; −.284] | < .001* |
Note. Reference category ApoE e4 status = non-carriers; B = unstandardized coefficient; CI = confidence interval;
FDR-corrected significant; adjusted for age, sex/gender, and testing site;
CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; ROCF = Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure; BNT = Boston Naming Test; WRAT-3 = Wide Range Achievement Test 3; ; all cognitive scores were standardized; restricted sample excluded participants with cognitive impairment.
Moderation by education.
Table 4 shows the estimates for ApoE e4, adjusted for age, sex/gender, testing site, in individuals with low versus high education. In individuals with lower educational attainment, ApoE e4 carriers performed worse than non-carriers on CVLT memory retention, but ApoE e4 groups performed similarly in those with higher educational attainment. Formally testing interactions of ApoE e4 status with education confirmed an interaction effect for CVLT memory retention (B = −.369, CI [−.648; −.091], p = .009). A similar pattern was observed for Digit Span Backward: among those with lower educational attainment, ApoE e4 carriers performed worse than non-carriers, but ApoE e4 groups performed similarly in those with higher educational attainment. There was no ApoE e4 by education interaction across the other ten cognitive measures. Figure 1 illustrates the relationships between ApoE e4 status and cognition by education group, adjusted for covariates. The pattern of an interaction effect between ApoE e4 and education on CVLT memory retention remained after excluding subjects with cognitive impairment (B = −.314, CI [−.595; −.032], p = .029) but not for Digit Span Backward (B = −.297, CI [−.658; .064], p = .107) because of a loss of power due to the reduced sample size.
Table 4.
Estimates for the effect of ApoE e4 status on cognition in education strata
Education group | ||||||
High school or less | Beyond high school | |||||
Cognitive measure | B | 95% CI | p | B | 95% CI | p |
CVLT verbal learning | −.013 | [−.236; .211] | .911 | −.048 | [−.221; .124] | .582 |
CVLT memory retention | −.433 | [−.675; −.191] | < .001 | −.050 | [−.209; .109] | .536 |
Logical Memory | −.044 | [−.258; .170] | .687 | −.153 | [−.332; .027] | .096 |
Digit Span Backward | −.257 | [−.472; −.042] | .019 | .083 | [−.108; .274] | .394 |
Rey Figure | −.087 | [−.387; .213] | .559 | −.003 | [−.191; .186] | .976 |
Semantic fluency | −.058 | [−.272; .156] | .594 | −.164 | [−.328; .001] | .052 |
BNT | −.081 | [−.326; .164] | .516 | −.057 | [−.217; .102] | .481 |
Trails | .202 | [−.043; .447] | .106 | −.051 | [−.212; .111] | .537 |
Letter fluency | −.109 | [−.325; .107] | .324 | .007 | [−.177; .192] | .938 |
Digit Symbol Test | .013 | [−.181; .206] | .899 | −.012 | [−.175; .152] | .890 |
Note. Reference category ApoE e4 status = non-carriers; B = unstandardized coefficient; CI = confidence interval;
FDR-corrected significant; adjusted for age, sex/gender, and testing site;
CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; ROCF = Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure; BNT = Boston Naming Test; WRAT-3 = Wide Range Achievement Test 3; all cognitive scores were standardized
Figure 1.
Relationships between ApoE e4 status and cognitive test by education group. Cognitive test scores are standardized residuals after adjusting for age, sex/gender, and testing site; bars represent 95% confidence intervals; figures are based on imputation set 10.
Stratification by sex/gender and age.
To investigate if moderation by education on the relationship between ApoE e4 status and cognition differed as a function of sex/gender or age, we performed analyses for separate strata of men versus women and by age group stratified at the median split (≤ 68 years versus >68 years; Table 5). For CVLT memory retention, main effects of ApoE e4 status on CVLT memory retention scores were stronger for women than men; correspondingly, the interaction between ApoE e4 and education was only present in women. Notably, an effect of ApoE e4 status was present on Digit Span Backward performance in men, but not women. However, the interaction between ApoE e4 and education on Digit Span Backward was only present in women. In age strata, the main effect of ApoE e4 on CVLT memory retention was observed in the group older than 68 years but not in the group younger than 68. No interaction effects between ApoE e4 status and education in age groups survived FDR correction. No other cognitive measures showed interaction effects of ApoE e4 with education in either stratum of sex/gender or age.
