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. 2022 Mar 8;17(3):e0264331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264331

Characteristics and impact of Long Covid: Findings from an online survey

Nida Ziauddeen 1,2,*, Deepti Gurdasani 3, Margaret E O’Hara 4, Claire Hastie 4, Paul Roderick 1, Guiqing Yao 5, Nisreen A Alwan 1,2,6,*
Editor: Catherine G Sutcliffe7
PMCID: PMC8903286  PMID: 35259179



Long Covid is a public health concern that needs defining, quantifying, and describing. We aimed to explore the initial and ongoing symptoms of Long Covid following SARS-CoV-2 infection and describe its impact on daily life.


We collected self-reported data through an online survey using convenience non-probability sampling. The survey enrolled adults who reported lab-confirmed (PCR or antibody) or suspected COVID-19 who were not hospitalised in the first two weeks of illness. This analysis was restricted to those with self-reported Long Covid. Univariate comparisons between those with and without confirmed COVID-19 infection were carried out and agglomerative hierarchical clustering was used to identify specific symptom clusters, and their demographic and functional correlates.


We analysed data from 2550 participants with a median duration of illness of 7.6 months (interquartile range (IQR) 7.1–7.9). 26.5% reported lab-confirmation of infection. The mean age was 46.5 years (standard deviation 11 years) with 82.8% females and 79.9% of participants based in the UK. 89.5% described their health as good, very good or excellent before COVID-19. The most common initial symptoms that persisted were exhaustion, chest pressure/tightness, shortness of breath and headache. Cognitive dysfunction and palpitations became more prevalent later in the illness. Most participants described fluctuating (57.7%) or relapsing symptoms (17.6%). Physical activity, stress, and sleep disturbance commonly triggered symptoms. A third (32%) reported they were unable to live alone without any assistance at six weeks from start of illness. 16.9% reported being unable to work solely due to COVID-19 illness. 37.0% reported loss of income due to illness, and 64.4% said they were unable to perform usual activities/duties. Acute systems clustered broadly into two groups: a majority cluster (n = 2235, 88%) with cardiopulmonary predominant symptoms, and a minority cluster (n = 305, 12%) with multisystem symptoms. Similarly, ongoing symptoms broadly clustered in two groups; a majority cluster (n = 2243, 88.8%) exhibiting mainly cardiopulmonary, cognitive symptoms and exhaustion, and a minority cluster (n = 283, 11.2%) exhibiting more multisystem symptoms. Belonging to the more severe multisystem cluster was associated with more severe functional impact, lower income, younger age, being female, worse baseline health, and inadequate rest in the first two weeks of the illness, with no major differences in the cluster patterns when restricting analysis to the lab-confirmed subgroup.


This is an exploratory survey of Long Covid characteristics. Whilst this is a non-representative population sample, it highlights the heterogeneity of persistent symptoms, and the significant functional impact of prolonged illness following confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection. To study prevalence, predictors and prognosis, research is needed in a representative population sample using standardised case definitions.


The morbidity burden of the COVID-19 pandemic is becoming increasingly apparent and concerning. Long Covid describes the condition of not recovering for many weeks or months following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection [1]. It was first described and named as an umbrella term through a social media movement in Spring 2020 when many people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection were not recovering weeks after onset of symptoms [2, 3]. Long Covid can occur regardless of the severity of the initial infection [4, 5]. The mechanisms underlying it are still largely unknown [6] and therefore it is premature to label all of its manifestations as a post viral illness [3]. Evidence describing the condition is scarce, but is starting to emerge on the long-term health impairment and organ damage following COVID-19 [711]. Patients are struggling to access adequate recognition, support, medical assessment and treatment for their condition, particularly those with no lab evidence of their infection during the first wave of the pandemic when testing was not accessible to those not hospitalised in the initial phase of their COVID-19 disease [12, 13].

The prevalence of Long Covid is still uncertain, but evidence is emerging that it is relatively common. Data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), based on a nationally representative non-institutionalised sample of lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases including asymptomatic ones, estimate a prevalence of 11.7% at 12 weeks from testing positive, increasing to 17.7% when considering only those symptomatic at the acute phase of the illness [14]. However, the detailed range of symptoms, disability, progression from the acute illness, and impact on work and daily activities are still not well described in such non-hospitalised population-based surveys. For example, the ONS study base their estimates on a list of 12 symptoms included in the ONS infection survey [14, 15], with some of the common symptoms of Long Covid such as chest pain, palpitations and cognitive problems missing from that list. Other studies, some with a wider symptom list, estimate the prevalence of persisting symptoms to be higher at around one in three people for up to 18 weeks post infection [4, 5, 16].

There are more studies following-up hospitalised than non-hospitalised COVID-19 patients, with the assumption that hospitalisation indicates severe disease in most settings [1719]. The natural history and pathology in those acutely severely ill with COVID-19 may be different to those developing Long Covid, but certain inflammatory or immunological mechanisms may be shared [20, 21]. The multisystem nature of the illness is a common feature. A multi-country web-based survey of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases found a range of 205 symptoms, with respondents who had a duration of illness over 6 months experiencing an average of 14 symptoms [10].

A rapid living systematic review concluded that there is currently insufficient evidence to provide a precise definition of Long Covid symptoms and prevalence [22]. The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has defined “post-COVID-19 syndrome” as signs or symptoms that develop during or after acute COVID-19, continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis [23]. However, the ‘signs or symptoms’ that qualify for the definition are not specified. This may result in variation in diagnosis and referral among different clinicians, leading to inequalities in recognition and accessing services [24]. Many of those infected in spring 2020 did not have access to testing and therefore have struggled to receive recognition, diagnosis and support [12, 13]. This study was conceived following conversations with people with Long Covid in the community who perceived a lack of data on COVID-19 sequelae in non-hospitalised individuals and felt a need for their experience to be explored and documented.

In adults who self-reported Long Covid after suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and were not hospitalised in the first two weeks of their COVID-19 illness, we aimed to:

  • Characterise the initial and the ongoing symptoms of Long Covid in terms of their range, nature, pattern, progression and what triggers and relieves them

  • Describe the impact of Long Covid on daily activities and work


This is a cross-sectional online survey using a convenience non-probability sampling method. The survey was posted by the study authors on social media websites (Twitter and Facebook), including on the Facebook Long Covid Support Group (membership at the time of posting was around 30,000, the group was founded in the UK but has international membership too), and the smaller UK doctors #longcovid Facebook Group. Subsequently, it was shared on the Survivor Corps Facebook Group (USA), and the Body Politic Support Group on Slack (international) by members of these groups. These social media groups were selected for posting the survey because we aimed to recruit people who identify themselves as living with Long Covid as well those who believe they have recovered from the illness. CH is the founder of the Facebook Long Covid Support Group, and MEO is on the administrative team for that Group. They both have experience of Long Covid.

The survey was available online in Microsoft Forms format, and open to complete for a period of one week, from November 7th to 14th 2020. The survey was only available in English, but responses were invited internationally, and not restricted to the UK, from those able to access the survey through social media and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The social media post contained brief information about the study, eligibility criteria and a link to the questionnaire. On opening the link, participants were taken to an in-depth participant information sheet. Participants gave their consent by answering ‘yes’ to a consent question.

Ethical approval was granted by the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee (ID 61434). Participants provided informed consent which was recorded digitally on the survey platform (Microsoft Forms). Participants had to consent to participating in the survey before they could access the questionnaire. Survey responses were anonymous, but participants who were willing to be contacted in the future for a follow-up survey were asked to consent to future contact and then provide contact details.

Eligibility criteria

The survey was restricted to adults aged 18 years or over who thought they had COVID-19 (confirmed or suspected) and who were not hospitalised for the treatment of COVID-19 in the first two weeks of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. The screening questions for the survey were the following.

  • Are you aged 18 years or over?

  • Do you think you have had COVID-19?

  • Were you admitted to hospital in the first two weeks of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

If the participant answered ‘no’ to the first two questions or ‘yes’ to the third question, they could not progress further in the survey. Our survey provided an opportunity for people who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 but had not been hospitalised to participate in research to characterise their condition, since there were other studies following up hospitalised COVID-19 patients. In the UK, community testing for COVID-19 stopped on the 12th of March 2020 [25], and was not available throughout Spring 2020. Most of those who experienced COVID-19 symptoms and did not require hospital admission during that period did not have a positive test result. Therefore, the survey was open to those who did not have lab confirmation of their infection, but they had suspected or clinically diagnosed COVID-19. The survey was also open to people who had fully recovered from confirmed or suspected acute COVID-19.

Questionnaire components

The questionnaire was co-produced working with public contributors experiencing Long Covid (CH and MEO). NAA also experienced Long Covid symptoms. Public contributor members of the COVID-19 Research Involvement Group (a Facebook group founded by MEO for the purpose of encouraging patient involvement in COVID research) gave feedback on early versions of the questionnaire to ensure that the questions were appropriate and relevant. The survey was amended according to their feedback. The questionnaire included questions primarily about the individual respondents and focused on minimising participant burden by collecting data deemed essential.

Questions included demographic information, baseline health, symptoms experienced at the start (first two weeks) of the COVID-19 illness (we refer to these as initial symptoms), the pattern of illness over the course, symptoms that remained/appeared over the longer term course (anytime after the first two weeks) of the illness (we refer to these as ongoing symptoms), functional status, impact on health, activity, ability to work including current employment status, and healthcare usage. We collected data on pre-existing health conditions as a binary (yes/no) variable and used an open text response to collect details on these conditions. We also asked if other members of the household had experienced symptoms of COVID-19 and the duration of their illness. With the exception of questions on initial symptoms and functional status at six weeks of illness, all questions captured responses at the time of survey completion.

The survey incorporated the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) to assess fatigue [26], and the Post-COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS) Scale to assess functional status at six weeks from start of infection [27]. FSS consists of nine items scored on a seven-point Likert-type scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (7). The nine items are combined into a total score calculated as the average of the individual item responses. A higher score indicates greater fatigue severity. We considered a score of 4 or above to indicate beyond normal levels of fatigue [28]. A PCFS scale variable was constructed consisting of grades 0–4 assigned based on yes/no responses to four component questions. Grade 0 reflects the absence of any functional limitation; grade 1 reflects the presence of symptoms, pain or anxiety without effect on activities (negligible functional limitations); grade 2 reflects the presence of symptoms, pain or anxiety requiring lower intensity of activities (slight functional limitations); grade 3 reflects the inability to perform certain activities (moderate functional limitations); and grade 4 reflects requiring assistance with activities of daily living (severe functional limitations).

Statistical analysis

Data were downloaded from Microsoft Forms once the survey was taken offline. Statistical analysis was undertaken using Stata 15.0 and R. R packages used included readstata13, mclust, stats, and ggplot2. A minimum duration of illness of four weeks was defined as Long Covid for the purposes of this analysis. Confirmed infection was defined as reported positive result of nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) such as PCR, and/or antibody test. Descriptive percentages and summary statistics were generated for the full sample and stratified separately for those with lab-confirmed and suspected infection. Univariate comparisons between those with and without confirmed COVID-19 infection were carried out using t-test or Mann Whitney U for continuous variables and chi square test for categorical variables. Univariate comparisons between those who tested positive, tested negative or were not tested for COVID-19 infection were carried out using ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables and chi square test for categorical variables. Complete case analysis was carried out as missing data was minimal.

Questions on initial and ongoing symptoms were used to categorise symptoms as not experienced, initial only (experienced in the first two weeks of the illness), new symptom developed after the acute phase, and initial symptom that remained as an ongoing symptom. Brain fog, poor concentration, memory problems and confusion are presented as distinct symptoms but were also used to derive a combined variable for “cognitive dysfunction”. Similarly, chest pressure and chest tightness are distinct symptom questions used to derive a combined “chest pressure and/or tightness” variable. These derived variables were defined as having one or more of the component symptoms as initial and/or ongoing symptoms and categorised specifically for the derived variable. The percentages do not directly reflect the individual percentages of the component symptoms due to individuals having reported developing one (or more) component symptoms during different phases of the illness changing the distribution of the combined variable compared to the individual component symptoms. Ongoing symptoms were also categorised into the organ system affected (gastrointestinal, cardiopulmonary, neurological, systemic, nose/throat, pain and skin) (S1 Table).


