A) Quantification of
Figure 1A. Dash line boxes indicate the ones with p < 0.05 from unpaired two-tailed t test. (
B) Representative images for proteins localized to different sub-compartments of mitochondria in cells overexpressing Tom70 from pZ3EV promoter. Mitochondrial proteins were visualized by endogenous C-terminal GFP tagging and expressed from their native promoters. Cells were cultured in 2% raffinose and switched to 2% glucose and added 10nMβ-estradiol to induce the Tom70 expression for 5 hr. (
C) Cleavage of Tom70-GFP that contains a TEV site between transmembrane and cytosolic domain by TEV protease. TEV protease was fused to Tom20 transmembrane domain (Tom20tm) and expressed from a Gal promoter. Expression of TEV protease was induced and the localization of Tom70-GFP was monitored at different timepoints. (
D) The genetic cross to generate 3rd instar larvae from control (UAS-TOM70) and TOM70 OE (MEF2-GAL4; UAS-TOM70). (
E) Representative images of Rtg3-GFP in control and TOM70 OE cells. Rtg3-GFP, endogenous C-terminal GFP tagging of Rtg3. DNA was stained with Hoechst dye. All different yeast strains, including wild type control, were cultured in the same medium. (
F) RT-qPCR quantification of different mitochondrial mRNA in wild type and
rtg3∆ cells that overexpress TOM70. The mRNA abundance was normalized to wild type control and the fold changes from three biological replicates are shown. Dash line boxes indicate the ones with p < 0.05 from unpaired two-tailed t test. Scale bar for all images: 5 μm. Mitochondrial proteins were visualized by endogenous C-terminal GFP tagging and expressed from their own promoters. Images are representative of at least two independent experiments.