Vol. 124: 1532–1539, 2000
Gibson, S.I. Plant Sugar-Response Pathways. Part of a Complex Regulatory Web.
In Table I, the line “sis5 Is allelic to aba4” should have appeared as “sis5 Is allelic to abi4.” Table I has been reprinted on p 2206.
Table I.
Sugar-response mutants and corresponding loci
Mutants | Originals Selection | Loci | References |
rsr | Reduced sensitivity to Suc induction of patatin expression | Martin et al., 1997 | |
lba | Reduced sensitivity to Suc induction of β-amylase expression | Mita et al., 1997b | |
hba | Increased sensitivity to Suc induction of β-amylase expression | Mita et al., 1997a | |
sun | Reduced sensitivity to Suc repression of plastocyanin expression | sun6 ls allelic to abi4 | Dijkwel et al., 1997; Huijser ete al., 2000 |
sis | Reduced sensitivity to Glc or Suc-mediated inhibition of early seedling development | sis1 ls allelic to ctr1sis4 ls allelic to aba2 sis5 ls allelic to abi4 | Laby et al., 2000; S. Gibson, R. Laby, and D. Kim, unpublished data |
gin | Reduced sensitivity to Glc-mediated inhibition of early seedling development | gin1 ls allelic to aba2gin6 ls allelic to abi4 | Zhou et al., 1998; Arenas-Huertero et al., 2000; J. Sheen, personal communication |
prl | Increased sensitivity to sugar-mediated inhibition of early seedling development | PRL1 Encodes a WD-40 protein | Németh et al., 1998; Bhalerao et al., 1999 |