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. 2022 Mar 10;82(3):213. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10095-5

Search for strongly interacting massive particles generating trackless jets in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV

A Tumasyan 1, W Adam 2, T Bergauer 2, M Dragicevic 2, J Erö 2, A Escalante Del Valle 2, R Frühwirth 2,196, M Jeitler 2,196, N Krammer 2, L Lechner 2, D Liko 2, I Mikulec 2, F M Pitters 2, N Rad 2, J Schieck 2,196, R Schöfbeck 2, M Spanring 2, S Templ 2, W Waltenberger 2, C-E Wulz 2,196, M Zarucki 2, V Chekhovsky 3, A Litomin 3, V Makarenko 3, J Suarez Gonzalez 3, M R Darwish 4,197, E A De Wolf 4, D Di Croce 4, X Janssen 4, T Kello 4,198, A Lelek 4, M Pieters 4, H Rejeb Sfar 4, H Van Haevermaet 4, P Van Mechelen 4, S Van Putte 4, N Van Remortel 4, F Blekman 5, E S Bols 5, S S Chhibra 5, J D’Hondt 5, J De Clercq 5, D Lontkovskyi 5, S Lowette 5, I Marchesini 5, S Moortgat 5, A Morton 5, Q Python 5, S Tavernier 5, W Van Doninck 5, P Van Mulders 5, D Beghin 6, B Bilin 6, B Clerbaux 6, G De Lentdecker 6, B Dorney 6, L Favart 6, A Grebenyuk 6, A K Kalsi 6, I Makarenko 6, L Moureaux 6, L Pétré 6, A Popov 6, N Postiau 6, E Starling 6, L Thomas 6, C Vander Velde 6, P Vanlaer 6, D Vannerom 6, L Wezenbeek 6, T Cornelis 7, D Dobur 7, M Gruchala 7, I Khvastunov 7,199, M Niedziela 7, C Roskas 7, K Skovpen 7, M Tytgat 7, W Verbeke 7, B Vermassen 7, M Vit 7, G Bruno 8, F Bury 8, C Caputo 8, P David 8, C Delaere 8, M Delcourt 8, I S Donertas 8, A Giammanco 8, V Lemaitre 8, K Mondal 8, J Prisciandaro 8, A Taliercio 8, M Teklishyn 8, P Vischia 8, S Wertz 8, S Wuyckens 8, G A Alves 9, C Hensel 9, A Moraes 9, W L Aldá Júnior 10, E Belchior Batista Das Chagas 10, H Brandao Malbouisson 10, W Carvalho 10, J Chinellato 10,200, E Coelho 10, E M Da Costa 10, G G Da Silveira 10,201, D De JesusDamiao 10, S Fonseca De Souza 10, J Martins 10,202, D Matos Figueiredo 10, M Medina Jaime 10,203, C Mora Herrera 10, L Mundim 10, H Nogima 10, P Rebello Teles 10, L J Sanchez Rosas 10, A Santoro 10, S M Silva Do Amaral 10, A Sznajder 10, M Thiel 10, F Torres Da SilvaDeAraujo 10, A Vilela Pereira 10, C A Bernardes 11, L Calligaris 11, T R Fernandez Perez Tomei 11, E M Gregores 11, D S Lemos 11, P G Mercadante 11, S F Novaes 11, Sandra S Padula 11, A Aleksandrov 12, G Antchev 12, I Atanasov 12, R Hadjiiska 12, P Iaydjiev 12, M Misheva 12, M Rodozov 12, M Shopova 12, G Sultanov 12, A Dimitrov 13, T Ivanov 13, L Litov 13, B Pavlov 13, P Petkov 13, A Petrov 13, T Cheng 14, W Fang 14,198, Q Guo 14, H Wang 14, L Yuan 14, M Ahmad 15, G Bauer 15, Z Hu 15, Y Wang 15, K Yi 15,204,205, E Chapon 16, G M Chen 16,206, H S Chen 16,206, M Chen 16, T Javaid 16,206, A Kapoor 16, D Leggat 16, H Liao 16, Z-A Liu 16,206, R Sharma 16, A Spiezia 16, J Tao 16, J Thomas-wilsker 16, J Wang 16, H Zhang 16, S Zhang 16,206, J Zhao 16, A Agapitos 17, Y Ban 17, C Chen 17, Q Huang 17, A Levin 17, Q Li 17, M Lu 17, X Lyu 17, Y Mao 17, S J Qian 17, D Wang 17, Q Wang 17, J Xiao 17, Z You 18, X Gao 19,198, M Xiao 20, C Avila 21, A Cabrera 21, C Florez 21, J Fraga 21, A Sarkar 21, M A Segura Delgado 21, J Jaramillo 22, J Mejia Guisao 22, F Ramirez 22, J D Ruiz Alvarez 22, C A Salazar González 22, N Vanegas Arbelaez 22, D Giljanovic 23, N Godinovic 23, D Lelas 23, I Puljak 23, Z Antunovic 24, M Kovac 24, T Sculac 24, V Brigljevic 25, D Ferencek 25, D Majumder 25, M Roguljic 25, A Starodumov 25,207, T Susa 25, M W Ather 26, A Attikis 26, E Erodotou 26, A Ioannou 26, G Kole 26, M Kolosova 26, S Konstantinou 26, J Mousa 26, C Nicolaou 26, F Ptochos 26, P A Razis 26, H Rykaczewski 26, H Saka 26, D Tsiakkouri 26, M Finger 27,208, M Finger Jr 27,208, A Kveton 27, J Tomsa 27, E Ayala 28, E Carrera Jarrin 29, S Elgammal 30,209, A Ellithi Kamel 30,210, S Khalil 30,211, A Lotfy 31, M A Mahmoud 31, S Bhowmik 32, A Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira 32, R K Dewanjee 32, K Ehataht 32, M Kadastik 32, M Raidal 32, C Veelken 32, P Eerola 33, L Forthomme 33, H Kirschenmann 33, K Osterberg 33, M Voutilainen 33, E Brücken 34, F Garcia 34, J Havukainen 34, V Karimäki 34, M S Kim 34, R Kinnunen 34, T Lampén 34, K Lassila-Perini 34, S Lehti 34, T Lindén 34, H Siikonen 34, E Tuominen 34, J Tuominiemi 34, P Luukka 35, T Tuuva 35, C Amendola 36, M Besancon 36, F Couderc 36, M Dejardin 36, D Denegri 36, J L Faure 36, F Ferri 36, S Ganjour 36, A Givernaud 36, P Gras 36, G Hamel de Monchenault 36, P Jarry 36, B Lenzi 36, E Locci 36, J Malcles 36, J Rander 36, A Rosowsky 36, MÖ Sahin 36, A Savoy-Navarro 36,212, M Titov 36, G B Yu 36, S Ahuja 37, F Beaudette 37, M Bonanomi 37, A Buchot Perraguin 37, P Busson 37, C Charlot 37, O Davignon 37, B Diab 37, G Falmagne 37, R Granier de Cassagnac 37, A Hakimi 37, I Kucher 37, A Lobanov 37, C Martin Perez 37, M Nguyen 37, C Ochando 37, P Paganini 37, J Rembser 37, R Salerno 37, J B Sauvan 37, Y Sirois 37, A Zabi 37, A Zghiche 37, J-L Agram 38,213, J Andrea 38, D Bloch 38, G Bourgatte 38, J-M Brom 38, E C Chabert 38, C Collard 38, J-C Fontaine 38,213, D Gelé 38, U Goerlach 38, C Grimault 38, A-C Le Bihan 38, P Van Hove 38, E Asilar 39, S Beauceron 39, C Bernet 39, G Boudoul 39, C Camen 39, A Carle 39, N Chanon 39, D Contardo 39, P Depasse 39, H El Mamouni 39, J Fay 39, S Gascon 39, M Gouzevitch 39, B Ille 39, Sa Jain 39, I B Laktineh 39, H Lattaud 39, A Lesauvage 39, M Lethuillier 39, L Mirabito 39, L Torterotot 39, G Touquet 39, M Vander Donckt 39, S Viret 39, G Adamov 40, Z Tsamalaidze 40,208, L Feld 41, K Klein 41, M Lipinski 41, D Meuser 41, A Pauls 41, M Preuten 41, M P Rauch 41, J Schulz 41, M Teroerde 41, D Eliseev 42, M Erdmann 42, P Fackeldey 42, B Fischer 42, S Ghosh 42, T Hebbeker 42, K Hoepfner 42, H Keller 42, L Mastrolorenzo 42, M Merschmeyer 42, A Meyer 42, G Mocellin 42, S Mondal 42, S Mukherjee 42, D Noll 42, A Novak 42, T Pook 42, A Pozdnyakov 42, Y Rath 42, H Reithler 42, J Roemer 42, A Schmidt 42, S C Schuler 42, A Sharma 42, S Wiedenbeck 42, S Zaleski 42, C Dziwok 43, G Flügge 43, W Haj Ahmad 43,214, O Hlushchenko 43, T Kress 43, A Nowack 43, C Pistone 43, O Pooth 43, D Roy 43, H Sert 43, A Stahl 43,215, T Ziemons 43, H Aarup Petersen 44, M Aldaya Martin 44, P Asmuss 44, I Babounikau 44, S Baxter 44, O Behnke 44, A Bermúdez Martínez 44, A A Bin Anuar 44, K Borras 44,216, V Botta 44, D Brunner 44, A Campbell 44, A Cardini 44, P Connor 44, S Consuegra Rodríguez 44, V Danilov 44, A De Wit 44, M M Defranchis 44, L Didukh 44, D Domínguez Damiani 44, G Eckerlin 44, D Eckstein 44, T Eichhorn 44, L I Estevez Banos 44, E Gallo 44,217, A Geiser 44, A Giraldi 44, A Grohsjean 44, M Guthoff 44, A Harb 44, A Jafari 44,218, N Z Jomhari 44, H Jung 44, A Kasem 44,216, M Kasemann 44, H Kaveh 44, C Kleinwort 44, J Knolle 44, D Krücker 44, W Lange 44, T Lenz 44, J Lidrych 44, K Lipka 44, W Lohmann 44,219, T Madlener 44, R Mankel 44, I-A Melzer-Pellmann 44, J Metwally 44, A B Meyer 44, M Meyer 44, M Missiroli 44, J Mnich 44, A Mussgiller 44, V Myronenko 44, Y Otarid 44, D Pérez Adán 44, S K Pflitsch 44, D Pitzl 44, A Raspereza 44, A Saggio 44, A Saibel 44, M Savitskyi 44, V Scheurer 44, C Schwanenberger 44, A Singh 44, R E Sosa Ricardo 44, N Tonon 44, O Turkot 44, A Vagnerini 44, M Van De Klundert 44, R Walsh 44, D Walter 44, Y Wen 44, K Wichmann 44, C Wissing 44, S Wuchterl 44, O Zenaiev 44, R Zlebcik 44, R Aggleton 45, S Bein 45, L Benato 45, A Benecke 45, K De Leo 45, T Dreyer 45, A Ebrahimi 45, M Eich 45, F Feindt 45, A Fröhlich 45, C Garbers 45, E Garutti 45, P Gunnellini 45, J Haller 45, A Hinzmann 45, A Karavdina 45, G Kasieczka 45, R Klanner 45, R Kogler 45, V Kutzner 45, J Lange 45, T Lange 45, A Malara 45, C E N Niemeyer 45, A Nigamova 45, K J Pena Rodriguez 45, O Rieger 45, P Schleper 45, S Schumann 45, J Schwandt 45, D Schwarz 45, J Sonneveld 45, H Stadie 45, G Steinbrück 45, B Vormwald 45, I Zoi 45, J Bechtel 46, T Berger 46, E Butz 46, R Caspart 46, T Chwalek 46, W De Boer 46, A Dierlamm 46, A Droll 46, K El Morabit 46, N Faltermann 46, K Flöh 46, M Giffels 46, A Gottmann 46, F Hartmann 46,215, C Heidecker 46, U Husemann 46, I Katkov 46,220, P Keicher 46, R Koppenhöfer 46, S Maier 46, M Metzler 46, S Mitra 46, D Müller 46, Th Müller 46, M Musich 46, G Quast 46, K Rabbertz 46, J Rauser 46, D Savoiu 46, D Schäfer 46, M Schnepf 46, M Schröder 46, D Seith 46, I Shvetsov 46, H J Simonis 46, R Ulrich 46, M Wassmer 46, M Weber 46, R Wolf 46, S Wozniewski 46, G Anagnostou 47, P Asenov 47, G Daskalakis 47, T Geralis 47, A Kyriakis 47, D Loukas 47, G Paspalaki 47, A Stakia 47, M Diamantopoulou 48, D Karasavvas 48, G Karathanasis 48, P Kontaxakis 48, C K Koraka 48, A Manousakis-katsikakis 48, A Panagiotou 48, I Papavergou 48, N Saoulidou 48, K Theofilatos 48, K Vellidis 48, E Vourliotis 48, G Bakas 49, K Kousouris 49, I Papakrivopoulos 49, G Tsipolitis 49, A Zacharopoulou 49, I Evangelou 50, C Foudas 50, P Gianneios 50, P Katsoulis 50, P Kokkas 50, K Manitara 50, N Manthos 50, I Papadopoulos 50, J Strologas 50, M Bartók 51,221,225, M