Fig. 5.
Anatomical representation of significant lesion correlates of aberrant vocalization-induced modulation of ERP activity in aphasia for A) the P0, N1, and P1 components in responses to NAF, and B) the P1, and N1 components in responses to AAF. In panel A, the dashed arrow highlights connectivity between the left frontal cortical areas involved in internal monitoring and regulation of vocal output before and shortly after the onset of vocalization when auditory feedback is not available, and the solid arrows highlight connectivity between the left frontal, parietal, and temporal cortical areas implicated in auditory feedback-based vocal monitoring and regulation during vocalization under NAF. In panel B, the solid arrows highlight connectivity between the left frontal, parietal, and temporal cortical areas implicated in auditory feedback-based vocal error detection and motor control during vocalization under AAF (dorsal stream), and the dashed arrows highlight connectivity between the left frontal and temporal cortical areas that provide an interface to process AAF errors for updating the neural representations of the internal forward model in the inferior frontal cortex (ventral stream).