Price DB, Henley W, Cançado JED, et al. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2022;17:355–370
On page 356, last paragraph of the Introduction section, the paragraph should be corrected from “ …Collectively, there is a requirement for a real- world study comparing the use of extrafine particle fixed dose combination beclometasone dipropionate (ef-FDC-BDP; with a MMAD of 1.1μm in FOSTER® and TRIMBOW® NEXTHALER® DPIs and 1.3μm in FOSTER® pMDI) with other ICSs, such as fine particle fluticasone (fp-FDC-F; with a MMAD of 3.9μm and 3.2μm for propionate (SERETIDE® DISKUS®) and furoate (RELVAR® ELLIPTA®) esters respectively).21–23 to “ …Collectively, there is a requirement for a real-world study comparing the use of extrafine particle fixed dose combination beclometasone dipropionate (ef-FDC-BDP; with a MMAD of 1.1µm in TRIMBOW® pMDI and 1.3µm in FOSTER® pMDI) with other ICSs, such as fine particle fluticasone (fp-FDC-F; with a MMAD of 3.9µm and 3.2µm for propionate (SERETIDE® DISKUS®) and furoate (RELVAR® ELLIPTA®) esters respectively).21-23
The authors apologize for this error and advise they do not affect the results of the paper.