Csanad 51,225, M M A Gadallah 51,222,225, S Lökös 51,223,225, P Major 51,225, K Mandal 51,225, A Mehta 51,225, G Pasztor 51,225, O Surányi 51,225, G I Veres 51,225, G Bencze 52, C Hajdu 52, D Horvath 52,224, F Sikler 52, V Veszpremi 52, G Vesztergombi 52, S Czellar 53, J Karancsi 53,221, J Molnar 53, Z Szillasi 53, D Teyssier 53, P Raics 54, Z L Trocsanyi 54, B Ujvari 54, T Csorgo 55,226, F Nemes 55,226, T Novak 55, S Choudhury 56, J R Komaragiri 56, D Kumar 56, L Panwar 56, P C Tiwari 56, S Bahinipati 57,227, D Dash 57, C Kar 57, P Mal 57, T Mishra 57, V K Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu 57, A Nayak 57,228, D K Sahoo 57,227, N Sur 57, S K Swain 57, S Bansal 58, S B Beri 58, V Bhatnagar 58, G Chaudhary 58, S Chauhan 58, N Dhingra 58,229, R Gupta 58, A Kaur 58, S Kaur 58, P Kumari 58, M Meena 58, K Sandeep 58, S Sharma 58, J B Singh 58, A K Virdi 58, A Ahmed 59, A Bhardwaj 59, B C Choudhary 59, R B Garg 59, M Gola 59, S Keshri 59, A Kumar 59, M Naimuddin 59, P Priyanka 59, K Ranjan 59, A Shah 59, M Bharti 60,230, R Bhattacharya 60, S Bhattacharya 60, D Bhowmik 60, S Dutta 60, S Ghosh 60, B Gomber 60,231, M Maity 60,232, S Nandan 60, P Palit 60, P K Rout 60, G Saha 60, B Sahu 60, S Sarkar 60, M Sharan 60, B Singh 60,230, S Thakur 60,230, P K Behera 61, S C Behera 61, P Kalbhor 61, A Muhammad 61, R Pradhan 61, P R Pujahari 61, A Sharma 61, A K Sikdar 61, D Dutta 62, V Kumar 62, K Naskar 62,233, P K Netrakanti 62, L M Pant 62, P Shukla 62, T Aziz 63, M A Bhat 63, S Dugad 63, R Kumar Verma 63, G B Mohanty 63, U Sarkar 63, S Banerjee 64, S Bhattacharya 64, S Chatterjee 64, R Chudasama 64, M Guchait 64, S Karmakar 64, S Kumar 64, G Majumder 64, K Mazumdar 64, S Mukherjee 64, D Roy 64, S Dube 65, B Kansal 65, S Pandey 65, A Rane 65, A Rastogi 65, S Sharma 65, H Bakhshiansohi 66,234, M Zeinali 66,235, S Chenarani 67,236, S M Etesami 67, M Khakzad 67, M Mohammadi Najafabadi 67, M Felcini 68, M Grunewald 68, M Abbrescia 69, R Aly 69,237, C Aruta 69, A Colaleo 69, D Creanza 69, N De Filippis 69, M De Palma 69, A Di Florio 69, A Di Pilato 69, W Elmetenawee 69, L Fiore 69, A Gelmi 69, M Gul 69, G Iaselli 69, M Ince 69, S Lezki 69, G Maggi 69, M Maggi 69, I Margjeka 69, V Mastrapasqua 69, J A Merlin 69, S My 69, S Nuzzo 69, A Pompili 69, G Pugliese 69, A Ranieri 69, G Selvaggi 69, L Silvestris 69, F M Simone 69, R Venditti 69, P Verwilligen 69, G Abbiendi 70, C Battilana 70, D Bonacorsi 70, L Borgonovi 70, S Braibant-Giacomelli 70, R Campanini 70, P Capiluppi 70, A Castro 70, F R Cavallo 70, C Ciocca 70, M Cuffiani 70, G M Dallavalle 70, T Diotalevi 70, F Fabbri 70, A Fanfani 70, E Fontanesi 70, P Giacomelli 70, L Giommi 70, C Grandi 70, L Guiducci 70, F Iemmi 70, S Lo Meo 70,238, S Marcellini 70, G Masetti 70, F L Navarria 70, A Perrotta 70, F Primavera 70, A M Rossi 70, T Rovelli 70, G P Siroli 70, N Tosi 70, S Albergo 71,239, S Costa 71,239, A Di Mattia 71, R Potenza 71, A Tricomi 71,239, C Tuve 71, G Barbagli 72, A Cassese 72, R Ceccarelli 72, V Ciulli 72, C Civinini 72, R D’Alessandro 72, F Fiori 72, E Focardi 72, G Latino 72, P Lenzi 72, M Lizzo 72, M Meschini 72, S Paoletti 72, R Seidita 72, G Sguazzoni 72, L Viliani 72, L Benussi 73, S Bianco 73, D Piccolo 73, M Bozzo 74, F Ferro 74, R Mulargia 74, E Robutti 74, S Tosi 74, A Benaglia 75, A Beschi 75, F Brivio 75, F Cetorelli 75, V Ciriolo 75,215, F De Guio 75, M E Dinardo 75, P Dini 75, S Gennai 75, A Ghezzi 75, P Govoni 75, L Guzzi 75, M Malberti 75, S Malvezzi 75, A Massironi 75, D Menasce 75, F Monti 75, L Moroni 75, M Paganoni 75, D Pedrini 75, S Ragazzi 75, T Tabarelli de Fatis 75, D Valsecchi 75,215, D Zuolo 75, S Buontempo 76, N Cavallo 76, A De Iorio 76, F Fabozzi 76, F Fienga 76, A O M Iorio 76, L Lista 76, S Meola 76,215, P Paolucci 76,215, B Rossi 76, C Sciacca 76, E Voevodina 76, P Azzi 77, N Bacchetta 77, D Bisello 77, P Bortignon 77, A Bragagnolo 77, R Carlin 77, P Checchia 77, P De CastroManzano 77, T Dorigo 77, F Gasparini 77, U Gasparini 77, S Y Hoh 77, L Layer 77,240, M Margoni 77, A T Meneguzzo 77, M Presilla 77, P Ronchese 77, R Rossin 77, F Simonetto 77, G Strong 77, M Tosi 77, H Yarar 77, M Zanetti 77, P Zotto 77, A Zucchetta 77, G Zumerle 77, C Aime‘ 78, A Braghieri 78, S Calzaferri 78, D Fiorina 78, P Montagna 78, S P Ratti 78, V Re 78, M Ressegotti 78, C Riccardi 78, P Salvini 78, I Vai 78, P Vitulo 78, M Biasini 79, G M Bilei 79, D Ciangottini 79, L Fanò 79, P Lariccia 79, G Mantovani 79, V Mariani 79, M Menichelli 79, F Moscatelli 79, A Piccinelli 79, A Rossi 79, A Santocchia 79, D Spiga 79, T Tedeschi 79, K Androsov 80, P Azzurri 80, G Bagliesi 80, V Bertacchi 80, L Bianchini 80, T Boccali 80, R Castaldi 80, M A Ciocci 80, R Dell’Orso 80, M R Di Domenico 80, S Donato 80, L Giannini 80, A Giassi 80, M T Grippo 80, F Ligabue 80, E Manca 80, G Mandorli 80, A Messineo 80, F Palla 80, G Ramirez-Sanchez 80, A Rizzi 80, G Rolandi 80, S Roy Chowdhury 80, A Scribano 80, N Shafiei 80, P Spagnolo 80, R Tenchini 80, G Tonelli 80, N Turini 80, A Venturi 80, P G Verdini 80, F Cavallari 81, M Cipriani 81, D Del Re 81, E Di Marco 81, M Diemoz 81, E Longo 81, P Meridiani 81, G Organtini 81, F Pandolfi 81, R Paramatti 81, C Quaranta 81, S Rahatlou 81, C Rovelli 81, F Santanastasio 81, L Soffi 81, R Tramontano 81, N Amapane 82, R Arcidiacono 82, S Argiro 82, M Arneodo 82, N Bartosik 82, R Bellan 82, A Bellora 82, J Berenguer Antequera 82, C Biino 82, A Cappati 82, N Cartiglia 82, S Cometti 82, M Costa 82, R Covarelli 82, N Demaria 82, B Kiani 82, F Legger 82, C Mariotti 82, S Maselli 82, E Migliore 82, V Monaco 82, E Monteil 82, M Monteno 82, M M Obertino 82, G Ortona 82, L Pacher 82, N Pastrone 82, M Pelliccioni 82, G L Pinna Angioni 82, M Ruspa 82, R Salvatico 82, F Siviero 82, V Sola 82, A Solano 82, D Soldi 82, A Staiano 82, M Tornago 82, D Trocino 82, S Belforte 83, V Candelise 83, M Casarsa 83, F Cossutti 83, A Da Rold 83, G Della Ricca 83, F Vazzoler 83, S Dogra 84, C Huh 84, B Kim 84, D H Kim 84, G N Kim 84, J Lee 84, S W Lee 84, C S Moon 84, Y D Oh 84, S I Pak 84, B C Radburn-Smith 84, S Sekmen 84, Y C Yang 84, H Kim 85, D H Moon 85, B Francois 86, T J Kim 86, J Park 86, S Cho 87, S Choi 87, Y Go 87, S Ha 87, B Hong 87, K Lee 87, K S Lee 87, J Lim 87, J Park 87, S K Park 87, J Yoo 87, J Goh 88, A Gurtu 88, H S Kim 89, Y Kim 89, J Almond 90, J H Bhyun 90, J Choi 90, S Jeon 90, J Kim 90, J S Kim 90, S Ko 90, H Kwon 90, H Lee 90, K Lee 90, S Lee 90, K Nam 90, B H Oh 90, M Oh 90, S B Oh 90, H Seo 90, U K Yang 90, I Yoon 90, D Jeon 91, J H Kim 91, B Ko 91, J S H Lee 91, I C Park 91, Y Roh 91, D Song 91, I J Watson 91, H D Yoo 92, Y Choi 93, C Hwang 93, Y Jeong 93, H Lee 93, Y Lee 93, I Yu 93, Y Maghrbi 94, V Veckalns 95,241, A Juodagalvis 96, A Rinkevicius 96, G Tamulaitis 96, A Vaitkevicius 96, W A T Wan Abdullah 97, M N Yusli 97, Z Zolkapli 97, J F Benitez 98, A Castaneda Hernandez 98, J A Murillo Quijada 98, L Valencia Palomo 98, G Ayala 99, H Castilla-Valdez 99, E DeLa Cruz-Burelo 99, I Heredia-De La Cruz 99,242, R Lopez-Fernandez 99, C A Mondragon Herrera 99, D A Perez Navarro 99, A Sanchez-Hernandez 99, S Carrillo Moreno 100, C Oropeza Barrera 100, M Ramirez-Garcia 100, F Vazquez Valencia 100, J Eysermans 101, I Pedraza 101, H A Salazar Ibarguen 101, C Uribe Estrada 101, A Morelos Pineda 102, J Mijuskovic 103,199, N Raicevic 103, D Krofcheck 104, S Bheesette 105, P H Butler 105, A Ahmad 106, M I Asghar 106, A Awais 106, M I M Awan 106, H R Hoorani 106, W A Khan 106, M A Shah 106, M Shoaib 106, M Waqas 106, V Avati 107, L Grzanka 107, M Malawski 107, H Bialkowska 108, M Bluj 108, B Boimska 108, T Frueboes 108, M Górski 108, M Kazana 108, M Szleper 108, P Traczyk 108, P Zalewski 108, K Bunkowski 109, K Doroba 109, A Kalinowski 109, M Konecki 109, J Krolikowski 109, M Walczak 109, M Araujo 110, P Bargassa 110, D Bastos 110, A Boletti 110, P Faccioli 110, M Gallinaro 110, J Hollar 110, N Leonardo 110, T Niknejad 110, J Seixas 110, K Shchelina 110, O Toldaiev 110, J Varela 110, V Alexakhin 111, P Bunin 111, Y Ershov 111, M Gavrilenko 111, A Golunov 111, I Golutvin 111, N Gorbounov 111, I Gorbunov 111, A Kamenev 111, V Karjavine 111, A Lanev 111, A Malakhov 111, V Matveev 111,243,244, V Palichik 111, V Perelygin 111, M Savina 111, S Shmatov 111, S Shulha 111, V Smirnov 111, O Teryaev 111, B S Yuldashev 111,245, A Zarubin 111, G Gavrilov 112, V Golovtcov 112, Y Ivanov 112, V Kim 112,246, E Kuznetsova 112,247, V Murzin 112, V Oreshkin 112, I Smirnov 112, D Sosnov 112, V Sulimov 112, L Uvarov 112, S Volkov 112, A Vorobyev 112, Yu Andreev 113, A Dermenev 113, S Gninenko 113, N Golubev 113, A Karneyeu 113, M Kirsanov 113, N Krasnikov 113, A Pashenkov 113, G Pivovarov 113, D Tlisov 113, A Toropin 113, V Epshteyn 114, V Gavrilov 114, N Lychkovskaya 114, A Nikitenko 114,248, V Popov 114, G Safronov 114, A Spiridonov 114, A Stepennov 114, M Toms 114, E Vlasov 114, A Zhokin 114, T Aushev 115, O Bychkova 116, M Chadeeva 116,249, D Philippov 116, E Popova 116, V Rusinov 116, V Andreev 