We present NGSPE, a pipeline for variation discovery and genotyping of pair-ended Illumina next generation sequencing (NGS) data (http://ngspeanalysis.sourceforge.net/). This pipeline not only describes a set of sequential analytical steps, such as short reads alignment, genotype calling and functional variation annotation that can be conducted using open-source software tools, but also provides users a set of scripts to install the dependent software and resources and implement the pipeline on their data. A sample summary report including the concordance rate between data generated by this pipeline and different resources as well as the comparison between replication samples of two commercial platforms from Illumina and Complete Genomics is also provided. Furthermore, some of the mutations identified by the pipeline were verified using Sanger sequencing.
Keywords: DNA, Next generation sequencing, Data analysis, Alignment, Genotype calling, Annotation
1. Introduction
Recent advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide relatively inexpensive, reliable high throughput DNA sequence information, making it possible to search through entire genomes for variants that influence genetic traits in population studies [1–4]. The application of NGS technologies, through whole-genome, whole-exome and whole-transcriptome approaches, has resulted in substantial advances in genetic studies for common human diseases [5,6]. Although a variety of analytical tools have been developed to process short reads of DNA sequence generated by diverse sequencing machines [7–11], performing an end-to-end analysis, from raw reads to a list of high quality annotated variants, of next generation genomic sequence data remains a challenging task. Questions may arise as to what steps are involved in the analytical process; what are the software tools that can perform each analytical step; what are the parameters to be utilized with these tools; and what computing resources are required. In this manuscript, we describe NGSPE, an open-source software pipeline and the associated tools capable of discovering high-quality genomic variation in DNA sequence data. A comparison is drawn between results generated by this pipeline and those generated using other NGS analysis tools and also compared the variants identified by Illumina and Complete Genomics on the same genomic sample. Subsequently, we validated a randomly chosen subset of the variants identified by NGSPE at various quality thresholds using Sanger sequencing.
2. Methods and materials
Whole-genome sequence (WGS) data were initially generated on 2 human blood samples 01 and 05. 01 was sequenced by BGI, Shenzhen, China (01_WGS_ILLUMINA), while sample 05 was sequence by both Illumina, Inc (San Diego, CA) (05_WGS_ILLUMINA) and Complete Genomics (Mountain View, CA) (05_WGS_COMPLETE) at a mean coverage of ∼40×. Additionally, whole-exome sequence (WES) libraries were prepared on 4 human blood samples, where the exons were captured using the Agilent SureSelect V1 Human all exon 38 MB kit (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA). These were subsequently resequenced by Shangai Bio Corporation (North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) using the Illumina GA IIx platform. These 4 WES samples included the same individual (01) who had undergone WGS described above and three additional subjects who were sequenced twice as blind replicates (02, 02_dup, 03, 03_dup, 04, 04_dup). The samples sequenced and the platform used on each of these is shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Shows the different samples compared and which sequencing method was used on each of these.
Sample | Complete Genomics WGS | Illumina WGS | Illumina WES |
01 | – | ✓ | ✓ |
02 | – | – | ✓ |
03 | – | – | ✓ |
04 | – | – | ✓ |
02_dup | – | – | ✓ |
03_dup | – | – | ✓ |
04_dup | – | – | ✓ |
05 | ✓ | ✓ | – |
An analysis pipeline consisting of 27 steps was established for DNA sequence analysis. The steps are illustrated in Fig. 1 and detailed in Supplement 1. Briefly, the analysis process involves alignment to reference genome of fastq-formatted paired-end data, generation of.sam and.bam files, duplication removal, table recalibration, indel realignment, variant identification, variant annotation and variant quality score recalibration. The default values for parameters were used wherever appropriate. To complete the various steps, the pipeline uses a series of open source programs:
Fig. 1.
The pipeline for variation discovery and genotyping from next-generation DNA sequencing (Supplement 3). (#Step 17, coverage calculation could be done by either GATK or BEDTools).