Table 5.
Effect estimates of ApoE e4 status, education group, and their interaction on cognitive measures across strata of sex/gender and age groups
Sex/Gender | Age Group | ||||||||||||
Men | Women | Up to 68 years | Older than 68 years | ||||||||||
Cognitive measure | B | 95% CI | p | B | 95% CI | p | B | 95% CI | p | B | 95% CI | p | |
CVLT verbal learning | ApoE e4 | −.156 | [−.466; .153] | .322 | .000 | [−.153; .154] | .999 | −.081 | [−.272; .109] | .402 | −.007 | [−.205; .191] | .947 |
Education | −.144 | [−.447; .159] | .350 | −.167 | [−.324..011] | .036* | −.027 | [−.221; .167] | .786 | −.313 | [−.510; −.116] | .002* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.336 | [−.947; .275] | .281 | .157 | [−.162; .475] | .335 | .020 | [−.380; .420] | .923 | .056 | [−.346; .458] | .784 | |
CVLT memory retention | ApoE e4 | −.252 | [−.612; .108] | .171 | −.192 | [−.337; −.048] | .009* | −.074 | [−.249; .101] | .408 | −.312 | [−.522; −.101] | .004* |
Education | −.104 | [−.459; .251] | .566 | −.351 | [−.496; −.205] | < .001* | −.322 | [−.503; −.142] | < .001* | −.323 | [−.531; −.114] | .002* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.005 | [−.721; .712] | .990 | −.481 | [−.778; −.184] | .001* | −.347 | [−.707; .013] | .059 | −.385 | [−.810; .039] | .075 | |
Logical Memory | ApoE e4 | −.216 | [−.519; .087] | .163 | −.084 | [−.235; .067] | .273 | −.026 | [−.220; .168] | .791 | −.182 | [.376; .012] | .067 |
Education | −.245 | [−.551; .060] | .115 | −.565 | [−.742; −.389] | < .001* | −.463 | [−.657; −.269] | < .001* | −.571 | [−.809; −.333] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | .328 | [−.274; .931] | .285 | .064 | [−.260; .389] | .697 | .251 | [−.168; .670] | .239 | −.002 | [−.417; .412] | .992 | |
Logical Memory retention | ApoE e4 | .008 | [−.358; .374] | .996 | −.037 | [−.206; .132] | .666 | .135 | [−.072; .343] | .201 | −.200 | [−.419; .020] | .074 |
Education | −.013 | [−.395; .369] | .947 | −.094 | [−.264; .077] | .280 | −.088 | [−.292; .117] | .401 | −.093 | [−.322; .137] | .426 | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.209 | [−.956; .538] | .582 | −.035 | [−.383; .312] | .841 | .113 | [−.316; .541] | .606 | −.219 | [−.694; .256] | .363 | |
Digit Span Backward | ApoE e4 | −.330 | [−.637; −.023] | .035* | .028 | [−.143; .199] | .748 | −.101 | [−.304; .103] | .332 | .012 | [−.188; .213] | .906 |
Education | −.192 | [−.506..123] | .232 | −.442 | [−.692; −.282] | < .001* | −.288 | [−.494; −.081] | .006* | −.520 | [−.725; −.315] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.195 | [−.833; .443] | .549 | −.346 | [−.671; −.020] | .037* | −.431 | [−.843; −.019] | .040 | −.231 | [−.650; .188] | .280 | |
ROCF delay | ApoE e4 | .150 | [−.229; .528] | .434 | −.081 | [−.266; .104] | .383 | .062 | [−.190; .314] | .622 | −.150 | [−.365; .065] | .171 |
Education | −.447 | [−.869; −.025] | .038* | −.420 | [−.609; −.232] | < .001* | −.431 | [−.661; −.202] | < .001* | −.430 | [−.653; −.207] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.031 | [−.764; .702] | .933 | −.124 | [−.496; .248] | .509 | −.228 | [−.675; .219] | .314 | −.067 | [−.374; .508] | .764 | |