We examined symptom clusters based on acute symptoms reported to have been experienced in the first two weeks of the illness, as well as with reported ongoing symptoms. We carried out hierarchical agglomerative clustering using hclust implemented in the R package stats using the complete method of clustering. We first generated a dissimilarity matrix based on categorical binary data separately on symptoms during acute infection and with ongoing symptoms using Gowers distance. We used the silhouette method to identify the optimal number of clusters, by assessing both statistics for clusters 2 through 20. We examined the frequency of symptoms across different clusters in order to determine the clinical syndromes represented by the cluster. We examined patterns of transition of participants from acute clusters to ongoing clusters over time.

We also examined demographic, socioeconomic, and functional correlates of the ongoing symptom clusters. Categorical variables were initially analysed using the Chi square test. Means for continuous variables were compared by regressing the variable on cluster number, using the lm() function in R, in univariate analysis. We then examined predictors of cluster membership by using multiple logistic regression with cluster number as the dependent variable, and age, gender, ethnicity, income, education, alcohol consumption, smoking, baseline health, laboratory confirmation, acute symptom cluster membership, numbers of organ systems with at least one associated symptom, rest in the first two weeks of the illness, and pre-existing conditions as predictors. In order to account for the impact of duration of illness, and time-specific effects, we also included the month of infection as indicator variable to allow for heterogeneity of effect, and the reported duration of illness as covariate. Age category was also included as an indicator variable rather than an ordinal variable to allow for heterogeneity of effect.

As the full analysis included those with and without lab-confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19, we examined whether this was a significant predictor of cluster membership to assess whether clusters correlated with having lab-confirmation of infection. We also carried out an additional sensitivity analysis by clustering only those with lab confirmation to see if clusters obtained were different from the full sample analysis.


A total of 2644 participants completed the survey; 94 with reported length of illness of less than four weeks (n = 41) and those who had recovered from short acute COVID-19 (n = 53) were excluded. The numbers of individuals who had recovered from short acute or Long Covid were too small to enable comparison. 2550 participants were included in this analysis, of which 675 participants (26.5%) reported that they had SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed through PCR and/or antibody tests. The mean duration of illness (experiencing symptoms) was 7.2 months (standard deviation (SD) 1.8 months, median 7.6 months, interquartile range 7.1–7.9), with a mean duration of 6.2 months (SD 2.4) in those lab-confirmed compared to 7.6 months (SD 1.3) in those who were not.

The mean age of participants was 46.5 years (SD 11 years). 82.8% were female and 93.3% were of White ethnicity. Responses were received from a range of places across the world, with the majority from the UK (79.9%: England 66.0%, Scotland 8.5%, Wales 4.5%, Northern Ireland 0.9%), North America (9.2%) and Europe (8.3%). The proportion of participants outside the UK was higher among those with lab-confirmed infection (29.1%) than among those with suspected infection (17.0%). In terms of educational attainment, 77.2% were qualified at university degree level or above (Table 1). Nineteen percent of participants reported that at least one other household member was also experiencing Long Covid (ill for 4 weeks or longer).

Table 1. Demographics and baseline health of survey participants.

Full sample Tested positive Tested negative or not tested p-valuea
n % n % n %
Total n 2550 675 1793
Age, years (mean ± SD) (n = 2543) 46.5 ± 11.0 45.3 ± 10.9 46.6 ± 10.8 0.01
Age, categorised
    18–30 189 7.4 68 10.1 118 6.6 0.006
    31–45 997 39.2 271 40.2 712 39.8
    46–59 1051 41.4 275 40.8 741 41.5
    ≥60 305 12.0 60 8.9 216 12.1
Gender (n = 2547)
    Male 413 16.2 101 15.0 290 16.2 0.22
    Female 2108 82.8 572 84.7 1477 82.5
    Non-binary 21 0.8 1 0.2 20 1.1
    Prefer not to say 3 0.1 1 0.2 2 0.1
    Other 2 0.1 - - 2 0.1
Country (n = 2523)
    UK—England 1665 66.0 410 61.5 1203 67.5 <0.001
    UK—Scotland 215 8.5 34 5.1 176 9.9
    UK—Wales 114 4.5 23 3.4 85 4.8
    UK—Northern Ireland 22 0.9 6 0.9 15 0.8
    Outside the UK 507 20.1 194 29.1 302 17.0
        Africa 18 0.7 16 2.4 2 0.1
        Australia and New Zealand 15 0.6 7 1.0 8 0.4
        Europe 210 8.3 60 9.0 145 8.1
        South/Central America and Caribbean 10 0.4 5 0.7 5 0.3
        North America 232 9.2 93 13.9 133 7.5
        Asia 15 0.6 7 1.0 8 0.4
        Middle East 7 0.3 6 0.9 1 0.1
Ethnicity (n = 2533)
    White 2362 93.3 607 90.3 1688 94.4 <0.001
    Mixed/Multiple ethnic backgrounds 67 2.7 18 2.7 47 2.6
    Asian 64 2.5 25 3.7 36 2.0
    Black/African/Caribbean 23 0.9 15 2.2 8 0.5
    Other 14 0.6 7 1.0 7 0.4
    Prefer not to say 3 0.1 - - 3 0.2
Educational attainment (n = 2527)
    No formal qualifications 37 1.5 11 1.7 24 1.3 0.76
    O levels or equivalent 209 8.3 57 8.6 145 8.1
    A levels or equivalent 331 13.1 79 11.8 236 13.2
    University degree or above 1950 77.2 520 78.0 1381 77.3
Smoking status (n = 2537)
    Non-smoker 1577 62.2 424 62.9 1103 61.7 0.67
    Ex-smoker 692 27.3 184 27.3 489 27.3
    Current smoker 268 10.6 66 9.8 197 11.0
Alcohol intake in the 12 months before COVID-19 (n = 2539)
    Do not drink 91 3.6 35 5.2 54 3.0 0.01
    Did not drink in the past year 254 10.0 50 7.4 192 10.7
    <Once a month 452 17.8 137 20.3 306 17.1
    Once a month 210 8.3 62 9.2 144 8.0
    Few times a month 514 20.2 135 20.0 368 20.6
    1–3 times a week 708 27.9 186 27.6 498 27.8
    4–6 times a week 245 9.7 55 8.2 182 10.2
    Everyday 65 2.6 14 2.1 47 2.6
Baseline health before COVID-19 (n = 2540)
    Poor 32 1.3 3 0.5 27 1.5 0.07
    Fair 233 9.2 53 7.9 172 9.6
    Good 675 26.6 199 29.5 462 25.8
    Very good 1050 41.3 277 41.1 749 41.8
    Excellent 550 21.7 142 21.1 382 21.3
Pre-existing health conditions (n = 2541)
    No 1339 52.7 337 49.9 965 53.8 0.08
    Yes 1202 47.3 338 50.1 828 46.2

aComparisons between those with and without lab-confirmed COVID-19 used t-test for continuous and chi square test for categorical variables.

Previous health

A small proportion of participants reported poor (1.3%) or fair (9.2%) health prior to COVID-19 infection, with 89.6% reporting good, very good or excellent health before COVID-19. 47.3% reported having pre-existing health conditions with asthma, hypertension, and hyperthyroidism being the most common conditions reported (S2 Table). There were no significant differences in these proportions between those with and without lab-confirmation of infection (Table 1).

Course of illness

The most common initial symptoms (first two weeks of the illness) were exhaustion (75.9%), headache (65.5%), chest pressure and/or tightness (64.5%), shortness of breath (61.7%), cough (58.5%), muscle aches (55.2%), fever (51.1%) and chills (51.0%) (Table 2). A significantly higher proportion of participants in the lab-confirmed group reported loss/altered smell or taste, loss of appetite, memory problems, headache, nasal symptoms/sneezing, joint pain and muscle aches during the acute phase, whereas a higher proportion of those without lab-confirmation reported chest pain, pressure and/or tightness (Table 2). In terms of ongoing symptoms, the most common were exhaustion (72.6%), cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, poor concentration, memory problems, confusion) (69.2%), chest pressure and/or tightness (52.6%), shortness of breath (54.2%), headache (46.0%), muscle aches (44.6%) and palpitations (42.0%) (Table 3 and Fig 1), with proportions reporting these symptoms comparable in those with and without lab-confirmation. Significant differences in reported prevalence of ongoing symptoms in those with and without lab-confirmation include altered/loss of sense of smell or taste and brain fog which were higher in those with lab-confirmation than without, whereas abdominal pain, nausea, chest pain, chest tightness, chills, hoarse voice, sore throat, sneezing and pins and needles were lower in those with lab-confirmation than without. Mean scores for each item on the Fatigue Severity Scale ranged between 5.2 and 6 (maximum (most severe) score is 7). Using a score of ≥4, the frequency of fatigue among survey participants was 86% with no statistically significant difference between those with and without lab-confirmation (Table 3).

Table 2. Initial symptoms experienced at the start of COVID-19 illness (first two weeks).

Full sample Tested positive Tested negative or not tested p-valuea
n % n % n %
n 2540 675 1793
Fever 1298 51.1 362 53.6 893 49.8 0.09
Cough 1485 58.5 399 59.1 1037 57.8 0.57
Altered or loss of sense of smell 922 36.3 410 60.7 487 27.2 <0.001
Altered or loss of sense of taste 921 36.3 388 57.5 510 28.4 <0.001
Abdominal pain 562 22.1 150 22.2 402 22.4 0.92
Diarrhoea 855 33.7 235 34.8 601 33.5 0.54
Loss of appetite 946 37.2 293 43.4 624 34.8 <0.001
Nausea 642 25.3 176 26.1 451 25.2 0.64
Vomiting 148 5.8 47 7.0 99 5.5 0.17
Cognitive dysfunction 1168 46.0 315 46.7 822 45.8 0.72
    Brain fog 797 31.4 226 33.5 550 30.7 0.18
    Confusion 539 21.2 137 20.3 385 21.5 0.52
    Memory problems 475 18.7 152 22.5 311 17.4 0.003
    Poor concentration 730 28.7 198 29.3 516 28.8 0.79
Depression 187 7.4 57 8.4 126 7.0 0.23
Chest pain 991 39.0 239 35.4 728 40.6 0.02
Chest pressure 1314 51.7 323 47.9 967 53.9 0.007
Chest tightness 1379 54.3 338 50.1 1016 56.7 0.003
Palpitations 754 29.7 215 31.9 521 29.1 0.18
Shortness of breath 1566 61.7 405 60.0 1121 62.5 0.25
Chills 1296 51.0 359 53.2 910 50.8 0.28
Dizziness 1079 42.5 304 45.0 738 41.2 0.08
Exhaustion 1928 75.9 514 76.2 1367 76.2 0.96
Headache 1663 65.5 480 71.1 1138 63.5 <0.001
Hoarse voice 653 25.7 156 23.1 482 26.9 0.06
Nasal symptoms 717 28.2 231 34.2 466 26.0 <0.001
Sore throat 1161 45.7 291 43.1 837 46.7 0.11
Sneezing 242 9.5 85 12.6 148 8.3 0.001
Tinnitus 339 13.4 104 15.4 217 12.1 0.03
Joint pain 890 35.0 290 43.0 584 32.6 <0.001
Leg pain 573 22.6 179 26.5 370 20.6 0.002
Muscle aches 1402 55.2 425 63.0 936 52.2 <0.001
Pins and needles 388 15.3 109 16.2 263 14.7 0.36
Skin rash 289 11.4 81 12.0 198 11.0 0.50
Sleep disturbance 909 35.8 243 36.0 638 35.6 0.85
Number of initial symptoms, mean ± SD, median (interquartile range) 12 ± 6 13 ± 6 12 ± 6 <0.001
11 (7 to 16) 12 (8 to 17) 11 (7 to 15)

aComparisons between those with and without lab-confirmation of COVID-19 used t-test or Mann Whitney U for continuous and chi square test for categorical variables.

Table 3. Ongoing symptoms, fatigue severity and organ systems affected.