117, M Azarkin 117, I Dremin 117, M Kirakosyan 117, A Terkulov 117, A Belyaev 118, E Boos 118, V Bunichev 118, M Dubinin 118,250, L Dudko 118, A Gribushin 118, V Klyukhin 118, O Kodolova 118, I Lokhtin 118, S Obraztsov 118, M Perfilov 118, S Petrushanko 118, V Savrin 118, V Blinov 119,251, T Dimova 119,251, L Kardapoltsev 119,251, I Ovtin 119,251, Y Skovpen 119,251, I Azhgirey 120, I Bayshev 120, V Kachanov 120, A Kalinin 120, D Konstantinov 120, V Petrov 120, R Ryutin 120, A Sobol 120, S Troshin 120, N Tyurin 120, A Uzunian 120, A Volkov 120, A Babaev 121, A Iuzhakov 121, V Okhotnikov 121, L Sukhikh 121, V Borchsh 122, V Ivanchenko 122, E Tcherniaev 122, P Adzic 123,252, P Cirkovic 123, M Dordevic 123, P Milenovic 123, J Milosevic 123, M Aguilar-Benitez 124, J Alcaraz Maestre 124, A Álvarez Fernández 124, I Bachiller 124, M Barrio Luna 124, CristinaF Bedoya 124, C A Carrillo Montoya 124, M Cepeda 124, M Cerrada 124, N Colino 124, B DeLa Cruz 124, A Delgado Peris 124, J P Fernández Ramos 124, J Flix 124, M C Fouz 124, A García Alonso 124, O Gonzalez Lopez 124, S Goy Lopez 124, J M Hernandez 124, M I Josa 124, J León Holgado 124, D Moran 124, Á Navarro Tobar 124, A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo 124, J Puerta Pelayo 124, I Redondo 124, L Romero 124, S Sánchez Navas 124, M S Soares 124, A Triossi 124, L Urda Gómez 124, C Willmott 124, C Albajar 125, J F de Trocóniz 125, R Reyes-Almanza 125, B Alvarez Gonzalez 126, J Cuevas 126, C Erice 126, J Fernandez Menendez 126, S Folgueras 126, I Gonzalez Caballero 126, E Palencia Cortezon 126, C Ramón Álvarez 126, J Ripoll Sau 126, V Rodríguez Bouza 126, S Sanchez Cruz 126, A Trapote 126, J A Brochero Cifuentes 127, I J Cabrillo 127, A Calderon 127, B Chazin Quero 127, J Duarte Campderros 127, M Fernandez 127, P J Fernández Manteca 127, G Gomez 127, C Martinez Rivero 127, P Martinez Ruiz del Arbol 127, F Matorras 127, J Piedra Gomez 127, C Prieels 127, F Ricci-Tam 127, T Rodrigo 127, A Ruiz-Jimeno 127, L Scodellaro 127, I Vila 127, J M Vizan Garcia 127, MK Jayananda 128, B Kailasapathy 128,253, D U J Sonnadara 128, D D C Wickramarathna 128, W G D Dharmaratna 129, K Liyanage 129, N Perera 129, N Wickramage 129, T K Aarrestad 130, D Abbaneo 130, B Akgun 130, E Auffray 130, G Auzinger 130, J Baechler 130, P Baillon 130, A H Ball 130, D Barney 130, J Bendavid 130, N Beni 130, M Bianco 130, A Bocci 130, E Bossini 130, E Brondolin 130, T Camporesi 130, M Capeans Garrido 130, G Cerminara 130, L Cristella 130, D d’Enterria 130, A Dabrowski 130, N Daci 130, V Daponte 130, A David 130, A De Roeck 130, M Deile 130, R Di Maria 130, M Dobson 130, M Dünser 130, N Dupont 130, A Elliott-Peisert 130, N Emriskova 130, F Fallavollita 130,254, D Fasanella 130, S Fiorendi 130, A Florent 130, G Franzoni 130, J Fulcher 130, W Funk 130, S Giani 130, D Gigi 130, K Gill 130, F Glege 130, L Gouskos 130, M Guilbaud 130, D Gulhan 130, M Haranko 130, J Hegeman 130, Y Iiyama 130, V Innocente 130, T James 130, P Janot 130, J Kaspar 130, J Kieseler 130, M Komm 130, N Kratochwil 130, C Lange 130, S Laurila 130, P Lecoq 130, K Long 130, C Lourenço 130, L Malgeri 130, S Mallios 130, M Mannelli 130, F Meijers 130, S Mersi 130, E Meschi 130, F Moortgat 130, M Mulders 130, J Niedziela 130, S Orfanelli 130, L Orsini 130, F Pantaleo 130,215, L Pape 130, E Perez 130, M Peruzzi 130, A Petrilli 130, G Petrucciani 130, A Pfeiffer 130, M Pierini 130, T Quast 130, D Rabady 130, A Racz 130, M Rieger 130, M Rovere 130, H Sakulin 130, J Salfeld-Nebgen 130, S Scarfi 130, C Schäfer 130, C Schwick 130, M Selvaggi 130, A Sharma 130, P Silva 130, W Snoeys 130, P Sphicas 130,255, S Summers 130, V R Tavolaro 130, D Treille 130, A Tsirou 130, G P Van Onsem 130, A Vartak 130, M Verzetti 130, K A Wozniak 130, W D Zeuner 130, L Caminada 131,256, W Erdmann 131, R Horisberger 131, Q Ingram 131, H C Kaestli 131, D Kotlinski 131, U Langenegger 131, T Rohe 131, M Backhaus 132, P Berger 132, A Calandri 132, N Chernyavskaya 132, A De Cosa 132, G Dissertori 132, M Dittmar 132, M Donegà 132, C Dorfer 132, T Gadek 132, T A Gómez Espinosa 132, C Grab 132, D Hits 132, W Lustermann 132, A-M Lyon 132, R A Manzoni 132, M T Meinhard 132, F Micheli 132, F Nessi-Tedaldi 132, F Pauss 132, V Perovic 132, G Perrin 132, S Pigazzini 132, M G Ratti 132, M Reichmann 132, C Reissel 132, T Reitenspiess 132, B Ristic 132, D Ruini 132, D A Sanz Becerra 132, M Schönenberger 132, V Stampf 132, J Steggemann 132,257, M L Vesterbacka Olsson 132, R Wallny 132, D H Zhu 132, C Amsler 133,258, C Botta 133, D Brzhechko 133, M F Canelli 133, R Del Burgo 133, J K Heikkilä 133, M Huwiler 133, A Jofrehei 133, B Kilminster 133, S Leontsinis 133, A Macchiolo 133, P Meiring 133, V M Mikuni 133, U Molinatti 133, I Neutelings 133, G Rauco 133, A Reimers 133, P Robmann 133, K Schweiger 133, Y Takahashi 133, C Adloff 134,259, C M Kuo 134, W Lin 134, A Roy 134, T Sarkar 134,232, S S Yu 134, L Ceard 135, P Chang 135, Y Chao 135, K F Chen 135, P H Chen 135, W-S Hou 135, Y y Li 135, R-S Lu 135, E Paganis 135, A Psallidas 135, A Steen 135, E Yazgan 135, B Asavapibhop 136, C Asawatangtrakuldee 136, N Srimanobhas 136, F Boran 137, S Damarseckin 137,260, Z S Demiroglu 137, F Dolek 137, C Dozen 137,261, I Dumanoglu 137,262, E Eskut 137, G Gokbulut 137, Y Guler 137, E Gurpinar Guler 137,263, I Hos 137,264, C Isik 137, E E Kangal 137,265, O Kara 137, A Kayis Topaksu 137, U Kiminsu 137, G Onengut 137, K Ozdemir 137,266, A Polatoz 137, A E Simsek 137, B Tali 137,267, U G Tok 137, S Turkcapar 137, I S Zorbakir 137, C Zorbilmez 137, B Isildak 138,268, G Karapinar 138,269, K Ocalan 138,270, M Yalvac 138,271, I O Atakisi 139, E Gülmez 139, M Kaya 139,272, O Kaya 139,273, Ö Özçelik 139, S Tekten 139,274, E A Yetkin 139,275, A Cakir 140, K Cankocak 140,262, Y Komurcu 140, S Sen 140,276, F Aydogmus Sen 141, S Cerci 141,267, B Kaynak 141, S Ozkorucuklu 141, D Sunar Cerci 141,267, B Grynyov 142, L Levchuk 143, E Bhal 144, S Bologna 144, J J Brooke 144, E Clement 144, D Cussans 144, H Flacher 144, J Goldstein 144, G P Heath 144, H F Heath 144, L Kreczko 144, B Krikler 144, S Paramesvaran 144, T Sakuma 144, S Seif El Nasr-Storey 144, V J Smith 144, N Stylianou 144,277, J Taylor 144, A Titterton 144, K W Bell 145, A Belyaev 145,278, C Brew 145, R M Brown 145, D J A Cockerill 145, K V Ellis 145, K Harder 145, S Harper 145, J Linacre 145, K Manolopoulos 145, D M Newbold 145, E Olaiya 145, D Petyt 145, T Reis 145, T Schuh 145, C H Shepherd-Themistocleous 145, A Thea 145, I R Tomalin 145, T Williams 145, R Bainbridge 146, P Bloch 146, S Bonomally 146, J Borg 146, S Breeze 146, O Buchmuller 146, A Bundock 146, V Cepaitis 146, G S Chahal 146,279, D Colling 146, P Dauncey 146, G Davies 146, M Della Negra 146, G Fedi 146, G Hall 146, G Iles 146, J Langford 146, L Lyons 146, A-M Magnan 146, S Malik 146, A Martelli 146, V Milosevic 146, J Nash 146,280, V Palladino 146, M Pesaresi 146, D M Raymond 146, A Richards 146, A Rose 146, E Scott 146, C Seez 146, A Shtipliyski 146, M Stoye 146, A Tapper 146, K Uchida 146, T Virdee 146,215, N Wardle 146, S N Webb 146, D Winterbottom 146, A G Zecchinelli 146, J E Cole 147, P R Hobson 147, A Khan 147, P Kyberd 147, C K Mackay 147, I D Reid 147, L Teodorescu 147, S Zahid 147, S Abdullin 148, A Brinkerhoff 148, K Call 148, B Caraway 148, J Dittmann 148, K Hatakeyama 148, A R Kanuganti 148, C Madrid 148, B McMaster 148, N Pastika 148, S Sawant 148, C Smith 148, J Wilson 148, R Bartek 149, A Dominguez 149, R Uniyal 149, A M Vargas Hernandez 149, A Buccilli 150, O Charaf 150, S I Cooper 150, S V Gleyzer 150, C Henderson 150, C U Perez 150, P Rumerio 150, C West 150, A Akpinar 151, A Albert 151, D Arcaro 151, C Cosby 151, Z Demiragli 151, D Gastler 151, J Rohlf 151, K Salyer 151, D Sperka 151, D Spitzbart 151, I Suarez 151, S Yuan 151, D Zou 151, G Benelli 152, B Burkle 152, X Coubez 152,216, D Cutts 152, Y t Duh 152, M Hadley 152, U Heintz 152, J M Hogan 152,281, K H M Kwok 152, E Laird 152, G Landsberg 152, K T Lau 152, J Lee 152, M Narain 152, S Sagir 152,282, R Syarif 152, E Usai 152, W Y Wong 152, D Yu 152, W Zhang 152, R Band 153, C Brainerd 153, R Breedon 153, M Calderon DeLa BarcaSanchez 153, M Chertok 153, J Conway 153, R Conway 153, P T Cox 153, R Erbacher 153, C Flores 153, G Funk 153, F Jensen 153, W Ko 153, O Kukral 153, R Lander 153, M Mulhearn 153, D Pellett 153, J Pilot 153, M Shi 153, D Taylor 153, K Tos 153, M Tripathi 153, Y Yao 153, F Zhang 153, M Bachtis 154, R Cousins 154, A Dasgupta 154, D Hamilton 154, J Hauser 154, M Ignatenko 154, M A Iqbal 154, T Lam 154, N Mccoll 154, W A Nash 154, S Regnard 154, D Saltzberg 154, C Schnaible 154, B Stone 154, V Valuev 154, K Burt 155, Y Chen 155, R Clare 155, J W Gary 155, G Hanson 155, G Karapostoli 155, O R Long 155, N Manganelli 155, M Olmedo Negrete 155, M I Paneva 155, W Si 155, S Wimpenny 155, Y Zhang 155, J G Branson 156, P Chang 156, S Cittolin 156, S Cooperstein 156, N Deelen 156, J Duarte 156, R Gerosa 156, D Gilbert 156, V Krutelyov 