BEDTools (http://code.google.com/p/bedtools/downloads/detail?name=BEDTools.v2.12.0.tar.gz)
GATK (ftp://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/gsa/GenomeAnalysisTK/GenomeAnalysisTK-latest.tar.bz2)
snpEff (http://snpeff.sourceforge.net)
The following software versions were used for the analysis: BWA 0.5.9, BEDTools 2.12.0, GATK 1.6, Picard 1.4.3 and snpEff 2.0.5. NCBI build 37 was used as reference for alignment. These versions of software and resources can be downloaded and installed using the installation script (install.sh) provided. However, some software, such as the GATK and ANNOVAR, require users to agree to terms and conditions of the software before they can download them. Hence, these programs were excluded from the software installation script (install.sh) and will have to be installed by the user. If new or improved tools become available to execute certain analytical steps, users can easily replace them in the workflow process. The pipeline can be run on a stand-alone linux workstation or in a high performance computing (HPC) environment. Executable scripts for both environments are available for download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ngspeanalysis/files/Shell_Scripts/. A number of publicly available genomic and biological datasets are used at various stages of the pipeline (Supplement 2) and these can be downloaded from http://ngspeanalysis.sourceforge.net/documentation.html.
The analysis process was carried out on both a computer workstation with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (release 6.0) operating system (CPU: Intel Xeon W3550 3.06 8 MB/1066 QC; Memory: 16 GB) and the Saguaro High Performance Computing Cluster computer at Arizona State University (http://a2c2.asu.edu/resources/saguaro/). For each exome or genome analyzed, 8 processor nodes were used (8X Intel Xeon E53XX 1.8–3.0 8 MB/1066 QC; Memory: 8 × 2 GB). Comparison of the concordance rate was done using the statistical analysis system of the SAS Institute (Cary, North Carolina, USA). Data used for comparison between Illumina and Complete Genomics whole genome sequencing platform was filtered as suggested (Quality value should be greater than 20 in Illumina and pass VQHIGH in Complete Genomics, respectively).
3. Results
Each exome data set contained ∼4.5 billion bases of raw sequence data, or about 10 Gb of disk space. For each exome, steps 2 to 21 were completed in ∼15 h (not including the coverage calculation step) using a single computer workstation. In comparison, samples could be run in parallel using the Saguaro HPC environment, allowing completion of all 7 samples in less than 20 h. The per-base coverage of these samples was determined to be approximately ∼42 ×. The total covered exon bases are ∼38 M, which is consistent with the Agilent kit’s capture size. As a note, DNA sequences captured with the Agilent kit were not all exomic; a sizeable portion of non-exome sequence (∼350 M) was also extracted. A total of 221,209 high quality score SNPs (quality value > = 50) were obtained by combining all variants detected in the 7 WES experiments (Tables 2 and 3). Of these SNPs, 30,905 mapped within an exon, while 190,304 mapped outside of predicted exons. There were 150,793 transitions and 70,416 transversions, giving a Ti/Tv ratio of 2.14, which is consistent with the expected ∼2–2.1:1 ratio observed in the 1000 genomes data [5].
Table 2.
Summary of Genomic Variant Analysis.
Total SNPs | 221,209 |
Exonic SNPs | 30,905 |
Non-exonic SNPs | 190,304 |
Transitions | 150,793 |
Transversions | 70,416 |
Ti/Tv ratio | 2.1415 |
Table 3.
Summary of base changes (Rows are reference bases, columns are changed bases).
A | C | G | T | |
A | 0 | 9,326 | 36,969 | 6,087 |
C | 8,766 | 0 | 10,998 | 38,594 |
G | 38,643 | 10,953 | 0 | 8,696 |
T | 6,187 | 36,587 | 9,403 | 0 |
For the sample (01) that underwent both whole genome and whole exome sequencing, the variant call concordance was compared between the SNPs identified with our pipeline (on the exome data) and the SNPs identified with SOAPsnp (http://soap.genomics.org.cn/soapsnp.html) by BGI. A SNP was considered concordant when the chromosome, position, the reference allele and the alternate allele in the samples being compared match. The concordance rate (CR) increased greatly, from 73.6% to 99.5%, when SNPs with low quality scores were excluded (Table 4).