Full sample Tested positive Tested negative or not tested p-valuea
n % n % n %
n 2526 675 1792
Ongoing symptoms
    Fever 217 8.6 46 6.8 167 9.3 0.05
    Cough 587 23.3 158 23.4 413 23.1 0.85
    Altered or loss of sense of smell 358 14.2 165 24.4 183 10.2 <0.001
    Altered or loss of sense of taste 313 12.4 141 20.9 164 9.2 <0.001
    Abdominal pain 427 16.9 97 14.4 319 17.8 0.04
    Diarrhoea 398 15.8 95 14.1 293 16.4 0.17
    Loss of appetite 283 11.2 69 10.2 210 11.7 0.30
    Nausea 412 16.3 90 13.3 315 17.6 0.01
    Vomiting 46 1.8 9 1.3 37 2.1 0.23
    Anxiety 715 28.3 213 31.6 493 27.5 0.05
    Cognitive dysfunction 1747 69.2 480 71.1 1232 68.8 0.26
        Brain fog 1490 59.0 427 63.3 1034 57.7 0.01
        Confusion 520 20.6 145 21.5 363 20.3 0.50
        Memory problems 1094 43.3 294 43.6 777 43.4 0.93
        Poor concentration 1138 45.1 304 45.0 814 45.4 0.86
    Depression 397 15.7 106 15.7 283 15.8 0.96
    Chest pain 891 35.3 214 31.7 656 36.6 0.02
    Chest pressure 970 38.4 263 39.0 695 38.8 0.94
    Chest tightness 1023 40.5 247 36.6 752 42.0 0.02
    Palpitations 1062 42.0 270 40.0 774 43.2 0.15
    Shortness of breath 1370 54.2 370 54.8 977 54.5 0.90
    Chills 373 14.8 77 11.4 286 16.0 0.004
    Dizziness 980 38.8 256 37.9 703 39.2 0.55
    Exhaustion 1834 72.6 494 73.2 1298 72.4 0.71
    Headache 1161 46.0 320 47.4 827 46.2 0.56
    Hoarse voice 453 17.9 103 15.3 342 19.1 0.03
    Nasal symptoms 471 18.7 110 16.3 353 19.7 0.05
    Sore throat 591 23.4 128 19.0 454 25.3 0.001
    Sneezing 188 7.4 37 5.5 146 8.2 0.02
    Tinnitus 662 26.2 159 23.6 477 26.6 0.12
    Joint pain 950 37.6 252 37.3 681 38.0 0.76
    Leg pain 668 26.4 184 27.3 472 26.3 0.65
    Muscle aches 1126 44.6 303 44.9 795 44.4 0.82
    Pins and needles 667 26.4 156 23.1 501 28.0 0.02
    Skin rash 299 11.8 73 10.8 217 12.1 0.37
    Sleep disturbance 952 37.7 241 35.7 691 38.6 0.19
Number of ongoing symptoms, mean ± SD, median (interquartile range) 10 ± 6 10 ± 6 10 ± 6 0.49
9 (5 to 14) 9 (5 to 13) 9 (5 to 14)
Fatigue Severity Scale score, mean ± SD (n = 2000) 5.5 ± 1.4 5.5 ± 1.4 5.5 ± 1.4 0.38
    Score ≥4% 86 84 86
Number of organ systems affected
    1 121 4.8 29 4.3 91 5.1 0.02
    2 253 10.0 81 12.0 164 9.2
    3 437 17.3 120 17.8 308 17.2
    4 623 24.7 185 27.4 421 23.5
    5 551 21.8 145 21.5 393 21.9
    6 380 15.0 77 11.4 295 16.5
    7 119 4.7 29 4.3 88 4.9
Organ systems affected by symptoms
    Gastrointestinal 909 36.0 220 32.6 666 37.2 0.04
    Chest (cardiopulmonary) 2070 82.0 552 81.8 1471 82.1 0.86
    Neurological 2164 85.7 582 86.2 1530 85.4 0.60
    Systemic 2035 80.6 541 80.2 1445 80.6 0.79
    Nose/Throat 1036 41.0 232 34.4 788 44.0 <0.001
    Pain 1785 70.7 481 71.3 1261 70.4 0.67
    Skin 299 11.8 73 10.8 217 12.1 0.37

aComparisons between those with and without lab-confirmation of COVID-19 used t-test or Mann Whitney U for continuous variables and chi square test for categorical variables.

Fig 1. Frequency of reported ongoing symptoms in survey participants (n = 2526).

Fig 1

Participants reported experiencing a mean of 12 (SD 6, median 11, IQR 7–16) initial symptoms and 10 (SD 6, median 9, IQR 5–14) ongoing symptoms. The most common initial symptoms that persisted past the acute phase were exhaustion (59.1%), shortness of breath (41.3%), chest pressure and/or tightness (40.5%), and headache (37.5%). At least one symptom of cognitive dysfunction was present in the initial first two weeks and persisted throughout the illness in 36.9% of participants but was also reported as new symptom(s) after the acute phase of the illness in 32.3% of participants, including brain fog (36.1%), memory problems (30.7%), and poor concentration (27.4%) (S3 Table).

Ongoing symptoms affected three or more organ systems (gastrointestinal, cardiopulmonary, neurological, systemic, nose/throat, pain and skin) in 83.5% of participants, with 21.8% reporting symptoms that affected five systems, 15.0% six systems, and 4.7% seven systems (Table 3). Although a similar proportion reported ongoing symptoms that affected three or more organ systems, a higher proportion of those without lab-confirmation (43.3%) reported ongoing symptoms that affected five or more organ systems than those with lab-confirmation (37.2%). The majority of participants reported a course of illness that was fluctuating (intensity of symptoms changes but symptoms never completely go away) (57.7%) or symptoms ‘coming and going’/relapsing (experience symptom-free periods in between relapses) (17.6%). 72.8% of participants experienced symptoms daily. Exhaustion improved on resting in 35.3% of participants. The majority of participants (60.4%) said that exertion (exercise/work) was not the only cause of exhaustion (Table 4) with no difference between those with and without lab-confirmation. Participants with lab-confirmation of infection were more likely to report they had rested well in the first two weeks of the illness (60.4% vs 51.8%).

Table 4. Duration, pattern and triggers of illness.

Full sample Tested positive Tested negative or not tested p-valuea
Overall n % n % n %
Total n 2550 675 1793
Well rested in first two weeks of illness (n = 2536)
    No 437 17.2 98 14.5 326 18.2 0.002
    Yes 1376 54.3 407 60.4 928 51.8
    Less than I would have liked 658 26.0 154 22.9 489 27.3
    Not sure 65 2.6 15 2.2 49 2.7
Back to baseline health (n = 2538)
    No, still symptomatic 1971 77.7 531 78.7 1383 77.1 0.72
    No, but not symptomatic 509 20.1 130 19.3 369 20.6
    Yes 58 2.3 14 2.1 41 2.3
Duration of illness, weeks (mean ± SD) (n = 2458) 31.3 ± 7.8 26.9 ± 10.6 32.9 ± 5.7 <0.001
Duration of illness, months (mean ± SD) (n = 2458) 7.2 ± 1.8 6.2 ± 2.4 7.6 ± 1.3 <0.001
Pattern of illness (n = 2519)
    Constant throughout 146 5.8 43 6.4 97 5.4 0.26
    Gradually got worse 273 10.8 69 10.2 201 11.3
    Gradually got better 201 8.0 63 9.3 130 7.3
    Fluctuating 1454 57.7 394 58.5 1033 57.8
    Relapsing/Comes and goes 445 17.6 105 15.5 325 18.2
Symptom frequency (n = 2511)
    Daily 1827 72.8 485 72.2 1290 72.4 0.19
    >3 times a week 425 16.9 126 18.8 295 16.6
    Once a week 95 3.8 24 3.6 70 3.9
    Once a fortnight 50 2.0 7 1.0 43 2.4
    Once a month 32 1.3 6 0.9 26 1.5
    <Once a month 20 0.8 9 1.3 11 0.6
    Daily and reduced over time 21 0.8 6 0.9 15 0.8
    Episodic 34 1.4 8 1.2 26 1.5
    Variable 7 0.3 1 0.2 6 0.3
Triggers for return or exacerbation of symptoms (n = 2474)
    Physical Activity 1911 77.2 500 75.8 1364 77.6 0.33
    Diet 454 18.4 90 13.6 351 20.0 <0.001
    Hormonal 582 23.5 138 20.9 438 24.9 0.04
    Cognitive activity 1045 42.2 281 42.6 743 42.3 0.90
    Work 705 28.5 206 31.2 485 27.6 0.08
    Social activity 713 28.8 180 27.3 516 29.4 0.31
    Stress 1364 55.1 332 50.3 994 56.6 0.006
    Time of day 573 23.2 143 21.7 412 23.5 0.35
    Sleep disturbance 1161 46.9 287 43.5 847 48.2 0.04
    Domestic chores 866 35.0 213 32.3 632 36.0 0.09
    Caring responsibilities 411 16.6 91 13.8 307 17.5 0.03
    Unknown 404 15.8 123 18.2 275 15.3 0.08
    Other—Talking 30 1.2 5 0.8 23 1.3 0.26
    Other—Posture 18 0.7 2 0.3 15 0.8 0.15
Exhaustion improves on rest (n = 2332)
    No 317 13.6 99 15.7 208 12.6 0.26
    Yes 823 35.3 222 35.2 582 35.4
    Sometimes 1192 51.1 310 49.1 855 52.0
Exhaustion caused by exertion (exercise/work) only (n = 2343)
    No 1415 60.4 384 60.8 1006 60.8 0.96
    Yes 241 10.3 62 9.8 174 10.5
    Sometimes 506 21.6 135 21.4 352 21.3
    Do not know 181 7.7 51 8.1 122 7.4

aComparisons between those with and without lab-confirmation of COVID-19 used t-test for continuous and chi square test for categorical variables.

Only 2.3% of participants reported that they felt they had recovered to baseline health before COVID-19 with a further 20.1% reporting that they were not symptomatic at the time of completing the survey but did not feel they had recovered to pre-infection health and/or activity levels. The remaining 77.7% reported that they were experiencing symptoms at the time of completing the survey (Table 4). The proportions reporting recovery and still experiencing symptoms were similar in those with and without lab confirmation of infection. Of those who reported completely recovering from Long Covid (n = 58), the duration of illness was 1–4 months for 65.5% and six months or longer for 13.8% (S4 Table).

Common triggers that exacerbated existing symptoms or caused symptoms to return included physical activity (77.2%), stress (55.1%), disturbance in sleep patterns (46.9%), cognitive activity (42.2%), and domestic chores (35.0%). 23.2% reported symptoms varying by time of day. 15.8% of participants also reported not always being able to identify a trigger and sometimes symptoms returned or worsened without a trigger. Just over half of participants (54.3%) reported sufficient rest in the acute phase of the illness, with 26.0% reporting less rest than they would have liked due to caring or other responsibilities (Table 4). A higher proportion of participants with lab-confirmation (60.4%) than those without (51.8%) reported sufficient rest in the acute phase.

Functional ability

At the time of completing the survey, being ill still affected respondents’ ability to carry out domestic chores (84.3%), leisure (84.8%) and social (77.1%) activities, work (74.9%), self-care (50.0%), childcare (35.8%), and caring for other adults (26.1%), as well as affecting their mental health (63.7%). Using the PCFS Scale to describe how Long Covid affected daily activities at six weeks from the start of symptoms, nearly a third (32.3%) reported that they were unable to live alone without any assistance, and 34.5% reported moderate functional limitations (able to take care of self but not perform usual duties/activities). A higher proportion of participants without lab-confirmation reported moderate or severe functional limitations (68.1%) compared to those with lab-confirmation (61.2%). 89.5% of participants said they avoided certain activities/duties at six weeks from onset of illness. Only 10.3% reported no or negligible functional limitations (Table 5).

Table 5. Functional ability of study participants.

Full sample Tested positive Tested negative or not tested p-valuea
n % n % n %
Total n 2550 675 1793
Post-COVID-19 Functional Status Scale components at 6 weeks from start of symptoms
    Unable to live alone (n = 2499) 808 32.3 187 28.0 599 33.8 0.006
    Unable to perform activities/duties (n = 2525) 1627 64.4 397 58.8 1191 66.4 <0.001
    Suffer from symptoms, depression, pain or anxiety (n = 2538) 2521 99.3 670 99.3 1782 99.4 0.73
    Avoid activities/duties (n = 2486) 2224 89.5 574 86.7 1602 90.4 0.008
Post-COVID-19 Functional Status Scale at 6 weeks from start of symptoms (n = 2498) 0.01
    No functional limitations 17 0.7 5 0.7 11 0.6
    Negligible functional limitations 242 9.6 79 11.7 158 8.8
    Slight functional limitations 588 23.3 178 26.4 403 22.5
    Moderate functional limitations 871 34.5 226 33.5 622 34.7
    Severe functional limitations 808 32.0 187 27.7 599 33.4
At the time of survey completion, being ill affected (n = 2478):
    Self-care  1238 50.0 282 42.3 928 52.5 <0.001
    Childcare  887 35.8 221 33.2 650 36.8 0.10
    Caring for other adults  646 26.1 166 24.9 461 26.1 0.56
    Domestic chores  2088 84.3 531 79.7 1517 85.8 <0.001
    Work  1857 74.9 517 77.6 1324 74.9 0.16
    Leisure activities  2101 84.8 537 80.6 1525 86.3 <0.001
    Social activities  1911 77.1 491 73.7 1383 78.2 0.02
    Mental health  1579 63.7 433 65.0 1122 63.5 0.48

aComparisons between those with and without lab-confirmation of COVID-19 used chi square test for categorical variables.