156, J Letts 156, M Masciovecchio 156, S May 156, S Padhi 156, M Pieri 156, V Sharma 156, M Tadel 156, F Würthwein 156, A Yagil 156, N Amin 157, C Campagnari 157, M Citron 157, A Dorsett 157, V Dutta 157, J Incandela 157, B Marsh 157, H Mei 157, A Ovcharova 157, H Qu 157, M Quinnan 157, J Richman 157, U Sarica 157, D Stuart 157, S Wang 157, A Bornheim 158, O Cerri 158, I Dutta 158, J M Lawhorn 158, N Lu 158, J Mao 158, H B Newman 158, J Ngadiuba 158, T Q Nguyen 158, J Pata 158, M Spiropulu 158, J R Vlimant 158, C Wang 158, S Xie 158, Z Zhang 158, R Y Zhu 158, J Alison 159, M B Andrews 159, T Ferguson 159, T Mudholkar 159, M Paulini 159, M Sun 159, I Vorobiev 159, J P Cumalat 160, W T Ford 160, E MacDonald 160, T Mulholland 160, R Patel 160, A Perloff 160, K Stenson 160, K A Ulmer 160, S R Wagner 160, J Alexander 161, Y Cheng 161, J Chu 161, D J Cranshaw 161, A Datta 161, A Frankenthal 161, K Mcdermott 161, J Monroy 161, J R Patterson 161, D Quach 161, A Ryd 161, W Sun 161, S M Tan 161, Z Tao 161, J Thom 161, P Wittich 161, M Zientek 161, M Albrow 162, M Alyari 162, G Apollinari 162, A Apresyan 162, A Apyan 162, S Banerjee 162, L A T Bauerdick 162, A Beretvas 162, D Berry 162, J Berryhill 162, P C Bhat 162, K Burkett 162, J N Butler 162, A Canepa 162, G B Cerati 162, H W K Cheung 162, F Chlebana 162, M Cremonesi 162, V D Elvira 162, J Freeman 162, Z Gecse 162, E Gottschalk 162, L Gray 162, D Green 162, S Grünendahl 162, O Gutsche 162, R M Harris 162, S Hasegawa 162, R Heller 162, T C Herwig 162, J Hirschauer 162, B Jayatilaka 162, S Jindariani 162, M Johnson 162, U Joshi 162, P Klabbers 162, T Klijnsma 162, B Klima 162, M J Kortelainen 162, S Lammel 162, D Lincoln 162, R Lipton 162, M Liu 162, T Liu 162, J Lykken 162, K Maeshima 162, D Mason 162, P McBride 162, P Merkel 162, S Mrenna 162, S Nahn 162, V O’Dell 162, V Papadimitriou 162, K Pedro 162, C Pena 162,250, O Prokofyev 162, F Ravera 162, A Reinsvold Hall 162, L Ristori 162, B Schneider 162, E Sexton-Kennedy 162, N Smith 162, A Soha 162, W J Spalding 162, L Spiegel 162, S Stoynev 162, J Strait 162, L Taylor 162, S Tkaczyk 162, N V Tran 162, L Uplegger 162, E W Vaandering 162, H A Weber 162, A Woodard 162, D Acosta 163, P Avery 163, D Bourilkov 163, L Cadamuro 163, V Cherepanov 163, F Errico 163, R D Field 163, D Guerrero 163, B M Joshi 163, M Kim 163, J Konigsberg 163, A Korytov 163, K H Lo 163, K Matchev 163, N Menendez 163, G Mitselmakher 163, D Rosenzweig 163, K Shi 163, J Sturdy 163, J Wang 163, S Wang 163, X Zuo 163, T Adams 164, A Askew 164, D Diaz 164, R Habibullah 164, S Hagopian 164, V Hagopian 164, K F Johnson 164, R Khurana 164, T Kolberg 164, G Martinez 164, H Prosper 164, C Schiber 164, R Yohay 164, J Zhang 164, M M Baarmand 165, S Butalla 165, T Elkafrawy 165,283, M Hohlmann 165, D Noonan 165, M Rahmani 165, M Saunders 165, F Yumiceva 165, M R Adams 166, L Apanasevich 166, H Becerril Gonzalez 166, R Cavanaugh 166, X Chen 166, S Dittmer 166, O Evdokimov 166, C E Gerber 166, D A Hangal 166, D J Hofman 166, C Mills 166, G Oh 166, T Roy 166, M B Tonjes 166, N Varelas 166, J Viinikainen 166, X Wang 166, Z Wu 166, Z Ye 166, M Alhusseini 167, K Dilsiz 167,284, S Durgut 167, R P Gandrajula 167, M Haytmyradov 167, V Khristenko 167, O K Köseyan 167, J-P Merlo 167, A Mestvirishvili 167,285, A Moeller 167, J Nachtman 167, H Ogul 167,286, Y Onel 167, F Ozok 167,287, A Penzo 167, C Snyder 167, E Tiras 167, J Wetzel 167, O Amram 168, B Blumenfeld 168, L Corcodilos 168, M Eminizer 168, A V Gritsan 168, S Kyriacou 168, P Maksimovic 168, C Mantilla 168, J Roskes 168, M Swartz 168, TÁ Vámi 168, C Baldenegro Barrera 169, P Baringer 169, A Bean 169, A Bylinkin 169, T Isidori 169, S Khalil 169, J King 169, G Krintiras 169, A Kropivnitskaya 169, C Lindsey 169, N Minafra 169, M Murray 169, C Rogan 169, C Royon 169, S Sanders 169, E Schmitz 169, J D Tapia Takaki 169, Q Wang 169, J Williams 169, G Wilson 169, S Duric 170, A Ivanov 170, K Kaadze 170, D Kim 170, Y Maravin 170, T Mitchell 170, A Modak 170, A Mohammadi 170, F Rebassoo 171, D Wright 171, E Adams 172, A Baden 172, O Baron 172, A Belloni 172, S C Eno 172, Y Feng 172, N J Hadley 172, S Jabeen 172, G Y Jeng 172, R G Kellogg 172, T Koeth 172, A C Mignerey 172, S Nabili 172, M Seidel 172, A Skuja 172, S C Tonwar 172, L Wang 172, K Wong 172, D Abercrombie 173, B Allen 173, R Bi 173, S Brandt 173, W Busza 173, I A Cali 173, Y Chen 173, M D’Alfonso 173, G Gomez Ceballos 173, M Goncharov 173, P Harris 173, D Hsu 173, M Hu 173, M Klute 173, D Kovalskyi 173, J Krupa 173, Y-J Lee 173, P D Luckey 173, B Maier 173, A C Marini 173, C Mcginn 173, C Mironov 173, S Narayanan 173, X Niu 173, C Paus 173, D Rankin 173, C Roland 173, G Roland 173, Z Shi 173, G S F Stephans 173, K Sumorok 173, K Tatar 173, D Velicanu 173, J Wang 173, T W Wang 173, Z Wang 173, B Wyslouch 173, R M Chatterjee 174, A Evans 174, P Hansen 174, J Hiltbrand 174, Sh Jain 174, M Krohn 174, Y Kubota 174, Z Lesko 174, J Mans 174, M Revering 174, R Rusack 174, R Saradhy 174, N Schroeder 174, N Strobbe 174, M A Wadud 174, J G Acosta 175, S Oliveros 175, K Bloom 176, S Chauhan 176, D R Claes 176, C Fangmeier 176, L Finco 176, F Golf 176, J R González Fernández 176, C Joo 176, I Kravchenko 176, J E Siado 176, G R Snow 176, W Tabb 176, F Yan 176, G Agarwal 177, H Bandyopadhyay 177, C Harrington 177, L Hay 177, I Iashvili 177, A Kharchilava 177, C McLean 177, D Nguyen 177, J Pekkanen 177, S Rappoccio 177, B Roozbahani 177, G Alverson 178, E Barberis 178, C Freer 178, Y Haddad 178, A Hortiangtham 178, J Li 178, G Madigan 178, B Marzocchi 178, D M Morse 178, V Nguyen 178, T Orimoto 178, A Parker 178, L Skinnari 178, A Tishelman-Charny 178, T Wamorkar 178, B Wang 178, A Wisecarver 178, D Wood 178, S Bhattacharya 179, J Bueghly 179, Z Chen 179, A Gilbert 179, T Gunter 179, K A Hahn 179, N Odell 179, M H Schmitt 179, K Sung 179, M Velasco 179, R Bucci 180, N Dev 180, R Goldouzian 180, M Hildreth 180, K Hurtado Anampa 180, C Jessop 180, D J Karmgard 180, K Lannon 180, N Loukas 180, N Marinelli 180, I Mcalister 180, F Meng 180, K Mohrman 180, Y Musienko 180,243, R Ruchti 180, P Siddireddy 180, S Taroni 180, M Wayne 180, A Wightman 180, M Wolf 180, L Zygala 180, J Alimena 181, B Bylsma 181, B Cardwell 181, L S Durkin 181, B Francis 181, C Hill 181, A Lefeld 181, B L Winer 181, B R Yates 181, B Bonham 182, P Das 182, G Dezoort 182, P Elmer 182, B Greenberg 182, N Haubrich 182, S Higginbotham 182, A Kalogeropoulos 182, G Kopp 182, S Kwan 182, D Lange 182, M T Lucchini 182, J Luo 182, D Marlow 182, K Mei 182, I Ojalvo 182, J Olsen 182, C Palmer 182, P Piroué 182, D Stickland 182, C Tully 182, S Malik 183, S Norberg 183, V E Barnes 184, R Chawla 184, S Das 184, L Gutay 184, M Jones 184, A W Jung 184, G Negro 184, N Neumeister 184, C C Peng 184, S Piperov 184, A Purohit 184, H Qiu 184, J F Schulte 184, M Stojanovic 184,212, N Trevisani 184, F Wang 184, A Wildridge 184, R Xiao 184, W Xie 184, J Dolen 185, N Parashar 185, A Baty 186, S Dildick 186, K M Ecklund 186, S Freed 186, F J M Geurts 186, M Kilpatrick 186, A Kumar 186, W Li 186, B P Padley 186, R Redjimi 186, J Roberts 186, J Rorie 186, W Shi 186, A G Stahl Leiton 186, A Bodek 187, P de Barbaro 187, R Demina 187, J L Dulemba 187, C Fallon 187, T Ferbel 187, M Galanti 187, A Garcia-Bellido 187, O Hindrichs 187, A Khukhunaishvili 187, E Ranken 187, R Taus 187, B Chiarito 188, J P Chou 188, A Gandrakota 188, Y Gershtein 188, E Halkiadakis 188, A Hart 188, M Heindl 188, E Hughes 188, S Kaplan 188, O Karacheban 188,219, I Laflotte 188, A Lath 188, R Montalvo 188, K Nash 188, M Osherson 188, S Salur 188, S Schnetzer 188, S Somalwar 188, R Stone 188, S A Thayil 188, S Thomas 188, H Wang 188, H Acharya 189, A G Delannoy 189, S Spanier 189, O Bouhali 190,288, M Dalchenko 190, A Delgado 190, R Eusebi 190, J Gilmore 190, T Huang 190, T Kamon 190,289, H Kim 190, S Luo 190, S Malhotra 190, R Mueller 190, D Overton 190, L Perniè 190, D Rathjens 190, A Safonov 190, N Akchurin 191, J Damgov 191, V Hegde 191, S Kunori 191, K Lamichhane 191, S W Lee 191, T Mengke 191, S Muthumuni 191, T Peltola 191, S Undleeb 191, I Volobouev 191, Z Wang 191, A Whitbeck 191, E Appelt 192, S Greene 192, A Gurrola 192, R Janjam 192, W Johns 192, C Maguire 192, A Melo 192, H Ni 192, K Padeken 192, F Romeo 192, P Sheldon 192, S Tuo 192, J Velkovska 192, M W Arenton 193, B Cox 193, G Cummings 193, J Hakala 193, R Hirosky 193, M Joyce 193, A Ledovskoy 193, A Li 193, C Neu 193, B Tannenwald 193, Y Wang 193, E Wolfe 193, F Xia 193, P E Karchin 194, N Poudyal 194, P Thapa 194, K Black 195, T Bose 195, J Buchanan 195, C Caillol 195, S Dasu 195, I De Bruyn 195, P Everaerts 195, C Galloni 195, H He 195, M Herndon 195, A Hervé 195, U Hussain 195, A Lanaro 195, A Loeliger 195, R Loveless 195, J Madhusudanan Sreekala 195, A Mallampalli 195, D Pinna 195, A Savin 195, V Shang 195, V Sharma 195, W H Smith 195, D Teague 195, S Trembath-reichert 195, W Vetens 195; CMS Collaboration290
PMCID: PMC8913525  PMID: 35302730