ROCF retention | ApoE e4 | .093 | [−.353; .538] | .674 | .130 | [−.051; .310] | .159 | .162 | [−.080; .403] | .189 | .093 | [−.128; .313] | .403 |
Education | .007 | [−.399; .413] | .973 | −.053 | [−.239; .134] | .578 | −.100 | [−.347; .146] | .424 | .013 | [−.261; .287] | .923 | |
ApoE e4*Education | .039 | [−.904; .981] | .933 | −.178 | [−.532; .176] | .324 | −.253 | [−.791; .284] | .353 | .003 | [−.394; .399] | .989 | |
Semantic fluency | ApoE e4 | −.408 | [−.750; −.065] | .020* | −.050 | [−.190; .089] | .481 | −.168 | [−.362; .027] | .091 | −.077 | [−.256; .102] | .400 |
Education | −.188 | [−.525; .148] | .273 | −.289 | [−.431; −.148] | < .001* | −.236 | [−.434; −.037] | .020* | −.335 | [−.514; −.157] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.059 | [−.741; .624] | .866 | .181 | [−.108; .471] | .220 | .019 | [−.384; .422] | .927 | .166 | [−.200; .531] | .374 | |
BNT | ApoE e4 | −.002 | [−.307; .303] | .990 | −.081 | [−.237; .075] | .308 | −.055 | [−.226; .116] | .528 | −.071 | [−.290; .147] | .522 |
Education | −.269 | [−.568; .030] | .078 | −.503 | [−.651; −.355] | < .001* | −.411 | [−.582; −.240] | < .001* | −.516 | [−.735; −.297] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | .100 | [−.495; .696] | .741 | −.063 | [−.380; .254] | .697 | −.143 | [−.489; .202] | .416 | .122 | [−.340; .583] | .604 | |
Trails | ApoE e4 | .108 | [−.215; .432] | .512 | .038 | [−.113; .189] | .623 | .041 | [−.142; .224] | .663 | .049 | [−.157; .255] | .642 |
Education | .188 | [−.130; .505] | .246 | .294 | [.139; .448] | < .001* | .311 | [.123; .499] | .001* | .247 | [.041; .452] | .019* | |
ApoE e4*Education | .470 | [−.169; 1.108] | .149 | .195 | [−.120; .511] | .225 | .323 | [−.057; .703] | .096 | .182 | [−.238; .601] | .396 | |
Letter fluency | ApoE e4 | −.071 | [−.393; .251] | .667 | −.024 | [−.179; .132] | .767 | −.137 | [−.335; .062] | .176 | .073 | [−.130; .276] | .480 |
Education | −.279 | [−.601; .042] | .089 | −.541 | [−.697; −.384] | < .001* | −.386 | [−.586; −.185] | < .001* | −.577 | [−.774; .380] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.322 | [−.948; .305] | .315 | −.050 | [−.369; .269] | .759 | −.316 | [−.719; .087] | .124 | .085 | [−.323; .493] | .682 | |
Digit Symbol Test | ApoE e4 | .052 | [−.239; .342] | .727 | −.016 | [−.152; .121] | .822 | .020 | [−.162; .202] | .830 | −.018 | [−.204; .167] | .847 |
Education | −.511 | [−.808; −.215] | .001* | −.594 | [−.737; −.450] | < .001* | −.532 | [−.716; −.347] | < .001* | −.651 | [−.828; −.474] | < .001* | |
ApoE e4*Education | −.313 | [−.865; .239] | .267 | .113 | [−.179; .406] | .447 | −.191 | [−.576; .193] | .329 | .225 | [−.130; .580] | .213 |
Note. Reference category ApoE e4 status = non-carriers; B = unstandardized coefficient; CI = confidence interval;
FDR-corrected significant; adjusted for age, sex/gender, and testing site;
CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; ROCF = Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure; BNT = Boston Naming Test; WRAT-3 = Wide Range Achievement Test 3; all cognitive scores were standardized.
Adjustment for quality of education.