Table 4.
SNP calling concordance rate report from WGS result and WES result of sample 01.
WGS Quality value | WES Quality value | SNPs with same genotype | Total SNPs | Concordance rates (%) |
all_snp_included | 152,972 | 207,811 | 73.61 | |
>50 | >50 | 96,304 | 98,595 | 97.68 |
>50 | >80 | 86,219 | 87,527 | 98.51 |
>80 | >50 | 82,374 | 84,495 | 97.49 |
>80 | >80 | 73,892 | 75,070 | 98.43 |
>80 | >100 | 68,700 | 69,434 | 98.94 |
>90 | >100 | 57,953 | 58,644 | 98.82 |
>90 | >200 | 43,743 | 43,939 | 99.55 |
We also compared CRs for the 3 WES duplicates using different quality value thresholds (Table 5). The CR increased from 90.64% to 94.68% when SNPs identified in only one of the two replicates were excluded. Further increasing the quality value thresholds raised CRs to 98–99% (Table 5). Similar trends were observed for INDELs, where the CR increased from 91.40% to 97.16% when increasing the quality score thresholds (Table 6).
Table 5.
SNP calling concordance rate report on three duplicate pairs.
Quality value threshold | Sample | Replicate | SNPs with same genotype | Total SNPs | Concordance rate (%) |
Include SNPs with low quality in both | 02 | 02_dup | 52,640 | 58,200 | |
03 | 03_dup | 52,725 | 58,200 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 52,889 | 58,200 | ||
158,254 | 174,600 | 90.64 | |||
Exclude SNPs with low quality in both | 02 | 02_dup | 36,262 | 38,900 | |
03 | 03_dup | 36,315 | 38,900 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 36,489 | 38,900 | ||
109,066 | 116,700 | 93.46 | |||
Missing SNPs deleted | 02 | 02_dup | 36,063 | 38,170 | |
03 | 03_dup | 35,913 | 38,171 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 36,250 | 37,969 | ||
108,226 | 114,310 | 94.68 | |||
>30 | 02 | 02_dup | 8,513 | 8,639 | |
03 | 03_dup | 8,458 | 8,704 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 8,553 | 8,599 | ||
25,524 | 25,942 | 98.39 | |||
>50 | 02 | 02_dup | 8,099 | 8,213 | |
03 | 03_dup | 8,159 | 8,319 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 8,195 | 8,260 | ||
24,453 | 24,792 | 98.63 | |||
>100 | 02 | 02_dup | 7,490 | 7,571 | |
03 | 03_dup | 7,426 | 7,576 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 7,480 | 7,513 | ||
22,396 | 22,660 | 98.83 | |||
>200 | 02 | 02_dup | 6,463 | 6,507 | |
03 | 03_dup | 6,448 | 6,548 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 6,483 | 6,505 | ||
19,394 | 19,560 | 99.15 |
Table 6.
INDEL calling concordance rate report on three duplicate pairs.