A search for dark matter in the form of strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPs) using the CMS detector at the LHC is presented. The SIMPs would be produced in pairs that manifest themselves as pairs of jets without tracks. The energy fraction of jets carried by charged particles is used as a key discriminator to suppress efficiently the large multijet background, and the remaining background is estimated directly from data. The search is performed using proton–proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 16.1fb-1, collected with the CMS detector in 2016. No significant excess of events is observed above the expected background. For the simplified dark matter model under consideration, SIMPs with masses up to 100GeV are excluded and further sensitivity is explored towards higher masses.


A major thrust of the experimental programme at the CERN LHC is the search for physics beyond the standard model. In this context, strong emphasis has been placed on the search for dark matter (DM), the nature of which is one of the central questions in particle physics. These DM searches typically target a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) with a mass around the electroweak scale. Such a particle can account naturally for the measured DM abundance in the universe, assuming thermal DM production in the ΛCDM standard cosmological model [1, 2]. If produced at the LHC, such a WIMP would, like a neutrino, not be seen in the detector, so would give rise to signatures with transverse momentum (pT) imbalance.

Because existing searches for WIMPs have excluded much of the parameter space of minimal models, many theoretical developments now extend those models or alter their basic assumptions. In this analysis, we consider the possibility that DM is produced at the LHC, and that its interaction cross section with ordinary matter is so large that the particles are not WIMPs, but rather SIMPs, or strongly interacting massive particles, whose interactions with nucleons have large cross sections. Such particles could be copiously produced at the LHC, and leave observable signals in the CMS detector. With an interaction cross section as large as the hadronic one, these SIMPs manifest themselves as jets in the calorimeter, but without the presence of tracks from charged hadrons in the tracking detector, in other words as “trackless jets”, in sharp contrast to typical quantum chromodynamics (QCD) jets. While at first sight it may not seem plausible that such a particle would not have been detected before, it is actually possible to construct a simplified model of SIMPs, interacting through a new scalar or vector low-mass mediator, that evades the many relevant existing bounds [3, 4]. In this model, the interaction Lagrangian for a SIMP fermion χ and a scalar mediator ϕ is given by