To explore the influence of quality of education, we repeated the models for main effects of ApoE e4 status and education, and their interaction effect, adjusted for covariates as well as WRAT-3 score. Addition of WRAT-3 did not change the results for CVLT memory retention, with similar main effects of ApoE e4 status (B = −.189, CI [−.324; −.054], p = .006) and education (B = −.273, CI [−.418; −.127], p < .001), as well as their interaction effect (B = −.362, CI [−.641; −.084], p = .011). For Digit Span Backward, the model with WRAT-3 showed a similar but weaker pattern compared to a model without WRAT-3, without main effects of ApoE e4 status (B = −.038, CI [−.174; .099], p = .587) or education (B = −.079, CI [−.215; .056], p = .251), and their interaction effect not surviving FDR correction (B = −.252, CI [−.519; .016], p = .065).
We found that among older non-Hispanic Black adults studied cross-sectionally, education buffered the negative effects of the ApoE e4 allele, such that there was no impact of e4 status on CVLT memory retention and Digit Span Backward among participants with more than a high school degree. This pattern was stronger in women compared to men. The moderation of education on the relation of ApoE e4 on cognition was only observed for CVLT memory retention and Digit Span Backward, but not for other memory and non-memory measures—although a similar trend was observed for switching ability in executive functioning.
Main effects of ApoE e4 [13, 17, 50] and education [18, 51] on cognition have been well-established in the literature. Education is arguably the most important non-biological predictor of cognitive performance in old age [52]. Our findings suggest a gene-environment interaction between ApoE e4 and education on cognition, and replicates prior studies [12, 26]. The modifying effect of education on CVLT memory retention and Digit Span Backward in ApoE e4 carriers is consistent with the framework of cognitive reserve such that higher educational attainment may provide cognitively enriching activities and acquisition of skills and knowledge that enables the ability to maintain cognitive function in the presence of disease risk [53]. Future research should replicate our findings in a larger cohort and test whether the moderation effect of education on the relation between ApoE e4 and CVLT memory retention differs among race/ethnicity groups, e.g., non-Hispanic Blacks, non-Hispanic Whites, and Hispanics.
There may be additional circumstances and correlates of lower versus higher education throughout the life course (e.g., childhood socio-economic status, income in adulthood) that may contribute to the observed effect that should be investigated. For example, the health benefits of education may be undermined by structural discrimination in non-Hispanic Black men [54]. These structural limitations that frame the context of life-course social factors in non-Hispanic Blacks highlight the need to deconstruct what ‘genetic risk for cognitive impairment’ means in minority populations, when there are so many strong social factors that can affect health [55]. Additional directions for future research are to investigate to what extent modification by social and environmental factors on genetic risk for cognitive impairment differs among race/ethnicity groups, and which factors specifically contribute to potential dissimilarities.
Not all studies confirm a protective effect of education on genetic risk for cognitive decline. For example, Seeman, et al. [56] did not find any modifying effect of education on baseline global cognition by ApoE e4 risk. In our study, we expected education to buffer the effects of ApoE e4 on all cognitive measures (e.g., semantic memory, executive function, and processing speed), but the moderation effect was only on CVLT memory retention and Digit Span Backward. The effect of CVLT memory retention, however, was the only measure to uniquely and consistently show the main effects of ApoE e4 and its interaction effect with years of education, even independent of quality of education. A possible explanation may be that difficulty in retention of a word list is typically one of the first—if not the first—cognitive manifestations in the cascade of AD-related cognitive impairment [57–59]. Thus, in our sample of individuals without dementia, we were only able to observe the effect of ApoE e4 and education moderation robustly on this sensitive indicator of word-list memory.
In our sample, 32.5% of the individuals were classified in consensus conference as having cognitive impairment but not dementia (of whom 85.1% with MCI). Mild signs of cognitive impairment are often considered to put an individual at increased risk of developing dementia [60]. However, not all individuals with MCI progress to dementia; a meta-analysis by Bruscoli and Lovestone [61] reported annual conversion rates ranging from 10.9–31.1%. Our sensitivity analysis that excluded individuals with mild impairment mirrored a similar pattern as was observed in the whole sample for the relation between ApoE e4, education, and CVLT memory retention. Importantly, the prevalence of ApoE e4 in our sample did not differ between those who were cognitively normal and those that had some mild form of cognitive impairment.