At the time of responding to the survey, 9.7% reported working reduced hours, 19.1% reported being unable to work (out of which 88.3% was reported to be solely due to COVID-19 illness), and 1.9% reported being made redundant or having taken early retirement (Table 6 and Fig 2). The most common reported reason for working reduced hours was COVID-19 illness (96.5%). Those with lab confirmation of infection were more likely to be working full-time (45.3%) at the time of responding to the survey than those who were not tested or tested negative (33.8%). 66.4% reported taking time off sick and 5.1% reported not needing to take time off sick as they were furloughed. 71.7% of those with lab-confirmation reported taking time off sick compared to 64.3% of those without lab-confirmation. The median time off sick was 60 (IQR 20 to 129) days. 37.6% reported a loss of income due to illness (median reported number of days for which income is lost 120, IQR 50 to 172). This was significantly higher for those with no lab confirmation (median 129, IQR 60 to 172) compared to those with lab confirmation (median 84, IQR 30 to 151).

Table 6. Employment status and impact of illness on work.

Full sample Tested positive Tested negative/not tested p-valuea*
n % n % n %
Total n 2550 675 1793
Employment status at time of survey completion (n = 2507)
    Working full-time 919 36.7 306 45.3 606 33.8 <0.001
    Working part-time 340 13.6 72 10.7 265 14.8
    Furloughed 58 2.3 9 1.3 47 2.6
    Working reduced hours 243 9.7 65 9.6 176 9.8
    Unemployed/Looking for work 45 1.8 9 1.3 36 2.0
    Unpaid (Volunteer, Carer) 14 0.6 3 0.4 11 0.6
    Student 61 2.4 20 3.0 41 2.3
    Homemaker 101 4.0 16 2.4 79 4.4
    Unable to work 478 19.1 133 19.7 342 19.1
    Made redundant/took early retirement 47 1.9 6 0.9 39 2.2
    Retired 155 6.2 27 4.0 115 6.4
    Off sick 46 1.8 9 1.3 36 2.0
Lost job or had/chose to stop work (n = 2483)
    No 1947 78.4 562 83.9 1362 76.4 <0.001
    No but was furloughed 165 6.7 25 3.7 136 7.6
    Yes 371 14.9 83 12.4 284 15.9
Had time off sick (n = 2484)
    No 709 28.5 171 25.3 535 29.8 <0.001
    No but was furloughed 126 5.1 20 3.0 105 5.9
    Yes 1649 66.4 484 71.7 1153 64.3
Time off sick, days (median, IQR) (n = 1564) 60 54 60 0.56
20 to 129 22 to 129 20 to 129
Loss of income due to COVID-19 illness (n = 2479)
    No 1548 62.4 450 66.7 1092 60.9 0.008
    Yes 931 37.6 225 33.3 701 39.1
Days income lost/too ill to work (median, IQR) (n = 622) 120 84 129 <0.001
50 to 172 30 to 151 60 to 172

aComparisons between those with and without lab-confirmation of COVID-19 used t-test or Mann Whitney U for continuous and chi square test for categorical variables.

Fig 2. Reasons for change in work pattern in those reporting reduced work hours (n = 243), being unable to work (n = 478) or being made redundant/taking early retirement (n-47) (total n = 768).

Fig 2

Healthcare utilisation

Most participants reported at least one or more type of healthcare service usage (GP, calls to non-emergency medical care number, accident and emergency department, hospital outpatient appointments) with 12% admitted to hospital after 2 weeks from onset of illness.

Lab confirmation of infection

Out of the 2550 participants, 675 (26.5%) reported lab confirmation of infection by either PCR or antibody test and 82 did not answer the question on testing for lab confirmation of infection (3.2%) (27.4% lab-confirmed out of n = 2468 who answered the testing questions). 1582 participants (62%) reported having a PCR test with 426 testing positive (27% of those tested). The date of PCR test was available for 1491 of these 1582 participants. Twenty percent (n = 304) were first tested at 0–5 days of onset of symptoms, with 72.7% of this group testing positive, while 80% (n = 1187) were first tested ≥6 days of onset of symptoms, with 12.6% of this group testing positive.

1172 participants (46%) reported having an antibody test with 369 testing positive (31% of those tested). The date of antibody testing was available for 1120 of 1172 participants who reported having an antibody test. 26.3% (n = 294) were first tested between 2 to 12 weeks of onset of symptoms and 42.1% of them tested positive, while 72.5% (n = 812) were first tested ≥12 weeks from onset of symptoms with 27.7% testing positive. 820 participants (32%) reported having both a PCR and antibody test of which 120 (15%) tested positive for both, 48 (6%) positive for PCR only and 122 (15%) positive for antibodies only. Overall, 5% (n = 120) tested positive for both PCR and antibodies. Out of the 168 participants who tested positive for PCR and had an antibody test, 29% tested negative for antibodies. Out of the 652 participants who tested negative for PCR and had an antibody test, 19% tested positive for antibodies (S1 Fig). All the demographics, initial and ongoing symptoms are presented by the three categories of positive, negative and not tested in the (S5S7 Tables).


Thirty-four symptoms were used in clustering for acute symptoms (Table 2) and 35 for ongoing symptoms (Table 3). Clustering based on acute symptoms (initial symptoms experienced during the first two weeks) identified two clusters as the optimal number of clusters (S2 Fig). Acute symptom cluster (ASC) 1 consists of the majority of participants (88%, n = 2235) who exhibit predominantly cardiopulmonary symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, chest pressure/tightness, chest pain) and exhaustion, while ASC2 consists of the remaining 12% (n = 305) who exhibit multisystem symptoms (S3 Fig). The most common acute symptoms in ASC2 include shortness of breath, chest pressure/tightness, chest pain, palpitations, cough (cardiopulmonary); appetite loss, diarrhoea (gastrointestinal); poor concentration, dizziness, brain fog, confusion (neuro-cognitive); sore throat, hoarse voice (nose/throat); headache, muscle ache, joint pain (pain); and exhaustion, chills, sleep disturbance and fever (systemic). On examining ongoing symptoms among ASCs 1 and 2, we found that although the differences between the groups persisted, they became less distinct primarily due to a large proportion of participants in ASC1 developing ongoing symptoms of cognitive dysfunction in addition to the predominantly cardiopulmonary symptoms over time.

On clustering participants based on ongoing symptoms, we once again identified two optimal clusters (Fig 3), with ongoing symptom cluster (OSC) 1 predominantly including participants with cardiopulmonary symptoms (shortness of breath, chest pain, chest pressure/tightness, palpitations), neuro-cognitive symptoms (brain fog, poor concentration, memory problems, dizziness), and exhaustion (n = 2243, 88.8%); and OSC2, a minority cluster, including multisystem ongoing symptoms (n = 283, 11.2%). The most common ongoing symptoms in OSC2 include shortness of breath, chest pain, chest pressure/tightness, palpitations (cardiopulmonary); brain fog, poor concentration, memory problems, dizziness, confusion, pins and needles (neuro-cognitive); sore throat, hoarse voice, nasal symptoms (nose/throat); headache, joint pain, leg pain, muscle ache (pain); and exhaustion, sleep disturbance and chills (systemic). In univariate analysis, membership of OCS2 was associated with worse fatigue (FSS) and PCFS scores; needing to take time off sick; compromised ability to carry out self-care, domestic chores, care for other adults and childcare, work, participate in leisure, or social activities; greater risk of losing employment or needing to stop work; and loss of income. Membership of OSC2 was also associated with having a pre-existing condition, poorer baseline health, and greater healthcare usage with a higher number of GP consultations (Table 7).

Fig 3. Two clusters of ongoing symptoms and acute symptoms among these clusters.

Fig 3

Table 7. Correlates of Ongoing symptom clusters (n = 2526).

Characteristica Ongoing symptom cluster (OSC) 1 Ongoing symptom cluster (OSC) 2 p-valueb
Age (mean) 46.60 44.87 0.01
Gender (Male) 17 7 <0.001
Fatigue Severity Scale Score 5.36 6.30 <0.001
Post COVID-19 Functional Scale Score (PCFS) 2.82 3.29 <0.001
Duration of illness, days 219.73 221.29 0.65
Number of A&E visits 0.74 0.90 0.07
Number of GP consultations 4.71 6.10 <0.001
Number of hospital out-patient appointments 1.74 2.08 0.03
Number of days off sick 74.84 88.77 0.004
Number of days of income lost 109.97 136.88 <0.001
Pre-existing health conditions (Yes) 46 60 <0.001
Alcohol consumption in 12 months before COVID-19 infection <0.001
    Do not drink 3 5
    Did not drink in the past year 10 11
    <Once a month 17 26
    Once a month 8 9
    Few times a month 20 22
    1–3 times a week 29 20
    4–6 times a week 10 7
    Everyday 3 1
Self-reported health before COVID-19 infection <0.001
    Poor 1 4
    Fair 9 15
    Good 26 33
    Very good 42 35
    Excellent 23 14
Being ill affected
    Self-care 47 75 <0.001
    Childcare 34 43 0.002
    Caring for other adults 24 42 <0.001
    Domestic chores 83 97 <0.001
    Work 74 84 <0.001
    Leisure activities 84 94 <0.001
    Social activities 75 91 <0.001
    Mental health 62 79 <0.001
Hospitalisation for treatment of Long Covid symptoms <0.001
    No 88 83
    Ward–day stay 5 9
    Ward–overnight stay 7 5
    High dependency unit 0 2
    Intensive care unit 0 0
    Ambulatory care 0 0
Lost job or had/chose to stop work <0.001
    No 80 69
    No but was furloughed 6 8
    Yes 14 23
Had time off sick <0.001
    No 30 18
    No but was furloughed 5 5
    Yes 65 77
Loss of income due to COVID-19 illness <0.001
    No 64 48
    Yes 36 52

aSummary statistics are expressed as means for continuous variables and percentages for categorical variables.

bCategorical variables were compared using the chi2 test and continuous variables were compared by regressing the variable on cluster number.

Multivariate fully adjusted analysis showed that being female (OR = 2.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2, 3.4), poor baseline health (OR = 3.4, 95% CI 1.2, 9.8), being a member of ACS2 (OR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.7, 3.5), a higher number of acute symptoms related to different organ systems (OR = 1.2, 95% CI 1.04, 1.31) were positively associated with membership of the more severe OCS2 cluster. Older age (>60 years) (OR = 0.35, 95% CI 0.19, 0.66), higher income (OR = 0.85 per increase in income category, 95% CI 0.75, 0.95), and sufficient rest in the first two weeks of the illness (OR = 0.68, 95% CI 0.46, 0.99) seemed to be protective against OCS2. OSC2 membership was not related to the duration since onset of acute symptoms (Fig 4).

Fig 4. Adjusted associations with developing multisystem ongoing symptom cluster (OSC) 2.

Fig 4

In sensitivity analyses, we restricted to only participants who reported lab confirmation of infection. On hierarchical clustering into two clusters, consistent with our clustering on the whole dataset, we once again identified a majority cluster with cardiopulmonary, neurocognitive symptoms, and exhaustion dominating (n = 576), and a minority multisystem cluster where symptoms related to all systems were common (n = 99) (S4 Fig). We found high correlation between ongoing clusters identified with the whole dataset, and those identified when limiting data to only those with lab confirmation (r = 0.56, p<0.001).

