Figure 1.
The ketogenic formula changes the fecal microbiome. (a) The number of spasms. (b) The number of OTUs in saline or lesion pups fed with normal or ketogenic formula. (c) Chao1 and ACE indices. (d) PLS-DA analysis of the microbiota composition at the OTU level. (e) Respresentative microbial families that were significantly affected by diet or lesion treatment. (f) Random Forest analysis of the genus features accounting for the microbiota variation. (g) Normalized abundances of dominant OTUs in the fecal microbiome, with right histogram showing mean value per group. (h) PLS-DA analysis of the data at KEGG pathway level from metagenomics predection. (i) Alterations of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan metabolism based on the metagenomics predection. n = 10, 10, 10, 9 for NDS, KDS, NDL, and KDL, respectively. Data are presentd as mean±SEM (a, b, c, e, i). Student's t test (a), One-way ANOVA with Turkey's post-hoc test (b, c, i), full-factorial general linear model ANOVA with type III sums of squares (e): *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. ND, normal diet; NDL, normal diet and intracerebral lesion; NDS, normal diet and intracerebral saline treatment; KD, ketogenic diet; KDL, ketogenic diet and intracerebral lesion; KDS, ketogenic diet and intracerebral saline treatment; OTU, operational taxonomic unit.