Stratified analyses by sex/gender revealed a stronger main effect of ApoE e4 on CVLT memory retention in women than men, a finding that is in line with previous findings [11, 26], particularly between ages 65 and 75 [62]. While the interaction between ApoE e4 and education on memory has not been previously studied across sex/gender, prior work shows that women tend to outperform men in measures of episodic memory [51, 63, 64], and that sex/gender and education interact such that men with fewer years of education perform worse on verbal memory than women with both high and low education attainment [65]. We also found that the effects of ApoE e4 on CVLT memory retention were particularly present in the group that was older than 68 years. The absence of a main effect of ApoE e4 in our participants of 68 years and younger extends previous observations that the effect of ApoE e4 on cognition was not yet expressed in 45–55 year-olds [66].
We did not consider local ancestry of the APOE haplotype in this analysis, and if years of education is associated with local African ancestry in our cohort, the moderation of schooling on the effect of ApoE e4 could be due to confounding. Prior research indicates that within admixed groups, such as Hispanics and African Americans, those who inherit a genetic region around the ApoE allele of African ancestry are at lower risk for AD than those who inherit a European ApoE region [67, 68]. Marden, et al. [69] demonstrated a relationship between global African genetic ancestry and social factors such as years of education. A next step in this line of research will be to determine whether local African ancestry surrounding the ApoE gene is a common cause of both educational attainment (through structural racism that has denied Black people educational opportunities throughout the history of the United States) and protective genetic variants that surround the E4 allele for those with African ancestral background.
Our study has strengths and limitations. Strengths include a large sample of non-Hispanic Blacks that had been genotyped and underwent an extensive neuropsychological battery of cognitive tasks. Within-group examinations of non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics are crucial to advance aging research in minorities because they can 1) reveal the degree of within-group heterogeneity of psychological processes and how meaningful social variables contribute to this variability, and 2) potentially expose processes underlying specific behaviors or measurement differences that may be lost in between-group comparisons [70]. One limitation includes the low percentage of men among our participants. This gender gap is in the same direction—yet more extreme—as in the general population, with women making up 60% of the population of non-Hispanic Blacks aged 65 and older in 2014 [71]. The limited number of men in stratified analyses may explain the absence of a significant main effect of ApoE e4 on CVLT memory retention for men, as the effect size (indicated by the beta estimate) was approximately equal for men and women. Another limitation is that the low number of homozygote ApoE e4 carriers (n = 23) prevented us from performing analyses stratified by number of alleles. Our hypothesis would have been that the main effect of ApoE e4 as well as its interaction effect with education would be expressed more strongly in homozygotes than heterozygotes. Future research should investigate the possibility of a dose effect by number of alleles. Lastly, a limitation is that our sample was not community-based but volunteer-based, with recruitment via flyers and advertisements in newspapers and online. This recruitment process can introduce a participation bias. We observe the consequence of this recruitment process in the mean 13.2 years of education among our participants, which is higher than reported for older non-Hispanic Blacks in community-based samples, including means that range from 7.5–11.7 years [72–74]. Future studies should replicate our findings in a community-based cohort.
In sum, our findings suggest that genetic effects on late-life cognition may be modified by environmental factors such as education. Importantly, this effect was observed in a sample of non-Hispanic Blacks, a minority population that is consistently shown to have higher prevalence of ApoE e4, fewer years of education, and higher dementia rates compared to non-Hispanic Whites. Therefore, these findings underscore the large potential that lays in targeting modifiable risk factors such as education early in life with public policy to reduce risk of cognitive decline and decrease health disparities in later life.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging Grant R01 AG028786. We thank Larry Deon Adams, Jovita Inciute, Tsvyatko P. Dorovski, Raquel Cabo, Josina Habegger, Karmen Louie, and Elizabeth Allocco for their help with recruitment, data collection, and/or data management, and Gelan Ying for her help in organizing statistical output.
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