Transition between clusters

On examining the membership of acute symptom clusters by number of systems with at least one symptom, we found that 98% of those in ASC2 had 5 or more systems involved compared with 56% in ASC1. Even though acute symptom clustering strongly predicts ongoing symptom clusters, there is movement between clusters. Of those in OSC2, 73% had 5 or more systems involved compared with 59% in the OSC1. Both clusters had more multisystem involvement during the acute infection phase than the ongoing symptoms phase. Among 2223 participants clustering in ASC1, 9% (n = 202) move into OSC2 over time, suggesting increase in severity. Among 305 participants in ASC2, 27% (n = 81) remain in this cluster, with the remaining moving into OSC1, with cardiopulmonary, neurological, and fatigue symptoms predominating. Movement from ASC1 into OSC2 appears to be dependent on the number of organ system involvement, with those with more multisystem related symptoms more likely to move into the more severe cluster (S5 Fig).

Multivariate analysis suggested that gender and age were both predictors of transition from ASC1 to the more severe OSC2, with women being at higher risk (OR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.1, 3.2), and participants aged >60 years at lower risk (OR = 0.30, 95% CI 0.14–0.65). Number of systems with at least one associated symptom was also associated with higher likelihood of movement from ASC1 to OSC2 (OR = 1.1, 95% CI 1.0, 1.3), while having a confirmed positive test (OR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.44, 0.99) and having rested well during the first two weeks of the illness were associated with lower likelihood of movement from ASC1 to OSC2 (OR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.44, 0.99) (S6 Fig). Multivariate analysis was adjusted for duration of illness which was not associated with transition from ASC1 to OSC2. Month of infection was not included as a fixed effect in the analysis due to multi-collinearity with duration of illness.


Findings from this survey indicate that Long Covid is a debilitating multisystem illness for many of those experiencing it. Despite 9 in 10 of participants reporting good, very good, or excellent health before infection, a third said they were unable to live alone without assistance at six weeks from onset. At an average of 7 months into Long Covid, 50% of participants said their illness affected self-care, 64% said it affected their mental health, and 75% said it affected their work. The majority of participants reported a fluctuating or relapsing/remitting pattern of illness. Two-thirds had to take time off sick from work with over a third reporting loss of income due to their illness. The symptoms of exhaustion, cognitive dysfunction, shortness of breath, headache, chest pressure/tightness, and muscle aches predominated. 86% of participants had a score of 4 or above on the Fatigue Severity Scale. For most participants, several of their initial symptoms became less prevalent with time, with the stark exception of cognitive dysfunction and palpitations. However, for a minority of participants who had extensive multisystem involvement from the start, many symptoms tended to become more common with time.


This is a non-representative survey which recruited through online support groups as well as generally through social media. The survey sampling method was convenience non-probability sampling. This means that the sample was not randomly drawn from the population of interest to ensure representativeness, and therefore the findings cannot be generalised to the groups not represented among participants, nor can they be used in any way to calculate the prevalence of Long Covid. Respondents were predominantly White, female and of higher socioeconomic status. People living with Long Covid who use social media (and therefore were able to access the survey) could have different characteristics to those who do not use such platforms. Indeed, some of those with Long Covid in the community who are suffering ill health may not realise it is due to Long Covid, particularly if their infection was not lab-confirmed in the first place. Data from the Office from National Statistics’ Coronavirus Infection Survey, a large randomly-sampled survey of around 140,000 households from all parts of the UK, showed higher prevalence of Long Covid following confirmed or suspected infection in women, adults aged 35 to 69 years, and those living in most deprived areas, with no stark differences between ethnic groups [29, 30].

We tried to keep the survey as short as possible to be manageable, therefore some of the details around baseline characteristics, such as body mass index which requires self-measurement, were not collected. Although we asked about previous health status in general, we did not ascertain the prevalence/absence of each reported symptom before COVID-19. Given the variable severity and disability levels among participants at the later stages of the illness, there is also the possibility of recall bias in this survey, as the data about the acute stage and functional status at 6 weeks was collected retrospectively. The survey also aimed to collect data on those who have recovered from Long Covid and from short acute COVID-19 to allow comparisons of the acute symptoms between the two groups. However, the number of responses from these groups were too small to allow adequately powered comparisons. This likely reflects the motivation of individuals with Long Covid to participate in research which has Long Covid as its primary focus. Individuals with more symptoms or more severe symptoms may be more likely to respond to the survey.

Just over a quarter of survey participants reported having evidence of lab confirmation of COVID-19. However, the only pronounced differences in ongoing symptoms between those with lab confirmation and those without were the symptoms of loss/alteration of smell/taste. This is consistent with the other patient-led survey which included both confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 [10]. This difference can potentially be explained by people who have these symptoms being more likely to seek testing due to being specific to COVID-19 and heavily advertised in public health campaigns, as in the UK, unlike many of the other common symptoms. Before loss of small/taste were added to the symptom lists, it could be that people experiencing them were more likely to seek healthcare input and hence get a test early on in their illness. It is important to note that people who reported testing negative were more likely to be tested much later in the illness than those who tested positive, again a consistent finding with Davis et al [10]. Also, the limitations of test accuracy and the importance of timing of testing (whether PCR or antibody) in relation to ascertaining SARS-CoV-2 infection are now well known [31, 32]. The sensitivity of PCR testing declines with time from the onset of infection, decreasing from 77% at 4 days to 50% by 10 days [33]. There is also emerging evidence that Long Covid is in itself linked to weak antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 and this could be implicated in the immunological process underlying this disease [21].

Patient involvement

A major strength of this survey is that it was co-produced with people with Long Covid (pwLC). The idea for the survey came from pwLC and they were involved in the research from the initial discussions to the writing of the manuscript. It was important for us to ask the questions that reflect the main areas of concerns expressed by pwLC. NAA experienced Long Covid Symptoms and has been a strong advocate of the recognition and measurement of the condition [34, 35]. MEO and CH, as well as experiencing Long Covid themselves, have a wide overview of the symptoms, disability, disease course and concerns as expressed in the support groups and other national forums given their extensive involvement in Long Covid advocacy. The survey questions also received wider input from the members of the COVID-19 Facebook Research Involvement Group and went through several rounds of reshaping based on all the feedback.

Although we list including suspected as well as lab-confirmed cases in the survey as a limitation, we also consider this a strength of the survey. Community testing in the UK was stopped in early March 2020 but became available to essential workers in May 2020, and community testing was restarted in late Spring/Summer 2020 [25]. It is vital that people who got infected in the first wave of the pandemic and unable to access testing during the acute phase of their illness are included in research. They represent a big proportion of people currently living with Long Covid, and have the longest duration of illness, making it essential for studies about disease progression and prognosis to include them. We argue that those experiencing acute COVID-19 symptoms at a time of high national prevalence of infection, and not recovered for months after their acute episode, are very likely to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 even if their access to lab testing was delayed or not possible at the time.

Main findings and comparison to other data

Only 10% of survey participants reported less than good health prior to infection. The relapsing (comes and goes) or fluctuating nature of the illness was a prominent feature in most participants, but almost three quarters had daily symptoms. Many participants identified triggers for their symptoms, including physical or cognitive activity, stress, sleep disturbance and domestic chores. Avoiding the activities that trigger the symptoms mean adapting life routines accordingly. Some people may have life circumstances and job types that allow them to do that while others may not, leading to them feeling more unwell. This in turn has the potential to widen health and socioeconomic inequalities. Symptoms that were prevalent in the acute phase of the illness that were also common at the time of survey completion included exhaustion, breathlessness, headache, and chest pressure (heaviness) and/or tightness. Anxiety was reported by 28% and depression by 18% of participants. There are multiple reasons for anxiety in Long Covid including the unknown nature and prognosis of the illness, not having a definitive treatment, and the anxiety of not being believed by others including health professionals and employers [36].

On clustering the ongoing symptoms, a minority cluster (OSC2: 11%) was detected with more multisystem involvement than the majority of participants (OSC1). In adjusted analysis, reporting sufficient rest during the first two weeks of the illness was associated with less likelihood of belonging to this cluster. It was also associated with less likelihood of moving from ASC1 to OSC2. Rest following acute infection is being recommended to prevent Long Covid [37]. However, taking weeks to recuperate is not always a choice for people who have pressing work or caring responsibilities, or those who are unable to take adequate sick leave because of limited employment rights or financial difficulties.

We stratified all of our main finding by test positivity. Most characteristics were similar between those who had lab confirmation and those who did not. A higher proportion of respondents who had a positive test reported that they rested well in the first two weeks of infection (60% vs 52%). This could be due to them recognising the seriousness of a COVID-19 illness having had a positive SARS-CoV-2 test and dedicating more time and resources towards their recovery and recuperation. This may in turn be linked to the finding that those who were lab-confirmed reported less functional disability, and a lower proportion of them reported loss of income (33% vs 39%). However, a considerable proportion of them were still severely functionally affected with 28% unable to live alone without help, 59% unable to perform usual activities and duties, 87% avoiding certain activities or duties at 6 weeks, and 28% with severe functional limitations. Additionally, the duration of loss of income due to illness experienced was higher among those with no test confirmation. As the majority of respondents reported still being ill at the time of completing the survey, this is likely to increase. This may mean that those who had lab-confirmation had an advantage in terms of both clinical recognition and for employment rights.

Descriptive findings from this survey on Long Covid are in line with findings from another online Long Covid survey which included participants from 56 countries with a majority from the United States [10]. Both surveys found that Long Covid symptoms affect multiple organ systems, with fatigue and cognitive dysfunction identified as the most common persistent symptoms. However, Davis et al collected data on more symptoms and thus identified a higher number of organ system involvement. Common triggers for return or exacerbation of symptoms were physical activity, cognitive activity, and stress, though our survey also identified sleep disturbance as a common trigger.

A study in Denmark following up 198 non-hospitalised PCR positive COVID-19 patients at 4 weeks and 129 at 12 weeks found similar findings to ours with fatigue and cognitive symptoms being the most common. There were no major differences in the prevalence of symptoms at these two time points other than loss of smell/taste being less common at 12 than 4 weeks from onset. Women and people with higher body mass index were more likely to suffer from persistent illness [16]. A study in the Faroe Islands of 180 mainly non-hospitalised PCR positive patients found that 20% had three or more symptoms after an average follow up of around 4 months, with the most prevalent symptoms being fatigue, loss of smell and taste and joint pains. In this study, they had a much higher proportion of participants with ongoing symptoms compared to acute for most of the symptoms, including fatigue [5]. Only 14% of our participants reported exhaustion as a new symptom not observed in the first two weeks of the illness, while 36% reported brain fog, 31% memory problems, and 27% poor concentration as symptoms they have not experienced in the first two weeks of the illness. It is possible that these symptoms were experienced in the first two weeks but because of the many other symptoms including fever, and people potentially being too ill to conduct cognitive tasks that require concentration, these were not specifically identified or recalled.

A study which recruited confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases from Facebook groups in the Netherlands and Belgium found the average number of symptoms among non-hospitalised patients was 14, compared to an average of 12 initial and 10 ongoing symptoms in our survey. The most prevalent were similar to what we found including fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, and chest tightness, however cognitive dysfunction symptoms were not ascertained as an item in their questionnaire. These symptoms were included as open-text though not analysed [38]. In another paper from this study, it was reported that 52% of patients needed help with personal care more than two months from onset of symptoms, compared to before infection (8%) [39]. In our survey, 32% reported not being able to live alone without assistance at six weeks from onset of illness. At the time of completing the survey, a similar proportion (50%) said being ill affected their ability to self-care.

Implications for research and practice

Many questions remain unanswered and require further research. Particular issues building on the findings from this survey include further understanding disease progression and studying the longitudinal clustering of symptoms and organ pathology. This is important to inform prognosis and prediction of progression at an early stage of the illness, which will in turn inform intensity and timing of appropriate interventions. The question of what pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments work to ‘cure’ Long Covid or to improve quality of life and prevent complications also requires urgent research. The impact of Long Covid on disadvantaged socioeconomic and ethnic minority groups needs to be quantified. Potential mechanisms explaining why certain age or demographic groups may be more at risk need to be explored. Equitable, inclusive, and effective healthcare access is a fundamental right for all people living with Long Covid and must be systematically modelled to ensure services do not contribute to widening health disparities.