Quality value threshold | Sample | Replicate | INDELs with same genotype | Total INDELs | Concordance rate (%) |
All INDELs included | 02 | 02_dup | 2414 | 2619 | |
03 | 03_dup | 2364 | 2619 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 2403 | 2619 | ||
7181 | 7857 | 91.40 | |||
>30 | 02 | 02_dup | 280 | 293 | |
03 | 03_dup | 274 | 284 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 266 | 281 | ||
820 | 858 | 95.57 | |||
>50 | 02 | 02_dup | 263 | 273 | |
03 | 03_dup | 262 | 270 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 253 | 266 | ||
778 | 809 | 96.17 | |||
>100 | 02 | 02_dup | 239 | 248 | |
03 | 03_dup | 233 | 240 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 235 | 242 | ||
707 | 730 | 96.85 | |||
>200 | 02 | 02_dup | 213 | 220 | |
03 | 03_dup | 198 | 204 | ||
04 | 04_dup | 205 | 210 | ||
616 | 634 | 97.16 |
As for the comparison of two major commercial whole genome sequencing platforms from Illumina and Complete Genomics applied to the same human blood sample (05), our result indicates a close concordance. Illumina reported 3,571,370 SNPs and 650,369 INDELs with quality value > = 20 while Complete Genomics identified 3,194,753 SNPs and 375,475 INDELs passed their VQHIGH filter as defined by Complete Genomics. There were 3,037,640 SNPs and 320,058 INDELs which were called by both platforms (Fig. 2). (Additionally, Complete Genomics reported ∼72k substitutions which were a series of nearby reference bases had been replaced with a different series of bases in an allele, while Illumina did not report these variants.) When comparing the genotypes of these overlapping variants, the vast majority, 3033,769 SNPs and 315,871 INDELs, were in genotype consistence. The concordance rate is approximately 99.87% and 98.69% for SNPs and INDELs, respectively. As for the distinct variants detected in each platform, Illumina reported more variants than Complete Genomics. We then compared the distribution of the variants for the two platforms (Table 7). We found that there is no significant difference between the two platforms on the distinct variants’ location except for the 5′ UTR (Table 7). These differences in the 5′ UTR region variants we believe is due to the poor alignment in this highly repetitive region. The standard library fragment sizes and short paired-end reads translate to poor alignments in these regions. This coupled with conservative thresholds for variant calling by Complete Genomics is the reason for the higher number of calls reported using Illumina data. The SNPs Illumina and Complete Genomics identified within 5′ UTR occupied 0.3% and 0.08% of the total SNPs.
Fig. 2.
Summary of the variants detected by Illumina and Complete Genomics. (a) SNPs; (b) INDELs.
Table 7.
Distribution of the distinct variants detected by Illumina and Complete Genomics for sample 05.
Variant type | Platform | Exon&splicing (%) | 5′ UTR (%) | 3′ UTR (%) | ncRNA (%) | Intron (%) | Intergenic (%) | Total (%) |
SNP | Illumina | 3,042 (0.69%) | 1,328 (0.30%) | 1,888 (0.43%) | 17,922 (4.04%) | 116,208 (26.23%) | 302,605 (68.31%) | 442,993 (100%) |
Complete Genomics | 476 (0.61%) | 65 (0.08%) | 302 (0.39%) | 3,124 (4.00%) | 21,138 (27.03%) | 53,086 (67.89%) | 78,191 (100%) | |
INDEL | Illumina | 316 (0.10%) | 416 (0.14%) | 2,022 (0.65%) | 8,747 (2.81%) | 108,666 (34.91%) | 191,085 (61.39%) | 311,252 (100%) |
Complete Genomics | 42 (0.10%) | 25 (0.06%) | 327 (0.76%) | 1,074 (2.48%) | 16,901 (39.09%) | 24,864 (57.51%) | 43,233 (100%) |
To further test our methodology, we compared the concordance of the variants identified using NGSPE with the variants reported in 1000 genomes, dbSNP and NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP). Phase 1 release of the 1000 genomes variants, dbSNP 137 and all variants from the 6500 individuals reported in the NHLBI ESP was used for this purpose. The total number of SNPs (QUAL≥50) and number within these concordant with each of these databases are reported in Supplementary 4. Additionally, the ratio of total SNPs to concordant SNPs was calculated (Supplementary 5) and compared with each other. Consistent ratio values across all samples validate the authenticity of the pipeline to identify ‘high quality’ variants.
Finally, a subset of 47 SNPs within the Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) region was randomly picked and verified using Sanger Sequencing. Out of the randomly selected point mutations, 15 had quality values between 30 and 50 and 32 had QUAL greater than 50. 10 of 15 variants with QUAL scores 30–50 validated and all 32 SNPs with QUAL≥50 validated. Based on these results and the concordance rates previously reported, we recommend a QUAL threshold of 50 for identifying high quality results.
4. Conclusions and discussion
With rapid progress in next-generation sequencing technology, a plethora of tools have been developed by different research groups to analyze the data generated. Consequently, this enables the development of a variety of analysis pipelines that make use of these tools. Here we describe an open-source analytical software pipeline that can be used to perform an end-to-end analysis of high throughput genomic sequence data. We outline the steps involved in such an analysis process and provide scripts that install the required tools and resources and implement the pipeline. These scripts can be run both on a single workstation and in a cluster HPC environment.