Lint=-gχϕχ¯χ-gqϕq¯q. 1

One of the requirements of this model is a purely repulsive SIMP–nucleon interaction with opposite-sign couplings to avoid the formation of bound states between SIMPs and nucleons. At relativistic energies, repulsive and attractive interactions with the same absolute strength have similar behaviour and result in similar kinematics. The coupling strength between the SIMP and nucleons is limited to minimize the impact of the new interaction on the nuclear potential. Furthermore, a scenario with fermionic, asymmetric DM, where no dark antimatter remains, must be considered to avoid excessive Earth heating and neutron star collapse [4].

For this search, we assume that the SIMPs are produced in pairs via an s-channel exchange of a new scalar mediator that is also coupled to quarks. The Feynman diagram for this process is shown in Fig. 1. The SIMPs are stable neutral particles that interact with a large cross section with matter but do not hadronize, except by the suppressed higher-order production of quarks via a mediator radiated by one of the SIMP particles. The SIMPs traverse the detector leaving energy in the calorimeters but little activity in the tracking system. The exact signatures of the resulting trackless jets depend upon the unknown but large interaction cross sections with hadrons and are difficult to predict [3]. To perform this search, we adjust the couplings such that the SIMP would be detected as a trackless jet contained completely within the calorimeters. Stronger couplings would give rise to showers starting earlier, e.g. in the tracker, and weaker couplings would lead to late extended showers leaking into the muon system. The constrained model under consideration thus provides a framework for exploring the possible pair production of SIMP-induced jets in the CMS calorimeters.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

A Feynman diagram showing SIMP pair production via the s-channel exchange of a new scalar mediator

In the analysis presented here, we search for SIMPs yielding trackless jets using a set of s=13TeV proton–proton (pp) collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 16.1fb-1, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in the second half of 2016. In particular, we search for the pair production of SIMPs, and experimentally select the resulting trackless jets using the energy fractions of these jets carried by charged particles (ChF) as a highly effective discriminating observable to suppress the huge QCD multijet background. In the analysis, we benchmark against a specific model for a SIMP that includes a detailed prescription for its pair production at the LHC and its interaction in the CMS detector. Selection criteria are chosen to optimize the sensitivity for detection of this SIMP, and the results are obtained for this specific model. Tabulated results are provided in HEPData [5].

The ATLAS Collaboration has performed a search [6] for long-lived neutral particles decaying exclusively in the hadron calorimeter with trackless jets as the experimental signature. However, that search is sensitive to a somewhat different phase space, as in the present search we use a different trigger strategy, and search for a new particle that is seen via its new interactions in both the electromagnetic and hadron calorimeters. The use of a dedicated trigger in the ATLAS analysis, on the one hand makes it possible to lower significantly the jet momentum requirements and, consequently, to boost the sensitivity to trackless jets. On the other hand, jet showers starting in the electromagnetic calorimeter are severely penalized by the event selection, and thus reduced sensitivity is expected for SIMP–nucleon interaction cross sections at the level of hadronic cross sections or stronger. The present analysis thus investigates a complementary and poorly explored region of parameter space for new physics.

Noncollider experiments have probed similar phase space as well, considering dark matter masses of order a GeV or less [7]. In particular, several direct-detection DM experiments were briefly operated at the Earth’s surface [8, 9]. A direct comparison of these results with collider results, however, depends on the model assumptions [10, 11].

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief description of the CMS detector, and Sect. 3 presents the SIMP signal model, with a prescription for its simulation. The event reconstruction is described in Sect. 4. The event selection is given in Sect. 5, and the background estimation, in Sect. 6. Section 7 then presents the results, and Sect. 8 provides a summary.

The CMS detector

The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconducting solenoid of 6 m internal diameter, providing a magnetic field of 3.8 T. Within the solenoid volume are a silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), and a brass and scintillator hadron calorimeter, each composed of a barrel and two endcap sections. Forward calorimeters extend the pseudorapidity (η) coverage provided by the barrel and endcap detectors. Muons are detected in gas-ionization chambers embedded in the steel flux-return yoke outside the solenoid.

Events of interest are selected using a two-tiered trigger system. The first level, composed of custom hardware processors, uses information from the calorimeters and muon detectors to select events at a rate of around 100 kHz within a fixed latency of about 4 μs [12]. The second level, known as the high-level trigger, consists of a farm of processors running a version of the full event reconstruction software optimized for fast processing, and reduces the event rate to around 1 kHz before data storage [13].

A more detailed description of the CMS detector, together with a definition of the coordinate system used and the relevant kinematic variables, can be found in Ref. [14].

Signal simulation

The results of the search are compared with predictions based on a specific model for a SIMP, which is described in the following. Although the comparisons are made against the results of a simulation in the detector of SIMPs specifically as described, the plausibility of some of the model’s assumptions is also discussed.

The interaction Lagrangian (1) is implemented in FeynRules 2.0 [15] with couplings gχ=-1 and gq=1, and mass mϕ=0.14GeV, and interfaced with MadGraph 5_amc@nlo v2.1.1 [16] to generate SIMP pair events at leading order using parton distribution function (PDF) set CTEQ6L1. In what follows, the actual choice of the mediator mass is not relevant, as long as off-shell SIMP production is considered.

The SIMP signal is simulated for a range of masses. The lowest mass considered is 1GeV with a production cross section of σχ¯χ=15.03μb, while the highest mass of 1000GeV has a production cross section of σχ¯χ=3.63\,fb. Using pythia v8.212 [17] and tune CUETP8M1 [18], we then add an underlying event arising from the fragments of the protons that did not participate in the hard collision, and the generated partons are hadronized. The interactions of the resulting particles with the CMS detector are simulated using Geant4 [19], and overlapping pp collisions (pileup) are overlayed on the main collision.

The interaction of SIMPs with matter is not implemented in Geant4. An implementation of the SIMP interaction Lagrangian as a physics model in Geant4 could address this, but is complicated because of possible hadronic physics effects that are not evaluated in the proposed simplified model.

Therefore, since the shower induced by the SIMP interaction is reasonably described by the interaction of a high-momentum neutral hadron, we model the interactions of the SIMPs using neutron-like interactions. However, this description is only approximate, since the neutron is a composite particle that breaks up in the interaction and ceases to exist at high momentum, and may be absorbed at low momentum. By contrast, a SIMP will continue to propagate and induce further interactions and may leave the detector before depositing all its energy.

The assumption of a neutron interaction is only valid for a certain range of couplings. As described in Ref. [3], decreasing the SIMP–nucleon interaction cross section σχ,Ngq2gχ2 by a factor 10 reduces the signal acceptance by a factor 6. An increase in cross section, on the other hand, is constrained from above by measurements of the cosmic microwave background [3]. Our assumption of a hadron-like interaction cross section with the detector material is thus a reasonable choice to demonstrate the experimental signature targeted with the simplified model considered.

