Article title: The effectiveness of malaria camps as part of the Durgama Anchalare Malaria Nirakaran (DAMaN) program in Odisha, India: Study protocol for a cluster-assigned quasi-experimental study
Authors: Danielle C. Ompad, Anne Kessler, Anna Maria Van Eijk, Timir K. Padhan, Mohammed A. Haque, Steven A. Sullivan, Yesim Tozan, Joacim Rocklöv, Catriona L.E.B Patterson, Kevin K.A. Tetteh, Sanjib Mohanty, Madan M. Pradhan, Praveen K. Sahu, Jane M. Carlton
Journal: Global Health Action
Bibliometrics: Volume 14, Number 01, elocation 1886458
After publication, the authors of this article notified the Publisher that two authors were omitted in error from the original manuscript, Catriona L.E.B. Patterson and Kevin K.A.Tetteh developed the protocols for the ”Plasmodium antibody quantification by Luminex MAGPIX” section so they have now been recognised as co-authors in the republished article.
The additional authors identified several corrections that needed to be made in Table 1.
The addition of an Acknowledgments section will enable acknowledgment of James Beeson and Simon Draper for provision of antigens used in the ”Plasmodium antibody quantification by Luminex MAGPIX” section.
The revised Table 1 is as follows:
The additional references as a result of the corrections to Table 1 are as follows:
[63] Wu L, Mwesigwa J, Affara M, Bah M, Correa S, Hall T, Singh SK, Beeson JG, Tetteh KKA, Kleinschmidt I, D’Alessandro U, Drakeley C. Sero-epidemiological evaluation of malaria transmission in The Gambia before and after mass drug administration. BMC Med. 2020 Nov 13;18(1):331. PMID: 33183292; PMCID: PMC7664049.
[64] Wu L, Mwesigwa J, Affara M, Bah M, Correa S, Hall T, Singh SK, Beeson JG, Tetteh KKA, Kleinschmidt I, D’Alessandro U, Drakeley C. Antibody responses to a suite of novel serological markers for malaria surveillance demonstrate strong correlation with clinical and parasitological infection across seasons and transmission settings in The Gambia. BMC Med. 2020 Sep 25;18(1):304. PMID: 32972398; PMCID: PMC7517687.
[65] Achan J, Reuling IJ, Yap XZ, Dabira E, Ahmad A, Cox M, Nwakanma D, Tetteh K, Wu L, Bastiaens GJH, Abebe Y, Manoj A, Kaur H, Miura K, Long C, Billingsley PF, Sim BKL, Hoffman SL, Drakeley C, Bousema T, D’Alessandro U. Serologic Markers of Previous Malaria Exposure and Functional Antibodies Inhibiting Parasite Growth Are Associated With Parasite Kinetics Following a Plasmodium falciparum Controlled Human Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Jun 10;70(12):2544-2552. PMID: 31402382; PMCID: PMC7286377.
The additional references resulted in references 63-74 being renumbered to 66-77. Please see the updated list below:
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