Long Covid studies based on both surveys and clinical records are needed as they complement each other. There is an assumption that Long Covid studies based on recruitment from primary care, Long Covid clinics, or clinical records data are unbiased compared to community surveys. However, although this assumption may be justified for other more established medical conditions, it does not necessarily apply to Long Covid [36]. Currently, healthcare access for Long Covid depends on many factors that may render healthcare research selective and unrepresentative. These include whether the person was tested or not, hospitalised or not, and their awareness that their own ill health may be linked to SARS-CoV-2 infection. This in turn, among other sociodemographic factors, will influence their health seeking behaviour. Also, clinicians’ own variation in diagnosis and cognitive biases in the absence of objective guidelines on case definitions can play a part in who gets a diagnosis and gets coded in the medical records as Long Covid. Therefore, future applied research needs to triangulate the findings from representative community-based surveys, healthcare studies and qualitative research of patients’ lived experiences.

The prevalence of Long Covid remains uncertain and dependent on the case definitions used and the duration of follow up. However, we know at this stage that it is not uncommon, including those whose infection was considered ‘mild’. The number of cases will continue to increase if the virus continues to spread, therefore the issue of Long Covid and the impact it causes in terms of illness and disability is vital to pandemic and public health policy. This research demonstrates the impact of this prolonged illness on daily activities, work, physical, and mental health in a sample of predominantly healthy working-age individuals prior to infection. We explore how the acute symptoms are linked to the ongoing symptoms as a first step to help us characterise subgroups within the Long Covid umbrella. Long Covid is clearly a multisystem disease, and individuals experiencing it must be able to receive care from a co-ordinated multidisciplinary team. The current model of Long Covid clinics in the UK will only be successful if there are clear, inclusive, and equitable referral pathways and case definitions [24, 40], and if effective and appropriately-resourced clinical input, investigations, treatments, and evidence-based rehabilitation become available.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Reported SARS-CoV-2 testing history in survey participants.


S2 Fig. Silhouette coefficient for 2 to 10 clusters.


S3 Fig. Two clusters of acute symptoms and ongoing symptoms among these clusters.


S4 Fig. Clustering of confirmed positive data only identifies similar clusters to whole dataset.


S5 Fig. Transition from acute symptom cluster to ongoing symptom clusters by number of systems affected by symptoms.


S6 Fig. Mutually adjusted predictors of transition from acute symptom cluster 1 (ASC1: Cardiopulmonary predominant) to ongoing symptom cluster 2 (OSC2: Multisystem).


S1 Table. Classification of ongoing symptoms by organ system.


S2 Table. Pre-existing conditions in survey participants.


S3 Table. Symptoms categorised by phase of illness.


S4 Table. Duration and pattern of illness in those who reported full recovery from Long Covid.


S5 Table. Demographics and baseline health of survey participants.


S6 Table. Initial symptoms experienced at the start of COVID-19 illness (first two weeks).


S7 Table. Ongoing symptoms, fatigue severity and organ systems affected.



We thank all participants for their time and commitment completing this survey. We also sincerely thank members of the COVID-19 Research Involvement Group for providing feedback on earlier versions of the questionnaire. Margaret E O’Hara, Claire Hastie and Nisreen A Alwan experience(d) Long Covid symptoms.

Data Availability

The survey data is available on request provided ethics committee approval for sharing the anonymised data is granted. To request access conditional on approval, please email

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


Decision Letter 0

Catherine G Sutcliffe

Transfer Alert

This paper was transferred from another journal. As a result, its full editorial history (including decision letters, peer reviews and author responses) may not be present.

2 Nov 2021

PONE-D-21-14682Characteristics of Long Covid: findings from a social media surveyPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Ziauddeen,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.



The reviewers raise important issues. While Reviewer #1 had concerns about the data that the authors cannot address and already acknowledge in the discussion, please do the following to address comments #1-3:

- expand the discussion of the non-representativeness of the sample to contrast it with the demographic characteristics of cases in the UK at the time

- acknowledge that those with more symptoms and more severe symptoms may be more likely to respond

- the lack of lab confirmation is discussed and justified but is still concerning. Is there any data on what else was circulating at the time (e.g. influenza) in the UK that could be added to the discussion to feel more confident that these were COVID cases? It would also be helpful to see separate out test negatives and not tested for Tables 1-3 to see if the not tested were more similar to the test positives or negatives - these can be added as supplemental tables.

Please address or respond to all other comments from reviewer #2 and #3.

Additional minor comments to be addressed:

- healthcare utilization - please ensure to use language that is not specific to the UK or provide an explanation (e.g. 111 calls - are these emergency calls?)

- Figure 2 - I assumed that the x-axis groups (reasons) were the strata but in fact the series groups (work pattern) are the strata and add up to 100% - consider switching

- add sample sizes to supplementary figure 1 so that it can be matched up with the text in the results

- unclear how Supplementary Figure 3 and Figure 3 are different

- Review titles for each panel in figure 3 as they all include 'ongoing' and are hard to match up with the groups. Add the acronyms used in the text (ASC1/ASC2/OSC1/OSC2).

- Discussion - the authors mention recall bias as it relates to the acute stage, but this also applies to functional status at 6 weeks as most participants are far beyond 6 weeks of illness and should be mentioned.


Please submit your revised manuscript by Dec 17 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A

Reviewer #2: I Don't Know

Reviewer #3: No


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Summary: This manuscript summarizes the findings from a social media survey that was done in November 2020 to assess the symptoms of persons with Long COVID and to identify symptom clusters among those with long COVID.

Study Strengths: The study is well written and done a by a team that includes persons with Long COVID, researchers, and researchers with Long COVID. It appropriately starts the discussion by addressing the limitations of the study design and the response among those who are white, of higher SES and were able to use social media The authors have identified several clusters of symptoms and tried to estimate the impact on missed work/life experiences by those who are affected with long COVID in the survey respondents.

Major comments: I have several major concerns with this paper, including the demographics of the sample, potential for recall bias, and the lack of laboratory evidence of COVID infection in 75% of the respondents.

1. This study was done through social media and the respondents are for the most part, highly educated, white women which severely limits its generalizability given the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in persons of color and the relatively equal distribution of COVID by sex.

2. I also worry about response bias, as only 2.3% of participants felt that they had recovered to baseline health, which far exceeds the approximately 30% of those with COVID who develop long term sequelae. It appears as though those with more severe symptoms were more likely to respond greatly skewing the estimates of this condition. The authors appropriately note that next steps to evaluate the prevalence, predictors and prognosis will need a more representative population and a standardized case definition.

3. In addition, of the 2550 participants in the study, only 26% had established laboratory evidence of COVID-19. It is also striking that loss of sense of taste/smell were not among the most common symptoms reported in those without lab confirmed infection, yet over 25% of those with lab confirmed infection has loss of sense of taste/or smell. While it is possible that many of those without laboratory testing did have COVID, the fact that the majority reported nonspecific symptoms of fatigue, headache, myalgias and chest tightness, but did not have any impact on taste or smell concerns me that we are assessing another illness or comorbidity which may have had an onset at the same time as the pandemic onset. This is also consistent with the time off from work, where those who had laboratory confirmation of their illness had less time off than those without laboratory confirmation (129 vs. 84 days) and the need for assistance because of the inability to live alone.

4. Given the changes in laboratory testing with time, were there any changes in the positivity rate of those with symptoms or the correlation of PCR positivity with Ab positivity with month of illness (ie those who tested in late summer were more or less likely to have concordant results rather than those who tested early on when testing was harder to get and less reliable?) Why are 29% of those who had a PCR negative for antibodies? (Confirming these antibodies were checked pre-vaccine?)

Minor comments:

The authors noted that 12% were admitted to the hospital after 2 weeks from onset of illness. What were the reasons for these hospitalizations and what was the median time from onset of COVID symptoms to hospitalization?

I am concerned that the multivariate analysis is of limited utility given the high proportion of women completing the study vs. men. It also appears that there is an association (albeit non-significant) between baseline health status and development of OSC2. This is not surprising, and should be further investigated.

Reviewer #2: General:

Although this survey appears to be nearly a year old, the overall topic remains quite timely and of great relevance. This article is a nice addition to the LongCOVID literature in that it includes a rich dataset and wide array of analyses. Further clarifying the approach in the abstract, more clearly presenting the comparison between lab-confirmed and not in the results, and better describing the trends in symptoms over time would strengthen this article.


The main manuscript does a great job laying out the approach, methods, results, and limitations and is also much clearer about the engagement of the pwLC in the process and the recruitment methods. The abstract is much harder to follow. It would help to be more overt that the study specifically targeted populations who already identified themselves as having Long COVID. The methods should include the basic statistical analysis) (descriptive, comparison between lab-confirmed and not) in addition to the approach to clustering as the former makes up a good portion of the paper. The flow of the results could be improved. It would help to know much earlier that only 26.5% of the participants were lab confirmed (would more closely mirror the flow in the manuscript). Rather than use the term “Biggest difference” it would be good to clarify if this is the only statistically significant difference in reported symptoms between these two groups and what was the rate that this was reported in each group. Please clarify the difference between fluctuating and relapsing in the manuscript.


Potentially of interest, just this week the WHO released a case definition of post COVID conditions – you may want to consider citing this

Pg 4- It sounds like the initial symptoms are meant to be initial symptoms of COVID-19 and then ongoing symptoms are ongoing symptoms of Long COVID. Please confirm. Please also more explicitly define “ongoing” somewhere. Is that >4 weeks or ongoing at the time of the survey?


A fair amount of language in this section seems more appropriate for the discussion section.

Pg 5 – It would be good to more clearly use the term “Self-reported” for symptoms and diagnosis, both here and in the abstract


In the methods, you noted that comparison was made between lab-confirmed and not – if there is space, it would help to have that comparison included in each section. (Could consider reducing the length of the discussion section some to allow for this)

You also note a large number of persons who tested negative, specifically comparing the positive and negative groups and assessing for differences there would also be of interest (though acknowledging that is a lot more work, I would see that as optional and just encourage the team to look at this)

Pg 7 - Please clarify is the median duration of illness, was median time since illness, or median duration of symptoms

Please clarify if “ongoing’ symptoms in the methods and results indicates at >4 wks or at the time of the survey. It would be helpful to include an overall overview of how symptoms decreased over time if they did this, such as xx (%) persons reported one or more ongoing symptoms for > 4weeks, xx (%) for > 12-weeks, and xx (%) for > 6 months following their initial infection.

Pg 11 – for two clusters, it might help to identify the most commonly reported symptoms in each cluster in the manuscript


The summary of evolution of symptoms over time at the end of the first paragraph was helpful and not as clear in the results section. In general this section is quite verbose and could likely be written more concisely in order to allow for some of the recommendations above.

Tables and Figures:

Table 1 - Would recommend splitting "Tested negative" and "not tested" if possible

Table 3 - There are a number of symptoms listed here, for which there appears to be a statistically significant difference in frequency between those who tested positive and those who did not, that weren't highlighted in the manuscript. Would recommend more explicitly including/listing these as well.

Reviewer #3: The authors analyze data generated from a cross-sectional, online survey exploring long Covid features in subjects from the UK. The paper has significant amount of material, and the study is timely, and relevant. My comments are as follows:

(a) The purpose of the Abstract will be better served if re-written as Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Otherwise, the long writeup doesn't appear very pleasing to go through.

(b) Statistical analysis: t-tests were used for continuous variables. How was the assumption of Normality checked? Under violations, better to resort to 2-sample Wilcoxon tests.

(c) Statistical analysis: Hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) was used, utilizing the complete method. More details are needed on what that is. A variety of other methods, such as Ward, single-linkage, etc are available. Why were they not used? Justify.

(d) Statistical analysis: HAC do not work for missing data, and can be quite sensitive to the choice of the distance/dissimilarity matrix employed. A sensitivity analysis, however small, would be very relevant here. If not, justification is needed behind the choice of the specific dissimilarity matrix used.

(e) Statistical analysis: "Multivariable" logistic regression was used. The correct word is "Multiple" logistic regression, because multivariable would mean something different. This change needs to be made throughout the manuscript. Furthermore, some goodness-of-fit assessments after performing the multiple logistic regressions (say, via the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics) is desirable.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2022 Mar 8;17(3):e0264331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264331.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

23 Dec 2021

Thank you for the helpful feedback which we address point by point below. Since it has been a long while since we submitted this manuscript to PLOS One, we have also gone through the whole paper and updated information and references when necessary. We have changed some of the preprints referenced to their current journal citations if relevant. The original referencing and text remains in the preprint version of our paper:

The reviewers raise important issues. While Reviewer #1 had concerns about the data that the authors cannot address and already acknowledge in the discussion, please do the following to address comments #1-3:

- expand the discussion of the non-representativeness of the sample to contrast it with the demographic characteristics of cases in the UK at the time

Thank you, we have expanded the discussion comparing to an earlier release from the UK’s Office for National Statistics on the prevalence of Long Covid (lines 475-479 in the clean and 494-498 in the tracked version):

“Data from the Office from National Statistics’ Coronavirus Infection Survey, a large randomly-sampled survey of around 140,000 households from all parts of the UK, showed higher prevalence of Long Covid following confirmed or suspected infection in women, adults aged 35 to 69 years, and those living in most deprived areas, with no stark differences between ethnic groups28,29”.