Beyond the installation of the variously software required, the tool is designed to offer a seamless solution that takes the raw reads in the fastq format as input to provide the final list of annotated variants in the VCF format. This tool is intended not to better existing pipelines such as the GATK best practices but provide an implementation of such best practices. For example, as we have seen in the flowchart of NGSPE (Supplement 2), there are 27 steps required to obtain the annotated list “high quality” variants from the fastq files. The details of their order and the actual command are not clearly elucidated in articles improving on a pipeline which is what NGSPE aims to show.
We also evaluated our pipeline by comparing results of blind replicate samples, comparing the results using a different pipeline and a different sequencing platform all of which show high concordance rates. When comparing results from our pipeline on exome data with results generated using the SOAPsnp pipeline on whole genome data, the CR was as high as 97.68% when using a quality score threshold of 50 on both approaches. This improved to 98–99% when further raising the quality score threshold. When comparing results for three pairs of duplicates, CRs of 98.63% and 96.17% for SNPs and INDELs, respectively, were observed, using quality thresholds of 50. By validating a subset of our SNPs across various thresholds of quality using Sanger sequencing we estimate that quality thresholds of 50 for SNPs have a very high degree of reproducibility.
It should be noted, however, that the QUAL value is not the sole representation of the validity of a point mutation at a particular locus. Though reads with mapping quality such as unaligned or undefined are discarded, no other use of mapping quality is made for calling variants. Per-base alignment quality (BAQ) is another parameter that can affect the quality of the predicted variant but is never used by GATK’s Unified Genotyper. Variants present on one direction only are also putative false positives. Depth of coverage can be used to filter the variants as not a lot of weight can be placed on a variant that has, for example, only two reads traversing a specific locus. Copy number changes in the genome alter allele frequencies (AF) significantly. GATK is a diploid genome caller and expects close to 0.5 AF (AF of ∼0.5 at heterozygous sites and ∼1 at homozygous mutant loci), which is rarely seen when copy number abnormalities exist. This is a problem in certain diseases marked by aberrant amplifications and deletions of the genome, such as cancer. Tumor-heterogeneity in cancer also exacerbates this issue. In our ongoing pipeline testing for calling variants on cancer genomes, we found MuTect or Seurat to be more suitable for variant calling [12,13]. However, for constitutional diploid genomes, given the current state of variant calling software and based upon our validation rates using Sanger sequencing, we recommend a cutoff of QUAL≥50. The CR results for INDELs are ∼3% lower than for SNPs, suggesting that the pipeline and software packages we used perform better for calling SNPs, which could be explained by the complexity of INDELs data. The study presented in this paper has several limitations regarding the cross-platform comparisons. For example, different approaches to calling heterozygous and homozygous variants could be implemented, and various combinations and threshold levels of quality scores could be utilized. This makes NGS cross-platform comparisons challenging. As a result, additional studies could be designed and performed to compare results from different NGS platform. Therefore, users have to bear in mind the aforementioned caveats when interpreting results.
Our result indicates that the Illumina platform was able to detect a greater total number of variants which is inconsistent with Lam et al., [14] report. The reason may be that Complete Genomics had integrated a lot of variants into their substitution category which is more informative and easier for researchers to consider adjacent variants all together. As for the genotype quality, our result indicates a high concordance rate (99.87% and 98.69% for SNPs and INDELs, respectively) of the genotype between the two platforms. The results provided in this paper would help researchers make an informed decision about which quality values and sequencing platforms best suit their research. The scripts provided are beneficent not only to the wet lab scientists interested in analyzing their own data but also to the bioinformaticians uninitiated to the complexities of genomic sequence analysis.
Supplementary Material
This work was funded by the Intramural Program of NIDDK, NIH and by a Virginia G. Piper Foundation Bridge Award.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Appendix A. Supplementary information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.05.025.
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