To implement this neutron-like interaction, we added to the Geant4 simulation a new SIMP particle as a clone of the neutron, but with an adjustable mass. The SIMP was set to deposit only its kinetic energy in the interaction, and not its mass. To simplify the setup, we use only the inelastic part of the neutron interaction, which dominates at high momentum. As a further approximation, we consider only the first SIMP interaction in simulation. Since a true SIMP could undergo additional interactions before leaving the calorimeter, our approach of including only the first interaction conservatively represents an underestimate of the observable energy in the induced shower. With this setup, SIMP signal samples are simulated and reconstructed (as discussed in Sect. 4), and narrow jets with large neutral hadron energy fractions are obtained. In Fig. 2 (upper), we compare the transverse momentum of the leading jet with pT>200GeV at the generator level (i.e.  carrying the full SIMP momentum) with the momentum of the corresponding reconstructed jet. In Fig. 2 (lower), we show the ratio of these reconstructed and generated transverse momenta, including the comparison to the case where a SIMP of mass 1GeV is replaced by a neutron. The latter comparison verifies that this SIMP simulation matches that obtained with neutrons in the standard version of Geant4 in the phase space relevant for the analysis.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Upper: comparison of the leading jet pT spectrum between jets clustered at the generator level (dashed lines) and after detector simulation (solid lines), arising from the Geant4 SIMP simulation at masses of 1GeV (blue lines) and 1000GeV (green lines); lower: the ratio of the reconstruction-level and generator-level jet transverse momenta for the Geant4 SIMP simulation at masses of 1GeV (dark blue, long-dashed line) and 1000GeV (green, short-dashed line), including a comparison to a simulation where a 1GeV SIMP is replaced by a neutron (red, solid line)

Figure 2 illustrates that while SIMPs with large incident momenta and with the mass of a neutron will deposit virtually all their momentum in the first interaction [3], high-mass SIMPs will transfer only a part of their momentum in collisions with the low-mass nucleons at rest in the detector material, and will thus induce smaller shower energy depositions than if they had a small mass. Using our simulation setup, we indeed observe a suppression of the reconstructed jet energies due to reduced shower depositions. As an example, we see that a SIMP with a 1000GeV mass and pT>200GeV leads on average to a jet momentum about half as large as for a neutron of the same momentum. However, from kinematic considerations in elastic scattering, a significantly smaller momentum transfer may be expected at such high SIMP mass, depending on the target mass. The approach in the simulation of this trackless-jet test model, of treating the SIMP as having neutron-like interactions at all masses, must thus be seen as an approximative assumption. Allowing coherent scattering of the SIMP off the calorimeter nuclei, the interactions of the SIMPs with mass up to about 100GeV, i.e. of the order of the mass of those nuclei, are expected to be kinematically well modelled. At higher masses, the simulation is more exploratory and is presented as a yardstick in the current absence of a more developed treatment of the SIMP–nucleon interaction.

Event reconstruction

In this analysis, we search for jet-like objects with very small ChF values. To reconstruct and identify these objects, we take as input the charged and neutral hadrons, photons, electrons, and muons, all of which are coherently reconstructed by a particle-flow event algorithm [20]. Charged hadrons not associated to the primary interaction vertex are removed to mitigate the effect of pileup collisions. Next, we cluster these particles into jets using the anti-kT algorithm [21, 22] with a distance parameter R=0.4, which by construction provides an unambiguous association of tracks with jets. The charged fraction ChF of a jet is then defined as the ratio of the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all charged hadrons associated with the jet to the transverse momentum of the jet itself. The energies of these jets are subsequently further corrected for contributions from pileup and for η- and pT-dependent response biases [23].

The candidate vertex with the largest value of summed physics-object pT2 is taken to be the primary pp interaction vertex. The physics objects are the jets, clustered using the jet finding algorithm [21, 22] with the tracks assigned to candidate vertices as inputs, and the associated missing pT, taken as the negative vector sum of the pT of those jets.

Since the principal discriminant for identifying SIMP candidates is ChF, it is important to minimize incorrect primary vertex identification, because the removal of spurious charged hadron tracks originating from pileup depends on their primary vertex association. While jets with many high-momentum tracks can usually be associated with a primary vertex, this is not the case for the neutral jets of signal events. For these jets, the underlying event and initial-state QCD radiation may provide some tracks, but it is likely that the wrong vertex is selected. In such cases, the removal of charged particles not associated with the chosen primary vertex also removes the tracks from the SIMP production vertex. However, an incorrect choice of vertex in signal events has little effect as their jets exhibit a low ChF already.

The correct choice of the primary vertex is made in well above 99% of QCD multijet background events. However, if the primary vertex is wrongly chosen in these background events, the pileup suppression procedure may purge tracks from the true vertex, resulting in the spurious appearance of neutral jets. This makes such an event appear signal-like. For the most stringent ChF requirements considered in this analysis, this reconstruction-induced background becomes dominant as compared with backgrounds from prompt photons and very rare jet fragmentation into mostly neutral hadrons and photons.

Simulation studies on background events have shown that in the very rare case when the first vertex is wrongly chosen, the second of the pT2-ordered list of reconstructed vertices is the true vertex from the hard collision in more than 50% of the cases, often because a single poor-quality track from a pileup collision is erroneously reconstructed with high momentum. Therefore, to mitigate this reconstruction-induced background, we reconstruct each event twice: once with the standard reconstruction, and again, assuming the second vertex to be the collision vertex. In the case that the second vertex is the correct one, QCD jets acquire larger values of ChF compared to those obtained with the default reconstruction. Thus the subsequent event selection requires the condition set on ChF to be satisfied for both vertex choices. Additional background suppression using lower-ranked primary vertices was found not to further improve the sensitivity of the signal selection.

Since photons are reconstructed as neutral jets, we need to efficiently identify and reject them. In this analysis, we identify photons using loose identification requirements [24]. To further increase the photon identification efficiency, we also consider as photons those jets not coinciding with a loose photon but containing a reconstructed electron-positron pair (potentially coming from photon conversion) whose pT is greater than 30% of that of the jet itself.

Event selection

This analysis used only a portion of the data collected during 2016 because, for the early part of that running period, saturation-induced dead time was present in the readout of the silicon strip tracker. This caused hard-to-model instantaneous-luminosity-dependent inefficiencies for the reconstruction of tracks, which led to subtle event-wide correlations that prevented a reliable prediction of the background arising from low-charge jets in QCD multijet events. With this detector issue corrected for the second half of 2016, a dataset was collected corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 16.1fb-1, and events passing an online selection (trigger) algorithm requiring a jet with pT>450GeV were used for this analysis.

As a baseline offline selection, we select two jets, each with pT>550GeV, such that the applied trigger requirements are 98% efficient for the selected events. Furthermore, we require these jets to have |η|<2.0, so they are fully within the tracking volume, thus suppressing backgrounds from jets that have tracks falling outside of the tracker acceptance, resulting in an underestimation of ChF.

Except for the suppressed process of SIMPs radiating a mediator that decays into quarks, SIMPs do not undergo parton showering themselves, while quarks and gluons undergo QCD final-state radiation. Therefore, events with SIMPs have on average a lower number of jets compared with QCD multijet background events. To suppress this background, we reject events if in addition to the two already selected jets other jets are found with pT>30GeV and |η|<5. The same radiation argument also implies that the selected high-pT jets are better separated in azimuth in signal events than in QCD multijet background events. Following this, we further require an azimuthal separation of Δϕ>2 between the two selected jets.

We also apply a photon veto to suppress γ+jets events. This is done by rejecting events for which the identified photon with the highest pT falls within ΔR=(Δη)2+(Δϕ)2<0.1 of the leading or subleading jet. In cases where the electromagnetic energy fraction of the jet carried by neutral particles is larger than 0.8, but the photon candidate in the jet does not satisfy the identification requirements, we still reject the event in the case that a conversion is found within ΔR<0.2 of the photon candidate, as described in Sect. 4. Furthermore, the photon veto is complemented by requiring both jets to have an electromagnetic energy fraction carried by neutral particles lower than 0.9, which additionally removes spurious jets formed around anomalous ECAL deposits. Finally, we apply a dedicated selection [25] to remove beam halo events.

Because standard jet identification criteria would suppress the trackless jets of our signal process and cannot be applied in this analysis, it may be possible for a spurious jet to pass our selection criteria. However, because the rate of two simultaneous, independent signals of high-energy calorimeter noise is insignificant, the probability to select two back-to-back high-pT noise jets is negligible. In addition, we verify that individual events with jets at the smallest ChF values do not exhibit unexpected features, using both the QCD multijet simulation, and events in the triggered data sample that do not pass the jet pT thresholds.

In the following, we refer to the sample of events satisfying the above set of selection criteria as the “baseline selection”.

Figure 3 (upper) shows the distribution of the number of jets for simulated events satisfying the baseline selection criteria, except for the rejection of events with three or more jets with pT>30GeV and |η|<5. Figure 3 (lower) depicts the distribution of ChF values for the two leading jets for simulated events satisfying the baseline selection criteria. The predicted QCD multijet background is compared with the signal expected for three different SIMP masses. The ChF distributions for QCD simulation and signal are very different, with the signal peaking strongly at low ChF, just where the QCD events are minimal.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Distributions of the number of jets with pT>30GeV and |η|<5 (upper), and the value of ChF of the two leading jets (lower). The simulated QCD multijet background is compared with the signal expected for three different SIMP masses, with their cross sections scaled as indicated in the legend. The baseline selection is applied, except the events with three or more jets with pT>30GeV and |η|<5 are included in the number of jets in the left plot

In order to estimate the QCD multijet background from data, we define a control region consisting of a subsample of events satisfying the baseline selection, where at least one of the two leading jets has ChF greater than 0.25. For this control sample selection, we apply the ChF requirement only to jets reconstructed using the default primary vertex. The presence of at least one jet with a large value of ChF ensures that the correct primary vertex is selected.

Candidate signal events are selected from the baseline event selection by requiring both leading jets to have ChF below a certain threshold, both for the default and for the alternate choice of the primary vertex.

Background estimation

The γ+jets background is shown to be insignificant, as no events remain after the event selection is applied to a simulated sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27fb-1. The associated uncertainty is smaller than any of the other systematic uncertainties in the estimation of the total background.

The main QCD multijet background is simulated using MadGraph 5_amc@nlo v2.2.2 at leading order using PDF set NNPDF 3.0, with the pythia v8.212 tune CUETP8M1 for the underlying event. Interactions in the detector are simulated with Geant4, and pileup collisions are overlayed.

The QCD multijet background is not described accurately by the simulation, especially at low ChF. The differences between data and simulation are not problematic, since we estimate the QCD multijet background from data, while using simulated events only to validate the background estimation procedure.

As a first step, we measure the ChF selection efficiency of jets in the control sample by picking one jet with large ChF (>0.25) and applying the ChF selection on the other jet. This measurement is done in 6 bins of jet pT and 8 bins of jet η. The number of QCD events in the signal region is then estimated using the QCD dijet events passing the baseline selection requirements described in Sect. 5. For each such event, we use the previously measured ChF selection efficiencies corresponding to the pT and η of the two leading jets as two independent weights multiplied to obtain a weight by which the considered event enters the background prediction (2-leg prediction). Alternatively, events with one jet with ChF below the signal requirement can be used, where the measured efficiencies are then applied on the other jet (1-leg prediction).