- acknowledge that those with more symptoms and more severe symptoms may be more likely to respond

Thank you, we have now added this sentence in the discussion (lines 490-491 in the clean and 516-517 in the tracked version).

- the lack of lab confirmation is discussed and justified but is still concerning. Is there any data on what else was circulating at the time (e.g. influenza) in the UK that could be added to the discussion to feel more confident that these were COVID cases? It would also be helpful to see separate out test negatives and not tested for Tables 1-3 to see if the not tested were more similar to the test positives or negatives - these can be added as supplemental tables.

Thank you for the suggestion, we have now included the test negative/not tested split in the supplementary tables 5-7. We believe there are three factors that are essential to consider here: the timing and availability of covid testing, and the potential for the pathological processes involved in Long Covid to influence the direction of the test result.

As we state in the results section: “The date of PCR test was available for 1491 of these 1582 participants. Twenty percent (n=304) were first tested at 0-5 days of onset of symptoms, with 72.7% of this group testing positive, while 80% (n=1187) were first tested ≥6 days of onset of symptoms, with 12.6% of this group testing positive.” We know that the sensitivity of PCR declines with time from onset of infection, decreasing from 77% at 4 days to 50% by 10 days (Hellewell J, Russell TW, Matthews R, Severn A, Adam S, Enfield L, et al. Estimating the effectiveness of routine asymptomatic PCR testing at different frequencies for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infections. BMC Medicine. 2021 Apr 27;19(1):106).

With regards to the availability of testing, 73% of respondents reported first developing symptoms before June 2020 in the UK when community testing was not available for those not admitted to hospital or not in health/social care. We touch on this in the discussion under the ‘Patient involvement’ subheading, and actually consider the inclusion of those with suspected infection a strength of the study: “Although we list including suspected as well as lab-confirmed cases in the survey as a limitation, we also consider this a strength of the survey. Community testing in the UK was stopped in early March 2020 but became available to essential workers in May 2020, and community testing was restarted in late Spring/Summer 202024. It is vital that people who got infected in the first wave of the pandemic and unable to access testing during the acute phase of their illness are included in research. They represent a big proportion of people currently living with Long Covid, and have the longest duration of illness, making it essential for studies about disease progression and prognosis to include them. We argue that those experiencing acute COVID-19 symptoms at a time of high national prevalence of infection, and not recovered for months after their acute episode, are very likely to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 even if their access to lab testing was delayed or not possible at the time.” The senior author has written extensively, solely and with others, on the potential serious inequalities in recognition and support resulting from that unavailability of testing at the start of the pandemic and from only including those who have evidence of a positive test in Long Covid care, surveillance, and research, for example:

Alwan NA. A negative COVID-19 test does not mean recovery. Nature. 2020 Aug 11;584(7820):170–170.

Alwan NA. The road to addressing Long Covid. Science. 2021 Jul 30;373(6554):491–3.

Alwan NA, Attree E, Blair JM, Bogaert D, Bowen M-A, Boyle J, et al. From doctors as patients: a manifesto for tackling persisting symptoms of covid-19. BMJ. 2020 Sep 15;370:m3565.

Alwan NA. The teachings of Long COVID. Commun Med. 2021 Jul 12;1(1):1–3.

Alwan NA, Johnson L. Defining long COVID: Going back to the start. Med. 2021 Mar 25;2(5):501–4.

We consider it very important for research published in medical journals, which plays a core role in shaping clinical pathways and agendas, to factor in this inequality angle.

The third point is specific to antibody testing. There is emerging evidence that Long Covid is in itself linked to weak antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 and this could be implicated in the immunological process underlying this disease. We have cited a reference to support this claim (lines 505-507 in the clean and 531-533 in the tracked version): García-Abellán J, Padilla S, Fernández-González M, García JA, Agulló V, Andreo M, et al. Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 is Associated with Long-term Clinical Outcome in Patients with COVID-19: a Longitudinal Study. J Clin Immunol. 2021 Oct 1;41(7):1490–501.

Please address or respond to all other comments from reviewer #2 and #3.

Additional minor comments to be addressed:

- healthcare utilization - please ensure to use language that is not specific to the UK or provide an explanation (e.g. 111 calls - are these emergency calls?)

111 is a non-emergency medical care number that guides callers to the right service. The number is specific to the UK. We have deleted reference to 111 calls and updated this to “calls to non-emergency medical care number” (lines 346-347 in the clean and 364-365 in the tracked version).

- Figure 2 - I assumed that the x-axis groups (reasons) were the strata but in fact the series groups (work pattern) are the strata and add up to 100% - consider switching

Thank you, we have switched the strata as suggested.

- add sample sizes to supplementary figure 1 so that it can be matched up with the text in the results

Thank you, we have added sample sizes to supplementary figure 1.

- unclear how Supplementary Figure 3 and Figure 3 are different

Figure 3 presents the acute (bottom panels) and ongoing (top panels) symptoms by the two ongoing symptom clusters. Supplementary Figure 3 presents the same by the two acute symptom clusters.

- Review titles for each panel in figure 3 as they all include 'ongoing' and are hard to match up with the groups. Add the acronyms used in the text (ASC1/ASC2/OSC1/OSC2).

Thank you, we have the appropriate acronyms used in the text (OSC1/OSC2). The top panels present ongoing symptoms in the ongoing clusters and the bottom two panels present acute symptoms in the ongoing clusters.

- Discussion - the authors mention recall bias as it relates to the acute stage, but this also applies to functional status at 6 weeks as most participants are far beyond 6 weeks of illness and should be mentioned.

Thank you, we have added this to the sentence on recall bias (line 485 in the clean and 511 in the tracked version).


Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer #2:

General: Although this survey appears to be nearly a year old, the overall topic remains quite timely and of great relevance. This article is a nice addition to the Long COVID literature in that it includes a rich dataset and wide array of analyses. Further clarifying the approach in the abstract, more clearly presenting the comparison between lab-confirmed and not in the results, and better describing the trends in symptoms over time would strengthen this article.


The main manuscript does a great job laying out the approach, methods, results, and limitations and is also much clearer about the engagement of the pwLC in the process and the recruitment methods. The abstract is much harder to follow. It would help to be more overt that the study specifically targeted populations who already identified themselves as having Long COVID. The methods should include the basic statistical analysis) (descriptive, comparison between lab-confirmed and not) in addition to the approach to clustering as the former makes up a good portion of the paper. The flow of the results could be improved. It would help to know much earlier that only 26.5% of the participants were lab confirmed (would more closely mirror the flow in the manuscript). Rather than use the term “Biggest difference” it would be good to clarify if this is the only statistically significant difference in reported symptoms between these two groups and what was the rate that this was reported in each group. Please clarify the difference between fluctuating and relapsing in the manuscript.

Thank you, we have updated the abstract as suggested. We have added subheadings, amended the methods as suggested above, and moved the percentage lab confirmed up as suggested.

There are several statistically significant differences between the two groups. We highlighted loss of sense of smell/taste as the reported prevalence as an ongoing symptom in those that tested positive (24.4% smell, 20.9% taste) is over double that in those that tested negative/not tested (10.2% smell, 9.2% taste) which is statistically significant but also a big difference between the groups. For other statistically significant differences between symptoms, the difference between the groups was usually around 10% or less. These are listed in table 3 and include: sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, brain fog, chest pain, chest tightness, chills, hoarse voice and a feeling of pins and needles. We have added these to the text of the results section (lines 258-262 in the clean and 282-286 in the tracked version), as well as differences between the groups in acute symptoms too (lines 266-270 in the clean and 272-277 in the tracked version) but have removed reference to differences from the abstract to fit in within the word count.

We have clarified the difference between fluctuating (intensity of symptoms changes but symptoms never completely go away) and relapsing (experience symptom-free periods in between relapses) in the results section of the manuscript (lines 293-295 in the clean and 310-312 in the tracked version).


Potentially of interest, just this week the WHO released a case definition of post COVID conditions – you may want to consider citing this

Thank you for highlighting this. The senior author was part of the WHO clinical case definition working group as cited in the report. The WHO definition document is now cited in the last paragraph of the discussion (line 673): A clinical case definition of post COVID-19 condition by a Delphi consensus, 6 October 2021 [Internet]. [cited 2021 Oct 15]. Available from:

Pg 4- It sounds like the initial symptoms are meant to be initial symptoms of COVID-19 and then ongoing symptoms are ongoing symptoms of Long COVID. Please confirm. Please also more explicitly define “ongoing” somewhere. Is that >4 weeks or ongoing at the time of the survey?

Thank you. Initial symptoms are symptoms experienced in the first two weeks of infection. Ongoing symptoms are symptoms that remained or developed after the acute stage (≥2 weeks) and continue to be experienced in the longer term over the course of the illness. We have clarified this in the methods section (lines 151-154 in the clean and 164-167 in the tracked version).


A fair amount of language in this section seems more appropriate for the discussion section.

Thank you. If the reviewer is referring to the description of how the survey was co-produced with patients, we feel this needs to stay in the methods section.

Pg 5 – It would be good to more clearly use the term “Self-reported” for symptoms and diagnosis, both here and in the abstract

We have added the term ‘self-reported’ to the abstract (line 28 in the clean and 33-34 in the tracked version). Symptoms are by definition self-reported as there is no other way to measure them.


In the methods, you noted that comparison was made between lab-confirmed and not – if there is space, it would help to have that comparison included in each section. (Could consider reducing the length of the discussion section some to allow for this)

Thank you, we have added comparison in each section as suggested (lines 253-255, 272-289, 306-309, 313-316, 323-234, 333-334, 342-344 and 355-356, all in the tracked version).

You also note a large number of persons who tested negative, specifically comparing the positive and negative groups and assessing for differences there would also be of interest (though acknowledging that is a lot more work, I would see that as optional and just encourage the team to look at this)

Table 1 - Would recommend splitting "Tested negative" and "not tested" if possible

Thank you for the suggestion, we have split the tested negative/not tested group and presented in the supplemental tables (5-7). We have chosen to retain the tables as is in the main analysis. Please see our response above to a similar comment by the editor/reviewer 1.

Pg 7 - Please clarify is the median duration of illness, was median time since illness, or median duration of symptoms

Median duration of illness is the duration of experiencing symptoms. We have added this in brackets to clarify (line 233 in the clean and 247 in the tracked version).

Please clarify if “ongoing’ symptoms in the methods and results indicates at >4 wks or at the time of the survey. It would be helpful to include an overall overview of how symptoms decreased over time if they did this, such as xx (%) persons reported one or more ongoing symptoms for > 4weeks, xx (%) for > 12-weeks, and xx (%) for > 6 months following their initial infection.

Ongoing symptoms are symptoms experienced in the longer-term over the course of the illness which could be anytime past the first 2 weeks (lines 153-154 in the clean and 174-175 in the tracked version). We did not collect data on the duration that each symptom was experienced for so cannot include the suggested overview.

Pg 11 – for two clusters, it might help to identify the most commonly reported symptoms in each cluster in the manuscript

Thank you, we have added the most commonly reported symptoms in the manuscript (lines 383-389 and 395-402 in the clean, and 401-407 and 414-421 in the tracked version).


The summary of evolution of symptoms over time at the end of the first paragraph was helpful and not as clear in the results section. In general this section is quite verbose and could likely be written more concisely in order to allow for some of the recommendations above.

Thank you, we have cut down this section in several places where we felt possible/appropriate.

Table 3 - There are a number of symptoms listed here, for which there appears to be a statistically significant difference in frequency between those who tested positive and those who did not, that weren't highlighted in the manuscript. Would recommend more explicitly including/listing these as well.

Thank you, we have highlighted these differences in the manuscript. Please see response to editors/other reviewers on this above (lines 262-270 in the clean and 277-286 in the tracked version).

Reviewer #3:

The authors analyze data generated from a cross-sectional, online survey exploring long Covid features in subjects from the UK. The paper has significant amount of material, and the study is timely, and relevant. My comments are as follows:

(a) The purpose of the Abstract will be better served if re-written as Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Otherwise, the long writeup doesn't appear very pleasing to go through.