As a first check, a closure test is performed on the background prediction method using jets clustered from particles at the generator level, before interaction with the detector. Agreement within statistical uncertainties between the generator-level expectation and the 1- and 2-leg predictions confirms that no relevant underlying physical correlations are present between the two jets, and also confirms that the choice of pT and η bin sizes of the ChF efficiencies is adequate.

A further closure test is done by using the simulation as the data sample, and comparing the Monte Carlo (MC) expectation with the 1- and 2-leg predictions using reconstructed objects in simulation, as shown in Fig. 4. For the MC expectation, the ChF selection is applied to the two leading reconstructed jets, for both choices of the primary vertex. As can be seen from the plot, the method correctly predicts the multijet background within the statistical precision of the test, proving that no significant correlations between the jets are introduced by the event reconstruction. The systematic uncertainty in the background estimate is taken to be the statistical uncertainty of the test or the difference between the generator-level information and the prediction, whichever is the larger. This uncertainty becomes dominant for lower ChF thresholds and reaches up to 250% for ChF<0.05.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

The number of background events obtained from the 1- and 2-leg predictions using reconstructed objects in simulation, compared to the direct prediction from MC simulation, shown for various upper ChF thresholds. The bottom panel shows the ratios of the MC prediction to the 1-leg and the 2-leg background predictions

Next, we predict the background using data and compare with the observed data. To demonstrate the closure of the method without potential contamination from a signal at low ChF, this comparison is done using bins where either the leading or the subleading jet has a ChF within the bin edges, and both jets have a ChF below the upper threshold of the bin. This comparison is shown in Fig. 5. The 1- and 2-leg predictions agree within uncertainties in data, confirming that no correlations between the jets are present. The agreement demonstrates a reliable prediction of the bulk of the ChF distribution and the normalization of the background.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

The number of background events obtained from the 1- and 2-leg predictions derived from data, together with the direct observation in data, in bins in ChF, where either the leading or subleading jet has a ChF within the bin edges, and both have a ChF below the upper bin threshold. The bottom panel shows the ratios of the observation in data to the 1-leg and the 2-leg background predictions

Apart from the physical sources of photon and QCD multijet background, other sources of an instrumental or algorithmic nature may arise, e.g. the previously mentioned possibility of incorrectly choosing the primary vertex. To ensure the background prediction method does not underestimate such additional sources of background, detailed checks were performed using the events with the lowest ChF jets from the QCD multijet simulation, as well as in a slightly larger data sample of events collected using the same online trigger, but which did not pass the offline jet pT requirements. During these checks, no anomalous events were observed satisfying the baseline event selection.


Table 1 shows the number of predicted and observed events, along with the expected yield from a SIMP signal for three different SIMP masses, for various values of the ChF requirement. The background prediction is obtained using the 2-leg prediction, since it has a nearly identical statistical uncertainty to the 1-leg prediction but avoids the nontrivial statistical overlap between the event sample used to measure the binned efficiencies, and the sample to which these efficiencies are applied to obtain the background prediction. The systematic uncertainty in the data prediction is dominated by the previously described uncertainty related to the closure test. Additionally, a statistical uncertainty of up to 17% arising from the measured efficiencies of the ChF selection is accounted for, as is a 2% inefficiency of the trigger observed after the offline jet pT requirement of 550GeV.

Table 1.

The numbers of background and observed events for different upper bounds on the ChF value. The background estimations are derived using the data-based 2-leg predictions. The expected number of signal events is given for the mχ=1, 100, and 1000GeV scenarios, with the corresponding statistical uncertainties

ChF selection criterion Background prediction from data Obs. SIMP signal [mχ]
1GeV 100GeV 1000GeV
<0.20 898 ± 30(stat) ± 33(syst) 969 1300 ± 58 634 ± 44 2.25 ± 0.07
<0.15 209 ± 10(stat) ± 17(syst) 229 1269 ± 57 613 ± 43 2.18 ± 0.07
<0.10 26.6 ± 2.2(stat) ± 9.3(syst) 30 1197 ± 56 589 ± 42 2.09 ± 0.07
<0.07 5.1 ± 0.6(stat) ± 4.1(syst) 4 1153 ± 55 568 ± 41 2.00 ± 0.07
<0.05 1.27 ± 0.22(stat) -1.27+3.40 (syst) 0 1101 ± 53 544 ± 40 1.90 ± 0.06

The signal region used to determine the final results is defined by ChF<0.05. This rejects most of the QCD background, while avoiding tighter ChF requirements, where the generator-level information used in the closure tests starts to yield large statistical uncertainties, and where higher-order contributions from mediator radiation off the SIMPs could become nonnegligible.

Using these results, we calculate model-independent limits at 95% confidence level (CL) using the CLs criterion with a profile likelihood modified for upper limits as test statistics, in which the systematic uncertainties are modelled as nuisance parameters [26, 27]. All included systematic uncertainties are profiled with a lognormal constraint, except for the uncertainty in the background estimation, which is dominated by the statistical uncertainty associated with the closure test, and is profiled with a gamma function. This results in both an observed and an expected visible cross section upper limit of σvis95%=σAϵ=0.18\,fb, with A the acceptance and ϵ the event selection efficiency.

For the SIMP signals, as is done for data events, the event selection requirements are applied to jets for both primary vertex choices. The 95% CL upper limits on the SIMP production cross section are then calculated for SIMP masses between 1 and 1000GeV, for the signal region with ChF<0.05, using the same procedure as described for the model-independent limit.

Several systematic uncertainties are assigned to the estimation of the signal. Uncertainties arising from the jet energy corrections are evaluated assuming the jets to be clustered from calorimetric input only, and range from 2.8 to 6.3%, increasing with decreasing SIMP mass. Furthermore, uncertainties related to the integrated luminosity (2.5%) [28], to the trigger efficiency mentioned before in the context of the background (2%), and to the limited signal sample size (2.9 to 7.4%) are included. Other potential experimental sources of uncertainty, like the photon and conversion veto requirements and the effect of pileup, are found to be negligible.

The results are compared with the predictions of a specific model for the production of SIMPs at the LHC and for the SIMPs interactions in the CMS detector. This model is described in Sect. 3, where its relevance for potential SIMPs is also discussed. The results are benchmarked against a specific model implementation and therefore no modelling uncertainties are incorporated into the analysis. Uncertainties related to the simulation of the simplified theoretical model, e.g. uncertainties arising from scale assumptions or PDFs, are not included, as selection acceptance uncertainties arising from these sources were found to be negligible.

Figure 6 shows the expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on the production cross section for SIMPs with masses between 1 and 1000GeV. These limits are obtained for off-shell production of the SIMP pair through a new scalar mediator with couplings gχ=-1 and gq=1, under the assumption that the SIMP’s interaction in the detector is neutron-like, as described in Sect. 3. Within this framework, we exclude SIMP masses up to 100 GeV, which includes the phenomenologically most interesting low-mass phase space [3]. At higher masses, the limits shown are subject to the caveats discussed in Sect. 3.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

The expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on the production cross section for SIMPs with masses between 1 and 1000GeV, with the assumption that the SIMP interaction in the detector can be approximated as neutron-like. The theoretical prediction of a simplified model incorporating this approximation and including a scalar mediator with couplings gχ=-1 and gq=1 is also shown (red line). For masses above 100GeV, where the modelling of the SIMP–nucleon interaction becomes more speculative, the obtained cross section upper limits are increasingly uncertain (shaded area)

In the case of production through a new vector mediator, the production cross section is between 15 and 30% larger [3] compared to the scalar mediator that is assumed here.

The results of this search are interpreted in terms of a specific benchmark model. What is needed to go beyond this benchmark is a fully developed theoretical prediction of a SIMP that provides a framework for understanding the interactions of a SIMP with matter. Given this understanding, the results of the present search could be further interpreted as limits for such a SIMP, and the relevance of the benchmark assumptions for the theory could be determined.


A search has been presented for dark matter in the form of strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPs) manifesting themselves in the detector as trackless jets. The large multijet background is efficiently suppressed using the charged energy fraction of jets as the key discriminator. The remaining background is estimated directly from data. Using proton–proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 16.1fb-1 collected by the CMS experiment in 2016, we set first limits on the production cross section for SIMPs with masses between 1 and 1000GeV at 95% confidence level (CL), using a signal simulation that assumes the SIMP interaction in the detector can be approximated as neutron-like. The signal modelling assumptions stated previously have small uncertainties, and hence a small impact on the cross section upper limits, for SIMP masses up to about 100GeV, but become increasingly uncertain above 100GeV, where an improved phenomenology of the SIMP–nucleon interaction would be welcome. Within this framework we exclude SIMPs with masses less than 100GeV. These limits were obtained for the off-shell production of SIMP pairs, through a new scalar mediator with couplings gχ=-1 and gq=1. An upper limit on the fiducial cross section of 0.18\,fb at 95% CL is also provided for a generic signal of high-momentum trackless jets. With this search, strongly interacting massive particles, for which the interaction strength is constrained to generate a trackless jets signature, have been ruled out over a wide mass range.


We congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS institutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the computing centres and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and other centres for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC, the CMS detector, and the supporting computing infrastructure provided by the following funding agencies: BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); MINCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RIF (Cyprus); SENESCYT (Ecuador); MoER, ERC PUT and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); NKFIA (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LAS (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV, CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MSHE and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Dubna); MON, RosAtom, RAS, RFBR, and NRC KI (Russia); MESTD (Serbia); SEIDI, CPAN, PCTI, and FEDER (Spain); MOSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); ThEPCenter, IPST, STAR, and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA). Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie programme and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 765710 and 824093 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the “Excellence of Science – EOS" – be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010; the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe" – 390833306, and under project number 400140256 - GRK2497; the Lendület (“Momentum") Programme and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program ÚNKP, the NKFIA research grants 123842, 123959, 124845, 124850, 125105, 128713, 128786, and 129058 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; the Latvian Council of Science; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Science Center, contracts Opus 2014/15/B/ST2/03998 and 2015/19/B/ST2/02861 (Poland); the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project no. 0723-2020-0041 (Russia); the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2015-0509 and the Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias; the Thalis and Aristeia programmes cofinanced by EU-ESF and the Greek NSRF; the Rachadapisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University and the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (USA).

Data Availability Statement

This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: Release and preservation of data used by the CMS Collaboration as the basis for publications is guided by the CMS policy as stated in “CMS data preservation, re-use and open access policy” (]


Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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