Thank you, we have added the suggested sections to the abstract.

(b) Statistical analysis: t-tests were used for continuous variables. How was the assumption of Normality checked? Under violations, better to resort to 2-sample Wilcoxon tests.

Thank you, we used t-tests or Mann Whitney U test for continuous variables. We had added this as a footnote to the tables where relevant (Tables 2, 3 and 6) but had not updated the methods section. We have now added this to the methods (line 181 in the clean and 194 in the tracked version).

(c) Statistical analysis: Hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) was used, utilizing the complete method. More details are needed on what that is. A variety of other methods, such as Ward, single-linkage, etc are available. Why were they not used? Justify.

We used multiple methods for clustering in our early analysis. We examined K-medoids clustering, and Gaussian mixture model clustering (to allow for non-spherical clusters). We assessed the optimal number of clusters using both these methods with the silhouette method (for K-medoids) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC) for Guassian mixture clustering, and the stability of clusters using Jaccard’s coefficient. While K-medoids clustering identified two clusters, the Jaccard’s coefficient was below 0.75 suggesting these clusters were unstable. With Gaussian mixture clustering, we evaluated BIC for up to 15 clusters. However, BIC continued to increase with the number of clusters, suggesting a very high number of clusters would be optimal. Given the instability of clusters, and the need for better interpretability of clusters, we chose to carry out exploratory clustering using hierarchical agglomerative clustering rather than apply methods with unstable clusters, or potentially very large numbers of clusters that would hamper interpretability. We consider these methods exploratory rather than an exhaustive evaluation of clustering of these data. Given different approaches to HAC can lead to different clusters, we used the complete method, average method, Ward’s method, and single method. Using these, we noted that the single method was not optimal as it led to single individuals being members of clusters. Among other methods, the correlation between all methods was moderate to high but this was highest between the complete method and the average method (r=0.7), so we chose the complete method for our exploratory analysis. We note that our clusters in addition to correlating strongly with functional indicators, also accord well with the clusters obtained from other studies such as REACT-1 providing evidence for their clinical significance, and consistency with other studies.

(d) Statistical analysis: HAC do not work for missing data, and can be quite sensitive to the choice of the distance/dissimilarity matrix employed. A sensitivity analysis, however small, would be very relevant here. If not, justification is needed behind the choice of the specific dissimilarity matrix used.

We note that there was very little missing data in our survey. While we carried out a complete data analysis, we note that only 10 individuals (less than 0.4% of our sample was excluded due to missing data). We do not consider that exclusion of such a small number of individuals would have altered our results. We used the Gower’s dissimilarity matrix given the categorical nature of data, as this is appropriate for such data.

(e) Statistical analysis: "Multivariable" logistic regression was used. The correct word is "Multiple" logistic regression, because multivariable would mean something different. This change needs to be made throughout the manuscript. Furthermore, some goodness-of-fit assessments after performing the multiple logistic regressions (say, via the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics) is desirable.

Thank you, we have updated this as suggested but multivariable and multiple logistic regression are different words for the same ( (line 212 in the clean and 226 in the tracked version).


Submitted filename: Response_to_reviewers_LC final 17 12 21.docx

Decision Letter 1

Catherine G Sutcliffe

27 Jan 2022

PONE-D-21-14682R1Characteristics and impact of Long Covid: findings from an online surveyPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Ziauddeen,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.


ACADEMIC EDITOR: The authors have adequately addressed the reviewer's comments. Before the paper can be accepted, please address the following minor issues:

1. Abstract - Methods: Suggest revising to “We collected self-reported data through an online survey using convenience non-probability sampling. The survey enrolled adults with lab-confirmed (PCR or antibody) or suspected COVID-19 who were not hospitalized in the first two weeks of illness. This analysis was restricted to those with self-reported Long Covid. Univariate comparisons..."

2. Introduction: typo on line 108 of tracked version - “perceived a lack of data on COVID-19 sequelae…”

3. Introduction – last paragraph: suggest revising line 110 in tracked version to "In adults who self-reported Long Covid after suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and..."

4. Methods – last paragraph: suggest revising line 238 in tracked version to “As the full analysis included those with and without lab-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, we examined whether this was a significant predictor of cluster membership to assess whether clusters correlated with having lab-confirmation of infection. We also carried out an additional sensitivity analysis by clustering only those with lab confirmation to see if clusters obtained were different from the full sample analysis.”

5. Results, new sentence in line 256-258 of tracked version: Based on Table 1, I think you mean: “The proportion of participants from outside the UK was higher among those with lab-confirmed infection (29.1%) than among those with suspected infection (17.0%).”

6. Results – first paragraph: can the authors add in the median time from symptom onset to completing the survey (presumably this is different from reported duration of illness since some people have recovered). I am also assuming that duration of illness was just the time from symptom onset to completing the questionnaire for those still symptomatic at survey completion (if this is incorrect, then please clarify in the methods how this was calculated)- was the longer duration of illness among negatives simply due to a longer time since survey completion?  

7. Table 1 and 2 footnote: revise to “Comparisons between those with and without lab-confirmed COVID-19 used...”

8. Results – previous health: revise last sentence to “There were no significant differences in these proportions between those with and without lab-confirmed infection”.

9. Results, course of illness: revise line 287-288 of tracked version to “…which were higher in those with lab confirmation than without, whereas abdominal pain, nausea, chest pain, chest tightness, chills, hoarse voice, sore throat, sneezing and pins and needles were lower in those with lab-confirmation than without.”

10. Table 4: ‘Comes and goes’ and ‘relapsing’ are listed separately in the table but reported/defined together in the text (line 314). How are these different?

11. Results – lab confirmation of infection: Move sentence (starting with “1172 participants (46%) reported having an antibody test…”) on line 381 of tracked version to the beginning of that paragraph on antibody testing. Also add a period between ‘test’ and ’26.3%’ on line 379.

12. Table S4 – many of the categories are overlapping – please revise.

13. Results – lab confirmation of infection: the last paragraph seems redundant with the prior sections since differences by lab confirmation are now presented throughout – suggest deleting it.

14. Results, clustering: second paragraph describing results of univariate analysis – for some the % are presented in the text (e.g. for loss of income)- suggest removing to be consistent for all results mentioned.

15. Results, clustering: last paragraph, correct reference to “OR” for ‘having a confirmed positive test’.


Please submit your revised manuscript by Mar 13 2022 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines for resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Catherine G. Sutcliffe

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #3: No

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PLoS One. 2022 Mar 8;17(3):e0264331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264331.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

1 Feb 2022

ACADEMIC EDITOR: The authors have adequately addressed the reviewer's comments. Before the paper can be accepted, please address the following minor issues:

1. Abstract - Methods: Suggest revising to “We collected self-reported data through an online survey using convenience non-probability sampling. The survey enrolled adults with lab-confirmed (PCR or antibody) or suspected COVID-19 who were not hospitalized in the first two weeks of illness. This analysis was restricted to those with self-reported Long Covid. Univariate comparisons..."

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

2. Introduction: typo on line 108 of tracked version - “perceived a lack of data on COVID-19 sequelae…”

Thank you, we have corrected this typo.

3. Introduction – last paragraph: suggest revising line 110 in tracked version to "In adults who self-reported Long Covid after suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and..."

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

4. Methods – last paragraph: suggest revising line 238 in tracked version to “As the full analysis included those with and without lab-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, we examined whether this was a significant predictor of cluster membership to assess whether clusters correlated with having lab-confirmation of infection. We also carried out an additional sensitivity analysis by clustering only those with lab confirmation to see if clusters obtained were different from the full sample analysis.”

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

5. Results, new sentence in line 256-258 of tracked version: Based on Table 1, I think you mean: “The proportion of participants from outside the UK was higher among those with lab-confirmed infection (29.1%) than among those with suspected infection (17.0%).”

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

6. Results – first paragraph: can the authors add in the median time from symptom onset to completing the survey (presumably this is different from reported duration of illness since some people have recovered). I am also assuming that duration of illness was just the time from symptom onset to completing the questionnaire for those still symptomatic at survey completion (if this is incorrect, then please clarify in the methods how this was calculated)- was the longer duration of illness among negatives simply due to a longer time since survey completion?

Thank you, we have updated the median and IQR to present these after excluding those who have recovered (in the abstract and the results section). The mean and SD are unchanged. We have also updated the n in Table 4 where we have presented mean duration of illness.

Yes, the duration of illness was calculated as the time from symptom onset to the date of survey completion for those still symptomatic.

The longer duration among negatives/not tested is likely to reflect earlier symptom onset when access to testing (in the UK) was limited.

7. Table 1 and 2 footnote: revise to “Comparisons between those with and without lab-confirmed COVID-19 used...”

Thank you, we have revised the footnote for Tables 1-6 as suggested.

8. Results – previous health: revise last sentence to “There were no significant differences in these proportions between those with and without lab-confirmed infection”.

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

9. Results, course of illness: revise line 287-288 of tracked version to “…which were higher in those with lab confirmation than without, whereas abdominal pain, nausea, chest pain, chest tightness, chills, hoarse voice, sore throat, sneezing and pins and needles were lower in those with lab-confirmation than without.”

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

10. Table 4: ‘Comes and goes’ and ‘relapsing’ are listed separately in the table but reported/defined together in the text (line 314). How are these different?

Thank you, we have combined these into one category.

‘Comes and goes’ was one of the options included in our survey but we also gave participants an ‘other’ option which they could choose and describe the pattern of their illness if they didn’t feel the available options captured the pattern they experienced. The responses to the other option were then categorised by the research and coded as a separately relapsing category.

11. Results – lab confirmation of infection: Move sentence (starting with “1172 participants (46%) reported having an antibody test…”) on line 381 of tracked version to the beginning of that paragraph on antibody testing. Also add a period between ‘test’ and ’26.3%’ on line 379.

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

12. Table S4 – many of the categories are overlapping – please revise.

Thank you, we have updated this to clarify the categories.

13. Results – lab confirmation of infection: the last paragraph seems redundant with the prior sections since differences by lab confirmation are now presented throughout – suggest deleting it.

Thank you, we have moved two of the sentences that were not previously covered in the text and deleted the rest of the paragraph as suggested.

14. Results, clustering: second paragraph describing results of univariate analysis – for some the % are presented in the text (e.g. for loss of income)- suggest removing to be consistent for all results mentioned.

Thank you, we have revised as suggested.

15. Results, clustering: last paragraph, correct reference to “OR” for ‘having a confirmed positive test’.

Thank you, we have corrected this as suggested.


Submitted filename: Response_to_reviewers_R2.docx

Decision Letter 2

Catherine G Sutcliffe

9 Feb 2022

Characteristics and impact of Long Covid: findings from an online survey


Dear Dr. Ziauddeen,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

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Kind regards,

Catherine G. Sutcliffe

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Catherine G Sutcliffe

16 Feb 2022


Characteristics and impact of Long Covid: findings from an online survey

Dear Dr. Ziauddeen:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Catherine G. Sutcliffe

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Reported SARS-CoV-2 testing history in survey participants.


    S2 Fig. Silhouette coefficient for 2 to 10 clusters.


    S3 Fig. Two clusters of acute symptoms and ongoing symptoms among these clusters.


    S4 Fig. Clustering of confirmed positive data only identifies similar clusters to whole dataset.


    S5 Fig. Transition from acute symptom cluster to ongoing symptom clusters by number of systems affected by symptoms.


    S6 Fig. Mutually adjusted predictors of transition from acute symptom cluster 1 (ASC1: Cardiopulmonary predominant) to ongoing symptom cluster 2 (OSC2: Multisystem).


    S1 Table. Classification of ongoing symptoms by organ system.


    S2 Table. Pre-existing conditions in survey participants.


    S3 Table. Symptoms categorised by phase of illness.


    S4 Table. Duration and pattern of illness in those who reported full recovery from Long Covid.


    S5 Table. Demographics and baseline health of survey participants.


    S6 Table. Initial symptoms experienced at the start of COVID-19 illness (first two weeks).


    S7 Table. Ongoing symptoms, fatigue severity and organ systems affected.



    Submitted filename: Response_to_reviewers_LC final 17 12 21.docx


    Submitted filename: Response_to_reviewers_R2.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    The survey data is available on request provided ethics committee approval for sharing the anonymised data is granted. To request access conditional on approval, please email

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